Field of blue sheep yellow and shepherd horned. Morphological analysis of the communion: (field) not merryano, (sheep) are not believed, (sieve) is covered

Field of blue sheep yellow and shepherd horned. Morphological analysis of the communion: (field) not merryano, (sheep) are not believed, (sieve) is covered

The field is not merryo, the sheep is not read, the shepherd is horny (stars, month).

Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people Daly. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what the field is not merryo, the sheep is not counted, the shepherd is horny (stars, month). In Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • STARS in the Handbook of Wonders, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and other things:
    giant glowing gas (plasma) balls (including the Sun), which are formed possible from a hydrogen-gas-dust medium as a result of gravitational compression (condensation). ...
  • FIELD in the illustrated encyclopedia of weapons:
    - 1. The front side of the shield on which heraldic images are applied. 2. Area, often limited frame on a shield or armor, on ...
  • HORNED in the dictionary of automobile jargon:
    - Troll. ...
  • HORNED in the dictionary of Russian railway slang.
  • SHEPHERD in the dictionary of the Norivsky Zhargon:
    - 1) Head expressed in ITC, 2) Sot softener ...
  • HORNED in the slang dictionary of Sevastopol.
    If you dreamed the bevel field from which bread has already been removed - it foreshadows failures. A green field or spacious fields of perfect ...
  • SHEPHERD in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    Sleep, in which shepherds graze their herds, promises a rich harvest and safe management of farmers, as well as a variety of pleasures and ...
  • STARS in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    If in a dream you look at clear sparkling stars - it promises you strong health and prosperity. If the stars in ...
  • FIELD in the dictionary of modern physics from Green and Hawking books:
    B. Green Something existing in all points of space and time, in contrast to a particle that exists only at one point ...
  • FIELD in an altar large legal dictionary:
    - in the Russian state of the XIII-XVI centuries. Judicial duel. Mentioned in Fate 1550 and 1589. Usually p. Provided as an alternative ...
  • FIELD in the Great Legal Dictionary:
    - in the Russian state of the XIII-XVI centuries. Judicial duel. Mentioned in Fate 1550 and 1589. Usually P. was envisaged as an alternative ...
  • Field in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Field) See Koltra ...
    Contract - see a contract month ...
  • MONTH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    Nearest - see the next month ...
    (Gen. 23: 19-20). In holy Scripture The same word is used both to designate arable land and to mean any open area. ...
  • STARS in the biblical encyclopedia of Nikiphor:
    (W 4:19) - Under the sim name of the Jews, they intended all the constellations, planets and celestial bodies, briefly, all shining, with the exception of the sun ...
  • SHEPHERD in the statements of famous people:
  • SHEPHERD in the dictionary, one sentence, definitions:
    - This is a biting animal that helps the dog is a sheep. Paul ...
  • SHEPHERD in aphorisms and smart thoughts:
    this is a bite animal that helps the dog is a sheep. Paul ...
    1) flame flat territory. 2) Pasha plots on which the crop rotation area is divided, and cracks. 3) Playground equipped for something ...
  • MONTH in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    time interval1) Synodic - a period of shift of lunar phases, equal to 29.5306 cf. Sunny 24th) Sideric (Star) - the time of complete turn of the moon ...
  • STARS in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    glowing gas (plasma) balls like the sun. Food from the gas-dust medium (mainly of hydrogen and helium) as a result of gravitational instability. ...
    the time interval close to the moon's appeal around the Earth. The M. is distinguished (see Table. And fig.): Synodic - period of shift ...
