VII International Competition "New Tales". New Fairy Tales VII - Union of Writers Russian-Japanese Tank Poetry Competition

VII International Competition
VII International Competition "New Tales". New Fairy Tales VII - Union of Writers Russian-Japanese Tank Poetry Competition

Organization No wishes can order certificates and / or evidence (see below).

In 2017-2018 academic year, the children's literary contest "Tale on New Year's Eve" will be held in the seventh time.

Children from different parts of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Bulgaria, USA, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Spain and other countries take part in the competition.

In total, in the competition for the years of its existence took part over 5000 children. We invite you to take part in the competition!

Usually, according to the results of the competition, we publish a printed collection of the best works for the parents of the authors.

You can:

Apply for a contest \u003e\u003e\u003e

Regulations on the seventh International Children's Literary Competition "Tale on New Year's Eve"

General provisions

1. General Provisions

1.1 Regulations on the Children's Literary Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) developed and approved by the editorial board "Vector-Success ..

1.2 This provision determines the main objectives and objectives of the competition, the procedure and conditions for its conduct.

1.3 Competition is international.

1..RF, in particular, teachers of Russian language and literature, philologists, primary school teachers, etc.

1.5 Full official name of the contest: VII Children's International Literary Competition "Tale on New Year's Eve".

1.6 Location of the Organizing Committee of the Competition: 603111, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Raevsky, 15-45.

Telephone edition: + 7-920-0-777-397. Opening hours Mon-Fri 11:00 - 18:30 Moscow time.

1.7 Official Website Success Competition.rf

1.8 The main terms used in the present position:

  • Founder - media "vector-success. RF - portal for children and adolescents", Winner of the Runet-2011 premium;
  • The author is the author of the work that meets the requirements of the Competition;
  • Mentor - teacher or parent, systematically dealing with the author of literary creativity; He conducts correspondence with the organizers of the competition, is the representative of the author.
  • The jury is a group of experts that evaluates competitive work and defining the winners of the competition.

2. Objectives and objectives of the competition

2.1. Detection of talented children and creating conditions for their self-realization.

2.2 Acquisition of children to the classroom of literary creativity, incl. Children with disabilities and in difficult life situations.

2.3. Support for Russian language in Russia, as well as countries of near and far abroad.


3.2 Works of the Competition participants are accepted from December 18, 2017 to February 11, 2018

Works loaded after 24.00 Moscow time February 11, 2017The participation in the competition is not allowed.

3.3 Publication on the site of the list of participants: From February 25, 2018 to March 13, 2018, the list of publishing the list may be changed due to the extension of the work time.

3.5 announcement of the results of the competition: until April 27, 2018 g. Results are published on the official website of the contest

The timing of the publication of the list of winners can be changed due to the extension of the service life and unexpectedly a large number of participants.

4. Competition nominations

4.1. The competition is carried out according to the following nominations:

  • Fairy tales about the New Year, Christmas and Winter - Prose.
  • Stories about the new year, Merry Christmas and Winter.
  • Poems about the new year, christmas and winter.

In each nomination the following ages are allocated:

  • preschoolers, 1 - 2 class;
  • 3 - 4 class;
  • 5 - 6 class;
  • 7 - 9 class;
  • 10 - 11 class, students.
  • special child (O.R.).

Students of special (correctional) institutions V-VIII species can register or in their main age category and compete on a par with all, or in a special age category "Special Child". The decision to apply for the main age category or in a special age category is accepted by the author together with the mentor.

6. Requirements for competitive work

6.2 Collective creativity is not accepted.

6.3 Works should be written in Russian in compliance with its norms.

6.4 Working and volume:

  • Mandatory title strings:
    • Job title.
    • Nomination.
    • Age category.

Page Requirements:

Not allowed:using frames, drawings, photographs, footers, as well as font colors other than black, using cuts, bold, mean, emphasized text design styles.

Text Design Requirements:font Times New Roman, 14 Kehal, interval - 1.15; Fields are ordinary: upper - 2 cm, lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm

Minimum and maximum work (excluding the title leaf):

  • Prose: at least 1/3 and no more than 6 pages of A4 format.
  • Poem:
    • at least 8 lines - for preschoolers and students of 1-2 cl., Participants of the category "Special Child";
    • at least 12 lines - for students of 3-4 cl.;
    • at least 16 lines - for the remaining age categories.

6.5 Works sent in electronic form should be saved in formats: .doc, .odt, .rtf. Works in format.pdf ,.jpg are not accepted for consideration.

6.6 Each work is posted in a separate file.

6.7 Works on the competition are loaded by mentors independently through the form of jobs in a personal profile on the page (and also accepted by email - see below).

