Volatile substances. The exit of volatile substances

Volatile substances. The exit of volatile substances

As part of coal, along with organic substances, mineral impurities are present, which are usually ballast. To assess coal, it is important to know the ratio between these components. The technical analysis consists in determining moisture (W), ash content (a), the exit of volatile substances (V), sulfur content (SAK), heat of combustion (q) and coke residue.

Humidity Reduces the warmth of the combustion of coal. Coals are divided into three groups: B1 - with a humidity of more than 40%, B2 - 30-40%, B3 - 30% and less. Humidity is determined when heated to 1050 ° C or when drying in the desiccator over concentrated sulfuric acid. 1% moisture reduces the heat-conducting capacity of coal at 6 kcal.

Solitude. Ash - a solid non-burnable residue, formed from mineral impurities of coal, it is not equal to mineral impurities by weight, because Some of them turn into gas and water vapor. Each percentage of ash reduces the domain performance by 2.5%. A permissible ash content for coking coals is less than 10%, with a large alley content requires coal enrichment. The main components that make up ash: oxy

si, Al, Fe, Ca, MQ, Na, K, subordinate value have Ti and Mn oxides.

The exit of volatile substances. Refers to a combustible part; With a dry distillation, coal is partially moving into volatile substances (CH 4, H, CO, CO 2, etc.) volatile substances are very valuable. They have the ability to burn, and also make up the basis for obtaining various chemical products: dyes, plastics, aromatic and explosives.

Coke residue. This is a solid residue remaining after removing volatile, depending on the quality of the coal, has a different look. It can be powder - inconsistent, rock, fused or strolled. The sintering capacity of the coal is expressed in the ability when heated under certain conditions is connected to one whole and give a sufficiently durable solid residue with a porous structure - the coke of the metallurgical type. The coals that give the powdered residue are non-impressive and suitable for energy purposes only. The sulfur is a harmful admixture in coals, especially cokes, causes an increased coke consumption when weaving ore and worsens the quality of iron. According to the sulfur content, the coals are divided into groups: a small-sized (up to 1.5%), the average (1.5-2.5%), sulfur (2.5-4%), highly terrestrial (more than 4%). The latter are not suitable for use in ferrous metallurgy without prior enrichment.

Heat combustion The coal is approximately 24.62 kJ / kg. It is determined by the experimental method - by burning coal in the calorimetric bomb, and calculated by the formulas. Anthracites and skinny coals have the greatest warmth of combustion.

In many cases, especially when evaluating non-metallic minerals, in addition to the study of technical properties, chemical analyzes of raw materials (refractory and ceramic clays, limestones are both fluxes, kaolin, talc, etc.) should be carried out. For some minerals (molding sands), a granulometric analysis is also carried out.

The exit of volatile substances and the characteristic of the coke residue

When heated solid fuel to high temperatures without air access, hydrocarbons decompose with the formation of gaseous products (CO, H 2, CH 4, CO 2, etc.), which are called "volatiles". The exit of volatile solids from solid fuel occurs in the temperature range of 100 ... 1100 ° C. After removal of volatile substances remain solid coke residue.

The exit of volatile substances It is one of the important parameters of stone coal and anthracite. Exit of volatile substances and characteristics coke residue Determine the suitability of coal coal, as well as methods of burning fuel.

The exit of volatile substances increases with an increase in temperature and depends on the heat rate of coal particles. The bulk of volatile substances is formed when the coal is heated to 800 ... 850 ° C. The separation of volatile ends after 6 ... 7 minutes of heating at 850 ° C.

Essence standard method determining the exit of volatile substances consists in heating the suspension of the analytic fuel sample weighing 1 g without air access at t.\u003d (850 ± 10) ° C for 7 minutes. The exit of volatile substances is determined depending on the loss of mass of the initial suspension, taking into account the content of moisture in the fuel.

Sintering coals serve raw materials to get cokewhich is used as a reducing agent in the domain process when smelting iron from ore. Such coals are more valuable than non-advanceable, which are used as fuel.

The sintering of coals can be divided into two stages:

Softening of coal particles;

Education from the plastic mass of solid residue.

Sintering coals go to the plastic state at temperatures above 300 ° C. At a temperature of 500 ... 550 ° C, the plastic mass solidifies and the apparel solid residue is formed - halfox. With increasing temperature to 1000 ° C, an increase in the strength of the residue and forms coke.

The definition of plastic indicators is carried out in a special plastic apparatus. The conditions for conducting tests are similar to the conditions of coking coal in industry. Coal is under load and heats up on one side, from the bottom of the glass. At the same time, at different distances from the heating surface, coal will be located at different stages of converting coke. The closer to the heating surface will be layer coke and half-beds, then layer plastic coal masses (Plastic layer), and above the plastic mass - coal, which has not yet passed into the plastic state. These layers are located parallel to the heating surfaces. When the temperature increases, the layer of half-bed increases, and the coal goes into the plastic state. The longer the coal is in a plastic state, the thicker becomes the plastic layer.

