Folk drama: presentation of the work “Tsar Maximilian. Tsar Maximilian (I) (folk heroic-romantic drama)

Folk drama: presentation of the work “Tsar Maximilian. Tsar Maximilian (I) (folk heroic-romantic drama)


(National Theater / Comp., Introductory article, preparation of texts and comments by A.F. Nekrylova, N.I.Savushkina. - M .: Sov. Russia, 1991. - (B-ka of Russian folklore; T. 10), pp. 151-204, comments pp. 504-505).


Tsar Maximilian.
Adolf, his son.
Tsar Mamai.
Anika the warrior.
The nephew of Tsar Mamai.

Skorokhod-field marshal.
Warriors of Tsar Maximilian 1 .
Warriors of King Mamai 1 .

1 Usually two, but sometimes more.


Participants in the performance form a free semicircle in the middle of the hut, in the middle of which there is Ambassador and, saluting, appeals to the public.

So I came here!
Excuse me for being
That I am in a thin dress -
I have a dress uniform at home,
Which has fifteen holes
And fifty-two patches;
With me, bribes are smooth.
Goodbye gentlemen
Tsar Maximilian will come here soon! (Leaves.)


Tsar Maximilian jumps out onto the stage and walks back and forth for a while with brisk steps, waving a naked saber; then stops in front of the throne, continuing his speech and waving a sword.

Tsar Maximilian
Ugh! Here the storm is blowing
There is a blizzard here!
I'll break the wall, fly with an arrow!
Great, friends!
Do not eat a star from heaven fell
And illuminated the earthly circle -
It was me, a good fellow, who came here.
Hello gentlemen!
Was born in the lush capital-mother,
He married his wife, Queen Troyan,
From which the son of Adolf was born.
And that, I see, is depraved ...
(Goes to the throne.)
And for whom was this throne built?
I will sit on this throne -
And I will judge the rebellious son of Adolf.
(Sits on the throne.)
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne


Skorokhod quickly runs up to the throne and all the time holds his hand under the visor, leaving, turns to the left in a circle; generally tries to behave in a military manner.

I will return from right to left,
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,

Or is my sword dulled
Here I stand in front of you,
Order me yourself!
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring me my beloved pages with a gold crown,
And the scepter and the orb -
All-Russian honor and glory.
I will go and bring you!
(Turns in a military way to the left in a circle and leaves.)


A solemn procession appears: ahead two pages on trays they carry a gilded crown, a scepter and an orb, behind them, two in a row, several warriors with drawn checkers; the pages, giving the crown to Tsar Maximilian, kneel.

We are going to the king,
We carry the crown of gold,
We'll put it on the head,
Themselves will sing a song.
(They sing a song.)
The field, our field,
The field is clean, Turkish,
When will we pass you, the field?
Tsar Maximilian (puts on the crown and takes up the scepter and orb)
On my head is a golden crown,
The whole kingdom is defended;
V right hand scepter,
And on the left is the power,
Yes, honor and glory to me throughout Russia.
And what about me, a strong and brave king
Maximilian, do not be proud,
When everyone falls to their knees in front of me?
I was on the sea-ocean,
I was on the Buyan island,
I have judged kings and princes,
Kings and queens
And all sorts of nobles,
Yes, and the king himself almost got to the kosh!
And where, why does it happen,
To see the slain king?
I myself have all the signs and distinctions
And I own the whole kingdom.
Here is my sword, damask,
And the devil himself is not happy with him:
And he is afraid of my sword
And it will fall through the ground,
Through which the whole world will become proud
And all Europe will rejoice;
Yes, and to me, the strong and formidable Tsar Maximilian,
Honor and praise!
All present (sing in chorus and very loudly)
Glory, glory, glory!
Glory to Tsar Maximilian!
Honor and praise!
(They sing it three times.)
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or has my sharp sword dulled?
Or I, Field Marshal Skorokhod, of what have I done wrong?
Tsar Maximilian
I will go and fetch your rebellious son Adolf.


Skorokhod leaves and immediately comes back: in one hand a naked saber, in the other it leads by the hand Adolf, which is apparently reluctant.

Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,

Or have I, your son Adolf, wronged you?
Tsar Maximilian
You - my son?
So what is it? Your son!
Tsar Maximilian
Am I your parent?
So what is it? You are my parent!
Tsar Maximilian
Listen son Adolf
I rolled down the Volga down my mother
And I knew with a free gang, with robbers.
Tsar Maximilian
Was your boat great?
Nose in Kostroma,
Feed in Astrakhan.
Tsar Maximilian
Was your gang big?
Seven hundred fifty two,
And the third - your son Adolf - me!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, you monster!
You torment the royal heart!
Yours will be lost gold Crown
And the hereditary throne, and the state,
And all the royal honor and glory!
Stand to the side and wait for your fate!
(Shouts through the audience.)
Skorokhod-field marshal,


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or is my sword dulled
Or am I, Field Marshal Skorokhod, of what have I done wrong before you?
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Go and take my rebellious son Adolf to prison.

