When NN is written in nouns. Spelling of the case and generic endings

When NN is written in nouns. Spelling of the case and generic endings
When NN is written in nouns. Spelling of the case and generic endings

The lesson is carried out on the textbook for the 6th grades of educational institutions, Moscow "Enlightenment". Tutorial authors: M.T. Baranov, TA Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Tostenzova, L.T. Grigoryan, I.I. Kulibaba.

In the conduct of the lesson helps the showing of the slides of the computer presentation ( Attachment 1).

1 Slide (clicking) .

Theme lesson:"One and two letters n. In adjective suffixes.

Objectives lesson:

  • Introduce students with one and two letters n. In the suffixes of adjectives.
  • Teach correctly writing adjectives with one and two letters n. .
  • Condimize, orally and writing to explain the conditions for choosing one and two letters n. In the suffixes of adjectives.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

2. We continue to get acquainted with the suffix of the word education.

  • Forward adjectives from noun: sleep, station, straw, duck, sand, oil, highlight word-forming suffixes.
  • What do you think one letter is written in some adjectives n. , and in others - two n. ?

(The guys are trying to bring the rule of writing H-NN in the suffixes of adjectives.)

2 slide (clicking) .

3. Then I propose the guys to get acquainted with the algorithm. The main thing in work on the algorithm is to convince students to gain patience and not miss anything, to take care of the sequence of actions. Students are recorded in notebooks in the course of the explanation, in which suffixes are written n. -nN. .

3 Slide (clicking) .

4. Guys, we reviewed the spelling nn. In suffixes full adjectives. And how much n. Is it written in suffixes of brief adjectives?

Students learn that a brief form as complete: nN. aya thing - tse nN. a, wind n. aya weather -Tellre n. but.

I pay attention to the guys to spelling words windy - windmaster. The spelling of these words depends on the value. Along the way I will introduce other words:

oil - oil, salt - salty.

Perform exercise 319. According to the textbook on page 128.

Determine which vowels in suffixes need to be written in the following cases:

wind .. so (weather), wind .. and winds (days), wind ... nose (morning), wind .. one (especially), wind .. one (young man), wind .. so (mill), wind .. Noah (engine).

4 Slide (clicking) .

5. Acquaintance with Ophogram number 38 on the textbook page 127.

6. The spelling of the following words need to remember:

green, blue, crumb, spicy, pork, young, barracks, pheasses, ruddy, seals, peacocks.

In them letter n. is included in the root, so one is written in words n. .

(Students write these words in the notebook.)

5 Slide (clicking) .

7. The proposed words from the exercise 321 write down in two columns with one n. and with two n. In the suffixes of adjectives.

Revolutionary, eagle, enthusiastic, oat, woolen, dining, tin, leather, wooden, animal, peat, sightseeing, written, glass, aviation, sandy, bone, ordinary.

Explain the writing of the missed letters using the algorithm.

6 Slide (clicking) .

8. Explain the writing of the missed letters.

(Record only words in which letters are missing.)

7 Slide (clicking) .

9. The last stage of the lesson is fixing. I suggest the guys test "Check yourself" - a control and training task in writing, which is characterized by the speed of the procedure for performing and accuracy of the evaluation of the result and allows you to reveal the level of assimilation of the rules.

At this stage of the lesson, students act independently. Independent work at the primary fixture is checked immediately after its execution. The most effective acceptance, in my opinion, is self-test or mutual test on the suggested answer to the test.

Such work contributes to the development of spelling dust, allowing to see how the word is written. After checking students, allowing errors, explain the algorithm of spelling actions with this word.

  • Understand the algorithm in writing words in which mistakes are made.

Cast iron lattice, windy day, crushing sunsets, goose paws, machine compartment, painful feeling, wonderful incident, vintage watches, young face, icy mountain, canvas bag, roasting battles, tin box, vital drama, majestic column, swan song.

  • Put yourself a rating: "5" - for 16 correct answers, "4" - for 13-15, "3" - for 9-12, "2" - for 6-8.

8 Slide (clicking) .

10. Summarizing.

11. Homework: Paragraph 56, Ex. 320. To this noucent, choose one-sided adjectives with suffixes - n. -, -an. -(-jan. -) or - eNN -.

Adjective names:

1) the names of adit to suffixes -an-, -yan-, -in- Writing with one -He-: Clay, Silver, Chicken. Exceptions: glass, tin, wooden.

