Alexey Kosinus: Net music. Biography DJ Kosinus Alexey Kosinus Birthday

Alexey Kosinus: Net music. Biography DJ Kosinus Alexey Kosinus Birthday

From the first days of his career, as a young and suggestive talent, was adopted in the ranks of the leading Techno-committee of Russia - Underground Experience (UE). Since 1998, he began to try himself as a promoter, organizing the UE parties.

By 2000, he moved to such musical directions as Synthepop and HOUSE.

He was a resident of the tunnel clubs (SPB), "Factory" (Moscow), "Louvre" (Moscow), "Arena" "Arena2" (St. Petersburg)

From 2003 to 2005 he was a resident of the best in the view of the Night Life Awards Awards of the Dance Club of St. Petersburg - Opium.

In 2007, Kosinus and Sweet received the "Night Life Awards" award as the best DJs.

Dj Kosinus is one of the brightest and shockful DJs of Russia!

According to the magazine "Elle" in 2007 entered the list of "100 most fashionable people of St. Petersburg".

Each new set is unique and carries a crazy charge of the DJ energy, which he draws from the best ELECTRO HOUSE and TRIBLE HOUSE samples.

Cosine - not just a DJ with a stunning musical taste and filigree equipment of execution, this is a show-men, each performance of which leaves unforgettable impressions in the memory of the listeners. DJ seats of Kosinus explode thousands of crowds on the largest promotions and create an incomparable atmosphere in closed club events.

He is the chadliner of the most sensational parties of St. Petersburg, once again changing images, costumes, speaking accompanied by luxury strippers or even hang the show.

The first in Russia, Kosinus persposed to the girl and stood up for a DJ console in travesty, which caused a lot of stormy emotions from the club public in Russia. It does its own show throughout Russia, since, according to Kosinus himself, DJ is primarily an artist who gives people joy, charging the energy all night not only with the help of excellent music, but a bright unique show.

During his career playing all the advanced clubs of St. Petersburg ("Planetarium", "Mom", "Tunnel", "Opium", "Absinthe", "Decadence", "Arena2", "Central Station", "Rada Club", " Voyage "," Louis "," Pacha St. Petersburg "," Nikki Beach "," USSR "," True "," Bar Fly "," Escobar "and so on)

Touring almost in all regions of Russia (Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Riga, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Tula, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Omsk, Baku, Murmansk, Samara, Saratov, Yakutsk, Kostroma, Kalinigrad, and so on) in the best clubs in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Turkey, Egypt; London visited with tours (club "Silver" and "Movido" plays in them once a month as a guest residency) Paris Amsterdam Cannes Nitsa and so on

Permanent participant in such actions as: "Mayday", "Soundtropolis", "Eastern Blow", "DJ Parade", "Night Life Awards", "Kazantip", "Sun Dance" (Tallinn), "Stereoleto", "Slub Paradise Tour "," Night of the Eaters of Advertising ".

I played one cloth with such world legends like: Roger Sanchez, Westback, Paul Vandaik, Paul Okhenfold, Vali Lopez, Lexi, Arman Van Helden, Mauro Picotto, Zombie Neishen, Eric Morloo, Twiraum Wonung, Buggy Pims and others.

The demand of the DJ is characterized by a record number of published club mixes for the period 2003-2007. -50 releases, among them the most sensational:

Megamix (broke all sales of DJ mixes in 2003)
Syntripon JAM (I, II, III)
Pine rows
Pop Discoteque
Opium Club Mix.
GY CD ...
Almost always implements its projects together with the best friend and associate - DJ SLUTKEY (Former. Kisoid). As part of the Gigapop project, they write music in the style of Synthepop and House. Songs were produced at the German label "Solaris". Organized parties in many clubs in St. Petersburg ("Red Club", "Opium", "Para", "Louis"), at the moment it is the art director of the club "Louis" (the best dance club in the opinion of the Night Life Awards2007 premium ), are permanent participants in Fashion-show, participate in television and filmmakers.

