Coursework Ways Characteristics Heroes in Canterbury Stories J. Chosera

Coursework Ways Characteristics Heroes in Canterbury Stories J. Chosera

Genre Specificity of "Canterbury Story"

Elements of the Novelistic Stories in "Canterbury Stories"

The worldwide fame of J. Cheeror brought His "Canterbury Stories". The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story gave Joser to reading the "Decameron" Boccaccio.

Modern poetry begins with Jerry Chosera (1340 - 1400), diplomat, soldier, scientist. He was bourgeois, who knows the courtyard, possessed a tortured look, read a lot and traveled in France and Italy to study the classic works on Latin. He wrote because he was aware of his genius, but his reading audience was small: courtiers, and some of the workers and merchants. He served in the London customs. This post gave him the opportunity to divertly familiarize himself with the business of the capital, to see the social types, which will appear in his main book "Canterbury stories".

"Canterbury stories" came out from under his pen in 1387. They rose on the basis of a narrative tradition, the origins of which are lost in ancient times, who declared themselves in the literature of the XIII-XIV centuries. In Italian novels, cycles of satirical fairy tales, "Roman acts" and other collections of instructive stories. In the XIV century Plots, selected from different authors and in different sources, are combined already in deeply individual design. The selected form is the stories of traveling pilgrims - it makes it possible to present a bright picture of the Middle Ages. The presentation of the Chosera about the world includes Christian miracles that are narrated in the "Abbatys" story and in the "lawyer's story", and the fiction of the Breton LE, which manifests itself in the "Rassaya Tkachi from Battikh", and the idea of \u200b\u200bChristian long-suffering - in "Ras - Sake Oxford Student. " All these ideas were organic for medieval consciousness. Choseer does not question their price, as evidenced by the inclusion of such motifs in "Canterbury Stories". Choseer creates an amplua images. They are created on the basis of a professional-class characteristic and the discrepancy of her heroes. Typification is achieved by duplication, multiplying similar images. Absolon from the "Melnik's story", for example, performs in the AMP Lua servant of religion - lover. He is a church student, half-minded face, but his thoughts are addressed to God, but to pretty at-hazy. About the prevalence of such an image in the literature, except the numerous French Fablo, one of the palast ballads placed in the "Secular Lyrics of the XLVth and XVTH Centuries" college. The behavior of the hero of this small poem is very similar to the actions of Absolon. The repeatability of the image makes it typical.

All literary scientists who studied the problem of genres of "Canterbury stories" are jointly in that one of the main literary genres of this work is - Novella.

"NOVELLA (ITAL. NOVELLA, letters .-- News), - We read in the literary encyclopedic dictionary, - a small prosaic genre, comparable in terms of volume with a story, but differ from it a sharp centripetal plight, often paradoxical, lack of descriptions and composite rigor . By poetizing the case, Novella extremely exposes the core of the plot - the center, the peripetia, reduces the life material into the focus of one events. "

Unlike the story - the genre of the new literature at the turn of 18-- 19 centuries, which nominates the graphic-verbal texture of the narrative and the deployed character-cam, - Novella is the art of the plot in the most pure form that has developed in deep antiquity In the tape connection with ritual magic and myths, facing primarily to the active, and not the contemplation of human existence. The new story, built on sharp anti-theses and metamorphoses, in a sudden transformation of one situation in directly to her opposite, is common in many folk genres (fairy tale, fables, a medieval joke, Poco, Schwank).

"The literary novel arises in the Renaissance era of the Renaissance in Italy (the brightest sample is" Decameron "by J. Bokcchcho), then in England, France, Spain (J. Choseer, Margarita Navarre, M. Cervantes). In the form of a comic and outdoor novel, the formation of Renaissance realism, discontinued by the spontaneous-free self-determination of personality in the fraught with the transformations of the world. Subsequently, Novella in his evolution is repelled from adjacent genres (story, tale, etc.), depicting extraordinary, sometimes paradoxical and supernatural incidents, breaks in the chain of social and historical and psychological determinism. "

Choseer as a poet before the creation of "Canterbury's stories" experienced the influence of French and Italian literature. In the work of the Chose-RA, as you know, there are already some of the pre-breaking features, and it is customary to refer to the PRAINESTENESAN. The question of the impact of the Creator of the Classical Novel Renaissance Giovanni Brokeccho on Chosera is controversial. Only his acquaintance with the early works of Boccaccio and use as sources of Bokcchchichi "Philocolo" (in the story of Franklin), "Stories of the famous husbands and women" (in the story of the monk), "Teneda" (in the story of the knight) and only one of Novel "Decameron", namely, the history of the loyal wife of Grizelda, according to the Latin translation of Petrarki (in the story of the student-ta). True, some rolls with motifs and plots developed by Bokcchcho in the Decameron can be found as well as in the stories of the skipper, merchant and Franklin. Of course, this roll call can be explained by the appeal to the overall novelist tradition. Among other sources of "Canterberian stories" - "Golden Legend" Yakov Voorginsky, Basni (in particular, Maria French) and "Roman about the Lisa", "Roman about Rose", Fly Tsarist novels Arturova Cycle, French Fablo, other works Medieval, partly ancient literature (for example, Ovid). Meletyansky also says that: "legendary sources and motives are in the stories of the second nun (taken from the" golden legend "of St. Cecilia), a lawyer (ascending to the English-Norman chronicle of Nikola Tvet, the story of the vicissitudes and suffering of the Dadnotel Christian Christian - Daughters of the Roman Impelle Torah) and the doctor (ascending to Titus Libya and the "Roman about Rose" the story of chaste Virginia - the victims of the lust and villainance of Judge Claudia). In the second of these stories, the legendary motifs are intertwined with fabulous, partly in the spirit of Greek Ro-Man, and in the third - with a legend about the Roman "valor". The legend's lead-CUS and the fabulous base are felt in the story of the student about Grizelde, although the plot is taken from Boccaccio. "

Representatives of various layers of society went to the pilgrimage. According to the social position of pilgrims, you can distribute to certain groups:

Higher Light (Knight, Squire, Church Servants);

Scientists people (doctor, lawyer);

Landowners (Franklin);

Owners (Melnik, Majord);

Merchant class (skipper, merchant);

Artisans (dye, carpenter, weaver, and so on);

Lower class (PAKAR).

