Nikolaev A. I.

Nikolaev A. I.
Nikolaev A. I.

If someone thinks they are very difficult to remember, then, of course, is mistaken. Everything is simple enough.

Open a list of references. We see that everything is laid out here. Specific temporary segments are given. And now I will emphasize your attention on what - almost every literary direction has a clear temporal binding.

We look the screenshot. "Lady" of Fonvizin, "Monument" of Derzhadina, "Mountain from Mind" Griboedov is all classicism. Then a realism comes to replace the classicism, there is no sentimentalism at all time, but it is not represented in this list of works. Therefore, almost all works that are listed below are realism. If a "novel" is written next to the work, then it is only realism. Nothing more.

Romanticism in this list is also there, it is impossible to forget about it. It is presented weakly, these are works such as Ballada V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana", Poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI". It would seem that romanticism died even at the beginning of the XIXVEK, but we can still meet it in XX. There was a story M.A. Gorky "old woman Izergil." That's all, there is no more romanticism.

Everything else, which is given in the list, that I did not call is realism.

And what is the direction of the "Word about the regiment of Igor?" In this case, it does not stand out.

And now we will briefly go through what features in these directions. Everything is simple:

Classicism- It is 3 unity: unity of the place, time, actions. Recall the comedy Griboedov "Mount from Wit". All action lasts 24 hours, and it happens in the Famusov House. With the "inexpensive" phonvizin, everything is similar. Another detail for classicism: the heroes can be clearly divided into positive and negative. The remaining signs of knowingly. It is enough for you to understand that we have a classic work.

Romanticism - Exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances. Recall what happened in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI". Against the background of the majestic nature, the divine beauty and greatness, the events unfold. "Mcsier runs away." Nature and hero merge with each other, there is a complete immersion of the inner world and external. Mcyri is an exceptional personality. Strong, brave, bold.

Recall the Hero Danko Hero, who snatched his heart and illuminated the path to people. The specified hero is also suitable for a criterion of an exceptional personality, so it is a romantic story. And in general, all the characters that are described by Gorky are desperate rebellion.

Realism begins with Pushkin, which throughout the second half of the XIX century is very violently developing. All life with its advantages and disadvantages, with inconsistency and complexity - becomes the object of writers. Specific historical events and individuals who live with fictional characters, which very often have a real prototype or even a few.

If short, realism- What I see, I write. Our life is complicated, complex and heroes, they are moving, they think they change, develop, mistaken.

By the beginning of the twentieth century it became clear that it was time to look for new forms, new styles, other approaches. Therefore, new authors are growing rapidly in the literature, modern is flourishing, which includes a lot of branches: symbolism, acmeism, immudy, futurism.

And to determine what particular literary flow can be attributed to one or another work, you need to know more of writing it. Because, for example, it is wrong to say that Akhmatova is only anxisis. You can only attribute to this area. Some creativity did not suit the specific classification, such, for example, were Tsvetaeva with Pasternak.

As for symbolism, it will be somewhat simpler: block, mandelles. Futurism - Mayakovsky. Axism, as we said, Akhmatova. There was still an immudy, but it is presented weakly, it is attributed to Yesenin. That's how it is all.

Symbolism- The term speaks for himself. The authors through a large number of all sorts of characters encrypted the meaning of the work. The number of meanings that were laid by poets can be sought and looking for infinity. Therefore, these poems are so sufficient.

Futurism - Slovency. The art of the future. Refusal of the past. Unrestrained search for new rhythms, rhymes, words. Lestenka Mayakovsky remember? Such works were intended for the declamation (read in humans). Futurists are simply anstic people. They did everything to remember them. All means for this were good.

Axism- If in the symbolism neither the trait is not clear, then the aqmeists took to completely oppose themselves. Their creativity is clear, specifically. It does not hide somewhere in the clouds. It is here here. They portrayed the earthly world, her earthly beauty. Still stripped through the word to transform the world. It's enough.

Imazinism- The basis is based on the image. Sometimes not one. Such poems, as a rule, are completely deprived of meaning. Sergei Yesenin has a short time wrote such poems. More from the list of references to this flow is not related.

It's all. If something has not yet understood, or found mistakes in my words, then write in the comments. Tell together.

If someone thinks they are very difficult to remember, then, of course, is mistaken. Everything is simple enough.

Open a list of references. We see that everything is laid out here. Specific temporary segments are given. And now I will emphasize your attention on what - almost every literary direction has a clear temporal binding.

