Rudolph Nureyev. Magnificent tombstone of a unique dancer

Rudolph Nureyev. Magnificent tombstone of a unique dancer
Rudolph Nureyev. Magnificent tombstone of a unique dancer

In Vladivostok, the family has increased in the way for a long time. Hamet Nuriev, having received a new appointment, transported everyone to Moscow. The relative well-being of the family, quite modest even by those unassuming standards, soon it was completely destroyed by the Great Patriotic War began. Hamet was mobilized to the current army, and Farid was again alone, with small children in her arms. At the first bombing of Moscow, the house where Nuriev lived, was destroyed, and Farid, collecting the surviving Skarb, hurried to leave the capital. As Rudolph Nuriyev said, one of his first memories - departure from the city on a wheelbarrow.

At different times, Nuriyev, according to data from various media, there were love relationships with stars such as Rock musician Freddie Mercury, Fashioner Yves Saint Laurent and Singer Elton John. But the main love of Rudolph Nuriev's personal life was almost all life a Danish dancer Eric Brun remained. Men were together for 25 years, right up to Eric's death in 1986. Although it is necessary to recognize that relations between them have always been very difficult, because in temperament Russian and the Dane turned out to be almost opposites.

The choreographic school Rudolph graduated in 1958 and immediately received an invitation to enter the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater and Ballet named after S. M. Kirov, which he was made at the ultimate request of Natalia Dudin's Prima Ballerina.

The creative energy of Nuriyev in early childhood was encouraged only by the mother. The father returned from the war refused to admit in the only son of the dancer and contemptuously called him "ballerina". For the addiction to dance and communication with the "enemies of the people" Rudolph repeatedly quarreled with his father, who applied physical punishment to him. Neither in the USSR, nor abroad, the father of Nuriyev had never seen him danced. The Son, in turn, could not come to his funeral in Ufa, being in emigration in the West.

"I felt the blood in my veins," the artist recalled. - Dance in the Kremlin, how ... a pretty fairy tale. I knew: I will take the rank of soloist and forever deprive of foreign trips. I will forget about me. I wanted to end the life of suicide in place.

In Leningrad, for the entire pore exams, Nuriev lived at the daughter of Udaltsova. After admission, he became the largest "boy" in a group of eleven and twelve-year-old dancers. However, in those days it was not supernatural: in the theatrical, musical and choreographic schools in the post-war time were often accepted older people.

The diagnosis was supplied to Nuriev in 1984. The dancer hoped to get rid of the disease with the help of money and tried many experimental medicines. For the treatment of Nuriev annually allocated to $ 2 million. On January 6, 1993, he died in France and was buried in the will in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneva de Bois.

Rudolph Nuriev Biography Facts from the life of the dancer Photos. Summary today.

However, for Nuriev, it was not a big blow to this parting with London. For the right to invite him to his troupe fought the best theaters of the world, despite the fact that Nuriyev demanded (and received) fabulous fees for a ballet dancer.

At the age of 18, Jia moved from Philadelphia to New York. Her career began with provocation: photographer Chris von Vangenheim made several pictures of naked Jiya, standing behind a challenge grid, after which the model appeared on the covers of Vogue and Cosmopolitan. At the same time, Jiah remained lonely ... She did not hide interest in the girls, but all her hobbies never overwhelmed into something serious.

In the early 1980s, AIDS was a new disease, which rapidly spread among homosexuals. Nureyev understood that she picked it from some of his lovers. The artist always surrounded the crowd of supporters. About his amur adventures with men went legends. He was attributed to novels with singers by Elton John and Freddie Mercury, French Couturier Yves Saint-Laurent and actor Jean Mare.

Rudolf Khametovich Nureyev (Also Rudolf Khamitovich Nuriyev; Bashk. Rudolf Humit of the Ursa Nuriyev, Tat. Rudolf Humit Ursa Nuriyev; March 17, 1938, near Irkutsk - January 6, 1993, Paris) - Soviet, British and French ballet artist and balletmaster, soloist of the Leningrad Theater Operas and ballet them. Kirov. In 1961, after graduation, the troupes in Paris asked political asylum, becoming one of the most famous "non-returns" in the USSR.

It was impossible to live in a tiny village without helping a woman with children, and in 1943 Farida moved to Ufa, to the relatives of her husband. The living conditions of Nuriev in a tiny shack on the outskirts of the city, a little difference from those that were in the village: a low structure with an earthen floor was difficult to call the house. Moving a little that improved the material situation of the family, and Nuriev Torzal Torus the same poverty. Little Rudolf until the school went into the things of his sisters - maybe it was to some extent determined his features. Even in the first class, he went to his sister's finish. Rather, he did not go, and his mother brought him in her arms - the boy did not have a shoe.

The legendary singer died in 1991, at the age of 45. In two decades, his death gave rise to a lot of rumors and the gossip is hardly in less than his life itself. The artist did not want to advertise his illness. But after the death and his life, and his death became theme for the most insane speculation. More details

On June 16, 1961, being on tour in Paris, by decision of the KGB of the USSR "For violating the regime of staying abroad", it was removed from further touring the troupe of the Kirov Theater in London, but refused to return to the USSR, becoming a "non-return" - the first among Soviet artists [ approx. one]. In this regard, it was convicted in the USSR for treason to the Motherland and was sentenced in absentia by 7 years of conclusion [approx. 2].

The next work of Rudolph Nuriev in cinema was not so much dance, how much gaming. This time he performed the role of the famous actor of a silent movie Rudolph Valentino. The film was recognized by the audience, but critics did not even appreciate the game Nuriyev. Not quite successful, according to experts, the execution was explained by the fact that Nuriev, accustomed to see the audience, could not make himself play with the same emotion in the studio, in front of the camera instead of the auditorium. Nevertheless, in the annual review of the best films 'Valentino' took the eighth place.

When and where Rudolph Nuriyev is buried. Details. Fresh material on February 11, 2018

The artist is confident that thanks to his money and doctors will be able to cure. But rapid spread Mysterious I. deadly disease Soon encourages the Wave of Hysteria in Europe and America. When the number of known AIDS cases in the United States reaches 5 thousand, HIV-infected people prohibit the entrance to the country. In order not to lose work in America, Nureyev has long hides its diagnosis. It distinguishes to $ 2 million to its treatment. Every day it is introduced into a vein injection of a new experimental serum. He can still dance, moreover vigorously and often. And thinks that recovering.

In 1988, Nureyev allowed to come for a while in Ufa to say goodbye to her mother before her death. And in 1989, he performs on the stage of the Kirov Theater in Leningrad, where he began his career. It was noticeable that the artist is seriously sick, but keeps. The last time he visited his homeland in the summer of 1992. Already he could not get off the aircraft. Advised performances to which he was taken in a wheelchair. On September 3, Nureyev returned to Paris, where was going to undergo a course of treatment in the hospital.

'Born in the train, he and life has driven at the speed of a hundred kilometers per hour. Indeed, the career takeoff of Nuriyev in the West was rapid - he quickly turned into a star of an unprecedented magnitude of the famous emigrant. However, in his homeland, he was not going to recognize his glory for many years. From the press simply disappeared all the mention of the artist, as if he had never existed. All his photos were eliminated and even those on which he was removed along with other artists.

Nuriev was a talented successor of the traditions of Vaclav Nezhinsky, aspiring to convey to the viewer freedom and beauty of the human body. He achieved his work to the equality of the female and male party in the ballet, where the woman had reigned before. The audience now went to the theater to look at Rudolph Nuriyev's star, whose brilliant dance gave the finest shades of drama.

"He was terribly nervous, so we didn't get an eye from him," the organizer of organs, who had to ensure the delivery of the artist in the USSR, said.

