New KVN teams. "Merry and resourceful": the most successful teams in the history of KVN

New KVN teams.
New KVN teams. "Merry and resourceful": the most successful teams in the history of KVN

One of the most successful television products of domestic television - the game "KVN" - 8 November turned 55 years old. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday was proposed by the president of the KVN International Club Alexander MaslyakovAnd the date is chosen due to the fact that it was November 8, 1961 the first game of the club of fun and resourceful was released on the air.

Among the first leaders were students of Vgika Klimov, Alexander Belyavsky, native film actresses Natalia Protertina and Natalya Fateeva. Over time, there was a constant duet of the leading - Albert Axelrod and Svetlana Zhiltsov. Since 1964, the permanent leading KVN is Alexander Maslyakov.

Over the years, the program has survived the closure associated with the Soviet censorship on television. Many jokes of students who participated in the games "club of fun and resourceful," did not like the party leadership. However, in 1986, KVN survived the "reboot". It is this date that is considered the beginning of the current format of the popular game. On the occasion of the jubilee club, we decided to recall the most famous and successful teams of the last thirty years.

"Odessa gentlemen"

The first champion of the highest league KVN new format. By right, one of the most successful teams of the club is considered. On her account at once two championship titles. The second was conquered in 1990. It is considered one of the most intelligent and stylish teams, which in his jokes combined the subtle intelligent Odessa humor with topical issues of that time. One of the main attributes of the guys from Odessa State University was a white scarf. In addition, Odessans were the first of the many merry and resourceful activities on television, based on the Gentleman-Show program.

"Novosibirsk State University"

A team of Novosibirsk State University defeated three times in the Higher League in 1988, 1991 and 1993. It seems that such a result is unlikely to repeat ever one of the club teams. Siberians won almost every tournament in which they participated. Their jokes are truly gone into the people. It is the NGU that belongs to the cult phrase: "Party, give charging," which largely described the process of "restructuring" in the country.

During its existence, the composition of the NSU team changed several times. Tatyana Lazarev, Alexander Pushny, Andrei Bocharov, Konstantin Numochkin, Mikhail Zuev. In addition, it was on the scene of KVN that the first appearance on the screen of four-year-old Pelagia was held. Note that some team members later also tried their strength in the television project "OSP Studio".

"Children of Lieutenant Schmidt"

The pride of Altai KVN. The history of the team began in 1996, when the Kaleidoscope Show Theater was associated with Barnaul and Luxe Miniature Theater from Tomsk. The name was chosen for a long time, crossing out the options one by one.

The debut performance of the Team "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" took place in 1996, when Siberians won the local league. However, already in 1998, KVNschiki debut in the highest league and from the first attempts become champions. Then at the KVN Music Festival in Jurmala, the team won a "kiwin in gold". "Children" won all weighty awards in KVN: Summer Cup, Champions Cup, Friendship Cup, President of Ukraine, also became champions of KVN Siberia three times. More than half of the participants of the famous team are coming from Barnaul. The project "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" lives today: team members are acting with different concerts in the country.

"Makhachkala tramp"

One of the most titled teams in the history of KVN. The team actively participated in festivals from the moment of creation. In 1995, they were awarded the highest award of the Music Festival in Jurmala and were awarded the Golden Kiwin. A year later, they repeated their success. In 1996, Makhachkalinians became champions of the highest league. In just seven years, the team won everything in KVN that you can. There are three full-length humorous films on their account.

"New Armenians"

The team "New Armenians" was formed in 1994. The basis of the created team was KVNerschiki First Armenian League KVN 1993. The team was first called "relatives from Yerevan". In the Season of the Higher League of 1996, the team had reached the semi-final, where I lost to Makhachkala vagradas. In 1997, the "New Armenians" were able to enter the season again and, having occupied the first places in all games, reached the final, where they divided the title of champion with the team "Zaporizhia - Kryvyi Rog - transit". In addition, the "new Armenians" twice became the owners of "kiwin in light". After his decay, many team members actively continued a television career. Garik Martirosyan and Artashes Sargsyan, who received a recently prominent post on the channel "Match TV" reached the greatest success.

"Belarusian State University"

The last great team, who became twice the champion of the highest league. The team appeared at the Festival "Kivin-1998". Following the festival, the team falls into the first league, where it becomes champion. After that, the team receives a residence in the rank above. In the first season, the team gets to the semi-final, where the "national team of St. Petersburg" is inferior. However, Alexander Maslyakov, his decision he had a team to the final, where she defeated Peters, "New Armenians", becoming champions. This success team from Belarus repeated two years later, beating in the decisive game "tired by the Sun". In the same 2001, the team becomes the owner of "Big Kywin in Gold" at the music jurma festival.

"Ural dumplings"

They broke into the Higher League of KVN in 1995. The team for the first time included participants of the student construction projects of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Their distinctive features were cheerful tangerine shirts. For many years they went to his victory in KVN, but it was possible to do it only for the fifth season. It is in the composition of "Pelmeni" Sergey Svetlakov became famous. "Ural dumplings" became one of the most popular KVN teams. Since 2009, almost unchanged has their own comedy show on the CTC channel.

