LSP soloist name. LSP: "What is the normal kid will write songs for guys?"

LSP soloist name. LSP:
LSP soloist name. LSP: "What is the normal kid will write songs for guys?"

Oleg LSP appeared on our radar three years ago. But truly it all started only in 2014: two albums came out at once - winter "EP" and the recent "gallows" that we really liked. The Flow walked with Oleg and his companion Roma in Moscow and went to their concert.

Oleg and Roma An Englishman sit on a park bench and going to go to the VDNH, play basketball. They laugh, remember their recent interviews (one tracery of the other), and with a voice recorder in his hand I feel a little durack. It does not come to mind anything smarter than the question: "So you are now a group?" "Group" - they agree.

"Usually when we take interviews, you immediately ask about the name. Recently asked - is it true that it means "Luchik is stronger than bullet"? Well, we are talking, no, it means "licks himself ..... (vagina)."

Oleg graduated from the Faculty of Philology, Roma studied the postmodern philosophy. In parallel, he played in the electro-group GreenChe, at one of the concerts she noted Lech Nikonov from the last tanks in Paris and invited to speak in the legendary St. Petersburg club "Griboedov". The group, however, existed for a short time. "Side effect Punk - what you are tight Putting. This is very preventing the work. "

After that, Roma was engaged in studio work, once he was asked to reduce the album "one dude from Vitebsk". "I said that it was too positive," bananas ", there", "ice cream"! Well, refused - some other boy has reduced - no effect. I say: "I will introduce me with this brow, I have a little existential minuses for him."

"Existential" minuses accounted for the best. If on the first release of LSP "see colored dreams" everything was, albeit sadly, but very light ("as if Kid Cudi rushed with the fomin's militia" - at one time I recommended him acquaintances) , In 2014, he recorded two album songs about how everything is disgusting. It is necessary to explain: beautiful songs about how everything is disgusting.

"The Roma is not a hip-hop man, but now he has become tolerant now. Here the drill can be shed, "No New Friends" He likes. " Oleg and I quote each other songs of the group legal business $$, for him their record began almost the first rap album. And he began to write rap, after he looked at Timati's TV in the "Stars Factory". "I saw the boy came out - and the topic that my mother looks, blows up hip-hop. ..... (Outigel) in general , I also decided to throw a rapchik. "

As a man who studied in Philfak, Oleg costs the word very carefully. In his songs, as in a youth comedy, everything is simple and not confusing. The heroine loves dragdiler, because that "stylish and brave." After the night in the club, the hero appeals to his companion: "Sustained, you are not even a girl, you are stuffing meat!" (literally). The guy glues a girl phrase "you're better than the Internet." Everything is as happens in life.

"We are the adepts of the post-gopnicity discourse" (emphasis on and), - Roma jokes. And maybe not joking. I really like the LSP that is the combination of children's and adult: these are the songs of a child who suddenly discovered in one day, that all his peers matted, and he is not. Therefore, there is a joke about Pikachu and track about how a person jumps from the roof ; Failed love, drugs, lack of money - about all this is in his songs.

What is not in them is the evil accessibility of provinciality, for this, Oleg with Roma is very educated, unborn and, sorry, ideas. To surprise, I recognize that the name of their last album "Hangitz" is taken from the song of the St. Petersburg alternative group "Chimera".

The ELECTRIC SCHOOL did not pass in vain - Roma unscrews at the maximum Skrilleksk "VOB-VOB", Davidgetov synthesizers and the Baaurovsky 808th drums. Therefore, everything sounds loud, assertive, desperately. And, maybe a little more adolescence than is required - but it is already Your personal problems.

"Cocktail" - the main song LSP, at concerts, it usually sounds the last.

"LSP - clean water literature, there are no experiences, personal experience. It is clear that there is love, pain, existential suffering, but it is not clear that Oleg LSP suffers. Each Russian Rapper is a hostage himself: here many rappers love to turn their lives in a reality show. And we have no. Oleg then can be called as you like - and it will pay it. "

There is one more nuance: with all the nonsense charm Oleg, his music is equally male and female. "I constantly read VKontakte that, they say, we write songs for chick. And I always amazed, what normal kid will write songs for the boys?! I feel sorry. "Approximately the countryman Oleg Max is also working: if you come to his concerts, it is easy to make sure that visitors of both sexes there are about robustly.

Comparisons with korzh do not bear? "Yes, I recently, on the contrary, I read that this is a korzh all took. Well, we were together cooked in one ..... (garbage), on one studio they hung. "Roma, among other things, participated in the record of the second album of Kaji" Life in Kaif. " But about the attitude, they with Oleg speak reluctantly; Instead, we are going and still go to VDNH. On the way, we are discussing a new mixture of Yaiksa - then, at a personal meeting, Oleg will surprise him what he will know by heart the words of all tracks.

During the day later, I look like at the LSP concert right in front of the scene a hundred people begins to ride the very first track from the very first track. Oleg all the time carries a cheerful nonsense, raises toasts for Moscow and so charming how to the audience, which could not even mind to be offended by anyone. And suddenly it donates me, as in two words, explain to you, and for anyone, that there is such a special way in it.

Everything is simple. It is stylish and brave.

Photo: Bogdan Slaguin

The Belarusian duet of "LSP" has long had to achieve popularity, but somehow did not develop. Their divisions of EDM-rap at first glance sounded careless, but at nearby examination - gloomy and misunderstood than bribed. The new album "LSP" came out this summer, and turned out to be brag, ridiculous, melodious and still with a gloomy southern trap on the last American fashion - and helped to fill the halls under the strip. Change of the course turned out to be partly a conscious decision, partly the case of a case, like a lot in their dyed biography.