At the airport Hesno profit Milionea Clara Sen - fan of the talent of Nureyev. Hugged him and whispered in the ear.

Which is worn from contradictory facts, rumors and unimaginable adventures, and today, after his death, is considered the brightest star of world ballet.


Rudolph was the fourth child in the family of the Military Politrock of Hoteta Nuriev. He was born on the train, on March 17, 1938, when the mother, in the last month of pregnancy, collecting children and a scant luggage, went after her husband in Vladivostok. Hammet Nureyev was on the seventh heaven from happiness, seeing the boy in his hands from the Farida of the boy, because before that his wife gave him to his daughters, and decided to call him Rudolph.

The family settled in Vladivostok, but after a year and a half Hamet received a new appointment - to Moscow. In the capital they were given a small wooden house. Nureyev lived poorly, and still life began to improve. All plans and ideas ruined the war. In 1941, his father was one of the first to be called to the front. The family remained in Moscow, but under the onslaught of Hitler's family of the military, it was decided to evacuate - at the beginning of Chelyabinsk, then in the suburbs of Ufa, the village of Shchuchye. Cold, hunger and constant darkness - so remembered for children in Ufa a great dancer. Rudolph grew by a nervous and a fibrous child, everything wine - the struggle for a piece of bread and terrible living conditions.

At the age of five, after watching the ballet production of the "Crane Song", Rudolf said Mother that he wants to dance. Farida without hesitation gave his son to a dance circle in kindergarten. The boy was eagerly studied, their circle spoke before the wounded. All who saw Rudolf dancing exclaimed that the child had a huge talent.


In 1945, his father returned from the front, he was a stranger for children. With his return, the life of the family began to improve the family, they were given a warm room in a communal service. Father did not share the passion of the Son. I did not want to hear about the further training of choreography and hear. Hamet dreamed, so that his son became an engineer.

In the ten-year-old age, Rudolf was invited to a dance circle at the house of pioneers. The first teacher Radika became Anna Ivanovna Udaltsova, who was previously dancing in the Kordelyt of Dyagilev. Ballerina immediately noted the non-residential talent of his student and recommended him to go to Leningrad to further teach the classic dance. Rudolph Nuriev, whose biography today became the public domain, perceived these facilities with excitement.

In 1955, fate presented him a huge gift. In Moscow, the festival of Bashkir art was held. The dance troupe of his ballet theater was gathered to conquer the capital with the production of "Crane Song", but the soloist fell ill. Nuriyev offered his candidacy. He was approved, although the young dancer did not know his party. In a short time, he learned her and undermined his health. Not fully recovered after the injury, he still went to the stage of the Metropolitan Theater and conquered the audience. From this point on, his teacher from Ufa realized that the Russian ballet was replenished with a new "violent tatar."

After a successful speech, Nuriev decided to enter the choreographic studio of the capital, but there was no hostel there. Fate led him to Leningrad. Here he entered the choreographic school at the age of seventeen.

After graduating, Rudik went to the competition to the capital with partner Jesova. They performed brilliantly, but the Commission was an indelible impression produced a solo party of young talent. Rudolph Nuriev, whose dance was discouraged, wild and barbaric, conquered critics. From the point of view of the novelty of his dance manner was extraordinary, but technically it was absurd. For the "Lawrence", they with a partner received gold at the competition, Nuriev to accept the award refused. Upon arrival in Leningrad, he danced "Gayane" with a partner Nilel Kurgapkin. Then there were such performances as "Sleeping Beauty" and "Swan Lake". Life in the Mariinsky Theater was boiling, Rudolf "Boiled" with her.

The character of a great dancer

Despite the talent and self-dedication on stage, they did not love for the scenes of a talented young man, and all the fault was his arrogant character. The life of Rudolph Nuriev from ornamental years was not sweet; Hunger, cold, poverty, echoes of war - a lot had to survive this vane boy.

In a more mature age, Rudolf, seeing its superiority over peers, often forgot the rules for elementary education. Could hear a partner, the collective rules have grown out, ignored the discipline. Many of their colleagues considered mebooks and spoke them about it in a sharp form.

In more raw years, when Rudolph became a star of the first magnitude, despite the huge fees, he refused to pay in restaurants, satisfied the wild features and hysterics in the theater. The audience his bastvine, but people who knew him a little closer found him repulsive and rude.

"Jump of Freedom"

The Russian ballet in the postwar period was experiencing his flourishing, all thanks to bright talented artists. Nuriyev always stand out from the crowd. Fans went to Kirov's theater "On Nuriyev". Special popularity at the viewer used the performances of "Giselle or Vilisa", "Nutcracker", "Swan Lake".

In the late 50s Rudolph Nuriev, whose biography is full of extraordinary gifts of fate, danced in nine performances of the Mariinsky Theater. The main troupe went on tour, and here he appeared in all his glory, a bright Tatar young man. In 1958, he was proposed to become a partner of the leading prima of the theater Natalia Dudinskaya. Their first joint performance was "Don Quixote". Then followed an unforgettable "bayaderka", which Nuriev conquered Paris.

In 1961, the Mariinsky Theater toured in Europe. The first in the list was Paris. Rudolph Nuriev, whose creativity was very colorful, among the experts and ballet lovers was the highlight that I wanted to "taste." The Parisian public came to ecstasy from "Bayaders" and dance Nuriev. The young balleron immediately found fans friends in the highest light of Paris. He went with them to the theater, in the cinema and restaurants. Such behavior was categorically unacceptable for the Russian man "Khrushchev" era. After Paris, London was London, but the Theater's leadership reported that Nuriyev flies home.

Death Rudolph Nuriev

Care from the life of the Great Dancer has become for his fans of the real tragedy. The official reason for his death is named with the media, but in fact it is not. Like many talented people of the last century, Rudolph Nuriev, whose biography was, like ballet, filled with take-offs and drops, died of AIDS. It happened in one of the Paris clinics on January 6, 1993. For a long time, the Great Dancer did not recognize that he was sick of AIDS and refused to undergo a survey. Some blame his unrestrained sexual connections.

Someone talks about the rock of talented people of the 60s. Sex, drugs, rock and roll and homosexuality were under the sight of the strengths of this world. Some researchers argue that many famous gays were amazed "deliberately" new

The boy who grown in poverty became the owner of a huge state. The dancer who forced the world to admire Russian ballet, in the veins of which there was not a drop of Russian blood. On the day of the anniversary of the "Flying Tatar" Nureyev, we collected several facts from the biography of this paradoxical person.

Maya Plisetskaya so explained the phenomenon of the popularity of Rudolph Nuriyev: "He was breathing with the movement, if you can measure the thermometer. Paphos dance in it Flamen like a fire burning his victims on the scaffolds. To grant it possessed a miraculous property to warm the hearts, or even burn evil and nerazum in man. "

1. Rudolf Nureyev was born in the train.

They say the real name of Rudolf - Nureyev. He redid her after he became famous. In his official biography, it is also noted that he was born in the city of Irkutsk. In fact, the place of his birth was a train coupe, which followed the intersection of the Asian lowland and the Mongolian Mountains, which rushed his family to the Far East, to the place of the new work of the Father Rudolf.

By the time, when his father, who served in Manchuria, was able to call his wife and children, Farid Nureyev was in the last weeks of pregnancy. The woman could not withstand 12 long days of the road, so the little Rudik was born under the head of the wheels on March 17, 1938.

2. By the end of his life, the dancer was a very secured person, he even owned the island in the Mediterranean Sea.

However, the wastefulness inherent in some rich people was absolutely alien. Rudolph considered each penny, because he knew too well what hunger and poverty are.

Four children grew in the nurea family. The money was catastrophically lacked: Rudik constantly knocked the things of the sisters, and once, when the boy had to go to school, he did not have a shoe, so the mother had to carry his son in the class on his back.