In the "General Prolog", Jeffrey Choseer submits the reader of almost every pilgrim (simply mentioning his presence, or presenting his character in the details). "General Prolog" in some way forms the expectations of the reader - the expectation of the main mood and the subject of the story, the subsequent behavior of Pilgrim. It is from the "common prolobe" the reader receives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich stories will be told, as well as the essence, the inner world of each pilgrim. The behavior of the characters presented by Choseter reveals the essence of their personalities, their habits, personal life, mood, good and bad sides. The character of a character is presented in the Prologue to "Canterbury Studies" and is revealed further in the story, prefaces and posts to the stories. "Based on the relationship of Chosera to each character, the pilgrims involved in the journey can be organized in certain groups:

Ideal images (Knight, Squire, Student, Pacherry, Priest);

"Neutral" images, the descriptions of which are not presented in the "Prolog" - Choseer only mentions their presence (clergymen from the environment of the abbatis);

Images with some negative features of character (skipper, economy);

Nortified sinners (carmelitis, indulgence seller, backed up of a church court - all of them church employees). "

To each character, Choseer finds an individual approach, presenting it in the "General Prolog".

"In the poetic" Canterbury stories "there was a compositive framework - a place of action: a tavern at the road leading to Canterbury, a crowd of pilgrims, in which, essentially, all English society - from the feudal to the cheerful crowd of artisans and peasants. In total, 29 people are recruited in Pilgrimnikov. Almost each of them is a living and quite complex image of a person of his time; Choseer masterfully describes a great verse habits and clothes, to keep himself, speech features of characters. "

As different heroes, so different and artistic means of Choseer. He speaks with a friendly irony of the knight, with a friendly irony, because the Knight looks too anachronic with its clocility in a coarse, shouting crowd of simpleness. About the son of the knight, the boy, full of rear, the author speaks with tenderness; About the stormy Majordom, the soul and a deceiver - with squeamishness; with a mockery - about brave merchants and artisans; Regards - about the peasant and the righteous priest, about the Oxford Student, in love with the book. About the Peasant Rebellion, Choseer responds with condemnation, hardly even with horror.

The brilliant genre of the literary portrait is that it may be the main creation of Chosera. Here, as an example, a portrait of a weave from Bat.

And the battle of the battles, the gurba of the friendships, gurby, did not count.

What changed in six and a half centuries? Is that the horse gave way to the limousine.

But here soft humor is inferior to hard satire, when the author describes the indulgence hated seller.

His eyes, like hare, glistened. He himself blew in sheep ...

In the course of the work, pilgrims tell different stories. Knight - an old courteous plot in the spirit of the knightly novel; A carpenter is a funny and obscene history in the spirit of the rapid urban folklore, etc. In each story, the interests and sympathies of one or another pilgrim are revealed than the individualization of the character is achieved, the task of its image from the inside is solved.

Chosera is called "Father Realism." The reason for the art of the literary portrait, which, coming out, appeared in Europe earlier than the portrait of the picturesque. And indeed, reading "Canterbury stories", one can safely talk about the realism as a creative method, which implies not only the true generalized image of a person, typifying a certain social phenomenon, but also a reflection of changes occurring in society and man.

So, the English society in the portrait gallery of Chosera is a society in motion, in development, a transitional society, where feudal orders are strong, but outdated, where a new person developing the city is revealed. From "Canterbury's stories" it is clear: not the preachers of the Christian ideal belong to the future, but by business, full forces and passions of people, although they are less respectable and virtuous than the same peasant and a rural priest.

The "Canterbury Stories" laid the basis of new English poetry, based on the entire experience of advanced European poetry and national song traditions.

Based on the analysis of this work, we came to the conclusion that the genre of the novel was provided to the genre nature of "Canterberian stories". This is manifested in the features of the plot, building images, speech characteristics of characters, humor and edification.

The greatest English writer of the XIV century was Choseer(1340-1400), author of famous "Canterberian stories". Choseer simultaneously completes the Epoch of the Anglo-Norman and opens the story of new English literature.

All wealth and diversity of thought and feelings, subtlety and complexity of spiritual experiences characterizing the previous era, he gave an expression in English by completing the experience of the past and catching the desire of the future. Among the English dialects, he approved the domination of the London dialectThe language spoken in this large shopping center, where the residence of the king and both universities were located.

In the next century there is a great interest in living folk poetry, which existed already in the XIII, and in the XIV centuries. But in the XV century, this poetry exhibits a particularly active life, and the most vintage samples of it, preserved to our time, belong to this century. Robin Gudi ballads used very popularity.

"The Canterbury Tales" (English. The CANTERBURY TALES) - the work of the poet Jeffrey Chosera, written in late XIV. century in the Middle Anglean; not completed. Represents collection of 22 poetic and two prosaic novels combined by a common framework: Stories tell pilgrims heading for the worship of the relics of St. Thomas Beckett in Canterbury and described in the author's prologue. According to the plan of Chosera, each of them had to tell four stories (two along the way in Canterbury and two on the way back). In "Canterbury Stories", most of the poetic, not used uniform membership of the verse; The poet freely varies stuffs and sizes. The prevailing size is a 5-stop jamb with a steam rhyme ("Heroic Couplet" - Heroic Couplet).

Narrators belong to all layers of medieval English societiesa: Among them there is a knight, a monk, a priest, a doctor, a seawater, a merchant, a tipple, a cook, yoman, etc., their stories partially enter into traditional novelist plots (used, in particular, in the "Book of Love" Juan Ruis and "Decameron »Boccaccio), partially worn original character. Palmnikov stories are very diverse on topics, often related to the theme of love and betrayal; Some of them satyrically depict the abuse of the Catholic Church. The literary skills of Chosera manifests itself in the fact that in themelles they reflect individual features and the speech of the speech of narrator.

Innovation And the peculiarity of "Canterberian stories" was appreciated only in the era of romanticism, although the successors of the traditions of Chosera appeared already under his life (John Lidgate, Thomas Hokkli and others), and the work itself was published by William Cexton in the earliest day of English typography. Researchers note the role of the work of Chosera in the folding of the English literary language and in increasing its cultural significance (as opposed to the considered more prestigious Starofranzuz and Latin).

According to the Comstock Act, "Canterbury stories" were prohibited from distributing in the United States, and even now printed with abbreviations due to obscenity.