"Minsk, are you ready?" - The man asks from the scene in the White T-shirt, whose neck is hung with massive silver chains. Tightly stuffed room roars, throwing up hands. Human name is Oleg Savchenko, he is the author of songs and the face of "LSP". He is exactly ready for what is happening: two days before the concert, Oleg tells me that all 1200 tickets sold are sold, there are no more at the box office. Weekly before approximately the same noisy, mad and crowded their performances in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

"We ... [broke out] this summer," says Oleg, who spent a long time in the status of Russian-speaking music in the status of hopes and risking it and not justify it. The hall reacting to the first notes of each next song and flies to the ceiling on the drills, confirms his words. A bottle of alcohol with which Oleg and his partner Roma An Englishman went on stage, time to empty long before the end of the speech. "You are young and do not understand that now we are doing history here," Suddy says Oleg. And immediately corrects itself: "More precisely, you are doing it. We just booze. "

But it was not always so.

Video shot on a speech in Minsk, about which there is a speech in this text

"What are we, clowns?" - The offer to be filmed for the magazine near the circus building, one of the architectural Highlights of Minsk, the group members strongly reject. Blowing the penetrating wind, they are cold, and the clothes for filming remained in the apartment where they call us to go. But after half a minute, Oleg and Roma poses against the backdrop of visual agitation, calling for the election of the President of Belarus. And after half a minute, with unexpected enthusiasm, the circus tantamarsk with images of the trainer and animals is fleeing. "I am a lion?" - Specifies Oleg, leaking his head into the hole. After that rubbing the teeth, depicting the roar.

Taxis an intricate route takes us from the center. On the road, Roma and Oleg tell how recently, instead of themselves sent to an interview to the Belarusian site of two friends. When they ask the driver to plant them on the way home, and then pick up elsewhere, I'm waiting for these funny people some kind of progress. But they return: a novel with a complete corn package ("Corn is the best that can happen to you in October!"), Oleg - with a fresh copy of the game NBA 2K16. The fourth PlayStation is also bought by them just the other day.

The windows are tightly draped in the apartment - to understand what time the day is quite difficult now. She went to the use of Roman from somewhere left the hostess. Roman from Mogilev, but does not live there for three years. Yes, and in general, he does not develop with permanent housing: he says that he now removed the apartment in St. Petersburg along with the damage, the Portuguese musician from the team of Oxymon, - but for three months there does not appear.

Oleg with laughter quotes an African American formula for success, which has given name, one of the issues of the documentary series about the rap group from Atlanta - Migos: "From the Bando to the Mance." Bando (Abandoned House Used to Sell Drugs - Gives Word Definition Oleg) This meant Khrushchev in his native Vitebsk, under the mansion - this two-bedroom apartment in the Minsk Hig. In one of the rooms sits, closing, some kind of girl. Before the occurrence of the evening will come two more.

Our company is Oleg, Raper Young Bumer. Everyone knows that the "boomer" is called BMW, but Young Bumer immediately deciphers this for some reason as the "unemployed young Valera." All three fiercely "clearing" someone in Diablo, focusing in the screen. "Helmet, 20 to intelligence - come here. Dagger - ... [Not needed], - Commented on Oleg on the screen. - Did you ask about the preparation for the concert? She is in full swing! " Sometimes they come off from gamepads to roll (drink vodka spilled in coffee cups, floating in tea). They have a long, melodic speech, Belarus is called protein, and each other - "Bratan" or "Mr.". Friday, but no one needs to go to work.

"Not worked not the day!" - says Oleg, who graduated from the Minsk State Linguistic University with a degree in Linguist Teacher. "There were moments when I understood: You, ... [After all], beggar," Roma explains and adds: "Well, they were, they ended only a couple of months ago."

A couple of months ago, the group "LSP" did not extend the contract with their concerts of Booking Machine - a direct attitude towards Oxymiron and Battle "Versus". The year of cooperation has not done substantially richer none, no others: there were little concerts at the "LSP". A week later, the clip "Madness", one of the hits of this summer, was released, one of the hits of this summer and, perhaps, the main reason for what is happening today at the concerts of LSP. Seismic indignation made by this tracker did not catch itunes nor adult conservative media. Although clips, collecting a million views on YouTube in a week, would have to notice.

Photo: Bogdan Slaguin

***"I always thought I would be a rapper," Oleg says, swinging in the chair. "Our kents smoked, went to work and said that next year they would definitely gather and write. And we lay on the sofa, they sucked ... [loosely], thought about how badly we live, and recorded a couple of albums about it. I do not need anything too much. Superbrachka, every such topic tow ... Family I have a sewing intelligentsia, nothing supernatural. Rich Kents never had, mostly marginal and freaks. There were money to buy in the shop Halva, sausages - and that's it. Well, when you mutter with chicks, you immediately say that there is no money. "I am a steep dude, you see, the goods for me."

He records his songs, too, on modest equipment - if the word "equipment" is generally coming to a 50-dollar microphone.

"He hangs on my chandelier over the sofa, right where I sleep, eat, drink and fuck," explains Oleg, how his creative process works. - I add a sofa, I get up and I am recorded on the cheapest podollar sound card. These belchings then send Roma, which makes candy out of them. "

Initially, "LSP" (deciphered as Little Stupid Pig) - it was Oleg. In the habit, it continues to be called so. Although the LSP group today is the Union of two equally important people.

Rodner Oleg, Roma An Englishman, he is - Roma Dead, studied in the hood, but threw when I realized that he was boring for the easel. One and a half years of Roma worked as an ambulance ("on the body", he clarifies), and one day he woke up on the table of the cardiologist, wandering with the "medicine". Roma was engaged in his own music, and not immediately joined the LSP, but soon became an indispensable person - the author of the music, sound engineer, back-ms and master for all hands. "I can prick," he summarizes his resume and laughs gloomily.

LSP & Oximiron - "Madness"

The Englishman says that at the time of acquaintance with Oleg stood in Minsk at the corner and shifted steroids. It is illegal. But if you get a group in "VKontakte" and show the necessary caution, then you have a couple of months. After a positive publication about the debut mini-album "See colored dreams" appeared in the "positive mini-album", the novel decided that it was time to end with steroids. And he left back to the Mogilev "On the apartment to the alleged manager Oleg", where he was going to work on a new material. But it was hampered by round-the-clock parties. "The track" Cocktail "in such an atmosphere, I recorded from the 150th time, - remembers the novel. "Then we shot the video, the first concerts began."

