Popular rock band 70s. Foreign rock group of eighties

Popular rock band 70s. Foreign rock group of eighties
Popular rock band 70s. Foreign rock group of eighties

10 centimeters in Cuba (10CC)

10 centimeters in Cuba (10CC) - English pop group of the 70s. Known as an experimental group, borrowing styles of the 60s and processing on modern sound. Throughout a decade, world hits have repeatedly left the group. The most famous songs of the group: "Donna", "Rubber Bullets", "I'm not in love" and others.

Abba (ABBA)

ABBA (ABBA) is the legendary Swedish pop group of the 70s. The most successful group of Europe. Starting from 1973 and songs "Waterloo" The group was constantly kept on the tops of the charts of the world. It is difficult to determine the most famous song, as much as a lot of songs are still extremely popular.
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Arabesque (arabesque)

Arabesque (Arabesque) - German maiden pop group of the late 70s. Thanks fashion trend For those years on women's groups and after recording in 1977, Hello Mr. Monkey hit the group became known in Europe.

Blondie (Blondie)

Blondie (Blondie) is a pop group of the late 70s from the USA. Bright and memorable appearance of the soloist group and a breakthrough first album "Parallel Lines (Parallel Lines)" raised the rating of the group to the first line of America's music charts in 1978. The most famous hits: "Call me (Call Me)" and "Heart in a glass (Heart of Glass)."

America (America)

America (America) is an American pop group of the 70s, working in the style of folk-pop. Proponed popularity after just 1 year, after the release of the first eponymous album. The most famous hits of the group are: "Horse without a name (A HORSE WITH NO NAME)" AND "SISTERS Golden Hair (Sister Golden Hair)."

BEG JIZ (Bee Gees)

BEE GEES is a very popular English pop group of the 70s. After the creation, the group worked in the style of rock, but only after changing the direction in the mid-70s for dance music, the group was really famous around the world. Superhita groups: "Lost (Stayin" Alive) "," You need to dance (you should be dancing) "and many others.

Brothers from Dubai (The Doobie Brothers)

Brothers from Dubai (The Doobie Brothers) - American pop rock group of the 70s. The worldwide glory came only in the late 70s, after entering the world's famous album "minute a minute (Minute by Minute)" and mega-hit "Only a fool believes (What a fool believes)", which is recognized as the best song of 1979.

Boni M (Boney M)

Boni M (Boney M) is a very famous German group working in style disco. He gained wide fame in 1975, thanks to the outstanding talent of the producer and the author of most super-hits of the Frank Farian group. Very popular in Russia until today.

Mud (MUD)

Dirt (MUD) - English pop rock Group of 70s. The main focus in the work was the style of Power Pop, which was very popular in the early 70s. The peak of popularity falls on the mid-70s and the singles' exits "Tiger traces (Tiger Feet)," Crazy (Crazy) "and a number of other songs.

Guru Guru (Guru-Guru)

Guru Guru (Guru-Guru) - the German group, published on world scene In the mid-70s. The main direction in music is the paint rock (a mixture of rock and electronic dance music). One of the few groups - long-livers, which still work in the previous composition.

Jackson 5 (The Jackson 5)

Jackson 5 (The Jackson 5) - pop group of the 70s from the USA. The group included 5 brothers. Among them, the younger was also famous later Michael Jackson (in the center). The most popular songs of the group: "Support me (I Want You Back)", "the love you save (The Love You Save)", "there be bad (I'll be there)" and others.

Dr. Hook (Dr. Hook)

Dr. Hook (Dr. Hook) - State Pop Rock Group, gained recognition in the early 70s. A distinctive feature of the group was considered satirical lyrics and theatrical performance at concerts. Their songs "Mother Silvia (Sylvia's Mother)" and "Stone Cover (The Cover of Rolling Stone)" are known worldwide.

- English pop rock group of the 70s. The peak of the group's creativity is the mid-70s. The group released big number Albums and many world famous hits, such as the "Ticket to the Moon)" and "Requests of America (Calling America)".


Zi-Zi Top (ZZ TOP) is a famous American blues group that has achieved popularity in the 70s. A distinctive feature of the group is the image (huge beards and cowboy prikid) and sarcastic lyrics.

Caravan (Caravan)

Caravan (Caravan) - English grouphaving achieved popularity in the late 70s. Bright suits and theatrical view on the stage during concerts are distinguished by a group. Especially loved in Russia. Their hits "Samurai", "Moscow" and others are very famous.

Wings (Wings)

Wings (Wings) - English pop rock Group of 70s - Project of the legendary Paul McCartney and his wife Linda. Thanks to the worldwide fame of Ex-Bitla, the group was successful throughout the decade.

- American disco group of the 70s. Glory came after recording the song "Rock Yur Baby" in 1974. Their songs were certainly present in the programs of discos and were very popular.

Maybe (CAN)

Maybe (CAN) is a German pop rock group of the 70s. Worked in styles of stew-rock and experimental rock. Highly big role Solo was given on keyboard tools. The peak of the group's popularity is at the beginning of the 70s, when a Japanese soloist comes to the group - Knezi Szubuka. The most famous hits of the group are: "Vitamin C", "Spoon" and "I Want More." A group is one of electronic music.