The merits of Chosera in the history of English literature and the language are very large. He first among the British gave samples of truly artistic poetry, where there is a taste, a sense of measure, grace of form and verse, is visible everywhere, the artist's hand is visible everywhere, and not obeying them, as it often happened to medieval poets; Everywhere shows a critical attitude to the plots and heroes. In the works of Chosera, there are already all the most important features of the British National Poetry: the wealth of fantasy, connected with common sense, humor, observation, the ability to vividly characteristics, inclination to detailed descriptions, love for contrasts, in one word, everything that later we meet in an even more perfect Shakespeare, Fielding, Dickens, and others. Great Writers in Great Britain. He gave the completed English verse and brought a literary language to a high degree of grace. Regarding the purity of speech, he always showed special care and, not trusting the correspondence, always looked through the lists of his writings. In the creation of a literary language, he showed great moderation and common sense, rarely used neologisms and, not trying to resurrect the talked expressions, used only by those words that were included in universal use. Glitter and beauty, which he told English, delivered the last honorable place among other literary languages \u200b\u200bof Europe; After Chosera, adverbs have already lost any meaning in the literature. Choseer was the first to start writing in his native language and prose, and not in Latin (for example, "The Astrolab" - a treatise written by him in 1391 for his son). It uses here the National language consciously to express better and more accurately his thoughts, as well as from a patriotic feeling. The Mirosoznaya of Chosera is quite imbued with the pagan spirit and the cheerfulness of the Renaissance; Only some medieval features and expressions like "St. Venus ", incidentally, in earlier works of Choser, indicate that he has not yet completely freed himself from medieval views and mixing concepts. On the other hand, some of his thoughts about nobility, about raising children, about war, the nature of his patriotism, alien to any national exclusivity, would be honored even to a person of the XIX century.

Among literary critics (A.N. Veselovsky, A.K. Dzhivegov, V.E. Krusman, M.P. Alekseev, A.A. Anikst, Yu.M. Saprykin, G.V. Aynikin, N.P. Mikhalskaya et al.) There is a well-minded opinion that the work of J. Chosera (1340-1400) "Canterbury stories" (1387-1400) was written under the influence of the Decameron (1352-1354) - the creations of the largest representative of the Italian Renaissance J. Boccaccio (1313-1375).

The book of Choseer opens with a "common prologue", which describes the appearance of each of the actors. It sets the leading composite principle used by the author. Harry Bailey's owner, Harry Bailey, suggests the marsomal to tell the entertaining stories to pass the way to Canterbury and back. From these stories, each of which represents the completed poetic novel, and the book of Chosera. "Kenterberian stories" are adjacent to the ancient genre tradition of the collection of the novel and the associations, united by the general plot "frame": the situation of the conversation, alternating the narrator. This tradition, in line with which in the XIII-XIV centuries. Many works of world literature were created, under the pen of the Chosera undergoes significant changes. It seeks more naturalness and significance of the main plot framing inserted novels. Along with the "general prologue", the characteristic of pilgrims also contains abologies directly by their stories.

A dynamic and finely built plot gives Coelora the opportunity to use or burling almost all genres of medieval literature. So, one of the main genre components of this work is the novel. However, in addition to the novella in the work there are elements of many other medieval genres. The knight sets out a story in the spirit of the knightly novel. Igumena tells the legend about the tortured Christian boy. The carpenter tells the ridiculous and obscene history in the spirit of the rapid urban folklore. Based character has stories of monastery chapellane and economa. The story of the indulgence seller contains elements of folklore fairy tale and parables.

It should be noted that each of the stories of pilgrims arises as if by chance, from the circumstances of the conversation, complements or shall be preceding, and this closely connects them with the framing novel.

An innovation of J. Chosera lies in the synthesis of genres within the framework of one work. So, almost every story, possessing unique genre specificity, makes it "Canterbury stories" a kind of "encyclopedia" of the genres of the Middle Ages.

J. Bokcchcho in the work "Decameron" brings to high perfection one genre - a small prosaic story-novel, which existed in Italian literature before him.

In his "Decameron", Bokcchcho relies on medieval Latin collections of stories, bizarre oriental parables; Sometimes he retells the small French characters of humorous content, the so-called "Fablo".

Decameron is not just a collection of a hundred novel, but an ideological and artistic integer, thoughtful and built according to a certain plan. Novels "Decameron" follow one after another, not arbitrarily, but in a certain, strictly thoughtful order. They are fastened with the form of a framing story, which is entry into the book and gives it a composite rod. With this construction, the narrator of individual novels are the participants of the introductory, framing story. In this story, which gives all the collection internal integrity and completeness, the author tells how the "Decameron" novels arose.

Thus, it can be concluded that, perhaps, J. Choseer, when creating his work, borrowed a composite reception, which previously used Boccaccio when creating the Decameron. However, the Choseer can mark a closer connection between individual stories and framing themselves. He strives for greater naturalness and significance of the main plot framing the "plug-in" novels, which cannot be noted in the work of Bokcchcho.

Despite the same composition and several random plot matches, the work of Chosera is completely unique. It should be noted that there is almost always more detailed in the stories that are comparable in the plot, more detailed and detailed, in many moments it becomes more rich, more dramatic and significant. And if we can talk about the genre of the diversity of this work with respect to the "Canterbury" stories, then Decameron is a work that was represented only to the perfection of the novel genre. However, this does not mean that the work of Bokcchchcho is a smaller value for world literature. Boccaccho its work causes a crushing blow to a religious and ascetic worldview and gives an extraordinarily complete, bright and versatile reflection of modern Italian reality. In its novellaes, Bokcchcho draws a huge variety of events, images, motifs, situations. It displays a whole gallery of figures taken from various layers of modern society and endowed with typical features for them. It is due to the Bokccchcho Novella says as a full-fledged independent genre, and the Decameron himself, imbued with the spirit of advanced national culture, became a model for many generations not only of Italian, but also European writers.


1.Anikyn GV History of English literature: studies. For stud. Ped. In-Tov / G. V. Anikin, N. P. Mikhalskaya. 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. M.: Higher. Shk., 1985. 431 p.

2. The history of Western European literature. Middle Ages and Revival: studies. For philol. specialist. Universities / Alekseev M.P. [and etc.]. 5th ed., Act. and add. M.: Higher. Shk., 1999. 462C.: IL.

3. The literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance: studies. manual for universities / T.V. Kovalev [et al.]; Ed. Ya.N. Brown. MN: Publishing House University, 1988. 238 p.: Il.

"Canterberian stories" Jeffrey Chosera are a collection of stories created at the end of the life of a writer, written in the Mid-English language. This novel collection is not completed. In the literature "Kenterberian stories" is called the cyclic compilation of the novel.

Any national literature begins its formation with small prose samples - a story, essay, story and, of course, Novella.