  • STARS in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    self-dried celestial bodies consisting of split gases, by nature similar to the sun. The sun seems incomparably more than Z. only thanks to ...
    barnesses (OVIS) - Hardware from this. Bovidae s. Cavicornia). Together with a close native goat, goat (Sarray) O. is ...
  • MONTH in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a period of time equal to about 30 days and based on the changes of the phases of the moon (these etymologically, the words M. and the Moon in many languages \u200b\u200b...
  • STARS in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
    glowing gas (plasma) balls like the sun. Mass stars from\u003e 0.04 to\u003e 60 ms, luminosity from\u003e 0.5 to hundreds of thousands of LS ...
  • STARS in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    glowing gas (plasma) balls like the sun. Mass stars from\u003e 0.04 to\u003e 60 ms, luminosity from\u003e 0.5 to hundreds of thousands of LS ...
  • HORNED in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    ,y, -th; -At. 1. With horns or with big horns. R. Bull. Large?, Cattle. 2. Having a rog shape. R. …
  • MONTH in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -a, mn. -Y, -Ev, m. 1. One-time calculus unit for a sunny calendar equal to one twelfth part of the year (from 28 ...
  • FIELD in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -, ml. - I, -, cf. 1. Blind of plain, space. Walk along the field and by field. On the field and on ...
  • SHEPHERD in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -A, m. Worker, grazing cattle. P.-Olenevod. II decrease. Shepherd, -nu, m. II w. Cowgirl, and. II adj. Shephealthy, "...
    Field physical, special form of matter; System with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. To pf Believe EL.-Magn. and gravitats. Fields, field ...
  • FIELD in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    The field of gravity, the same as the gravitational field ...
  • FIELD in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Field of view optical. Systems, part of space (or plane) depicted by this ...
  • FIELD in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    The field is algebraic, the concept of the model. algebra; The totality of the elements, for which the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions, which have the usual properties of operations are defined for the reasons.
  • FIELD in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Field, duel by court decision to rus. jurid practice 13-16 centuries. The elderly, juvenile and clergy could be exposed for themselves "Nimites". ...
  • FIELD in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    The semantic field, the combination of words united by semantic ties on the basis of a single overall concept or similar signs of their vocabulary. Values \u200b\u200b(eg, semantich ...
  • FIELD in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Field, flame flat territory. Passion plots, the area of \u200b\u200bcrop rotation, and cracks are divided into it. Playground equipped for something (eg, P. ...
  • MONTH in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Month, time interval close to the moon's appeal around the Earth. Distinguished M.: Synodic - period of shift of lunar phases, equal to 29,5306 ...
  • MONTH in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Month gene. Andes. (r. 1936), scientist in the field of electronics, Acad. RAS (1984), Vice-Pres. RAS (since 1987). Tr. According to the high-point emission ...
  • STARS in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Stars, giant glowing gas (plasma) balls like the sun. They are formed from a gas-dust environment (ch. Arr. From hydrogen and helium) as a result ...
  • MONTH in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? A period of time equal to about 30 days and based on the change in the phases of the Moon (these etymologically, the words M. and the Moon in many ...
  • HORNED in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    horn "Thy, horns" Taya, horns "Tie, horns" Thy, horns "Togo, Horn" Togo "Togo, Horn" Thy, horns "Tom, horns" Toy, horns "Tom, Horn, Horn Thy, horns "Tyu, horns" Tie, horns "Thy, horns" Togo, Horn "Tyu, horns" Tie, horns ", ...

