The history of the Deep Purple group in the details: Roundabout Renaming in Deep Purple, the output of the first studio album Shades of Deep Purple, the meeting of Blackmore with Jimi Hendrix, the album The Book of Taliesyn. Dirty Mystery Dip People from "Carousel" to "Dark Violet

The history of the Deep Purple group in the details: Roundabout Renaming in Deep Purple, the output of the first studio album Shades of Deep Purple, the meeting of Blackmore with Jimi Hendrix, the album The Book of Taliesyn. Dirty Mystery Dip People from
The history of the Deep Purple group in the details: Roundabout Renaming in Deep Purple, the output of the first studio album Shades of Deep Purple, the meeting of Blackmore with Jimi Hendrix, the album The Book of Taliesyn. Dirty Mystery Dip People from "Carousel" to "Dark Violet

60s XX century Steel for rock music is particularly important because it was at that time such groups like Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. And a special place was taken by Deep Purple - the legendary rock band "Dark-lilac tones". She took a special place on stage. The most important thing is that you need to say about Deep Purple: their discography is too diverse, so that it can be unequivocal about it. The path of the musicians was a tortuous and covered with thorn, which was very difficult to overcome.

general information

What is today aware of the Deep Purple team? The discography of the group is full of surprises, so each album deserves hotel attention due to special uniqueness. Many people remember the team precisely thanks to the Guitar Solo of Richie Blackmore and the John Lord's Organship, and think that the potential of Deep Purple ends. Music gives this full refutation, because even after the maintenance of leaders, the team did not collapse and recorded several disks. Joint efforts the group was able to achieve staggered success on the world stage and earn itself the status of a "cult rock band for all times."

From "Carousel" to "Dark Purple"

The history of the formation of the team contains a chain of some inexplicable events, without which Deep Purple would not be. The discography does not store the founder of the group. The explanation of this is such: In 1966, the drummer Chris Curtis wanted to create a team called "Carousel" (Roundabout), in which the participants would have changed each other, reminding the carousel. Later he met the organist John Lord, who had a good experience of the game, and was also incredibly talented.

At the invitation of Lord, Richie Blackmore joined their team, an experienced guitarist who came from Germany. Chris Curtis himself soon disappeared, thereby putting a point on his musical career, and providing participants in the group themselves. Only 2 years later, the musicians were able to release their first album. From this, the career of Deep Purple began. Full discography dates back since 1968.

Discography for all times

List the first compositions:

  • Shades of Deep Purple (1968). The group then managed John Lord. With his filing to the team, the drummer Ian Peis was invited, a vocalist genus Evans and the bass guitarist Nick Simper.
  • The Book of Taliesyn (1968). The composition of the group remained unchanged. The name of the album comes from the book of Taleesign.
  • DEEP PURPLE (APRIL) (1969). It was difficult to call this plate weak, but it was not possible to achieve success in my homeland. It is the low popularity that contributed to the split, because of which Evans and Simper were dismissed from the group.
  • DEEP PURPLE IN ROCK (1970). The group was rehabilitated, and in this she helped a well-known drummer of that time - Mick Underwood. With Richie Blackmore, they were long-standing friends. At the Council, Anderwood "Dark-Lilovy" sounded a "high voice", Ian Gillan became a new vocalist. Also, they joined the bass guitarist Roger Glover. The success of the album was stunning, Deep Purple went out into the ranks of popular rock groups of that time.
  • Fireball (1971). All 1971 the group gave many concerts in different cities, their concerts became in demand.
  • Machine Head (1972). The creation of this album of musicians inspired a trip to Switzerland.
  • WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE (1973). The last album of the 70s, recorded by the Golden Composition.
  • Burn (1974). As a result of the discharge, Ian Gillan and Roger Glover. So the masterful musicians were not easy to replace, but soon David Caverdale became a new vocalist, and Glenn Hughes took the place of bass guitarist. This composition was recorded a new album.
  • StormBringer (1974). After recording Burn and before the reunification of the group in 1984, only two albums were recorded.
  • Come Taste The Band (1975). In the record of this record, Tommy Bolin participated, which was replacing Richie Blackmore. These albums did not bring the group for the previous popularity, and in 1976 the team announced decay. But only to revive again in 1984 by the "Gold Composition": Gillan and Glover returned to the group.
  • Perfect Strangers (1984). The new album of the revived Deep Purple was enthusiasticized by fans.
  • THE HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT (1987). After recording a new triumphal plate, Ian Gillan again left the group. At the same time, Richie Blackmore invited Joe Lynn Torner, the famous vocalist.
  • Slaves & Masters (1990). The album is recorded with a new composition, with Joe Lynn Turnner.
  • THE BATTLE RAGES ON ... (1993). The plate was recorded to the 25th anniversary of the group. Ian Gillan participated in the record, which by that time again decided to return to the team.
  • Purpendicular (1996). Still a popular group now performed a new composition. Losing interest in the team of Richie Blackmore left DEEP PURPLE, and Steve Morse came instead.
  • Abandon (1998). The last album recorded with John Lord. In 2002, he decided to perform solo and left the group.