The next push in the quarry of "LSP" is associated with Max Korzh - also a leaving from the Belarusian rap environment. His debut album came to the label of the "Casta" group. Respect Production, where in Max you saw the future stadium artist. The korzh quickly began to fan the big halls. In Minsk, it was the Palace of Sports, which accommodate about five thousand spectators. To open the concert, he invited several Belarusian rappers, next to which his path began, including "LSP".

"With the korzh, I am familiar from the first year of the institute," explains Oleg. - We had a rapper gang. He called us to speak in the Sports Palace. And with Roma, just three days before it wrote more money. They sang it in the attitude, and after the concert in the group "VK" every tenth comment was "What a person sang about the money for warming up?", And our group VK doubled the number of subscribers. Then we released the clip "Cocktail", they took it on a-one, and I was asked for the korzh: "What a mulo writes for you?" So the Englishman got into the team, who produced and recorded the most successful Album of Korzi - "Living in Kaif."

"Everything was like in the West," Remembers Oleg. - Rent a month in Minsk for a month, collected three different sounds: rum and two more. They were engaged in this month - and it turned out to "live in the buzz", the most high-quality and one-piece album of Korzh. At that time, we performed every 3-4 months, bucks for 300. And Roma began to constantly ride with Max, to fill experience. And so the day happened when we had some kind of stamped rap festival for 400 bucks, and the look is a normal concert. But Roman said: I do not throw myself, sorry, I will be with Oleg. " And a year later, the Englishman went to the tour with Oxymiron.

In the sound of early LSPs - Popular in those years Dubstep and the influence of American Rapper Kida Cadi

"Our first concert in Moscow organized Kolya Redkin, for which thank you," says Oleg. Nikolay Redkin, the Editor of The Flow site and the big fan of "LSP", clarifies what is responsible for a ticket concert, and on the first speech was only a spectator. "It was in a bar on" Red October ", there were only four of my friends before the scene," says Nikolai.

The first solo concert "LSP", organized by Radekin, was held at the club "16 tons". It was summer, Thursday, 140 spectators came on tickets, the artists earned their thousand dollars, the organizer lost some money. Next begins something like urban legend. The concert was attended by a representative of the label "Casta" Respect Production. His one of the people close to Oxymyron and Booking Machine noticed him, and told her that, apparently, LSPs now also at the "Respect". A week later, Oximiron himself asked Oleg, if he had a contract. After learning that he was free from obligations, proposed to work with his Bucking agency.

The unconditional advantage of this cooperation was the emergence of two joint songs with oximiron - "I boring to live" and "madness." The project "LSP" existing on almost five years has learned a new audience. The Englishman went to the tour with oximiron in the role of sound engineer. Oleg sat at home without money and composed the new album "Magic City".

Previous work "LSP" is easy to call the gloomy version of Max Korzi. This is also a vigorous EDM with a rap recaptive and vocals in the spirit of early Kida Cadi, just not about optimism and a smile in 32 tooth, but about "I haven't gone to me, but do not care." The "Magic City" "LSP" suddenly jumps to the new territory. Do not be an expert in order to notice how much influenced the sound of the last album "LSP" an extremely prolific regional rap scene Atlanta. But they should not be surprised.

"I listened to the southern rap scene of the class from the eighth, starting with Texas when the American South was only rising, with Bun B and Pimp C," Oleg recalls. - Then I was bored. I decided to make indie garbage so that the "poster" wrote, and it happened. Then Roma brought the sound to the full brilliance on the releases "EP" and "Hangitz". Moreover, it was already your sound: I read, sing and meloding, drum-n-base, Dubstep and hip-hop mixed. But then Roma began to ride along the tours, and I am sitting at home and dig in my shit. And back joined the entire rap moving. And now I'm a challenge again in all these black topics. " Therefore, in his new tracks, trap bass swings, the 808th percussions and vocals are stubborn in auto - everything is like in Atlanta.

Over the past year, Oleg has managed to bring bridges with other leaders of the local trap scene. Among them Yung Trappa. - A very young rap eccentric from St. Petersburg, who was arrested by this summer on the 228th article. "The dude at the age of 16 wrote this - supercruito and superate at the same time! - Oleg admires. - I came to him in Peter on full random, without a loot. Four days hung with him, went to the studio, wrote, litto. I thought something to tell him that I did not tell me when it was necessary. He taught all this, but, as it turned out, he had a good one through the back door with bags. And he still constantly wanted some kind of Hastle to prominate. They say that he is shining seven. "

Another common representative of the Russian trap, with whom Oleg began to be recorded, - Magnitogorsk rapper SIL-A, who released the mixtures under the names of SPICE BOY and SPICEOLOGY, and in parallel the spice trading network in Moscow. By the time, when it was covered by drug control, Sil-a managed to leave the country's territory. "When I composed the Trek" Bankroll ", I thought with whom to make a track about money? - says Oleg. - Of course, with great strength. " To the question, is there anything about the location of SIL-A now, immediately answers: "I'm not a witness."

Hit "madness" - also the fruit of the collaboration, but already completely incredible. The tool wrote Breezey Muzik for his mixtape - and asked Oleg add chorus.

"And in my life there was such a period," Oleg recalls, "chicks, hang out, Buhaham, write down the songs of my Side project Piggy Bang. And I scored the booze, came home, got drunk and made this chorus. Breezey answers me: "What are you alone you removed the whole album?" Oleg offered to write and a verse, but the plots for the song had already composed SIL-a. There was an idea to make a remix - the rappers are so called the hits of the songs that new couplets add. The original remained unnoticed, the remix shot.

"I threw the track Romka, Miron," Oleg continues. "Romka said:" I will listen to the second day in a row. " Miron wrote: "You know, I, perhaps, jerk here, I like it." After this song, I began to find out. " But more important, apparently, the other thing is that now every weekend from the "LSP" is painted under tour.

