Margo (Maria Korneeva, Maria Bibilova) - biography, information, personal life. Photo for nostalgia: What were the "lyceum", "brilliant", "arrows" and other pop groups at the very beginning of the career the initial composition of the Arrow group

Margo (Maria Korneeva, Maria Bibilova) - biography, information, personal life. Photo for nostalgia: What were the
Margo (Maria Korneeva, Maria Bibilova) - biography, information, personal life. Photo for nostalgia: What were the "lyceum", "brilliant", "arrows" and other pop groups at the very beginning of the career the initial composition of the Arrow group

20 years ago, when the seven of the first composition of the group was chosen, could not decide on for a long time. Chose from a variety of options: "Alenushka", "Snow Wholes", "Liu-Lu-TOYS" and others. But then, quite by chance, the idea came to choreographer - "arrows". And everyone liked.

The first songs of the group did not receive a large response from the listeners. Only in 1998, a year after the founding of the "arrows," the famous "at the party" came out, which conquered the hearts of the public, and began ... Then other songs appeared: "Handsome", "You threw me." Girls from the "arrows" began to learn, and each next composition became popular.

The composition of the group during its existence has changed more than once. Let's find out what now the most famous participants of the "arrows" are engaged.

Yulia Beretta - Yu-Yu

When Julia was as part of the "arrows", she was known under the name Glebova. After leaving the group in 2002, Julia actively engaged in his solo career under the famous pseudonym Yulia Beretta.

Now Julia is 39 years old, she performs sololy, plays the theater and filming a movie. In her filmography, paintings such as the TV series "Damned Paradise" (2006), a comedy "Dubler" (2012) and many others. The singer is married and raises a two-year-old son Volodya.

Maria Solovyova - Mouse

About how the life of this beautiful girl has developed, almost nothing is known. Maria left the group in 1999. Later there was information that Maria gave birth to two children from the writer and businessman Dmitry Lipskerov, with whom they were in civil marriage, but in the end their union broke up.

Lia Bykov

Leah was as part of the "arrows" about a year (in 1998 she left the team). At that time, the girl was a student and, perhaps, it was the study that was the cause of the care or the realities of show-business turned out to be unable to young beauty. In 2000, Leah moved to Australia, where still lives and raises the child.

Svetlana Bobkin - Gera

Svetlana left the group "Arrows" in 2003 and created his music duet "Bridge", but the project did not exist for a long time. A little later, Svetlana went to the acting sphere and starred in a number of pictures: "Games of Motalka" (2004), "Fifth Guard" (2013-2016), "Women's Consultation" (2015) and others. In 2015, Svetlana returned to the Golden Composition " Arrows.

Maria Korneeva - Margo

Maria, as well as Svetlana, left the group in 2003, becoming a participant in Bridge. Then the girl and disappeared from the secular chronicle at all and almost did not appear in the public. It is only known that she married and gave birth to a son. And Maria has developed its own brand of jewelry. Since 2015, the singer is again one of the Soloist "Arrows".

"You threw me", "at the party of the best friends", "spikes and roses" - who does not know these hits? At sunset of the 90s "arrows" rapidly broke into the Olympus of the domestic show business and became one of the most popular teams of the country. However, in 2007, the Gerls Band collapsed as soon as possible. 9 years have passed, and the group "arrows" decided to return to the stage, and in the "gold" composition - Gera, Margo, Kat and Tori. The site talked with soloists of the legendary maiden team and found out who offered them to reunite and what the "arrows" will be surprised by the sophisticated public now.

When the site was preparing for publication. Material called "Anthology of Russian Women's Groups: Part 2", we first wrote in the "date of existence" in the column: from 1997 to 2007. But soon it came unexpected news that the "Golden" composition of the team returns to the stage!

The information, of course, was quickly corrected, and they themselves were puzzled: whose idea was to resume the activity of the Group, whether the work of the "arrows" will change, because so many years have passed? .. Therefore, these and many other issues we decided to set soloist themselves in an exclusive interview.

site: Gera, Margo, Kat, Tory, congratulations on your return to the Russian show business! Who became the initiator of reunion?

Gera: Everything came out spontaneously. On one radio station, discos 90s are constantly carried out, and a year ago, its employees called our producer Leonid Velichkovsky, asked: "All pop groups of the 90s always take part in concerts. For all this time there was no "arrows". Can they collect and perform? ".

Leonid contacted us, and suddenly agreed all.

"On that day, the hall sang us so that we understood - the love for us did not disappear anywhere, despite so many years of absence. And after the concert, they wondered: "Do not we try to gather again and do what we know?" Our repertoire consists of 130 songs and 25 clips, and we have something to offer the public. "

Margo: So, since July last year, we slowly began to prepare, rehearse, and from October - already speak.

Tory: With us our old-kind producer - Leonid Velichkovsky. Previously, there were three, and now one.

Margo: Historically, it happened. There was no such thing that we did not specifically take someone in the group.

Gera: Our first and basic composition are we are four of us: Margo, Kat, Tori and I, plus Leia, Most, Mouse. But these girls live abroad and physically can not return to the "arrows".