6.8 One participant can provide for the competition one job.

6.9 Creative works of students of only their own essay, previously not published anywhere. Works published earlier partially or completely on the Internet (including on the site of the educational institution, class, on the pages of social networks, etc.), not allowed to participate. The uniqueness of the text of the work should be from 95% and higher (check on the site

6.11 Work is not accepted for the competitioncontaining:

  • violation of requirements for the design and content of competitive works;
  • plagiarism and / or work with incorrect quoting of the works of third parties (in any quantity);
  • language illiteracy (a large number of errors). We draw the attention of the authors that a small amount of typos and errors are permissible. The product containing syntactic or grammatical errors in small quantities can be accepted for a contest;
  • abnormative vocabulary;
  • political, religious and national statements.

Rights and obligations of the organizer of the competition

7. The responsibilities of the competition organizer enters

7.1 Ensuring the wide publicity of the competition.

7.2 Establishing the procedure for holding and timing of the competition.

7.3 Creating equal conditions for all participants in the competition.

7.4 Development of requirements for the design and content of competitive works, criteria for their assessment.

7.5 Collection and verification of competitive materials.

7.6 Formation of the composition of the Competition experts.

7.7 Coordination of the jury during the competitive event.

7.8 Preventing the disclosure of information of the final results of the competition was previously the date of their official announcement.

7.9 Awarding the participants of the competition.

7.10 Distribution and popularization of works that have become the best following the results of the competition.

8. The organizer has the right

8.1 Do not accept work on the competition in case of identifying violations of requirements for competitive works. Specified works are not reviewed.

8.3 Publish competitive works on the pages of the site vector-success. RF: and vector-success. RF, in official groups in social networks, in the mailing list.

Work jury competition

9. Composition and functions of the jury

9.1. The composition of the jury of the competition is determined by the organizer. Jury members - active site users Pedsovet.. sU. and Vector-success. RF.

9.2 The jury assesses competitive work and defines the winners of the competition in accordance with the voting procedure described in the present position.

9.3 The list of members of the jury will be reported additionally after summing up the competition.

10.1 Works that scored the maximum number of points become winners (I, II, III). The authors of these works are awarded with diplomas. The organizer of the competition reserves the right to establish additional prizes. In each nomination and each age category provided 3 (three) winners.

10.2 Evaluation of competitive work takes place in 2 stages. At the first stage, the jury members by voting establish whether the work presented for the competition is artistic value. Selected works are moving to the second stage of the competition, where each product is estimated according to the following criteria:

  • compliance with the genre structure of a fairy tale, story, poem (10 points);
  • creative approach (originality, unusual plot) (10 points);
  • logic, sequence of narration (10 points);
  • possession of artistic means of language (10 points);
  • literacy of the presentation, compliance with the norms of the Russian language (10 points);
  • expressiveness and emotionality of the work (10 points);
  • style resistance (10 points);
  • slightness of syntactic structures (for poetic work: the slightness of the rhythm, clarity rhymes) (10 points);
  • the overall impression of work (10 points).

10.3 The jury is assessed by the drawn on the competition, taking into account the criteria called in paragraph 10.2 of this Regulation on a ten-point scale.

10.4 The total assessment of each participant is formed by summing up the estimates of all members of the jury in all criteria.

10.5 The results of the competition are not subject to revision. The consolidated assessment table of the members of the jury member was not disclosed, the rating of participants is not published.

11. Responsions of members of the jury

11.1 In conscientiously perform the responsibilities assigned to them on the examination of the work of the participants of the competition.

11.2 Do not disclose information about the results of the contest previously the date of its completion.

11.3 Do not disseminate the work sent to the competition, information about the participants of the competition.

12. Awarding the winners

12.1 The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas in paper. Dates of sending diplomas - until May 12, 2018Diplomas are sent is free.

12.2 The organizer of the competition reserves the right to attract the sponsors of the competition, establish additional nominations.

13. Consent with the Regulations on the Competition

13.2. By sending a job for the competition, the mentor agrees to inform within the framework of the competition by e-mail, push notifications, namely:

  • receiving notifications by e-mail about the registration of the mentor and the author, about the admission of work in the address of the Organizing Committee, about the consideration of the work, on receiving the payment (in the case of payment of souvenirs), about sending documents and others. An acceptance of informing is possible only in case of refusal to participate in the competition .
  • after summing up the results of the competition, all the mentors are automatically signed on the main current distribution of the vector-success site. The removal is possible at any time directly from the letter.

14. Changing the Regulations on the Competition

14.1 In case of unforeseen situations, as well as in the case of an unexpectedly large number of works on the competition, the organizer of the competition reserves the right to change the timing of the competition. All topical information is published on this page.