Using a plastic method, the thickness of the plastic layer is determined. w.- This is the maximum distance between the surfaces of the section "Coal - plastic mass" and "plastic mass - semi-beds" (Fig. 1.5).

Figure 1.5 - Plastometric Test Schedule

To carry out the testing of the coal (100 ± 1), the size of less than 1.6 mm is placed in a plastic glass. From above on coal, a stamp with a lever is installed, which is suspended the cargo that provides a pressure of 0.1 MPa. Heating is carried out in such a way that 30 minutes after the beginning of the experiment, the temperature on the surface of the bottom of the glass reached 250 ° C. Then, up to 730 ° C, heating lead at a speed of 3 ° C per minute (8 hours). Starting from 350 ° C at certain intervals, the upper and lower levels of the plastic layer are measured.

Laboratory work number 3

Determination of heat combustion of coal according to their humidity

ashiness and exit volatile substances

purpose of work - To familiarize yourself with the methods of determining the main indicators of technical analysis of coal, master the practical skills of working on the appropriate laboratory equipment and explore the basis of the base of the accelerated method for assessing coal.

Laboratory work is complex. It is based on the definition of the three main indicators of coal - humidity, ashiness and exit of volatile substances. Based on which the lowest heat combustion of the working mass of coal is calculated, which is the most important indicator of the quality of coal as energy fuel.

The heat of the combustion, which is usually indicated by the symbol, is the amount of heat energy (further heat, or heat) emitted with full oxidation of combustible components of fuel with gaseous oxygen. In this case, it is assumed that the highest oxides are formed as a result of oxidation reactions and sulfur is oxidized only to And the fuel nitrogen is distinguished in the form of molecular nitrogen. The heat of combustion is a specific characteristic. Solid and liquid fuels are classified as a unit of mass, that is, to 1 kg (specific heat of combustion), and in gaseous fuels - to a unit of volume (volumetric heat combustion) under normal physical conditions, that is, R = P 0. = 760 mm RT. Art. = 1 atm =101325 PA and
T \u003d T 0 \u003d 273.15 TO (t. = t 0. \u003d 0 ° C). Concerning m 3. Under these conditions, got the name " normal meter cubic "And recommended designation" nor. m 3." Thus, gaseous fuels are referred to 1 nor. m 3. Adopted in the technical literature units of measurement: " kJ / kg.» (« kJ / Nor. m 3.") or " MJ / kg» (« MJ / NOR. m 3."). In the old technical literature, the units of measure were " kcal / kg» (« kcal / hole. m 3."). When they are translated into modern units of measurement, it should be remembered that 1 kkal = 4,1868 cJ.

The amount of heat that went to heat the full combustion products 1 kg or 1. nor. m 3. fuel provided that in these products there is condensed water vapor, i.e., the water is called the highest heat combustion of fuel . This heat is indicated as.

If, during the combustion of the fuel, the water vapors are not condensed, the heating of combustion products will be spent a smaller amount of heat distinguished heat to the value of the hidden heat of water steam condensation (hidden heat evaporation of water) . In this case, the heat got the name lower heat combustion fuel And indicated as. Thus, when determining is not taken into account, the heat spent on evaporation of moisture of fuel and moisture formed during the combustion of hydrogen fuel. Accordingly, the value is associated with how .

The composition of coal, as well as any other solid fuels, is expressed as a percentage of mass (wt.%). At the same time, for 100% most often accept:

· The composition in the working condition of the fuel (composition of its working mass) is indicated by the upper index " r. »:

· The composition in the analytical state (composition of the analytical mass) is indicated by the upper index " but »:

· The composition in a dry state (the composition of the dry mass) is indicated by the upper index " d. »:

· The composition in a dry silent state (the composition of the dry soft mass) is indicated by the upper index " dAF. »:

where mass fractions in the appropriate mass of carbon coal, hydrogen, combustible sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, general and analytical moisture, wt. %; BUT - ash content of the corresponding mass of coal, wt. %.

