Overview of simple pencils. Designation of hardness of pencils What pencil solid H or b

Overview of simple pencils. Designation of hardness of pencils What pencil solid H or b
Overview of simple pencils. Designation of hardness of pencils What pencil solid H or b

Today I will talk about the labeling of ordinary pencils, about the most famous firms for their production, as well as how to choose them.
Pencils are completely different - wax, graphite, color, coal, pastel, mechanical and even watercolor. Since childhood, these art supplies attract us, but over time, many people have a question - how to choose pencils.

Marking of simple hardness pencils

In ordinary graphite pencils there is a marking that allows you to determine the degree of rigidity (well, or softness). Bold. (abbreviated B.) - So fat, that is, soft. Hard(abbreviated H.) - hard, solid.

Pencil labeling directly indicate letters on the wooden part. Before the letter of the stiffness, the coefficient is placed - than it is more, the softer or firm pencil. In Russia, stiffness is denoted by letters T. and M..
Pencils vary from the toughest to very soft. There are also HB pencils - rigidity h to B. There is a transitional form from H to HB, which is indicated by the letter F.

Colour pencils

The name speaks for itself - these pencils have a large range of colors with which you can create colorful drawings. The rod of watercolor pencils consists of pressed watercolor paints, so when the pattern is blurred, interesting transitions are obtained, like watercolor drawing. Pastel pencils like watercolor consist of pastels in a wooden shell, that is, they do not differ from pastels, except by what you can work with their help to work the smallest details in the picture.

The best firms pencils

The most famous company for the production of graphite pencils is the Czech company KOH-I-NOOR. Indeed, these pencils are very high-quality, have a large spectrum of rigidity, high-quality wood is used for their manufacture. The pencils Derwent.soften Koh-I-Noor, but, in my opinion, do not inferior to them in quality. This luxury for the artist can be called pencils brand Faber Castell..

How to choose a pencil

When it comes to go to the store for new graphite pencils, we should pay attention to the fact that it is best to buy pencils with packaging, not a piece of pencils, since with such a purchase the risk is reduced to the fake. Be sure to open the packaging, check each pencil to ensure that the griffel is not broken, and the wood was solid without jar. Remember that real-pencils brand Faber Castell lies very well in paint. If you notice the shortcomings or cracks, then this is most likely this is a fake.

Pencil use

In order to schedule a drawing, you need a solid pencil, for example, 2H (Russian 2T). For application of the hatching, you will fit a pencil 2B (Russian 2m). For hatching of the darkest part of our drawing, it will be necessary for a very soft pencil, for example 8B or 12B. ).

New one-time pencil With a wooden frame rim before the first use, it is necessary to sharpen (clean). In addition to disposable pencilsthere are reusable mechanical the pencilswith replaceable stalemies in a constant rim.

The pencils differ in the hardness of the griffel, which is usually indicated onpencil And denoted by lettersM. (or B. - From the English. Blackness) - Soft andT. (or H. - From the English. Hardness) - solid. Standard (firm-soft) pencil besides combinations TM and HB. denotes letterF. (from the English. Fine Point). Degree of softnesspencils denote the letterM. (soft) or 2m, ZM etc. Large letter beforeM. Indicates great softnesspencil. Solid the pencilsdenote the letterT. (solid). 2 T. harder than T., ZT harder than 2 T., etc.

Unlike Europe and Russia, a numerical scale is used to indicate hardness.

Compliance table of hardness

Tint USA Europe Russia
#1 B. M.
#2 HB. TM
#2 1/2 F. -
#3 H. T.
#4 2h. 2T.

Most hard Middle Soft

9h. 8h. 7h. 6h. 5h. 4h. 3h. 2h. H. F. HB. B. 2b. 3b. 4b. 5b. 6b. 7b. 8b. 9b.

Usually start pencil medium softness -TM or M. - and then go to softer numbers "-2 M. and ZM.