New Generation Deep Purple

Colors of docks

  • Bananas (2003). The left Lord replaced the Keyman Don Eyri, who also plays in the current composition of the group. Bananas is the first album recorded with his participation. The record was welcomed by the public, the fans did not like only the name of the album. Alas, but John Lord has been successfully soling with his work only 10 years. Unfortunately, oncology put a cross on his life and work. However, what he worked for many years continues to live in Deep Purple. The discography at the beginning of the XXI century was replenished with two albums, invariably using popularity.
  • Rapture of the Deep (2005) and Now What?! (2013). This anniversary album was released to the 45th anniversary of the group. Today, Deep Purple is constantly touring, and in 2017 they organized a three-year-old world tour, which should be completed in 2020.
  • Infinite (2017). The last, 20th album is called "Infinity".

After "infinity", what remains Deep Purple? Discography has 20 studio albums. And yet, what will happen next, they do not even know the members of the group. In any case, they intend to move only forward, in infinity.

Havi-Metal Pioneers - Deep Purple

In the history of heavy music there are quite a few groups, which can be put in one row with the legends of rock, which painted the world into dark purple tones.

Their journey was a tortist, as the Guitar Bigs of Richie Blackmore and the Organ Party of John Lord.

Each of the participants deserves a separate history, but it was together that they became the iconic figures of rock.

On Carousel

The history of this glorious collective is rooted in the distant 1966, when the drummer of one of Liverpool groups Chris Curtis decided to create his own Roundabout team ("Carousel"). The fate brought him with John Lord, who was already known in narrow circles and walked a magnificent organist. By the way, it turned out that he had a wonderful guy on him, who with a guitar simply wonders. This musician was Richie Blackmore, who at that time played in the group "Three Musketeers" in Hamburg. He was immediately called from Germany and offered a place in the team.

But suddenly the initiator of the project itself, Chris Curtis, disappears, thereby drawing a fat cross on his career and putting a bombing group under the blow. According to rumors, drugs were involved in his disappearance.

John Lord came to work. Thanks to him, Ian Pais appeared in the group, which struck everyone with his ability to threaten the drums, groissing incredible fractions from them. The place of vocalist then occupied the genus Evans - Comrade Pace on the former group. Bass-guitarist was Nick Simper.

They are all deep violet

With the filing of Blackmore, the group was ordered, and in this lineup the team recorded three albums, the first of which came out in 1968. The song Nino Temo and Eypril Stevens "Deep Purple" was a favorite composition of Grandmother Richie Blackmore, so the musicians did not wait for a long time and took her as a basis in the name of the group, without investing any particular sense. As it turned out, the LCD narcot brand was called, which at the time was sold in the United States. But Vocalist Ian Gillan swars and argues that the band members never consumed narcotic drugs, but preferred whiskey with soda.