"No one expected that we would come and make everyone on this platform, and we came and made all rap," the Oleg summarizes. "If someone is ready to challenge this, I would be interested to look at it."

"I would like to see," the novel says grimly.

The popular executor gave a frank interview about the friend, whose life was tragically broken last year. Oleg Savchenko from LSP became the new guest of the show "Thorough". As part of the release, Oleg spoke a lot about the career, plans for the future and, of course, about Roma Anglicin.

In the new release of the show "Awet", Oleg Savchenko became the guest - the frontman of the LSP Group. The artist invited Yuri to visit himself and very frankly talked with him about the past and the future. As usual, during the conversation a lot of fools, they talked about sex, prohibited substances and big plans.

As part of the release, Oleg talked on topics, exciting fans, and gave answers to questions that had been avoided for a long time. Recall that last year, during the tragic circumstances, the composer and producer of the LSP Group left the life - Roman Sashchenko, a better known under the pseudonym Roma An Englishman. The causes of death were trying to hide, but everyone understood that everything was an overdose of drugs. And so, after a long time, Oleg for the first time enough openly talked on this topic.

Oleg "LSP" invited Yuri well to visit himself on a frank conversation
Photo: Frame broadcast

At first, Oleg remembered how he met Roma and at what point they decided to create a group. Savchenko admitted that she quickly got close to the Englishman and even began to consider him his native brother, whom he never had.

"I had an epishie -" see colored dreams ", she was reduced by a kid one with Mogilev. Cool, smart dude. He helped to reduce the release, and it turned out that he had a comrade who pulls him into any aspects - Roma. They wanted to make something in the style of "Major Lazer" or "Diplo". Here they were together who did such a project at that time. Roma listened to what he did for me, pinned and somehow came to us on Tus in Mogilev. (...) And we so with him<заболтались>. Everyone began to travel around the houses, and then we left in the kitchen and talked. I pound him enthusiastic<фигню>, <понтовался> And smart words spoke. And he dared. We caught a wave. I realized that it was a cool dude, and we agreed in Minsk to cope, "he remembered Oleg.

Last year, Roma of England died, wines everything - overdose
Photo: Social networks

Already the next day, Oleg sent the text to which he really wanted to make music and asked the Englishman to enslave over the arrangement. Almost immediately, the composer sent him a minus, which was perfect "lay down" words.

"I turn on it, sneak and everything falls around," Oleg remembers. - You know, it's like the "that" dude with a guitar in the yard - they will not ask, everything knows. And plays one motive type "Battery", and everything lies on it, roughly speaking. "

Then the Englishman used Dubstep in the arrangement. It was already fashionable in the world, but in Minsk, where the novel did not come from. At first, the musicians worked on business conditions, and then "threw" and became the group "LSP".

Oleg was silent for a long time about what happened that day when it did not become his close friend
Photo: Social networks

Oleg is hard to talk about the prohibited substances that "taken away" the life of his close friend. According to him, these are the secrets of Roma, which he would like to hide from a curious eye.

"Roma is part of my family. I very quickly began to treat him as a my brother and took it from all<фигней> As a brother. It is my parents, I consider my parents, and they also consider me son. Everything concerns Roma and his parents, you<волновать> Not "," Savchenko answered emotionally.

The only thing Oleg spoke on this topic was, this was parallel between the Englishman and the pot from the Kish group, which died with similar circumstances. Savchenko believes that they have similar fate. Both had such a lifestyle, in which many were surprised that death did not overtake them even earlier.

After the death of Roma, Oleg decided not to close the LSP group and began to speak with a new team
Photo: Social networks

Remember the day when a close friend left the life, the Contractor is still difficult. What is interesting, Savchenko feels relief. Shortly before the death of the Englishman, friends did not see a couple of weeks, which, as Oleg argues, subsequently helped him relatively calmly take what happened.

"Denya Astapov called me and said:" Everything happened. " And I understood everything, "Oleg shares the memories. - This is not easy news, I got these<тумаков> information. When I drove it all, I started thinking what to do next. "

Specified Dwelly, whether close people tried, in particular Oleg, fight with a detrimental habit of Roma. And if not forcibly put in the hospital, then at least just talk, explain the whole situation, draw ...

The following year, Oleg plans to collect about 15 thousand people to the concert group
Photo: Social networks

"We made attempts," Savchenko admitted. - While the person does not want something itself - this will not happen. If he sincerely wants it - he achieves. I answered your question, even if you think that - no (...) Roma was the most cunning dude, which I know. No one could knock out rum, and in some kind of Roma ranked himself. "

Yuri Dor: "That is, he sincerely wanted to die?"

"You can interpret so," the group Frontman replied

LSP - Belorussian singer, Rap Artist and songwriter. In the last year and a half, LSP group, since Oleg LSP began to constantly work with the fashionable sound of the Roma Roma Englishman. Unfortunately, the Duet LSP has ceased to be a duet after) presumably due to drug use.
LSP (Reduction from English Lil 'Stupid Pig)

Oleg Vadimovich Savchenko (born on July 10, 1989, Vitebsk), better known under the scenic pseudonym LSP - Belarusian singer, rapper and songwriter from Minsk. The solo career began in 2007, since then released three mini albums and four studio albums. He worked in close cooperation with the Mogilev producer Roman Saschako (he same Roma Englishman; April 27, 1988 - July 30, 2017) as the same duet "LSP".

Back in childhood LSP He began to engage in music when his father hired a tutor to the game on the piano. After some time, LSP throws classes and begins to write the first poems on the table.

