The first government of the Bolsheviks. Where are the Jews? Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

The first government of the Bolsheviks. Where are the Jews? Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

Council of People's Commissars

The creation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR as an executive body of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR) was provided for by the Treaty on the formation of the USSR. In this agreement, the abbreviation "Sovnarkom" was used for the first time.

The prototype of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was the Council of People's Commissars - the first collegium of chairmen of commissions in the history of the Soviet state, who were entrusted with "managing certain branches of state life." Formed by the decrees of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on October 27, 1917, five years before the formation of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars chaired by V.I.Lenin was the government of the Russian Soviet Republic (since 1918 - the RSFSR). After the formation of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR coordinated the activities of the Soviet republics that became part of the Soviet Union, in fact becoming the first government of the USSR in the period between the signing of the Treaty on the formation of the USSR on December 29, 1922 and the formation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on July 6, 1923.

As the government of the Soviet Union, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissariats led by it played a key role in such significant events and processes for the country and society as economic recovery after the Civil War, New Economic Policy (NEP), collectivization, electrification, industrialization, five-year plans for the development of the national economy , censorship, the fight against religion, mass repression and political persecution, the Gulag, the deportation of peoples, the annexation of the Baltic and other territories to the USSR, the organization of the partisan movement and industrial production in the rear during the Great Patriotic War. The period of activity of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR covers several wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Soviet Union and beyond its borders - in Europe, Central Asia and the Far East.

In the Constitution of the USSR of 1924, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was defined as the executive and administrative body of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and with the adoption of the Constitution of the USSR in 1936 it received an alternative name - the Government of the USSR - and acquired the status of the highest executive and administrative body of state administration of the Soviet Union.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was formed by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and was its executive and administrative body. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR directed the activities of the All-Union People's Commissariats, considered and approved decrees and resolutions of all-Union significance within the limits of the rights provided for by the Constitution of the USSR of 1924, the provisions on the Council of People's Commissars of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and other legislative acts. Decrees and resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR were binding on the entire territory of the USSR and could be suspended and canceled by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and its Presidium. For the first time, the composition of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, headed by Lenin, was approved at the 2nd session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on July 6, 1923. Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to the regulations about him in 1923, were: chairman, deputy. Chairman, People's Commissars of the USSR; representatives of the union republics took part in the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars with an advisory vote.

The USSR Constitution of 1936 established the responsibility and accountability of the USSR Council of People's Commissars to the Supreme Soviet and, in the period between sessions of the USSR Supreme Soviet, to its Presidium. According to the USSR Constitution of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR united and directed the work of the all-Union and Union-republican people's commissariats of the USSR and the economic and cultural institutions subordinate to it, took measures to implement the national economic plan, the state budget, carried out leadership in the field of foreign relations with foreign states, the construction of the country's armed forces. According to the USSR Constitution of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR had the right to suspend the decisions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union republics and cancel the orders and instructions of the USSR People's Commissariats in the areas of management and economy attributed to the competence of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, the activities of the People's Commissariats of the USSR were subordinated to the State Defense Committee - an emergency management body under the leadership of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR I.V. Stalin, which was created during the war and had full power in the USSR.

The chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was the head of the Soviet government. The appointment to the post of Chairman was carried out when the composition of the government was approved at a session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (since 1938 - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR).

Each union and autonomous republic had its own governments - republican councils of people's commissars - formed by the Central Executive Committee (since 1938, the Supreme Soviet) of the corresponding union or autonomous republic. Republican governments were not legally directly subordinate to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, but were obliged in their activities to be guided by the decrees and decisions of the Union Council of People's Commissars. At the same time, the union-republican people's commissariats as part of the republican councils of people's commissars had a double subordination - they were simultaneously subordinate both to the council of people's commissars of the union republic, within which they were created, and to the corresponding union-republican people's commissariat of the USSR, whose orders and instructions were to be guided in their activities.