Those who want to order certificates of participants and concert mentors, as well as certificates of publication.

Certificate of the author and mentor

The main participants of this competition are children, it is they who prepare a competitive work, so in the competition there are 2 options for obtaining certificates: or only for a child (author), or a child and a mentor at the same time. The mentor can not order a certificate only on itself.

  • The author's name is completely, the mentor's name is abbreviated.
  • The class in which the author is learned.
  • Name of the institution.
  • The name of the competitive work.
  • Nomination.
  • Age category.

The mentor certificate indicates:

  • The name of the competition and its status "international".
  • Mentor's position.
  • Name of the institution.
  • The wording "issued to the participant's mentor".
  • Date of issuing a document, its number, signature chairman of the organizing committee, stamp.

The certificate does not indicate the address (URL) of the Publication of Work
and the date of publication.

Certificate of publication of the work of the author

At the certificate of publishing the work on the site indicates:

  • The author's full name, mentor's name abbreviated
  • Class in which the author is studying
  • Name of the institution
  • Name of competitive work
  • Address Publication on the Internet (URL)
  • Publication date
  • Date of issuing a document, its number, signature of the site editor, stamp

The testimony does not indicate the name of the competition, the name of the nomination
and age category of the author.

Order documents

Participants and mentors can receive documents in electronic form:

  • 150 rub. - any electronic document.

Documents on the mentor are issued only when ordering documents for at least one of its participants.

How to pay certificates?

Certificates can be paid online by plastic cards or electronic money, as well as on receipts in any bank in the territory of the Russian Federation. After registering an application for the contest, the email to the email address is sent. I do not need to pay for the registration of work at the competition.

Payment timing and sending certificates

Certificates can be paid on any day until February 28, 2018 inclusive. In the event of an extension of work acceptance for the competition, payments will also be extended, it will be reported additionally.

An open literary contest "New Tale" has been announced. Deadline September 1, 2017.

Organizers: MTOD (International Creative Association of Children's Authors) and Publishing House "Akviliagia".

Every 18 years of age is invited to participate in the competition.

Modern works for children are accepted for the competition - fabulous stories for publication in a book format. Two works can be made from one author.

The volume of fabulous stories should be from 4.5 to 8 copyright sheets. (We remind you: one author's list - 40 thousand characters with spaces). Times New Roman font, Kehal 12, 1,5 space.

The founders of the competition noted that the first and second joint competition "New Tale - 2015 and 2016" was successful. Now the books of the winning authors of 2015 are printed in full, one - even with a continuation! (There are only five books), and the first book from the winners of 2016 has been released. The rest are preparing for release in the publishing house "Akviliagia-M".

Our official group VKontakte: ,.
  • With the author of the Winner (I place), the Publishing House "Akviliagia-M" will be concluded a contract for the release of the book, with the payment of the author's fee.
  • The authors of the works that took the second and third places will receive the title of winners of the competition and will be awarded diplomas of laureates. With the authors of these works, the issue of contracts conclude will be considered separately, the decision will be made individually.
  • The authors of all the works in the short list are considered to be the competition diplomas and will be awarded honorable diplomas. The issue of publishing books with diplomas will also be solved individually.

You can ask questions to the organizers of the competition in our group of VKontakte.

The publishing house "Union of Writers" announces a contest of poems and fairy tales for children. According to tradition, the author's competition is accompanied by a children's competition of drawings. Your work will be able to read the children, and then arrange with their illustrations.
According to the results of the competition: the exclusive edition of "New Tales - VII" in electronic format with children's drawings, "New Tales - VII" in a print format with the illustrations of the artist Alice Dyachenko, as well as all the authors who have passed on the second round (optional) Baby baby from their works with children's drawings.

Timing of the competition:
Acceptance of applications for participation: August 27 to September 20 inclusive.
Discussion, criticism of sent texts, the work of authors over bugs until October 31.
Opening of the contest of illustrators - November 1.
Announcement of results: - November 14.

The winners of the competition "New Fairy Tales" defines the Competition Commission.
The collection "New Fairy Tales - VII" with works that have passed on the second round will be published during the year after the contest "Young Artist-Designer". Winners in each nomination will receive two editions of 1 copy and diploma.
The works of the finalists and the winners of the competition will be included in the collection "New Tales - VII" with the illustrations of the artist.