Skorokhod turns in a military fashion, steep to the left, approaches Adolf, ties his hands and, holding his sword bald, leads him off the stage.

Adolf (leaves slowly singing a dull song)
The unbearable Tsarevich sat in the dungeon
And I waited for myself to die
From evil executioners ...


Flies onto the stage Tsar Mamai with several warriors; the warriors become a semicircle, and Tsar Mamai, having run back and forth several times, stops in the middle of the stage and, waving a naked sword, begins his speech.

Tsar Mamai
Stop friends!
Here I am,
Formidable king Mamai,
With your armed warriors!
Hello my warriors,
Armed warriors!
Warriors (sing a song)
All Tatars rebelled -
A warlike people:
"Come out, bassoons,
We challenge you to battle! .. "
(They march around the stage several times and leave, led by Tsar Mamai.)


Chained in armor appears on the stage Black Knight: slowly moving, he approaches the throne and, shaking his spear, turns to Tsar Maximilian.

I come under your city Anton,
I give honor and glory to all kingdom and dignity,
To the terrible tsar Mamay I declare myself:
Here I am the Arab knight,
I came from the Asian steppes,
From the pharmaceutical regions,
And I got to the enemy's land,
Into the enemy's hands.
In the enemy's land
I’ll lay my wild head down for nothing.
I go, I hurry under the hail Anton - I will burn the Anton hail with fire,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Give me a knight like that
With which I could fight
And chop
And converge on sharp swords.
If you don’t give such a knight,
I'll burn the city of Anton with fire,
I will take you, Tsar Maximilian, alive,
Anike the warrior I will cut off the head
To the right side.
No matter how ashamed
It's not a shame:
One day I walk across an open field
On a wide expanse -
I see a good fellow are coming
And the red maiden:
Are merciful,
And me, the king's son,
Yes, they are pushing in the neck.
Ugh! What a damned place here!
There are streams on the mountains
And in the woods - a nightingale whistle ...
Who is in this kingdom the harness
And who maintains the throne of this power?
Tsar Maximilian
Strong and brave Tsar Maximilian!
Damned Maximilian! I've been to four countries of the world
And I remembered you, the accursed Maximilian.
Wherever you get caught
I would have fought with you there.
Go, king, from the throne,
Get off the throne immediately!
Otherwise I'll knock you down
I will enter your kingdom
And I will execute you with an evil death!
Tsar Maximilian
Field Marshal Skorokhod!
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why do you call the Skorokhod-Field Marshal,
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring Anika the warrior here.
I will go and bring you!
(Turns and marches.)


Is old, gray-haired Warrior; slowly, with dignity, he approaches the throne and bows in the belt to Tsar Maximilian.

Anika the warrior
Oh great lord
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the warrior Anika?
Or do you command the laws?
Or has my sharp sword dulled?
Tsar Maximilian
Go to distant countries,
To the limits of Jerusalem,
And conquer the whole ugly class
Who does not believe my idols-gods ...
And on our border
In our reserved meadows
There is some kind of warrior
In the name and family of an Arab,
Which the devil himself is not happy;
And he wants to beat and conquer all our possessions.
And me, the strong and brave Tsar Maximilian, to take prisoner alive,
And you, Anike the warrior,
Blow off your head
To the right to the side.
Go and protect!
Anika the warrior
I go and protect!
On our border
And in our reserved meadows
There is a warrior
In the name and family of an Arab,
To which the devil himself is not a brother:
Wants to conquer and conquer all our troops
And take Tsar Maximilian alive into captivity,
And to me, Anike the warrior,
Wants to cut off my head
To the right to the side ...
(Runs up to the Arab and shouts at him.)
What are you, cursed crow,
I flew all over the region,
Haven't you seen my courage?
What do you want in my kingdom,
I don't bother
And I want to fight with you!

A fierce battle begins.

Anika the warrior
Protect yourself!
Anika the warrior
Say goodbye to life!
Pray to God, the end is coming!
Anika the warrior
Ugh, you monster!
My damask sword
And your head off your shoulders!
Take care of yours!

They stop beating, tired, and rest for a while.

Arab (sings a song)

Black raven that you curl
Over my head?
You will not wait for prey, -
Black Raven - I'm not yours!