Council of People's Commissars, SNK), the highest executive and administrative bodies of state power in Soviet Russia, the USSR, union and autonomous republics in 1917-46. In March 1946 they were transformed into Councils of Ministers.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Council of People's Commissars - SNK - in 1917-1946. the name of the highest executive and administrative bodies of state power in the USSR, union and autonomous republics. In March 1946 they were transformed into Councils of Ministers. According to the USSR Constitution of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was formed by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR at a joint meeting of both chambers, consisting of: the chairman, his deputies and other members. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was formally responsible to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and was accountable to it, and in the period between sessions of the Supreme Soviet it was responsible to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, to which it was accountable. The Council of People's Commissars could issue resolutions and orders binding on the entire territory of the USSR on the basis of and in pursuance of existing laws and verify their implementation.

"I All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies (WHAT ???)


On the establishment of the Council of People's Commissars

To form to govern the country (what ???), pending the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, a provisional workers 'and peasants' government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissars. The management of individual branches of state life is entrusted to commissions, the composition of which must ensure the implementation of the program proclaimed by the Congress, in close unity with the mass organizations of workers, women workers, sailors, soldiers, peasants and office employees. Government power belongs to the collegium of the chairmen of these commissions, that is, Council of People's Commissars.

Control over the activities of the People's Commissars and the right to dismiss them belongs to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers' Deputies and its Central. Isp. To the Committee.

At the moment, the Council of People's Commissars is composed of the following persons:

  • Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin).

People's Commissars:

  • for internal affairs - A. I. Rykov;

  • agriculture - V.P. Milyutin;

  • labor - A. G. Shlyapnikov;

  • for military and naval affairs - a committee composed of: V. A. Avseenko (Antonov), N. V. Krylenko and P. E. Dybenko;

  • for trade and industry - V.P. Nogin;

  • public education - A. V. Lunacharsky;

  • finance - I. I. Skvortsov (Stepanov);

  • on foreign affairs - L. D. Bronstein (Trotsky);

  • justice - G. I. Oppokov (Lomov);

  • for food - I. A. Teodorovich;

  • Posts and Telegraphs - N.P. Avilov (Glebov);

  • on the affairs of nationalities - I. V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin);

The post of the People's Commissar for Railway Affairs is temporarily not replaced. "

Most impressive is the word: "country", of course, immediately after the title - the deputies do not know what territory!

VIKI about SNK: "

Immediately before the seizure of power on the day of the revolution, the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks instructed Kamenev and Winter (Berzin) to enter into political contact with the Left SRs and begin negotiations with them on the composition of the future government. During the work of the Second Congress of Soviets, the Bolsheviks offered the Left SRs to join the government, but they refused. The factions of the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks left the Second Congress of Soviets at the very beginning of its work - before the formation of the government. The Bolsheviks were forced to form a one-party government.

The Council of People's Commissars was formed in accordance with the "" adopted by the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies on October 27, 1917... The decree began with the words:

To form a provisional workers 'and peasants' government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissars, to govern the country, pending the convocation of the Constituent Assembly.

The Council of People's Commissars lost its character as a temporary governing body after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, which was legislatively enshrined in the 1918 Constitution of the RSFSR. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee received the right to form the Council of People's Commissars; The Council of People's Commissars was the body of the general management of the affairs of the RSFSR, which had the right to issue decrees, while the All-Russian Central Executive Committee had the right to cancel or suspend any resolution or decision of the Council of People's Commissars.

The issues considered by the Council of People's Commissars were decided by a simple majority of votes. The meetings were attended by members of the government, the chairman of the Central Executive Committee, the manager of affairs and secretaries of the Council of People's Commissars, representatives of departments.

The permanent working body of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was the administration of affairs, which prepared questions for the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars and its standing commissions, and received delegations. The staff of the administration of affairs in 1921 consisted of 135 people (according to the data of the TsGAOR of the USSR, f. 130, op. 25, d. 2, ll. 19 - 20.).

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated March 23, 1946, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was transformed into the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

Legislative base of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR

  • management of general affairs of the RSFSR

  • leadership of certain branches of management (Articles 35, 37)
  • The People's Commissar had the right to single-handedly make decisions on all issues under the jurisdiction of the commissariat headed by him, bringing them to the attention of the collegium (Article 45).