Kosinus with Sweet led his radio shows on "Dynamite FM" and "107,4fm".

In the Perid from 2003 to 2005 were the only DJs of Russia sponsored by the world brand "Oakley".

Now their sponsors are no less well-known brands "Electric" and "Matix".

Kosinus and Sweet - the first Russian DJs who made the Realton Collection, for the company infon.

Kosinus cooperates with the company "Henesys Russia", participates in all advertising companies and events of the World Corporation "LVMH FRANCE" (Louis Vuitton, Mhoet Chandon, Henessy), and is also the necessary participant in St. Petersburg, Moscow and London's secular events: the presentation of the new fragrance from Givenchy with Liv Tyler, Afterparty Russian Music Awards with the participation of Missy Eliot, Latuhal Tour (represented a tour of 10 cities in Russia in support of the new fragrance from Givenchy), the resident of the official club Fashion TV in London, opening the Jewelry Boutique "Carerra & Carerra", "Stephan Webster »," Dolce & Gabbana "(vaniti)," Christian Dior ", Autopathy" Fillip Traicy "," Julian McDonald "," MTV Kinonagrada "presentation of a new cosmetic line from Christian Dior with Sharon Stone, presentation of a new fragrance from Kenzo, Economic Forum in St. Petersburg ...

Despite its reservation in the musical sphere, Alexey works as a hairdresser and is engaged in its own clothing design. A stylist-hairdresser worked in such salonoch as: "Jacques Tence", "Carita" and "Toni & Guy". It has its own brand of men's clothing "By Dj Kosinus", which uses incredible popularity not only at the fans of DJ, but also all connoisseurs of relevant and original clothing.

Today, Kosinus is not only a highly professional and demanded by DJ, but one of the most talented and promising characters in St. Petersburg, who managed to prove with their own creativity, a variety of activities and absolute success in all endeavors that, if desired and high working capacity, you can achieve any Before you goals.

His club parties are a real feverwork of bright emotions and incendiary shows. They are not boring.

And Alexey Kosinus - one of the most famous DJs of St. Petersburg really knows how to organize them.

Gallery of his images is similar to filmography filmography.

It appears in front of the audience in the image of an angel with huge wings behind his back, then in the company of luxury strippers.

Alexey Kosinus (genuine name Alexey Komom) It is known under the name DJ cosine. This is the leading Western Project Zeskullz (electronic music), the St. Petersburg famous DJ and a talented musician. He himself composes music.

Born on June 26, 1982. By this time, he became famous as one of the best DJs not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Europe.

Athlete and musician

Alexey since childhood was engaged in athletics and filed great hopes. His coach planned a sports career for him. However, as it turned out with time, it was not a sport.

It all started with acquaintance with Sergey Grashchenkov, Which became a teacher Alexei.
Future DJ studied all his free time. He conducted a DJ for 5 hours a day for teaching the work of DJ, from which silence suffered from his neighbors.

However, the natural perseverance of the boy and his love for music brought their result. Alexey learned to the DJ profession very early and realized that it was his vocation for life.

The first speech in the nightclub has been held in 14 years. Despite the extreme excitement, this guy, still a schoolboy, made it so that this speech was assessed by real professionals. He called this stage with his turning point. The speeches of the novice DJ were associated with the Scottish direction of Techno.

So one of the most interesting and unusual DJs of Russia was created - DJ Kosinus. Although then he was not yet sure that he would connect his life with music, and this occupation would become its main earnings. After school, he finished hairdressing courses.

It did not become his profession, but, according to Alexei, he and now from time to time trifles friends. Haircuts and hairstyles have become a favorite passion.

And the music has always been the first. Alexey was lucky - they noticed him. Soon he was invited to the main TECHNO-team of Russia - Underground Experience (UE). In parallel worked as a promoter - organized club performances of the UE.

1997 was the year of the beginning of speeches in St. Petersburg clubs. Until the 2000th comedas played in the style of Scottish Techno, and after the 2000th priority was the style of Synthepop and House.
In 2004, Komowu was assigned the status of the best DJ of St. Petersburg.