"Burnt by the Sun"

The KVN team, which many call the best in history. Initially, the team was headed by Ruslan Khachmamuk, but in 2002 he left and His place was taken by Mikhail Galustyan. In 2000 and 2001, the "tired by the Sun" became silver winners of the season, in 2003 champions, and three times they took the Summer Cup KVN. Right is considered the last titled team in the history of the game. We offer to see one of the brightest numbers of this funny southern team.

"County City"

This team in 1999 was formed as a result of the unification of the other two - MHP from Magnitogorsk and "Countrymen" from Chelyabinsk. In 1999, the "county city" team became the winner of the first KVN League, the final of which was held in Kazan. In 2000, the team fell into the Higher League of KVN. But in two years later, they deservedly received the title of champion of the Higher League of KVN. And in the same year at the festival in Jurmala, the "county town" won a small kiwin. It was a starry year for the team. For three seasons, the "county city" team participated in the Higher League of KVN. Now the team is actively toured.


The most successful team of the KVN recent years. Champions of the highest league 2014. "Union" - a singing team. The characteristic feature is the execution of small fragments of converted songs, called in a professional "Karapulmi". Because of his style, the "Union" team has never been left without prizes in the last five years at the Festival "Voting Kiwin".

Julius Gusman

Now, the second person (after the head of the First Channel Channel Konstantin Ernsta), ascending the Jury of the Higher League, Julius Solomonovich Gusman began to play in KVN back in 1966. He together with friends created the team "Guys from Baku" and became its leader and captain. Five five years in a row from 1967 to 1972, the Baku national team did not lose any contest! And in 1970, the team even became the winner of the KVN Champion Champion Cup. Julius Solomonovich has a psychiatrist diploma, he also graduated from the Courses of Writers and Directories of the USSR Goskino, and then returned to his native Azerbaijan, where he worked on a film studio and in the music theater. And in 1988 he moved to Moscow. It was he who was the author and an embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a prestigious cinematic award "Nika". The entertainment show on TV and radio, put the musicals, took off the legendary film "Park of the Soviet period". And although today Gusman is mostly silent during the filming of KVN, to present a humorous show without it is strongly impossible!

Garik Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan

Surprisingly, one of the brightest players of the end of the last century, Garik Martirosyan, also has a medical education, like Julius Solomonovich. Moreover, according to a similar specialty, Garik is a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. For three years, Martirosyan even worked as a doctor! But the fate will not deceive. Garik began playing KVN in 1993 as part of the team "New Armenians", and in 1997 he became a champion. In 2005, it was he who, along with his friends-countrycam Arthur Tumassan, Arthur Janibekyan, Artak Gasparyan and Artashes Sargsyan, created a Megapopular project "Comedy Club", which was not analogues on the Russian TV at that time. In 2007, two seasons of the "Minute of Glory" project were conducted on the first channel, and a year later he became the leading show "ProjectorParishilton" with Alexander Tsecalo, Ivan Urgant and Sergey Svetlakov. The scenario produced and wrote for another very successful project - "Our Russia" on TNT. Also led the transfer "Home Scene" and "Dancing with Stars" on the channel Russia. And all this time did not stop filming the "Comedy Club", with which we congratulate it!

Sergey Svetlakov

Sergey Svetlakov

Because of the game in KVN, Svetlakov, a student of the Ural State University of Communications, serious problems began with studying, but they were not going to deduct, because he was the captain of the University Team "Ural Pelmeni". In 2000, "Pelmeni" became champions, Sergey graduated from studying, but he did not leave the KVN. Svetlakov wrote jokes and scenarios for other teams, and in 2005 he began to write for "Comedy Club". But Sergey did not rush to the "frame", and on the screen appeared only after a couple of years - in the project "Our Russia". But he earned real popularity only after reaching the first channel of the project "ProjectorParishilton". In 2009, presented the South Butovo project on the main button of the country in which he was a permanent participant with faith of Brezhnev. Each new year, Sergey appears on cinema screens in one of the main roles of the film "Timor Timur Bekmambetova, it has already become a good tradition for the inhabitants of our country," Our Rashi "...