    With the formation of the USSR in December 1922 and the creation of an all-Union government, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR became the executive and administrative body of state power of the Russian Federation. "

SNK and People's Commissariats


The state structure of the RSFSR was of a federal nature, the supreme organs of power was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of slaves, soldiers, kr-x and Cossack deputies.

The congress elected the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) responsible for it, which formed the government of the RSFSR - the Congress of People's Commissars (SNK)

Local bodies were regional, provincial, uyezd and volost congresses of councils, which formed their own executive committees.

Created "To govern the country until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly." 13 people's commissariats were formed - internal affairs, labor, military and naval affairs, trade and industry, public education, finance, foreign affairs, justice, food, post and telegraph offices, national affairs, and communications. The chairmen of all the people's commissariats were included in the SNK

SNK belonged to the right to replace individual members of the government or its entire composition. In urgent cases, the SNK could issue decrees without first discussing them. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the decrees of the Council of People's Commissars if they were of national importance.

Council of People's Commissars

According to the Decree of the Second Congress of Soviets "to govern the country" a temporary 6 workers 'and peasants' government was formed with the name - the Council of People's Commissars (abbreviated - SNK). "Managing certain branches of state life" was entrusted to commissions headed by chairmen. The chairmen united in a collegium of chairmen - the Council of People's Commissars. Control over the activities of the Council of People's Commissars and the right to dismiss the commissars belonged to both the congress and its All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The work of the Council of People's Commissars was structured in the form of meetings, which were convened almost every day, and from December 1917 - and in the form of meetings of deputy people's commissars, who by January 1918 had decided on the permanent commission of the Council of People's Commissars (Small Council of People's Commissars). From February 1918, the practice of convening joint meetings of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars began.

Initially, only the Bolsheviks entered the SNK. This situation was due to the following circumstances. The formation of a one-party system in Soviet Russia did not take shape immediately after the October Revolution, but much later, and was explained primarily by the fact that the cooperation of the Bolshevik party with the Menshevik and Right Socialist Revolutionary parties, who demonstratively left the Second Congress of Soviets and then went over to opposition, became impossible. The Bolsheviks offered to enter the government for the Left Social Revolutionaries, who then formed an independent party, but they refused to send their representatives to the SNK and took a wait-and-see attitude, although they became part of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Despite this, the Bolsheviks, even after the Second Congress of Soviets, continued to look for ways of cooperation with the Left SRs: as a result of negotiations between them in December 1917, an agreement was reached on the entry into the SNK of seven representatives of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, which constituted a third of its composition. This government bloc was necessary to consolidate Soviet power, to attract broad peasant masses to its side, among whom the Left Social Revolutionaries enjoyed serious influence. And although in March 1918 the Left Social Revolutionaries withdrew from the SNK in protest of the signing of the Brest Peace, they remained in the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, other state bodies, including the military department, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission under the SNK for combating counter-revolution and sabotage (from August 1918 - with counter-revolution, speculation and ex officio crimes).

SNK- from July 6, 1923 to March 15, 1946, the highest executive and administrative (in the first period of existence, also the legislative) body of the USSR, its government (in each union and autonomous republic there was also a Council of People's Commissars, for example, SNK RSFSR).

People's Commissar (Commissar) - a person who is part of the government and heads a certain People's Commissariat (People's Commissariat) - the central body of state administration of a particular sphere of state activity.

The first Council of People's Commissars was established 5 years before the formation of the USSR, on October 27, 1917 by the Decree "On the Establishment of the Council of People's Commissars" adopted at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Before the creation of the USSR in 1922 and the formation of the Union Council of People's Commissars, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR actually coordinated interaction between the Soviet republics that arose on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

The government of the world's first workers 'and peasants' state was first formed as the Council of People's Commissars, which was created on October 26. (November 8) 1917, the day after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, by the resolution of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies on the formation of a workers 'and peasants' government.

The resolution, written by V. I. Lenin, stated that to govern the country, "until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, a Provisional Workers 'and Peasants' Government, which would be called the Council of People's Commissars, was established." Lenin was elected the first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, who held this post for seven years (1917-1924) until his death. Lenin developed the basic principles of the Council of People's Commissars, the tasks facing the highest government bodies of the Soviet Republic.