Bathe in Rocka

Success had to wait for several years. The group was popular only in America, she almost did not cause homeland Interest in Melomanov. This caused a split in the team. Evans and Simper had to "dismiss", despite their professionalism and a joined way.

Not any group could cope with such bad luck, but arrived at the revenue Mick Underwood - the famous drummer and longtime friend Richie Blackmore. It was he who recommended him Ian Gillan, who "wonderfully crushed the high voice." Ian, in turn, brought his friend, bass guitarist Roger Glover.

In June 1970, the new composition of the group released the album "Deep Purple in Rock", which had crazy success and finally brought the "dark lilac" in the echelon of the most popular rockers centuries. The "Child In Time" composition became indisputable. She is still considered one of the best songs of the group. During the year, this album held the top positions of the charts. The whole of the next year the team spent in the road, but there was time and to record the new Fireball record.

Smoke from Deep Purple

After a few months, the musicians went to Switzerland to record the next Album "Machine Head". At first they wanted to make it on the Mobile Studio "The Rolling Stones", in the concert hall, Where Frank Zapples ended. During one of the concerts, a fire began, which inspired musicians to new ideas. It is about this fire that tells the song "Smoke On The Water", which later became an international hit.

Roger Glover even dreamed of this fire and dreamed by the smoke over the Lake Geneva. He woke up in horror and said the phrase "smoke above the water." She became the name and line from the chorus songs. Despite the difficult conditions in which the album was created, the record was clearly successful, becoming a visiting card for many years.

Made in Japan

On the wave of success, the team went on tour to Japan, subsequently released at least a successful collection of concert music "Made in Japan", which became Platinum.

The Japanese public produced an amazing impression on the "dark lilac". During the performance of the songs, the Japanese was sitting almost not lying and listened to the musicians carefully. But after the end of the song, they exploded with ovations. Such concerts were unusual for, because they are used to that In Europe and America, the audience constantly shout something, jump out of the places and thrown to the scene.

During the speeches of Richie Blackmorm was a real showman. His parties have always differed wit and were full of surprises. Other musicians have not lagged behind, demonstrating skill and excellent collective cohesion.

California Show

But, as it often happens, the relationship in the group was increasing so much that Ian Gillan and Richie Blackmore struggled to get along with each other. As a result, Ian and Roger left the team, and the "dark lilac" again remained at the broken trough. Replace vocalist of this level turned out to be a big problem. However, as it is known, the sacred place is not empty and the new performer in the group was David Caverdale, who before that worked as an ordinary seller in the clothing store. The vacancy of bass guitarist took Glenn Hughes. In 1974, the updated group recorded a new album called "Burn".

To try out the fresh compositions in the public, the group decided to participate in the famous concert of California Jam in the vicinity of Los Angeles. He collected an audience of approximately At 400 thousand people and in the world of music is considered a unique event. Before the sunset, Blackmorm refused to go to the scene and the local sheriff even threatened to arrest him, but finally came the sun and the action began. During the speech, Richie Blackmore was confused by the guitar, spoiled the camera to the operator of the TV channel and arranged such an explosion in the final that he could hardly stay alive.

Revival Deep Purple.

The following plates were successful, but unfortunately did not demonstrate anything new. The group unnoticedly exhausted itself. The years went, and the fans began to think that once beloved became history, but finally in 1984 "dark lilac" was revived in their "gold" composition.

The world tour was organized and in each city, on the way of their following, the tickets for concerts were bought in a blink of an eye. The case was not only in old merits, virtuosity participants The groups were not confused at all.

The second album of the new era - "The House of Blue Light" - was released in 1987 and continued the chain of undoubted victories. But after the next disassembly with Blackmore again, Ian Gillan will fall from the group. Such a turn of events was on the hand of Richie, because he led to the team of his long-time Comrade Joe Lynn Turner. With the new vocalist, the album "Slaves & Masters" was recorded in 1990.