Roxy Music Music

Roxy Music Music- English pop rock-group of the 70s, working in Art Rock style ( Net music and vocals. The main musical instrument is the synthesizer). Glory to the group came after recording Hita "Virginia Plain", which immediately rose to 4th place in English Chart in 1972. The most famous hit group - "Love Is The Drug".

Eagles (Eagles)

Eagles (Eagles) - American pop rock Group 70s, which has been tied together Country, Pop and Soft Rock. One of the most successful groups 70s - 80s. A group of hits have been released by a group that headed the charts on both sides of the Atlantic. The third in the world for commercial success. The most famous hits "Hotel California (Hotel California)", "Witchy Woman" and many others.

Carpenters (Carpenters)

Carpenters (Carpenters) - a very famous American duet in the 70s, consisting of sister and brother Carpenters. Melodic and implanial duet songs were very different from fashionable, at that time, heavy and causing music. SAME famous songs Duet are: "Yesterday OnCe More" and "You need a lot that would be closer to you (They Long to Be Close to You)"

Pulsing cartilage (Throbbing Gristle)

Pulsing cartilage (Throbbing Gristle) - English pop group of the 70s, putting the start of the development of the style of Industrial. Complex musical parties on keyboards and various specials. Effects in the mid-70s quickly won popularity in the people. Their causing and provocative lyrics caused a fierce protest critics of those times that attached even more popularity to the group.

Power station (Kraftwerk)

Power station (Kraftwerk) - The German musical group of the 70s, which made a very large contribution to the development of electro-pop and techno-pop styles. The first to be modulated votes through the synthesizer. Abundance of specials. Effects at concerts gave the speeches of the group a special flavor. Self famous compositions Groups: "The Robots" and "Tour De France".

Faust (FAUST)

Faust (FAUST) - the German group of 70s, working in the style of the paint-rock. The group became the personification of the German cerapt around the world. The group became known only 5 years after the creation, as the corouth-rock niche was very competitive. But in the mid-70s received the status of the legend of German rock.

Flitwood Mac (Fleetwood Mac)

Flitwood Mac (Fleetwood Mac) - Famous Anglo-American pop group of the 70s - 90s. World Glory The group came in the mid-70s, after recording the breakthrough album "Fleetwood Mac." The most famous team hits: "Rhiannon", "Dreams", "Don't Stop" and many others.

Bread (Bread)

Bread (Bread) - American Soft-Rock Group of 70s. They played rock-style bordered with dance music. The first success came after entering the light of hits "Baby I" M A Want You "," Everything I Own "and" Guitar Man ", which were recognized all over the world.

ABBA (Abba)- One of the most famous quartets in the world, not inferior to the fame and popularity of Beatles. The peak of the group's popularity falls on 70 - 80 E years of the last century. Very melodic and memorable compositions of the Swedish group were headed by world charts and hit parades. Quartet...
A-HA (A ha)

A-HA (A ha)- Pop team from Norway, created by three friends. Paul Vorvor (guitar), Magne Furukholmen (synthesizer) and Morten Harket (vocals). All three more school years were passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating music groups and speeches before the public. Finally, at the end of 1982, the Trinity unites ...

Alphaville (Alphaville)
Bad Boys Blue (Bad Blue Blue)
Bananarama (Bananaram)
Blue System (Blue Systems)
Culture Club (Cultural Club)
Duran Duran (Durant Durane)
Erasure (Erasura)
Eurythmics (Yuritmix)
Expose (Expos)
Five Star (Star File)

Five Star (Star File) - English pop group that has achieved world popularity in the mid-80s. The group was formed in 1983 by the manager of the Baster Pearson, who decided to create an English version of the famous American Jacksons Fairy team. The group includes five of his children. Danie (main soloist), Doris...

Today is the 8th of March, and we dedicate this post of rock divas of the 70s and 1980s of the last century, which left an indelible mark in the history of rock music.

Suzy Quatro (Suzi Quatro) - American rock singer, songwriter, musician, producer, actress and radio host.

Suzy Kay Quatro ( full name - Susan Kay Quatronella) was born on June 3, 1950 in Detroit in the family of a jazz musician Art Quatro, American Italian origin, and Hungarian Helen Sanislay. In the eight of the age, she has already participated in the performances of the Jazz team "Art Quatro TRIO".

In childhood, the girl studied the game on the piano, but at age 14 he was fond of rock and roll and together with his sisters organized the group "The Pleasure Seekers". The group existed for about five years, managed to release several singles and even visited concerts in Vietnam. After the collapse "The Pleasure Seekers", Suzy was part of another girl, "Cradle". In 1971, when "Cradle" performed in one of the Detroit clubs, Quatro Zamzted the British producer of Miki Bridge.

He made a suzy offer and signing a contract with her, brought a girl to England. The first single, "Rolling Stone", whose authorship belonged to the Koatro itself, did not make a big impression on the public. Only in Portugal, this record was in some miracle in the first place.

In the future, the bridge decided to secure his ward from the failures and attracted to the case of the Hitmeaker Tandem Chinn-Chapman. The result did not make himself wait, and the second single Coatro, "CAN THE CAN", headed Australian, Japanese and many European (including British) Charts. The first appearance of Susi in the Top of the Pops transmission was memorable - small, completely tightened into black skin, the blonde girl easily managed with a bass guitar, in size only a little inferior to its owner.