The name "Provisional" with the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly disappeared. The first composition of the Council of People's Commissars was one-party - it included only the Bolsheviks. The offer of the Left SRs to join the SNK was rejected by them. Dec. In 1917, the Left SRs entered the SNK and were in the pr-ve until March 1918. They left the SNK because of disagreement with the conclusion of the Brest Peace and took the position of counter-revolution. Subsequently, the CHK was formed only by representatives of the Communist Party. According to the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918, adopted by the 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the government of the Republic was called the SNK of the RSFSR.

The 1918 Constitution of the RSFSR determined the main functions of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. The general management of the activities of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR belonged to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The composition of the prospect was approved by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets or by the Congress of Soviets. The Council of People's Commissars possessed the necessary completeness of rights in the field of executive and administrative activities and, along with the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, enjoyed the right to issue decrees. Exercising executive and administrative power, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR supervised the activities of the people's commissariats and other centers. departments, and also directed and controlled the activities of local authorities.

The Administrative Department of the Council of People's Commissars and the Small Council of People's Commissars were created, which on January 23. (Feb. 5) 1918 became a permanent commission of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR for preliminary consideration of issues submitted to the Council of People's Commissars, and issues of current legislation governing the department of branches of state administration and government. In 1930, the Small Council of People's Commissars was abolished. By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 30, 1918 was established under the pre. V.I. Lenin Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense 1918-20. In April 1920, it was transformed into the Council of Labor and Defense, (STO). The experience of the first SNK was used in the state. construction of pr-in all union Soviet socialist republics.

After the unification of the Soviet republics into a single union state - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), a union government was created - the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. The regulation on the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was approved by the Central Executive Committee on November 12, 1923.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was formed by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and was its executive and administrative body. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR directed the activities of the all-Union and united (union-republics.) People's Commissariats, considered and approved decrees and decisions of all-union significance within the limits of the rights provided for by the USSR Constitution of 1924, the provisions on the Council of People's Commissars of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and other legislative acts. Decrees and resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR were binding on the entire territory of the USSR and could be suspended and canceled by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and its Presidium. For the first time, the composition of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, headed by Lenin, was approved at the 2nd session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on July 6, 1923. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to the regulations of 1923, were: chairman, deputy. Chairman, People's Commissars of the USSR; representatives of the union republics took part in the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars with an advisory vote.

According to the Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was the highest executive and administrative body of state power in the USSR. It was formed Top. By the Soviet of the USSR. The USSR Constitution of 1936 established the responsibility and accountability of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Top. Council, and in between sessions Top. Council of the USSR - to its Presidium. According to the USSR Constitution of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR united and directed the work of the all-Union and Union-republican people's commissariats of the USSR and other households subordinate to it. and cultural institutions, took measures to implement the nar.-households. plan, state. budget, carried out leadership in the field of foreign relations with foreign states, supervised the general construction of the country's armed forces, etc. According to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR had the right to suspend decisions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republic and to cancel the orders and instructions of the USSR People's Commissariats. Art. 71 of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 established the right of a deputy's request: a representative of the Council of People's Commissars or the People's Commissar of the USSR, to whom the request of a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is addressed, are obliged to give an oral or written answer in the appropriate chamber.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to the Constitution of the USSR in 1936, was formed at the 1st session of the Top. Of the Soviet of the USSR January 19. 1938. June 30, 1941 by the decision of the Presidium of the Top. The Council of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the State Defense Committee (GKO) was created, in which all the fullness of state power in the USSR was concentrated during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

The Council of People's Commissars of the union republic is the highest executive and administrative body of state power of the union republic. He is responsible to the Supreme Soviet of the republic and is accountable to him, and in the period between sessions of the top. Council - in front of the Presidium of the Top. The Council of the Republic and the Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republic is accountable to it, according to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, issues decisions and orders on the basis of and in pursuance of the laws of the USSR and the Union Republic, decisions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and is obliged to check their implementation Vert N. History of the Soviet state. 1900-1991. M., 1999.S. 130-131 ..