Clash of the Titans

Not far from the mountain was the 25th anniversary of the group, and after a small break, Vocalist Ian Gillan returned to his native fenats, and the anniversary album released in 1993 was named symbolic "The Battle Rages on ..." ("Fight continues").

The battle of characters also did not stop. The buried ax of war was removed by Richie Blackmore. Despite the continued touring tour of Richie left the team, which by the time he stopped wondering him. Musicians invited Joe Satriani to modify concerts with him, and soon Blackmore took Steve Morse - a talented American guitarist. The team continued to highly raised the banner of Hard-rock, which was proved the albums "Purpendicular" in 1996 and "Abandon", released two years later.

Already in the new millennium, the keyboard player John Lord announced the participants of the group about what would like to devote himself to solo projects and left the team. Don Airy came to his place, who had previously worked with Richie and Roger in the Rainbow group. A year later, once again, the updated composition issued the first one for the five-year period of Bananas album. Surprisingly, the press and critics responded wonderful about him, that's just the name little to the soul.

Unfortunately, after 10 years of successful solo creativity, John Lord died of oncological disease.

Old men robbers

In the 2000s, a group, despite the solid age of the participants, continued touring tours. According to the musicians, for the sake of this team and must exist, and not at all For the production of studio albums. The last compilation was the 19th album "NOW WHAT?!", Released to the 45-year anniversary of the "dark lilac."

After such an eloquent name album, the question must be followed: "What's next?" And this will already show time - whether we will see a reunion even once, and whether the musicians will have to hit their fans something else. In the meantime, they are some of the few, whose concerts of the grandfathers go with their grandchildren and equally kaifuve from music.

When they are asked: "Where are you moving?", They are surprisingly logically answering "only forward. We do not stand still and constantly working on yourself, above the new sound. And still nervous before each concert, so that goosebumps run on the back. "


On the tour in Australia in 1999, a teleconference was organized on one of the TV programs. The participants of the group were executed synchronously with several hundreds of professional guitarists and lovers of "Smoke On The Water".

Interestingly, Ian Pace was a member of all the compositions of the group, but never became her leader. Personal life of musicians is closely connected. Keyman John Lord and Drummer Ian Pais married the twin sisters Vicky and Jackie Gibbs.

Melomanany countries of the former Soviet Union, despite the "iron curtain", found ways to meet the work of the group. In Russian, even an amazing euphemism "deep purple" appeared, that is, "completely indifferent and far from the topic of discussion."

Updated: April 9, 2019 by the author: Elena

In June, on returning from America, Deep Purple has begun to record a new single Hallelujah. By this time, Ritchie Blackmore (Thanks to the Mick Underwood drummer, familiar to participate in The Outlaws) discovered (almost unknown in Britain, but interested in specialists) The Episode Six group that performed Pop Rock in the spirit of The Beach Boys, but having had Unusually strong vocalist. Ritchie Blackmore brought Jon Lord to their concert "A, and he also amazed the power and expressiveness of the voice of Ian Gillan (Ian Gillan). The latter agreed to switch to Deep Purple, but - to demonstrate his own compositions, - brought with me to the studio and bass player Episode Six Roger Glover, which has already formed a durable author's duet.

Ian Gillan recalled that when meeting with DEEP PURPLE I was struck first of all the intelligence Jon Lord "A, from which he waited a lot of worst. Roger Glover (who was always dressed and led himself very simple), on the contrary, was scared by the gloom of participants in Deep Purple, which "... worn black and looked very mysterious." Roger Glover took part in Hallelujah's entry, to his amazement, immediately received an invitation to enter the staff, and the next day he accepted after a long hesitation.