Modern researchers of the literary process are not unanimous in determining the concept of the novel. Some are limited to an inductive description of the novel and the statement of brevity as its main genre sign, conducting an analysis of the number of words contained in one or another work. Others take as a basis not the volume of the work as a whole, but the volume of its plot. At the same time, the issue of the origin of the novels is an increased interest, as in historical projection, as a rule, dominant features of the genre are detected. However, many researchers talk about the long and continuous tradition of the novelist genre, which allows you to trace its features at all stages of its development.

It should be noted that the English researchers of the phenomenon of small prose and its varieties use in their monographic works a whole set of concepts and terminological designations - Story, Short Story, Long Short Story Novella, Novellette, Tale, Brief Tale, Fragment, Abbreviated Fiction - Becoming sometimes It is difficult to spend a clear face. The very concept of "Short Story" as the designation of the literary genre was established at the end of the 19th century due to the flourishing of themes. Nevertheless, the question of ambiguity and ambiguity of this term rose already in the 30s of the 20th century. So, for example, Henry sat Kenby indicates the uncertainty of the concept of "Short Story".

In domestic literature, the question of the genre of the demarcation of the novel and the story is relevant: Novella is characterized by an unusual situation, the rapid development of action, an unexpected junction, an integrity of impressions, formal accuracy and conciseness. On the contrary, the story is distinguished by the simplicity of plot, the slowdest of action, greater explicit and variety of forms.

The priority in the creation of the theory of English-language Novels belongs to E. According to American theorist of literature and the author of a number of gothic novels and poetic works. According to the concept proposed by him, the initial point is the principle of "the unity of the effect or impression", which is subject to all structural elements of the work, including the organization of the text. Thus, the American classic laid the foundations of the subsequent theory of "Short Story". However, there is another point of view: the English researcher of the Eagle is convinced that the British authors created their novels without taking into account the concept of the American writer.

At the end of the XIX century, the detailed description of the novel as a special literary genre offers English critic B. Matthew. The principle of unity impressions put forward by E. software remains among Matthews as one of the decisive signs of the novel. However, with this requirement, he does not just associate brevity and laconism as a feature inherent in the poetic genre, but also makes a significant addition: the integrity of the impression is achieved due to the fact that only one event is depicted in the novel, one character, one sense or a number of sensations caused by one event. Another achievement of Matthews is recognition along with the event of a new novel and another type of small genre, in which it would be possible to limit the description of the character of the hero or even the picture of moods and impressions.

Thus, according to the definition of the novel, "Canterbury Stories" are the collection of Novel. It consists of twenty-two poems and two prosaic novels, which combines a common frame: stories are told by pilgrims, departing to worship in Canterbury to the relics of St. Thomas Beckett. Pilgrims are described in detail in the written prologist written by the author. In accordance with the intention of the Choser himself, all the characters described by them had to tell four stories, two stories

At the beginning of the way, and two on the way with the pilgrimage home.

Advantage, "Canterbury stories" are poetic, they do not use the uniform membership of the verse. In the product of the Choseer, the stanza and dimensions vary freely, with the predominant size is a five-colored yamb with a steam rhythm, the so-called heroic verse.

Let us turn to the peculiarities of the composition of "Canterbury Story". This work is a collection of stories concluded in a single framework. In this "Canterbury Stories", similar to the "Decameron" Bokcchcho, however, the framework of these works will differ. So, a bokcchcho frame is characterized by a somewhat artificial, although the perfect, nevertheless correspond to only in terms of the description of the plague in Florence. Characters also differ, because in the "Decameron" they all belong to a single class, almost no difference from each other, individually little expressive.

In the work of Chosera in the prologue, the reader is transferred to the whirlpool of a real, modern writer of life. Josera manages to portray the Society of Pilgrimov belonging to the most different layers of society, different floors, various temperaments and ages. All pilgrims gather in a tavern near London, intending to move together in Canterbury to worship the coffin of St. Thomas Baketa.

In the general prologue, the appearance of all acting persons is drawn. Among the pilgrims - a knight, a lawyer, a monk, a student, a merchant, a cook, a chapellan, a miller, weaver from Bat and many others. It is in the "general prologue" disclosed the compositional principle that the Choseer uses.

Initial history of pilgrims begin to tell in accordance with the proposal of Harry Bailey, the owner of Harchevni, and it allows pilgrims to pass their way to Canterbury and back. Each story is a poetic completed novel, it is these narratives and make up the book of Chosera.

Indeed, it can be said that the Choseer is used by a composite principle taken by Bokcchcho as a basis for creating

"Decameron". It was Bokcchcho who managed to approve in European literature a reception on the story frame of the book of Novel.

Giovanni Boccaccio is called the younger contemporary Petrarchi and one of the founders of humanistic literature in the European revival. Talent Bokcchchcho developed on the basis of the body in the culture of Florence, he managed to look at the world for his time. Boccaccio possessed and expressed in his work humanistic individualism, in fact, offering historically new, really revolutionary concept of reality, where the earthly, real, internally free person was considered as a center of the Sustinous Space.

They laid the foundations of modern novels. His

"Decameron" is the book of Novel. It includes a hundred novel, which for 10 days young people and young ladies are told. The author's novels are inherent in such features as the involvement of the story, the bright image of the heroes, its novels are distinguished by the artistic grace, alternative interpretation of Fabul. The center of Roman Bokcchcho is the problem of identity identity, which has received a broad perspective in the further development of the culture of the Renaissance. Frame for Novel is a description of the plague from which the novel begins. Share Bokcchcho could talk from his own observations, because he managed to see her destructive effect with his own eyes. Decameron has a pronounced rhetoric, a large number of various roles in the novel. The plague is described by the writer impartially, calmly, practically with scientific objectivity, with a kind of rigor. The plague in its novel is often interpreted as a specific large-scale image of the crisis state of the world. In the composition of the collection of Novel

"Decameron" with some researchers a reflection of the principles of gothic architecture is revealed.

So, according to a study by V. Glodovsky, the collection of Gothic Renaissance is reflected in the construction of a collection, the change of transcendental - immanent theology - humanism, a man - man, the harmony of the metaphysical necessity - harmony of individual freedom.

Medieval fabuls in the "Decameron" were not simply set out, they were retended, while they were lost scenario schematism of religious "examples", medieval "Novellino", urban jokes. All these forms of narration, a completely new narrative length was acquired.

A.N. Veselovsky so wrote about this: "The case is not in the repetition of ready-made narrative schemes, but in their combinations, if they meet the aesthetic purposes, in the new lighting, in the analysis materials, in the fact that forces us to talk about Bokcchcho, as about one of the hedlemen artistic realism.

