Spheres of spiritual culture. Spiritual culture

Spheres of spiritual culture. Spiritual culture
Spheres of spiritual culture. Spiritual culture

Culture - an important component public consciousness. It is a means of forming a social personality, the sphere of communication of people and their implementation creative potential. Cultures and its features are the object of studying philosophers, cultural scientists, intellectuals, who seek to determine the role of spiritual culture in society and in the development of man.

The concept of culture

Human life activity in history is in culture. This concept covers the widest scope of people's life. The meaning of the word "culture" is "cultivating", "processing" (initially land) - is due to the fact that, with the help of various actions, a person converts the surrounding reality and itself. Culture is an extremely human phenomenon, animals, unlike people, adapt to the world, and the person adjusts it to his needs and needs. In the course of these transformations, it is created.

Due to the fact that the spheres of spiritual culture are extremely diverse, unified definition The concept of "culture" does not exist. There are several approaches to his interpretation: idealistic, materialistic, functionalist, structuralist, psychoanalytic. Each of them allocated separate aspects of this concept. In a broad sense, culture is all the converter activity of a person, directed both in the way, and inward itself. In a narrow - it creative activity A person expressed in the creation of works of various arts.

Spiritual and material culture

Despite the fact that culture is a complex, comprehensive phenomenon, there is a tradition to separate it on the material and spiritual. The field of material culture is made to attract all the results of human activity embodied in various subjects. This is the world surrounding man: Buildings, roads, household utensils, clothes, as well as a variety of equipment and technology. Spheres of spiritual culture are associated with the production of ideas. These include theories, philosophical teachings, moral norms, scientific knowledge. However, it often this division is purely conditional. How, for example, divide the works of such types of art like a movie and theater? After all, the performance connects the idea, literary foundation, Actors game, as well as an object.

The emergence of spiritual culture

The question of the origin of culture still causes lively disputes between representatives different Sciences. Social Studies, the sphere of spiritual culture for which is an important research area, proves that culturegenesis is inextricably linked to the formation of society. Condition of survival primitive man the ability to adapt to their needs the world And the ability to coexist in the team: It was impossible to survive alone. The formation of the culture was not instant, but was a long evolutionary process. A person learns to transfer social experience, creating a system of rituals and signals for this, speech. He has new needs, in particular, the desire for beauty, social and all this becomes a platform for the formation of spiritual culture. Comprehension of the surrounding reality, the search for causal relationships lead to the formation of mythological worldview. It explains the world around the world in symbolic form and allows person to navigate in life.

Main spheres

From the mythology, over time, all spheres of spiritual culture grow. The world of man evolves and becomes complicated, and at the same time the complication of information and ideas about the world, special areas of knowledge are distinguished. Today, the question of what includes the sphere of spiritual culture, has several response options. In a traditional understanding, it includes religion, politics, philosophy, morality, art, science. There is also a wider view, according to which the language, knowledge system, values \u200b\u200band plans for the future turns on the spiritual sphere. In the most narrow interpretation to the sphere of spirituality, art, philosophy and ethics include the area of \u200b\u200bformation of ideals.

Religion as sphere of spiritual culture

The first of the religion is allocated. All spheres of spiritual culture, including religion, are a special verge of values, ideals and norms that serve as guidelines in human life. Faith is a base for world-upsion, especially for an antiquity man. Science and religion are two antagonistic ways of explaining the world, but each of them is a system of ideas about how a person was created and everything surrounds him. The specificity of the religion is that it appeals to faith, and not to know. The main function of religion as a form of spiritual life is ideological. She asks a person of the framework of world-upsion and worldview, gives meaning to existence. Also religion performs a regulatory function: manages people's relationships in society and their activities. In addition to these faith, performs communicative, legitimizing and culturally transplanting functions. Thanks to religion, many outstanding ideas and phenomena appeared, it was the source of the concept of humanism.

Morality as sphere of spiritual culture

Moral and spiritual culture is the basis for regulating the relationship between people in society. Morality is a system of values \u200b\u200band ideas that there is evil and good, about the meaning of the life of people and the principles of their relationship in society. Often, researchers consider the ethics of the highest form of spirituality. Moral is a specific sphere of spiritual culture, and its features are due to the fact that it is an unwritten law of behavior of people in society. It is a unlocked public contract, according to which all nations consider the highest value of man and his life. The main community functions of morality are:

Regulatory - this specific function is to manage the behavior of people, and no institutions and organizations controlling people do not communicate above them. Performing moral requirements, a person is motivated by a unique mechanism called conscience. Morality establishes the rules that ensure the interaction of people;

Evaluation-imperative, i.e., a function that allows people to understand that there is good, and that evil;

Educational - precisely thanks to her the moral appearance of the personality is formed.

Ethics also performs a number of such socio-significant functions as cognitive, communicative, orienting, prognostic.

Art as a sphere of spiritual culture

Cinema and theater

Cinema is one of the youngest and at the same time the most massive arts. His story compared to a thousand-year history of music, painting or theater theater. At the same time, the halls of cinemas fill millions of viewers daily, and more more people Watching movies on television. The cinema has a powerful impact on the minds and the hearts of young people.