The terms of participation:
Participation in the competition is free.
Works on the competition are sent to the editorial board on the form on this page .. Nomination: "Tale" (prose), "Poems for children" (specify the necessary). Be sure to attach the completed application. No application for the competition is not accepted.
The competition can take part in the work, which are already published on the Internet and participated in other competitions, but not laureates of past competitions "New Tales".
Volume - up to 15 thousand characters with spaces for prose and 240 lines for poems written in Russian. The replacement of works after the start of the discussion stage is not allowed!
The authors from 16 years old can participate, regardless of nationality and religion. Works must be developing, have the main character, it is desirable to use dialogs or monologues.
The competition is held on the forum of the publishing house "Union of Writers" http: // Website / Forum /
Registration on the contest website is obligatory for the possibility of communication with readers and illustrators. If you yourself can not register on the site, then write to the address of the organizing committee, and we will help you create an account.
After evaluating the competitive selection of at least one member of the jury, the text from the competition is not deleted! Insulting the organizing committee or members of the jury leads to the closure of a competitive topic.

Information for thinking
(not a prerequisite when participating in the competition)

Optionally, you can contribute to the New Fairy Tale Project Foundation, and we will issue a certificate of polyate in electronic on our part.
You can specify your contribution size and convenient way to enumerate in the application.

Recommendations for paperwork
We are very pleased to make out applications for participation in the competition correctly, and the text itself is to hand out exclusively in TXT or DOCX formats. All files of one nomination must be in the same file, otherwise the work from the first file will be posted.
Do not forget that the dialogues are drawn up with the help of the "dash" before the replica of the hero, and not through the marked lists. Between the "dash" and the beginning of the sentence should be one gap.
Align the text of fairy tales (no poems!) Better in the width of the page, and poems in the center or to the left edge.
The illustrations of the fairy tales and poems of the winners will be made by children who will take part in the competition "Young Artist - Designer". Drawings of authors or illustrations from other books on the pages will not be posted.
Do not send sheets from e-books and scans of book pages.
Works decorated incorrectly, will not be accepted for the competition!

Competition procedure:
Jury members act as fabulous characters. The real names of the jury members are not disclosed.
Comment works can anyone.

The first stage of the jury:
The author has the right to work on its text from the moment of receipt of the review and until October 31. Only one edit of the author is allowed. Fixed text must be sent to the address of the organizing committee [Email Protected]site in the following wording:

"Please put a fixed text on my competitive page." The text is applied by a file to a letter.

Jury members express their decision in the themes of the participants. If all or at least 4 members of the jury from 6 "for" - work takes place in the second round, otherwise the work closes from commenting and then does not participate in the competition.
Competitive topics in the second round (Competition "Young artist-designer") from comments close until the authors will have to choose the best drawing to their work. All discussions of works remain in the topics of the first round.
In the second round there is a selection of works in the collection "New Tales", which will be illustrated by children from 5 to 14 years. The hit of your work in the collection will directly depend on the illustrator children. If your product is illustrated by more than two participants - you fall into the collection, if less than two drawings - the decision on the publication is taken by the editor.

Criteria for evaluating competitive works:
The priority of the highest assessment will be given to the tales of new and in content, and in form. Novations are welcome in building a plot, exclusivity and a creative approach to creating fairy tales. The creation of copyright images, new heroes is welcomed.
Fairy tales should not be ideologized, express the positions of certain social groups. It is desirable that the author adheres to universal values \u200b\u200bwhen building a work.
Briefness, saturation of action, clearly defined images, interesting dialogues, the absence of lengths is the list of necessary components of successful work.
The text must be edited and adjusted at the "editor" level of the KP. Texts with a large number of grammatical mistakes to participate in the competition are not allowed.
The author who received comments from the members of the jury is obliged to eliminate the shortcomings (unless otherwise specified in the application). If the author does not react to comments, it does not work during the competition, work in the second round does not pass.
The author of the fairy tale must clearly imagine that their work will illustrate children. It is advisable to think over the "oral drawing" feature, the text should be colorful and cadried.

Publishing books by participants of the second round:
In a general collection, according to the results of the competition, it falls in one drawing to works. Therefore, the editors decided to release each finalist (at wishes) a baby book with all drawings to the work.
The publisher performs the following works for free: layout, proofreading editing of text, creation of a serial cover, placement of a book on a circulation on an online store with the possibility of obtaining a sales fee.
The Conditions of the Children's Book Edition: the presence of at least one drawing to the work, the order by the author of 10 copies. Books.
Personal offer by publication will be sent by the manager after the end of the drawing contest.
! In 2017, the conditions of the edition of the baby books have changed. Minimum circulation of books 50 copies. Regards, Organizing Committee.

You can send a request in the form below or to the email address: [Email Protected]website marked "new fairy tales". Nomination: "Tale", "Poems for children" (specify the necessary). Be sure to attach the completed application. No application for the competition is not accepted.

There Is No Requested Mail Form.