Collection of Boccaccio, as well as "Canterbury Stories" Jeffrey Chosera, contains in itself a common joke, and a knightly history, and episodes of a modern scandalous chronicle. However, unlike Chosera, in Decameron, all these stories are retold by the same carefully verified language, characterized by sweet, harmonicity, albeit certain artificiality.

Roman "Boccaccio" is based on the strict unity of the external structure. For Novel Boccaccio characteristic is a prose style, neutral style, and a typical tense, acute action, plot drama is highlighted. The Action Novel is unfolded in everyday life, but the plot itself is unusual, to a sharp violation of the dimension of everyday life. Guete Novella defined as "one extraordinary incident."

In general, the composition "Decameron" is similar to the collection of oriental fairy tales like "Thousand and One Night", where the framing collection, "frames", there is an exceptionally service, often ornamental, where novels in each other and in the frame are invested as matryoshki. But the framing of Decameron has its aesthetic necessity.

For themselves, the novels in the "Decameron" are not disparate, this product is quite holistic. The framing implies the accumulation of the novel from the inside, acts as the organic part of the general artistic structure. It does

"Canterbury Stories" Jeffrey Choseer is similar to

"Decameron". Bokcchcho manages not just to collect stories with their rethinking, but also to show how this process happened. Compositional "Rama" performs in a completely new capacity: within the framework of the framework, individualism develops into a historically new social phenomenon.

At the same time in the Decameron, the framing itself is complex, two-stage. The first step is the author's "I" of Bokcchcho himself, in the second step, the humanistic integrity of the world's vision is aesthetically embodied. In addition, it is possible to distinguish a fairly close connection between the storytellers in the Decameron and the author's "I" of Bokcchcho himself. The narrators themselves are similar to each other in the ways of presentation.

Until now, among literary criticism (Research by A.N. Veselovsky, A.K. Dzhivegova, V.E. Krusman, M.P. Alekseeva, A.A. Aniksta, Yu.M. Saprykin, G.V. Anikina, N .P. Mikhalskaya, etc.) There is a well-established opinion on what

"Canterbury stories" were written under the influence


We looked at the features of the Decameron Boccaccio, now we will turn to understanding the compositional correspondences of the works of Bokcchcho and Chosera.

Opens the work of Chosera "General Prolog", where the appearance of existing persons are identified. It is in the prologue that the author specifies the main compositional principle that will be used in the future. Pilgrims are invited to tell entertaining stories, and it is these stories that are completed by the completed poetic novels.

In general, it can be said that "Canterbury stories" refer to the ancient genre tradition of the collection of the ART, the novel, which are united by the common story "frame". In this case, this frame is the situation of conversation, alternation of narrator. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a fairly common tradition, in which a large number of works of world literature has been created under the pen of Jeffrey Chosera, important changes. The author is striving for the transfer of the main plot from the position of greater naturalness, greater significance, which makes it possible to more naturally framed the plug-in novels. In addition to the general prolobe, the pilgrim feature is also contained in spongings that directly finish their stories.

A dynamic and finely built plot gives Coelora the opportunity to use or burling almost all genres of medieval literature. Thus, one of the main genre components of this work is the newly described by us. However, in addition to the novella in the work there are elements of many other medieval genres. The knight sets out a story in the spirit of the knightly novel. Igumena tells the legend of the tortured Christian boy - this is already a genre of life. The carpenter tells the ridiculous and obscene history in the spirit of the rapid urban folklore resembling the genre of Fablo. Based character has stories of monastery chapellane and economa. The story of the indulgence seller contains elements of folklore fairy tale and parables.

When considering the composition of the work, it should be noted that all the stories of pilgrims arise as if randomly aroused out of the circumstances of conversations, and each of them complements either the preceding story, which is closely associated with the framework of the framework, Novella.

It can be said that the composite innovation of Jeffrey Choseer is within one product of the synthesis of genres. Almost every story has its own, unique genre specificity, which makes "Canterbury stories" a kind of "encyclopedia" of medieval genres.

In the work of "Decameron", Bokcchcho to high perfection brings only one genre - a small prose story-novel in Italian literature existing before him in Italian literature.

Bokcchcho in the Decameron lens to Latin medieval collections of stories, on the eastern bizarre parables; Often, small French stories with humorous content, the so-called "Fablio" or "Fabio" are retelling. However, Choseter goes much further as we see on the example of his "Canterbury Story".

The work of Boccaccio "Decameron" is not just a collection, which includes a hundred novel, it is an artistic and ideological whole, which is thought out and built in accordance with a certain plan. Novels in the "Decameron" one after another follow not arbitrarily, but in a certain order, which is strong enough. Bashes these novels, as we have already noted, framing the story, entry to the book, a kind of composite rod. With similar construction, the narrator of various novels act as participants of the framing, introductory story.

In general, it can be noted that maybe Jeffrey Choseer in creating "Canterbury stories" was borrowed a composite reception used earlier than Bokcchcho in the creation

"Decameron". And, nevertheless, the Chosera detects closer ties between individual stories with their framing narration. Jeffrey Choseer is committed to greater importance and naturalness of the main plot that framed the "plug-in" novels, which is not in the work of Boccaccio. poet character narrative novel

The work of Chosera, despite the same with the "Decameron" composition and the presence of several random scene matches, can be called completely unique. Note that in the stories that are comparable to Bokcchcho, Choseer is always more detailed, more deployed and in detail, in many moments it acts more saturated, begins to have greater dramatic and significance.

And if we can speak in relation to the "Canterbury stories" of the relative genre diversity of this work, in comparison with it, Decameron is a work that is presented only by the novel genre, although communicated to perfection. But, of course, this does not mean that for world literature, the work of Boccaccho is much less value. Each writer has its own tasks, each work bears its definite mission. Thus, the Boccaccio created by him "Decameron" destroys the religious and ascetic worldview, giving an extraordinarily bright, complete, diverse reflection of the modern Italian reality. Boccaccio manages to bring the whole gallery of the figures that they are taken from different layers of society, and put them with typical features.

It was the "Decameron" Bokcchcho allowed to approve the novel as an independent full genre, and "Decameron", which was imbued with the spirit of modern national culture, began to act as a sample for a variety of generations not only Italian, but also European writers, which we see on the example of Chosera.