Today theater is less popular than the movie. With the widespread distribution of television, he lost part of his attractiveness. Moreover, theater tickets Now they are expensive. So we can say that visit famous Theater. It became luxury. Still the theater is an integral part of the intellectual life of each country and reflects the state of society and the minds of the nation.

Philosophy as sphere of spiritual culture

Philosophy - ancient man. Like other spheres of spiritual culture, it grows from mythology. It organically combines the features of religion, philosophers satisfy the important need for people in gaining meaning. The main questions of being (which is the world, in which the meaning of life) is obtained in philosophy various answers, but allow a person to choose his life Path. The most important functions of it is ideological and axiological, it helps a person to build its own system of views and criteria for assessing the surrounding world. Also, philosophy performs the gnoseological, critical, prognostic and educational function.

Science as sphere of spiritual culture

The very late educational sphere of spiritual culture was science. Its formation occurs quite slowly, and it is designed first of all to explain the device of the world. Science and religion are forms of overcoming mythological worldview. But in contrast to religion, science is a system of objective, verified knowledge and is built under the laws of logic. The leading need that person satisfies through science is informative. It is characteristic of a person who is tasked with various questions, and the search for answers generate science. Science from all other spheres of spiritual culture is distinguished by strict evidence and verifiability of postulates. Thanks to her, a universal objective picture of the world is formed. The main social is cognitive, ideological, practical and transformative, communicative, educational and regulatory. Unlike philosophy, science is based on a system of objective knowledge that are checked during the experiments.


    Spiritual culture - definition.

    Spiritual culture - structure.

    Varieties of spiritual culture.

    1. Art.


    2. Ideology.


1. Introduction

The world community pays more attention to the state of culture. It is understood primarily as the content and process of human life, the result of their active and targeted, although not always expedient and successful, productive social activity. Culture speaks one of the leading signs of planetary civilization, distinguishes the life of people from the life of other living beings on earth and possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

Culture- (LAT) cultivation, upbringing, education, development.

This is a specific way to organize and develop human livelihoods, presentations in products of material and spiritual labor in, system of social norms and institutions, in the system of spiritual values, in the aggregate attitude of people in nature among themselves and to themselves.

In the broad sense of the word culture - a set of manifestations of life, achievements of creativity of the people or groups of peoples.

In the narrow sense of the word culture - Removing bodily, mental inclinations and human abilities.

Culture- Processing, design, spiritualization, enjoyment by people of others and themselves. This is a design that has a value meaning. Culture begins where the content acquires perfect form.

Culture is a holistic system object with a complex structure. At the same time, the Being Culture itself acts as a single process that can be divided into two spheres: material and spiritual.

Material culture divided into: - production and technological culture, which is the real results of material production and methods of technological activities of a public person; - reproduction of the human race, which includes the entire sphere of intimate relations between a man and a woman. It should be noted that under material culture It is understood not so much the creation of the objective world of people, how much activity in the formation of "conditions of human existence". The essence of material culture is the embodiment of a variety of human needs, allowing people to adapt to the biological and social conditions of life.

2. Spiritual culture - definition.

Spiritual culture - multilayer education, including cognitive, moral, artistic, legal, etc. culture; This is a combination of intangible elements: norms, rules, laws, spiritual values, ceremonies, rituals, symbols, myths, language, knowledge, customs. Any object of intangible culture needs a material intermediary, for example - a book.

Spiritual culture - Sphere of human activity, covering various sides of the spiritual life of a person and society. Spiritual culture includes the forms of public consciousness and their embodiment in literary, architectural and other monuments of human activity. Speaking with a qualitative indicator of the spiritual life of society, spiritual culture according to its structure is identical to the structure of the spiritual sphere of public life, which is the unity of such components as a system, spiritual needs, spiritual consumption, social institutions, spiritual relations and communication.

Spiritual production - the activities of the Company for the production, preservation, exchange, distribution and consumption of ideas, ideas, ideals, scientific knowledge and other spiritual values. In the distribution and development of spiritual values, spiritual production covers education, moral and aesthetic education and other forms of admission to spiritual culture. Spiritual development - the process of enriching the spiritual development of man and society, aimed at implementing the ideals of the spiritual development of culture: humanism, freedom, individuality, creativity, etc. The spiritual development of society is embodied in the development of the forms of public consciousness: morality, religion, philosophy, science, art, political and legal understanding of social progress.

The concept of spiritual culture: - contains all the areas of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.), - shows the socio-political processes occurring in society (this is the power structures of management, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.). The ancient Greeks have formed a classic triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: the truth is good - beauty. Accordingly, the three most important value for human spirituality were allocated: - theoretism, with the orientation to the truth and the creation of a special essential being opposite to ordinary life phenomena; - This subordinates the moral content of life all other human aspirations; - Aestheticism, reaching the maximum fullness of life with a support for emotional and sensual experience. The above-mentioned parties of spiritual culture found their embodiment in various fields of people's activities: in science, philosophy, politics, art, right, etc. They are largely determined by the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development of society. Spiritual culture involves activities aimed at spiritual development Human and society, and also presents the results of this activity. Thus, all human activity becomes content of culture. Human society and stood out of nature due to such a specific form of interaction with the world around as human activity.