2) adjectives with suffixes -In-, -n Writing with two -: aviation, related.An exception : windy, butter.

3) in adjectives formed from the foundation on -N. With suffix -, Two is written -:painted (picturen. - +. n. ).

Communities and adjectives formed from verbs:

Two letters - They are written in suffixes of complete communions and adjectives formed from verbs:

1) If they have a prefix: sun smeared, from boiled (but: with a lot of boy on the name);

2) If they have dependent words with them: varenn Aya. on milk;

3) if there are suffixes in the word -OV-, -Ev- ,-: marinated, asphalt;

4) if the word is formed from the smooth verb of the perfect species (except wounded):degraded;

In brief communations, one is written -and in adjectives - two (except for the shape of the only number of male genus). It should be distinguished by the full and brief forms of the suffering communities of the past time with suffixes -n and -n and adjectives formed by verbs. Compare:

brought upcommunion from the verb "raise"; Brief shape: raised, raised a, pupil about, brought up and brought up adjective; Brief form: raised, pupil, brought up, pupil.

How to distinguish? It is possible in meaning, but it's easier to try to substitute for a brief form of the word ' more’:Masha is raised grandmother and Masha is pupil, polite and smart. As you can see, in the first case, the substitution of the proposed word is inappropriate, and in the second - it is quite real. In addition, persistent communities require the presence (at least at the subconscious level) of the instructions on the one who performed the action denoted in the communion.

Writing one or two letters -in sophisticated adjectives obeys the general rule: smooth (paint, imperfect species); smooth cooked (paint, perfect view).

Adverch formed from adjectives with two -Also written with two -: she was organized by O..

In the names of nouns, formed from adjectives, communion and ungalled adjectives, written so much -How many of them were in a producing basis: pupil (from ' brought up), martyr (from ' muggy) .

Two - n.- written in all words formed from the basics of -H with suffix starting on -N.:foam (PEN -A + H -Y), Hexagon (Six + Gran + N IR).


Its manners did not differ simplicity, but were the delight (1) s. In the labyrinth of curves, narrow and weak (2) of the streets, the people are forever. The chaufferes argued with the loaders that the machine is underly-loading (3) a.

Manners (what?) Razis (1) s. This is a brief adjective, since it can be replaced by a complete form of the sister ... ha We define the writing of the full form: the delight is formed from the verbity, in which there is a prefix from-. Thus, both in full, and in brief form we write two NNs. Impression (2) s (what?) Streets. This is a complete adjective formed from the verb of an imperfect type to be brought. The prefix does not affect the writing, suffix -OV / Christmas No, the dependent words are also absent. We write one N. Machine in short (3) A (what is done?). This is a brief communion, as it can be replaced by the verb underwrought. In short pieces, one N. is written in this way, the correct option is the answer number 4.

In which version of the answer, all the numbers are correct, on the site of which NN is written?

The house was somewhat away from the forest; Its walls here and there were a reproduction (1) with fresh lasies, the windows of painting (2) s Bellyl, a small porch side, isoching (3) thread, still smelled of resin.

In the foreground of the painting on the background of the figures of the ripples (1) from the Maza (2) Sale, the maiden figure in a snow-white dress with a pellet (3) sleeves.

In which answer is correctly indicated all the figures, on the site of which one letter n is written?

On the picture "Kermesa" Rubens depicted a crowd of deceruent (1) boring, studious (2) about sailing faces (3) ya dance.

Orfogram: spelling - and -nn- in different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, communion, adverbs).

1. Two letters of N. Writing: 1) in adjectives formed by suffix - from nouns with the basis for N. (sleep - sleepy); 2) in adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -In-, -n (station). An exception: windy.

2. One letter N. Writing: 1) in the suffix -in- (goose); 2) in suffix -an- (-jan.-) Adjective formed from nouns (leather). Exceptions : tin, wooden, glass.

3. B. brief adjectives written as many letters n., so much in full. Tumanny (foggy).

4. Two letters N. they are written in suffixes of complete communities and adjectives formed from the verbs: 1) if they have a prefix, except not-; 2) if dependent words include them; 3) if there is a suffix in the word - (-Eve-); 4) If the word is formed from the smooth verb of the perfect species, except for the wounded. Dried, galvanized, deprived (from depriving - verb. Owls.), Merry

5. One letter N. Writing in suffixes: 1) short suffering communities; 2) smooth adjectives formed from the verbs of an imperfect species, as well as not having a dependent word (confused answer). Exceptions; Slow, desired, sacred, despite, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected.