1. The ancient Greeks called this daughter of Typhon and Echidnas, inhabited in the rocks near Phi Beotic, fascinarian, for devouring the trails, who did not manage to solve her riddles. Name her name.

2. Round, but not a fool, with a hole, but not a bagel. What is it?

3. What is first poured, and then four fold?

I do not see her, and do not take into my hands,

Reigns over everything and smells nothing

It stands in full growth in the sky between the stars,

Everything starts and ends everything.

5. The batons are sitting in the datucks, knit knitting without a needle, without a string. Who is it?

6. What is the end and night?

7. On the ground goes, he does not see the sky, it is not sick, and everything moans. Who is it?

8. Born out of charge, the more grew, the less became, by night, died, leaving the number. What is it?

9. In a new wall, in the circular window, the glass is broken, and overnight inserted. What is it?

10. In a wooden shirt - a black soul. What is it?

11. Hope Nova - Housing No, the tenant appeared - the hut fell apart. What is it about?

12. The field is not merryo, the sheep is not read, the shepherd is horny. What is it?

13. Mother, father is, and no son. Who is it?

14. Glass field, and wood, wooden. What is it?

15. All day of affairs, it was not called, it came to the night with a cute - she fell by force. What is it?

16. Mother dropped me, people raised, cut their heads, gave drinks - ordered to speak. What is it?

17. Long as the road, short as flea. What is it?

18. On the bitch, the Arcuchik holds a suitcase, the cover opened - everything rolled out. What is it?

19. What is located between the mountain and the valley?

20. For what students are expelled from class?

21. What will give the teeth of the back?

22. When in an empty pocket something can happen?

23. Why does a man look back?

24. In which age of the Greeks of the heels ago went?

25. Runners run, behind them - Katukshiki, carry horns to prick Mochnatanyka. What is it?

26. What is in the lakes, seas, cucumbers and watermelons, but is absent in the melon and apple?

27. In the room four doors: in one you enter - three go out, and when you think that on the street, you find yourself inside. What is it?

28. Spring Russian mystery: Ogroms remained, and Sani went. What is it?

29. On a wooden river, the ship is floating a new, thies in the rings of the smoke of his pine. Guess what it is?

30. The mystery V. I. Dalya: "Half the Alena of the child - without hands, without legs, one head. What is the name of the child? "

31. One beggar boy was guessing this riddle: "What we saw and caught, would not remain with us, but what they did not see and caught, we carry with them." What is it?

32. Poppy in the White Earth is sown, far from being submitted, and where it came, and it rose. What is it?

33. The answer to this riddle is the Dutch word: "Sorry - Wedge, we divorce - damn." What is it?

34. RUSSIAN RIDDLE: "Baranki rushed on the ladder-ladder." What is it?

35. On the furnace, on the ninth bricks lies, the nose in the ceiling is thrown, snot through the threshold hanging, the tits on the hook are wound, the teeth herself sharpens. Who is it?

36. Madagascar riddle: "Come on - die, will you come to know?" What is it?

37. Riddle Erwin Bracher: "When you look closely, you can not see me. If you see me, then you can not see anything more. I can make you walk, even if you do not have such an opportunity. Sometimes I tell the truth. Sometimes ls. But if I lie, then close to the truth. Who am I? "

38. Sits the duck on the raft, the Cossack praises: "No one will pass by me: neither the king, nor the queen, no red maiden. What is it, if we do not bear it with you?

39. The hostess was caught, and the hut in the windows was gone. What is in question in this Russian riddle.

40. Guess the Yakut folk riddle: "Less finger, stronger bear." What is it?

(From the cycle "Tale of my life")

Again games

And again we are cheerful,
At least to sleep for a long time:
- Play! Play!
- Potted pots! Hooray!
- Wand reading!
And again read,
Cheerful game, -

New game begins -
Everyone is a circle and are considered:

Sorcerers, baba,
Sorcerers, grandfather,
Enchanted ticket.

What is under us, under flowers,
For iron pillars?

Ena, Ben, RES,
Quantar, Qain'er, ZHES,
Ena, Ben, Slave,
Quantar, quantar, toad.
Toad jumped, jumping,
Slightly in the swamp did not get ...

Dad - burst!
- One two Three,
Beginning of the game!
- One, two, three, four, five,
I'm going to look!
Three or four to five to six
I go to look at all!
Ready or not, here I come!
And who stands behind me
That on fire is burning!
And to file here Treipkin-Lyapkin!

We are delighted with the believer
From Father Ben-run,
Under a pile coat
Where is the hanger in the front
Trying, stand.

Vanya was driving from Kazan,
One and a half rubles Sani,
Twenty five rubles arc
Boy, girl, servant.