We look the screenshot. "Lady" of Fonvizin, "Monument" of Derzhadina, "Mountain from Mind" Griboedov is all classicism. Then a realism comes to replace the classicism, there is no sentimentalism at all time, but it is not represented in this list of works. Therefore, almost all works that are listed below are realism. If a "novel" is written next to the work, then it is only realism. Nothing more.

Romanticism in this list is also there, it is impossible to forget about it. It is presented weakly, these are works such as Ballada V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana", Poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI". It would seem that romanticism died even at the beginning of the XIXVEK, but we can still meet it in XX. There was a story M.A. Gorky "old woman Izergil." That's all, there is no more romanticism.

Everything else, which is given in the list, that I did not call is realism.

And what is the direction of the "Word about the regiment of Igor?" In this case, it does not stand out.

And now we will briefly go through what features in these directions. Everything is simple:

Classicism- It is 3 unity: unity of the place, time, actions. Recall the comedy Griboedov "Mount from Wit". All action lasts 24 hours, and it happens in the Famusov House. With the "inexpensive" phonvizin, everything is similar. Another detail for classicism: the heroes can be clearly divided into positive and negative. The remaining signs of knowingly. It is enough for you to understand that we have a classic work.

Romanticism - Exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances. Recall what happened in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI". Against the background of the majestic nature, the divine beauty and greatness, the events unfold. "Mcsier runs away." Nature and hero merge with each other, there is a complete immersion of the inner world and external. Mcyri is an exceptional personality. Strong, brave, bold.

Recall the Hero Danko Hero, who snatched his heart and illuminated the path to people. The specified hero is also suitable for a criterion of an exceptional personality, so it is a romantic story. And in general, all the characters that are described by Gorky are desperate rebellion.

Realism begins with Pushkin, which throughout the second half of the XIX century is very violently developing. All life with its advantages and disadvantages, with inconsistency and complexity - becomes the object of writers. Specific historical events and individuals who live with fictional characters, which very often have a real prototype or even a few.

If short, realism- What I see, I write. Our life is complicated, complex and heroes, they are moving, they think they change, develop, mistaken.

By the beginning of the twentieth century it became clear that it was time to look for new forms, new styles, other approaches. Therefore, new authors are growing rapidly in the literature, modern is flourishing, which includes a lot of branches: symbolism, acmeism, immudy, futurism.

And to determine what particular literary flow can be attributed to one or another work, you need to know more of writing it. Because, for example, it is wrong to say that Akhmatova is only anxisis. You can only attribute to this area. Some creativity did not suit the specific classification, such, for example, were Tsvetaeva with Pasternak.

As for symbolism, it will be somewhat simpler: block, mandelles. Futurism - Mayakovsky. Axism, as we said, Akhmatova. There was still an immudy, but it is presented weakly, it is attributed to Yesenin. That's how it is all.

Symbolism- The term speaks for himself. The authors through a large number of all sorts of characters encrypted the meaning of the work. The number of meanings that were laid by poets can be sought and looking for infinity. Therefore, these poems are so sufficient.

Futurism - Slovency. The art of the future. Refusal of the past. Unrestrained search for new rhythms, rhymes, words. Lestenka Mayakovsky remember? Such works were intended for the declamation (read in humans). Futurists are simply anstic people. They did everything to remember them. All means for this were good.

Axism- If in the symbolism neither the trait is not clear, then the aqmeists took to completely oppose themselves. Their creativity is clear, specifically. It does not hide somewhere in the clouds. It is here here. They portrayed the earthly world, her earthly beauty. Still stripped through the word to transform the world. It's enough.

Imazinism- The basis is based on the image. Sometimes not one. Such poems, as a rule, are completely deprived of meaning. Sergei Yesenin has a short time wrote such poems. More from the list of references to this flow is not related.

It's all. If something has not yet understood, or found mistakes in my words, then write in the comments. Tell together.

Literary Direction (method) - The set of the main features of creativity, formed and repeated in a certain historical period of art development.

At the same time, the features of this direction can be traced from the authors who worked in the epochs preceding the formation of the direction itself (the features of romanticism at Shakespeare, the features of realism in the "inexpensive" phonvizin), as well as in the subsequent epochs (the features of romanticism at Gorky).

Four basic literary directions are distinguished:Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism.