First performer whose songs Oleg LSP Consciously liked, calls Andrei Gubin. In 14 years LSPsees the TV program "Star Factory 4", in which he performs

Birth name - Oleg Vadimovich Savchenko
Date of birth July 10, 1989
Birthplace Vitebsk, BSSR, USSR
Years of activity 2004 - present
Country of Belarus
Professions - Singer Raper Song Author
Genre-Hip Hop Dab Indi Pop Electronic Music Grahim Dram-n-Base Challenge
Oleja 500 Sava Lance pseudonyms
Collectives "BPK" (2004-2007) "Shrec Pro" (2007-2009) That "Shovel" (2009 - present) Piggy Bang (2013 - present)
Cooperation - Roma Englishman, Aes Genius, Yung Trappa, Oxxxymiron, Pharaoh

Later, the LSP gets acquainted with the Russian rock and the work of such musicians of the corresponding genre like Zemfira, Nike Borzov, "Multfilms", "Mumiy Troll" and "King and Jester". However, after some time it returns to the raep, starting listening to American hip-hop, from the experience of listening to which it concludes that "the sound is also important, as a sense, and sometimes even may be more important."

LSP graduated from the Faculty of Philology, although, as recalls LSPhas not done without financial difficulties.

In 2007, several demos Oleg LSP, including a solo mixture "I understood everything" and the collection of Here We Come Again. In 2008, he participated in the 6th team battle as part of the "Shrec Pro" team that had reached the 2nd round, where Max Korzh was also listed, as well as in the 8th official battle, Where Oleg reached the 4th round.
In the same year, begins to write and record songs, which will later enter the mini-album "See colored dreams". The first were such compositions as "Magic" and "Streets". Having heard the album Kanye West 808s & Heartbreak, Oleg, under the impression of this work, records the first version of the song "Lambad"; The album version of the song was overwritten and reduced by duration.

2011-2012: The beginning of a solo career [

The Debut Mini Album Oleg LSP "See Colored Dreams" was released on September 16, 2011. In the subsequent period, Oleg gets acquainted and unites efforts to work on new music with Roma An Englishman, the first fruit of cooperation with which is the single "Numbers". The release of "EP" - an album that has entered the songs that were published from 2012 to 2014, took place on January 8, 2014. Shortly thereafter, on May 24, 2014, Oleg and Roman unexpectedly release another album - the number "Velitz". In August of the same year, it becomes known that LSS with the Englishman began working with Booking Machine Booking Agency. On February 3, 2015, a mini-album "LSP" Romantic Colegtion, whose name beats the names of his creators. In the summer of 2015, the duet leaves Booking Machine, which was decided immediately not to advertise. The same summer, July 19, 2015, Oleg produces its solo album - license room Magic City.

April 1, 2016 begins, as the Flow writes, "a whole drama, a collision of two generation heroes," when representatives of Booking Machine publish the Song "Imperial" with the participation of LSP and Oxxxymiron, in which the latter performs the dismission to its former colleague. During the next week, Oleg and Miron exchange video collections, presenting their vision of the current situation, after which there are any contacts among themselves. September 30, 2016 LSP releases joint with Pharaoh mini-album "Confectionery". On April 28, 2017, Oleg and Roman are produced by a continuation of a last year's Magic City license album TRACIC CITY.

On July 30, 2017, the participant of the project "LSP" Roma An Englishman died. On August 5, Oleg said that the project would not be closed, and the tour in support of TRAGIC CITY will take place. After the tour started, it became known that Den Hawk was entered into a new concert group of Oleg (Piggy Bang Group) and Peter Klyuev.

Content [Hide]
1 Life and Career
1.1 2007-2009: Early entries and participation in hip-hop batlah
1.2 2011-2013: "See colored dreams", start working with sushcheko
1.3 2014: "EP" and "Hangotza", signing on Booking Machine
1.4 2015: Romantic Colegtion and Magic City, Care with Booking Machine
1.5 2016-2017: "Confectionary", TRACIC City, British care
1.6 2017 - Present: TRAGIC CITY TOUR
2 abbreviation (decoding)
3 artistism
4 Discography
5 Concert Tours
6 Notes
6.1 Sources
6.2 Video sources
7 Links
Life and career [edit | edit wiki text]
Oleg Savchenko was born on July 10, 1989 in Vitebsk in the family of journalists. As a child, he began to engage in music when his father hired a tutor to the piano. After some time, it throws classes and starts writing the first poems on the table.

The first performer, whose songs Oleg frankly liked, calls Andrei Gubin. At the age of 14, he sees the TV program "Star Factory 4", in which Timati is acting. Surprisingly, the presence of rap on the first channel, decides to deepen in hip-hop culture, becoming a listener of Decl and Bad Balance. It later gets acquainted with the Russian rock and creativity of such musicians of the corresponding genre, like Zemfira, Nike Borzov, "Multfilms", "Mumiy Troll" and "King and Jester". However, after some time it returns to the raep, starting listening to American hip-hop, from the experience of listening to which it concludes that "the sound is also important, as a sense, and sometimes even may be more important."

He graduated from the philological faculty of MGLU in the specialty "Linguist teacher": as Oleg recalls, at that time it did not do without financial difficulties. However, parents have always supported both his own and his musical undertakings.

2007-2009: Early entries and participation in hip-hop batlah [edit | edit wiki text]
In 2007, when Oleg turns 18, there are several LSP demo recordings, including a solo mixtape "I understood everything!" And the collection of Here We Come Again.

In 2007-2008, LSP participated in the 6th team battle as part of the "Shrec Pro" team that had reached the 2nd round, where Max Korzh was also listed, as well as in the 8th official HIP-HOP battle .ru, where Oleg reached the 4th round.

In the same year, begins to write and record songs, which will later enter the mini-album "See colored dreams". The first were such compositions as "Magic" and "Streets". Having heard the album Kanye West 808s & Heartbreak, Oleg, under the impression of this work, records the first version of the song "Lambad"; The album version of the song was overwritten and reduced by duration.

On July 14, 2009, a mini-album "without appeals" came out together with Deech and Maxie Flow, which included three songs, three minusters of the same songs and a bonus track.