Over time, Suzy Quatro has already become a recognized singer with the international name and reputation of the "Primadonna Hard-Rock". She managed to fully prove that a miniature and fragile girl could not only be a good singer and arrange bright scenic show, but also successfully cope with the role of bass guitarist, quite adequately working as part of his style.

During the 70s, Quatro used the continued success, and the flow of her hits seemed to be inexhaustible. In 1977, Susi's photo was on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, and then the singer was made a proposal to play in the cinema. However, after filming in several series of comedy "Happy Days", Suzy Quatro chose to return to the musical business.

In 1978, Suzy married a guitarist accompanying her group Lena Taki. In 1982, they had a daughter, but still being pregnant, Koatro managed to record the "Main Attraction" album. Maternity did not force Suzy to abandon the tour, and even after the birth of the second child, Quatro successfully held a world tour.

In the early 80s, the singer broke up continued to cooperate with Mike Chapman, the release of records on his label "Dreamland". However, the flow of hits is noticeably dried, and Suzy tried to find an exit in other projects. She worked on television and on recommendation Andrew Lloyd Webber became a member of the musical "Annie Get Your Gun".

Only after a long break, in 1990 came out new album Suzy Quatro, Oh Suzi Q. The hardest for Susi was 1992: she survived the death of the mother and divorce. Nevertheless, the rock and roll spirit of the singer was not broken, and already in 1993 she resumed performances, starting with a tour of Australia. Subsequent years, Quatro toured and, although she almost did not appear with her new material, the public always listened to her old hits with delight.

In 2006, Suzy released an unexpectedly powerful "Back to the Drive" album, in which she accompanied the musicians of the "The Sweet" group, just at this moment remaining without a bass guitarist. Mike Chepman, old producer and Suzy, and SWEET groups took part in the composition of the head number of the program.

Joan Jett (Joan Marie Larkin) Born on September 22, 1958 in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When the girl was 12 years old, her family moved to Los Angeles. Three years later, under the influence of Susi Creativity Quatro, Joan gathered her first group called "Runaways".

This first rock and role team, which consisted of some girls, playing Bubbles-Rock, was very popular both in America and beyond. Nevertheless, in 1979 the team collapsed, and Joan went to England to start the solo career. There, together with Paul Cook and Steve Jones, she recorded three songs, two of whom fell into a single, released only in Holland.

Upon returning to America, Jett sorted the debut album of the Germs punk group, and also starred in the film "We're All Crazy Now", where he played itself. The picture was never published, but in the process of filming, Joan met Kenny Lagoon, who became her manager, and with which she had long-term partnerships.

Under the leadership of the lagoon in 1980, a debut album, Joan Jett, was recorded, where there were tracks from the Dutch single in addition to the new material. In trying to attach his brainchild on some record-company Joan and Kenny received 23 refusal, but Joan Jett was still published.

Before recording the second plate, Joan, with Kenny, gained the accompanying composition "The Blackhearts". Rounding with these musicians full-length tour, Jett issued its chute album, "I Love Rock'n'roll", burst into the American top 5. The title track from this disk (Caver "Arrows") headed Billboard Charts and spent seven on their top weeks

In the distance, Joan gave a volley along the hot twenty two hit singles, "Crimson and Clover" and "Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)". The third album easily got to the gold mark, but such popularity as "I Love Rock'n'roll" no longer had. Since then, Jett with varying success produced the record, and it was best of all the compositions.

In parallel with the musical career, Joan did not miss the case and play in the cinema. The most famous works on this field are the films "Light of Day" and "Boogie Boy". Jett also engaged in producer activities, working with such teams as "Circus Lupus" and "Bikini Kill".

Joan Jett's musical merit was assessed in the early 90s, when many representatives of the feminist movement "Riot Grrrl" began to call former soloist "Runaways" with his inspirational.

Lita Ford (Carmelita Rosanna Ford) Born on September 19, 1958 in London. Lita began to master the guitar when she was only 11 years old. Two years later, she already owned as well as a tool that it could easily play songs from the repertoire of Jimi Hendrix, "Deep Purple" and "Black Sabbath".

His military baptism of Lita, like Joan Jett, received in the ranks of the Girl "Runaways", which existed until 1979. After the collapse of the group, Ford almost disappeared from the scene and almost never played for a long time. Fortunately, she met Eddie Wang Halen who convinced the guitarist not to shout his talent to the ground and start the solo career.

In 1983, Ford concluded a contract with Mercury Records and made his debut with Out for Blood album. The firm first did not want to produce a record with a picture of a lita with a bloody guitar, but then the design was configured, and the disk was published.

As a result, the plate expected a commercial failure capable of withdrawing from equilibrium of any musician. However, Lita turned out to be a strong nutrition and the next year returned with the album "Dancin 'On The Edge". This release had considerable success in England, and Ford was able to spend its first tour.

The next three years, the guitarist spent in thought, and when it was gathered to produce another album, it turned out that Mercury lost all interest in it, and BRIDE WORE BLACK remained uneasy. Rejoicing from the ill-fated contract, Lita was engaged on the role of the Charon Stone manager and signed with it to RCA Records.

The new alliance turned out to be more successful and the first album, "Lita", climbed on the 29th line "Billboard". Success plate brought songs "Kiss Me Deadly" and "Close My Eyes Forever". Long defeated America, finally, took the Ford by Lita and opened her way to major tours in the company with "Poison" and "Bon Jovi".