For a better understanding of the composition of "Canterbury Story", it is possible to compare it with the work of Chosera "Legend of Approximate Women". In "Legend" and in "Canterbury Stories", Choseer give two structurally different solutions to the problem of framed composition. In the "general prologue" to "Canterbury Stories", the desire is the desire to entertain pilgrims going to Canterbury. "Legend" combines a love vision (in the prologue) with the meeting of stories, and the general prologue to "Canterbury Studies" implies a real situation. In addition, there is also a difference in the method of representation: the history of "legends" is set out by the narrator who is likely to be Choseer himself. They are united by the thematic thread, but there are no "dramatic" bonds based on action. In "Canterbury Stories", the Choseer appears as one of the pilgrims-story stories and at the same time as a storyteller. In the collection of Chosera there is a dramatic effect, although it is characterized by fragmentary and incompleteness, which, nevertheless, binds every story with the subsequent (such patterns can be traced in relation to a number of stories).

"The Legend of Good Women" consists of a prologue and nine legends. In the prologue to the "legend", Choseer tried to offer structural motivation for the framing of the meeting of the stories. The figure of Alcesta was to provide motivation for narrative legends. It was a bold attempt by the poet to unite the vision with the collection of stories.

Scene frame "Canterbury stories" is somewhat different. Harry Bailey's owner invents a competition that entertained pilgrims in their long trip to Canterbury and back: each of them must tell two stories, but that's not all. At the end of the way, the one who told the most instructive and interesting story will be awarded a lunch that promises to be luxurious. In other words, this is a kind of "way" literary competition, based on oral narrative skills, with a prospect of a gastronomic award. But events do not unfold according to plan:

pilgrims do not reach Canterbury, not to mention the return; And the prize dinner will not take place too. At the end of the twenty-fourth history, the host announces that only one story lacks to complete his plan. And it tells it, or rather, preaching, pastor, and under the influence of his sermon, the author introduces a renunciation, in which the creator of the book is implicitly represented, trying to obey the sinful stories that were told. He thanks God for those religious works he wrote for the translation

"Consolidation of philosophy" Bohetia. And finally, he himself prepares himself to repentance and reincarnation, which, as he hopes, gives him salvation on the day.

Thus, "Canterbury Stories", although they are not finished, but still have the ending, somewhat different from what Harry Bailey occurred, organizing the action of all narrative. And yet the stories do not have a perfect architectural sequence: they are unrelated fragments of different quantities, which precedes the "General Prolog".

You can find explanations to such contradictions. First of all, of course, this is a hasty approach of the author's death. In addition, some literary critations explained that the author was organically unable to complete his own work.

In the structure of "Canterbury Story" - pilgrimage

There is a hidden allegorical meaning in which the pilgrimage in Canterbury appears as a pilgrimage of human life to Jerusalem, heavenly hail

In addition, based on earlier studies, it can be noted that in the "dramatic principle" the unifying form of all work is laid: three factors for the development of action (compliance between the story and the storytellor, the external motivation, internal motivation), which managing the fulfillment by pilgrims of obligations.

In general, we can say that the structural model

"Canterbury's stories" is the plexus of a number of stories in the Maze, which Choseer mentioned in the work

"House of Glory." In this regard, the plan is particularly important, which pursues Choseer in "Canterbury Stories" and which makes this collection of Novel so difficult.

In the work, Choseer himself is represented by the reader with one of the pilgrim characters who travel to Canterbury. It is he who appears at the Hotel Gabard, joins the pilgrims group, listens to the name of the owner and goes to the grave of Beket. As a nobody is not a famous pilgrim and a small narrator, he informs the story of Sir Tasse. When it is interrupted, he begins to talk about Melibea. He is manifested in a narrative as an ordinary observer who is closer to worldly interests. This pilgrim Choseer is a narrative "I" of the total action, the so-called frame, framing.

Of course, the "Canterbury Stories" are by no means a diary, in connection with which it can be assumed that the pilgrim Choseer refreshes what they were seen and heard. These are different events - the appearance of different pilgrims, their characters, features, faces, conversations, conflicts and, finally, history. A similar narrative ambiguity (Chosera-Pilgrim and Narantor Against Pilgrims-storymen) is reflected at the end of the "Student's story", where the student who just told the story of Grizelda, wishes to sing a song, followed by the "Cheoster's afterword", in connection with which it is not clear, Who exactly acts as a storyteller - the student itself or Choseer-narrator.

This ambiguity in "Canterbury Stories" is often meaningful: for example, in the case of a Melnik, who, being in the impulse, promises to report his story, but he tells it a good literary language subject to rhyme and in a perfect organization, which does not correspond to his state. Here, his presence is immediately discovered by the narrator again. The analysis carried out allows us to speak about the presence in the "Canterberian stories" of the priest of the implicit narrator who does not call herself, but, nevertheless, it often affects the course of telling stories.

In general, the narrator himself is represented as a narrator of the stories represented by others, and at the same time as the author of the book; It should be noted that a similar taking Choseer also used in Troil and Cresan.

We also note that in "Canterberian stories", a composite framing, in fact, is national. Such is the situation of the state of the NOVEL: This is a tavern in the leading road in Canterbury, this is a crowd of pilgrims, where, in essence, almost all English society is represented.

Thus, the narrator of poems and "Troil and Cresan" is at the same time as a creator over the text and as a character inside it. He is a man who created this text. Sometimes a narrator in the text reports about the other works ("Legend of Good Women"). He is the creator of other narrator and he is a fictional narrator among other narrator, a person who gives a report before his conscience. Choseer of the end of "Canterbury Story"

This is simultaneously for the reader that "I", which tells the history of pilgrimage, and "I" of who says "Sir Topasa" and

"Melibay". It is possible that all stories presented in the collection of stories have been read publicly than and some repetitions are explained, the use of formulas, direct issues of the audience, requests for attention, narrative transitions.

These stories told by pilgrims to other travelers reproduce the social and literary reality of that time, relationship between the text, its author and the reading public.

FGBOU VPO Stavropol State University

Scientific leader: to. East N., Associate Professor of the Department of the Ancient World and Middle Ages, FGBOU VPO Stavropol State University

D. Choseer and "Canterbury Stories": View of the contemporary on the Society of EnglandXIV IN.

In this article we turn to the problem of literary texts as one of the types of historical sources. At the same time, the issue of their relevance, one way or another, concerns the problem of the author, and upon closer examination, and how the origin, education and social experience affect the nature of the text and how to reflect the surrounding reality in it. From the same positions, we analyze the composition of D. Chosera "Canterbury Stories".