Pavel Volya

Pavel Volya

A resident of the glorious city of Penza Pavel Volya was not long played in KVN. His team "Valeon Dasson" in the Higher League played only one game - and "flew" in the 1/8 finals of the 2001 season. Pasha returned to his native city, worked as a DJ on the radio. After graduating from the university, the will moved to Moscow, where he worked as a foreman at a construction site first, later got a screenwriter on a RTR in the program "Good evening" Igor Ugolnikova. Then he settled on Muzhats, for some time even voiced Masyany's cartoon character (there was a hand drawn evening show with a popular animation girl). But about Pasha, a talented joker, remembered when creating a "Comedy Club", he himself came up with his image of a glamorous scum, and it was he who opened the first performance of the Standap-show in one of the metropolitan shopping centers. In 2007, the Will was singing, recorded several compositions that became hits, and then released an album. In 2008, the film "Platon" came out on the screens of cinema, after which the will became a superstar. After the first success, he played in several popular films - "Happy New Year, Moms", "Service Roman. Our time "," Love in the Big City-2 "," Bride at any cost "," The Best Movie ". Some time ago, Paul had accumulated so much own material - monologues and humorous selections - which began to give solo concerts, having an unprecedented success among the public. The will even traveled half airs with tour - everywhere the Russian audience takes it to "Hurray." Last year, together with his wife, Layisan Utyasheva, he launched the "Will Power" project, in which the gymnast is responsible for the improvement of the body of the participants, and the comedian is for increasing intellectual vigor and mental activity (at least it is written on their official website). In general, everything is fine with Pasha!

Mikhail Galustyan.

Mikhail Galustyan.

But Galustan because of the game in KVN was still expelled from the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort.

Too much time went on rehearsals and games, and there was not enough strength to study, no desire. Despite this, Alexander Maslyakov called Galustan to the Higher League, and then at the university, too, managed to recover. In 2002, Mikhail became the captain of the team, and in 2003 "Burnt by the Sun" become champions. In 2006, he was invited to be filmed to the project "Our Russia" on TNT. It was considerable to the "Ice Age" show on the first channel and the series "Zaitsev + 1". In 2012, Galustyan founded his own film company, which removes clips, corporate and documentaries. At the account of Mikhail, 17 kinocartin, in which he played far from the last role.

Semen Slepakov

Semen Slepakov

The captain of the legendary team "The Pyatigorsk national team" Semen Slepakov played KVN from 2000 to 2006. The talented author (and the scenarios for his speeches he wrote himself) immediately noticed, so he was among the creators of the project "Our Russia", and in parallel worked as a screenwriter immediately in several programs of the first channel. In 2008, he became one of the producers and the author of the popular series "Univer" and the film "Our Russia. Eggs of fate. " In 2010, the truth-uterus rubs from the "Comedy Club" scene with its songs under the guitar. Producer of famous TV series "Interns", "Sashahatany", "concerned, or love evil" and the test "HB". Recorded two more musical albums using the Barda-Declayers's own role.

Natalia Eprician

Natalia Eprician

Natalia Andreevna appeared in KVN as part of the MEGAPOLIS team, when she was already 26 years old, which is a very solid age, because students play mostly here. In 2004, her team becomes the champion of the Premier League, and after a year - the champion of the highest league. The next year is a small, but very ambitious girl creates its own female humor club, which calls "Made in Woman", and two years later the show starts to show the TNT channel. The transfer quickly conquers the audience and changes the name to Comedy Woman.

Dmitry Brecotkin

Dmitry Brecotkin

In the whole of 12 years of their life dedicated to Dmitry Brekotkin KVNU and the team "Ural dumplings" in particular. He came there in 1995, but the team champions became only in 2000. Then the artist began to invite into such popular projects as "thank God, you came!", "Show News", "you give younger!", "Big difference", "South Butovo". In 2009, he became a member of the Permanent Show of the CTC CTC "Ural Pelmeni", which included many members of the KVN team of the same name. Former SV cameers are not only filmed on TV, but also give great concerts, which are held in Moscow with anchlage.

Svetlana Permicova

Svetlana Permicova

In 1992, Svetlana was a member of the KVN team of the Perm State University, but the guys came only to the first quarterfinal of the highest league. After 10 years, Permakova returned to KVN with the team "Parma". Sveta and Granka, merry bbw in funny hats and with bright makeup, loved and immediately remembered the audience. In 2005, she becomes a DJ in Russian Radio, and in 2006 it appears on the TV screens as the leading show "Three rubles" on In 2007, finally, punches the starry hour Permyak, it begins to act in the series "Soldiers" and successfully makes it three years in a row. After the filming of filming, he receives the role of senior nurse in the "Interns" series. Svetlana also plays in entrepreneurship theatrical productions.

The best teams of KVN forever remained in the hearts of the spectators and participants and entered the history of the game as legends. Since the existence of a club of fun and resourceful, the game has seen a lot of takeoffs and falls, successful and failed performances, as well as sparkling jokes that firmly entered the life of Fan Fan. All this was able to provide ordinary students - only their long and hard work on each performance helps to treat everyday problems with humor and light irony.

The KVN team "Odessa gentlemen" showed itself in 1986, when he became the champion of the revived game under the leadership of Captain Svyatoslav Pelishenko. After that, the title of champions came to Odessa gentlemen again in 1990.

In each game, young people showed an excellent result by occupying prizes. The unique charm of the participants was borrowed in the 60s, and jokes with a philosophical tint had unsurpassed success. Everyone could learn Odessa gentlemen in their indispensable attribute - white scarves, with whom young people did not part in any joint speech.