Disc 1990, despite the interesting remake of Alice Cooper "Only Women Bleed" and a good title track, could not achieve the success of Lita. The same story was repeated with Dangerous Curves, which became the most undervalued album of Lita Ford.

Meanwhile, the guitarist began to slowly star into the cinema, but in the 1992th RCA, the collection "The Best of Lita Ford" was thrown onto the market, and Lean had to be distracted by the American-Australian tour.

In 1994, after stormy novels with Nicky Six from "Motley Crue", Tommy Iiomi from "Black Sabbath" and marriage behind Chris Holmes ("W.S.P."), Ford has gained happiness in marriage with an ex-vocalist "Nitro" Jim Gilette.

Soon after that, another album, "Black", which had a coarse sound, compared with previous releases was released. However, it was not the only difference - Lita stopped singing about sex and rock and roll and turned to the topic of violence in a youth environment.

In 1997, Jim and Lita had a child, and the newly made milf plunged into home care. Music for her went to the background, but in 2000 Ford still found the time to record the "Greatest Hits Live" concerter.

However, in 2009, Lita still decides to return to the scene and records the new album - "Wicked Wonderland". The album gets mainly negative feedbackassociated with a change in musical style - if old albums were recorded in the spirit of hard - rock and heavy metal, then an alternative metal style was chosen for a new cast.

In 2012, Lita launches another one, the last album - "Livin 'Like a Runaway", executed in the traditional style for it.

Doro Pesh (Dorothee. Pesch) It is considered to be considered the leading representative of the German Havie Metal.

Doro was born on June 3, 1964 in the city of Düsseldorf to Germany. Heavy music interested her for another 16 years, and at the end of the school she headed a very popular subsequent group "Warlock". When the team broke down, Doro began the solo career and organized the project named itself.

The composition "DORO" was complemented by guitarist John Devin, Drummer Bobby Rondinelli and another ex-participant "Warlock", Basist Tommy Henrixen. The first plate, published under the "Doro" brand, was originally prepared for the previous group and therefore did not carry any essential style differences. After the appearance of Force Majeure, Pesh moved to New York, deciding to navigate the American market.

The second Opus Doro produced Jean Simmons himself ("Kiss"), who wrote a couple of new things for the German rock-diva. The disk also attended the "kisa" cover "Only You" and processing the old hit of the 60s "I HAD TOOO MUCH TO DREAM LAST NIGHT" of the ELECTRIC PRUNES groups.

Doro's third longplay was recorded with the help of guitarists Danna Haffa ("Giant") and Michael Thompson, Li Sklera Basista and Drummer Eddie Bayers. In the tour, this command was added by the Morris floor.

The fourth album "Doro" was created by the fully renovated composition, and produced him Jacques Ponti. In the same 1993, in addition to Angels Never Die, the first official Doro concerter with a simple name "Live" came out.

So far, all the discs were made in the style of traditional heavy, but in 1995, Pesh decided to experiment with Industrial. Flushed by electronics, "Machine II Machine" extremely struck fans of the singer, but there were many people who liked the plate. The disk is willingly bought off, and therefore the album of remixes "M II M" was thrown into the market.

Three years later, Pesh took a step back, trying to dock together the heavy metal and electronics at Love Me in Black. In addition to its own material "Doro", the plate contained the "Barracuda" cover from "Heart".

The old fans of Doro continued to expect from their favorite to return to the roots, and finally, in 2000, Pesh had a frankly metal album "Calling the Wild". All the electronics were thrown overboard, and instead, the listeners received a huge charge of heavy energy. Such outstanding individuals, as Slash, Lemma and El Pitelley, lit up on the disk.

In 2002, another creation took place and company with the name "Fight". The title track of this disk was devoted to the German champion in boxing Regina Halmich.

His twenty years on the scene of the singer noted the release of the "living" split album with Ostrogoth and Killer. From the moment of its release, there were no three months, as Doro presented himself in the new role. A recorded with a symphony orchestra and guests such as Blaise and Udo, "Classic Diamonds" included not only classic things from the repertoire of "Warlock" and "Doro", but also a new material and a completely original interpretation of Breaking the LAW.

Marie Fredriksson (Gun-Marie Fredriksson)
Birthday: May 30, 1958, Essho City, Sweden
Height: 167 cm
Hair color: bright (blonde), real color - brown
Eye color: brown
Family status: Married
Played with groups: Strul, Mamas Barn and Solo
Hobbies: Drawing, game on the piano, jogging, game of ice hockey
Favorite delicacy: Pasta (something similar to Spaghetti)
Favorite drink: beer
Favorite color: black
Favorite tool: piano
Favorite Roxette compositions: "Watercolors in the Rain" and "Go to Sleep"
Favorite holiday Country: Sweden
Favorite city: Rotterdam
Five words about yourself: Friendly, thoughtful, modest, honest and kind

In 1975, Marie graduated from school and took up his musical education.

In 1984, she released the "Het Vind" album (hot wind), which had a huge success.
In 1985, Marie released his second album, which also had a great success.
And in 1986 she already worked with Fege Hesle.

Roxtte's Swedish Career began in 1986, when NEverending Love was first sounded on the radio, which became the undisputed satellum of Swedish pop. At first, the song was written in Swedish Feather Hesle. He sent this song Pernill Wahlgren, but she did not want to record it. Then the lane made the English version, "Neverending Love" and the executive director of EMI, having heard a song, offered Peru and Marie sing it together. What they did ... So the story of the world famous group begins.

