Crow and Cancer who wrote. Review of the fairy tale "Crow and Cancer

Crow and Cancer who wrote. Review of the fairy tale "Crow and Cancer

The main characters of the Russian folk tale "The Crow and the Cancer" once met on the seashore. The crow saw a cancer crawling along the shore and grabbed it. She carried her prey to the forest to feast on. Cancer realized what awaited him, and tried to talk the crow.

First, he informed the raven that he knew her parents and commended them. The crow unguarded at this, without opening its beak. Then the cancer said that he knew the brothers and sisters of the crow and also praised them. The crow continued to keep its mouth closed.

Then the cancer told the raven that in comparison with her relatives, she is the most intelligent. The raven liked this statement very much, and she croaked approvingly. As a result, the cancer fell out of her beak and was free.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Crow and Cancer" is that people who love flattery are easy to control. It is enough to praise them, and they will do as the flatterer needs. The tale teaches you not to give up in critical situations and not lose your presence of mind. Cancer, captured by the raven, did not panic and found a way to save his life.

In the fairy tale "Crow and Cancer" I liked cancer. He accurately guessed the weak point of a crow, greedy for flattery, and skillfully used this weakness to win his freedom.

What proverbs fit the tale "The Crow and the Cancer"?

They take out the soul with flattery.
Where you can't take it by force, there is cunning to help.
The cunning one will always find a loophole.
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart.

A fairy tale is what brings us back to childhood. This is the gentle voice of a mother or grandmother, sweet tea, a pleasant nap before going to bed, serenity.

But children's literature is not only dreams, fantasies, the world of rainbow happiness. Many Russian folk tales have a rather cruel ending: villains, boiled in boiling water, impaled, left to starve to death, die a martyr's death. But fairy tales teach the main thing: to understand the difference between good and evil, to know that a good deed deserves a good ending. In different eras, peoples had their own approach to folklore. For example, in Europe in the Middle Ages, preventive stories were written aimed at eradicating vices among the younger generation. Such plots were eerie, so folklore collectors adapted them for a children's audience.

Medieval European Tales

Medieval tales written for adults were more gruesome and imaginative. Whereas modern books directed at kids are friendly. Usually epics centered around some kind of "sin", taught teenagers to stay away from these "evils". A great example is Little Red Riding Hood, now a popular, not overly scary story for kids. The original version is not childish at all. This is a story about a werewolf and his attempt to corrupt a young girl. Such stories were grossly exaggerated, but due to the lack of education, they were often accepted as fact by medieval peasants.

Stories about animals

Fairy tales about animals are especially popular among almost all peoples. Usually these are instructive stories about the relationship of animals, their antics with a transparent, unambiguous morality. Or plots for children who like to ask "why" questions. Such stories jokingly explain why the animal is of this color, for example: why the bunny has a white fur coat in winter and gray in summer, or why some animals do not get along with each other, for example: a cat and a dog. Reading such books is interesting for children and adults.

Fairy tales about the crow

There are no less fairy tales about representatives of the family of crows than about a fox with a wolf. Each nation, depending on the culture and place of residence, has its own perception of these mysterious birds. Due to its color, specific appearance and habits, the crow is often endowed with mystical properties. She is the eternal companion of Baba Yaga, like a black cat - guides to the world of the dead. In Chukchi fairy tales, the crow is prophetic, knows how to predict fate. In the Eskimo, this bird is usually a cheat. She is cunning, smart, deceiving and cleverly conducts other characters in the plot. In Russian folklore, we are faced with the opposite situation, familiar to us from the fable of I.A. Krylov's "The Crow and the Fox". But here it is difficult to argue which of these characters is more cunning. A similar story in the fairy tale "The Crow and the Cancer".

Crow and cancer

The content of the story can be summarized very briefly. The crow decided to have lunch, but, as often happens in folklore stories, she did not succeed. Since the bird is greedy for rude flattery. I caught a darling in a lake of cancer, settled down conveniently for a meal. But the cancer did not want to die at all. And he began to shower the tormentor with compliments, as if he knew her whole family, everyone was good. But she is better, smarter and more beautiful than everyone else. The crow was moved, inspired, opened its mouth with happiness and missed the cancer.

The moral is simple, understandable even for kids. First, do not give in to rude flattery. Secondly, you need to achieve your goal. And, finally, thirdly: you should not talk to your food, otherwise there is a great risk of being left without lunch. But seriously, you can never lower your concentration. It is dangerous for life and health.

The text of the tale is written in simple language. The plot of the book is simple, understandable, the moral lies on the surface. The volume is small. Therefore, it can be read to young children.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Crow and the Cancer" online for free and without registration.

There is a crow over the sea, looking: the cancer is crawling - grab it! And she carried it into the forest to sit somewhere on a branch and have a good bite. He sees the cancer that has to disappear, and says to the crow:

Hey crow, crow! I knew your father and your mother - they were glorious people!

Yes! - answered the crow, without opening its mouth.

And I know your brothers and sisters: what kind people they were!

Even though they are good people, they are no match for you. It seems to me that there is no one in the world wiser than you.

The raven liked these speeches; she croaked loudly and let the cancer out into the sea.

The second version of the fairy tale "The Crow and the Cancer"

In Orona she caught a crayfish, sat on a branch, and a bird holds the crayfish in its mouth. Sees cancer - trouble comes.

So he says to the raven:

I remember, the crow, your father and mother. Glorious were the birds!

The crow says:

Yes! - He does not open his mouth.

Cancer says:

I remember your brothers and sisters, they were glorious birds!

U-huh, says the crow. But he does not open his mouth.

Cancer says:

They were good birds. And everyone is not like you. You are the best.

A-ha! - said the crow and opened its mouth. And the cancer fell into the water.

The crow flew over the sea, saw the cancer and grabbed it. And the cancer began to praise her until she lost her vigilance and opened her beak.