Elina Kamiren official group. Elina Kamiren finds out the relationship with the aspirations through instagram

Elina Kamiren official group. Elina Kamiren finds out the relationship with the aspirations through instagram
Elina Kamiren official group. Elina Kamiren finds out the relationship with the aspirations through instagram

Account: kamirenworld

Occupation: participant Realistic Show House-2, model, TV presenter

Elina Kamiren Instagram at the moment there are about 1.2 million subscribers, which published 2165 tele-star posts. The former participant of the teleproject house 2, and now the model, businesswoman, loving wife and mother. Elina Kamiren (Karyakina) was born in Tyumen on January 6, 1985. Officially became a party to the TV project on May 6, 2014, showing a bright and rich life, after which he left Telestroyka on December 30 last year together with the civilian spouse Alexander Testov and the one-year-old daughter Alexander.

Ealina is a fairly active user of the social network instagram. Every day, a young girl is divided with his subscribers with photos from personal life relating to her family, business and hobbies. The biggest pride in the life of the former participants House 2 is its only daughter Alexander. Photos and video with a child are always filled with warmth and love, and always accompanied by touching status.

Elina Kamiren, together with Alexander Zadobnov, never forget about their fans, every time putting all new photos that at the moment happening in their livelihood.

Elina Kamiren Instagram Photo is a family life, shopping, photo shoot, business, travel abroad and culinary grace and much more, which can be found in the ribbon of the stars.

Career and personal life

Photo Elina Kamirez from Instagram cause a storm of emotions from her subscribers and fans from home 2, because a young mother and a beginner businesswoman for a long time went to his goal through tears and suffering, this volitional and bold woman truly deserved everything that has a moment. Spouse Alexander Zadobnov supports his beloved in all its endeavors and copes well with the role of the Father.

Some facts about Alina Kamiren:

  • Born in Tyumen, after school, he left for the UK to improve the knowledge of the English language;
  • Professionally dealt with model business and even was the owner of a modeling agency;
  • Saying the model business, moved to the capital, where he entered the state. University of Oil and Gas;
  • The first serious and long relations on the ELINE project were with a former participant Alexei Samsonov;
  • Elina Kamiren went and returned to teleproyku more than three times.

In one of his parishes at the site House 2, Alexander Zadrozyn began to care for Elina Kamiren. The guy could not achieve the location of a characteristic girl. But, fortunately, he still managed to conquer the heart of Elina. Passing through all the adversity, parting and scandals, young people still managed to build high-quality family relationships and give birth to a child.

Elina Kamiren (real surname - Karyakina) was born in Tyumen.

Higher education began to receive oil and gas in the RPU, after which he was translated into the State Oil and Gas University of Tyumen.

Elina Kamiren's biography literally repletes significant events that radically changed her life. The divorce of his parents Ealina survived the child. Father is the owner of the oil business, mother - the owner of the prestigious beauty salon.

After graduating from school, the girl decided to master the English language, for which he went to the UK. After returning to the native edges, it was fed to the model business. Probably, reaching certain success on this field and accumulating sufficient capital, Karyakina was able to open his own model salon. Subsequently, Elina repeatedly repeated that the parents did not attract the organization of their business.

However, at home, Karyakin led a business for a short time - he wondered to move to Moscow, she sold it without regrets. The girl began its metropolitan life violently and rapidly. Here she immediately managed to get a guiding position in a prestigious oil and gas company. Karyakina is the owner of a house in Tyumen and a large Moscow apartment. That is, in the material plan, the girl needs needs.

The main reason for the first appearance on the project is a familiarity with Samsonov Alexei. Watching events in the house 2, Ealina always admired a beautiful guy with a punched figure. Provided girl was able to quickly attract the attention of the House Macho. The relations of Elina and Alexey were stormy, but fleeting. For two months, the blonde morally pressed Samsonov, who, as a result, decided to leave the project. Following the favorite from the program, gone and Karyakin. The joint life of the guys outside the show lasted exactly a month - endless quarrels and conflicts caused to break off relations. Alexey decided to once again become a member of the house 2.