2011-2013: "See colored dreams", start working with SCHACHENO [edit | edit wiki text]

Logo LSP
On July 1, 2011, the release of a video clip on the song "Hippie" took place. On September 16, the release of the debut solo mini-album "See colored dreams", consisting of 5 songs and 1 bonus remix followed. Aees Genius, 614, Paul Pain album, and LSP himself. At least at that time he was not personally familiar with the Roman Englishman, he was responsible for the general control of the release of the release.

On May 24, 2012, the release of the single "Numbers" was held from which the close and fruitful cooperation of LSPs with producer Roman Nikolayevich Sascheko, more famous under the scenic name of Roma An Englishman.

June 25, 2012 comes the song "Cap-cap" from that "shovel", which consists of LSP. Video clip on the LSP song "Why do I need this world," like the single himself, came out on September 26, 2012.

At the end of 2012, Oleg participates in A-One Hiphop Battle. As he explained his weak creative activity in that period of time - the whole of 2012, he "reflexed, arranged priorities, was engaged in self-education and self-improvement, sick, stalled material."

March 6, 2013 LSP releases the song "More Money". On April 17, 2013, the Single "Lilvain" was released on Russian hip-hop culture. On May 13, 2013, it took place as a video clip on the song "Cocktail" and the song itself. All three songs came to the consolidated charts of the best Russian-speaking songs for the month of, and the "cocktail" later took place in the ranking of the best songs for the year. Also, the "cocktail" fell into the top 20 Russian-speaking songs according to the channel a-one.

On July 28, 2013, Oleg produces a Caver-version of the song "Fool and Zipper" of the Russian group "King and Jester". Earlier, on March 7, 2013, a video was released, where LSP also performs a cover - on the song "Truth Gonna Hurt You" by the American Rapper Foucher. On October 25, 2013, the song "City" comes out, December 20, 2013 is engaged "lost and not found", and on December 25 - "Pikachu".

2014: "EP" and "Hango", signing on Booking Machine [edit | edit wiki text]
On January 3, 2014, LSP publishes remix to "soft lips and tattoos" Yung Trappa. January 7 - Joint with a Living Loop Song with Galat.

On January 8, 2014, the release of the OPA compilation album was released, which included 10 songs and 2 bonus tracks - Tribute leader of the King and Jester group Mikhail Gorsdev, and a cover version of the song "Truth Gonna Hurt You" Foucher. If you do not take into account the previously published "live loop", then a completely new song on the release was only one - and this is the opening album "Kanat". The material for "EP" was collected for 2.5 years.

On February 4, LSP releases the song "Overboard". March 2 - remix for "everything immediately" Yanix, and on March 14 - "better than the Internet." On April 13, a joint composition of LSP and Yung Trappa "MLL" ("Baby loves dealer"). On May 23, two songs come out at once: "Meteoric rain", as well as remix on "MLL" - now it is a solo song of LSP.

On May 24, 2014, the release of the album "Hangitz" took place (the name was taken from the song of the group "Chimera"), which entered 8 songs. Music on both albums for the most part was produced by Roma An Englishman. It is noteworthy that both in the other album for each song had their own cover. The Flow made the "Velotztsu" both in the top three of the best Russian-speaking albums for 2014 and in the list of the 20 best records for the 2010s.

"Generally speaking, it was an electronic pop. Another thing is that instead of the impressed senseless plotics, Oleg told quite hopeless stories, inside of which - despair, hopeless and emptiness.
On August 4, LSP releases a remix for the song "Samurai" Basta and Guf. August 20, 2014 it became known that LSP began cooperation with Booking Machine Booking Agency. On August 20, a video clip was released on the song "Vinaigrette". In September, he took part in the St. Petersburg Hip-Hop Project Versus Battle - the enemy of LSPs spoke to frequenate Batla Meowizzy. The release itself came out on October 19, 2014, and Oleg won the victory in the verbal duel. Ovela consumed to go to the event, Oxxxymiron, LSP himself later describe his attitude to Batlu as follows: "I still can't do the mind, why I spent time at this time."

On October 31, 2014, a mixture of Yung Trappa Jesse Pinkman was released 2. Of the thirteen songs on the LSP record, I took part in three - all of them were initially preparing for a joint album of performers. Later, in February 2015, Oleg will noted that Trepp "left with Radarov", and in November he tells the story of their personal dating: under what circumstances they met how the creative process took place. LSPs also seem to tell him something to tell him that they did not tell me, "but, as it turned out later, the tips taken by trapping did not find applications. On October 31, 2016, it became known that Roiper, convicted of the 228th article and who had seen in the SIZO for more than a year, was given almost six years in prison.

On November 27, 2014, LSP releases a joint song with Oxymyron, which was called "I boring to live." At the end of the year, The Flow included the songs of "MLL" and "I boring to live" into the list of the 50 best Russian-speaking records for the entire 2014.

2015: Romantic Colegtion and Magic City, Care with Booking Machine [edit | edit wiki text]
On February 3, 2015, LSP leaves the Mini Album Romantic Colegtion. Two songs - "SPVL" ("Think again in love") and the "power field" (the excerpt of which was demonstrated in January) - are new and discharged by the Roma Englishman. The third, "exactly such a '15," as follows from the name - the updated version of the track for the musical accompaniment of Deech "exactly such" from the 2009 mini-album "without appeals", which was recorded in conjunction with the above-mentioned Deech, as well as with Maxie Flow.

The "Power Field" Editorial on The Flow brought to the list of the best Russian-speaking songs for 2015. Oleg himself allocated this song in an interview for, where the text of the "power field" was one of its best creations.

On July 19, 2015, the output of the album Magic City. Unlike the two previous studio albums, in Magic City Roma, the Englishman limited himself to writing musical accompaniment for just five songs, while the rest were engaged, from his own words, "Fathers of trap music in Russia". However, the responsibility for the whole of production and post-production album is still on the shoulders of the Englishman. Guest couplets - from Pharaoh, Oxxxymiron and Sil-a.

