Fortress of St. Anna - facts about the only earthen fortress in Russia. "Changes are coming": the permanent director and artistic director of the "Holy Fortress" theater spoke about the near and long-term plans

Fortress of St. Anna - facts about the only earthen fortress in Russia.
Fortress of St. Anna - facts about the only earthen fortress in Russia. "Changes are coming": the permanent director and artistic director of the "Holy Fortress" theater spoke about the near and long-term plans

The Vyborg theater "Holy Fortress" was founded in the second half of the 20th century. Today, his repertoire includes performances for audiences of all ages. Here you can see performances based on classical plays, as well as on the works of Soviet and contemporary playwrights. The theater combines two genres - drama and puppetry.


The Vyborg theater was opened in the 70s of the 20th century by a group of enthusiasts close to each other in spirit - graduates of LGITMiK, the department of puppeteers. These people serve in the "Holy Fortress" to this day, being the golden composition of the troupe. Yuri Labetsky was chosen as the leader without hesitation, who is the artistic director to this day. The troupe was still very small then. It took a long time to choose the name for the theater. At first there was an idea to call it "Small Puppet", since there was "Bolshoy" in St. Petersburg. But the artists did not receive permission to be called that. As a result, they came up with the name "Holy Fortress". This is how the name of the city of Vyborg is translated into Russian from Norwegian.

In the early years, the artists did everything themselves. They made dolls, sewed costumes, wrote scripts, performed music for performances, and painted scenery. They did not have their own building either. The troupe found its permanent place of residence much later.

The theater was created as a puppet theater, and performances were only for children. But in 1999, drama performances for adults appeared in the repertoire. One of them received the award "Golden was a performance that is still in the repertoire -" Eight loving women. "Then he acquired the status of a drama and puppet theater.

Since 1987 the theater has been actively touring. He takes part in festivals not only of All-Russian, but also of international importance. The theater is often awarded prestigious awards for its performances. Festivals, in which the theater has already managed to take part over the years, were held in countries such as Finland, Poland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Lebanon, Italy, Denmark, etc.

"The Holy Fortress" is not only a participant, but also an organizer of several large-scale festivals held in Vyborg.

One of the brightest performances of the theater, intended for an adult audience, is "Bolero". This is a play about the creation of the world, which combines music, plastic and dolls.

Over the years of its existence, the theater has already brought up several generations of spectators, many of whom have remained its fans for life.

Today the troupe has grown much larger. She was replenished with young talents. The theater attracts talented directors to work on productions.

In December 2007, Yuri Labetsky was awarded the Rolan Bykov Prize "For his contribution to the development of children's creativity."

The theater continues to create and develop. Today it is the center of the spiritual and cultural life of the city of Vyborg. He not only pleases his audience with performances, but also holds conferences, meetings with spectators. A lot of work is being done on the moral and aesthetic education of a person.

The soul of the theater is always open to both its loyal fans and new audiences.

Repertoire for adults

Based on the plays of classics and contemporary playwrights, performances for an adult audience were included in the repertoire of the Vyborg Theater. His poster offers the following performances:

  • "And in the morning they woke up."
  • "Divas".
  • "Romeo and Juliet".
  • "Khanuma".
  • "Eight loving women".
  • "Orchestra".
  • "Two on a swing".
  • "In the shadow of the vineyard".
  • "Truth is good, but happiness is better."
  • "Bolero".
  • "Karl and Anna".
  • "Endless April".
  • "Jacques and His Master".
  • "Whales from August".
  • "You're a fool, Plush."
  • "Testosterone".
  • "Three sisters".
  • "Two Veronese".
  • "Life and Passions of the House of the Bessemenovs".
  • "My poor Marat".
  • "And there was love in the war."

Performances for children

The Vyborg Theater also plays performances for children.

Repertoire for young viewers:

  • "One hundred kisses for the pot."
  • "Seven-flower flower".
  • "Lesson for Little Red Riding Hood".
  • "Mistress of Copper Mountain".
  • "Beetle".
  • "The Last Night of Shahrazada".
  • "Apple War".
  • "Mashenka and the Bear".
  • "Home hedgehog".
  • "Apricot tree".
  • "Nanny Arina's Home Theater".
  • "The Hunt for the Princess".