In 1986, the Album "Pearls of Passion" was released (Pearl Pearls). This album was removed from the list officially released, but returned to the back in 1997 with Bonus Tracks.

In the summer of 1987 Roxette made a tour of Sweden, which was called "Rock Runt Riket" (Rock in the country). About 115,000 people heard Roxette in this tour.

In the summer of 1988 Roxette began the recording of a new album, Look Sharp!, Had an incredible crash in Sweden and only. Nowhere abroad would not know if one American student did not take "Look Sharp!" On the local radio station in Mineapolis. Dj'y liked the song "The Look", which quickly spread on the radio stations and soon he knew about her. And then the Single "The Look" was released, which was No. 1.

Album "Look Sharp!" It was sold by world circulation of 8 million copies. Roxette began his first round of Europe. He began in Helsinki on November 11, 1989. It was a Roxette debut abroad.

Back in 1987, Per Gessle wrote the song "IT MUST Have Been Love", which fell into the film "Beauty." The film was a great success, and the song was No. 1 in the States. Soundtrack was sold by a circulation of 9 million around the world.

Summer in 1990. The "Joyride" album was very successful (10 million around the world). The video clip was drunk 12 times a day on the MTV channel in the USA, which is called "Heavy Rotation".

It is time for the world tour. It began again in Helsinki. The tour was called Join The Joyride and consisted of 108 concerts on 4 continents. Per and Marie said that on a 10-point scale, they gave an idea of \u200b\u200ball 11!

But it's time to relax. There were rumors that Roxette allegedly broke up, but it was not. Maybe the rumors arose due to the fact that Marie was pregnant and did not appear as often as before.

In 1994, Roxette returned with a new album, which was even steeper than previous ones. He was called "Crash! BOOM! Bang! ". The album was recorded in different places: in London, Stockholm and Halmstad and ISOLA Di Capri, Italy.

And again the world tour! Now it is "Crash! BOOM! Bang! Tour. " And, of course, the first concert was in Helsinki. But in this tour they did not go to the States. Their recording company Emi USA decided that the tour will not be successful due to the small number of disks sold in the United States.

In October 1995 Roxette released an Alba singles and hits - "Don't Bore US - Get To the Chorus! Roxette's Greatest Hits », on which all their megachitis are collected by the amount of 14 pieces and 4 new compositions:" I don't Want to Get Hurt "," June Afternoon "," You Don't Understand Me "and" She Doesn Live Here Anymore "

The new Spanish album "Baladas En Español" was completed in August 1996. and was released before Christmas. In February 1997 Roxette signed a new kit with EMI for 10 years.

The next three years about Roxette again was little heard. But many knew that they were working on a new album. I walked a lot of rumors about the album. When, finally, the final name of the album was known, namely, had A Nice Day, there was a rumor that it was the last album Roxette (Have A Nice Day usually say, when they say goodbye and wish all the best). Even when the lane stated that they were not going to leave anywhere and at least 10 years will produce hits and masterpieces, hearing is finally not UGA.

The album "Room Service" came out in 2001. "We thought that the" Room Service "is a good name for the album, because the music on it is as we have conceived. We wanted music to bother the minds of people, filled the space, so the name seems to us very suitable ... It implies a class clip, a cool album, and indeed it is just a cool phrase. "

On November 7, 2001, the Roxette group arrived in Moscow and spoke in Olympic.

Annie Lennox ANNIE LENNOX) - Scottish singer, composer and songwriter, one of the most famous women in rock music at the end of the XX - early XXI centuries.

Annie Lained December 25, 1954 in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland, the United Kingdom.

Parents identified young Annie to school for especially gifted children by graduating which she went to London to receive professional musical education.

Annie entered the Royal Music Academy, the training in which stopped a few weeks before issuing a diploma.

She began working as a waitress, while in 1977 a friend did not introduce her David Stewart, who became a close friend of Annie. For some time they supported romantic relationships, however, when Lennox and Stewart broke up, they formed the "The Tourists" group. This project did not achieve special commercial success, at the same time critics appreciated the debut work of young musicians.

In 1979, the group "Eurythmics" was formed, positioning itself as a duet. In 1980, the first duet album was released - "In The Garden", which demonstrated a bizarre mixture of electrobop, melancholic texts and phenomena in style german group "Kraftwerk". Unconvisory sales of the album were reflected in the musicians: they experienced a difficult depressive period - David was hospitalized due to problems with the light on the soil of spiritual unrest, and Annie survived the nervous breakdown.

Success came to the British duet in 1983 with the album "Sweet Dreams". The single-seen single conquered Europe and the United States: an extremely entertaining musical series was complemented by a bright video clip. Annie appeared on the cover of the magazine "Rolling Stone". At the same time, the bright style of the group was finally formed: Annie appeared in the public in men's suits, the living speeches of the team turned into an enchanting show.

In subsequent years, the duet "Eurythmics" became one of the symbols of the era, writing down dozens of songs that have become cult in Europe and the United States, at the same time, after the artists in the style of "New Wave" left the charts, Lennox and Stewart were able to keep their Leading positions in British and world pop-rock music.

Single "Put a Little Love in Your Heart", recorded in 1988, became the first solo work of Annie Lennox, despite the fact that David Stewart spoke by the producer of the song.