Jeffrey Chosera (1340? -1400) consider the father of English poetry, the creator of literary English, the first English poet-realist, preren-essential humanist. The main essay of the poet, the result of his creative paths are "Canterbury's stories", where the author's interest to the political, economic, ethical, religious phenomena of England was fully expressed, and most importantly to their contemporaries - people of various estates and states.

Biography of Chosera is an excellent example of a person's existence in various social fields. In different periods of his life, the poet, communicated with representatives of almost all classes, which allowed him to know all aspects of the life of English society. And if you consider that Choseer took place not only as a poet and a different kind of employee, but also like a husband and family man, his personality in good sense becomes striking.

D. Choseer was born in the London merchant family of Norman origin, his father was a wealthy winegirl, had a major enterprise to import in England of Spanish and Italian wines. Apparently he was a supplier of the Royal Court, which gave the opportunity to Joser in his youth to get into the root of courtiers, in English aristocratic Societywhere the future poet knows life and morals higher feudal class. In 1357, he already occupied the position of a group in the retinue of his wife's son Edward - Duke Lionel Clarence, and after two years he becomes a squire and takes part in the military campaign of King Eduard to France. There, Jeffrey is captured near the city of Reims, but the generous king redeems him for only 16 livres. In his court care, Choseer experienced ups and downs, the replacing English kings treated him in different ways, but the poet himself was always faithful to his patrons, for example, the son of Edward III Duke Lancaster John Gonta.

At the courtyard, Choseer witnessed one of the most important phenomena of the XIV C.: The latter in the history of England a surge of knightly culture in Eduard III. The king was a passionate lover of tournaments, embodied all the knightly ideals and tried to revive the cult of chivalry. Choseer shared such moods. In addition, the poet lived in an era of a century of war, and moreover was its participant. Military actions to the addiction of Eduard himself, allowed the cheeper to penetrate the lifestyle knightly class: reading a knight's story from "Canterbury Stories" We see that Choseer was well understood in the knightly fights and tournaments, we celebrate their detailed description.

Since 1370, a new band began in the life of Chosera. He became, on behalf of the king, accompany diplomatic missions to Europe: visited Italy twice - in 1373 and 1378. There are suggestions that the poet personally met with the hedrangers of the Italian humanism Petrarch and Boccaccio, although there are no reliable data on these meetings. One clear, this period in the life of Chosera is one of the most important. He gave the poet to watch highly developed urban wanternistic culture, master italian, expand social and cultural experience. Moreover, the influence of the early-maintenance of Italian literature is clearly felt in the same "Canterbury stories."

From 1374 to 1386. Choseer served as a customs controller on wool, skin and furs in the London port. This position was not easy. The poet had to spend the whole day in the port, to write all reports and accounts, inspect the goods, charge fines and duties. For creativity, there was no time, and only at night, Chosecher worked on his works. Then he read the book and engaged in self-education.

Poet addiction to reading is obvious. Its writings testify to the knowledge of the ancient and medieval literature, Dante's works, Petrarki, Boccaccio (which is atypically for England), Holy Scriptures, the works of "Fathers of the Church", about interest in philosophy, music, astronomy, alchemy. Links to books are constant in all major writings of Chosera. And the tradition attributes to the poet possession of the library in 60 volumes, which was a lot for that time. The answer to the question of which education received the poet is not clear so far, but many researchers suggest that legal. Based on what knowledge was to have a Choseer, occupying various government positions, and in which educational institutions of his circle and prosperity were trained, Gardner comes to the conclusion that the poet could study the sciences in the inner temptel - the guild of lawyers created from the Temple Church in London.

Surprisingly, "customs" is the most productive period of the poet's creativity. Now Choseer saw the genuine life of London XIV century, met with city England. Museum and officials, artisans and small merchants, Yomen and Villans, monks and priests passed by him. Thus, the service brought him into contact with the business world of London, and the social types seen them later appeared in his stories.

In addition to the service and writing, Choseer implements himself and in his personal life: the poet since 1366 was married to Philippe Roet, Freilline of the second Duchess Lancaster and had three children. In addition, despite its strongest employment, Choseer was engaged in public activities - was a global judge in the County of Kent (1385), a deputy in Parliament from the same county (1386). Staying in Kent, he met with rural EnglandCommunicating "with people from the Earth": landlords, tenants, managers, villains, cotters. This environment strongly enriched its observation.

Subsequent years were not very successful in the life of Chosera. Richard II's era was full of intrigue and political conflicts: the Duke of Gloucester and the patron siest of the poet D. Gonz and Duke Lancaster fought for influence on young Richard II. After the victory of the gloss, Choseer lost his place in customs. His financial situation worsened, and in 1387 a wife died. Choseer was morally depressed, "black strip" appeared in his life. Only in 1389, when Mattering Richard II took power into his hands, Choseer received the position of the Royal Position and Wardrifier for the repair of royal buildings, but lasted it for a long time. In 1391, he was dismissed, and the last years of his life he lived with random handcomies and orders. On October 25, 1400, Choseer died, and his grave became the first in the "corner of poets" in Westminster Abbey.

Surprisingly, but in the goal. - In the most difficult years in his life (political intrigues, removal from office, financial problems, the death of his wife), Choseer creates the brightest, cheerful book, complete humor and irony - "Canterbury stories". Stories can be called an "encyclopedia of the literary genres of the Middle Ages". Here is a knightly novel, and piety legend, and a historical story, and Fabio, and the sermon, and the novel. By the way, the head design of the book of Chosera was innovative for that time, it was well known in the East, but in Europe there was only a few authors (for example, Bokacho).

The imaginary April morning of 29 spilled pilgrims from various parts of England are departed from Sautorka in Canterbury to the tomb of St. Thomas Baketa and, in order to entertain himself on the road, tell each other's stories - that it would seem, and the entire plot of "Canterbury Stories". However, in him, Choseer was able to express the realities of medieval England. Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who deceased with a violent death in 1170, was famous for which she was healed from diseases. Such a pilgrimage was very popular in England, it is believed that the poet himself made it in 1385.

In the general prologue, the narrator, whom Choseer endowed his name, appearance and even calling the poet, in turn represents and describes the pilgrims. Pilgrims can be divided into several groups: people whose life takes place in military campaigns, residents of countryside, citizens, spiritual faces, representatives of the city intelligentsia. We see that pilgrims belong to different layers of society, not only the highest court (duke, princes) and church (bishops, archbishks) of the aristocracy are not represented. This is due to the fact that by the mid-1380s. Chosera's connection with the royal yard significantly weakened, and the stories he intended for the citizens of citizens, usually not encountered with the highest estates.