To determine the heat of combustion of coal, a single standard method is used - the method of burning in a calorimetric bomb. In this case, the method of an analytic sample of coal weighing 0.8 ... 1.5 g. They are burned in an atmosphere of compressed oxygen in a hermetically closed metal vessel - a calorimetric bomb, which is immersed in a certain amount of water. By increasing the temperature of this water, the amount of heat elevated during the combustion of the hitch is set. It gives the warmth of the combustion of fuel on the bomb due to the fact that the combustion of fuel occurs in quite specific

Fig. Schematic diagram of a classic calorimeter to determine the heat of combustion of solid fuels

1 - calorimetric bomb; 2 - mixer; 3 - thermostat cover; 4 - System for ignitions; 5 - thermometer or device replacing it; 6 - calorimetric vessel; 7 - thermostat.

conditions (atmosphere of pure oxygen, oxidation of combustible sulfur SO 3. With the subsequent formation in the condensed moisture of nitric acid, and so on), the value is recalculated on the following formula:

where - heat of the formation of sulfuric acid from SO 2. and dissolving it in water, numerically equal to 94.4 kJ. in the calculation of 1% sulfur; - The content of sulfur "in the bar of the bomb" is the amount of sulfur that has passed the combustion in sulfuric acid, in the calculation of the coal, wt. % (it is allowed to use instead of the content of common sulfur in the analytical mass of coal, if , but
); a. - The coefficient that takes into account the warmth of the formation and dissolution of nitric acid equal to 0.001 for skinny coal and anthracite and 0.0015 - for all other fuels.

Knowing, first the highest heat combustion of the working mass of the fuel is determined:

, (2)

where =kJ / kg. or kj / nor.m 3; =
\u003d wt. %.

The coefficient of 24.62 V (3) reflects the warmth of water heating from
t 0. \u003d 0 ° C to t. \u003d 100 ° C and its evaporation when P 0. = 101325 PA Calculated by
1 wt. % water.

The value designed for the working state of the fuel corresponds to the actual heat released during its combustion in the furnaces, and therefore is widely used with heat-engineering calculations. It is an integral indicator of fuel quality and largely determines their consumer properties.

One of the main features of fossil coal is the ability to decompose (degradation) of their organic mass when heated without air access. With this heating, gas and vapor decomposition products are formed, called volatile substances. After the removal of volatile substances from the heating zone there is a residue called coke residue, or a kolk. Since the volatile substances are not contained in coals, but are formed when they are heated, they are talking about the "exit of volatile substances", and not about their content in coals.

Under the yield of volatile substances understand the relative mass of volatile substances, expressed in the percentage, formed during the thermal decomposition of coal under standard conditions. Exit volatile is indicated by the symbol V. , and non-volatile (coke) residue - NV .

A vapor part of volatile substances consists of condensable hydrocarbons, which are a group of oily and resinous substances that are a valuable chemical product.

The gaseous part of the volatile substances consists of hydrocarbon gases of the limiting and unspecified rows ( CH 4. , C M H n And so on), carbon monoxide and dioxide ( SO , CO 2 ), hydrogen ( H 2 ) etc.

Definition exit volatile substances. When heated without air access, coal decomposes, highlighting gas and vapor-shaped products, called volatile substances.

Depending on the temperature of heating after the removal of volatile substances remains a solid residue (kings), coke or semi-beds. Volatile substances are not contained in free form in fuel, but are formed when heated, therefore they are not talking about the content of volatile, but about their output.

The exit of volatile substances depends not only only from the grade of fuel, and from the conditions of its heating (dry distillation of coal). Output volatile substances And at the same time, the definable sintering is general indicators for which you can approximately predict the properties and composition of coal.

The vague substances consist of valuables that are widely used in the national economy. For example, the volatile substances of coal contain benzene, toluene, ammonia, hydrogen, methane, and others. The resulting volatile substances with dry distillation of wood contain methane, carbon monoxide, acetic acid, methyl alcohol, etc.

Type of coal Exit Volatile -% Carbon content - C,% True density - 4, g / cm 413

The determination of the exit of volatile substances is a classic method for analyzing coal. Almost all existing coal classifications, volatile exit is one of the main indicators.

In fig. Presented the dependence of the dispersion pressure from output flying Weshm, coal. From fig. There is already a certain correlation, but when the volatile substances exit more than 21-22%, it weakens and becomes clearer when excluding inhomogeneous coal (about 0.20).

For coal, the exit of the volatile substances of which is within 17-21%, the correlation is not observed at all. However, it is possible to outline the zone comprising inhomogeneous coals (curve with an intermittent line), which gives a slight cutting pressure. This, obviously, means that any homogeneous coal with the output of volatile substances 19-24% is not included397

Coke, obtained by such a technological scheme, has sufficiently good physico-mechanical properties so used for the first test domain melting molded Coke had the following, the quality indicators (on the mixture yard of the metallurgical plant) M40 \u003d 89.9%, Mio \u003d 6%, The content of pieces of 40-80 mm particle size is 86% when calculating up to 0 C in an inert atmosphere, this coke does not separate the little things, it does not fall apart, but, on the contrary, it becomes a denser and mechanically stronger porosity of this coke depending on the requirements of the consumer can be adjusted by process change From 35 to 60% with coke of one and the same coal, the exit of volatile substances from the product molded coke is 1.6-2.5%