Spiritual culture - includes intellectual, moral, artistic, etc. It, too, the result of human activity can only be transmitted by communication.

Mythology - (from Greek. Mythos - legend). The very first form of spiritual culture. It originated when a person did not highlight himself from the natural and public environment, his thinking was not separated from emotions. Science, religion, philosophy in their germinal state intertwined in mythology.

The main features of mythological thinking:
1. Combines the most controversial views on the world, without opposing them to each other.
2. Carry human properties on natural objects.
3. Combines everything with everything (part and integer, item and its image, man and actions occurring around, man with animals, plants, stones).
4. Does not separate the knowledgeable person from the knowledgeable (from the world).
5. Tradianism. Worship before the ancestors.
6. Ethiquette - commitment to sustainable speech turnover, behavior methods.
7. Ritualism - following the rules of the ritual with the obligatory inclusion of the elements of the game, stories and images. Myth marked the beginning of music, poetry, choreography. Mythical consciousness does not apply to any faith or to science. Obligates the world.

Religion displays a person beyond reality, into transcendental. Religion is a worldview and the corresponding behavior defined by faith in the existence of God or the highest principle, as well as a sense of linations and dependencies in relation to the secret force, giving a person to support in life. Religion does not exist without religious behavior (piety), communication is a connection with God.

Religion has many features:
1. The value function - gives a person a system of meaning, makes it possible to understand the world, withdrawing a person beyond reality.
2. The compensatory function - helps people cope with fear in front of the world, cope with themselves, with fate, with social behavior. This is a way to fill human powerlessness.
3. Religion is a team phenomenon, therefore it has a function of socialization, associates a person and society.

Art is developing the world through the image system. Under it understands aesthetic skill and created by him. From natural objects, the work of art is distinguished by a man-made character, from works of science and technology - emotional content. It reflects the world of feelings, must be accessible, and sublime. Relies on harmony and beauty. The art is inherent in the rapid change of ratings, artistic means, styles and tastes. This is the most individualized type of activity. His task is not blind copying of reality, but the representation of reality in a special light, as the artist sees.

Art is divided into:
types (music, painting, sculpture, theater, etc.),
childbirth (poetry, prose, etc.),
genres (symphony, concert, etc.),
styles (baroque, classicism).

Art is closely connected with magic, because Bed into the primitive era.

Science - develops and systematizes objective knowledge of reality. He studies it by identifying stable, repeated ties between the phenomena of the world. Scientific knowledge Checked and reproduced by experienced. The basis of science is experiment. B is born Ancient Greece in 1 c. BC, was not divided into the industry. Christian science in 16-17 centuries. It was replaced by the concept of experiment and natural science. The possibility of materialistic description of anyone was recognized natural phenomenon. The mechanistic worldview approved the possibility of describing any phenomenon with the help of mathematical formulas in a strict sequence. Therefore, the true goal of science is to combine holistic knowledge - begins to be lost. Specific knowledge deepen, total scientific picture The world disintegrates.

Philosophy is a system of views on the world, something average between art, religion and science. "Love for wisdom." Its task is to understand, assess the results of human activity, including scientific. The value of philosophy is that it can give ever new and new meanings already known concepts. The philosophy is the same ancient, as well as religion, in the East is closely connected with Pantheism (the form of religion, arguing that God is all). Western philosophy Born in Greece, it is more rationalistic than Eastern, more oriented per person.

Morality - special form Public consciousness and method for regulating a person's actions in society with the help of the norms receiving ideological justification in the form of ideals of good and evil, due, fair.

Spiritual culture

Spiritual culture - This is a system of knowledge and ideological ideas inherent in specific cultural and historical unity or humanity as a whole.

The concept of "spiritual culture" goes back to the historical and philosophical ideas of the German philosopher, linguist and state Worker Wilhelm von Humboldt. According to the theory of historical knowledge developed by them, the World History There is a result of the activities of the spiritual force lying outside the knowledge that manifests itself through creative skills and the personal efforts of individual individuals. The fruits of this creativity constitute the spiritual culture of mankind.

Spiritual culture arises due to the fact that a person does not limit himself only with sensually external experience and does not dismiss him preferential importance, but recognizes the main and leading spiritual experience from which he lives, loves, believes and evaluates all things. This inner spiritual experience of a person determines the meaning and the highest goal of external, sensual experience.

Spiritual culture - the sphere of human activity, covering various sides of the spiritual life of man and society. Spiritual culture includes the forms of public consciousness and their embodiment in literary, architectural and other monuments of human activity.


  • Ilyin I. A. Path to evidence. - M.: Republic, 1992.

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