On the eve of the exit of the album, July 16, 2015, a clip was released for the remix song "Madness", the original of which is in the Breezey Montana mini-album "Dar or a Curse", in which LSP fulfilled only the chorus. "Bullet", with Pharaoh, at the end of the year The Flow will visit the best songs for the 2015th, and remix on the "madness", with Oxymyron, will lead his first ten. On September 10, 2015, the light saw a video clip on another song with Magic City - OK.

In the summer of 2015, it stops cooperation with Booking Machine, explaining that after signing, then a few of the concerts, which was previously descended. On April 1, 2016, the song Porchy "Imperial", which was initially planned to be made to the tracklist of his Mikstepa King Midas and in which Oleg, according to Oxymiron, says what he thinks about his former bucking agency. In "Imperial" occurs, as the song The Flow characterized: "The whole drama, a collision of two generation heroes" - LSP and Oxxxymiron. Oleg himself, contrary to the accusations of colleagues, said that he puts into his text a completely different meaning and in the online broadcast of the PERISCOPE application in the manner characteristic of itself, "Autodekoding" produced, with a personal position, explaining the meaning of actually every one of his lines, concluding that his vertex Representative. "I am sure if the track was simply released with Porchy - it would not have surrendered to anyone, and there would be no disks there either. Miron his appearance on the track himself mumbled him, turning almost any of my absolutely distracted line to hitting him and Booking Machine, "LSP declared later.

2016-2017: "Confectionery", Tragic City, British care [edit | edit wiki text]
March 2, 2016 LSP releases the song "Spit to Eternity." On May 9, 2016, the composition "Miracle-Udo" comes together with Sasha's cheek.

On May 17, LSP lays out a remix for the remix songs "Madness", to which he finished the second verse. As he explained, he saw a lack of integrity and logic in the song, where the second verse was performed by oximiron, and brought as an example that such a trick was turned on and earlier - with the song "MLL", in the original version of which the second verse sang Yung Trappa.

In July - 8 and 10, LSP lays 2 LefTher from the time "EP" and "Hangs": songs that received the names of "Bonus Babe" and "Hydroopol". September 8ths the song "Cupcake", performed by LSP and the Moscow artist Pharaoh.

September 30, 2016 in SoundCloud was published a mini-album "Confectionery" - a joint project of LSS and Pharaoh. The release took place in support of their co-round Cake Factory. On October 3, he entered the platforms such as iTunes Store and Apple Music.

On February 11, 2017, the first single was released - the name "Phoenix" - from the next solo album LSP, whose release was originally appointed for autumn 2017. Previously, the "first single from the coming album" was called "spit in eternity." "Phoenix" was recorded, from the words of Oleg, another and a half or two years before his release.

On April 22, 2017, a second track was released from the future album - "MoneyProble", which was previously performed at the concerts of the group.

On April 28, 2017, the release of the Third Loan Studio Album "LSP" TRAGIC CITY took place. The invited artist is only one - Lyok Nikonov ("PTVP"). Songs - 13, including previously released singles "spit in eternity" and "MoneyProble". TRACIC CITY is a direct continuation of Magic City and, in addition, introduces images, heroes, quotes and preceding LSP work.

"When I finished" Magic City ", it seemed that it would be better not yet written anything and that this is our opus magnum. But a little time passed, and I started a little to represent the vector of further movement.<…> Recently, I also thought that after "TRAGIC CITY" there was nothing more special, but literally in the last days of work on him I have already started to represent what we will do next.
LSP on further creativity "
On May 14, 2017, Oleg Savchenko could not get to the concert of his colleague Thomas Mraz, in February of this year the replenished series of artists Booking Machine, in Minsk: the organizer of Ilya Mamai, with the words of LSP, has made it into the black list of this event.

May 20 came the clip "Coin", which became the most viewed video of LSPs in the entire history of the project.

On July 28, the song Big Russian Boss "Pimperial" is coming under the musical accompaniment of Roma Englishman and Davip, in which LSP took part. The composition parods last year's "imperial" - however, only at the level of the name and presence of the phrase-memo "Ty Pozhalesh OB etom Though". Earlier, the artists have already recorded together the "Celebration" track, which entered the second solo album of the Boss I.G.O.O.R .. Also BRB and LSP collaborated within Big Russian Boss Show, where Oleg and Roman became guests.

2017 - Present: Tragic City Tour [edit | edit wiki text]
On August 5, Oleg spoke about his future plans: the tour in support of TRAGIC CITY will not be canceled, and the LSP project will continue to exist.

After the start of TRACIC City Tour, it became known that Den Hawk and Petr Klyuev were included in the new concert. Denis is known both by cooperation with Oleg at the early stage of creativity and on the work within the framework of the Piggy Bang, while with Peter Kievoy LSS previously performed a "coin" in acoustic processing in 34 Music Sessions.

On October 2, 2017, a video clip was published on the song "Body". Touching video is dedicated to the Englishman who has left the life of Roma and is a kind of farewell to him. The role of the Roman Saschako in the clip was performed by Petersburg video cell Dmitry Larin. On the same day, Oleg became a music guest in the Evening Urgant program, where he performed the song "Labyrinth reflections". On October 4, Larin on his channel laid out Bekstage Vlog with the shooting of a music video, in which, among other things, noted that to take it to the role of the Englishman of the ClipMakers, they advised comments under the video clip "coin", in which the external similarity of Dmitry and Roman began to be played. As the video block manager stated, Oleg was shot separately due to the incomprehension of their graphs. Becstage from the Dope Films shooting clip was published on October 7.