It was the "Odessa gentlemen" for the first time proclaimed Alexander Maslyakov, president of the club of fun and resourceful, and since then this title has never left the lead game.

Although the team left the mesh of the KhVN championships even literally in the last century, many "gentlemen" are known and loved so far - read about fate KVNchikov after KVN..

Ural dumplings

Perhaps " Ural dumplings"You can call the old KVN team, because they finished their last season at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. Having played five seasons, they were able to achieve the championship title and leave the club scene in the heal of their glory. It helped "dumplings" to establish their own show, which is popular so far.

Interesting is the fact that even now, after almost 20 years after the last speech, as a team of KVN, the participants of the Ural Pelmeni are shown on the television screens and concert venues of the country in almost unchanged initial composition. Undoubtedly, this is the only team that was able to preserve their integrity and carry it through such a long time.

Children of Lieutenant Schmidt

During the merger of Tomsk "Lux" and the Barnaul "Kaleidoscope" in 1996, no one suspected that the resulting "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" will win the popularity of viewers throughout the country.

Three championship titles, as well as multiple awards in various humorous competitions made "children" of one of the most titled KVN teams. Like "Odessa gentlemen", "children" chose themselves recognizable by all elements of clothes - jackets and caps in the black and white strip. And the individuality of each participant helped them with multicolored scarves. It is the same "children of Lieutenant Schmidt" forever remained in the hearts of KVN fans.

Tired by the Sun.

For a long time " Tired by the Sun."Not only included a list of the best KVN teams, but also headed him! Back from the very first speech in the distant 2000, young people earned the recognition of viewers throughout the country. And a little later, when Mikhail Galustyan became the leader, an unprecedented success came to the "tired sun".

All their jokes were on the verge of permitted, which gave the piquancy to every game with their participation. The bold humor in aggregate with a terrific acting game was fully justified by expectations - "tired by the Sun" several times took silver, the summer cup, and in 2003 they earned the championship.

County city

Perhaps none of the prefabricated boasts of such history as the "county city". In different years, they got up on their way and "tired by the Sun", and the national team from St. Petersburg. Just a few points three times in a row separated them from participating in the final.

As a result, in 2002, Maslyakov decided to take the "county city" in the final games, regardless of the results of the current competition. This decision was for the "county city" with fateful, because this time they were able to conquer the championship title.

Noteworthy the fact that it was the participants of the "county city" began to use repeating images in all their games, which later used other teams.


RUDN, more known as the team of KVN friendship of peoples, is still the only one in his own way, because its composition included young people more than ten different nationalities, which performed in a unique symbiosis.

The current team did not have time to fully express themselves, but the classic "RUDN" showed itself just brilliantly in 2006, when he managed to conquer the championship, as well as twice at the festival in Jurmala, winning a kiwin in gold.

Most Rudn jokes are based on its composition - easy to file representatives of various peoples and nationalities helped the audience to look at their lives on the other hand, somewhere to understand the established lifeguings of neighbors, and somewhere to reconsider their attitude towards them. Despite the fact that many jokes are political tint, they are all very sincere and contain good humor, which has become the fundamental success of RUDN.

Today, the Championship of RUDN is going only on very important events, such as the anniversary of the beloved club, but some participants can be noticed on TV screen - Pierre Narcissus, Ararat Keszanyan and Sangaj Tarbaeva - the best Captain Rudn.


Ukrainian kVN team "Diesel" At the very beginning of the XXI century, but at that time spoke only on the territory of Ukraine. Three years later, young people managed to break into Moscow and take part in the Higher League.

This is one of the few Ukrainian teams that showed an excellent result, although it was not able to take the championship. Anyway, "Diesel" paved the beginning of the speeches of Ukrainian KVN participants on the Moscow scenes, which became an excellent help for Dnipro, which was able to take the almost unattainable height of the championship.

Dnipro national team

Currently, there is only one composition of the KVN team "Dnipro", the captain of which Igor Lastochkin is. The founding of the national team falls for 2005, but the true success came to young people a little later. The best performances of Dnipro come for 2013, when they became the vice-champion of the highest league.

And, although the Dnipro national team could not become champions, they won the location of many viewers and club fans. The popularity of the KVN team brought the duet "Igor and Lena", which used undoubted success. The story of a young couple in various life situations gave the opportunity to viewers to see the humorous side and their loved ones, so it was so close to the people.

In the most successful 2013, Dnipro completed his speeches in the Higher League.


The team "Raisa" has become a sip of fresh air for KVN, while not ceasing to surprise viewers and jury members. The fact is that all the participants of "Raisa" are girls, which is already in itself unusual for the club.

Everyone was expected from "Rais" some kind of softness, tenderness and special femininity, and yes, their expectations were justified, but not always. The humorous numbers of the team were sometimes very far from female jokes, and the abundance of props simply hit the imagination.

All this allowed "Raisam" to break into the highest league and win bronze in 2012.