3. The desire to link his life with ballet arose from Nureyev at 5, when Mom first led him to the presentation.

However, the father did not please such a prospect. He was categorically opposed and whenever he found her son for dancing, satisfied with his spanking. But Rudolph resisted as he could and, despite the threats of a parent, began to go to the circle of folk dance.

At 11 years old, a talented boy noted the former participant of Dyagileev's troupe, Anna Udaltsov, who became his teacher. And a little later, he studied from Elena Vaitovich. It was these two women who convinced their student to enter the Leningrad choreographic school. Money on a ticket to the Northern Capital Rudolf earned the dance lessons.

4. In 1955, Nureyev was accepted in the school, but by virtue of its impulsive and sharp nature, he was repeatedly on the verge of deductions.

For the first time it happened literally a week after the start of classes. A beginner dancer did not find a common language with the teacher and director of the school of silk and asked to replace the teacher! Oddly enough, he went for concessions, and thanks to this, Rudolph was in the class of Alexander Pushkin, with whom he had a wonderful relationship.

5. In 1958, Nureyev graduated from training and was enrolled in the name of S.M. Kirov (currently - Mariinsky Theater).

The leadership was afraid to take a talented, but too trying rudolph to foreign tour. A trip troupe to Paris in 1961, like many others, was supposed to pass without him. However, at the very last moment the receiving party insisted that Nureev came to France. Then no one knew that the star of the Soviet ballet would not want to return to his homeland.

6. On 17 June, in the French airport, Le Bourze, Artist reported that he was urgently called to Moscow to perform in the Kremlin. After these words, Rudolf accepted a decision in a second, which shocked the whole world: he decided not to return to the Union.

Seeing two policemen, the dancer came up to them and said: "I want to stay in your country." The guards of the order took it into a special room and warned that they would give about 40 minutes so that he could be a quiet atmosphere to make a final decision and sign relevant documents. Naturally, all the papers were in French, their Nureyev translated the Russian translator. She tried to persuade the dancer immediately to sit on the plane and fly to Moscow. What he sharply answered her: "Shut up!" - And put the signature.

Rudolph stayed in Paris one, with 36 francs in his pocket. However, the prospect to encounter poverty seemed more attractive than returning for the iron curtain.

The first time Nureyev tried to return. Natives called him and asked to be tremended. Without having achieved the desired, the Father renounced his own son. The special services threatened the artist, prevented his career, but it was useless, the whole of Europe was at the legs of a brilliant dancer.

7. One of the most striking partners who danced with Nureyev was the Ballerina of the London Royal Ballet Margo Fontein.

Their joint creative life began in 1962 in Ballet "Giselle" and lasted for many years. It is believed that Margot and Rudolph associated not only workers and friendships, but also love. Although there is no reliable evidence, moreover, the artist was known for his unconventional orientation, and Fontaine was married.

8. 25 years old Nureyev lived with the Danish dancer Eric Brouna to his very death. These relations were not a secret for anyone, but the artist is very annoyed when journalists tried to climb into his personal life, so he tried to negotiate with the press representatives to a minimum.

9. In 1989, Nureyev first returned to his homeland. And, although he spoke twice on the stage of the Kirov Theater, few of those spectators understood that before them is a legendary person. The fact is that after the escape of the dancer abroad, the country chose to forget about him as soon as possible and his inappropriate act.

10. In 1983, Rudolf found HIV. This disease has become the main reason for his rather early death. The dancer died at the age of 55 in 1993 and was buried in the Russian cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua near Paris. The design of the grave of the artist was engaged in the leading artist of the Paris Opera Enzo Frieshrio. Knowing the passion of his deceased friend to collecting vintage carpets, he created one of them on his grave from the mosaic.

On the preview: Rudolph Nuriev at Sheremetyevo Airport before departure to Paris,

In the Russian cemetery, Saint-Geneva de Bois under Paris we were a few years ago.

Many compatriots found their shelter on this cemetery, at different times who left Russia. The cemetery has long been closed for burials.
On one of the central alley of this cemetery, the Grand Dancer Rudolph Nuriev is buried.

Not far from the tomb of Nuriyev is the grave of the famous Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky.

The unique tombstone-carpet, the grave of Rudolph Nuriev, the only one of its kind works of art worthy of memory of the ambiguous, great ballet genius.

Nuriev died in 1993 and was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneva de Bois under Paris. And at about the same time, one of the leading artists of the Paris Opera (Ezio Frigerio), a friend and colleague of the dancer, expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning the grave with the help of an oriental carpet. Nuriyev collects vintage carpets, ancient textiles of different countries, especially favorite carpets nomaded with him on tour, inspiring new stunning dancing and presentation.

Sketches of the carpet made by Enzo Frejringer, just repeated one of the favorite oriental carpets from the Nuriyev collection. Play the carpet in the colors, with the visual effect of the tissue texture, it was decided using a mosaic. Mosaic solved the problem of reproducing elegant folds of the falling carpet, and provided the natural look of the threads of gold fringe.

The funds for the creation of the monument allocated the wealthy friends of the most famous ballet dancer.
In 1996, the tombstone was manufactured in the Italian mosaic workshop of Akomena Spacio Mosaico (Akomena Spacio Mosaico). The carpet mosaic is made of small predominantly square shape of elements with a rapid fit of parts, virtually no visible seams. But at the same time the surface of the mosaic is left with a rough, with very sharp changes in the level of mosaic elements. This reception from the distance is already 2-3 meters creates the overall impression of the carpet texture. The sculptural base of the mosaic accurately copies the features of the formation of folds, and the mosaic elements smoothly repeat all bends and surface waves.

Just touching the hand you can understand that it is a cold mosaic, so skillfully lays back folding and framed by gold fringe and gold bomb. I even wanted to try tooth, my eyes did not believe that it was possible to create a mosaic smalt.
The tombstone causes ambiguous impressions. Someone believes that the grave is too bright, too striking. Someone, on the contrary, flows into an exotic delight, displays colored mosaic smalts. The carpet is restored all the time.

Inseuting tourists, looking in advance the photos of the resulting composition, sometimes asked whether the carpet was wet under the rain and how often he changed. Visitors to the cemetery of Saint-Geneviev de Bois with excursions will surely touch the mosaic carpet, only a visual deception is revealed. And I was among them, visually deceived.

And so, who he is.

Nuriev Rudolf Khametovich (1938-1993) - the Great Dancer, Born in Irkutsk. Dance began pretty early: First of all, he was a member of the children's folklore ensemble, and in 1955 he entered the Leningrad choreographic school, graduated from the school, and in 1958 and became a soloist of one of the main ballet corpses of the country named after S. Kirov (now Returns the former name is the Mariinsky Theater).

In 1961, when the troupe of the Kirov Theater was on tour in Paris, he disappeared and decided to stay in the West, became the "non-return", it happened on June 16. In Pocket, Nuriyev was then only 36 francs.
Soon, Nuriev began to rinse in the royal ballet in London, and the West overwhelmed the wave of "Rudomania". Thousands of fans of Nuriyev are precipitated in all corners of the Earth.

For more than fifteen years, Nuriev was a royal ballet star London and was a regular partner of the Great British ballerina Margo Fontein. When they met, Fontaine was 43 years old, and Nuriev - 24, but their duet was, perhaps, one of the most brilliant over the past decades, as they wrote in the press of that time. Fontaine and Nuriyev's work began in 1962 from Giselle ballet. And in 1963, the fame of Balletmaster F. Ashton deliberately put the ballet "Margaret and Arman" for these outstanding dancers. Nuriyev himself revived for Fontein and his very formulation of the classic ballet M. Petipa "Bayaderka" to the music of L. Minkus. It was thanks to this partnership, criticism ascended Nuriyev began to write about him as the greatest dancer of the 20th century. Some time this couple had a personal relationship. Fontaine gave birth to a daughter from Nuriev, but she soon died.