A year later, Alexey Samsonov invited Elina to teleproekt. Probably an eccentric blonde blonded very much in the heart of a young man. However, Elina Kamiren herself also gone for the former beloved. However, they were not going to change his relationship scenario: the completion of bright quarrels were hot reconciliation, grand scandals came to replace the stormy passion. Repeatedly temperamental girl rose to leave the house 2, but invariably turned out in the arms of Leshi. Lovers seriously thought about the marriage, however, apparently, both freedom turned out to be more important than family bonds. In 2012, Samsonov again left the project - he was kicked out for a fight. She left the program and Karyakin. And again dejavu: a joint accommodation, separation, the next appearance of Samsonov among households.

Elina also returned to a reality show. At the same time, she stated that Samsonov her no longer interests and to seek his location she did not intend. For a long time, the girl held a single position on the project. She only attracted attention to provocative attacks and philosophical arguments. About the reluctance to start new relations Elina Kamiren wrote on the pages of his blog.

So it lasted until the meeting with Sasha Zadoynov. Without serious financial support, the guy is very long and persistently achieved the location of the beloved. Initially, Elina Kamiren defeated the poor and non-prospective Alexander Zadobnov. However, their latest joint photos prove the opposite. At the moment, lovers completely plunged into pre-wedding troubles. In the last episodes of the house 2, the process of preparation for marriage is just displayed.

When we first learned about Alina, her surname was much less exotic - Karyakina (Kamiren, according to Ealina, the last name of her grandmother). We also knew that she was born in Tyumen on January 6, 1985, I tried myself and as a model, and as the owner of a modeling agency. In her biography there was a novel with a kind of Moscow official: then Elina moved to live in Moscow, and her family allowed himself to give Alina Moscow apartment.

In Dom-2, Ealina got on April 8, 2011. Then she was attracted by Alexey Samsonov, with whom, however, nothing really happened. After leaving the project (with a scandal, because of rumors about a dubious profession in the past), Ealina took a leadership post in one energy company. However, the energy "House-2" turned out to be closer to her, and soon Elina returned to the project.

The complex relations of Elina and Sasha Zadebnov Many considered the game. Already too cinematic were the moves with the abandonment of the wedding, the pregnancy of Elina and miscarriage. However, now the game is obviously finished. Elina left the project along with Sasha and declares that, despite the care, it remains with a loved one. As far as it is serious - time will tell.

And for some time, by the way, Elina changed the surname - now she is quite official Ealina Camirene Instagram - a star with hundreds of thousands of readers.

What publishes in Instagram Elina Karyakina-Kamiren

If you like this spectacular girl, then the straight road to you - in Instagram Kamiren. Elina there is not much, but a lot. It appears on television shows, posing in the shower under water (everything is within the framework of decency, but very erotic), sits on his knees from Sasha Zadebnov, immerses the legs into the water of the pool and generally enjoy life. Joint photos with Sasha there, by the way, almost as much as independent. It is not known than it will end, but now Kamiren is clearly tuned seriously.

"Posted by" Elina in Instagram at @elina_kamiren_ (this is the case, with an emphasis after each word). Instagram Elina Karyakina - Camirev uses both the element of promotion itself, beloved. It is open to cooperation as a model, actress or TV host, contacts for negotiations are left in the profile of the page.

Today, Kamiren already has about 250 thousand subscribers - an impressive audience! From such a starting position, it is quite possible to start the promotion of your image in the media. In the end, it is much more fun than business in the field of energy.

Elina Kamiren is a model from Tyumen. Born in a secured family, worked as a model, studied in England, he opened his own modeling agency in 19 years. Having moved to the capital, entered the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin, who graduated safely.

Being very capable, smart and self-confident girl, owner of many talents, among which excellent speaking data, the ability to organize festive events, dance, flirt and be a pleasant interlocutor, had every chance of becoming happy, but love never found. For her, she went to the scandalous teletext of the house-2.