It is noteworthy that while Single was recorded, Rod Evans and Nick Simper did not know that their fate was decided. The remaining three days in secret rehearsed with new vocalists and bass player in the London Center Hanwell Community, and in the evenings gave concerts with Rod Evans "Om and Nick Simper" Ohm. "For Deep Purple, it was a normal modus operandi, - later recalled Roger Glover. - It was accepted here: if the problem arises, the main thing is to be silent about it, relying on management. It was assumed that if you were a professional, then with elementary human decency should part in advance. I was very ashamed for how they did with the Nick Simper "Ohm and Rod Evans" Ohm.

The old DEEP PURPLE gave his last concert in Cardiff on July 4, 1969. Rod Evans "U and Nick Simper" had three-month salary, and moreover, they allowed to take amplifiers and equipment with them. Nick Simper through the court also sueded another 10 thousand pounds, but lost the right to further deductions. Rod Evans was satisfied with the Small and as a result for the next eight years received annually for 15 thousand pounds from the sale of old plates, and later in 1972 founded the Captain Beyond team. There was a conflict set between Episode Six and Deep Purple managers without a court, through compensation in the amount of 3 thousand pounds.

Staying almost unknown in Britain, Deep Purple gradually and in America lost commercial potential. Suddenly, Jon Lord suggested the management of the group a new one, extremely an attractive idea.

Jon Lord: "The thought that could be created by the Rock-group with a symphony orchestra, I have appeared in the Artwoods. I broke me on the album Dave Brubeck (Dave Brubeck)" Brubeck Plays Bernstein Plays Brubeck " . Ritchie Blackmore was both hands for. Shortly after the arrival of Ian PAICE "A and ROGER GLOVER" A, Tony Edwards suddenly asked me: "Remember, did you tell me about my idea? I hope it was serious? Well, so: I rented albert "The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra" (The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) - on September 24th. I came to horror, then in a wild delight. For about three months remained, and I immediately started to her "

Deep Purple publishers were attracted to the cooperation of the composer Malcolm Arnold (Malcolm Arnold), Oscar Laureate: he had to carry out a general observation on the course of work, after which it was to stand for the conductor. Uncruitable support for Malcolm Arnold "Om of the project, which many considered doubtful, ultimately ensured success. Group management found sponsors in the face of The Daily Express and British Lion Films Film Company, who took this event to film. Ian Gillan and Roger Glover nervous: after three After coming to the group, they were taken to the most prestigious concert platform of the country.

"John was very patient with us," recalled Roger Glover. "None of us did not understand the tallery letters, so our papers were nullly remarks, sort of:" We wait for that stupid melody, then you look at Malcolm Arnold "and you think up to four."

The album "CONCERTO FOR GROUP AND ORCHESTRA" (performed by Deep Purple and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) recorded at the concert in Royal Albert Hall on September 24, 1969, was released (in the US) three months later. He provided a stir group in the press (as required) and got into British charts. But among the musicians, despondency reigned. A sudden glory that fell on the Jon Lord "Au-author, Besil Ritchie Blackmore" a. Ian Gillan in this sense was solidary with the latter.

"Promoters laughed us with questions, sort of: and where is the orchestra? - he recalled. "One generally stated: I do not guarantee the symphonic one, but I can invite the brass orchestra." Moreover, and Jon Lord himself realized that the appearance of Ian Gillan "A and Roger Glover" and reveals before a group of possibilities in a completely different area. By this time, the central figure in the ensemble became Ritchie Blackmore, which developed a kind of method of playing with a "random noise" (by manipulation with the amplifier) \u200b\u200band called colleagues followed by LED Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. It became clear that the juicy, rich sound of Roger Glover "and becomes an anchor of a new sound, and that the dramatic, extravagant vocal of Ian Gillan" but ideally corresponds to a new radical development path, which was proposed by Ritchie Blackmore.

The new style group was worked out during continuous concert activity: Tetragrammaton (financing cinellines and experienced one failure after another) by this time was on the verge of bankruptcy (its debts by February 1970 amounted to more than two million dollars). With the complete absence of financial support, because of the ocean, Deep Purple was forced to rely only on earnings from concerts.