Nuriev still worked in the troupes of the United States of America, Europe and Australia.

Thanks to his activities, the image of a man's partner has become significant and equal to the role of the ballerina. His dance was not only expressive, but also in a powerful. It dazzally showed the individuality of the dancer.
For greater expressiveness, Nuriev went on stage in one tribone and dance bandage. He wanted to show all the beauty of the human body through the dance, his dance was imbued with a special force. Nuriev not only passed the dramaturgy, but also chased the freedom of the human body. The same concept in the 20th century was embodied, perhaps, only Waclav Nizhinsky and Isadora Duncan.

Nuriyev was filmed in the movie and on television. In 1972, a dance film was released with his participation "I am a dancer", and in 1977, Nuriyev starred in the role of the famous Hollywood actor Valentino in the film eponymous from the director K. Russell.
Nuriyev, moreover, turned out to be no less talented director, putting several classic ballets for different companies. In 1964, he set two ballet - Raymond and Swan Lake, in 1966 - "Don Quixote" and "Sleeping Beauty", the next year - the "Nutcracker" ballet, and even ten years - Ballets "Romeo and Juliet "and" storm. "

In 1982, the artist received Austrian citizenship.
Last years of Nuriev lived in France, because from 1983 to 1989 he was the director of the ballet troupe of the Paris Grand Opera.
However, all his creative and life plans crossed the terrible Holvor - AIDS. The dancer left the scene, but did not climb in his loneliness: he gave the demonstration lessons, communicated with people, went a lot. In 1990, he came to his homeland, visited the theater, where he began his professional career, - Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. However, he spent a large amount of time on his own island in the Mediterranean, where he had a chic villa.

Meanwhile, the news that he is sick "Chumay of the XX century," Nuriev took the serene, apparently, counting to recover with the help of his money. From now on, he began to allocate to healing up to two million dollars a year.

In the summer of 1991, the unfortunate began to progress. In the spring of next year, her last stage began. In those days, Nuriev was concerned about only one: he wanted to carry out the production of "Romeo and Juliet". And Fatum gave him such a chance. For some time, Nuriev became easier, and he put a performance. Then left France on vacation.
September 3, Nuriyev returned to Paris to spend his last hundred days in this city. Dancer died in the hospital, quietly, without suffering.

Nuriyev was the owner of an excellent collection of works of art, his stage outfits, which were designed and stitched on special, so that Neredo facilitated the torso, so as not to chop, with professionally built-in armpits, so that the actor was easy to put his hands during the dance.
Since Nuriyev's direct heirs did not turn out, a large proportion of things belonged to him after his death was sold out. For example, the outfit of the Albert Graph, stitched to perform in "Giselle", was bought at the Auction "Christie" in New York for $ 5,1570.

The priest, from the Orthodox Church located on the cemetery, said that the relatives and friends of Rudolph Nuriyev arranged a manocardial and Muslim, and on the Orthodox rite, because he was purely adopted in Orthodoxy shortly before his death. But moreover, if it is not so, Rudolph Nuriev belongs to the whole world.

❤ Began to sell air tickets! 🤷

The legends were made about his quick-temperedness, egoism, misfortunes and unbridled love. He greedily lived and mercilessly spent time, strength, talent, feelings. But he did not know that for his insatiability would pay a terrible price, the monstrous, but inevitable, like any fee on the account.

In his official biography, they write that Rudolph Nuriev was born in Irkutsk. In fact, the real surname of Rudolph is not Nuriev, but Nureyev. Nuriev, he became later when he became famous. And Irkutsk arose due to the fact that it was impossible to record in the passport, that the person burst into this life is rapidly and original, under the knock of the wheels carrying on the expanses of the country of the country, and he lived his life in the way: in the morning in Paris, in the afternoon London, the next day in Montreal.
Nureyev was rapidly, just as his life lived. I flew to the light of God quite cold in the morning on March 17, 1938 at the junction of the steppes of Central Asia and the Mountains of Mongolia - on the train, rushed into the Far East, hitting the rose sisters right into the hands of his ten-year-old sisters. His mother of Farid was sent to the place of service of Hamit's husband, Politruck of the Soviet Army. In the train, together with my mother, his sisters were driving: Rose, Rosida and Lily. In the family, the only person with whom Rudolph was really close in those days is his sister Rosa.
On both sides, our relatives are Tatars and Bashkirs. "He was proud of his nation and, in general, he really looked like a rapid, the timely child's descendant of Genghis Khan, as he was repeatedly called and called. If he could, emphasize that his people in case For three centuries ruled over Russians. "Tatar - a good set of animal features, and this is what I mean."

Just a few months after arrival in Vladivostok, his mother - Farid and four of her children were driving on the train on the Trans-Siberian Highway. This time they were heading to Moscow along with Hames Nureyev - a simple Tatar peasant, who had been able to take advantage of the changes that occurred in the country after the October Revolution of 1917 and eventually survived to the rank of Major - translated into Moscow.
The child of the new Russia, Hamet worked for the Almighty Military Industrial Complex, and this work required permanent movements. He belonged to the new Politruk team, which the Soviet government brought up. The children already knew that the passion for travel was the second nature of the Father, and this feature was inherited from him the son of Rudolph.
But in 1941, after the attack on the Soviet Union of Germany, the Second World War began and Hammett goes to the front. From Moscow, Farid is evacuated with its four children to his native Bashkiria, where he is held for children. She lives in a small hut in the village of Chishuan, along with children for military years.
Their food throughout the day is a piece of goat cheese or empty potatoes. Once, no power to wait until the potatoes are welded, Rudik tried to get it, tilted the bowler on himself and hit the hospital. Where was able to nourish the widow, which could not be said about domestic food. Nureev lived very poorly. Rudik grows without a father a quiet and closed child. His favorite occupation at that time was to listen to the record stamps, especially he adored Tchaikovsky or Beethoven's music. He grew; as the only son in the Tatar family; in the village.
The time was very difficult: as the dancer recalled later, the winter in Ufa was so long and cold that he had frozen on his nose, and when it was time to go to school, then it turned out nothing - I had to wear a coat of one of the sisters.

However, in Ufa there was a good opera house, at one time the Shalyapin himself debuted there.
On the eve of the new 1945 on December 31, Nureyeva Farid's mother holds Rudolf and his sisters in just one ticket on his hands to see the performance of the Bolshoi Song of the Bolt Theater "Song of The Cranes" Crane Song, in which the Bashkir ballerina's main party was performed. He fell in love with the ballet. Rudolph was delighted and recalls: "The first trip to the theater is a special fire in me, brought inseparable happiness. Something led me from the wretched life and raised to heaven. Just enhancing the magic hall, I left the real world and I captured a dream. Since then, I have become obsessed, I heard "call." At that time I studied in the school choreographic ensemble and achieved all new success and dreamed of entering the Leningrad choreographic school. For about eight, I lived like obsessed, blind and deaf to everything, except for dance ... Then I felt that I broke out from the dark world, forever. "

In 1948, the older sister of Rudolph Rosa led him to the House of Teacher to Anna Ivanovna Udaltsova, who herself was engaged.
Professional ballerina Udaltsova before the revolution as part of the famous Dyagilev troupe drove around the world, performed with Pavlova, Karsavina, his friend with Shalyapin. An intelligent, educated woman, she fluently owned three languages. He trained his students not only dance, but he joined music, literature. In addition, she was a mental person, and her kindness transformed everyone who communicated with her.
Anna Ivanovna soon recognized unique abilities, the passion of a little boy to dance and did a lot with him. "This is the future genius!" She said.
He began to dream of ballet and danced every free minute in front of the mirror. "Mom laughed and slapped when I was spinning on one leg."