Choice pencils depends on quality And from the creative task that the artist puts in front of him. For example, fast It is more convenient to do softpencils, and when working on for a long time type semivatman can be launched Pencils T. or TM. On smooth Better falls soft pencil, on the scorched is comfortablepencil medium softness -2 M..

History pencils

Starting from the XIII century, artists used for drawing thinsilver Wire, which soldered to a handle or stored in a case.Such type pencil Called « silver pencil » . This tool required high levels. Since it is impossible to erase the stacked. Another characteristic feature was that with time gray , applied silver pencil, became brown.

I existed I. "Lead Pencil" who left a kindly, but clear trace and often used for preparatory . For executed silver and Lead Pencil, characteristic thin . For example likepencils Used Durer.

Known also so-called"Italian pencil" which appeared in the XIV century. He was a rod of clay blackshale . Then it began to produce from the petrogen bone powder, bonded by vegetable . This tool allowed to create intensive and saturated Interestingly, artists and now sometimes apply silver, lead anditalian pencilsWhen they need to achieve a certain effect.

In the XV-XVI centuries. on parchment or painted with a silver or lead pin ( it. STIFF - "BASE, TOOL"). Especially good for this purpose silver stylus. It gives thin and clear And similar to the cutter. Such in dense Almost do not erase. Silver pin orstylus , Many painteditalian Artists as well Northern Renaissance - R. Fan der Wayden, A. Durer, H. Holbine (Golbaine) Junior, J. Fan Eyk.

In the epoch I. XVI-XVII centuries. Artists preferred soft or liquid materials - , , , , . From the end of the XIV century. began to use slightly burned clayslanet grayish ( "Black chalk") or red-brown ("Red Mel").

In the XVII century got distribution"Italian pencil" (franz. Crayon d'Italie.). It was made from Luzhenybones shredded to powder with the addition of vegetable . " Italian pencil" (later -retouch) Create juicy black matte , and when rubbing - a wide scale transitions. This material was loved in creativityvenetian artists, such as Titian, it is convenient to make preparatory to. and " italian pencil"Drew artists and romantics of the end of the XVIII-XIX century.

Known from the XVI century. First description pencil It was found in the relevant wages of the minerals of the Swiss naturalist Conrad Gacerer. In addition, the opening of the deposit includes In England, in Cherberld where saw into pencil rods. English shepherds from the Cumberland's area found the dark mass in the ground, which they used to mark sheep. because of , similar to S. lead, the field was accepted for the deposits of this metal. But, by defining the unsuitability of a new material for the manufacture of bullets, it began to produce thin pointed ones on the end and used them for drawing. These wands were soft, stacked hands and fit only for drawing, but not for writing.

In the XVII century They usually sold on the streets. Artists to make it more comfortable and the wand was not so soft, clap these « the pencils »Between pieces of wood or branches, wrapped in them inpaper Or tied them with a beep.

The first document in which the wooden is mentionedpencil, dated 1683 year. In Germany, production pencils It began in Nuremberg. Germans, mixing With gray I. , I received a rod of not so high quality, but at a lower price. To hide it, manufacturerspencils resorted to different tricks. In a wooden housingpencil At first and at the end pasted pieces of clean In the middle there was a low-quality artificial rod. Sometimes an interiorpenciland it was empty at all. So-called "Nuremberg commodity"I did not use a good reputation.

Only in 1761 Kaspar Faber has developed a strengthening method. mixing a broken powder with a resin and antimony, resulting in a thick mass, suitable for casting, more durable and identical rods.

At the end of XVIII Century Czech I. Garthmut began to make rods for pencils from a mixture and clay followed by firing. Appeared rods resembling modern. By changing the amount of clay added, it was possible to obtain rods of various hardness.

Modern pencil Invented in 1794 a talented French scientist and inventor Nikola Jacques Conte.

At the end of the XVIII century, the English Parliament introduced the strictest ban on the export of precious From Cumberland. For violation of this ban, the punishment was very severe, up to the death penalty. But despite this Continued to contact continental Europe smuggling, which led to a sharp increase in its price.