At the realistic show visited three times, but the result did not achieve. Toli men were not suitable for her, she was for them, love should be sought elsewhere ... True, a realistic show she left not alone, but with a member of the project Alexander Zadobnov. Subsequently, the couple got married and raised daughter.

Instagram Elina is quite unwound and scored more than 1.4 million subscribers. Would you like to join her fans? Dial Nickname: ELINA_KAMIREN_.

In contact with

A girl in Tyumen was born on January 6, 1986 under the name of Karyakina. According to Elina, the father is engaged in the oil business, and the mother contains a presentable beauty salon. As it turned out, Elina was brought up in a family without a father, and Mom is a mistress of a small cabin on the outskirts of the city.

As a child, the future participant of the teleproject was engaged in sports gymnastics, achieved success and received a discharge in the exercises on the bars. But high growth prevented a further sport career, and she was briefly fond of basketball. Persening the girl does not take: she learned English, went to the UK, where she worked as a model, then opened and after sold his agency. Returning to his homeland, Ealina received correspondence higher education.

In 2011, Elina decided to participate in the TV project "Dom-2" and came to Alexei Samsonov. The couple planned a wedding several times, but as a result, broke the relationship.

Tyumen blonde is not a calm character, because of what the quarrels and scandals with boyfriends and other participants broke out in the perimeter.

In 2013, Alexander Zakovnov became the new chief of Elina.

Soon Elina became pregnant, and in February 2014, the couple left the project together with the newborn daughter Alexander.

But a joint life outside the show gave a crack: Zadonov and Kamiren broke up, retaining friendly relations.

Nose I will not do ... I will walk with my unique, imperfect, a little long nose.

Elina Kamiren after plastics (photo)

The project "Dom-2" Sibiryachka did not even think about the operation, because without it attracted the opposite sex. Elina Kamiren to plastics looked greatly, and even a small chest did not cause complexes. The girl was solved for the operation in 2012, increasing the size of the breast to the complete third.

In the photo of Elina Kamiren after the plastic, the lush bust is clearly issued. In one of the interviews, Ealina admitted that it was pushing her mother's chest. Inspired by the idea, Ealina, along with Mom flew to New Zealand to a familiar plastic surgeon.

Specialist jewelry fulfilled the work by introducing under the muscle. This method of installation allowed Eline to feed the daughter for a long time. The ex-participant of the realistic show admitted that rehabilitation was painfully and delivered a lot of inconvenience. After the rehabilitation period, Elina Kamiren said that the new breast was extremely pleased and allows you to wear beautiful clothes.

Some fans compare the photo before and after the plastic and claim that Elina swept his lips. Elina and does not hide that with might and main uses of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. It follows the Cher's principle: when you can change what you do not like, you need to use the moment.

It is known that Kamiren after plastics of the chest was concerned about the form of the nose. She repeatedly declared that she wanted a subtle spout to a famous model.

Elina has long followed the advice of familiar plastic surgeons who did not want to carry out the operation: "They refuse to operate me, saying that my nose is a raisin, and will not allow you to lose it and become another wax doll. So I will not do the nose ... I will walk with my unique, imperfect, a little long nose, what do you think? "

In the summer of 2017, Ealina was still a dream and made the nose correction at the Star Plastic Surgeon Tigran Aleksanyan. She told in detail the subscribers about the intervention and the besiege of the Hayters spoken by naturalness. The girl was satisfied with the new nose and at the end of the year sent mom to the same surgery. Now Elena Kamiren after plastics is a rehabilitation period.

After plastic, Elina Kamiren increased the army of fans. Fans are sharply reacting to any changes to the appearance of the idol. The debate on social networks provokes even a new hairstyle, and the operations cause unprecedented unrest of the masses.

Plastic gave Eline Camirev confidence and self-sufficiency. She proudly participates in photo shoots and gives interviews glossy magazines.

It is possible that on this Elina will not stop and continue experiments with plastic, so there is a chance to see a bright blonde with other features of the face.

P.S .: Riplasty Elina Kamiren performed a plastic surgeon.