Each mett of cosine is unique, imbued with incredible energy. Professionals celebrate magnificent musical abilities and professionalism of the DJ. In addition to his work, Alexey also an excellent artist who knows how to make the audience.

It - hedLinener The most famous St. Petersburg parties, his sets create a non-comparable atmosphere of delight and exhausting with music, blow up the many thousands of people's clusters on the largest stocks of the city. His performances are bright shows that are remembered for a long time and cause a desire to visit them again and again.

Komoms - DJ International. It works in the best discooms of different Slavic countries. For 2003 - 2005, Komov has the largest number of published club mixes - 40 releases.
He spoke on the same stage with such famous musicians as Wally Lopez, Westbam, Boogie Pims and other.

Since 2010, participates in the Western project Zeskullz.Due to which he acquired world fame. Zeskullz is especially popular in Europe and America. Overseas Commov cooperates with serious foreign musical companies.

Family life

FROM Alena Vodonaeva - Star "House 2" and television Alexey is familiar since 2013. Vodonaeva attracted fans with bright beauty and charisma.

At this time, there were friendly relations between them, and Kosinus had a relationship with another girl. However, last year Roman broke out between Alena and Alexei, and soon he made a proposal girl. "I was ready to marry 5 weeks after the start of the relationship," says Komom, "" We have everything so beautiful: you meet your loved one and you always want to be with her. "

At first, the couple hid her relationship, while happy Alexey began to spread their shared photos on the Internet. The photo appeared in Instagram and immediately everything became obvious that they were a wonderful couple. The relationship was not without difficulty, the circumstances prevented.

They lived in different cities: Alexey in St. Petersburg, Alena in Moscow. However, everyone overcome lovers - Alain came to Peter, Alexey to Moscow.

September 11, 2017 they played a wedding. And before the registration, they rode on a rare "seagull" in the city. It is curious that only newlyweds themselves were attended at the ceremony.

the field should not be empty Name - Alexey Year of Birth - 1981 City - St. Petersburg Music style - Electro-House, TRIBLE HOUSE DJ Kosinus is one of the brightest and shockful DJs of Russia. The best DJ in St. Petersburg in 2004 in the opinion of the TV show "Dance Class" (STS - St. Petersburg), magazines and Dance Planet. Each new set is unique and carries a crazy energy charge. Cosine - not just a DJ with a stunning musical taste and filigree equipment of execution, this is a show-men, each performance leaves unforgettable impressions in the memory of the listeners. Di-Jay Sakes Cosinus explode thousands of crowds on the largest stocks and create an incomparable atmosphere in closed club events. He is the chadliner of the most sensational parties of St. Petersburg, once again changing images, costumes, speaking accompanied by luxury strippers or even hang the show. He began to perform in the clubs of St. Petersburg since 1997, giving preference to the Scottish sound of Techno. From the first days of his career, as a young and suggestive dating, was adopted in the ranks of the leading Techno team of Russia - Underground Experience (UE). Since 1998, he began to try himself as a promoter, organizing the UE parties. By 2000 began to give preference to Synthepop and House style. It was a resident of the club tunnel (SPB), Fabrique (Moscow), opium (St. Petersburg). Toured almost on all major cities of Russia: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Riga, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Tula, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Omsk, Baku, Murmansk, Samara, Odessa, Tolyatti, Yakutsk, Kiev, Kostroma, etc. He performed in the best clubs in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Turkey. Permanent participant of such actions as: May Day, East Blow, Di Jay Parade, Night Life Awards, Kazantip, Sun Dance (Tallinn). He spoke at one parties with world legends like: Roger Sanches, Westbam, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, Wally Lopez, Lexy, Armand Van Halden, Mauro Picotto, Zombie Nation, Eric Morillo, 2raumwohnung, Boogie Pimps and other relevance Jay is characterized by a record number of published club mixes for the period 2003-2005. - 40 releases, among them the most sensational: Megamix, Syntripon JAM (I, II, III), nectar, pine rows, scum, eggs, Pop Discoteque, Opium Club Mix, Fightclub, Lollipop, Gay CD ... almost always implements their projects together With the best friend and associate - DJ Slutkey (former. Oils). In the framework of the Gigapop project, they write music in the style of Sintipop and House. Tracks were produced at the German label Solaris. Organize parties in the best clubs in St. Petersburg (Red Club, Opium, Park), perform on Fashion shows, participate in television and film filming. They are the only DJs of Russia sponsored by the global Oakley brand.