So, in "Canterbury Stories", Choseer protrudes from the position of the author-storyteller. At the same time, it does not simply characterize modern English society and shows the realities of England XIV century, but also expresses the views of the representative of a new social type, which began to develop in the cities of the time, a secular official formed by the Mijanin. Those in the stories there are several sense levels and Review of the very teacher itself can be distinguished far from always, the researchers note that the characteristics of pilgrims, these poet, are objective, and express time trends.

In the prologue, Choseer describes three characters whose life is associated with the war: Knight, Squire-squire and yomen. In this triple, the chief act is a knight. More than a third of all the stories are devoted to a knightly topic, here apparently affected the "knight" youth of the very teacher himself. In them, two trends in the knighthood image can be distinguished: one develops the image of the valiant and noble warrior, scheduled for a prologue (the story of the doctor, the knight himself), the other shows the folding tradition of the knight's ridiculous (the story of the weave from Bat and the merchant). The last tradition of the knight's image not only goes back to Pocil and urban literature, but also expresses a pan-European tendency - the decline of the knightly class, which was observed in England.

Choseer draws a large number of representatives of the clergy (Abbatis, Monk-Benedynetinetin, Monk Carmelit, a priest, the baits of the church court, the seller of indulgence). In the characteristics of these characters, he notes such trends in its time as priority and formal piety, oblivion of the vow of poverty and the compassion, a deception of the population. At the same time, an important role is assigned to contrasts: the negative qualities of most of the clearing shall the image of the parish priest idealized by the author. This is the only type of clergy to which the poet apparently felt respect and sympathy: "I didn't know the best priest," he says. D. Choseer is not just abruptly criticizing the clergy, it reflects in the stories of the realities of England XIV century. - Decomposition of the Cleary, an increase in the number of belling monks-joints, louse money from the people of papal indulgences, arbitrariness of church bailiffs and the spread of weekelife ideas. Apparently, Choseer was well acquainted with the ideas of Lollardov, because his contemporary - reformer of the British Church D. Wicklifa provided assistance to D. Gonz - friend and patron of the poet. It is important to note that Chosera, the former life of the Catholic, the ironic image of the clergy does not turn into a sharply accuratory, relating to the Institute of the Catholic Church as a whole. Obviously, this criticism is not faith, but its carriers.

"Canterbury Stories" paint a whole gallery of Pilgrims-citizens. We are interested in artisans (dye, carpenter, chapellor, weaver, coarseer) and a merchant. Choseer describes five rejected artisans-burghers, members of the shop brotherhood, which were part of the London guilds. It is a handicraft top, wealthy citizens, they are richly dressed, have sufficient income, wise, and may well become Aldermen - participate in urban management. These people are "with the importance of richness", the mansion holds the whole road. They in every way stretch to Gentry class, emphasize their high social status: their wives require them to make Madame, and the citizens themselves are carrying a cook with them to prepare them on the road. In essence, Choseer thus reflects the economic and social processes occurring in England XIV C.: The decomposition of the workshop system, the differentiation of shop artisans, the folding of the bourgeoisie, which focuses power in their hands in the city. The poet does not accidentally talk about all artisans immediately - perhaps he unconsciously expresses the view of contemporaries who perceived citizens as a whole. Describing the merchant, Choseer calls him a worthy person who knows how to conduct his affairs caring about profits, richly dressed. Although the poet ironically notices that the merchant gives money to growth and skillfully hides his debts, he is far from the traditional condemnation of the merchant, does not apply the epithet "false", speaks of him with respect, thus reflecting the growing influence of merchants in London life.

In the stories, Choseer emphasizes the new meaning that they began to acquire money in the English society of the XVI century. As one of the main types of wealth. Get rich by any means is the main desire of many poet contemporaries. The topic of greed and money is almost in half of all the stories, and the pilgrims are made to everyone as it can: the seller of indulgences lures the money with holy relics, the doctor of medicine and his friend the pharmacist is deceived by patients and so on.

The peasantry compared to other orders of Choseer paid a little attention: Pohacarian Pilgrim in the Prologue is almost the only image of the peasant. In the image of the peasant there is no duality, the poet idealizes the pahahar, as well as the priest, saying "he was his brother." Packer hardly seemed, merciful, very diveged, willingly pay tithing. The peasant is completely deprived of the fighting features of the followers of Tyler, the leader of the peasant uprising of 1381. To the peasantry, Choseer approached from the position of the weekef, he was far from both the protection of the peasantry and the curses against the peasants of the rebels; For him were the most acceptable social compromise and compliance with the estate hierarchy. No wonder the other hero of Chosera - the priest condemns in his sermon and recalcitrant "servants" -Cresten, and the cruel "gentlemen" -lords, because everyone has different, but inevitable obligations to each other. Directimate about social conflicts, Choseer does not speak stories, however, we meet the mention of other equally important events in the life of England XIV. - For example, the plague - "black death" in the GG. in prologue.

Of the three representatives of the medieval secular "intelligentsia" (lawyer, doctor and Oxford Clerk), it is especially worth highlighting a student. Clerk beggar, hungry, but strives for knowledge and better will have 20 books than an expensive dress. Perhaps such a sufficient benevolent description of the student inspired by his own love of Chosera to books and knowledge. The idealized student's image rarely met in life, because Choseer shows more real clerks, merry and resourceful, loving worldly life and love adventures (Melnik and Majordome stories).

The total realism of the "Canterbury stories" of Chosera is also expressed in the fact that many character characters are considered to have real prototypes in life: the sailor is identified with Pirate John Pierce, and the knight - with Heinrich Lancaster, Eduard III cousin. Moreover, even the tavern herself "Tabard" and her owner Harry Bailey, described by Choseer in the stories, existed in fact.

So, the content of "Canterbury stories" is closely connected with the social experience of Chosera, who, originated from the city class and was the carrier of its mental plants. By virtue of their classes related to the constant change of professional activity, he had the opportunity to closely contact not only the citizens, but also court aristocracy, clarity and, in part, with the villagers. In the stories, many people pressing questions, such as a socio-economic nature, the decomposition of the workshop, the growing influence of merchants, the folding of the bourgeoisie and the justification of the desire for profit. At the same time, the poet does not simply record the events and describes the characters, but also to some extent assesses them - ironically criticizes the greed of the clergy, reflects on the keenships go out into the past. The fact that there is a specific urban world view of the villains in Chosera, it is manifested in the realistic-friendly portion of the citizens and in the practical absence of attention to the peasantry, in ridicule of the clergy and in a dual evaluation of the knighthood.


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