Literary current - smaller division compared to the direction; Currents either represent the branches of one direction (German romanticism, French romanticism, bayronism in England, Karamzinism in Russia), or arise in the transition from one direction to another (sentimentalism).

The main literary areas (methods) and flow

1. Classicism

The main literary direction in Russia of the XVIII century.

Main traits

  1. Imitation of antique culture samples.
  2. Strict rules for building art works. Head. Literary directions (methods) and flow 9
  3. Strict genre hierarchy: high (soda, epic poem, tragedy); Medium (Satire, Love Message); Low (bass, comedy).
  4. Hard boundaries between childbirth and genres.
  5. Creating an ideal scheme of social life and ideal images of members of society (enlightened monarch, statesman, military, woman).

Major genres in poetry

Oda, satire, historical poem.

The main rules for building dramatic works

  1. The rule "three unity": places, time, actions.
  2. Division on positive and negative characters.
  3. The presence of a resonance hero (character expressing the author's position).
  4. Traditional role: resonant (hero-resonant), first lover (Hero-lover), second lover, engine, subtrake, deceived father, etc.
  5. Traditional junction: the celebration of the virtue and punishment of vice.
  6. Five actions.
  7. Talking surnames.
  8. Long moral monologues.

Main representatives

Europe - Writer and Thinker Voltaire; Cornell playwrights, Rasin, Moliere; Basinist Lafontaten; Poet guys (France).

Russia - Poets of Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Fonvizin's playwright (Comedy "Brigadier", 1769 and "Lady", 1782).

Traditions of classicism in the literature of the XIX century

Wings . Genre traditions of classicism in bass.

Griboedov . The features of classicism in the comedy "grief from the mind."

The main literary direction in Russia is the I-th third of the XIx century.

Main traits

  1. The creation of the ideal world of dreams, fundamentally incompatible with real life, opposed to it.
  2. In the center of the image - the human person, its inner world, its attitude to the surrounding reality.
  3. An image of an exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances.
  4. The denial of all the rules of classicism.
  5. Using fiction, symbols, lack of household and historical motivations.

Main genres

Lyrical poem, poem, tragedy, novel.

Major genres in Russian poetry

Elegy, Message, Song, Ballad, Poem.

Main representatives

Europe - Goethe, Heine, Schiller (Germany), Bayron (England).

Russia - Zhukovsky.

Traditions of romanticism in the literature of the XIX-XX centuries

Griboedov . Romantic features in the characters of Sofia and Chatsky; Parody on the ballads Zhukovsky (Son Sofia) in the comedy "grief from the mind."

Pushkin . Romantic period of creativity (1813--1824); The image of the poet Romance Lensky and reasoning about romanticism in the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin"; Unknown Roman "Dubrovsky".

Lermontov . Romantic period of creativity (1828-І836); elements of romanticism in poems of the mature period (1837-1841); Romantic motifs in the poems "Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov", "MTSY", "demon", in the novel "Hero of our time"; The image of the poet Romance Lensky in the poem "death of the poet".

The main literary direction of the 2nd half of the XIX-XX century.

Main traits

  1. Creation of typical (natural) characters.
  2. These characters operate in a typical household and historical setting.
  3. Vital truth, loyalty of parts (combined with the conditional forms of artistic fantasy: symbol, grotesque, fantastics, myth).

In Russia, the formation of realism begins in the 1820s:

Wings. Basni.

Griboedov . Comedy "Woe from Wit" (1822 -1824).

Pushkin . Mikhailovsky (1826--1826) and late (1826--1836) periods of creativity: novel in verses "Evgeny Onegin" (1823-1831), tragedy "Boris Godunov" (1825), "Tale of Belkin" (1830), the poem "Copper Rider "(1833), Tale" Captain's daughter "(1833-1836); Late lyrics.

Lermontov . The period of mature creativity (1837-1841): the novel "Hero of our time" (1839-1841), Late Lyrics.

Gogol. . "Petersburg Tale" (1835-1842; "Shinel", 1842), the comedy "Auditor" (1835), the poem "Dead Souls" (1st Tom: 1835-1842).

Tyutchev, Fet. . Features of realism in lyrics.

In 1839-1847, Russian realism is formed into a special literary flow, which received the name "Natural School" or "Gogol Direction". The natural school has become the first stage in the development of a new course in the realism - Russian critical realism.

Software works of writers of critical realism


Goncharov . Roman "Oblomov" (1848-1858).

Turgenev . Tale "Asya" (1858), Roman "Fathers and Children" (1861).

Dostoevsky . Roman "Crime and Punishment" (1866).

Lev Tolstoy . Roman-epic "War and Peace" (1863-1869).

Saltykov-Shchedrin . "History of one city" (1869--1870), "fairy tales" (1869-1886).

Leskov . The story "Enchanted Wanderer" (1879), the story "Lefty" (1881).


Ostrovsky . Drama "Thunderstorm" (1859), the comedy "Forest" (1870).


Nekrasov . Lyrics, the poems "peasant children" (1861), "Who lives well in Russia" (1863- 1877).

The development of critical realism is completed at the end of the XIX - early twentieth century:

Chekhov . Stories "Death of the Officer" (1883), "Chameleon" (1884), "Student" (1894), "House with mezzanine" (1896), "Ionch", "Man in a case", "Gooseberry", "On Love" , "Dressing" (all 1898), "Lady with a dog" (1899), comedy "Cherry Garden" (1904).

Bitter . Essay "Former people" (1897), Story "Iceshop" (1912), play "At the bottom" (1902).

Bunin . Stories "Antonovka Apples" (1900), "Mr. San Francisco" (1915).

Kubrin . Tale "Olesya" (1898), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1910).

After the October Revolution, the term "Socialist Realism" appears. However, the creativity of the best writers of the post-revolutionary period does not fit into the narrow framework of this flow and retains traditional features of Russian realism:

Sholokhov . Roman "Silent Don" (1925-1940), the story "The Fate of Man" (1956).

Bulgakov . The story "Dog's Heart" (1925), the novels "White Guard" (1922-1924), "Master and Margarita" (1929-1940), the play "Turbine Days" (1925-1926).

Zamyatin . Roman-Antiutopia "We" (1929).

Platonov . Tale "Kotlovan" (1930).

Tvardovsky . Poem, Poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941-1945).

Parsnip . Late Lyrics, Roman "Dr. Zhivago" (1945--1955).

Solzhenitsyn . The story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", the story "Matrenin Dvor" (1959).

Shalamov . Cycle "Kolyma stories" (1954--1973).

Astafyev . Tale "Shepherd and Cowgirl" (1967-1989).

Trifonov . Tale "old man" (1978).

Shukshin. Stories.

Rasputin . Tale "Farewell to Mother" (1976).

5. Modernism

Modernism - literary direction, uniting various flows in the art of the end of the 19th-twentieth century, engaged in experiments with the form of artistic works (symbolism, acmeism, futurism, cubism, constructivism, avant-garde, abstractionism, etc.).

Imazinism (IMAGO - an image) -literate flow in Russian poetry of the I919- 1925, whose representatives stated that the purpose of creativity is to create an image. The main expressive means of imagine - metaphor, often metaphorical chains that match the various elements of two images - direct and portable. Creator of the flow - Anatoly Borisovich Mariengof. The fame of the grouping of the IMAZHINISTS was brought by Sergey Yesenin.

Postmodernism - A variety of currents in the art of the 2nd half of the 20th century XXI century (conceptualism, pop art, social art, body art, graffiti, etc.), who put the corner of the dedication of the integrity of life and art at all levels. In Russian literature, the era of postmodernism opens with Almanac Metropol, 1979; The most famous authors of the almanac:V.P. Aksenov, B.A. Ahmadulina, A.G. Bitov, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, F.A. Iskander.

The works of each era are inherent in the similarities of the shadow-thematic system, the repetition of plot strokes, the unity of the artistic thinking and the proximity of ideological views. Hence, the main literary directions were formed.


The name is given from the word "exemplary" translated from Latin. As an artistic style and literary direction appeared in Europe in the seventeenth century and dried up to the beginning of the nineteenth. Literary directions did not have the channel wider than this. Characteristics:

1. Appeal to antiquity - in images and forms - as an aesthetic standard.

2. Strict canons, harmony, logic: the inviolability of the construction, like the universe.

3. rationalism without individual signs and features, in the field of view only eternal and unshakable.

4. Hierarchy: Genres High and low (tragedy and comedy).

5. Unity of the place, time and action, no side distracting lines.

Bright representatives were Cornel, Lafonten, Rasin.


Literary directions typically grow one of the other or new brings a protest wave. The second is characteristic of the appearance at the end of the eighteenth century of romanticism - one of the largest currents in the history of literature. Romanticism in Europe and America almost at the same time. Characteristic features: protest against the vulgarity of bourgeois life, for the poetry of everyday life and against prosperity, disappointment in the fruits of civilization. Cosmic pessimism and world grief. Confrontation of personality and society, individualism. Separation of the real and perfect worlds, opposition. The romantic hero is high-way, inspired and illuminated by the desire for the ideal. A new phenomenon appears in the literature: the local flavor, blooming fairy tales, legends, beliefs, chasing the elements of nature. The action often occurs in the most exotic places. Representatives: Byron, Kitts, Schiller, Duma Father, Hugo, Lermontov, partly - Gogol.


Translated - "sensual." Literary directions consist of more or less noticeable trends. Sentimentalism is the essence of the course in line with predocant. I existed in Europe and America the second half of the eighteenth century, by the mid-nineteenth ended. Not a mind, but the feeling exceeded sentimentalism, without recognizing any rationalism, even the educational. The naturalness of the feeling and democracy is characteristic. For the first time, an interest in the inner world of ordinary people appears. In contrast to romanticism, sentimentalism rejected irrational, there are no contradictions, impulsiveness, impulse, inaccessible to rationalistic interpretation. He was strong in Russia and was somewhat different from the Western: rational was still expressed quite clearly, morality and educational trends were present, improved and enriched by Russian due to the use of the spacious. Favorite genres: Message, Epistolar Roman, Diaries - all that helps confessionality. Representatives: Rousseau, Young Goethe, Karamzin.


Literary destinations that existed in Europe and North America throughout the last third of the nineteenth century include in their direction and naturalism. Characteristic features: objectivity, accurate image of details and realities of human character. Artistic and scientific knowledge were not divided into approach methods. Artistic text, as a human document: Implementation of an act of knowledge. Reality is a good teacher and without moralization, for a writer there can be no bad plots and topics. From here in the works of naturalists, quite a lot of purely literary deficiencies like immucing, indifference to public interest. Representatives: Zola, Maupassan, Dodé, Driver, Norris, London, from Russians - Boborakin, in separate works - Kubin, Bunin, Veresaev.


Eternal. Born at the end of the nineteenth century, alive to this day. In priorities: the truth of life as the truth of the literature. Images correspond to the essence of phenomena, literature as a means of knowledge and yourself, and the surrounding world. Typing characters through attention to detail. The life-affirming began, reality in the development of new phenomena, relationships, psychological types. Representatives: Balzac, Standal, Twain, Dickens. Russians - almost all: Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Shukhin, and so on.

Literary directions and trends not considered in the article, but having great representatives: symbolism - Verlene, Rembo, Mallarm, Rilke, Bryusov, Block, Vyach. Ivanov; Akmeism - Gumilyov, Gorodetsky, Mandelshtam, Akhmatova, Ivanov; Futurism - Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov, Burluk, Northerner, Shershevich, Pasternak, Aseev; IMAZHINISM - Yesenin, Klyuev.

  1. The literary direction is often identified with the artistic method. It denotes a set of fundamental spiritual and aesthetic principles of many writers, as well as a number of groupings and schools, their program-aesthetic installations used. In the struggle and change of directions, the regularities of the literary process are most clearly expressed.

    It is customary to allocate the following literary directions:

    a) classicism
    b) sentimentalism,
    c) naturalism
    d) romanticism,
    e) symbolism,
    e) realism.

  1. The literary current is often identified with the literary group and school. Indicates a set of creative personalities for which ideological and artistic proximity and software-aesthetic unity. Otherwise, the literary flow is a variety (as if a subclass) of the literary direction. For example, as applied to Russian romantics, they are talking about "philosophical", "psychological" and "civil" current. In Russian realism, some identify "psychological" and "sociological" current.


Artistic style and direction in European literature and art XVII-beginning. XIX centuries. The name is formed from the Latin "Classicus" - exemplary.

Features of classicism:

  1. Appeal to the images and forms of ancient literature and art as an ideal aesthetic standard, the nomination of the principle of "imitation of nature" on this basis, which implies strict adherence to unshakable rules, drawn from ancient aesthetics (eg, represented by Aristotle, Horace).
  2. The basis of the aesthetics is the principles of rationalism (from lat. "Ratio" - mind), which argues a look at the artistic work as an artificial creation - consciously created, reasonably organized, logically built.
  3. Images in classicism are deprived of individual traits, as they are intended primarily to capture sustainable, generic, increasing signs over time, acting as an embodiment of any social or spiritual forces.
  4. Social and educational function of art. Education of a harmonious personality.
  5. Installed a strict hierarchy of genres, which are divided into "high" (tragedy, epic, sifting; their sphere - public life, historical events, mythology, their heroes - monarchs, commander, mythological characters, religious devotees) and "low" (comedy, satire , Bass, who portrayed the private daily life of medium-sized people). Each genre has strict borders and clear formal signs, no mixing of an elevated and low-lying, tragic and comic, heroic and ordinary is not allowed. Leading genre - tragedy.
  6. Classic drama approved the so-called principle of "unity of place, time and action", which meant: the action of the play should occur in one place, the time of action should be limited to the time of the performance of the performance (possibly more, but the maximum time that the play was needed - one Day), the unity of action implied that one central intrigue not interrupted by side effects should be reflected in the play.

Classicism originated and received its development in France with the statement of absolutism (classicism with its concepts about "exemployment", a strict hierarchy of genres, etc. In general, often associated with absolutism and the flourishing of statehood - P. Cornel, J. Rasin, J. Lafontane, J. B. Moliere, etc. Encouraging a lane at the end of the XVII century, classicism was revived in the Epoch of Enlightenment - Voltaire, M. Shhenie, etc. After the Great French Revolution with the collapse of rationalistic ideas, classicism falls in decline that dominates the style of European art It becomes romanticism.

Classicism in Russia:

Russian Classicism originated in the second quarter of the XVIII century in the work of the nominator of the new Russian literature - A. D. Kantemir, V. K. Tredyakovsky and M. V. Lomonosov. In the era of classicism, Russian literature mastered the genre and stylistic forms in the West, joined the pan-European literary development, while maintaining its national identity. Characteristic features of Russian classicism:

but) Satyrian orientation - an important place is occupied by such genres like satire, fable, comedy, directly addressed to specific phenomena of Russian life;
b) The predominance of national historical themes over the ancient (tragedy A. P. Sumarokova, Ya. B. Prinjin, etc.);
in) High level of development of the genre of OD (at M. V. Lomonosov and G. R. Dervin);
d) General patriotic pathos of Russian classicism.

In the late XVIII - beginning. XIX century Russian Classicism is influenced by sentimentalist and predocabusement ideas, which affects poetry G. R. Derzhavin, tragedies V. A. Ozerov and the civilian lyrics of the Decembrists poets.


Sentimentalism (from English Sentimental - "sensitive") - the flow of European literature and art of the XVIII century. It was prepared by the crisis of educational rationalism, was the final stage of enlightenment. Chronologically, basically preceded romanticism, giving him a number of his traits.

The main signs of sentimentalism:

  1. Sentimentalism remained faithful to the ideal of a regulatory personality.
  2. Unlike classicism with his educational pathos, the dominant "human nature" declared a feeling, not a mind.
  3. The condition for the formation of an ideal person considered not "reasonable reorganization of the world", but the release and improvement of "natural feelings".
  4. The hero of the literature sentimentalism is more individualized: by origin (or beliefs), he is a democrat, a rich spiritual world of commoner - one of the conquests of sentimentalism.
  5. However, in contrast to romanticism (predocant), the sentimentalism is alien to "irrational": the inconsistency of moods, the impulsivity of spiritual plows he perceived as an affordable rationalistic interpretation.

The most complete expression of sentimentalism accepted in England, where the ideology of the third class was previously formed - the works of J. Thomson, O. Goldsmit, J. Krabba, S. Richardson, Ji. Stern.

Sentimentalism in Russia:

In Russia, representatives of sentimentalism were: M. N. Muravyev, N. M. Karamzin (Naib, the famous produce. - "Poor Lisa"), I. I. Dmitriev, V. V. Kopnis, N. A. Lvov, young in . A. Zhukovsky.

Characteristic features of Russian sentimentalism:

a) rather pronounced rationalistic trends;
b) strongly didactic (moral) installation;
c) educational trends;
d) improving the literary language, Russian sentimentalists appealed to conversational standards, introduced the surprise.

Favorite genres Sentimentalist Elegy, Message, Epistolar Roman (Roman in letters), travel notes, diaries and other types of prose, in which confessional motives prevail.


One of the largest trends in the European and American literature of the end of the XVIII-first half of the XIX century, which has gained worldwide importance and distribution. In the XVIII century, the romantic was named after a fantastic, unusual, strange, found only in books, and not in reality. At the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries. "Romanticism" begins to refer to the new literary direction.

The main signs of romanticism:

  1. Antique orientation (i.e., against the ideology of the enlightenment), which was still in sentimentalism and predocant, and in romanticism reached its highest point. Social and ideological prerequisites - disappointment in the results of the Great French Revolution and the fruits of civilization in general, protest against the vulgarity, ordinaryness and prosperity of the bourgeois life. The reality of the story turned out to be non-fully "mind", irrational, complete secrecy and unforeseen, and modern world order - the hostile nature of man and his personal freedom.
  2. The overall pessimistic focus is the ideas of "cosmic pessimism", "world grief" (the heroes of the works of F. Shatubrian, A. Mussse, J. Bairon, A. Vinyi, etc.). The topic of "the evil" "terrible world" was particularly brightly reflected in the "Rock Drama" or "Rock Tragedy" (Kleist, J. Bayron, E. T. A. Gofman, E. PO).
  3. Faith in the omnipotence of the spirit of man, in his ability to update. Romantics opened extraordinary complexity, the inner depth of human individuality. A person for them is a microcosm, a small universe. From here - the absolutization of the personal beginning, the philosophy of individualism. In the center of the romantic work is always a strong, exceptional personality opposing society, his laws or moral norms.
  4. "Dwellemiria", that is, the division of the world to the real and perfect, which are opposed to each other. Spiritual illusion, inspiration, which is subject to novel with a ticial hero, is nothing more than penetration into this ideal world (for example, the works of Hoffmann, especially brightly in: "Golden Pot", "Nutcracker", "Chicken Tsakhs on Nicknofing CynNober") . Romantics opposed the classic "imitation of nature" the creative activity of the artist with his right to transformation of the real world: the artist creates his own, a special world, more beautiful and true.
  5. "Local color". The person opposing society feels spiritual proximity with nature, her elements. That is why romantics often arise as the exotic country and their nature (East). Exotic wildlife was completely fitted in the spirit of the romantic personality, aspiring. Romantics are the first to pay close attention to the creative heritage of the people, its national-cultural and historical features. National and cultural diversity, according to the philosophy of romantics, was part of a large one whole - "Universum". It was clearly implemented in the development of the genre of the historic novel (the authors as V. Scott, F. Cooper, V. Hugo).

Romantics, absoluting the creative freedom of the artist, denied rationalistic regulation in art, which, however, did not prevent them from proclaiming their own, romantic canons.

Genres developed: a fantastic story, a historic novel, a lyric epic poem, an extraordinary heyday reaches a lyrics.

Classic romantic countries - Germany, England, France.

Starting from the 1840s, romanticism in the main European countries is inferior to the leading position with critical realism and departs the second plan.

Romanticism in Russia:

The birth of romanticism in Russia is associated with the socio-ideological atmosphere of Russian life - a national rise after the war of 1812. All this led not only to the formation, but also the special nature of the romanticism of the Poets-Decembrists (eg, K. F. Ryleev, V. K. Kyuhelbecker, A. I. Odoyevsky), whose work was an insecious idea of \u200b\u200bcivil serving, penetrated by Paphos of Wolnolubia and Fight.

Characteristic features of romanticism in Russia:

but) The forcingity of the development of literature in Russia at the beginning of the XIX century led to "raid" and the combination of various stages, which in other countries were experiencing gradually. In Russian romanticism, pre-crocuted trends with the trends of classicism and enlightenment are intertwined: doubts about the omnipotent role of the mind, the cult of sensitivity, nature, elegy melancholism was combined with the classic streamlord of styles and genres, moderate didactism (edification) and the fight against excessive metaphoricity for the sake of "harmonic accuracy" (expression A. S. Pushkin).

b) A more pronounced social orientation of Russian romanticism. For example, the poetry of the Decembrists, the works of M. Yu. Lermontov.

In Russian romanticism, such genres such as Elegy, Idylli is obtained. Very important for the self-determination of Russian romanticism was the development of ballads (eg, in the work of V. A. Zhukovsky). The sharp of all the contours of Russian romanticism was determined with the emergence of the genre of a lyry-epic poem (the southern poems A. S. Pushkin, works of I. I. Kozlov, K. F. Ryleev, M. Yu. Lermontova, etc.). A historical novel is developing as a large epic form (M. N. Zagoskin, I. I. Lazhechnikov). The special way of creating a large epic form is cyclization, that is, uniting externally independent (and partially printed separately) works ("Double or my evenings in Little Russia" A. Pogorelsky, "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" N. V. Gogol, "Our Hero time "M. Yu. Lermontov," Russian nights "V. F. Odoyevsky).


Naturalism (from Latin Natura - "Nature") is a literary direction established in the last third of the XIX century in Europe and the United States.

Characteristic features of naturalism:

  1. The desire for an objective, accurate and impassive image of reality and human nature caused by physiological nature and the medium that is primarily understood as a direct household and material environment, but not excluding socially student factors. The main task of naturalists was to learn the society with the same completeness, with what kind of scientist studies nature, artistic knowledge was likened to scientifically.
  2. The artistic work was considered as "Human Document", and the main aesthetic criterion was considered the completeness of the informative act implemented in it.
  3. Naturalists refused moralization, believing that the reality itself was expressive in itself expressive with scientific impartiality. They believed that literature, like science, was not eligible in choosing a material that there is no unsuitable storylors for the writer or unworthy topics. From here in the works of naturalists often there were immunity and public indifference.

The special development of naturalism was received in France - for example, the creativity of such writers, as the city of Flaubert, Brothers E. and J. Gekur, E. Zola (who developed the theory of naturalism).

In Russia, naturalism has not been widespread, he played only a certain role at the initial stage of the development of Russian realism. Naturalistic trends are traced in writers of the so-called "natural school" (see below) - V. I. Dal, I. I. Panayev, etc.


Realism (from Latelatinsky Realis - real, valid) - literary and artistic direction of the XIX-XX centuries. It originates in the revival (the so-called "Renaissance Realism") or in enlightenment ("educational realism"). Facilities of realism are noted in ancient and medieval folklore, ancient literature.

The main features of realism:

  1. The artist depicts life in the images corresponding to the essence of the phenomena of life itself.
  2. Literature in the realism is a means of knowing the person of himself and the surrounding world.
  3. The knowledge of reality goes with the help of images created by typing the facts of reality ("typical characters in a typical setting"). Typification of characters in the realism is carried out through the "truth of the details" in the "specifics" of the conditions of the character of the characters.
  4. Realistic art is the art of life-affirming, even during the tragic resolution of the conflict. The philosophical foundation of this is Gnosticism, faith in the cognitiveness and adequate reflection of the surrounding world, in contrast, for example, from romanticism.
  5. The realistic art is inherent in the desire to consider reality in the development, the ability to detect and capture the emergence and development of new forms of life and social relations, new psychological and social types.

Realism as a literary direction was formed in the 30s of the XIX century. The direct predecessor of realism in European literature was romanticism. Having made an unusual image, creating an imaginary world of special circumstances and exceptional passions, he (romanticism) at the same time showed a personality richer in spiritual, emotional terms, more complex and controversial than it was available to classicism, sentimentalism and other areas of previous epochs. Therefore, realism has developed not as an antagonist of romanticism, but as its ally in the fight against the idealization of social relations, for the national historical originality of artistic images (flavor of the place and time). Between the romanticism and the realism of the first half of the 19th century, it is not always easy to spend clear boundaries, in the work of many writers, romantic and realistic features merged together - for example, works O. Balzak, Standal, V. Hugo, partly Ch. Dickens. In Russian literature, this particularly clearly appeared in the works of A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov (the southern poems of Pushkin and the "Hero of our time" Lermontov).

In Russia, where the foundations of realism were still in the 1820-30s. Mounted by A. S. Pushkin ("Eugene Onegin", "Boris Godunov", "Captain's daughter", late lyrics), as well as some other writers ("Woe from Wit" A. S. Griboyedova, Basny I. A. Krylova ), this stage is associated with the names of I. A. Goncharova, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasova, A. N. Ostrovsky and others. Realism of the XIX century is customary to be called "critical", since the decisive principle in it was precisely Socially critical. An aggravated socio-critical pathos is one of the main distinguishing features of Russian realism - for example, "Auditor", "Dead Souls" N. V. Gogol, the activities of the Writers of the "Natural School". Realism 2nd half of the XIX century reached its vertices in Russian literature, especially in the work of L. N. Tolstoy and F. M. Dostoevsky, who became central figures of the world literary process at the end of the 19th century. They enriched world literature with new principles for the construction of a socio-psychological novel, philosophical and moral issues, new ways to disclose the human psyche in its depths.