Alexey Kosinus (Instagram @djkosinus) is a famous domestic musician and DJ. In addition to his musical career, he attracts public attention to the fact that he is a spouse Alena Vodonaeva (former member of the house2). In our article we will deal with what is still interesting happening in his life and blog.


Our hero was born on June 26, 1982 in St. Petersburg. Real surname - Coms. The boy was very sporty, engaged in athletics. His coach said that the guy had a wonderful future, and should strive for further success. But everything changed when adolescence has come. A new landmark appeared in Lesh's life, and preceded this a significant event - a friend's birthday, which was noted at the Planetarium Club. The speech of DJs had a strongest impression on him, and the acquaintance with Sergey Grashchenkov (he also Slutkey) made it very deeply to plunge into the world of dance music and special equipment. After half a year of training and home rehearsals, the first performance in the club took place.

Musical way

Alexey Kosinus on his official website Instagram photos from speeches, parties, joint photo sessions with his wife, with trainings on yoga. But music is still the main direction of its activities. It all started at another 14, when the young man actively mastered the styles of techno, house and syntipop, promotion, organized parties. Soon he became a resident and a welcome guest in the top clubs in Moscow and Peter. Further career gave him part in the world raw festivals, where the audience also highly appreciated his technique, the taste and overall he left a pleasant impression. This is a truly original artist. His tracks are published in the United States and European labels.

Personal life

DJ Alexei Kosinus regularly publishes photos and videos with his beloved - Alena Vodonaeva. Here we see beautiful pictures from the wedding (the celebration took place in September 2017) and rest. It was this union that brought all-Russian popularity to the musician, because the sphere of dance electronic music is in some way the undergrand.

What else to see the blog

Instagram Alexei Kosinus, who also serves as a leader in the Zeskullz project, will probably enjoy those who follow the stellar news. Posters of speeches, active discussions in the comments, current events of family life - everything is here in the first mouth.

Alexey Kosinus, he is Zeskullz - Petersburg DJ, a musical producer, a turbo engine of a row of wellness projects in the style of Wellness, including the organizer of a new movement for Russia - non-alcoholic Welness Party. About promoting a healthy lifestyle, yoga and music read in an interview.

I saw you with a singer Polina at Urgant - I was pleased. What else is new in life?

If not talking about music and fashion, then the two main projects are Human 3000 and Rockstaryoga. The latter began as an online project aimed at the overseas audience. I wanted to establish communication between people of different countries, which are concerned about their health. Then we spent one offline event in St. Petersburg, then another ... and rushed. They organized a two-day presentation with seminars at the Four Seasons Hotel, embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a party associated with yoga to attract young people to the classroom and right rest. So, for the year we have made more than 30 events - the project Human 3000 became urban.

Cool. But you're not one pull, right?

Of course not. We move the project in four: my mother (she is a medical doctor, doctor science) spends practices, talks about female health and nutrition, sister (psychologist for education) writes content for social networks and my friend Sergey 'Bad Bonus' (psychologist for education) - all We do the rest with him. It so happened that we focus on the women's audience, as girls are more followed for health. I would like, of course, that the guys are connected, but so far there are very few of them.

What do you think it is connected with?

The fact is that it is still difficult for them from stereotypes. I notice this. Practicing yoga for 4 years, when I started, friends were surprised: "What kind of nonsense?! Yoga for girls! ". Guys want to make a cool embossed body, but they believe that this is possible only in a rocking chair. I show your example, how much they are mistaken. For this, and with a naked torso speaking - all in the name of the idea!