On the instructions of the French Convention, the counter has developed a mixing formulation With clay and production from these materials of high-quality rods. Using high-temperature treatment, high strength has been achieved, but even more important was the fact that the change in the proportion of the mixture gave the ability to make rods of different hardness, which was the basis of modern classificationpencils hardness.

It is calculated that pencil18 cm long with a rod can be held 55 km or write 45,000 words!

In modern giffylats, polymers are used that allow you to achieve the desired combination of strength and elasticity, make it possible to produce very thin vulture for mechanical pencils (up to 0.3 mm).

Hexagonal shape of the housing pencilsuggested at the end of the XIX century Count Lothar von Faberkastle, noticing that the pencils Round section are often rolled from inclined surfaces for the letter.

Almost ² / 3 The material constituting is simplepencil, goes into waste when it sharpened. It across the American Alonso Townsende Cross for the creation in 1869metal pencil. the rod was placed in a metal tube and could be extended to the appropriate length as necessary.

This invention affected the development of a whole group of goods used today everywhere. The simplest design is mechanical pencil with a 2 mm blade, where the rod is held with metal clamps ( tsangami) - cangovy pencil. Canggi opens when the button is pressed at the end pencilwhich leads to a length of time adjustable pencil.

Modern mechanical the pencils more perfect. Each time you press the button, an automatic feed of a small section of the griffel occurs. Suchthe pencils No need to sharpen, they are equipped with built-in (as a rule, under the feed button) eraser and have a different fixed thickness (0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.9 mm, 1mm).

pencil has grayish With light gloss, there is no intense black.

Famous French Emmanuel Poire (1858-1909 ), born in Russia, invented himself an aristocratically sounding to the French manner pseudonymCaran d'Ache. who began to sign their work. Later this version of the French Transcription of the Russian Word"pencil" was chosen by the title and brand name of the Swiss brandCaran d'Ache. Geneva-based pencils Colding on fine-grained emery skirt ), resembling italian pencil . Pencil « Retouch»There are four rooms: No. 1 - very soft, No. 2 - soft, No. 3 - medium-solid, №4-solid. Rodpencil « Retouch»Made from thin-fat birch coal, clay and a small amount of gas soot.The pencils « Retouch»Give intense, bold black which is well chosen. performed by pencil "Retouch"May not be fixed with a fixative. In addition to the black pencil "Retouch", Still produced pencil"Painting"With marking 2 M.- 4 M..

Pencil "Blueprint"

In addition to quality. It gives a more black and contrasting bar, better perceived by various aircraft installations. manufactured for wood labeling as well"Carpentry". For this work " Joiner» pencil It is convenient because of its length and thick griffel.

Italian pencil

Italian pencil Represents one of the types of free pencils. A distinctive feature of it is, deep brushed velvety black , easily deemed on .

Italian pencil Used when execution , as well as Nude human body.
Italian pencils Known from the XV century. They are solid, medium and soft.

That can pencil

artist-schedule Stanislav Mikhailovich Nikireev

If you contact artists-painters, graphics, monumentalists and sculptors with this question, then everyone would find in the usual simple pencil, in his artistic and technical opportunities, something, beloved, and the unequivocal answer we would not hear. But everything is probably SOit stars with the fact that the pencil was invented not in vain, and drawing begins with it - in the form of sketches and sketches. Great many works of art created pencil.

Pencil Draw. But what ispicture ? This question is not so easy to answer briefly. Each significant artist contributes to the art of drawing, although there is a general opinion about the figure as the basis, the bones of the visual art. I remember the words of the wonderful Soviet artist and the teacher, Academician E. A. Kibrik, whom I was lucky to learn. He said:

"Not one decade passed before I understood what a picture was."

He meant the drawing of a high, the most difficult on his artistic manner of realistic art, where the line and the bar arrange the objects, figures, landscapes volume, weight, characteristic.