By 1990, the group "Eurythmics" actually ceased creative activity, although no one of the musicians said about the official gap. The initiator of parting was Lennox - she wanted to take a creative vacation to make a child and think about the direction of further creativity outside the duet. Stuart was also not against - from 1990 to 1998, Lennox and Stewart practically did not communicate.

Already in 1992, Annie released its first solo album - "Diva". The album was warmly met with critics, its sales exceeded all expectations.

After success, "Diva", Annie received a number of prestigious musical awards, and Francis Ford Coppola offered her a song to the film "Dracula". The result of the work of Lennox was melodic and at the same time gloomy "Love Song for a vampire".

In 1995, the album "Medusa" came out from the cover versions of the famous songs of the past. The best result in the charts achieved "No more" I Love You's "", the famous song "A Whiter Shade of Pale" became memorable work.

In 1999, Eurythmics reunited and recorded the "Peace" album in support of "Amnesty International" and "Greenpeace". Single "I Saved The World Today" entered the twenty leaders of the British charts, the song "17 Again" headed American "Billboard Dance". In the English hit parade "Peace" got to the fourth place. Later, however, the musicians again ran away.

The third solo album Lennox, "Bare", saw the light in 2003. He was marked by a bright design decision of Lennox: She stated that he wanted to show himself as natural as possible, so consciously refused cosmetics, makeup and other traditional attributes of the beauty industry. On the cover of the disc was posted a photograph of a forty-year-old woman who is not shy of themselves. The songs "Pavement Cracks" and "A Thousand Beautiful Things" reached the tops of the Billboard Dance hit, and Annie's album supported along with the famous British singer sting.

A year later, Lennox recorded the song "Into The West", which entered the movie soundtrack "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King." This song brought the Lennox Prize "Oscar" in the nomination "Best Song to the Film".

In 2007, the light saw her fourth solo album - "Songs of Mass Destruction", the first single from which there was a very emotional composition "Dark Road". The second single from the album was the song "Sing", his voices for which was presented by the most famous singers Modern, among whom Madonna, Celine Dion, Fergie, Pink, and others.

In 2010, a collection came out the best hits Singers - "The Annie Lennox Collection". In addition to old, the album includes two new compositions: "Shining Light" and "Pattern of My Life".

Today, Annie Lennox released 5 studio albums And the collection "The Annie Lennox Collection". For his career, she was awarded the Oscar premiums, the Golden Globe, three Grammy and eight record "Brit Awards".

Annie Lennox was included in the list of "100 of the greatest performers of all times by Rolling Stone." She was assigned the title of "the most successful musician of Great Britain" thanks to her commercial success. Lennox is one of the best-selling musicians with sales of more than 80 million records worldwide.

Annie Lennox is actively engaged social activities and charity (the struggle for the rights of women, gay and lesbian, for the preservation of forests, against the HIV epidemic, poverty, etc.). She is the ambassador of goodwill Unaids, and in 2011 she was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

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Modern pop, mainly represented by fleeting "stars", which quickly light up and also quickly flashed. Whether the case is the chims of the 70s, the Mammoths of the Rock scene. Despite the abundance of alcohol and drugs in their lives, the rock stars continue to light on the scene. About them our today's selection.

1. AC / DC
In 73 of the last century, the Malcolm Brothers and Angus Yang from Scotland organized the AC / DC group. As part of the group were bass player Larry Wang Cridt, Vocalist Dave Evans and drummer Colin Burgess. For some time, the composition of the group has repeatedly changed, Mark Evans and Phil Radd joined the initial composition. A year later, Dave left the group, and Bon Scott took his place. The album of the group "Highway To Hell", released in 1979, became a classic of rock. In 1980, Bon Scott died. Brian Johnson entered the group, with whom the "Back in Black" album was released. After 8 years of creative break, in 2008, the album "Black Ice" came out with which AC / DC went to the 18-month concert tour.

6 young buddies Alan Gorry, Malcolm "Molly" Duncan, Onni Makintyer, Hamish Stewart, Roger Ball and Robbie McIntosh founded in 1971 in the Scottish city of Dundee Group Average White Band. In 1974, Steve Ferron came to the scene of the deceased heroin of Macintosha in 1974. Among the hits of the group, compositions such as "Pick Up the Pieces" and "Cut the Cake". In 1982, the musicians announced the collapse of the group. A few years later the group gathered again and continues creative activities so far. IN updated composition Over all of its founders Makintyre and Gorry.

3. Chicago.
The group was formed by students of the Department University in 1967. It entered the guitarist Terry Cat, Keyman Robert Lamm, Drummer Danny Serafin, Basist Peter Square, Saxophonist Walter Parabeider, Trombonist James Panko and Lie Lafnen Trumpeter. In the 70s, the group annually produced at least one disk. More than 120 million copies of the plates were sold. 21 Chicago's song fell into the top 10, their plates were recognized as one of the best. Today, the group includes Lamm, Panko, Lafnen, Parabeider, Jason Sheff, Tris Imboden, Kate Hauland and Lou Pardi. One of the most popular hits of the group are "Baby, What a Big Surprise" and "If You Live Me Now". In 2009, the group made a tour with the Earth, Wind and Fire team.