I thought so. And what kind of yoga rokstar, tell me?

People are far from the topic, are afraid of yoga because of the ethnic raid. Therefore, I want to spend the easy urbanization of yoga culture, wrap in an affordable and understandable shell. The literacy of the inner feed will not suffer from this, but Visual himself and the mood will be such californias. It is associated with Adam Levin and Jared Leto - cool rock musicians who lead the right lifestyle. Hence the name - Rockstar.

And what direction? Or is it fusion?

A distinctive feature of our project is the objective coverage of various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. We give our participants to learn the maximum of information on existing approaches, reveal the pros and cons of each of them. Rockstar Yoga is based on my experience combining various types of yoga - it's like a constructor, everything is individually, and most importantly, the tone is felt after practice. Within the framework of the project, we opened two specialized halls in St. Petersburg: one - on the Bolsheviks, the other - on the star. In America, sports has long been combined with yoga practice. We develop this movement with us, making focus on young families. It's great: while children are on Jiu-jitsu, moms go to yoga.

Rock music, like an electronic, with a healthy lifestyle is not associated, rather, on the contrary.

This is a stereotype that I intend to destroy - this is just all my projects. Recently, with another The Dual Personality with another Rockstaryoga Vol.1 album, it will be released in December of this year. This is a clock plate with electronic music for yoga. No standard ethnic motifs, this is an experimental electronic music for yoga practice. I want modern musical trends to intersect with such healthy stories, trying to promote it in Russia. By the way, the British producer of Goldie also recently opened the yoga's yoga hall and not he is one - the musicians of the new generation on their example prove that the stereotype "Electronic Music \u003d Unhealthy Lifestyle" is hopelessly outdated. The promise, which we try to convey to the masses - if you are healthy, then you have everything in life successfully. I am pleased with this trend, I believe that this is the future. Perhaps it will even be a new musical direction, because the music written under alcohol or drugs differs from the music "clean."

You yourself had to deal with the negative effect of doping?

Yes, in zero, with each other we had a duet 'Kosinus & Slutkey'. Then we were separated, because he is an active participant in various "doping" stories, and I am an opponent of this. But no one guessed about it. People thought that I was "under something", for I was always super-vile, and he was always calm. In the end, 'Slutkey' this situation broke, he threw music, which is very sad, because his talent is undoubtedly. Unfortunately, many worthy people killed themselves with various "doping".

This is a loyal legend - that creativity, allegedly, is born. After Morrison, Cobein and Amy Winehouse, people are difficult to believe that it is also possible to: get up at dawn, yoga, meditation, smoothie, piano. Suspiciously sterile!

I never understood those who are looking for inspiration at the bottom of the glass. I love music, she in itself begins me and inspires, charges the energy so much that I have more than ten her inadequate DJs together.

True, other situations happen. Someone is so afraid of the public, he is shaking hands before going out. For him, alcohol and drugs are the key. He needs him to avoid stress. I, on the contrary, absorb the energy of the hall, I charge it, and for this you need to be included, clean. When you're under something, you play somewhere outside yourself, do not understand what you are doing and where you are. But, if you are a really creative person, then creativity should be in you itself, and not in substances.

But what about the public itself? A sober man is unlikely to go to the nightclub. I was the last time in the club 7 years ago. Then he refused, threw a drink - and immediately goodbye.

This is a separate story. Therefore, we arrange parties where electronic music mixes with healthy entertainment. Also, pro-American history - in the States this has been done for several years, 3-4 years. There it is called Yoga Rave. But we abandoned the word 'Rave', because the Russian person has steadily associated with drugs. I call it "non-standard rest for youth." Non-standard, because the standard we still have a set of a nightclub, bar, alcohol and drunken dances. Parties are held in the right time - the evening or daytime, lasts a couple of hours and accompanied by tea, freasses or rosters based on the same Vitgrassa. In the role of MC - coach, he holds a simplified yoga training, from the basic, most simple movements. It unites and charges people, and after half an hour on the dance floor reigns unreal, crazy energy. Live, Healthy Energy! If you compare the success of our parties of Zoz and club, then our success is much more stable. Previously, I played in clubs in the clubs 8 times a week, of which only 1-2 parties were really cool. And here every party flies with a bang.