I would like to admit some kind of liberty, simplicity in determining the word "drawing", calling them that a pencil was drawn on paper.

I often had a long time to be friends and working with pencils, simple and color, and now you need to remember ( after all, my creative path is already three decades.) What I painted them and how.

Draw a pencil with full seriousness, giving this lesson most of the creative time, not easy. It is necessary to overcome the temptation of paints, colors and feel confidence that you can express in silver or black image along with clear structurality and a tonal scenic attitude. Decide on it - it means to win the first, significant one. The second victory of extreme importance - when you can understand that the artist can create masterpieces not only with paints, but also a pencil. With the brightest clarity will help in this great drawings.Leonardo da Vinci , Michelangelo, Durera, Golbaine, Rembrandt, Vrubel, Serov. If the shining peaks of their creativity is painting, the reason is undoubtedly the drawing.

In the work of the artist, the pencil fulfills a large utility work, allowing you to make sketches, sketches, runaway sketches, which serve as a preparatory stage for the works of machine and monumental painting, etaras. The work is responsible, extremely necessary. The maximum value of the qualities of the pencil is manifested in independent drawings, when the artist needs to express his plans fully and final. And the pencil will not fail with its endless scale of elusive shades, gentle snacks and juicy-velvet spots, from the finest cobwebs to decisive-tense, elastic lines. If you add a different softness and degree of gray-black gradations, then the ability of the pencil is superior to any otherart material .

Working with pencils, I never feel the annoyance from the fact that at some point they may be powerless to express my desires and ideas. With a simple pencil, I studied plaster, still lifes, portraits and figures of simulators during long sessions, diligently stroke and carefully worked out the details. But with a special desire draw scenery - grass, flowers, trees, land, buildings. In this case, I study not only their design, materiality,texture but striving to pass on the paper various "moods"landscape .

Pencil is easy and simple for corrections, which is especially important when working on wildlife, and almost indispensable on trips, where you meet many interesting moments, which I would like to capture, while other artistic materials are not allowed due to limited time.Line andstain That gives a pencil help with ease and speed to put in the marching album of the artist, the exciting moments, the necessary details.

It is difficult to imagine the surrounding life, if you can say so, in a black and white image, without color. It turned out that with watercolor and oil, I broke up for a long time, giving all the time and strength to the schedule, but I purchased a reliable assistant-color pencil, which completely satisfies my needs to work in color. The view has strengthened that the color pencil is poor and is limited in the color range. Is it worth it, however, require non-shocking and wealthoil painting ? But you need to strive to use it until the end of his capabilities.

Sometimes drawing is reduced or to the imitation of children's drawings, or to love with manneriness: the squeeziness of the stroke, lines, stains, purely
Formal compositional solutions. Many professionals paint sometimes draw as it were in the break, while relaxing from painting or other affairs. From here a frivolous approach to pencil, lightweight drawings that often meet at exhibitions.

For the first time, I tried to seriously work with a color pencil, being a student, I admired the unusual elasticity, the texture of lines and strokes.

I wanted to see the motive in squeezed and sometimes random lines and in no case allowing decisive. I breathed paper, and the lines were really beautiful. But if the objectives of the art were reduced to solving such tasks, the artists would be, as they say, PRUD PRUD. Reflections on what I draw and why, forced me to look at the work with a pencil in a different way. Gradually began to open another charm, other advantages, less catchy, but noble and necessary for the expression of ideas. The amazing ability of the pencil to transmit the smallest items and parts with an extraordinary clarity of the shape, enveloping these forms at the same time with the thinnest lunchiness of the stroke or staining with a juicy sonorous spot. This technique was consistent with my world, and in other artistic materials, I could not achieve this. It turned out that the color features of the pencil are much wider and deeper when trying to transfer the mood and state of the landscape. At the same time, it goes into the course and purely picturesque reception - the abandonment, when it is not possible to guess and the color and texture, and the tone of objects immediately. It would seem that the drawing is arched, in places from heaven careless, but the completion of the sheet, dictated by the content, and not formal moments, acquires genuine meaning and beauty.