The potential of the new composition was fully implemented at the end of 1969, when Deep Purple began recording a new album. As soon as the group gathered in the studio, as Ritchie Blackmore categorically stated: only all the most exciting and dramatic will be logged in the new album. The requirement with which everything agreed was a leitmotif of work. Work on the Album Deep Purple - "In Rock" continued from September 1969 to April 1970. The release of the album was delayed for several months while the bankrupt Tetragrammaton did not twist Warner Brothers, which automatically inherited Deep Purple contract.

Meanwhile, Warner Brothers. Released in the US "Live in Concert" - a record with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, "and called a group to America to speak at Hollywood Bowl. After several more concerts in California, Arizona and Texas, on August 9, Deep Purple was involved in the next conflict: this time on the stage of the National Jazz Festival in Plampton. Ritchie Blackmore, not wanting to give up his time in the program of late YES, made a mini-arson of the scene and caused a fire, because of which the group was fined and did not receive anything for his performance. The balance of August and beginning of September the group held in the tours in Scandinavia.

"In Rock" came out in September 1970, he had a huge success on both sides of the ocean, was immediately announced "classic" and in the first album "thirty" Britain lasted for more than a year. True, the management did not find a hint of the single in the material presented material, and the group was sent to the studio to invent anything. Created almost spontaneously Black Night provided the group first great success in charts, rising to the 2nd place in Britain, and became its business card for many years ahead.

In December 1970, Rock Opera was published, written by Enry Lloyd Webber (Andrew Lloyd Webber) on the Libretto of Tim Rice (Tim Rice) - "Jesus Christ Superstar", which became the world classics. The capital batch in this work was performed by Ian Gillan. In 1973, Muvie's film "Jesus Christ Superstar" came out on the screens (Video - Jesus Christ Superstar), "which was distinguished by the arrangements and vocals of Ted Nilly (Ted Neeley) as Jesus (" Jesus "). Ian Gillan at that time worked in Deep Purple, and never became a cinema Christ.

In early 1971, the Group began to work on the next album, while not stopping concerts, because of which the record was stretched for half a year and was completed in June. During the tour, the health of Roger Glover deteriorated "a. Subsequently, it turned out that his stomach problems had a psychological attack: it was the first symptom of the strongest touring stress, which soon struck all the team members.

"Fireball" came out in July in Britain (rising here to the top of the charts) and in October - in the USA. The group held American tour, and the British part of the tour completed the grand show in the London Albert Hall, where invited parents of musicians were posted in the royal bed. By this time, Ritchie Blackmore, who gave the will of his own eccentricity, became in Deep Purple "state in the state". "If Ritchie Blackmore wants to play a solo on 150 clocks, he will play him and no one can stop him," said Ian Gillan in an interview with Melody Maker in September 1971.

American touring, which began in October 1971, were canceled due to Ian Gillan's disease "A (he infected with hepatitis). Two months later, the vocalist reunited with the rest of the participants in Montreux, Switzerland for working on the new album" Machine Head ". Deep Purple agreed with The Rolling Stones on the use of their mobile Studio Mobile, which was supposed to be located near the Casino Concert Hall. On the day of the group's arrival, during Frank Zappa, and The Mothers of Invention (where the participants of Deep Purple went), a fire occurred. caused by a rocket sent by someone from the spectators to the ceiling. The building burned down, and the group rented a pigged Hotel Grand Hotel, where she completed work on the plate. For the fresh trails, one of the most famous songs of the group, Smoke On The Water.