6. In adverbs on -about (-E.) writes as much n.how many adjectives they are formed. Usually (ordinary).

Table "Spelling - and -nn- in different parts of speech"

The announcement of the lesson "Spelling is - and -n-in different parts of speech".

The spelling is - and -n - in the suffixes of different parts of speech

In this task, knowledge is needed about the ways of education of words!

Prompt.You can find information about them in the task B1.


Depending on the part of speech, the rule is divided into three parts.

Full adjectives and communion.

Remember!Both parts of speech in primary form answer the question: what?



























nameN.hay (brother)

pricingN.bY (Father)


Brief adjectives and communion.

To cope with this part of the rule, you need to know the signs of each of the parts of speech.

Nouns and adverbs.

In adverbs, it is written as much as in words from which they were formed:

personed Beach? Oh - Beeshe? Ji (see Part number 1 Rules: Educated from the verb to clarify an imperfect species, without the prefixes and suffixes -OV / -EEV \u003d Mad \u003d mad)


Before you come to apply the rule, see if this is the word exception! These include:

mosheNN.iR RoachN.iK

tribeNN.iR PridaN.oE




Algorithm actions.

1. We define what part of the speech are the words in which are missing -n- or -n. This is necessary in order to know which part of the rule to use.

2. Remember whether this is an exception.

3. Think, from which words are educated words.

4. According to the rule, we defined the writing.

Help the task.

In which version of the answer, all the numbers are correct, on the site of which NN is written?

Its manners did not differ simplicity, but were the delight (1) s. In the labyrinth of curves, narrow and weak (2) of the streets, the people are forever. The chaufferes argued with the loaders that the machine is underly-loading (3) a.

1) 1,2 2) 1,3 3) 1,2,3 4) 1

Manners (what?) Razis (1) s.This is a brief adjective, as it can be replaced by a full form. exisk ... Sy. Determine the writing of the full form: exisk ... Sy Educated from verb find outin which there is a prefix from-. Thus, both in full, and in brief form we write two NNs.

Impression (2) s (what?) Streets. This is a complete adjective formed from the verb of an imperfect pOST. The prefix does not affect the writing, suffix -OV / Christmas No, the dependent words are also absent. We write one N.

Machine shortage (3) A (what is done?). This is a brief communion, as you can replace the verb underwear. One N. is written in brief communities.

In this wayThe correct option is the answer number 4.


1. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers on the site of which NN is written?

The house was somewhat away from the forest; Its walls here and there were a reproduction (1) with fresh lasies, the windows of painting (2) s Bellyl, a small porch side, isoching (3) thread, still smelled of resin.

First you need to understand what form It is adjective:

Then you need to find out from which part of speech The word is formed: from nouns or OT verb.

Full shape
I. adjectives from nouns II. Adjectives from verbs (communion)
- -N - -N
-an, -yan, -in

lion - lion
salt - Salo
leather - leather

! Glass

1. -One, -nn

revolution - revolutionary
foliage - deciduous

! Windy
But - Sleepy

2. N + H \u003d Son +

young, ruddy,
pork, spicy,
drunk, frown,
green, blue.

It also includes words: single, phase, climb, barracks, sazany, seals, peacock, crimson, zealous, boulane.

3. Me i \u003d Yann

temporary (time)

1. without a console

ice cream Som (frost)

not frozen
semi frozen

1. with the prefix

per sOM.

2. dependent word

ice cream mom Som.

3. Suf. ov, Eva, Irova


! Worn, vigorous, cool

! desirable, unexpected, unexpected, negand

Brief form
1. The value of the action (what are made?) - "H"
father are raised, storms are excited
2. The value of the attribute (what?) - See full form: how much "n" in full, so much in short.
They are educated nN.and education nN.s (educated and educated).

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling" H "and" NN "in adjectives and communities"

  • Spelling of communiments - Communion Grade 7

    Lessons: 3 tasks: 12 tests: 1

  • Spelling of communities involved

    Lessons: 4 tasks: 11 tests: 2

  • Spelling names of adjectives - the name of the adjective grade 6

    Lessons: 5 tasks: 10 tests: 1

  • The name is adjective as part of speech - Morphology. Independent parts of speech grade 10