Black crow that you fly
Over my head?
Ali, do you drink prey? -
Black raven - I'm not yours! ..

Anika the warrior(interrupting his singing)
What are you, cursed black Arab,
Are you asleep or delirious?
I am not sleeping,
And I think strong thought:
Come out, impudent warrior Anika,
Let's fight you again!

They start to beat again.

Anika the warrior
Protect yourself!
Anika the warrior
I am fighting!
I defend myself!
(Kills Anika the warrior.)
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and fetch the old man Markushka the grave-digger!
I will go and bring you!


Skorokhod drags the decrepit, tattered by the hand old man

Oh great lord
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling old Markushka?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command? Or is my sword dulled?

Tsar Maximilian
Markushka, I have business with you!
What's the deal?
Tsar Maximilian
Here lies a dead body
Take it away so that it does not smolder above the ground.
So that the sun does not burn
So that the rain does not wet
So that the worms do not grind,
And the devils did not drag them into the water.
What will you give me for this?
Tsar Maximilian
I'll give you a coin.
And I don’t even have a pocket.
Tsar Maximilian
The old woman will sew it at home.
Take it away soon, -
If you take it away soon, I'll give it a nickel.
Otherwise, it will pass like that.
I'll go and clean it up!
(Goes to the corpse, stops over it and speaks.)
You still need to measure
Is it great to make a coffin.
(He takes a stick and begins to lightly remove Aniku-warrior in different places.)
One two Three -
And you wipe your nose!
Three four five -
Time to sleep!
(He flicks Aniku-warrior on the forehead with a stick, he jumps up and runs away; Markushka hobbles after him, groaning and limping.)
Everything (shouting)
Risen! Risen!
Tsar Maximilian
Where is the devil? What devil is there?
(To the soldiers.)
Warriors, my warriors
Warriors armed
Go and find me a demon!
Let's go and find
In all corners to .......!

They go into the crowd and begin to look for the devil: they climb into the pockets, pull off the handkerchiefs from the women, take the opportunity to look under the hem. Squealing, swearing begins, confusion rises, and sometimes, if the seekers turn out to be too impudent on hand, - and a dump. Having made quite a splash, warriors return to the throne and report to Tsar Maximilian.

Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
We went around all the secret places,
The devil was not found anywhere.
Tsar Maximilian
Give them ten hot!


With slow steps, as if walking, it leaves Goddess... After her first speech, like a madman, waving his naked sword, he jumps out Marets.

Hello all honorable gentlemen,
So I came here!
I walked through the clear fields
And she conquered many lands,
Only one land is not conquered -
And that Martsovo field.
I'll wind up, I'll wind up on the blue sea
From the blue sea to Martsovo field;
I will burn the whole Martsovo field with fire,
I will take Marets himself prisoner!
Ugh you! What do I hear?
What do I see?
And he reproaches me, the knight of Marets.
Do you know who I am?
Brave knight Marets!
I'll stand on a stone -
The stone will disintegrate;
I will take a look at the sea -
The sea will stir!
From my gaze
The clouds stop
From my defiant hand
A bloody river has flowed!
And to me, the knight Marets,
All the kings and kings flocked to the border
And they gave me honor and glory.
Goddess (falls to his knees in front of him, stretching out his hands)
Have mercy on me, brave knight Marets!

Marets pulls out a saber and stands, holding the saber over the head of the Goddess.


Enters the stage Branbeul, lowering his head downward, as if in thought, and reasoning with himself.

One day I go
On a clear field,
On a wide expanse
And in the local I've been to the garden,
And he lost his sister, the Goddess.
(He punches himself in the chest.)
My heart beats
My blood boils ...
(Quickly raising his head and stopping before the Goddess.)
Oh god, who do I see?
My sister is on her knees!
Tell me, sister, who are you standing in front of -
I will protect you with my sword!
Before the knight Martz.
Oh, you damned Marets!
Attacked an innocent girl
Like a lion to a fox
Yes, and you torment
Ali don't you know me?
And who are you?
Or a matchmaker,
Or patron,
Or a protector?
I am not a brother
And not a matchmaker
And not a patron -
Innocent protector
Protecting my sister!
Come out to mortal combat!
I am fighting!
And I am fighting!
Protect yourself!
I defend myself!

Fight with each other. After a while, Branbeul falls to his knees.

Death or belly?
Give belly
For at least three hours!
Get up, corpse, from under my heroic feet!

Branbeul jumps up and quickly runs off the stage. The audience laughs.


The same and Anika the warrior.

Having bowed to the Tsar Maximilian, he quickly turns to the knight Martz and, having pulled out his saber, begins to swing it and stamp his feet, stepping on Martz.