Claude Nobs, Director of the Festival in Montreux, referred to in the song Smoke on the Water ("Funky Claude Was Running in and Out ..." - If you believe the legend, the text Ian Gillan sketched on a napkin, looking out of the window to the surface of the lake shrouded in smoke, and the title Suggested the Roger Glover to which these 4 words seemed to be in a dream. (Machine Head album was released in March 1972, rose to the 1st place in Britain and was partitioned by a 3 million edition in the US, where the single SMoke on the Water was entering In the first top five "Billboard".

In July 1972, DEEP PURPLE flew to Rome to record the next studio album (later under the heading WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE?). All members of the group were morally and psychologically exhausted, the work took place in the nervous setting - also because of the aggravated contradictions between the Ritchie Blackmore "Om and Ian Gillan" Ohm.

On August 9, studio work was interrupted, and Deep Purple went to Japan. The records of the concerts conducted here entered Made in Japan: released in December 1972, in a retrospeat, it is considered one of the best concert albums of all time, along with "Live At Leeds" and "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out" The Rolling Stones).

"The idea of \u200b\u200ba living album is to achieve as much natural sound as possible all tools with an energy feeding from the public, which is capable of pulling out such that it could never create in the studio," said Ritchie Blackmore. "In 1972, Deep Purple flew five times on tour in America, and the sixth round was interrupted because of the Ritchie Blackmore disease." To the outcome of the year on the overall essay, Deep Purple plates were announced by the most popular group of the world, bypassing LED Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones .

During the autumn American tour, the tired and disappointed state of affairs in the Ian Gillan group decided to leave, he informed the letter to London Management. Tony Edwards and John Coletta persuaded vocalist to wait, and that (now in Germany, on the same Studio The Rolling Stones Mobile), together with the group, completed work on the album. By this time, he no longer spoke with the Ritchie Blackmore "Ohm and drove apart from other participants, avoiding flights.

Album "Who Do We Think We Are" (called so because the Italians perturbed by the level of noise on the farm, where the album was recorded, they asked a repeated question: "For whom do they take themselves for themselves?") Disappointed musicians and critics, although it contained Strengths - "Stadium" Anthem Woman From Tokyo and Satiro-Jubularistic Mary Longmary Long, ridicuing Mary Whitehouse and Lord Longford (Lordford), two mixtures of morality.

In December, when "Made In Japan" entered the charts, managers met with Jon Lord "Ohm and Roger Glover" Ohm and asked them to make every effort to keep the group. They were convinced to remain Ian Paice "a and Ritchie Blackmore" a, who already conceived their own project, but Ritchie Blackmore set the condition: the reasons for the ROGER Glover "a. The latter, noticing that colleagues began to be avoided, demanded that Tony Edwards" and explanations And that (in June 1973) admitted: his care requires Ritchie Blackmore. The angry Roger Glover immediately filed a declaration of dismissal.

After the last joint concert of Deep Purple in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 1973, Ritchie Blackmore, passing by the Roger Glover "And on the stairs, only threw over his shoulder:" Nothing personal: business is a business. "Roger Glover hardening this trouble and in The forces of the three subsequent months did not leave the house, partly due to the aggravated stomach problems.

Ian Gillan left Deep Purple at the same time with Roger Glover "Ohm and for a while he moved away from music, engaged in a motorcycle business. On stage, he returned three years later with Ian Gillan Band. Roger Glover after reconserly concentrated on producer activities.

The British group "Dip Pirpl" ("Bright Purpur") was formed in 1968. The original composition: Ritchch Blackmore (r. 1945, guitar), Jon Lord (r. 1941, keyboards), Ian Pace (r. 1948, drums), Nick Simper (r. 1945, Bass Guitar) and genus Evans (r. 1947, vocals).
Two former musicians from Roundabout Group, which was based in Germany, Guitarist Ritci Blackmore and an organist with the formation of Jon Lord, in 1968 they returned to his native London and there was a collected composition, which was destined to become one of the three Hard-rock legends. The "Ice Zeppelin" triumvirate is "Black Sabbat" - "Dip Parplle" is still considered an unsurpassed phenomenon in the history of world rock music !!! At first, truth, Dip Pirpl were focused on very commercial PPC, and probably, therefore, the three of their first albums received fame only in the United States. Meanwhile, "swivel" Ice Zeppelin-2 discs (1969) and Black Sabbat (1970), which argued the world about the birth of a new style was published. A powerful wave of delight and interest in hard-rock made the Blackmore about further fate Groups. As a result of him, the singer and bass player of the original composition were replaced (instead, Ian Gillan, vocals, r. 1945 and Roger Glover, Bass-guitar, r. 1945 - both of the 6th episode group) And sharply changed the manner of execution towards the "weighting" of the sound.