What is Coxusability Coal Exit Volatile

Name and symbol of coal brand volatile substances U,% Coke outlet,% sizes of pieces, mm Characteristic of a non-volatile residue (coke)

Varieties of coal The exit of volatile substances,% IA organic mass composition,% 337

After 9-10 months of storage in the stacks of different Donetsk coal exit Volatile weighs from the coal of the OS brand increase by 2-3%, the brand T - by 1.39%, while for the coal of the brand, it changed in the range of 1.18-0.54% in general, the change in the benefit of volatile substances is relatively small .
The exit of volatile umoidances and heat of combustion as a result of coal oxidation varies in different ways depend on the degree of metamorphism and on the molecular structure of the organic mass of coal. Exit of volatile substances with long-term storage47

The output and quality of chemical products of coking depends on the gland of the degree of metamorphism, petrographic composition of coal, the exit of volatile substances, humidity, temperature coking mode, etc.

Estimation of coal exit volatile (recalculation of pair),% bulk weight (recalculation of dry mass), GG / LSZ 306

The chicks are depending on the properties of the coal charge (the nature of coal, the exit of volatile substances) and the leakage of coking. Celets for the coal of the Donbass is 1.0-2.6% (Donbass), and for the coal of the eastern regions of Russia, 1.5-3.0% .85

Anthracite shtyb (ASH) is coal particles of up to 13 mm, sipped in mines when receiving an ordinary anthracite. When sorting dry anthracite for the coal of the AS class, the size of pieces of less than 3 mm is installed.

For stone coals of grades d, g and anthracite when delivering their power plants for burning in a dust-shaped state, a class with pieces of pieces is less than 13 mm, conditionally indicated by DSH, HSSH and ASS (seed with a pension). ASH has a low carbon brand of carbon, which makes it difficult to inflammation. Ash ash consists in the main of silicon and aluminum oxide. An insignificant part of the ash is calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium oxide.

In the near future, the International Classification of Stone Coal receives significant distribution. It is based on three very important parameters of coal, the exit of volatile substances, sintering and coking.

The difference in the amount of analysis for stone and brown coals is determined by the different value for them to exit volatile the exit of volatile in stone coals can heavily fluctuate here it, together with the characteristic of the coke residue, determines the brand of their and hydrogen content in oxidized stone coal, the coke residue characteristic, and often Change respectively changing the calorific value and humidity of the air-dry sample at the brown coals, the exit of volatile heating

Still, it is the cause of the gap between the practical and settlement yield of coke, or the coke of the coke, as it is sometimes incorrectly called as the basis of the calculations adopted the value of volatile substances with crucible testing, which is identified with the practical yield of coke in the furnaces. However, it is known that the flow of volatile substances is depending on the speed of the temperature rise with the acceleration of coal heating, the output of volatile substances is increased, which corresponds to a decrease in coke outlet. Comparing the temperature of the temperature lift with coking cable (approximately 400-500 ° C per minute) and in coke ovens (about 1 ° C per minute), you can see a complete inconsistency of these processes. Obviously, in coke ovens, the coke remains more than with a crucible Testing. In addition, with an increase in the exit of volatile substances in the mixture and increasing coking speed, the formation of graphite increases due to pyrolysis of coke gas hydrocarbons.437

Replacing classifications for elementary analysis to the classification in two parameters - the output of volatile substances at a relative to combustible mass and physical properties - showed that the results are obtained by sufficiently converging coals are also located in a number of the same sequence as in the classification built on elementary analysis. From consideration of a large number of industrial classifications of different countries, it is clear that the exit of volatile substances is an essential characteristic that has entered almost all the technical classifications of stone coal. There are foundations, because the chemical nature of coal and its chemical age strongly affect the exit of volatile substances. As the chemical age increases coal, the exit of volatile substances is continuously reduced.569

The mining of the coal of the Chernogorsk field grew in 8 g. Compared from 0 than 1 to 2.9 million, the quality of the angle and minusin basin is approaching gas and long-beam coal. The exit of volatile substances on a combustible mass of 35-42%, the thickness of the plastic layer y \u003d O-7 mm.