Hey, servant, give a carriage!
And I will sit and go,
I will go to Masquerade
And buy yourself out a day:
Black trousers, black frak,
Who did not come out - that fool!

Puzzles patterns,
Tongue Twisters:

Two woodcutters
Two chokes,
Two woodcuts.

Under the floor, floor
Barsman walks with a cat.

Steel horse
Linen tail.

Without hands, without an ax
Built the election.

Close like nuts,
Squares, Proverbs
We know a bunch!

In the mountains, dollars
Shuba walk yes caftan.

The field is not merryo,
Sheep are not believed
Shepherd horned ...

From the cabinet got a magic lantern,
The light was extinguished, they sat down better
And here on a wide white door
Light stain stretched ray.

Next to all on the chairs sit down,
In color pictures look.

Everywhere children. They are everywhere.
Dad with us - a member of the clauses.
And over this fun charming,
Over randomly rampant children,
Good-natured silver month
Smiles because of the branches ...

Under the top of the tree,
Dressing, candy hangs ...
- Well, get it, try, -
Laughing, my father says

And we have eyes sticking out ...
Festive evening ends ...

Yes, we will tell only in half,
Although everyone is memorable to tears.
Even overhead. Dark in the living room.
Christmas tree sleeps. And in the Cross
Sleeping with a bag Blue Santa Claus ...

Suddenly the Christmas tree was canceled ... *)
How we grieved!
Toys interrupted
Blossing the arrival of winter.

And since then
We didn't see the tree
Only takes away our holiday
Everyone with sadness remembered.

*) In 1930, almost all of the churches were closed, as well as the sale of Christmas tree to the population. Only on December 28, 1935, the article P.Postyshev was published in the P.Postyshev article. In which he offered to arrange Christmas trees on the day of the New Year in schools, orphanages, nursery, pioneer clubs and piano palaces. From that time again it was allowed to sell tree trees for the population.

Moscow, 1948


Dear readers!

The fate of it has developed dramatically ...
Its verses were almost not published during life ...

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors who are in total viewing more than two million pages according to the attendance counter, which is located to the right of this text. In each column, two digits are specified: the number of views and the number of visitors.

The man goes, sees the shepherd of grazing sheep, comes up to him and says:
Guy: Hello shepherd, and how many do you eat your feed feed?
Shepherd: black or white?
Guy: Well, black.
Shepherd: Black 10 tone per year.
Man: And white?
Shepherd: And white - 10 tone.
Guy in bewilderment.
Guy: shepherd, and how many do you give your wool?
Shepherd: black or white?
Guy: Well, black.
Shepherd: Black 5 tone per year give.
Man: And white?
Shepherd: And white - 5 tone.
Guy: You hear the shepherd, and what is it if the sheep are the same you divided them on black and white?
Shepherd: So black is mine!
Man: And white?
Shepherd: And my white too.

The shepherd comes to the vet: "My bull is lazy, there is no rat".
The veterinarian advises artificial insemination. "Good," says shepherd, -
and how do I find out that what cows were conceived? - "Well, if they in the morning in a bunch
going, then pregnant, and if the apologies go, then no. "Man like
i understood how I did. Immersed the cows on the trailer, sunk and divert the cows in
forest and all day "seeded". The next morning looks, and cows apart. Following
the day works again, again the cows are apart. For the tenth day of fatigue
in the morning you can not get up, asks for a wife to see, the cows in a bunch gathered
or apart. The wife looked out in the window and says: "Yes, they are all on the trailer
sit and one even constantly signals! "

I read in the abyss of a quote about a riddle (about the month of the star and the sky), I am writing a colleague:

I: Guess the riddle there: the field is not merryo, the sheep - not believed, and the owner of Hogat - what is it?: D