New Year's performances

On New Year's holidays, the Vyborg theater prepared special fairy tales for boys and girls:

  • "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King".
  • "Bride for Santa Claus".
  • for Cinderella ".
  • "The Mystery of the New Year's Forest".
  • "Twelve months".
  • "The sun and the little snowmen".


The Vyborg Theater has collected a wonderful

  • Tamara Belova.
  • Ildar Basyrov.
  • Mikhail Nikulin.
  • Alexander Ryazanov.
  • Tatiana Tushina.
  • Wally Hammer.
  • Irina Kokreva.
  • Evgeny Nikitin.
  • Galina Kikibush.
  • Vitaly Stratychuk.
  • Anton Kosolapov.
  • Yuri Labetsky.
  • Galina Basyrova.
  • Olga Polyakova.
  • Maxim Gladkov.
  • Nikolay Ustinov - Leshchinsky.
  • Olga Gurina.
  • Svetlana Baeva.
  • Vladimir Pavlukhin.
  • Olga Smirnova.

Artistic director

The Vyborg Theater (St. Petersburg) "lives" today under the direction of Yuri Evgenievich Labetsky. He is the artistic director of the troupe and takes part in productions as an actor himself.

Yuri Evgenievich graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema with a degree in actor. He started his career in the city of Pskov. There he served in the regional puppet theater. Then there was Lvov. After - the Kurgan theater "Gulliver". Here Y. Labetsky later became the chief director. In 1982 a puppet theater was opened in Vyborg. Yuri Evgenievich joined him as the chief director. He became the artistic director of this theater in 1992.

In 1993 Yu. Labetsky was awarded the title of Honored Art Worker of Russia.

Thanks to the competent leadership of Yuri Evgenievich, the theater overcame many problems, the financial crisis, was restored and went through a number of reconstructions. It was Y. Labetsky who formed a wonderful troupe.

The artistic director of the Vyborg theater is a diverse personality. He is, among other things, an excellent set designer, he himself is engaged in writing stage performances.

Buying tickets

Tickets to the Vyborgsky theater can be purchased at its box office. She works every day, seven days a week and lunch. Ticket office hours: from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. You can also call the theater and book tickets over the phone. Their cost ranges from 100 to 150 rubles for performances for children, 350 rubles for performances for adults. Discounts are provided to students. For them, the cost of a ticket to the performance for adults will be 200 rubles.

Where is it located and how to get there

Everyone who visits the performance for the first time has a question: "Where is the Vyborg theater located?" Its address: Sportivnaya street, building 4. Opposite the theater there is a school number 14. Not far away there is a kindergarten number 21 "Smile". And also school number 12. From St. Petersburg you can get to Vyborg by bus number 830. It departs from the metro station "Grazhdansky Prospekt". Further along Vyborg itself, the theater can be reached by buses with numbers 5, 1 or 6, as well as by route taxi number 13.

Vyborg Palace of Culture

The Vyborgsky recreation center, located in the city of St. Petersburg, was opened in 1927. This palace immediately became the center of the city's cultural life. Conferences, various events, forums, important meetings, meetings were held here. It was here that Dmitry Shostakovich gave his first concert. The Vyborgsky Palace of Culture also hosted the World Congress, in which Academician I. Pavlov took part. Studios and associations work in the Palace of Culture, amateur groups are engaged. Concerts and performances of famous troupes and artists are held on its stage today.

Former names Leningrad Regional Puppet Theater
Location Vyborg
Main director Yu.E. Labetsky

State Drama and Puppet Theater "Holy Fortress"- professional theater in Vyborg.


Theatrical history of Vyborg dates back to the wooden theater building, built in the 18th century. It is believed to have been the first theater in Finland. At the end of the 18th century, plays were staged in Vyborg in German and Russian.

In 1832, designed by the architect A.F. Grandstedt the stone building of the Vyborg city theater was built.

After Finland's defeat in the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940), the Vyborg Russian Drama Theater was organized in the theater building near the New Town Hall Square, renamed Teatralnaya in 1940, but with the outbreak of the Soviet-Finnish War (1941-1944) the troupe was evacuated to the Urals. The theater building was badly damaged during the battles for the city and was subsequently dismantled.

Former teetotal society restaurant

Organized by the Finnish military authorities, the theater was housed in 1941-1944 in the building of the former restaurant of the teetotal society on the Red Well Square.