This led to the conflict between him and returned with the Father. Hamet Nureyev was Ghesekim and Surov. Rudolf was afraid of him and did not like. Son's tendency to dance Father's dance. A strange passion for music and dance Father is cruelly eradicated, for visiting a dance mug in the house of Pioneers Bil.
"It's scary not even what he beat. He spoke all the time. Infinitely. Not shit. He said that she would make a man from me, and that I would still tell him thank you, I stored the door and did not let me down from the house. And I screamed that I was Rasta Ballerina. Although I completely justified his expectations. So that we listened, he turned off the radio. Music almost left. "
Well, you could not knock out a "fool". "The ballet is not a profession for a man," said Nureyev-Sr. and wanted the Son to go to the craft school and acquired a reliable working profession.
"I was lucky. On our street almost no one had fathers. And each invented his folder. Strong, bold, who will take a hunt or teach fishing. And I have a hero's father! All breasts in orders. Even the traces of the rod on my ass envied. Only I wanted him to leave ... Then he came to me to the theater. Even applauded. And, I remember, shook my hand. And I looked at him and thought that here he was, someone else, old, sick. And now I can hit him, and he does not have enough strength to give delivery ... Strange, now I do not feel offended, I just struck out everything that hurt. "

Nureev himself later did not like to remember his past.
His motto was: "Never look back."
Rudolf was 14 years old when he was taught from the house to dance in a children's folk ensemble. Hopak danced, Lezginka and Gypsy with exit. And before that, I must say, I danced that the teachers were decided by Anna Udaltsov, together with his girlfriend, Elena Vaitovich him. And not ababa where, and in Leningrad, in the Ballet School Vaganova in one of the best ballet schools in the world!
Here, as they say, sent it so sent!

On August 17, 1955, Seventeen-year-old Rudolf Nureyev was on a small Leningrad Street, erected in the XIX century Karl Rossi for theatrical, musical and dramatic schools at the Imperial Theater. Exactly a week later he entered the Leningrad Choreographic School.

After the examination speech, Vera Kostromitskaya, one of the oldest teachers of the school, was seriously breathing, one of the oldest teachers of the school, and said: "A young man, you can become a brilliant dancer, and you can not become anyone. The second is more likely. "
On September 1, 1955, when classes began and he was given a place in the hostel, in many respects he prepared him for the coming climbing. He already realized that purposefulness leads to victory, knew how to stand for himself, and felt the enemy unmistakably.

The whole school came out to look at the Ufa nugget - the nugget was 17 years old, and he did not know how to put his feet in the first position. "" In Leningrad, he finally got his legs in the first position - it's very late for a classic dancer. He desperately tried to catch up with peers, "wrote later the laryrshnikov. Every day, the whole day is a dance. Problems with his technique. In the middle of the rehearship he He could distinguish and escape. But then, hours at ten in the evening, he returned to the class and worked alone on the movement until he was mastered. "
When he came to the first rehearsal to the theater, he immediately gave a tip of the ballet grandfather. By tradition, the most young one had to pour out the floor of the floor in the classroom. Everyone is standing, waiting. Nureyev is also waiting. Finally he hints that it would be nice to pour the floor. In response, he shows all the fig: "I, first of all, is not young. And then, there are such badness, which only watered and must ". Men from such arrogance was heard. But pricked. Moreover, nothing else remained - they were taught to dance, and not fight.
Nuriev danced in Kirov just three years, and far from brilliantly - in the west of his technique will become where
more honed. But even for a short time, he managed to make an important thing: returned the value to male dance. Before him, in 1940-50s, a man on a ballet scene was just an assistant woman ballerina.
Nuriev showed himself an extremely hardworking student - he did a lot and trained. "He absorbed everything as a sponge," friends remember the chorus.
For a whole year, Rudolph suffered the curse of the first teacher of Shelkov, and then he achieved a translation to another teacher. When Nureyev arrived in his class, Alexander Ivanovich Pushkin had already heard the most respected teacher of male dance in the country.

The restraint of the behavior of Pushkin and the apparent ease of his classes in some miraculous and imperceptible way gave birth to passion and obsession in students. Nureyev felt an insurmountable force of his influence: "He filled out the soul with excitement and taiga to the dance."
Under the guardianship of the great teacher, Alexander Pushkin, the talent of Nuriyev bloomed.
His pedagogical glory was great. Nureyev was his favorite student. The diligence of Nureyev conquered Pushkin, as well as his musicality. Nursa never offended criticism. Pushkin adored him. He was a great man, he gave Nuriyev everything.
Pushkin was not only interested in them professionally, but also allowed him to live with him and his wife - Ksenia Yurggenson, was only 21 years old in the past of Kirovsky's ballerina, was for Nureyev something like the guardian angel, and Nuriyev had a novel with her. ... One of the few she knew how to extinguish his attacks of rage. "I, that day I came up, I spoke on Ksenia, and then I cried, bolding in her knees. And she stroked me through her hair and all told:" My poor, poor boy. "
Over the years, his character became more and more bad.
The 11th 1961 troupe of the Kirov Ballet flew to Paris, Nureyev never saw Alexander Ivanovich, although his cozy apartment in the yard of the choreographic school was always remembered. It was a house where he loved.)
After graduating from the Institute, and Kirovsky, and the big theaters wanted to see Nuriyev in their troupes. He chose the Kirov Theater, and became his soloist, which was extremely unusual for his age and experience. Ballerina Ninel Kurgapkin has repeatedly spoke to Nuriev, who was her partner that he dances too female. Nuriyev on it sincerely outraged: "You do not understand? I'm still a young man! "

It was Nuriev who took the role of a partner in ballet meaningful. Before him, in the Soviet ballet, the partner was perceived as a secondary participant, designed to support the ballerina. Nuriyev's dance was amazingly powerful. He was the first among the Soviet dancers to go on stage in one triko. Before him, the dancers wore baggy short pants or put on tricially underpants. For Nuriyev, the body could not be shameful. He wanted to show not just dance playwright, but the beauty and strength of the human body in motion.
"Rudolph pulled his body, got up on high-tall semi-winges and all stretched upwards upwards. He made himself a high, elegant and beautifully folded, "he commented on his style of laryrshnikov.
He became one of the most famous dancers of the Soviet Union. Soon he was allowed to drive abroad with a troupe. He took part in the International Youth Festival in Vienna. But at disciplinary reasons, he was soon forbidden to leave the borders of the USSR. Nuriev was a homosexual that in the Soviet Union was pursued by law.
Homosexual orientation unusually adjusted the Nuriev dance.
"" I lived on a garden street, "Trophons told." I look: two beautiful guys. One in the form, Suvorovets, the other in jeans (then no jeans had no jeans) - Nuriyev. And they are amazingly kissing. I stopped. Nuriyev. Wrapped and asked: "Like?" I replied: "Fabulous!" And then we met already in London. He recognized me. We talked. And he gave me his book with a gift inscription: "The victim of the regime from the victim of the ballet." Gennady Trifonova "
In the words of the great artist, it contains bitter truth - in the stagnation of the USSR to be a homosexual meant constantly under threat of arrest, police bullying and insults, finally, the difficult fate in prison and the colony. In this regard, the fate of the same Gennady Trifonova is a graduate of the Philological Faculty, planted for four years in a fabricated business.

In 1961, Nuriyev's situation has changed. The soloist of the Kirov Theater, Konstantin Sergeev, was injured, and Nuriyev replaced his ego (at the last minute!) In the European Tour of the theater.
So Nuriyev found out on the world scene!
Ten days later, Nuriev first went on the stage of the Paris Opera! She walked "Bayaderka", Soror was his beloved party. His divine plasticity was noted immediately. "Kirov's ballet found his cosmonaut, his name Rudolf Nuriev," wrote newspapers. Fans crowded around him. He made friends with Claire Mott and Atilio Labis - French ballet stars instantly appreciated his rare gift. And especially with Clara Saint, adored ballet and constantly twist at the scenes of the opera. It was for her that it was destined to play a special role in his fate. She was engaged with the son of Minister of Culture of France Andrea Malro, and her connection in the top spheres was immense. Clara, first of all he led to watch his favorite ballet - "Stone flower" in the formulation of Yuri Grigorovich, he himself was not busy in it. Grigorovich in Paris was not allowed, and Nuriev very highly appreciated his ballet master talent.
He led himself freely, walked around the city late in the restaurants to Saint-Michel, she went to listen to Iehahhi Menuhina, alone (he played Baha in the Pleel Hall) and was not considered the rules within which Soviet dancers existed.

B Paris was unable to keep secret from the KGB agents of contacts with "blue". "Despite the preventive conversations carried out with him, Nuriev has not changed his behavior ..." An indication came from Moscow: Nuriyev punish!
At the airport a few minutes before the departure troupe to London, where the second part of the tour was to be held, Rudolph was handed over to Moscow with words: "You should dance on a government reception in the Kremlin. We just got a telegram from Moscow. After half an hour, your plane" (Although all his things were packed and were in the baggage sent to London).
All that happened at the Le Bourget airport to that distant day, June 17, 1961, in Paris, was best described by Nuriyev: "I felt the blood fled from my face. Dance in the Kremlin, how ... Beautiful fairy tale. I knew: forever luring foreign trips and the rank of soloist. I will betray for oblivion. I just wanted to commit suicide. I decided because I had no choice. And what the negative consequences of this step would be, I do not regret it. "
Newspapers in the first pages gave loud headers: "Ballet star and drama at Le Bourget Airport", "the girl sees how Russians pursue her friend." This girl was Clara Saint. She called him from the police station, but she asked him to do not come to her, because the Soviet agents were signed around her home, they were easy to learn - they were all dressed in the same rain rains and soft velor hats.
Twenty minutes later, Clara was at the airport with two policemen. She came to accompany Nuriyev to the airport, walked to say goodbye, hugged and whispered in the ear: "You must come to those two policemen and say - I want to stay in France. They are waiting for you." In 1961, to stay in the West, it was not necessary to prove that you were subjected to persecution in the USSR, it was necessary to just rush in the arguments of the servants of the law. Here Nuriev tried. Not just rushed, but jumped. Gracefully. Especially since the police were cute. Suspending the wrong, state security officers began to push Nuriyev, but he broke out and made one of his famous jumps, landed right in the hands of the policemen with the words: "I want to be free"! In custody, he was taken to a special room, from where there were two exits: to the Soviet aircraft and the French police. Alone, he had to make a decision. Then he signed a paper where he asked to provide him with political asylum in France.

When Rudik remained abroad, Alexander Ivanovich had a heart attack.
A. I. Pushkin tragically died on March 20, 1970 in Leningrad. Alexander Ivanovich, a heart attack happened on the street. And when fallen, he asked passers-by help, heard the reproaches that he was drunk. After all, to the question: - What is his name? - answered: - Alexander Pushkin ...

For many years, Nuriev has pursued anonymous calls with threats, and especially often it happened immediately before going to the scene, his mother was forced to call her son and persuade to return to their homeland. It's a dramatic "renunciation", outstanding dance technique, exotic appearance, and amazing charisma On the stage made it a world famous ballet star. But all this was later, and then ...
It was necessary to start a new life. When he decided to stay, there were only 36 francs in his pocket.
Initially, Rudolf was placed in the house opposite the Luxembourg Garden, in one Russian family. Friends visited him.
In fact, the "World of Freedom" turned out to be surprisingly complicated. Everywhere he was accompanied by two detectives.
During the week, he was accepted in Grand Ballet Marquis de Cuwe (Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas). The day of the day was painted strictly to minutes, feared shares from the Soviet special services: class, rehearsals, lunch in a nearby restaurant and home.

He had a strange regime in a meal: he loved Beefsteks and sweet tea with lemon and ate more like an athlete than gourmet.
The situation in which he was, only contributed to the depression - there was no classes to which he was accustomed, there was no familiar discipline that created the body's life without which it was impossible to become an ideal master of dance, which he sought. The mediocrity and bad taste reigned here, there were few good dancers.
It turned out that he knew very little about Western life and Western ballet. It seemed to him that this world was gorgeous, now he ran into a reality: weak schools, handicraft execution. A young man became a skeptic.
There was no usual atmosphere, the traditions to which it was used. Sometimes it covered despair: did he make mistakes? The Soviet embassy moved him to the telegram from the mother and two letters: one from his father, another from his teacher of Alexander Ivanovich Pushkin. Pushkin wrote to him that Paris is a decadent city that if he remains in Europe, it will lose moral purity and, most importantly, the technical virtuosity of the dance, which should be immediately returned home, where no one can understand his act. The father's letter was short: the Son betrayed the Motherland, and there is no excuse. The maternal telegram was still shorter: "Come back home."

Two months after the escape of Nuriev, danced in the carpentry of Marquis de Cuwas, and six months later went to New York to choreographer George Balanchina. B February 1962 signed a contract with London royal ballet that in itself was a fact unprecedented: they did not take people to the royal ballet without the British citizenship, but for Nuriyev made an exception - where he shone over 15 years. In England, Nureyev made his debut on November 2, 1961 in a charity concert, and in February 1962, in the London royal ballet "Covent Gar" in the play "Giselle".

His partner was Margo Fontein.
Faith Volkov, his teacher in Copenhagheg, longly convinced Margo Fontein to take it into his gala concert. Having exhausted all the arguments, she exclaimed: "You would see what kind of nostrils!" These nostrils eventually decided the fate of Nureyev: he became the premier of the Royal Theater London. 23-year-old, he became a permanent partner of the Primateonna, this theater, ladies (the equivalent of the Knight's rank for women).
They danced together for fifteen years. They were considered not just an ideal ballet couple, but the most famous duet in the history of ballet. At the time of their meeting she was 43 years old, he was 24. Their cooperation began with the ballet "Giselle". And in 1963, the balletmaster Ashton put the ballet "Margaret and Arman" for them. Nuriyev himself revived the launch of the Bayadka Petipa Ballet. By the time of the meeting with Rudolph, her performing careers clone to the sunset. With a new partner, she gained second breathing. It was an inspirational union of the most restrained ballerina of the world and the most hot-tempered dancer. The two of them - "Tatar Prince and the English Lady", as they called them, they conquered the fun and snobsk New York on the Gala concert on January 18, 1965.

Nuriev and Fontaine belongs to the record recorded in the book of Guinness on the number of calls to bow - after the play "Swan Lake" in the Vienna State Opera In 1964, the curtain rose more than eighty time !!!
"When my time comes, will you collide me from the scene?" - She once asked. "Never!" He answered. In 1971, the Great Ballerina (her real name - Peggy Hukham) left the scene.
Many journalists wrote that Platonic love tied them. According to one of the Western publications, Fontaine gave birth to a daughter from Nuriev, but the girl soon died. Is it so unknown. However, eyewitnesses remember passionate views that Margot sent Rudolf.

In his book, "Rudolf Nureyev on stage and in life" Diana Soleway writes: "Rudolf did not recognize himself with a homosexual for a long time. Over time, he began to seek sexual satisfaction only for men." With women you need so hard to work, and this is not very important. Satisfies, "he said Violett Verdi years later. - And with men everything is very fast. Greater pleasure. "He never hid his orientation and declared it relatively openly, but it was very skillfully leaving him of open presses." Know what love making, being a man and a woman, is a special knowledge, "
Nuriyev had novels with the legendary soloist of the QWeen group Freddie Mercury, with Elton John; And on rumors, even with an unforgettable Jean Mare. But his biggest love was the dancer Eric Brun.
Despite the six-month contract with Cuevas, Nureyev left Paris at the end of the summer and settled in Copenhagen, mainly in order to get acquainted with the Emigration of Russia with the teacher of Veria Volkova. Copenhagen also lived a great Danish dancer of the classical direction Eric Brun; considered the most exquisite prince ever dancing in "Giselle". At first, Nuriev fell in love with his dance, and then in him.

Eric Brun was an outstanding dancer who conquered the Russian audience during the tour of the American Ballet Theater in 1960. Nuriev was passionate about him, his manner, elegance, classicalness of his art, human qualities. Brun was 10 years older than him, high and beautiful as God.
"Brun is the only dancer who managed to hit me. Someone called him too cold. He is indeed so cold that burns. " And the years later, Nuriev died about this ice.
Many noted that they were full opposites to each other. Nuriyev is a passionate, frantic tatar, almost savage, and Bruun is a calm, reasonable scandinavian. Brun was the sophistication itself. Restrained, balanced. High blond with blue eyes. In general, Nuriev disappeared. Oh, why do you, I apologize, girls, beautiful love ...

They constantly swear. As they say: "They agreed. Wave and stone, poems and prose, ice and flame. " Rudolf, when it seemed to him that there was something wrong in their relationship, screamed, he drove his feet and spread things around the apartment, and frightened Eric flew out of the house. Nuriyev rushed after him, and begged back. "Our meeting was like a collision and an explosion of two comets," Eric's disassembly exposed these kitchen disassembly.
Once Rudy asked, is he not afraid of exposure? In response, he laughed and promised to scroll on the whole world that Erica loves. "" What should I be afraid of? They recognize that I am gay, and will stop going to my performances? Not. Nizhinsky, Blinder, yes Dyagilev himself. And Tchaikovsky ... What will women want to want less me? It would be nice ... But, I'm afraid , they will not even stop the statement that I am a hermaphrodis, rather will only spur curiosity. "
Nuriev also constantly changed his beloved. Erica such licentiousness was not by moral. He was jealous, suffered and periodically collected manatki. Nuriev begged to stay, swear, that he loves only him, she did not happen again ...
Bla-blah blah ... In short, he spoke of an unfortunate Erica all that usually in such cases telling the walking men with their unfortunate wives.

In addition to jealousy, he was tormented by the fact that his, talented dancer, in many ways even more talented than Nuriyev, completely overshadowed the insane popularity of the lover. This, of course, was unfair. But the myth of Nuriev in the West was promoted with such a force that no other dancer could simply be with him. Any appearance of Nuriyev on the stage of the audience was met by ovation. "He was enough for him to move his finger to make the hearts fight, like Tamothama," he wrote one of the critics.
This hysterical interest convinced Bruna in the fact that he himself will forever unsubstituted. Upset by constant conversations about the triumphs of Nuriyev, a drunken brun once broke down and accused Rudolph that he came from the USSR only to destroy him, Bruna. Hearing this, Nuriev buried: "How can you be so cruel?!"
In short, it could not continue for a long time. Tired of the Tatar yoke, Eric fled to the edge of the world - to Australia. Nuriyev called his beloved every day and wondered why this Eric grows him on the phone. "Maybe it is worth calling one or twice a week?" - advised familiar Rudolf. "Perhaps Eric wants one to be alone." But Rudolf did not think so. He decided to fly to Sydney, but during the flight there was almost a trouble. Nuriev knew perfectly well that the KGB was looking for him worldwide to steal and return to the USSR. During the stop in Cairo, it almost happened. The pilot suddenly asked all passengers to leave the plane, explaining this by technical problems. Everyone came out, and only the genius of world ballet remained to sit, convulsively squeezing the handle of the chair. He was great frightened. "Help," said Nuriyev approached the stewardess. "KGB hunts me." The stewardess looked at him as an abnormal, but, looking out the window, saw two men who quickly headed to the plane. "Go to the toilet," she whispered to Nuriev. "I will tell them that he does not work." KGB officers fully searched the plane and even knocked on the door of the locked toilet. "I stared at the mirror and saw himself," recalled the Nuriyev subsequently.
And the relationship with Eric was never improved. In vain flew. "I can't be near him, we are a ruck of each other," Bruun complained to friends. And Nuriyev said to the same friends that he would forever be tied his life with Eric, if he allowed him. What Eric answered again: "Rudolph declared me with a model of freedom and independence - I always did what I wanted. Well, what happened between us in the first years - the explosions, collisions, it could not continue for a long time. If Rudolf wanted everything to be different, well, I am very sorry. "
So unoriginal - "I am very sorry" - and this rapid love romance ended.

Nuriev gave at least 300 performances per year in all corners of the world and never left the scene more than two weeks. They said that he did not dance only in Antarctica.
Traveling through the light, Nuriev experienced the influence of various ballet schools - Danish, American, English, - remaining the faithful Russian classical school. This was the essence of the "Nuriyev style". During his career, he shifted, perhaps, all the main men's party. He skillfully supported the interest of the audience to himself. He drove and teased. As critics said: "One of the main lines of creating their own stage image was the desire to highlight as much as possible during the performance." Nuriev often went to the scene with a bare breast, and in his own version of the "sleeping beauty" first appeared to be covered in a long, before the floor, cape. Then he turned his back to the hall and slowly lowered it while she finally did not frozen below the beautifully outlined buttocks. This art will be presented to Nuriev carefully stored until the very end of his career. "I dance for your own pleasure," he said more than once. - If you are trying to delight everyone, it is not original. "
He was constantly surrounded by the roam of fans - the elderly ladies and beautiful young men. He shocked by the fact that it was consistently kissed. Seeing the embarrassment of others, he was delighted. And he said that this is an old Russian custom (!!!).
He never suffered from nostalgia. His Paris to a friend who has posted that he isgun on a foreign one without relatives and friends, he cut off: "Do not attribute to me your thoughts. I'm completely happy here, I do not miss anyone for anyone. Life gave me everything I wanted , all chances. " So he lived not a year or two, but decades.
He did not think about the fact that he would soon have to pay the highest price for his insatiability.
In the meantime, he worked a lot, drank a lot.

The artists of the ballet school practiced abstinence before the performance, and Nuriyev argued that he could not dance, if he did not attend whose explanations. The routine is such: first - sex, then - lunch.
"On the other night; -scase Roland Petit. "Rudolph led me on the backyard of the Central Station, to the area where they reigned travelers. We walked pastly balancing on high heels powdered men with unnaturally chubby lips, long braids, in the mesh stockings. Someone coquetty rushed into a nylon fur coat, someone boldly swallowed the hem, demonstrating a naked body. Theater absurd! Night nightmare reality, sleep or nonsense ... I will not say exactly! At some point I became truly scary. Rudolph was clearly amused by my confusion, he himself laughed and felt himself, I must say, great. The danger of him started. Outside the scene, he was needed the same dose of adrenaline ... I did not understand how this "God", in the light of the day, is brilliant in the scene, with the onset of darkness turns into a demonic character. "
Saving from taboos and prohibitions of the socialist homeland, Nureyev was eager to taste from that sexual paradise, which found in the West. There were no complexes or remorse: seeing something liked, Nureev was supposed to get it. His desires were in the first place, and he satisfied them under any circumstances, day and night, on the streets, in bars, gay saunas. Somehow, coming out of the official entrance of the Parisian opera and seeing the crowd of fans, Rudolph exclaimed: "And where are the boys?"