Coal type Flying of volatile substances, and color of black gloss hardness (on the Moos scale) Specific weight20

If the coals consist only or preferably from the microcomponents of the showcase group, then the change in their properties depend on the degree of their metamorphism is well expressed by the output of volatile substances, recalculated on the combustible mass with an increase in the degree of metamorphism of coal, the flow of volatile substances from them decreases. On this, namely, various classifications of coals are founded, which are especially applicable to the coal of the Clerene type, i.e., to coals with the prevailing content of a shower window (for example, the corners of the Donetsk pool) .8

Coal brand technological group coal Freight exit,% thickness plastic-21

Fuel Mark Coal Freight Flying on Fuel Mass Ud V7Oo Low Calorie on Fuel Mass in Kcal / kg Translation Camels in Conditional Fuel Conductance of Working Fuel 0 in Kcal / kg650

Coal brand Flying of volatile substances 0/0 Pumping in AFNOR Eastern temperature, ° С International dilatometry (dilatack) International classification

Pattaya and Tahymuller 24, studying the relationship between carbon content in humus coals and the output of volatile substances, found that with an increase in carbon content, the flow of volatile substances from coal decreases unequal at different stages of metamorphism. Thus, in brown and low-albeal stone coals, the exit of volatile substances is poorly consistent with the change in carbon content. In this case, the degree of metamorphism of coal coal is characterized by carbon content than the output of volatile substances.

According to Strach and employees 11, p. 30, the elementary structural formula of the coal substance consists of indenoic trimers associated with essential bridges. They lead a number of evidence in favor of this structure associated with the elemental composition of coal, the output of volatile substances, with mechanical properties, etc. However, this formula must be rejected, as it does not correspond to the results obtained during coal oxidation and when it decomposes the metal sodium.

E. A. Shapatina Research has shown that the main factor determining the decomposition, and therefore, the loss of volatile coal in the process of high-speed heating of it is not the time of stay, but the temperature field of heating. Using the example of studying the process of separating volatile from the dust-shaped (μm size) of gas coal (exit of volatile in the initial angle of 38.8%) with rapid (for 0.45 c) heating it to different temperatures in the range of 390-600 ° C with exposure at 71

As the particle heated is heated, dried, then the release of fuel begins. The greater the content of volatile in the fuel, the more intense their way out. The exit of volatile begins at temperatures are all higher than the older fuel.

From Burya coal exit Battime begins at a temperature of about ° C, from gas coal, about ° C, from PJ - about ° C, from skinny coal - about 320 ° C, from anthracite - about 380 ° C L. 46. Freight exit is laid up to the temperature of order 800-1000 ° C.341.

Petrographic composition, the degree of metamorphism of coal, the exit of volatile substances, as well as the nature of the changes in heating - the transition to the pcenic condition, the degree of viscosity and the temperature range of this state, sintering, the gas evolution speaker19

Gas and vapor products formed in the process of thermal destruction of coal and vapor products undergo various transformations that are associated both with the sintering process and with the decomposition process when they are evacuated for carrying) aznesses affect the technological and heat engineering regimes of the coking zhyoda and the quality of chemical coxing products depend on a number of factors The degrees of metamorphism, petrographic composition of coal, exit volatile substances, humidity, temperature coking mode and dru78

Bunte and Imgof for the characteristics of plastic properties and gas divisions were tested by this method the following German corners 1) Unsecumbered (sticking) coal of Upper Silesia 2) Labor coarse corners from the Saari basin 3) Saari coal, by properties occupying an intermediate position between the first two coals 4-5 ) Two intimidating sintering coal one of the top silesia, another from the VURM field. For the listed five coal, the exit of volatile substances on the combustible mass was respectively equal to 38.6 33.8 34.2 27.8 19.0%. Coal 1st showed the maximum pressure at 420 ° only about 8 yas waters. Art. For coal of the 2nd, the maximum pressure was about 1000 mm of water. Art. at 420 °, both at a sample of 10 g and 5 g. The maximum pressure for coal of the 3rd was 450 ls at 440 ° for coal 4 to 340 LSH 480 ° and for coal 5 to 550 ml1 490 °.

It is known that the deposits of dust shafts consist of a mixture of combustible particles and volatile ashes. The content of the latter ranges from 75 7 o when burning anthracite to 99.5% in the case of burning brown coal.

As it turned out, with such a small content of combustible in charge, it is impossible to achieve objective results in the analysis of the technical, elementary and fractional composition of the combustible part of the injury. In tab.

2 shows the exit of volatile substances from the deposits of industrial dust barking furnaces, burning various coal brands, as well as from samples of Nazarovsky brown coal, selected along the torch length. Before analyzes, the departments were scattered on the faction.

It can be seen that in charges the exit of volatile substances often exceeds such in the initial coal. Especially high the exit of volatile substances in small fractions.

In samples from the Torch of Nazarovsky Brown Coal, the exit of volatile on a combustible mass was 65% with the content of combustible 50% and\u003e 100% in all fractions with a combustion content of 6.61%. All this indicates that the ash is not an absolutely inert material.