The Viipur (Vyborg) Republican Theater of Russian Drama was re-established in 1944 by order of the Council of People's Commissars of the Karelo-Finnish SSR. But it was located (temporarily) in Kem, then in Sortavala, and was abolished in connection with the transfer of Vyborg to the Leningrad region. By the decision of the Leningrad Oblast Council in 1945, a regional theater was opened in Vyborg. It was planned to build a new theater building on the site of the destroyed Lutheran church. The preparation of the troupe of actors was carried out by the spouses V.V. Merkuriev and I.A. Meyerhold. However, the state regional theater in the city of Vyborg, due to the lack of a suitable building, was liquidated in 1947, and the Vyborg District House of Culture was located in its premises. The square, on which the complex of buildings of the town hall, hotel and theater was located before the war, was called Teatralnaya until 2004, after which this name began to be borne by the neighboring square, on which the building of the cinema and the Actors' Walk of Fame are located.

In 1982, the Leningrad Regional Puppet Theater was founded in Vyborg. It was the first professional theater in the region, located in the regional center. And in 1999 the theater received the status of a dramatic and modern name. The theater troupe is actively touring, taking part in international theater festivals.


  • Performances for adults

Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare)
Truth is good, but happiness is better (A.N. Ostrovsky)
The life and passions of the Bessemenovs' house (M. Gorky)
Eight loving women (R. Tom)
Three sisters (A.P. Chekhov)
And there was love in the war (Y. Labetsky)
Bolero (Y. Labetsky)
Jacques and his master (M. Kundera)
You fool, Plush! (A. de Musset)
Two on a swing (W. Gibson)
Divas (K. Ludwig)
In the shade of the vineyard (I. Zinger)
Testosterone (A. Saramonovich)
Orchestra (J. Anouilles)

Endless April (J. Pulinovich)

The opening of the theater is always an event, and the birth of the first professional theater in Vyborg is a significant fact in the history of the city and its cultural life.

It all began in the distant 70s, when several graduates of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (now SpbGATI), graduated from the "Department of Puppet Theater" by master S.K. Zhukov (who for a long time remained the spiritual mentor of the young collective), decided to create their own puppet theater.

As mentioned above, the collective of the future theater was formed at the institute, during training, where it became clear to its representatives that they were close in spirit to each other and were pursuing some creative ideas.

So, Yuri Labetsky (now the permanent artistic director of the Vyborg theater of drama and puppetry "Holy Fortress", w. And the Russian Federation), Nikolai Ustinov (now ZA. .a. RF, actress of the theater "Holy Fortress"), Evgeny Nikitin (now the head of the Russian Federation, actor of the theater "Holy Fortress") - and there are those still young and inspired students of the theatrical institute, who to this day are "golden "The composition of the Vyborg Drama and Puppet Theater" The Holy Fortress ".

Now Yuri Labetsky, recalling this fact, says that this is all one big accident.

It all happened quite spontaneously. It's just that Tamara Belova is from Vyborg, and she invited her colleagues to try to open a professional puppet theater in her hometown (in Vyborg, up to that moment, there was the only People's Theater).

There were attempts to create a theater in Vyborg, but, as a rule, they ended in failure. It is difficult now to say what it was connected with. Nevertheless, the young actors were signed documents for permission to create a new professional theater, and they boldly and with inspiration set to work.

The creative team did not hesitate at all in choosing a leader, it was Yuri Labetsky.

The name of the theater was not immediately thought of. Yuri Labetsky wanted it to be named "Small Puppet Theater". At that time, there were three puppet theaters in Leningrad: the Bolshoi Puppet Theater (BTK), the Puppet Theater on Nevsky (now the Demmeni Puppet Theater) and the Fairy Tale Puppet Theater. But the request was rejected, and soon another idea arose - to name the theater "The Holy Fortress", which in translation from the Norwegian language means "Vyborg".

The new theater did not have its own building for quite a long time, but, despite this, work on staging future performances was in full swing.

Initially, the "Holy Fortress" puppet theater was created only for children. And until 1999, the theater's repertoire included only children's puppet shows. But after 1999 the theater will acquire the status of “dramatic” and will receive its first Golden Soffit award for the play “Eight Loving Women” based on the play by Robert Thom (directed by Yuri Labetsky), in the nomination “Best Directorial Debut”. After the theater began to be called dramatic and puppet theater, it noticeably changed its creative course.