Abbreviation (decoding) [edit | edit wiki text]
As Oleg stated in an interview with the program "At Blaise on the sofa" in response to one of the most frequently asked questions - "How did the name come from and what it means?", - Options that answer, the musician has plenty, and the question itself perceives as white. noise. So, in different interviews and the answer to this question looked differently:

In an interview with NUC magazine (April 10, 2014): "Once 10 years in a row, I looked out the window, it was when I studied at school. In general, I looked out the window in the sun and began to feel in myself with ... my Baptist, when the sun spoke to me. Although I did not understand either ... I did not say what it said, and did not become a Baptist, but in my heart there was a sunny symbolism of these wonderful words - the ray is stronger than bullet. I do not know where to take it, but the abbreviation I went to my soul. "
In an interview with The Flow site (June 17, 2014): "Usually, when we are interviewed, you immediately ask about the name. Recently asked - Is it true that this means "rayer is stronger than bullet"? Well, we say no, it means "licks yourself ... [vagina]" ".
In an interview with Blaise on the couch, "(July 29, 2014):" [I'm closer to me now the option] "Loving Heart of the Pacific." In Belarus, there is a group of "Unblight Sirza Pacan". Well type, understandable. But we recently realized that LSP is, probably, "loving heart of the boy." Not yet "broken".
On Versus Battle against MEOWIZY (October 19, 2014), Oleg beat the decoding of LSPs like this: "You are LSP, but not Oleg - you just add your penis."
In an interview with Big Russian Boss Show (April 25, 2017): "My favorite decoding is" better ask later "."
The decoding of the LSP is found in several tracks of the artist: "LSP" - lies, passions and vices "(" Magic City ", Magic City)," LSP, better space about love, the most truth "(" MoneyProble ", TRAGIC CITY).
Artistry [edit | edit wiki text]
In the songs of LSPs used auto-lineruen. At the time of the release of the "see colored dreams" in his music, Indi-sound was dominated, and for those who came out in 2014 "EP" and "Visentza", as Oleg himself celebrates, His partner Roma was already created already "his sound": "<…> I read, I sing and meloding, Mix Drum-n-Base, Dubstep and Hip-Hop. " In the work of the sample of 2015, trap-sound prevassed.

Andrei Rekhokhkovsky from The Flow in reviews on the album "Velitz" noted the "monotonance" of Vokal LSP, and also described his music like this: "<…> If you want Flea, games with words and other rap focus - this is not to find this here<…>. [But] Oleg dilutes serious journals with ridiculous turns, memorable phrases and chisels. Yes, and simply knows how to entertain the listener. " On the website of Nikolai Chumakov described the LITMOTIV LSP: "The main advantage of Oleg creativity is hidden behind a melodic bit and sweet vocals - his loud desire to declare his lost life."

Discography [edit | edit wiki text]
Main article: Discography LSP
2011 - "See colored dreams"
2014 - "EP"
2014 - "Hangitz"
2015 - Romantic Colegtion
2015 - Magic City
2016 - "Confectionery" (together with Pharaoh)
Concert Tours [edit | edit wiki text]
2015 - Tour of Belarus
2015 - Large Autumn Tour
2016 - Never Over Tour (Big Spring Tour)
2016 - Cake Factory (together with Pharaoh)
2017 - Tragic City Tour

Real Name: Oleg Savchenko
Date of birth: 06/01/1991
Place of birth: Vitebsk, Belarus

Childhood Oleg.

Oleg Savchenko, better known as Oleg LSP was born in the city of Vitebsk, in the family of journalists. Parents since childhood supported Oleg Treight to music. So my father bought the son of the piano so that the son could catch his skill. Oleg admits that in childhood he liked such musicians as Andrei Gubin, Bad Balance, Decl. When Oleg became older, he listened to Zemfiru and Mumiy Trolo. But soon this music is bored with Oleg, and the American rap is captured. For Oleg, one thing became clear - the text is of a secondary meaning, and the sound is above all.

Already from an early age, Oleg LSP saw himself as an artist, despite the fact that everyone around said that it was a stupid venture. After graduating from school, Oleg enters the university on the philologist, and at that time begins to make the first steps in creativity.

Creating a Duet LSP

In those years, a small company of Belarusian guys, including Max Korzh, tried to raise the Belarusian rap and recorded a lot of demo, none of which was not published. In 2007, the first mixture "I understood". A year later, Oleg takes part in the sixth team Battle Hip His team was called Shrec Pro, and its composition also included Max Korzh. The team reached the second round. In the same 2008, LSPs tries to sololy conquer on the eighth official, but it does not work and he flies in the fourth round. The tracks of Kanye West` And Oleg LSP completely turns over the idea of \u200b\u200bmusic. In 2011, Oleg comes out the first EP "see colored dreams", as well as the first clip "Hippie". In 2012, Oleg gets acquainted with the future accomplice of the LSP Roma Group. Their first joint track came out a couple of days after the acquaintance and was called LSP number.

Acquaintance with Oximiron and Heip Beginning

2013 was the year of experiments. The group wandered between different styles and the sound balance. In May, LSP release the "Cocktail" track, which becomes the hit of the year in Belarus.

2014 is becoming a turning point in Oleg and Group's career. Guys produce 2 releases "EP" and "Veltsz". In the same year, the duet noticed Oximiron, and persuaded Ilya Mamai to engage in their concerts. Also, the Miron records FIT with LSP "I boring to live." Also, Oleg takes part in Versus Battle and defeats Illumate.
2015 becomes the most successful for LSP, as one of the most successful albums of the Russian rap of that year "Magic City" comes out. Pharaoh and Oximiron noted on the album.

However, everything was not so smoothly - the guys had problems with concerts, and they vinyl their agency. Ultimately, LSPs and Booking Machine tear the contract. Oxi and Oleg agreed especially in no way advertising this situation. But LSPs begin to rigidly criticize the bukin machines. In the end, Porchy calls Oleg on his album, and LSPs on the purchase writes disms on their former colleagues. Oxxxymiron in response releases response dismission. Next, rappers retrained into video blocks and tried to argue their point of view.

In the fall of 2016, LSP and the "Confectionery" mini album comes out.
In April 2017, the LSP group comes out by the Album "TRAGIC CITY". On July 30, the most tragic event occurs in the history of the LSP Group - the second participant of the Roma of the Englishman died of heart failure. Oleg decided to continue to do the music, despite such a blow. A little later, LSP releases a clip to one of the tracks with TRAGIC CITY, in which Dmitry Larin video brokers played the role of Roma An Englishman.

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