This is the Moscow team, whose performance on the club scene was like a hurricane. In 2004, Megapolis first presented his speeches at the Prime League. All rooms had an unsurpassed success, which allowed the "megapolis" in the first season to take part in the final.

A year later, the national team has already shown himself in the Games of the Higher League, where he divided success with the national team from Abkhazia.

Despite the rapid climb, "Megapolis" quickly collapsed and did not fix his success. Today, some of its participants still please us with their humor in such shows as "ProjectorParisHilton" and Comedy Woman.

Collection of Kamyzyak region

Kamyzyaki began their ascent to the top of Glory in 2010 and still appear on the club's scene.

The beginning of the creativity of young people cannot be called very successful, because they put the way with perseverance, constantly working on the correction of their mistakes and trying again and again. And as a result, all their efforts were justified, because in 2015 Kamyzyaki were able to become champions of the highest league. In addition, in their piggy bank of achievements is the Mayor Cup of Moscow, which they won in 2013.

For seven years of the existence of the composition, "Kamyzyaki" were able to submit many jokes for all sorts of topics, but most of all the viewers were remembered by humorous numbers to acute social topics, as well as miniatures about Kamyzyaksky court. Thanks to these speeches, Kamyzyaki were able to lay their way to the top of the highest league.


The team from Tyumen Soyuz is unambiguously the most titled team of the last decade. And this title went to the participants of the national team is not just like that. For five years of its existence, they were able to conquer many champion cups, including in the Higher League, became owners of five different kiwins and won the Moscow Mayor Cup.

The "Union" chip is a humorous progestion of popular songs on topical problems of Russian people. In their repertoire, you can find political jokes, and humorous numbers about the relationship between men and women, and much more.

"Union" today is the most popular team, and their success has not been able to repeat anyone.

Legendary KVN teams are not only sparkling jokes, unsurpassed acting and original musical and dance rooms. True club legends are the people who are equal to new participants, people whose ideas are inspiration for new numbers whose images remain in the hearts of the game fans.

This year the club is merry and resourceful. The game does not lose its popularity throughout all these years. On the contrary, every year more and more new teams come to festivals, each city is trying to create their local leagues, and many players begin to play well from school. He is the President of the Club, and for many players, he became an ancient father in the profession. We propose to recall the most successful KVN participants.

Mikhail Galustyan.

The participant and the captain of the team "tired by the Sun" immediately remember all the audience KVN. It is unusually charismatic and funny. Mikhail also was the author of many jokes, who brought the team title Champions of the Higher League KVN in 2003.

Now Mikhail is a showman, humorist, actor, screenwriter and producer. The project with his participation "Our Russia" became a real hit. Mikhail is regularly removed in films and is engaged in producer activities.

Alexander Revva

Another team of the team "tired by the Sun" in our list of successful KVN participants. Alexander began to play KVN as part of the Donetsk team "Yellow Jackets". Randomly be in Sochi 2000, the artist fell on the festival scene as part of a new team.

It is thanks to the fame and acquaintances that the game brought him, Alexander managed to succeed. Now he is a resident of the "Comedy Club", TV presenter, writes songs on behalf of Arthur Pupoikov and removes in Russian films. In 2010, the artist opened a restaurant in Moscow.

Garik Martirosyan

Popular showman, producer and humorist started playing in the club of merry and resourceful as part of the team "New Armenians". The team became the highest league champion under the guidance of Garik.

The talented artist became one of the main authors of the team "tired by the Sun.". Currently, Garik Martirosyan often appears as leading in the most popular TV show and performs the producer of many successful projects.

Semen Slepakov

After KVN, Dmitry with his colleagues became a participant "Comedy Club", and a year later, he was invited to the "Comedy Woman" show. Now the artist is filmed in the cinema and is the co-host project "Evening Urgant".

Alexander Gudkov

Another participant of the popular show "Comedy Woman", which has become popular thanks to his game in KVN. He was the captain of the team "Fyodor Dvinyatin", which became the bronze medalist of the Higher League.

Alexander leads a number of popular shows on the central TV channels, voiced two characters of cartoons and it owns a male hairdresser "Boy Cut".

Ekaterina Varnava

He became famous thanks to his game in the team "The team of small nations". There she met her future colleagues and became famous. Her team could not achieve championship, but Catherine herself was remembered to the audience.

Now the girl is one of the leading actresses of the "Comedy Woman" show. In addition, she professionally engaged in dancing, which helps her support a stunning figure and put dance numbers in the show.

Olga Kartunkova

The captain of the team "City of Pyatigorsk" is a very bright person. It was she who could become the first captain girl who brought his team to victory in the Higher League KVN.

Olga Kartunkova continues a humorous career, she is filmed in the show "Once in Russia," writes scripts and filmed in artistic cinema.

Svetlana Permicova

He played in KVN since 1992, but then her team flew after the first tour. Eight years later, she returned as part of the team "Parma" and managed to succeed. Her image of the nearby Ptushniki came to the audience.