4. The Doobie Brothers
Tim Johnson, Patrick Simmons, Dave Shorgen and John Hartman in 1970 announced the creation of The Doobie Brothers Group. Among the participants of the group for many years of the change of its composition was Michael Hossak, Tiran Porter, Kate Knudsen, Jeff "Scank" Bakster, Michael McDonald, Bobby Lakinda, John McChe, Chet McCrecken, Cornelius Bumpus and Skylark. The hits of the group are the compositions "Listen to the Music", "IT Keepsyou Runnin" and "Black Water".

5. The Eagles
The Eagles group created as a backstage of the Ronstadt Linda. It contains Glenn Fry, Bernie Ice and Randy Maisner. Later, Don Henley joined the group. First album The. Eagles with the same name was released in 1972. 6 group plates became platinum. The most popular Compositions "Hotel California", "Desperado" and "Heartache Tonight". In 1975, the place of the ice began Joe Walsh, Mysner replaced Timothy Schmit. In 1980, the group broke up, and in 1994, uniting again, released the album "Hell Freezes Over". In 2009, The Eagles recovered in the tour in support of their last album "Long Road Out of Eden".

6. Journey.
The initial composition of the group was made up of the former participants of the Santana team Nile Sean and Gregg Rowley, together with Ross Vaeri, George Tikner and Preij Prince. In the 78th year, Steve Perry entered the group. In 1984, the team collapsed, after 11 years reunited again. In 1998, the place of Perry took Steve Odsery, who was fired in 2006. The group's hits are the compositions "Wheel in the Sky", "Don't Stop Believing" and "Open Arms".

7. Heart.
The Heart group, famous for its Crazy On You "," Magic Man "," Barracuda "and" What About Love? ", In the 70s of the last century, repeatedly changed its composition. Only Ann and Nancy Wilson remained unchanged participants. Michael Derosi, Howard Liz, Mark Andes, Danny Carmassi, Scott Olson, Mike Fisher, Roger Fisher, Steve Fossen, John Hannah and Brian Johnstone. In 2009, the Heart group toured along with Journey.

The KC and The Sunshine Band group was founded in 1973 in Miami Harry Wayin Casey (otherwise KC). The group includes Richard Finch, Jerome Smith and Robert Johnson. The group was recognizable thanks to the compositions "That's The Way (I Like IT)", "(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty", "Get Down Tonight" and "Please Don't Go". Today the group consists of 14 people. Casey sang "Get Down Tonight" on the "American Idol" show on April 22, 2009. KC and The Sunshine Band continues its activities, speaking at corporate concerts for large companies.

9. Aerosmith.
In 1970, the initial composition of the group in 1970 was from John Perry, Tom Hamilton, Stephen Tyler, Joe Cramer and Ray Tabano. In 1971, Tabano replaced Brad Whitford. In 1975, the group released the album "Toys In The Attic". A few years later, because of the problems with drugs, Perry and Whitford were abandoned by a group. In 1984, they again became part of the team. Aerosmith - record holders by the number of gold and multi-platinum albums among others american groups. The group has released hits like "Dream ON", "Walk This Way", "Dude (Like A Lady)", as well as "Cryin '". In 2009, the musicians went on tour, but during the concert in Starges Tyler fell from the stage, and the tour was over.

10. KISS.
In 1972, his creative activity in New York began kISS Group. Paul Stanley, Jean Simmons, Ace Frani and Peter Chriss entered her initial composition. The group's business card is a spectacular stage makeup: The Demon (Simmons), Starchild (Stanley), Spaceman (Fraili), and Catman (CRISS). In 1977, according to the Gallup survey, KISS was recognized as popular group in America. Group fans got the name of the Kiss Army. In 1978, all members of the team issued solo albums, which led to the breakdown of the group. CRISS and FRAILY left Kiss in 1982. To date, KISS continues to perform in the following composition: Stanley, Simmons, Tommy Tair and Eric Singer.

11. Loggins & Messina
Duet Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina recorded 6 albums. The most popular songs are "Danny's Song" and "A Love Song". In 1975, the duet collapsed. In 2005, Kenny and Jim reunited, released a new album. Since 2009, they resumed concert activities.

12. Steve Miller Band
The Steve Miller Band group was created in 1967 in San Francisco Steve Miller. It entered guitarist James Cook, Basist Lonni Turner and Drummer Tim Davis, later to them joined the Bose Skigs. The song "Space Cowboy", "Fly Like An Eagle", "The Joker" and "Take The Money and Run" became the most popular. As in other groups, the Steve Miller Band team has changed periodically. In 1993, the last album of the group was released - "WIDE RIVER". Musicians continue to tour today.

13. Styx
It was founded in 1972. As part of the group were taken Chuck and John Parosozo, Dennis de Yang, John Kurulevski and James "J.Y." Yang. The following compositions were the most famous: "Come Sail Away", "Lady", "Babe" and "Renegade". Kurulevsky left the group in 1975, he replaced Tommy sho. In 1983, the group released the album "Kilroy Was Here". After the tour in support of this album, the group broke up. In 1995, the STYX team gathered together again. In 2009, the group toured together with Reo Speedwagon.