Apparently, in analyzes associated with high heating, the ash underwes a number of changes, interacting with combustible remnants and gaseous products of their thermal decomposition. The presence of a combustible part of the injury creates a reducing atmosphere. Metal oxides, in volatile ash, partially or completely can be recovered, reacting with carbon, as well as with gaseous products of thermal decomposition of the combustible part of the UROS.82

The quality of the coal of the Tungus and Lena basins is distinguished by a large variety and is represented by various carbon groups - from anthracite to brown coal. The exit of volatile WEPT from various groups of coal ranges from 5 to 59% 25.

In the distribution of coal on the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, some zehonomyness is installed. Anthracites and graphics are located in the West of the pool.

In the middle part of it, the meridian is located stone coals with a significant exit of volatile wests, and in the east there are preserved brown coals. It is noted that, as you move from east to west, the yield of volatile substances is reduced to the coals.

The test for the coexability of the coal of the Angarsk district showed that they have quite good sketability 25. When using Tungusky coals for coking, their enrichment will be required, since the coals of the revealed reserves have -liness up to 15%. The sulfurness of the coal studied does not exceed 1.5%. In this connection, they can be attributed to small and medium-grade coals.

Sandor Cokal Yorkshire Coal Briquettes (Exit volatile substances 32.5%), compressed under pressure of 698 kg / cm, when heated in a nitrogen atmosphere at a speed of 5 ° in 1 min. up to 690 and 800 °. The cokes obtained were kept at a finite temperature for two hours and then cooled.

The magnitudes of the electrical resistance, measured on the coke of the coke blocks during re-heating and cooling the latter, were given the coincident curves. The electrical resistance was measured in an air atmosphere in vacuum and in nitrogen. The electrical resistance of the samples stored in the air, a few days a little increased compared to the initial one. The dependence curves of the electrical resistance on temperature, in vacuo and in nitrogen, in the temperature range -50 ° - -360 ° obeys the equation

Similar experiences conducted in a production scale are published in American printing. In American experiments, a significant improvement in the quality of the coke (Table 64) was obtained during coking in an industrial furnace with coal with coal (exit of volatile 38.5 / o) with half-scenes of the PZ of the same coal.

It has been established that together with a decrease in the carbon and hydrogen, the exit of volatility increases in coals, the calorific value, the number of extracted substances, etc. is reduced. Change

In the oxidation of the reduced coals, the same pattern in the change in the exit of volatile VEP1, which is in young and more mature coal, as in the initial, not subjected to hydrogenation of UG.ELF, i.e., the gas coal, the exit of volatile substances is reduced, and skinny, although it decreases, but does not decrease below the exit. Volatile vepers in the starting corner.

During the oxidation of reconstructed coals, it is observed by a V. Immediate of the exit of volatile substances in all without exception types of coal, i.e., the process of oxidation of reduced coals flows towards a complicated molecule. However, it should be noted that the gas coal, the exit of volatile substances after the declarations becomes less than that of the IP. The coke is changed by little, and at the skinny with a plastic layer, equal to zero, it remains significantly higher than the source coal.

The Hilta rule in the Irkutsk basin is not confirmed with an increase in the stratigraphic depth of the coal reservoir, the exit of volatile is not reduced, but, on the contrary,. The content in hydrogen and sulfur coals and sulfur increases at the same time and the content of carbon and sourness is reduced accordingly.