KVN gave the start for the career of the artist. Svetlana began to invite in films, serials and televisions. One of its best roles can be called any in the TV series "Interns".


The popular Russian singer also started his way to fame in the club of fun and resourceful. Despite his young age (the girl was only 11 years old), she became a full participant in the team of the Novosibirsk State University.

Pelagey is called the "symbol of reviving Russia", his work admired, and many other influential people throughout the planet. She released 6 albums and is the most favorite mentor in the popular show "".

KVN I fully began to watch in 1998 (some rooms saw before), and threw - in 2010. After that, I made attempts to renew his viewing, but at some point I gave up, waved my hand and never turned on again. I do not know what has become a reason. Maybe I looked at Monti Paiton and saw how humor could actually be. Maybe the reason is that KVN mainly affects the teenage topics - a party, exams, show business, that I have long ceased to be close. Maybe the reason for this is to adapt to modern realities (clip thinking, the rooms are turned out short, fast, dynamic, do not have time to feel). Or maybe KVN and the truth is now a crisis who knows. Although "KVN is no longer the" I heard and at that time when I was actively looked and to tears laughed at jokes.

However, at least modern KVN stopped to be close, no one takes me the old "lamp" teams and their magnificent style, humor, charisma. So, it is the top 11 of my favorite KVN teams! Why top-11? Because I stole the idea of \u200b\u200ba nostalging critic!

Little reservation. At the end of each item I will indicate the "chosen number". This does not mean that he is the best or beloved. Rather, it is just a very good number, while one of the first things that I remembered, and besides easily on YouTube.

11) Pyramid (Vladikavkaz)

The main problem of the Caucasian teams in KVN is their one-sidedness. Almost everyone is somehow trying to leave for jokes, in fact, about the Caucasus. And okay, there would be a lot, but no, everything rests on a certain set: long-livers, ladies, lawlessness, lezginka, bad knowledge of metropolitan traditions. On these five jokes, for example, the champions got out "Narts from Abkhazia". But there were those who were able to go beyond these stereotypes. There I can call such commands two - "New Armenians" and "Pyramid". Armenians, of course, will lead. Champions were, "Comedy Club" created, Martirosian to the world presented. But I tried to remember their best rooms ... And you know, for some reason I didn't remember anything whole. At the "Pyramids" I recalled the numbers five. I admit honestly, the same champion of 2008 "Maximum", who beat in the final "Pyramid", I like a little more. But I did not turn it on the top purely from respect to Ossetians, I managed to joke not only about how a centenary grandfather cares for the girl while his grandson, who left prison, uses a mobile phone as a shoe spoon, and at the end everything dance Lezginka.
Selected number:"Clan Bolvano"

10) "Fedor Dvynyatin" (Moscow - Stupino)

And here, many people will have a question: I was so confirmed in the love of KVNA of the stroke of the century, and here I suddenly turn on the top here? I will explain. "Fedor Dvinyatin", in my opinion, were a curve mirror of the epoch, in which they played. In the second half of zero from the scene, jokes about "substances", about glamor, secular life, parties began to sound more and more often. Fedor Dvynyatin brought these topics to the absurdity. He simply spared on all the rules of morality and decency, laughed at them and really forced himself to hate himself. No wonder with them was connected by one of the most high-profile scandals of the Highest League of KVN, when Julius Gusman spread in the fluff and the dust of them parody of Valeria Leontiev . These guys laughed with their wild behavior over Kvber, over the viewer, over the jury. And it's great!
Selected number: "Nanny Pushkin"

9) Megapolis (Moscow)

I do not know who the first came up with the concept of "Coming Captain and all grains", but Megapolis was the first one who erected her to Absolut. This idea did not find a response. I confess, at first I did not imbued with her. It was hard to look at people who hate each other, although in a joke. But if you do not pay attention to this controversial idea, then the "megapolis" you can only admire. In their rooms there were constantly references to classical literature and music. One of their first memorable numbers - poet-Basanopishets - This is generally unimaginable. The team ruined the hall with the fables themselves, but their names or first lines ("One day whale walking along the shore. Suddenly, camel from the water in amber splashes). "Megapolis", in my opinion, was the last echo of old good KVN - with long whole numbers and a brilliant theatrical game, and not "jumped up - joked - I ran away - and everything for the music."
Selected number: "Hussarskaya Ballad"

8) BSU (Minsk)

The only two-time KVN champion in my era. This team was remembered by the fact that she had no certain style. That is, Belarusians left not only in Lukashenko and potatoes. They took humor. At the same time, none of their cult numbers were similar to another. Yes, in 2001, they had Galygin with parodies on the aforementioned "Aleksandra Horgoryavich", but at the same time the team did not slip toward infinite selfimitors. And BSU was the only one who showed the most real on the KVN scene ... porn movie ! My generation will understand what I mean. This even for more free times seemed to be very bold.
Selected number: "Concert" Time Machines "

7) "Prima" (Kursk)