Margo: Yulia Beretta Solo Career. That is, we did not specifically did - it happened.

Gera: During these six months, we passed a lot together and we can say that everything suits us.

Margo: We have no feeling that someone needs us.

Tory: We are fine.

Kat: We agreed about everything.

site: Will there be faithful in music to your style or adjust the modern trends?

Margo: "We did not get out of the cave, so, of course, even the old" arrogant "songs that we now singled change. The new material will also correspond to the spirit of the times. And the style remains the same - Pop. "

Gera: There will be no strong differences from our previous creativity. Probably somewhat change the feed.

Margo: But the principle is the same: four solts, and every person. For example, I have no point to climb Kat in niche, but she has no need to try to become me.

Gera: Yes, because our images are ourselves. 20 years ago, the producers knew exactly whom they want to see in the group. Four thousand people came to the casting ...

Margo: ... And among this amount they were looking for girls with the type it needed.

Gera: It was supposed to be a "ready" man in a concrete image, but so that he still sang and dance. That is, for example, if I'm in the shower "Sheep", I did not try to make a "wolf". And from all the contenders we came exactly.

Margo: Of us pulled out our essence, focused on certain qualities inherent in us. After years, we remained faithful to ourselves. If I have a classic blonde all my life, then I will not redo me in Gota (laughs).

website: You have become the first Russian group, whose soloists starred in the clip nude. What will you put records now?

Margo: In fact, we were in many ways the first ...

Tory: Today, everyone is undressed, this is no longer surprised.

Gera: And we first dress!

Margo: "Now there is an Internet, before it was not. In the West in the 90s, thousands of groups were exposed. "

Even in Russia, many singers have already undressed for us in the frame. Take at least the clip of Irina Allegrova "Transit Passenger". Today everyone is trying to jump above the head, and we will just do what we like.

Tory: I know what we surprise - our "grandmas" ...

Margo: Yes, we are engaged in girls with a project under Hashteg # Babkistyle and # in goodbel. Its essence is that we are changing into the grandmack and remove short sorts of videos. This is our answer to young people who are written in the comments to our posts in Instagram that they do not know who we are, and have never heard of us.

Kat: Comments like: "What is this grandmother?", "You need to retire!".

Margo: These guys were born when we already performed. They really do not know and will not understand where dinosaurs have come from, as we. Our answer is: "Yes, we dinosaurs, but we like to be like that!".

Kat: Be a grandmother - fun!

site: That is, you do not scare that today's audience may not understand you?

Kat: We do not think about it at all.

Margo: "Yes, we have a whole army of fans! .. Although no, not so. The whole country knows the group "Arrows" and accurately heard our songs. "

When we decided to get together again, I didn't even focus on the younger generation. We know that in Russia they love us, and our songs sing and will sing.

Gera: Now, of course, we notice that not everyone is familiar with our creativity. Well, what do we say to them?

Margo: And so in order to attach and young, write a new album.

Gera: And I will like the listeners or not - this is the matter of taste.

Tory: In fact, there are a lot of people who are insanely happy that we again speak.

Margo: First of all, we (laugh).

site: How did your relatives react to the fact that you are touring?

Kat: I have a creative family, they don't care what I do. I set everything competently, so for my relative singing will not be a big problem.

Tory: "In general, the person who originally connects his life with the artist should understand that his second half will not always be there."

Margo: Personally, I will combine family and work, and for my son with my son (9-year-old Fedor and 4-year-old Alice, - approx. Site) hire nanny. I explain to your sons that everyone has the right to self-realization. They go to the garden, engage in circles, and mom sings. And I will not throw my job just because it does not like it. After 20 years they will grow and leave me alone, so I also need to develop. And my husband, on the contrary, with all the hands "for". Says: "Go work, we need to build a house" (laughs).

Tory: Families are supported by us.

Kat: I developed my business and raised children (11-year-old Daniel and 8-year-old Fedor, approx..

Gera: I plunged into creativity - cinema, theater, writing songs, the development of solo career.

Margo: I also continued to engage in creativity and at the same time spent time with my family.

Tory: And I opened my vocal school and raised three children (12-year-old Henri, 9-year-old Nikas and 6-year-old Michelle, - approx. Site)(smiles).

site: After the collapse of the group, did you communicate with each other?

Choir: Yes!

Margo: We have friendly relationships with girls.

website: In general, they say that the "arrows" broke up due to frequent shifts in the composition ...

Gera: No, not therefore! The composition did not change in principle.

Margo: He was always the same, plus the girls dancers.

Tory: But when we left, the producers began to recruit other soloists ...

Kat: "... And then the group" arrows "actually and broke up. As soon as the last of us left, the team ceased to exist. "

Gera: New vocalists had no hit, they were not seen anywhere else, and in the press about the "arrows" did not write either.

Tory: And the old repertoire of the new soloists "sang" by our voices.

Gera: All this story imposed a bad imprint on the image of the group, but it has nothing to do with us. The bright story of the "arrows" ended in 2004. And then there was a solid despondency.

. Now do you intend to "shoot"?

Margo: Sure!