White Charcoal Binchotan From Vietnam


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Methods of indirect pressure measurements Methods of salts removal mechanisms of movement and leveling of drilling rigs Mechanisms of movement and alignment of mechanisms for descending-lifting operations when drilling loads acting on the installation of ground equipment Pump operation of wells Pumping-compressor pipes Inhomogeneous reservoir oil and petroleum products Portal news new technological and technical Ensuring environmental safety processes of production Gas-lifting equipment equipment Equipment for extension operations Equipment for oil and gas Equipment for simultaneous separate operations Equipment for open fountains General purpose equipment Equipment Equipment of well, finished drilling Equipment of the mouth of compressor wells. Equipment of the wellbore. Operation WEZN Equipment fountain wells Equipment of fountain wells Processing of concubine zo formation of hydrates and methods of combating the formation of crystallohydrates in oil wells General concepts about underground and overhaul General concepts about the construction of wells Restricting the influence of reservoir water Dangerous and harmful physical factors Determination of the pressure on the pump output Testing of promising horizons Optimizing the operation of the SCNU Operation of operation DNU with Flexible traction element mastering and testing wells development and starting to work fountain wells complications in the process of recessing well Basic concepts and positions Basic concepts and provisions Basics of oil, gas and gas condensate Fundamentals of hydraulic calculations in drilling Fundamentals of oil and gas production Basics of design of directional wells for industrial safety. Cleaning Bucked well from the sludge Cleaning of passing gases Soldering and upline Packer Hydromechanical two-brand PGMD1 Packers Hydromechanical, Hydraulic and Mechanical Testing Packers Columns Packers of rubber-metal overlapping PCMM-1 Packers and Yakori Parameters and completeness of circulation systems Tale block parameters for working with ASP Primary opening of productive reservoirs Primary methods of cementing Mobile pumping installations and aggregates Processing of trapped oil (petroleum) Periodic Gazelift Prospects for use DNU Increase efficiency Efficiency of work SSNU Immersion pumps under the dynamic level Underground equipment Fountain wells Lifting a viscous fluid on the borehopnery of the well-turning tools Piston pressure loss pressure gauges when driving fluid on NKT Safety Rules during the operation of wells for maintenance of repair work in the wells of the RD 153-39-023-97 The formation of salts of the prevention of the formation of ASPO preventing the formation of ASPO with the work of SGN The advantages of the long-term preparation of solutions of acids. Preparation, cleaning of drilling fluids Application of inkjet compressors for disposal Application of WEZN in wells OJSC OJSC Orenburgneft Principle of action and features of the design bottom with LMP Causes and analysis Alarms Forecasting deposits Nose during oil production Design of the trajectory of the directed wells Design, arrangement and analysis of hydrocarbon fields Washing Wells and Drilling Solutions Fishery Studies Commercial Methods for Definition of Education Zones Nose Fishing Collection and Preparation of Oil, Gas and Water Anti-Violation Equipment Ways of Enhancement of Efficiency Operation of Wells Placement of Operational and Purchasing Wells for Miscellaneous Destruction of Mountains Distribution of Cliffs along the length of the column Ran Regulation of the properties of cement mortar and stone using reagents of mining and discharge modes. Reserves Reduction of power consumption When operating Repair on the ecological improvement of the well Foundation The role of fountain pipes Self-propelled installations with movable ... Mesh Placement of wells System for catching light hydrocarbons Well-gas seals (packers) Well centrifugal pumps for oil production Composition and some properties of oil and gas seats Special nestless rod pump Oil production methods used in deposits of OJSC Methods for assessing the state of the PZP Comparative Tests of Pump Facilities Means and Methods for Tailing Meters of the amount of gases Means and methods of verification of meters of the amount of liquids development of deposits of deposits Machine tools inkjet Pumps Inkjet Pump Meters of the amount of gases The number of liquids Tale mechanisms Temperature and Pressure in rocks and wells Theoretical base bases Software Measurement Tech Technical Physics Trajectory Displacement of the wellbore Pipe indications By calculating short-circuit current conditions of fluid and gas flow in the well installation of hydraulic pumps for oil production installation of submersible screw electrical pumps installation of submersible diaphragm electric pumps Installation equipment Westing drill pipes WEZN WEZN fully factors affecting the intensity of the formation of ASPO Physico-mechanical properties of breed collectors physical characteristics Oil and Gas Places Filters Filter Method of Oil Production Cementing Wells Circulating Systems of Drilling Rigs Sliced \u200b\u200bCements Shloching Cement Cements Co-Grounds Pumping Pumps (SHN) Rod Pump Settings (SSNA) Rod Pumps for Lifting Lifted Oil Rod Borehole Pumps Roded Borehole Pumps SCN Pumps Operation of Gas Wells Operation Low-breeded wells Operation of low-riveted wells at a continuous mode Operation of flooded paraffin-containing wells Operation wells The wells of the WEZN electric radiant. Electrodiaphragm Pump Energy Saving Stone Electron Aggregate Yakori

in coals - in Va. Estimated from fossil coal when heated. The composition of L. V.: Volatile organic. parts of coal, non-mineral decomposition products. Content L. in. In coals ranges from 50% (brown coals) to 4% (anthracites). The hard mass, K-paradium remains after removing L. in., Naz. coke residue. L. in. affect the sintering of coal: coke socks well only in coking coals, to-rye give 18 - 35% L., and remains powder in coals with the exit L. in. Over 42% and below 10%.

  • - Rod of Krylanov. For Body 10-40 cm, wings in motion up to 1.7 m. The largest representative - Kalond. There is no tail. The muzzle is elongated ...
  • - The subverse of the manwork. Known from oligocene. Unlike smaller wings and have more advanced devices to flight ...

    Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Mammalian commens. manochable. For Body from 2.5 to 14 cm. OK. 700 species are widespread, numerous in the tropics and subtropics ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - In coals - in Va. Estimated from fossil coal when heated. The composition of L. V.: Volatile organic. parts of coal, non-mineral decomposition products. Content L. in. In coals range from 50% to 4% ...

    Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

  • - Flying Shear - ...

    Dictionary of metallurgical terms

  • - Gaseous and vapor substances that are distinguished from solid mineral fuel when it is heated without air access or under its underwent ...

    Technical Railway Dictionary

  • - The same as wings ...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - Mammals. The length of the body from 2.5 to 14 cm. About 800 species are common everywhere where there is wood vegetation, especially numerous in the tropics and subtropics ...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - See Volatile Substances ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - Substances that are distinguished from carbon-containing materials when heated. The content of volatile substances in coals ranges from 50% to 4% ...

    Encyclopedic dictionary for metallurgy

  • - moisture and hydrocarbons contained in fuel and distinguished from it with dry distillation in the form of vapors and gases. The number of L. V. in T. depends on the type of fuel and varies from 10 to 50% ...


  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - See essential oils ...
  • - or manochable - a detachment of mammals with the following main distinctive features: the bones of the front limbs are very elongated ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the genus of mammals of the rods of the manochable detachment; The same as volatile dogs ...
  • - Mammalian Mammalian Drawberry Countess ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Volatile substances" in books

The bats

Author Wallace Alfred Russell

The bats

From the book Tropical Nature Author Wallace Alfred Russell

The bats are almost the only detachment that is achieved under the tropics of special development - manochable, or Chiroptera. With the transition to the moderate belt, this detachment becomes immediately much poorer, especially in colder areas, although some species seem to be

Volatile miners

From the book an angry sky Tavrida Author Minakov Vasily Ivanovich

Volatile miners for two and a half months our crew was on a business trip: received new machines to replenish the shelf aircraft fleet. Meanwhile, our long-suffering "five" was also repaired. The Caucasian coast returned on April 7

The bats

From the book Sorry Garden in Ladu with nature Author Bublik Boris Andreevich

Bats, these animals, perhaps, less than others are known to gilders. In the afternoon, they sleep, hanging down their heads, and at night they fly to hunt. They are a buggy, it is difficult to find them, and even more difficult to observe the mice - the only flying mammals. Hardly every fourth

The bats

by Brocgauz F. A.

Bats are bats or manochable (Chiroptera) - a detachment of mammals with the following main distinctive features: the bones of the forelimbs are very elongated; between their fingers, between the front limbs, body and rear limbs, and mostly also

Flying fish

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (L) by Brocgauz F. A.

Volatile fish Fly fish - fish, which, thanks to extremely developed breast fins, have the ability to fly over or less significant distances above the water. The ability of this possess representatives of two births belonging to different detachments

Volatile Lisitsy


The bats

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Le) author BSE.

Flying fish

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Le) author BSE.

Volatile dogs

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Le) author BSE.

Inhaleans (various volatile substances - glue, solvents, varnishes, ether, gasoline, stained fiftesers, paint, etc.)

From the book of the author

Inhaleans (various volatile substances - glue, solvents, varnishes, ether, gasoline, staineds, paints, etc.) Signs of narcotic intoxication: a short-term impression of lightness and peacekeeping, as when driving alcohol: confused speech, not hardening

Lesson 3: "Poisoning substances of neuro-paralytic action and technical chemicals affecting the generation, conducting and transmission of the nervous impulse"

Author Petrenko Eduard Petrovich

Lesson 3: "Poisoning substances of neuro-paralytic action and technical chemicals affecting the generation, conducting and transmission of the nerve impulse" Introduction. Phosphorganic poisoning substances (FUD) on clinical classification are

Lesson 5: "Poisoning substances and toxic chemicals (TXV) choking and irritant"

From the book Military Toxicology, Radiobiology and Medical Protection [Tutorial] Author Petrenko Eduard Petrovich

Occupation 5: "Poisoning substances and toxic chemicals (TXV) suffocating and irritating" 1. Poisoning substances (s) and toxic chemicals (TXV) choking action. In this WHO in industry and agriculture

Foaming substances (surfactant) - surface active substances

From the book 36 and 6 of the rules of healthy teeth Author Sudarikova Nina Alexandrovna

Foaming substances (surfactant) - superficially active substances are used as cleansing and disinfectant agents. We are needed to ensure a uniform distribution of paste in hard-to-reach places of the oral cavity, as well as for additional removal of plaque

Pectic substances. Remove harmful substances from the body

From the book how to take care of yourself, if you are 40. Health, beauty, harmony, energy Author Karpukhina Victoria Vladimirovna

Pectic substances. Got from the body, pectin harmful substances are vegetable polysaccharides. Are contained in many fruits and vegetables, rootpilodes. Records contribute to the stabilization of metabolism, excavation from the organism of radionuclides, pesticides,