Colleague: Is our company or what? ..: D

Raydol: Damn, I got a riddled daughter here:
the field is not merryo,
sheep - not believed
and the owner of Hogat?
Yuraq: Guess?
Raydol: Nea
Yuraq: Tin ..
Raydol: But, I already know the answer
Raydol: Needed?
Yuraq: You have suspected everyone here ..
Yuraq: Comeva
Yuraq: Well?
Raydol: Sky, Stars and Month
Yuraq: 0_0.
Raydol: And what am I, I myself am in shock))))

Student years. Digging potatoes in the Bykhovsky district and from nothing to do
tremble to different topics.
One of us put forward the following theory: if a certain one comes from afar
talk, then in 90% of cases it will be a mat. Others do not agree and
begin to select counterexamples.
At this time, because of the shelter begins to come a conversation. we
listen to. In a couple of minutes, the middle-aged shepherd and
cowgirl, which chase a flock of cows.
Conversation continues Krefesedo.
The essence is about this: the shepherd explains the shepherd that he is wrong, deciding
drive cows through a potato field, for the animals of that potatoes will be found,
and they will fight the stomachs. The shepherd meets the shepherd that
short-term passage through the field nothing with these wonderful
animals will not happen.
The procession is marching by us. The conversation continues, but already Diminuendo.
Then she subsides away.
We are silent, shocked by a variety of native language.
The theory brilliantly confirmed.

Field, Russian field ... (words of Inna Hoff)

The song laid a hidden idea of \u200b\u200btwo types of virtual Russian field:
- Legal field that has yet to lay,
- legal field, which is still used for political struggle.
It, the field, is in the hands of people privatizing the laws.

Some ripper ripples near the high-voltage line. This is
a boring and man decided to entertain himself. But since nearby
there was a wide Russian field and nothing more, he began to think. Residues
the brain gave birth to an idea. Putting the whip over the sinus, the shepherd climbed on
support of high-voltage lines and began to carving sparks by label blows
Well, what else will you say ... I have been brought up, man. His body the next day
removed electricians.

I'll go fuck in the morning early,
Fuck the pasture of cows,
My dick is old, longtime,
It is only on the bulls only.

And I'm pushing in pussy,
Both in that and in this, and in turn
Everywhere I visited my hook,
And who I just did not succe.

Fuck il not fuck is not a question
I'm a whole lay of land.

The goat is a dual unit,
United the consequence with the cause:
Annive bottom, he is horny on top.
Any of us is a goat half.

And women, though not with evil,
Touch us into two different suites:
The smaller the lower part of the goat,
Especially the top grows up.

The shepherd lost the sheep. Runs in the mountains - looking.
- Hey, people! Sheep did not see?
- And which of myself?
- Well, white.
- Everyone is here.
- Well, fluffy strongly.
- Duc around all fluffy!
- Well, eared.
- They are all eared !!! Local breed! what, very special accept
No? Well, at least one would indicate?!
The shepherd suffers for a long time, thinks ... Finally gives birth:
- Ah! If you smoke it, then the eyes are burning with fire!

It is a shepherd, graze Otaru. To it fits the parenchy in military uniform with
- Grandpa, and how to go to the nearest village?
- And who will you be what?
- I am Suvorovets!
The shepherd pulls out a double bastard, shoots a guy in the ass by the fraction:
- A, bitch, the thief of sheep, get!
and asks: "Guys, I sit on the fifth month without a woman, completely untouched. How
i would
although the sheep fucked. "Immediately, several zoophil lovers approached
One suggests him: "Take you a sheep, donate to the cliff and fucking. She
will be
write to not fall into the abyss. You do not have to do anything
Stand and delay. "
Another says: "I know better way. Catch the sheep, shove her hind legs
to yourself
in boots and fucking her on health !! "
The third frowned, listening to these tips, and says: "shepherd to
sheep love, you need a little training! Take four kids
slice rope. Put the sheep on the back, tie her legs with ropes to
and the pegs of Vbey to the ground !! And now you can fuck her how much you want. "
Our shepherd: "And what is the advantage over other ways ??"
Experienced: "Hehe! So you can kiss it at the same time !!"