Tory: We aim to work, create, love.

Kat: The main thing - we have a goal, and what will happen from this, we do not know.

Gera: It will solve the stars.

Tory: During this time, we have not changed at all.

Margo: Of course, conflicts are taking place, but for the most part due to disagreements in creativity. It is rather possible to be called a stormy collective discussion.

Gera: When we analyze that it was not as much as it should be fixed, then we do not always converge in opinions.

Tory: In all the rest of us, on the contrary, is easy with each other. We know what to wait from. We remained the same, but with age you purchased wisdom and tolerance.

A little longer than half a year ago, a frank interview with Catherine Kravtsova was published, more known as Kat Radine from the Arrow Group, in which she told the story of love with his wife Sergey Lyubomsky. Her husband was put in prison for seven years for the fact that he was attempted to the life and health of his mistress. In the same conversation, Kravtsova told us that in court she regularly visits not only to justify the spouse, but also to return his apartment, which scammers deceived from her about two years ago. The details of the court proceedings of Catherine told in a conversation with our portal.

For about two years, Ekaterina Kravtsova has been trying to return his real estate through court. A few years ago, the soloist of the Arrow Group acquired a three-room apartment in Moscow worth 60 million rubles, after which he decided to take it and found a tenant through the realtor.

Once, by the lucky chance, Kravtsova learned that she had no real estate.

"Imagine: Only we had a court with Sergey, where he was sentenced, as in a few months I recognize that my apartment, it turns out, is not mine. I learned about this on May 25, 2017. As it turned out, the apartment was oversold twice, and then also laid in the bank. There is a difficult scheme. On July 7 of the same year, a criminal case was initiated, I was recognized as a victim. At the same time, we started a civil process in order to return my real estate, "Catherine told in conversation with us.

Kravtsova handed over the apartment of some Belle Moses. As it turned out later, the woman acquired a passport in the name of Elena Kravtsova and introduced himself as singer's sister (which Catherine has no). Then, with the help of the notary Irina Agafofov, the deceiver received the right to sell an apartment, allegedly signed by Catherine Kravtsova.

The first hearing in the civil process of Catherine won, but its opponents filed an appeal. The court who accepted the appeal overturned the previous decision, at the moment the proceedings passed to the Supreme Court. The hearing date has not yet been appointed, but Kravtsova hopes that the situation will be permitted in the coming year.

"As for the criminal case, everything passes sluggish. It is very hard for me all this. The most difficult thing is to prove the guilt of the notary. She claims that in a notary journal about the transfer of the right of sale, I myself was scheduled when as expected was carried out, during which it was proved that the signature is not mine. But the notary continues to assert the opposite. The fact of negligence is obvious, it seems to me. But, alas, so far it seems only to me. But nothing, we will fight, "the singer shared.

In addition to all of the above court proceedings, Kravtsova is involved in one. In 2015, the program was issued in NTV, which discussed the case of the apartment of Kravtsova, where, of course, the names of the tenant and notary sounded. After this issue, the notary filed a statement of the protection of honor and dignity. Agafonov's court, alas, lost, but did not surrender and filed an appeal.

Another instance - the Moscow Regional Court - "miraculously canceled the decision" and satisfied the lawsuit of the notary. Kravtsova in turn wrote a complaint in which he pointed to the shortcomings of the trial. The hearing is scheduled for June 26.

The soloist of the once superpopular group "arrows" did not recognize the fans when the participants of the team were published "in the light."

The pop group "arrows" had a deafening success in the late 90s. The group was revived in 2015, but not in the full composition. Now Ekaterina Kravtsova (Kat), Svetlana Bobkin (Gera) and Maria Bibilova (Margo) are trying to conquer the show business again. Former success until the actors were able to catch, but recently the singers still attracted attention, reports

"Time takes its"

The group "Arrows" became guests of the parties of the popular Russian artist Olga Buzova, which she arranged in honor of the presentation of the clip on the song "Few Polovin".

At the festival there was a friend Buzova - Maria Pogrebnyak, it was she who published a snapshot with soloists of the once popular group "Arrows" in his instagram.

"How I danced under their songs as a child, I am glad to meet," Pogrebnyak Society (ORF. And item. Here and then the copyright. - Rest.

"Arrows" are no longer the ...

The girl's subscribers could not immediately find out with whom she was captured in the photo. And when Folloviers understood, they agreed that the "arrows" soloists "no longer".

"I didn't recognize them", "That in the middle, straight babulechka," "Radish Kat is not the same ... sad", "My God I didn't recognize them, time takes my", "What old women are already these arrows))" "The little of the shooter, older looks like," commented the shot of the Follovier in the network.

Little biography

Recall when the group broke up, Margot and Gera again appeared in a duet called Bridge. Also Margot did his work in his work, and also created his own line of jewelry under the B.B.Love brand.

Singer Gera graduated from the theater school and began to film and serials. Also, the actress tried herself as a composer.

Cat after leaving the group of "arrows" gave birth to two sons. Also, the artist organized its own business that is not related to the world show business.

Recall, another popular group of that time - "Ivanushki International" fell into the base of the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker".