II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization

 II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization
II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization

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Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08-08-2012 808 on the organization of heat supply in the Russian Federation and the amendments to ... relevant in 2018

II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization

3. The status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the heat supply and (or) heat treatment organization by the decision of the federal executive body (in relation to cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more) or local government (hereinafter referred to as authorized bodies) when approving the heat supply scheme of the settlement, the urban district.

4. The project of the heat supply scheme should define the boundaries of the unified heat supply organization activities (organizations). The boundaries of the zone (zones) of the activities of a single heat supply organization (organizations) are determined by the boundaries of the heat supply system.

In case there are several heat supply systems on the territory of the settlement, the urban district, the authorized bodies have the right to:

identify a single heat supply organization (organization) in each of the heat supply systems located within the borders of the settlement, the urban district;

determine in several heat supply systems a single heat supply organization.

5. To assign the organization of the status of a single heat supply organization in the territory of the settlement, the urban district of the person who owns or otherwise by the sources of thermal energy and (or) thermal networks, are submitted to the authorized body within 1 month from the date of publication (placement) in The established procedure of the project of the heat supply scheme, as well as from the date of publication (placement) of the message specified in paragraph 17 of these Rules, the application for the assignment of the organization of the status of a single heat supply organization, indicating the zone of its activities. The application is attached to the accounting reports, compiled at the last reporting date before submitting an application, with a marking of the tax authority about its adoption.

Authorized bodies are required within 3 working days from the date of expiration date to submit applications to place information about the applications received on the website of the settlement, urban district, on the website of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation in the Internet information and telecommunication network (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

If local governments do not have the ability to post relevant information on their official websites, the necessary information can be posted on the official website of the subject of the Russian Federation, which is within the boundaries of the corresponding municipality. Settlements included in the municipal area can post the necessary information on the official website of this municipal district.

6. In the event that 1 application from a person who owns or other legitimate sources of thermal energy and (or) with thermal networks in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bactivity of a single heat supply organization is submitted for one type of activity of a single heat supply organization; Specified face. If there are several applications from the unified heat supply organization with respect to one area of \u200b\u200bactivity from persons who own or otherwise, the sources of thermal energy and (or) thermal networks in the appropriate area of \u200b\u200bthe Unified Heating Organization, the authorized body assigns the status of a single heat supply organization in accordance with paragraphs 7 - 10 of these Rules.

7. Criteria for determining a single heat supply organization are:

Ownership of the right of ownership or other legal foundation with thermal energy sources with the highest working thermal power and (or) thermal networks with the greatest capacity within the boundaries of the activity zone of a single heat supply organization;

equity size;

the ability to best ensure the reliability of heat supply in the appropriate heat supply system.

To determine the indicated criteria, the authorized body in the development of the heat supply scheme has the right to request the relevant information from heat supply and heating and heating systems.

8. If the application for the assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization is filed by an organization, which owns or otherwise, the sources of thermal energy with the highest working thermal power and thermal networks with the highest capacity in the boundaries of the unified heat supply area, the status of a single heat supply organization Assigns this organization.

The operating power indicators of thermal energy sources and thermal network capacity are determined based on the data of the diagram (scheme project) of the heat supply of the settlement, the urban district.

9. If applications for the assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization are filed from an organization that owns on the right of ownership or other legitimate the sources of thermal energy with the highest working thermal power, and from an organization that owns on the right of ownership or other legitimate foundation by thermal networks with The greatest capacity in the boundaries of the unified heat supply organization, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the organization from the specified, which has the greatest amount of equity. If the size of the equity capital of these organizations differ from no more than 5 percent, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to an organization that is capable of ensuring the reliability of heat supply in the appropriate heat supply system.

The size of equity is determined according to the financial statements drawn up at the last reporting date before submitting an application for the assignment of the organization of the status of a single heat supply organization with a marking of the tax authority about its adoption.

10. The ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the appropriate heat supply system is determined by the organization of technical capabilities and qualified personnel on adjustment, monitoring, dispatching, switching and operational control of hydraulic and temperature modes of the heat supply system and is justified in the heat supply scheme.

11. If organizations are not submitted by any application for assigning the status of a single heat supply organization, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to an organization in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bactivity with thermal energy sources with the highest working thermal capacity and (or) thermal networks with the highest thermal capacity.

12. A single heat supply organization in carrying out its activities is required:

to conclude and fulfill the heat supply contracts with any means of thermal energy consumers, the heat-consuming attachments of which are in this heat supply system, subject to the compliance with these consumers issued by him in accordance with the legislation on urban-planning activities of technical conditions for connecting to thermal networks;

Conclude and execute contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant in terms of thermal load volume distributed in accordance with the heat supply scheme;

to conclude and execute contracts for the provision of thermal energy transmission services, coolant in the amount necessary to ensure heat supply of thermal energy consumers, taking into account the loss of thermal energy, the coolant when they are transmitted.

13. The organization may lose the status of a single heat supply organization in the following cases:

systematic (3 or more times within 12 months) Failure or improper fulfillment of the obligations provided for by the terms of the contracts specified in paragraph 12 of these Rules. The fact of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations must be confirmed by the decisions of the federal antimonopoly authority, and (or) of its territorial bodies, and (or) of the courts;

the adoption of the decision on the reorganization in the prescribed manner (with the exception of reorganization in the form of accession, when other reorganized organizations, as well as reorganization in the form of transformation) or the elimination of an organization with the status of a single heat supply organization, are joined to an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization.

Adoption by the Arbitration Court of the decision on the recognition of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, bankrupt;

termination of property rights or property specified in paragraph by the second paragraph 7 of these Rules, on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

non-compliance of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, criteria related to the size of equity capital, as well as the ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the relevant heat supply system;

Applying an organization for termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization.

14. Persons, the rights and legitimate interests of which are violated on the grounds provided for by paragraph by the second paragraph 13 of these Rules, immediately inform the authorized authorities to make them decisions about the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization. The decisions of the federal antimonopoly authority, and (or) of its territorial bodies, and (or) ships should be made to this information.

An authorized officer of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization is obliged to notify the authorized body on the emergence of these rules of fact specified in paragraphs, which are the basis for the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization, within 3 working days from the date of adoption by the authorized body of the decision On the reorganization, liquidation, recognition of the organization by bankrupt, termination of property rights or ownership of the property of the organization.

15. An organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization has the right to submit to the authorized body a statement on the termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization, except if the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Regulation. The application for the termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization may be filed before August 1 of the current year.

16. The authorized body is obliged to decide on the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization within 5 working days from the date of receipt from persons, the rights and legitimate interests of which are violated on the grounds provided for by paragraph by the second paragraph 13 of these Rules, which have entered into force solutions to the federal antimonopoly authority. , and (or) its territorial bodies, and (or) courts, as well as receiving notice (statements) from an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, in cases provided by paragraphs of the third - seventh paragraph 13 of these Rules.

17. The authorized body is obliged within 3 working days from the date of deciding on the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization to post on the official website a message about this, as well as to offer heat supply and (or) heat network organizations to apply for the status of a single heat supply organization.

Application by interested organizations and the definition of a single heat supply organization is carried out in the manner prescribed in paragraphs 5 - 11 of these Rules.

18. The organization, which has lost the status of a single heat supply organization for the grounds provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules, is obliged to perform the functions of a single heat supply organization to assigning another organization of the status of a single heat supply organization in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 5 - 11 of these Rules, as well as to convey the organization that is assigned The status of a single heat supply organization, information on thermal energy consumers, including the name (name) of the consumer, the place of residence (location), bank details, as well as information on the status of settlements with the consumer.

19. The boundaries of the Unified Heating Organization's activities are subject to change in the following cases:

Connecting to the heat supply system of new heat-connecting installations, thermal energy sources or heat networks, or their disconnection from the heat supply system;

technological association or separation of heat supply systems.

Information on the change in the boundaries of the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of a single heat supply organization, as well as information on the assignment of another organization of the status of a single heat supply organization is to be submitted to the heat supply scheme during its actualization.

1 This is a single purchaser and the seller in the area of \u200b\u200bits service fair prices for consumers on the principles of competition with alternative types of heat supply. Reliable and high-quality heat supply (DHW) consumers Requirements from the state why the main element of the system of relations in the field of heat supply is needed; This is intended to unleash the node of the problems accumulated in the field of heat supply.

What we want from ETO 1. Reliability and quality a. Growing the wear of equipment of thermal sources b. Ineffectiveness and extreme wear of thermal networks, loss growth in networks C. Increasing the number of damage / accidents 2. Optimization of the heat supply scheme A. Lack of responsibility for reliability and quality 3. Exception from the chain of reseller payments a. Growing debt for heat b. Unprofitability of TGC for heat due to the created reserves and debt write-offs 4. Preparation of the final tariff and the transition to calculations with end users a. There is no possibility to supply the heat to the final consumer b. Lack of economic incentives for improving the situation C. Lack of mechanisms for guaranteeing and recovering payments from the population 2

Reliability and quality 3 understandable, fair for the consumer mechanism for the implementation of the responsibility of ETO for the reliability and quality of heat supply (DHW): the list of indicators is established by the Government of the Russian Federation or Ugoiv, incl. Through the approval of the standard form of the heat supply contract and (or) supply of hot water or a list of the essential conditions of the contract, the values \u200b\u200bof the indicators are established in the heat supply contract by the parties (essential condition) permissible (inhapeable) deviations from the values \u200b\u200bestablished in the heat supply and (or) of hot water supplies, - Installed by the Government of the Russian Federation or Upoiv, the overall deficit of tariffs and "not to repairs", as well as debts for heat do not allow to maintain a heat-power economy in a safe state. + -

Wear thermal networks exceeds 65%! 4 On average, more than 50% of networks are operated for more than 20 years. Such a state of thermal networks is characteristic of the Russian Federation as a whole, the structure of the thermal networks of OJSC "KVADR" for service life, in% - to 10 years old, from 10 to 25 years old.

5 Optimization of heat supply scheme ETO independently makes solutions to the functioning of the heat supply system within: - price restrictions in consumers - the need to ensure the reliability and quality of heat supply Procurement of goods and services in the field of heat supply Entering new capacities and thermal networks The output of the power supply is provided by a stable power structure and Loading the most efficient thermal sources +

6 Exception from the reseller payment chain Fact 1: The volume of non-payment as a whole for the heatal energy in the Russian Federation reached a critical mark more than 170 billion rubles, overdue - more than 110 billion rubles! Fact 2: non-payment does not depend on the solvency of the population! Excluded one reseller / intermediaries - MUP, etc. Other intermediaries are left - UK, HOA. + -

7 Tambov Lipetsk Eagle Ryazan Smolensk MUP "Tambov- OJSC" LGEK "UK MUP MUP" Smolensk- Invest Service "RMPTS Heating" Voronezh Belgorod Kursk Smolensk 83% 73% 99% 98% The level of thermal energy payment in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of KVADRA The city, the city, with the participation of intermediaries in the scheme of payment of the thermal energy of the city with direct payment of thermal energy 66% 76% 96% 91% exception from the chain of reseller payments 47%

Payment 9 EtoUknaselion Heat Duty MUP Transport service Transportation transition to settlements with end users: As it becomes the final tariff, it directly concludes heat supply contracts from the Criminal Code and HOA, which puts the resellers carrying out transportation in quarterly networks, on cash flow after ETO The MC / HOA remained in the chain, the goal is not achieved - debts continue to grow!
Payment com.Shvuga 11 EtoUknased heat Payment heat MUP Transport service Transportation Transition to settlements with end users: What do we want? Allow operational transition to direct calculations with end users without solutions of general meetings of housing owners Payment

Heat supply is the question of paramount importance for both consumers and heat suppliers in each municipality, especially on the eve of the winter. The implementation of the uninterrupted supply of high-quality energy resources aims to implement the schemes of urban heat supply, allowing to remove the technical limitations of the existing heating network infrastructures. The new level of development of heat supply systems of municipalities today is designed to bring uniform heat supply organizations. In their competence, the solution of issues of optimization and reducing the cost of production and transportation of heat, increase the cost-effectiveness with the implementation of energy efficient equipment, developing mechanisms to attract investments.

On November 6, an exit open meeting of the Energy Committee on the topic was held in the city administration of Kamensk-Uralsky "A single heat supply organization, the development of heat supply systems of municipalities. Condition and development of the heat supply scheme of Kamensk Uralsky ".

The relevance of this topic is that not only the representatives of the Southern Management District were taken to the event, it attracted the attention of the leaders of industry regional enterprises, caused the interest of social sectoral organizations. Leaded the meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy SCPP, Honored Energy of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shilov.

Sergey Geraskin: "The functioning of the heat supply system is technically and organizationally complex process"

According to Federal Law No. 190-FZ dated July 27, 2010, "On Heat supply", each municipal education must be approved by the heat supply scheme for the next few years. The Kamensk-Ural administration has developed a similar scheme that will be valid until 2027.

In his report, the first deputy head of the city administration Sergey Geraskin identified three main stages of the development of the heat supply scheme, indicating the difficulties that were accompanied by this. He also told about what the problems of the existing heat supply system would have to overcome in connection with the upcoming implementation of the scheme. It is necessary to seriously reconstruct the entire heat supply system of the city, involving the transition from the open hot water circuit to the closed.

In order to ensure stability in the heat supply of Kamensk-Uralsky, as well as the effectiveness of the management of the system, the project provides for the allocation of two autonomous systems: Krasnogorsk and Synar districts, Sergei Geraskin said.

Alexey Schmekov: "Create this ETO will increase the investment attractiveness of the heat supply sphere"

Modernization of the heat supply system provides for the introduction of technically reliable and cost-effective solutions. These include the creation of uniform heat supply organizations, the establishment of long-term tariffs and the transition to a closed heat supply scheme to consumers. On the role of a single heat supply organization (ETO) in the heat supply systems of municipal organizations (MO), as part of the implementation of the FZ-190, the First Deputy Minister of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexey Shmykov was told.

The creation of uniform heat supply organizations will geographically secure the borders of companies, will also increase the investment attractiveness of the heat supply sphere. In addition, it is working on the adoption of long-term tariffs (for a period of three to five years), which should also stabilize the benefits of the costs of supplying heat energy.
"Let's hope that decisions taken at the state level will take into account the interests of all parties and provide the development of the heat supply system for the coming years," said the Deposit of the Deputy Minister.

Anatoly Petrov: "In the search for investment, it must be involved, above all, the owner of networks - the city"

Creation of this will require significant financial costs for modernization, in particular, thermal networks. In Kamensk-Uralsky, the Deputy Main Energy of TMK, Anatoly Petrov, told about the prospects of ETO in Kamensk-Uralsky.

The main criteria for a single heat supply organization in Kamensk-Uralsky correspond to two organizations: OJSC SINAR CHP and JSC TGK-9 (Krasnogorsk CHP). The main founder of the Sinar CHP is the Sinar Pipe Plant, which is part of TMK, the co-founder is a city. Krasnogorsk CHP owns TGK-9. So, for the Sinar and Krasnogorsk CHP, the heat supply system, built on the production of thermal energy and on its transfer directly to consumers is fixed. At the same time, all questions concerning the management of thermal energy to the consumer should decide by this.

For the uninterrupted work of the Sinar CHP, the heat supply scheme in the municipality was revised. In the new heat supply scheme, there are economic risks for this Sinar district. Thus, the cost of the thermal energy of the Sinar CHP is somewhat higher than that of the Krasnogorsk CHP. In this regard, the dynamics of the growth of the final tariff for consumers within the borders of the Synar ETO will differ from this parameter within the borders of Krasnogorsk ETO and, most likely, may be higher than the limit level. To reduce the tariff in the future, the total modernization of heat generating equipment will be required.

"The financial risks of the CHP as unified heat supply organizations are sufficiently high and are associated with the unsatisfactory condition of pipelines. In the search for investment, the owner of the networks should be involved in the search for the repair and construction of pipelines, "said Anatoly Petrov.

Sergey Chizhov: "The most important question is economic"

Today, the Sinar CHP in Kamensk-Uralsky is one of two in the city of autonomous heat supply organizations that meet the requirements of the legislation on the creation of this. In this regard, it is important to work out a system for generating and transporting heat, to establish maintenance of networks, and here, of course, there is a great job, the General Director of Sinar CHP CJSC Sergei Chizhov said. The most important question, he believes, this is a question of investment. In addition, economically reasonable tariffs are needed.

Anna Ivantsova: "Energy saving begins with properly organized accounting of consumed energy resources"

According to the current tradition, representatives of domestic companies producers acted at the meeting. The company provided an enterprise from the city of Kamensk Ural LLC Sibna from the city of Kamensk Urals LLC "Sibna".

The director of Sibna LLC Anna Ivaqsova said that in 2006 an automated energy accounting information system was developed and implemented at the enterprise. Today, more than 300 objects, geographically located in Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions, are connected to the system. The possibilities of the system in the number of connected objects and their territorial remoteness are not limited.

Support of the system is carried out by the Own Forces of Sibna LLC, which does not impose qualifications and special knowledge of the users of the system.

Daily, hourly, daily readings, an analysis of energy consumption, controlling the performance of accounting devices, makes it possible to achieve high quality service to service centers and improve the efficiency of the use of energy consumers.
The presentation of the system presented to the listeners Deputy Director for Technical Development Alexander Nikitin.

Sergey Pakulov: "The idea of \u200b\u200bimplementing an energy service contract is interesting to many and needs to be improved"

The speech of the Deputy General Director of OJSC ElectronService Sergey Pakulov caused a great revival in the hall, becoming a discussion. The report declared by them sounded like this: "Energy-service contract (ESC) as a tool for upgrading the system of accounting and dispatching of thermal energy."

This year, the company OJSC EHRONDERVIS began to develop the implementation of ESC in Kamensk-Uralsky. The contract for the modernization of lighting, the replacement of luminescent lighting on the LED, was concluded with a large, economically successful local enterprise "Kataanka".

Sergei Pakulov described the technical specifications of the contract, the algorithm of the actions of the actions and the mechanism of return of investments, causing controversy among the listeners. Opinions of most speakers on this occasion have been kept to the fact that the described case is not an example of the implementation of an energy service contract in its pure form.

However, the meeting participants agreed with the proposal of Sergey Paculov to continue the discussion of this topic within a special seminar or in the format of the round table. "I am sure that these conversations will be extremely helpful for those who need modernization," he said, "and from the point of view of the production of a sentence for local and regional authorities." In addition, he expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a regional investment fund into energy service contracts.

The discussion took place. Decisions taken

Interesting and useful for many, the exciting discussion was held at the site of the city administration of Kamensk-Uralsky as part of the next meeting of the Energy Committee SCPP. In disputes are born by truth - such meetings are needed to achieve mutual understanding of representatives of various society structures in many relevant current and strategic issues of the regional economy.

Having heard and discussed the reports, proposals of participants in the meeting, the Committee approved technical proposals laid down in the developed heat supply scheme of the municipality "City Kamensk Uralsky", and also recognized it appropriate to create a single heat supply organization (s) as the structure necessary to provide comprehensive services for the heat and Water supply from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Participants in the meeting of the Committee during the discussions made their proposals to recommend the administration of the city and the city of Kamensk-Uralsky City Duma:

- to support and take an active part in the formation of technologies, instruments and services that ensure energy efficiency and resource savings in Kamensk-Uralsky innovation cluster;

- To form proposals to the regional government and the CCO development of the mechanism for the implementation of the Energy Service Contract in the Budget Sphere, in addition, the Energy Energy Committee is recommended to form a working group on the development of the Regional Investment Fund "Energy Efficiency" for the implementation of energy service contracts in the Sverdlovsk region.

In conclusion, Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Vladimir Shilov, thanked all representatives of the city administration of Kamensky-Urals for a warm welcome and other participants in the meeting for the interest in the event, live dialogue, the desire for mutual understanding. In turn, the first deputy head of the city administration of Kamensk-Uralsky Sergey Geraskin expressed appreciation from the host to all guests for participating in the event.

II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization

3. The status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the heat supply and (or) heat treatment organization by the decision of the federal executive body (in relation to cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more) or local government (hereinafter referred to as authorized bodies) when approving the heat supply scheme of the settlement, the urban district.
4. The project of the heat supply scheme should define the boundaries of the unified heat supply organization activities (organizations). The boundaries of the zone (zones) of the activities of a single heat supply organization (organizations) are determined by the boundaries of the heat supply system.
In case there are several heat supply systems on the territory of the settlement, the urban district, the authorized bodies have the right to:

identify a single heat supply organization (organization) in each of the heat supply systems located within the borders of the settlement, the urban district;

determine in several heat supply systems a single heat supply organization.

5. To assign the organization of the status of a single heat supply organization in the territory of the settlement, the urban district of the person who owns or otherwise by the sources of thermal energy and (or) thermal networks, are submitted to the authorized body within 1 month from the date of publication (placement) in The established procedure of the project of the heat supply scheme, as well as from the date of publication (placement) of the message specified in paragraph 17 of these Rules, the application for the assignment of the organization of the status of a single heat supply organization, indicating the zone of its activities. The application is attached to the accounting reports, compiled at the last reporting date before submitting an application, with a marking of the tax authority about its adoption.
Authorized bodies are required within 3 working days from the date of expiration date to submit applications to place information about the applications received on the website of the settlement, urban district, on the website of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation in the Internet information and telecommunication network (hereinafter referred to as the official website).
If local governments do not have the ability to post relevant information on their official websites, the necessary information can be posted on the official website of the subject of the Russian Federation, which is within the boundaries of the corresponding municipality. Settlements included in the municipal area can post the necessary information on the official website of this municipal area.
6. In the event that 1 application from a person who owns or other legitimate sources of thermal energy and (or) with thermal networks in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bactivity of a single heat supply organization is submitted for one type of activity of a single heat supply organization; Specified face. If there are several applications from the unified heat supply organization with respect to one area of \u200b\u200bactivity from persons who own or otherwise, the sources of thermal energy and (or) thermal networks in the appropriate area of \u200b\u200bthe Unified Heating Organization, the authorized body assigns the status of a single heat supply organization in accordance with paragraphs 7 - 10 of these Rules.
7. Criteria for determining a single heat supply organization are:

ownership of the right of ownership or other legal foundation with thermal energy sources with the highest working thermal power and (or) thermal networks with the greatest capacity within the boundaries of the activity zone of a single heat supply organization;

equity size;

the ability to best ensure the reliability of heat supply in the appropriate heat supply system.

To determine the indicated criteria, the authorized body in the development of the heat supply scheme has the right to request the relevant information from heat supply and heating and heating systems.
8. If the application for the assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization is filed by an organization, which owns or otherwise, the sources of thermal energy with the highest working thermal power and thermal networks with the highest capacity in the boundaries of the unified heat supply area, the status of a single heat supply organization Assigns this organization.
The operating power indicators of thermal energy sources and thermal network capacity are determined based on the data of the diagram (scheme project) of the heat supply of the settlement, the urban district.
9. If applications for the assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization are filed from an organization that owns on the right of ownership or other legitimate the sources of thermal energy with the highest working thermal power, and from an organization that owns on the right of ownership or other legitimate foundation by thermal networks with The greatest capacity in the boundaries of the unified heat supply organization, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the organization from the specified, which has the greatest amount of equity. If the size of the equity capital of these organizations differ from no more than 5 percent, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to an organization that is capable of ensuring the reliability of heat supply in the appropriate heat supply system.
The size of equity is determined according to the financial statements drawn up at the last reporting date before submitting an application for the assignment of the organization of the status of a single heat supply organization with a marking of the tax authority about its adoption.
10. The ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the appropriate heat supply system is determined by the organization of technical capabilities and qualified personnel on adjustment, monitoring, dispatching, switching and operational control of hydraulic and temperature modes of the heat supply system and is justified in the heat supply scheme.
11. If organizations are not submitted by any application for assigning the status of a single heat supply organization, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to an organization in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bactivity with thermal energy sources with the highest working thermal capacity and (or) thermal networks with the highest thermal capacity.
12. A single heat supply organization in carrying out its activities is required:

to conclude and fulfill the heat supply contracts with any means of thermal energy consumers, the heat-consuming attachments of which are in this heat supply system, subject to the compliance with these consumers issued by him in accordance with the legislation on urban-planning activities of technical conditions for connecting to thermal networks;

conclude and execute contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant in terms of thermal load volume distributed in accordance with the heat supply scheme;

to conclude and execute contracts for the provision of thermal energy transmission services, coolant in the amount necessary to ensure heat supply of thermal energy consumers, taking into account the loss of thermal energy, the coolant when they are transmitted.

13. The organization may lose the status of a single heat supply organization in the following cases:

failure or improper fulfillment of obligations for the payment of heat energy (power), and (or) heat carrier, and (or) services for the transmission of heat energy, the coolant provided for by the conditions specified in the paragraphs of the third and fourth of paragraph 12 of these rules of contracts in the amount exceeding the volume Such liabilities for 2 billing periods, or systematic (3 or more times within 12 months), non-performance or improper performance of other obligations provided for by the terms of such contracts. The fact of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations must be confirmed by the decisions of the federal antimonopoly authority, and (or) of its territorial bodies, and (or) of the courts;

(as amended stopping the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2016 No. 1239)

the adoption of the decision on the reorganization in the prescribed manner (with the exception of reorganization in the form of accession, when other reorganized organizations, as well as reorganization in the form of transformation) or the elimination of an organization with the status of a single heat supply organization, are joined to an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization.

adoption by the Arbitration Court of the decision on the recognition of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, bankrupt;

termination of property rights or property specified in paragraph by the second paragraph 7 of these Rules, on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

non-compliance of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, criteria related to the size of equity capital, as well as the ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the relevant heat supply system;

applying an organization for termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization.

14. Persons, the rights and legitimate interests of which are violated on the grounds provided for by paragraph by the second paragraph 13 of these Rules, immediately inform the authorized authorities to make them decisions about the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization. The decisions of the federal antimonopoly authority, and (or) of its territorial bodies, and (or) ships should be made to this information.
An authorized officer of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization is obliged to notify the authorized body on the emergence of these rules of fact specified in paragraphs, which are the basis for the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization, within 3 working days from the date of adoption by the authorized body of the decision On the reorganization, liquidation, recognition of the organization by bankrupt, termination of property rights or ownership of the property of the organization.
15. An organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization has the right to submit to the authorized body a statement on the termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization, except if the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Regulation. The application for the termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization may be filed before August 1 of the current year.
16. The authorized body is obliged to decide on the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization within 5 working days from the date of receipt from persons, the rights and legitimate interests of which are violated on the grounds provided for by paragraph by the second paragraph 13 of these Rules, which have entered into force solutions to the federal antimonopoly authority. , and (or) its territorial bodies, and (or) courts, as well as receiving notice (statements) from an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, in cases provided by paragraphs of the third - seventh paragraph 13 of these Rules.

In the event that a single heat supply organization is defined for several heat supply systems, the authorized body decides on the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization only in those areas of activity defined in accordance with the heat supply scheme, in which the fact of non-performance or improper fulfillment of obligations with a single heat supply organization has been confirmed by entering into The legal force by the decisions of the federal antimonopoly authority, and (or) its territorial bodies, and (or) courts in accordance with paragraph of paragraph 13 of these Rules, or in relation to which the organization filed an application for termination of the functions of a single heat supply organization in accordance with paragraph of the seventh item 13 of these Rules. (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2016 No. 1239)

17. The authorized body is obliged within 3 working days from the date of deciding on the loss of the status of a single heat supply organization to post on the official website a message about this, as well as to offer heat supply and (or) heat network organizations to apply for the status of a single heat supply organization.
Application by interested organizations and the definition of a single heat supply organization is carried out in the manner prescribed in paragraphs 5 - 11 of these Rules.
18. The organization, which has lost the status of a single heat supply organization for the grounds provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules, is obliged to perform the functions of a single heat supply organization to assigning another organization of the status of a single heat supply organization in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 5 - 11 of these Rules, as well as to convey the organization that is assigned The status of a single heat supply organization, information on thermal energy consumers, including the name (name) of the consumer, the place of residence (location), bank details, as well as information on the status of settlements with the consumer.
19. The boundaries of the Unified Heating Organization's activities are subject to change in the following cases:

connecting to the heat supply system of new heat-connecting installations, thermal energy sources or heat networks, or their disconnection from the heat supply system;

technological association or separation of heat supply systems.

Information on the change in the boundaries of the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of a single heat supply organization, as well as information on the assignment of another organization of the status of a single heat supply organization is to be submitted to the heat supply scheme during its actualization.