The redundancy of wealth is very ruined and corrupted. I thought that everything could buy, but for a lot, simply, I did not consider it necessary to pay. He hid his financial reports literally from all. His pathological misfortune has become a parable in languages.
The noble lover on stage, in his life he could be enough rude and cutting. With Igor Moisev, they did not even get to the restaurant, where they were going to dine together. "In the car I noticed," Moses recalled, "the mood changed dramatically. At the end of some kind of phrase, he said obsessively. I could not explain the reason for his discontent, although I was talking about his unsuccessful character. After a while he expressed him Even sharper. Here I could not resist: "Is it really all that you have left from the Russian language?" My phrase led Nureyev to rabies. " So not having time to make friends and speak humanly, they broke up.
Tatyana Kizilova - Russian emigrant of the first wave in Paris: "We collected money for Russians in need of Paris, and I personally turned to Nuriev, who led the Grand Opera. And he drove me with the words:" Do not serve all the poor ". Madly miser was A man. Soon, Nuriev came to our church and wanted to sacrifice, but he was denied it. And literally in a year he died. Apparently came to a completely sick person, he wanted to repent and help ... And he received a refusal. "
Behind the speeches, the master requested the fabulous fees and at the same time never wore pocket money: everywhere, and in restaurants and in stores they paid friends for him. At the same time, Nuriev could lower tens of thousands of dollars to buy dubious art objects and antiques. Friends were bred by their hands, believing that this compensation for the hungry Ufa childhood.
His Paris Apartment was literally clogged with such things, especially liked the dancer painting and sculpture with naked male bodies. A separate passion was at home and apartments: he owned mansions worldwide - Villa near Monaco, Victorian house in London, Apartment in Paris, Apartment in New York, Farm in Virginia, Villa on Saint-Barth Island in Caribbean, Property Gully Island next to Naples ..., Nuriyev had even his own island in the Mediterranean Sea. The most stunning purchase in the form of two islands in the Mediterranean cost him 40 million dollars. Nuriyev's condition was estimated at 80 million dollars.

For more than 20 years, the dance genius took from life that he wanted: pleasure, money, fame and worship.
In 1983, Nuriev accepted the offer of the Paris "Grand Opera", becoming a soloist, choreographer and director at the same time. And again, he was in the usual and his beloved role - one against everyone. Troupe, and before his arrival, torn by intrigues and scandals, now rods against the new choreographer. Nuriev demanded unquestionless subordination, and the artists were not the soul of some habits in the behavior of the chef and his manner to communicate. The war, which was held all six years of his stay in this position, ended in favor of "strong" Nuriyev, who managed to create a single ensemble from the troupe.
It seemed that his strength and energy were endless, like his wealth and glory. The loan coped for a long time. Fate, too, much gave him without requiring nothing in return. But it's time, and Rudolf had to pay a terrible price accounts.
The disease was found at the Great Dancer at the end of 1984. Nuriyev himself came to a reception to the Young Parisian doctor of Michel Kezia, with whom he met a year before the London Ballet Festival. Nuriyev was examined in one of the prestigious clinics and put a killer diagnosis - AIDS (he has already developed in the patient's body over the past 4 years).

His diagnosis was taverged. He was sure that his money and profession of doctors would not give him to die. He got used to buy everything. Is it really not to pay off now?
Ho every year, life takes more effort away from Nuriyev and brings everything to the test. In 1986, Bruun, Nuriev, who quit everything was serious, came to him. "My friend Eric Brun helped me more than I can express," said Nuriyev in one interview. "I need it most of all." They spoke late, but when Rudolph returned to him next morning, Eric could no longer talk, and only watched his eyes behind Rudolph. Brun died in March 1986. An official diagnosis - PAC, but evil tongues argued that Brun was sick - AIDS. Rudolf was seriously worried by Eric's death and could never recover from this blow. Do not give your favorite too beautiful, because the hand submitted and the hand accepted inevitably break out ...
Together with Erica of his life, young recklessness and hot care was gone. Photo Erica always stood on his desk. Even after the death of the famous Danish dancer, Nuriev never forgot him - he meant too much in his life.
He stayed one on one with himself, the upcoming old age and a deadly disease. And although Nureyev somehow quietly threw: "What is this AIDS? I am Tatar, I'm fucking him, and not he," Rudolph understood that he was released into the edge.

The next year brings even more terrible news - Rudolf's mother dies in Ufa. Back in 1976, a committee was established, consisting of famous cultural figures, which gathered more than ten thousand signatures asking to give Mother Rudolph Nuriev permission to leave the USSR. Forty-two senators of the United States of America appealed personally to the heads of the country, the UN came with Nuriyev, but everything turned out to be useless. Only after the arrival of Mikhail Gorbacheva Nuriev was able to commit two trips to his homeland. Only in 1987, he was allowed to come to Ufa for a while in order to say goodbye to the dying mother, which by that time few knew. In Sheremetyev, journalists asked him what he was thinking about Gorbachev. "He is better than others," said Nureyev. For Nureyev, it was desperately a bold invasion of politics: Neither Khrushchev, nor under Gorbachev, he was not a smooth account of anything.
Finally, after a long effort, Rudolf got the opportunity to visit his homeland. Before the death of the mother, in November 1987, the Gorbachev government allowed the artist's brief visit to Ufa to say goodbye to her. But when he finally saw a mother after twenty-alerted separation, the old dying woman did not recognize in this man, who had just overcome five thousand miles, her son

B 1990 he visited Russia to say goodbye to the Mariinsky Theater, where he once began his career. And in 1991, the completely exhausted, Nuriev decided to change the profession - decided to try himself as a conductor and successfully performed in this capacity in many countries.
In 1992, his illness passed into the last stage. "After all, I understand that the older, you will not leave anywhere. I think about it all the time, I hear the clock reject my time on stage, and I often say to myself: you have a little bit left ... "
Nuriyev hurried - he very much wanted to complete the performance of the play "Being". And fate gave him this chance.
On October 8, 1992, after the premiere of "Bidjad", Nurieving in the chair in the chair, received the highest award of France in the field of culture, the title of Cavaller the Order of the Honorary Legion. Hall applauded standing. Nuriyev climb from his chair could not ...

For some time, Nuriev became easier, but soon he will fall into the hospital and will no longer be released from there.
In Paris, he spent the last hundred days of his life. This city opened the road to the world of glory and wealth, he closed the doors behind him.
"Now I'm the end?" - he constantly asked his doctor. He could no longer eat anything. Nutrition was administered through Vienna. According to the doctor who was constantly near Nuriev, the great dancer died quietly and without suffering. This happened on January 6, 1993, he was fifty-four years old. With him in the ward were the nurse and sister Rosa, which was destined to attend the birth and death of his brother ...
In his opera stood a coffin with a wreath of white lilies, the same as Prince Albert put on Giselle's grave. Under the sounds of Tchaikovsky, six of his favorite dancers under the applause of almost 700 people in the marble steps of the ballet temple carried his coffin on the Russian cemetery Saint Genevieve de Bois in Paris

The farewell ceremony was furnished with Shikom: during the civilian memorization in the building, the Grand Opera played Baha, Tchaikovsky, artists read in five languages \u200b\u200bof Pushkina, Bairon, Goethe, Rembo, Michelangelo - such was his death will. Panhid arranged in Muslim, and on the Orthodox rite. Nuriyev lay in a coffin in a strict black suit and in Chalme, that; Which greedily took away all that she offered him: glory, passion, money, strength; Not suspecting that all this is given on credit. Probably before dying, he already knew exactly what to pay on accounts.
And to top it all, Nuriyev was buried next to Sergey Lifarem, whom Rudolph could not have tolerate all his life. The grave was covered with a Persian carpet. So, among the Orthodox crosses of Russian noble tombs, under the ringing of the bells found his last refinement, an unsurpassed mage dance.
Christmas Eve descended to Earth already without black ...