In such a job, many times so far left the drawing with a touch and line in purely decisive spots, that the sheet acquired the appearance, casually called the artists "Kleenka". But if this technique is warmed by great, genuine love and passion for the fact that she has grown up so imperceptibly under the "Kleenka", then I assure the success of this nonsense sheet is provided with a greater guarantee than "delicious" solved. So it was discovered the possibility of a color pencil to work multi-sesters, starting the drawing easily, to bring it to a significant completion.

With each drawing, I learn about all the new features of the pencil. It is only necessary to carefully seek to a small giffel in a wooden frame, and he will give greater joy and success.

I love a pencil for what they can draw. I love jealous, for he is capable of a lot - draw, write. I love for his amazing accessibility and simplicity, for drawing his first job from nature with a simple pencil, and then I got a dream to become an artist.

What is a pencil? This is a kind of tool that has a view of a rod made of writing material (coal, graphite, dry paints, etc.). Such a tool is widely used when writing, drawing and drawing. As a rule, the writing rod is inserted into a comfortable frame. Pencils can be color and simple. Here just about such "simple" pencils today and talk, or rather what types of graphite pencils exist.

Interesting from history

The very first thing remotely resembling a pencil was invented in the XIII century. It was a thin silver wire soldered to the handle. Kept such "Silver pencil" In a special case. In order to draw a similar pencil, there was an unauthorized skill and skill, because it was impossible to erase it was impossible. In addition to the "silver pencil" there was also "lead" - It was used for sketches.

About the XIV century appeared "Italian pencil": The rod made of clay black slate. Later, the rod began to be made from a fierce bone powder mixed with vegetable glue. Such a pencil gave a clear and saturated line line. By the way, such a kind of writing tools is still used by some artists to achieve a certain effect.

Graintial pencils became known from the XVI century. Their appearance is very interesting: in the terrain of Cumberland, the English shepherds was found in the land of a kind of dark mass, which they began to mark sheep. Since the color of the mass was similar to Lead, she was taken for the deposits of the metal, but later the thin sharp sticks were made from it, which were used for drawing. The wands were soft and often broke, and there were hands, so it was necessary to put them in any case. The rod began to clamp between wooden chopsticks or pieces of wood, turned them into dense paper, tied up with a twine.

As for the Graphite Pencil, which we used to see today, then his inventor is Nikola Jacques Conte. CONTE has become the author of the recipe when graphite was mixed with clay and underwent high temperature treated - as a result, the rod was durable and, moreover, such a technology allowed the hardness of graphite.

Types of pencils

Graphite pencils are two main types: soft and solid. As a rule, the degree of softness or hardness is indicated on the pencil housing. So, the letter "M" means that the blade is soft, the letter "T" is solid, and the letter combination of "TM" tells us that the pencil is firm-soft. Near the letters are sometimes located numbers - they indicate the degree. For example, "2m", "3T", etc.

A visual difference of pencils depending on the degree of softness or hardness

In Europe, hardness and softness is also denoted by letters, but by others: "H" is solid, "in" - soft, "HB" - firmly soft. The artist is more convenient to have pencils in the arsenal of all types: for outline, drawing, hatching, etc.

It is important to keep pencils properly and, of course, take care of them. Try not to drop the pencils on the floor, since the stiffel can simply split from the blow. In addition, "simple" pencils do not like high humidity - after the griffel recks and will dry out again, its deformation will occur.

A mechanical pencil can be attributed to the type of graphite pencils. The stiffel of such a pencil is a movable - length is regulated by a special button. Mechanical pencils can be both very thin blade (0.1 mm) and quite thick (5 mm). By the way, professional artists are increasingly stopping their choice on high quality mechanical pencils.

By the way, the combination in one drawing of different types of pencils gives excellent results.

Let's see what awesome can be drawings "simple" pencil.