I can't believe that you have always been such a tary bekin, considering the specifics of your work and years when you started - in the 90s only the dead did not drink and did not smoke.

I will say honestly: at first I was occasionally across alcohol - I thought that thus fond more. But it did not turn into the system. I realized that alcohol only interferes. As for the sport, I have been a professional athlete from childhood - even to music, from 9 years old, went to the sports school, ran 60 meters, ranked prizes. The coach suggested at me hope, so when I gathered in the 9th grade from sports to music, the coach came to my school, persuaded the career not to ruin.

I think she would have gladly see your today's results. And mentally yoga changed you?

Definitely. I am constantly in work, I can run from 7 am to 12 night around the city, and then go to act. This is a standard mode. Previously, there was such a task in the head as if you were on Lamborgini under 200 km / h, in a terrible tension, because I just learned to ride. Now you continue to ride at the same speed, but you feel much more confident, calmer, you know where to go further and where to collapse. Thanks to yoga, my productivity has increased, I am faster and clearer, I calculate actions, plus extra extra time. Friends are shocked, do not understand how I do it all, and I'm just a buzz.

How difficult was the transition from traditional nutrition to healthy food for you?

I gradually refused products that did not carry sufficient benefits. You see what business: one refueling with diesel - Fast Food and Coca-Koloy, the other - the air-fuel - organic products. Call for something meaninglessly, everything is known in comparison. It is necessary to experience it. For example, friends-musicians love teas, bring them from Asia. While we worked in the studio, they treated me. A month later, I ordered green tea in a cafe. He drank and stupid, because it's not enough tea at all and it is simply impossible to drink it! This is the last comparative story that cheered me.

In terms of restructuring the nutrition, the most difficult for me was the refusal of sweet. I was looking for substitutes, gradually switched to dried fruits, and then discovered the existence of very steep vegetarian desserts. I never thought it was so tasty, and even useful! True, I myself never cook them. Maximum that I do at home is a fruit smoothie.

By the way, about smoothies. I heard you passed some super-steep detox. Tell me?

Yes. Mom leads to the "cleaning of energy channels", which came to us from Asia. The point is to give up chewing functions for a month, drink smoothies, juices, soups-mashed potatoes. In the first week there is a cleaning of the intestines, mucous membranes and the whole organism. Since liquid food is better absorbed by the body, the energy for digestive processes is spent less, then the forces becomes more. In the spring I myself passed this program and felt the effect on myself. The head itself was reconfigured: no matter what I did, the algorithms were built as in the computer, and much faster than usual.

How does the brain react? Does not require crackers cheering?

It is literally the first two days, then passes. You feed, your body is not hungry. And the reaction of the head is a hoax.

If we spoke about your head, let's talk about meditation. Do you practice?

Sure. Meditation is the most correct condition to recover. For me, acquaintance with this experience has become another confirmation that no "doping" does not work, only your inner state works. If you are internally calm, then life goes differently. If running around, I realize that it is morally exhaled, I go home and meditating.

Eh, Lesha, all your consciousness!

Meditation practices are a world trend. In New York business clusters, yoga lunches are being introduced. Especially for businessmen hardly working from 7 am. They come there, meditate for about 30 minutes, zeroze and go to work again. Meditation is a cool topic, and I want to develop it, but it is hard. I think, first of all, such a cluster will appear in conscious people from business that understand that it works.

Where did you study meditating?

In masters-practitioners who are prompted in which direction to move. It is important to understand what to go. It is necessary that you at least once brought to this condition, and then you will learn how to achieve it.

Tamed Julia Ulyanova