The premiere of the first children's play "The Malice from Kosice" (I.Per and L. Spachila) took place on a significant day - on the Day of the Theater, March 27, 1982. Everything was done by the artists themselves: dolls, decorations, costumes. Evgeny Nikitin painted wonderfully, Nikolai Ustinov-Leshchinsky played great music, and Yuri Labetsky glued, planed and sewed with his own hand.

The Vyborg artists have proved that their theater has a right to exist.

Every year more and more puppet shows for children were staged in the "Holy Fortress". And this merit largely belongs to the fact that, at last, the theater has found its long-awaited home. The creative process began to gain momentum on a larger scale.

We can safely say that the theater devoted the first ten years of its life to touring activities. As soon as a new performance appeared on the stage, it meant that tomorrow it would be necessary to leave ...

Since 1987, the theater will begin a serious tour abroad, where the theater will be awarded prestigious awards for performances testifying to the recognition of the "Holy Fortress" not only in Russia, but also abroad. The theater will take part in theater festivals in Austria, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Lebanon, which will expand both professional opportunities and awareness of its own place in the general theatrical movement.

For several years the theater "Holy Fortress" itself will take an active part in the organization of large-scale festivals in conjunction with the World Organization of Puppeteers UNIMA. International festivals will take place in the hometown of the "Holy Fortress" in Vyborg. At the same time, the theater will continue to stage new performances and tour a lot in our country and abroad.

However, 1997 was destined to become a landmark for the Holy Fortress Theater. This year there is a completely unusual and amazing premiere of the play for an adult audience - "Bolero" (directed by Yuri Labetsky). This is a musical and plastic action about the creation of the world, a magnificent colorful show in which music (Ravel), rhythm and fantastic dolls reign. Bolero was awarded the Golden Soffit Theater Prize (1997), and also became a laureate of two international and two Russian festivals, including the All-Russian Theater Festival Golden Mask.

In 1999 the “Holy Fortress” theater received the status of a drama theater. Now its full name sounded like this: the regional state theater of drama and puppets "Holy Fortress".

The theater continued to work for children, produced new puppet shows and also received all various awards: for his performance as the Hare in the production of "A Lesson for Little Red Riding Hood", actor Maxim Gladkov was awarded the Golden Soffit diploma.

Having become a dramatic theater, the theater has noticeably expanded its audience, but the main advantage of this status is that it made it possible for the artists and the theater director to reveal completely new facets of their talent.

After the play "Eight Loving Women" on the stage of the "Holy Fortress", a new premiere - "Three Sisters" (directed by Yuri Labetsky). This production was written a lot in the press, it did not leave the lips of the audience for a long time. In "Three Sisters" Yu.E. Labetskiy led his heroes through the entire XX century.

“The Holy Fortress” opened its 20th anniversary theatrical season again with the premiere of the dramatic play “Ce La Vi” (directed by Yuri Labetsky), which was nominated for the Golden Soffit award in two nominations at once - “Best Actor”: the role of Yaroslav Gasparova (ZA Russian Federation Nikolai Ustinov-Leshchinsky) and Best Supporting Role: the role of Angelica (actress Galina Kikibush). Also, "Xie La Vi" was included in the cultural program of the X-th film festival "Window to Europe".

Over time, the history of the "Holy Fortress" did not become boring or less interesting, because new young artists come to the theater, talented directors are attracted, which means that the heart of the theater beats ...

In 2007, the Holy Fortress Drama and Puppet Theater celebrated its 25th anniversary. This is not a lot, but not a little for the city of Vyborg, because during this time the theater managed to educate more than one generation of spectators who have remained faithful to theatrical creativity to this day.

At the end of December 2007, Yuri Labetskiy was invited to Moscow to present the award to them. Rolana Bykov "for his contribution to the development of children's creativity." And on the international day of the theater on March 27, 2008, by decree of the President, a new document was signed on the presentation of two Orders of Friendship to the Z.D. and the Russian Federation to Yuri Labetsky and Z.A. RF to Nikolay Ustinov-Leshchinsky.