Figures by graphite pencils have their charm. Experiment with different types of pencils, look for your unique style!

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Additional information from the DPVA engineering device, namely, the other subsections of this section:

  • You are here:Hardness of simple pencil pencils. Table matching the US hardness scale, Europe, Russia. What pencils are used for drawing.
  • Scale of images on drawings and schemes. Permissible scope of drawings.
  • Tolerances and landings, basic concepts, notation. Quality, zero line, tolerance, limit deviation, upper deviation, lower deviation, tolerance field.
  • Tolerances and deviations of smooth elements. Conditional designation tolerances, qualifications. Fields of tolerances - qualifications. The values \u200b\u200bof admission to qualitates for nominal sizes up to 500 mm.
  • Tolerances (literal - in numbers) of free sizes according to DIN ISO 2768 T1 and T2.
  • Table of tolerances and landing of smooth connections. Hole system. Shaft system. Dimensions 1-500 mm.
  • Table. The surfaces of the holes and shafts in the hole system depending on the accuracy class. Accuracy class 2-7 (Quality 6-14). Sizes 1-1000 mm.
  • Principles and rules for choosing tolerances for conjugated sizes, processing methods and achievable qualifications
  • Surface roughness (processing cleanliness). Basic concepts, designations in the drawings. Classes of roughness
  • Metric and inch references to surface treatment (roughness). The table of conformity of various roughness designations. Achievable surface treatment cleanliness (roughness) for various methods of material processing.
  • Metric designations of surface purity classes (roughness) until 1975. Roughness according to GOST 2789-52. Roughness according to GOST 2789-73 before and after 01.01.2005. Methods for achieving (surface treatment). Table of correspondence.
  • Table. Reachable surface roughness with different mechanical processing methods. Surfaces: external cylindrical, internal cylindrical, plane. Option 2.
  • Typical roughness values \u200b\u200b(purity of treatment) for basic materials of pipes, heat exchangers and pumps - mm and inches.
  • Conditional graphic images in the projects of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and heat boat supply, according to ANSI / ASHRAE STANDARD 134-2005 \u003d one hundred NP AVOK
  • Technological scheme and chart of kipia, pipeline and kipia scheme, pipe strapping and piping diagrams (Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams) symbols and designation equipment on technology schemes.
  • What could be easier for a pencil? This simple tool familiar to everyone since childhood is not so primitive as it seems at first glance. It allows not only to draw, write and draw, but also create a variety of art effects, sketches, paintings! Any artist is obliged to be able to draw a pencil. And, not less important to understand them.

    Graphite ("simple") pencils are pretty different from each other. By the way, the "pencil" occurred from two Turkic words - "Kara" and "Dash" (black stone).

    The writing rod of the pencil is inserted in a rim of a tree or plastic and can be made of graphite, coal or other materials. The most common type is graphite pencils - differ according to the degree of rigidity.

    Let's start!

    Pavel Chistyakov, Professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts of the XIX-early XX century, advised to begin to postpone paint and train to draw a "pencil at least a year of time". Great artist Ilya Repin never parted with pencils. Picture with a pencil is the basis of any picture.

    The eye of a person distinguishes about 150 shades of gray. At the disposal of the artist drawing with graphite pencils - three colors. White (paper color), black and gray (color graphite pencils of different rigidity). These are achromatic colors. Drawing only with a pencil, only shades of gray allows you to create images transmitting the volume of objects, the game of shadows and glare light.

    Stiffness of Gryuchil

    The stiffel hardness is indicated on the pencil with letters and numbers. Manufacturers from different countries (Europe, USA and Russia) labeling stiffness of pencils is different.