14. Tavares.
The Tavares Brothers - Ralph, Puach, Chabby, Butch and Secret -shped, starting from 1959. In 1973, they signed a contract with Capitol Records. In 1975, they have already performed the Tavares group. In the account of the brothers such hits like: "Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel", "Don't Take Away The Music" as well as "Whodunit". Their composition "More Than A Woman" has become a soundtrack for the famous film "Fever Saturday evening". Subsequently, Ralph Tavares left the team to become a law enforcement officer in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

15. Three Dog Night
Singers Danny Hatton, Chuck Negron and Corey Wells formed in 1968 the Three Dog Night group. Later, Michael Ollsap joined them, Floyd SPEUD, Joe Shermi and Jimmy Greenspoon. The most famous groups of group hits like: "Mama Told Me Not to Come", "Joy To the World"BLACK AND WHITE". For years, the composition of the group was constantly changing, then SPEUD, Ollsap and Shermi organized their own group. In 1976, the group spoke with his final show. In 1981, they reunited, all initial participants were included, with the exception of Shermi. Throughout the 80s, the composition often changed again. The team stands so far, giving 80 concerts per year. Three Dog Night Wells Founders, Hatton, Greenspoon and Ollsap still play in the group.

16. The Village People
In 1977, French composer Jacques Moraley founded the conceptual group The Village People. The initial participants in the group were Viktor Willis (police officer), Felipe Rose, Randy Jones (Cowboy), Glen Hughes (Biker), David Khodo (Builder) and Alex Braille (Military). Their most famous hits are "Macho Man", "Go West", "Y.M.C.A." And "CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC". The group appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in 1979. Later, Ray Simpson, Jeff Olson and Eric Anzalon came to the team. The founder of the Moralie group died of AIDS in 1991.

In the 70s, the 20th century received the spread of such a genre as hard rock and a heavier variety called metal. The latter, later gave rise to many varieties. Initially, Hard Rock originated in the 60s. The most famous representatives of this genre can be considered such foreign Rock Groupslike Deep Purple, LED Zeppelin. It must be said that the technical limitations then did not allow to make a really high-quality overloaded sound of a guitar, so for the modern listener of the song of this genre, written at the time, can hardly seem hard compared to recorded later. However, then the main signs of this genre have developed. Such as the dedicated rhythm section and riff dimension 4/4.

But the real flourishing of the genre fell precisely in the 70s. Then the indiscreet number of performers of this genre appeared. If you list them all, the extremely impressive list will come out. If you are just interested in music of this kind, we advise you to start familiarizing from the best popular rock bands 70-80. Many of them are listening still all over the world, and some continue to produce albums and give concerts even today. Most of them come from Britain or USA.


This team is considered truly one of the greatest groups in history. Even today, their records are sold with huge circulations. The main years of Queen's creativity come in 1970-1991, i.e. From the moment of founding, to the death of the Leader of the Freddie Mercury Group. The music of this team is unlikely to be considered severe, therefore it is suitable for a very wide circle of listeners. Many of their songs are known to us since childhood.

This English rock band is a source of such a genre as heavy metal. Their work has become revolutionary for its time in many indicators. First, it is a more dense and heavy sound of heavy riffs using the Fews effect. Secondly - dark texts that are not characteristic of music of that time. Subsequently, the group changed several vocalists who, leaving the group, began a successful solo career (Ozzy Osborne, Ronnie James Dio). Despite such instability, the Group still continues to exist, and the last album was recorded in 2013 and was accompanied by a very successful world tour.

Judas Priest.

As well as Black Sabbath became the founders of the Heavy Metal genre. And it was in their execution that he acquired a modern sound. The first albums of the groups were rather hard rock, but later the sound became more dense, and the songs themselves are more energetic and fast. Many group songs can be considered the founders of new directions in the genre. So, the EXCITER composition is considered the first AIDS-metal song in history. Many teams that perform Havie Met metal subsequently borrowed both the sound of Judas Priest and their style (leather clothing and accessories).

This team is perhaps the most successful among the Havie Metal-Music Music. They started their careers just during the greatest popularity of this music genre. To this point in their account, many songs, among which a large number of hits. In the 90s, after what a vocalist Bruce Dickinson left the band, she lost to the former glory. This can be associated as with the release of albums that have no sound to which the group fans are accustomed to. Also, the new vocalist Blaise Bailey objectively inferior to the predecessor. But after reunification in 2000, their business again went uphill. Currently, the group does not plan to stop, continuing to produce new albums and making large-scale tour in their support.

AC / DC.

Among the fans of Hard-rock, this Australian team is considered one of the favorites. He is distinguished by his proprietary sound, which later had a lot of other performers. An exemplary success factor was eccentric appearance And the behavior of musicians on stage. Currently, the collective music is everywhere as a soundtrack for films, telecasts and computer games.

Metallica is a group of the founder of such a genre like a trash metal. Also, it is the most commercially successful metal group in history. Throughout its drives, they changed the style of their creativity more than once. At the moment, the group returned to its traditional sound. Characteristic for the albums of the 80s.

The Scorpions group refers to Hard-Rock pioneers. Among the teams from non-English-speaking countries, this team is one of the most successful. Despite the fact that the group has a large number of high-speed songs. Her acoustic ballads became the greatest known. At the moment, the Group continues its activities. It is worth noting that the vocalist of the group Klaus Main, despite the age, retained his voice well. Therefore, the group live sounds no worse than 20 years ago even now, unlike many other team-veterans of the rock scene.

This group performs music in the style of Glam Rock. At the moment they sold more than 130 million albums, which makes Bon Jovi one of the most successful rock bands in history. Compared to the traditional sound of Har-rock, Music Bon Jovi has a soft sound, which must come to taste, those who avoid excessive gravity.