New young artists come to the theater, talented directors are invited: Vladimir Vorobyov (play "The Idiot"), Yegor Chernyshov (play "Emelya the Fool"), Roman Ilyin (plays "Jacques and His Master" and "You are a fool, Plush!") , Vyacheslav Sorokin ("Two on a swing"). Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Tushina performs her performances in the theater as a director. Her performances for children "The Hunt for the Princess", "The Stone Flower", "100 Kisses for the Pot" and "How a Man Followed a Woman" will surely delight their audience for many years.

The theater continues to develop and create. By the decision of the Union of Theater Workers, he was awarded the prize "For the creation of a theater - the center of the spiritual life of the city of Vyborg." Whatever the activity of the "Holy Fortress" theater is expressed in: in holding performances, conferences, participation in festivals and meetings with spectators, it is aimed at one thing - at the moral and aesthetic education of a person.

And if, passing by, it seems to you that the doors of the "Holy Fortress" theater are closed, do not believe - the soul of the theater is open for you forever!

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The meeting of connoisseurs of theatrical art was crowned with the staging of the play by A.P. Chekhov's "Three Sisters".

On Friday, September 21, an evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of director Yuri Labetsky and the opening of a new theatrical season took place within the walls of the Holy Fortress drama theater. Guests were invited from among theatergoers, art critics, writers, film critics, critics and pop and cinema artists of Vyborg. The site's journalists had the opportunity to talk with the director and artistic director of the theater, Yuri Labetsky, face to face. The director shared his future plans for the repertoire, theater, tours and actors. He also talked about how it all began - theater, performances, fame.

Everything happened quite by accident, as, in principle, it usually happens. It's just that a group of young graduates of the "Leningrad Theater Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography", which after graduation left for the city of Kurgan, worked there for 6 years, and then realized that they wanted to come back. It was impossible to find work in Leningrad at that time, that was 37 years ago. One of our actresses, being a native of Vyborg, expressed the idea of ​​moving here. And somehow quickly there were people who supported this idea, accepted, including the Ministry of Culture. In just a year in 1982, contrary to all negative expectations, the "Holy Fortress" was opened. This was a huge surprise for us.

Yuri Labetsky,

The entire history of the Holy Fortress Theater is associated with the name of Yuri Labetsky. He is not only the founder of the theater, but also the director, and the artistic director, and even the director. The history of the theater is impossible without its legendary productions "Three Sisters" (A.P. Chekhov), "Romeo and Juliet" (W. Shakespeare), "Truth is good, but happiness is better" (A. Ostrovsky), "Life and Passions of the House of Bessemenov" (after M. Gorky "Bourgeois").

To find a script that the audience will certainly like, we read many plays, then we stage what we like. Basically, the repertoire consists of a sensible mix of classical and contemporary, drama and comedy.

Yuri Labetsky, Honored Art Worker of Russia (1993), Chief Director and Artistic Director of the "Holy Fortress" Theater

The theater also has a children's studio with 60 children. It is taught by theater actors, they also teach children acting skills, stage speech and movements.

The end of the theatrical evening was the staging of the play in four acts "Three Sisters" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The performance itself is a long-standing idea of ​​its director - director Yuri Labetsky, which, according to artists and critics, he embodied incomparably. In this performance, love is betrayed, multifaceted and endless, love in which one finds the ultimate in dreams, love that becomes the only chance for salvation, love that destroys. Fat Andrei escapes from his wife to a gambling house, Tuzenbach tragically dies, Vershinin leaves, even Kulygin loses faith in his happy future with Masha - this is what love does with the main characters in the finale of the play.

The theater is actively touring and performing at festivals both in Russia and abroad. The troupe of the theater presented its performances with great success in Austria, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Finland and not only. Artists, if necessary, are ready to leave their native walls for a while - to play on another stage and delight with premieres.

We could not resist and asked Yuri Labetsky about the upcoming plans for the theater itself, new productions, as well as the artists' touring activities.

We have, let's say, big and small plans for the future. The big plans include the construction of a new theater building in Vyborg, of course this will not happen soon, in the next 10 years, I hope we will survive. And in the earliest plans - a tour in Sochi, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Adler. There are also plans for daily - staging of the plays "Three Sisters" (with the youth troupe of the theater), restoration of the legendary play "The Idiot", various children's performances, work on the novel by D.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. I try to make big plans, and if at least one of this comes to fruition, it's already great.

Yuri Labetsky, Honored Art Worker of Russia (1993), Chief Director and Artistic Director of the "Holy Fortress" Theater