    Stiffness designation

    In Russia The hardness scale looks like this:

    • M - soft;
    • T - solid;
    • TM - hard-roofing;

    European scale
    Somewhat more wider (marking F has no Russian conformity):

    • In - soft, from blackness (black);
    • H - solid, from Hardness (hardness);
    • F is the average tone between HV and H (from the English. Fine Point - subtlety)
    • HB - firm-soft (Hardness Blackness - hardness-hardness);

    IN USA
    To refer to the stiffness of the pencil, a scale of numbers is used:

    • # 1 - corresponds to B - soft;
    • # 2 - Complies with HB - firm-soft;
    • # 2½ - corresponds to F - medium between firmly soft and solid;
    • # 3 - corresponds to H - solid;
    • # 4 - corresponds to 2H - very solid.

    Pencil Pencil Return. Depending on the manufacturer's company, the tone of the line drawn with a pencil of one marking may differ.

    In Russian and European labeling pencils, the figure in front of the letter denotes the degree of softness or hardness. For example, 2b is twice as softer than B, and 2H is twice already voltage than H. You can find pencils with marking from 9H (the hardest) to 9b (the most soft).

    Soft pencils

    Become from B. before 9b..

    The most commonly used when creating a picture of a pencil - HB.. However, this is the most common pencil. This pencil draws the basis, form of pattern. HB. It is convenient for drawing, creating tonal stains, it is not too hard, not too soft. Draw darkened places, highlight them and place accents, make a clear line in the figure will help a soft pencil 2b..

    Solid pencils

    Become from H. before 9h..

    H. - A solid pencil, from here - thin, bright, "dry" lines. Solid pencil paint solid objects with a clear contour (stone, metal). Such a solid pencil on the finished pattern, on top of the shaded or decisive fragments, draw thin lines, for example, draw strands in the hair.

    A line conducted by a soft pencil has a slight loose contour. The soft stylus will significantly draw representatives of the fauna - birds, hares, cats, dogs.

    If you need to choose between a solid or soft pencil, artists take a pencil with a soft blade. An image drawn by such a pencil is easy to grow by a piece of thin paper, a finger or eraser. If necessary, it is possible to finely clean the graphite rod of the soft pencil and draw a thin line similar to a line from a solid pencil.

    Figure below shows more clearly depicted hatching of different pencils:

    Shading and drawing

    Strokes on paper are painted with a pencil, inclined at an angle of about 45 ° to the sheet plane. In order for the fatness of the line to be more you can rotate the pencil around the axis.

    Bright stroke stroke rigid pencils. Dark plots, respectively, soft.

    It is inconvenient to stroke a very soft pencil, since the griffel is quickly dulled and the thinth of the line is lost. Exit - either very often sharpening the edge, or use a tougher pencil.

    When drawing is gradually moving from bright areas to the dark, as part of the picture is much easier to darken the pencil than the dark place to make lighter.

    Please note that the pencil should be sharpened not a simple sharpener, but a knife. The griffel should be 5-7mm long, which allows you to tilt the pencil and seek the desired effect.

    Graphite pencil trait - fragile material. Despite the protection of the wooden shell, the pencil requires careful circulation. When the griffel falls inside the pencil disintegrates on the part and then crumble when draining, making a pencil unsuitable for use.

    Nuances that should know when working with pencils

    For hatching at the very beginning, you should use a hard pencil. Those. The dry lines are obtained by a solid pencil.

    The soft pencil is drawn ready drawing, to give it compatibility and expressiveness. Soft pencil leaves dark lines.

    The more stronger the pencil, the wider there will be his trail. However, with the advent of pencils with a thick gryphant, this need disappears.

    If you do not know how the final drawing will look, it is recommended to start with a solid pencil. The solid pencil can do the necessary tone. At the very beginning, I myself admitted such a mistake: I took too a soft pencil, why the drawing was obtained dark and incomprehensible.

    Rims pencils

    Of course, the classic option is a stylograph in a wooden frame. But now there are plastic, lacquered even paper rims. The stylus in such pencils is thick. On the one hand, it is good, but on the other - such pencils are easy to break, if you put in your pocket or unsuccessful.

    Although for the transfer of pencils there are special cases (for example, I have a set of black pencils KOH-I-NOOR PROGRESSO - good, good quality packaging, like a penalty).