"On the rock" (1970) - the album, which became the third "swallow" of powerful hard rock in world rock music, was commercially available in October 1970 and repeated the success of the LZ and BS groups in the international market. The original concept of sound, built on the merger of heavy guitar riffs with the authorized parties "A la Baroque," raised "Dip Pirpl" to the very top of popularity and led to a whole premium of followers and imitators. Next for the "In Rock", no less powerful and cute programs "Meteor" (1971) and the "head of the car" (1972) were followed, which, in turn, also shocked the world with the originality of the performers and unpredictability of the development of musical those .
The decline has notes in the program "Who are we?" (1973): Commercial notes appear here for the first time, and the arrangements of the songs are no longer so elegant. This turned out to be sufficient, in order for friends Gillan and Glover to leave the group, since, according to Gillan, a creative atmosphere disappeared in the group. Indeed, in 1974, "Dip Pirpl" was still less time to work in the studio, they traveled a lot, played football. New musicians - singer David Koverdale (r. 1951) and the singing bass guitarist Glenn Hughes (r. 1952) - they did not bring any innovative ideas, and with the release of the disk "The Burevestnik" it became clear that the former The heights of Dip Pirpl in the updated composition are no longer achieved.
The leading composer Blackmore complained that he had ceased to listen to his opinion, and as a result, without unnecessary copyright claims (which, in most cases, belonged to him) at the beginning of 1975 left the team. He organized a new project "Rainbow". By that time Gillan began the solo career, and Roger Glover was mainly engaged in producer activities (in those years he led "Nazareth"). In essence, Dip Pirplé remained without leaders, and criticism predicted this "ship", which remained without a "captain", the rapid collapse. So came out. American guitarist Tommy Bolin failed to become a decent replacement to Blackmore; "Things" from the album of 1975 ("Come Taste The Band"), written by him in co-authorship with Coverdale, turned out to be no more than a parody of the "old" style of the group, and soon Jon Lord announced a decay.
The following eight years, the Dip Pirle group did not exist. Successfully worked with Ryenboy Ritchi Blackmorm, a little less powerfully performed with his group Ian Gillan, formed David Koverdale "Whitney". The idea of \u200b\u200breviving the Dip Pirl sample of 1970 belongs to Blackmaker and Gillan: they came to her independently from each other, and in 1984, the album "Absolute Strangers" ("Perfect Strangers") was released. More than three million copies were sold and it seemed that they would no longer part. However, the next album appeared only two and a half year later ("The House of Blue Light", 1987), and although he turned out to be magnificently, after another year Gillan again leaves Dip Pirpl and reaches solo activity again.
In the USSR, on the company "Melody" two album "Dip Pirpl" were published: Collection of the best songs of 1970-1972 and the "Blue Light House" software (1987).
With the tour in the USSR in the spring of 1990, Ian Gillan was visited.
Producer Group: Roger Glover, Martin Berch.
Record studios: "Abby Road" (London); Musickend (Munich) and others.
Sounderies: Martin Berch, Nick Blazeny, Angelo Arkuri.
The albums went under the flags of the companies "Amy", "Harvest", "Pirpl" and "Polydor".
The new singer "Dip Pirpl" in 1990 became the "old" colleague of Blackmore on Rainbow, Joe Lynn Törsner.