Tell me, KVN lovers, what the first association do you have when the name of this team appears? Of course pictures. Illustrated humor - it was their chip, their know-how, many generally consider it almost if they are not their invention, although, of course, they joked so much in the sixties. And yes, their rooms were simply great. At the same time you never know where, when and what topic, they will give a masterpiece. In principle, it makes no sense to tell about their drawings - all this is easily on the Internet. But speaking of "example", many miss their other chip, atypical for their generation. Just pay attention to their humor outside of pictures: deputy debate, utility reform, "Visiting Erokhina", repairs in the apartment, musical "Movers" ... The team joking on household topics, close to Muscovites, but by simple provincial Russians. It was not shy to screw in my number of political satire. It is a pity that they are remembered primarily with pictures, and in the second poems. Yes, even the songs they have very often used such that someone from the modern generation did not even hear. Take, for example, alteration "Moyny you" is about a trip to Turkey.
Selected number: But there will be no pictures! "Glue-Relief"

6) DasistFak't (Yaroslavl)

The most unknown team in this selection. These guys spent only two seasons on television, and in the Premier League, quietly evaporated and remained generally incomprehensible. And it is easily explained - jokes about Zhanna Friske are much clearer to the average viewer than, for example, "Hunt for cunits with boomerang" . It seems to me if Sergey Kurekhin played in KVN, his team would have reminded something "Dasistfak't." By the reaction of the hall it even seen it was that sometimes they are elementary not to be presented to what the guys do on stage. But alas, the main reason for the fact that these guys were not allowed into the tower, is not a non-standard humor. And not even a dirty name (at first they were generally called "Das Eastfak", then they were forced to add the letter "T". The main reason is in the topics for humor. Their very first speech contained the phrase "There's all these -" ours "," Young Guard ", all eyes are five kopecks, they will penetrate the grains of Kin." I generally do not understand how they were allowed into a TV with such a slaughter humor of the times of real freedom of speech. Unfortunately, the KVN over the years is increasingly used as a political platform for the vaccination of young people "the right" ideology and the "right" image of enemies. And rare social humor like alteration "I WANT TO BREAK FREE" It looks very inappropriate as an attempt to show: "Look, people, we have freedom of speech!". Although in fact ... But we will not be about sad.
Selected number:"While all at home" on Czech "

5) "Moon" (Chelyabinsk)

Many teams happens like this: you look at five numbers, remember two hundred jokes, and then you walk and quote. With the "Moon" the situation was somewhat different. I have remembered the off town only two separate shutheshes, but one of them has long become a winged. First - "Birch, I would have so much kidney as you have" . Well, the second is the legendary phrase about the film (no matter what): "The book is better. And anyone " . "Moon" took the other - solidity of the number. None of the KVN XXI century team has never had so many one-piece numbers broken down by several pieces, but weathered in one topic. Take at least my favorite one "Love Formula" . In fact, there is a complete retelling of the Soviet Comedy, and not the most famous (not "diamond hand", not "Ivan Vasilyevich"). The team on stage in stammes and "home" was a real theatrical formulation, albeit a squeezed temporary framework. Shot a lot of good jokes is, of course, it is not easy. But tighten a lot of good jokes on one topic - this is the highest pilot.
Selected number: "Didnote" (although the "love formula" love the most)

4) Pyatigorsk national team

In KVN, it was and, for sure, there are many teams that they want to look like with the promotional guys from the province. But alas, another joke about how Nikolai Baskov rode the elevator all day, because there was a mirror there, it gives out the guys or, at least, their authors, the most that neither are metropolitan citizens. Pyatigarse were real provincials. From the very first speech it seemed that they saw KVN somewhere at the dawn of the nineties, and then in their only TV in the village struck zipper. Yes, they already had a lot of humor about modern realities, but sometimes the impression was created that they were joking on these topics reluctantly. It was much better that they had numbers about the Middle Ages, a rural novel, Chapayev ... In general, they did about the same as the "Moon", but at the same time they have a couple of advantages over the Urals comrades. First, they have even less popular films for numbers. Secondly, their humor sometimes had the absurdity that you would not immediately understand that they were so joked, and sit, wait for the joke. And then it comes to you ... well, even an important fact - Pyatigorsk was very good in warm-up. And this, as you understand, the most difficult KVN competition.
Selected number: "New Year" (with "Bohemian Rhapsody")

3) "Ural dumplings" (Yekaterinburg)

What do "dumplings" are engaged in the CTC channel, we will not speak about the sad? In general, personally, I found at the "dumplings" only the 2000 champion season. And I remember from it only "CAN't Touch This" on the girlfriend, as well as the enchanting "Salto Delchev". But the main thing is what they did after leaving the "tower". Most anniversary games and short project "KVN. Outside the game "held on the numbers" Pelmeni ". Plus their permanent performances at Sochi festivals, including 2003, when they gave us, perhaps, the best room KNN of the last 15 years (I think you understand what a speech) . Humor they were built on the absurdity and unexpected breaking of the fourth wall, and before it became mainstream. Once I caught myself thinking that when building jokes, they really resemble me "Monti Payton". And then I learned that "dumplings" and the truth was inspired by Monti Paiton! And most importantly - they skillfully used the image of inadequate in the team (Dima Sokolov). That is, in KVN, many build almost all their humor, all their numbers around a person who, as it were, "not from the world of this". "Pelmeni" used Sokolov as a kind of Joker, when you need to finish the audience already dying.
Selected number: "Show" Doors "(" Gladiolus "Everything has ever seen)

2) St. Petersburg national team

The national team of St. Petersburg is a unique phenomenon in KVN. Perhaps such strong folk love did not receive a single team that did not become the champion. Peter in many fans of KVN my age became the first real love. They took some ease, the liveliness of humor. And looked very in the youth. While others in the same greetings came out and just joked "into the ruler", these guys jumped up and ran through the stage, just bringing the brain incredibly steep humor. They combined the ease of modern humor with St. Petersburg intellectuality. In their humor, respect for the viewer was felt - look at at least their number about visit Bob Marley in the USSR . Almost no one showed such music numbers in KVN. In addition to another team (about them later). And how they dressed! Look - most KVN teams either wear a single style form, or players dress in certain images (for example, the "county city"). And here they went on stage as if just out of dressings and change clothes.
In 2005, Peter suddenly decided to return, although it was clearly not drawn to young people. And they returned completely different. They had a form (beige jackets), and humor was no longer so easy and rapid. They again, as at the turn of the centuries, seemed anachronic. But Anachronic is already the other side. Were they worse? Not. They simply changed the style and became others. These were already solid men and a woman with a more solid humor. But they still did not become champions. In general, the season finally convinced me that KVN wins the wrong team that is better, and the one that "needs". Twice - in 1999 and 2002, Peter in the final lost to teams that did not have to get into these finals. At first, they were taken out in the semifinals BSU, but by the decision of Maslyakov, Belarusians were also held in the final, where they performed objectively. Then, absolutely the same story turned out with the "county city" (although their advantage was no longer so obvious). And in 2005, Peter in the semifinals lagged behind the winners by 0.1 points. 0.1 !!! (in words) one tenth! I will not even remind this situation in this situation that those estimates were clearly understated. Maslyakov said the cold voice that "the numbers say the following ...", and Peter left KVN for all.
Selected number: "Bad radio"

1) "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" (Tomsk)

Pyatigorsk national team looked at the scene as a kind of "hello from the past." Peter looked ahead of his time. "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" - team out of time. Their numbers (with the exception of the reality of the era) would have been perfectly in the eighties and look great now. Tomichi were not the discovers of some genre or a symbol of some era. They simply got the highest quality humor. As they say, they went out and ruined the hall. At the same time, it was without a difference for them, in which competition it is to do - "homework" or "warm-up". I did not see any team at all, which would be so cool in the warm-up. At the same time, their main phishkee was running on the response before the expiration of the required time - the resourcefulness of Grigoria Malygin (R.i.p.) and companies in those years simply struck. And the "DLSH" had incredibly steep singers. There is a team of RUDN, which has expressed his skill to sing. For "children" it was granted. At the same time, having on the team of Gasayev and Vince, they generally might not be sealed over the lyrics, but simply take a hall with bare hands due to powerful voices. At the same time, they not only made scolding alterations ( "How disgusting in Russia in the morning"), but the song performance turned into a small performance.
But the most important contribution of "children" in KVN, and in general, in the history of our country, the ability to easily joke the situation about the situation in those years in Russia. The crisis, devastation, forever, the president, the closure of NTV - all these topics "DLSH" were easily paid to the joke, the existing power was made, but at the same time they left in the hearts of people the hope that everything will eventually decide, everything will be fine. And as a confirmation is their indispensable final songs with a rustic-folk bias. In modern KVNU to raise the spirit of patriotism, for some reason it is considered necessary to throw a stone in the garden of America. "Schmidy" forced to turn around the Russian soul and feel proud of without pseudo-patio phrases, without the Zadornovsky "Russian Cellochka". And it was incredibly cool!
I have already written a lot about "DLSH", but forced to allocate another paragraph about the "Siberian Siberians". In 2001, Tomichi practically performed under the new name and new registration. Yes, they have gained strengthening from the NSU team, but still the tone asked all the same faces. Over the only exception - Alexander Pushnya. And that year, they seemed to be decided not to fight for the championship, but to show the people what they liked themselves. Just think: in 2001, a parody of KVN sounded from the KVN scene "PINK FLOYD" . And not even on Another Brick in the Wall, but on Shine On Your Crazy Diamond! The fur was the pioneer of the Rock KVN style. It is a pity that this style is on the flock by and large and ended.
Selected number: "Lucky case"

P.S. Just in case I remind you: this top is a purely subjective opinion. Be sure to write in your comments. What KVN teams loved and love you? "Cake" whether KVN is now? If not, when he, in your opinion, became "not a cake"? In general, we are waiting for!