Anika the warrior
Ugh, ugh!
Hands, legs are trembling
Everyone says about Martz,
As if he would stand on a stone -
The stone is crumpled;
Looks at the sea -
The sea will shake;
As if from his mighty gaze
Clouds stop;
As if from his mighty hand
The blood of the river flows;
As if to him, the knight Martz,
Kings and kings came to the border
And they saluted him,
And they gave praise!
Is it true?
Anika the warrior
Is not true
And there is truth in our swords.
I am fighting!
And I am fighting!
Anika the warrior
Protect yourself!
I defend myself!
Anika the warrior
Defend yourself boldly, I will not give you mercy,
I will betray evil death!

After a short fight, Anika the warrior kills Martz and leaves the battlefield.

Tsar Maximilian
Warriors, my warriors
Armed warriors
Take away this body
He fought bravely
And deserves a better fate!

Two warriors carry away the body of Martz.

Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring the rebellious son of Adolf to me!
I'll go and bring you!


Skorokhod leads the chained Adolf and puts him in front of the throne of Tsar Maximilian, while he himself always stands behind, holding a sword on his shoulder.

Here is your rebellious son, Adolf.
Tsar Maximilian
Listen, Adolf; my son,
The second time I tell you:
Trust my gods.
I believe in lord god
And your idol gods
Sword as I want
I'm trampling into the mud!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, you monster!
You torment the royal heart.
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Go and take the rebellious son of Adolf to the dungeon,
Into that dungeon
Where merchants and boyars sit,
Who sold Moscow
For three barrels of sand,
And put him on bread and water!
I will go and take you away.
(Takes Adolf by the rune and takes him away.)
Adolf (sings a song)
In an unbearable dungeon
The prince was sitting
And he waited for himself to die
From evil executioners ...


Appears on the stage young knight 3miulan; first he walks across the stage, carefully examining it, then begins to get excited and brandish a sword.

What a place here
What a wonderful thing!
In this place I would
Built a magnificent princely palace
With a high tower
And I would live and have fun,
Yes, with pretty girls to be found ...
I am in a hurry to the city Anton:
I will burn the city of Anton with fire,
And I will take Maximilian, who was cursed alive.
And Anike the warrior
Cut off my head
To the right side!
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Come and bring the invincible warrior Aniku here.
I will go and bring you.


The same and Anika the warrior.

Anika the warrior
Oh great lord
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why do you call Anika the warrior?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Or has my sharp sword dulled?
Or am I guilty before you?
Tsar Maximilian
Warrior, you are my warrior
Beloved warrior
Come to distant countries,
To the limits of Jerusalem,
Beat and conquer all the ugly tribe,
Which does not believe our idol-gods ...
And on our border
In our reserved meadows
There is some kind of warrior
In the name of Zmiulan,
And wants to beat all our troops,
And take me, Tsar Maximilian, alive.
And you, Anike the warrior, Cut off your head
To the right side.
Anika the warrior
Fu you, My God,
What do I hear before me?
As if on our border
And in our reserved meadows
There is a warrior named Zmiulan,
And he wants to defeat and conquer all our troops,
To take Tsar Maximilian himself alive,
And to me, Anike the warrior,
Blow off your head
To the right side!
(He turns to Zmiulan, menacingly stepping on him and swinging a sword over his head.)
What are you, crow,
Are you flying all over the kingdom?
Ali you don’t know my courage?
Do you know who I am?
Anika Ikhonets -
A native of the other world!
I was in Italy
I was on and on;
I was in Paris
I was closer
I was in the Crimea,
I was in hell too.
I was in hell -
And there the devils were not happy with me,
And now, having come to Russia,
I'm not afraid of the devil itself!
What are you, cursed Zmiulan, bothering about?
Or do you want death from my sword?
I am fighting!
I defend myself!

After a short fight Anika the warrior throws down the sword and goes to the throne of Tsar Maximilian. Tsar Maximilian stomps at him and screams.

Tsar Maximilian
How are you, impudent traitor,
Dare to flee from the battlefield?
I will send you to Siberia
And I will mercilessly shoot!
Anika the warrior
Oh great lord
Conqueror of the whole world,
Let me say one word.
Tsar Maximilian
Speak, but do not speak,
Look back often!
Anika the warrior
I was not your traitor,
My damask sword disintegrated into dust.
Give me a new weapon soon
I'm going to beat all the heroes!
Tsar Maximilian
Here's a new grip for you.
Anika the warrior
I will take up arms, I will fulfill the law
I'm going to fight the enemy.
Here is my sharp sword glistening
And your whole life lies in my hands.
Anika the warrior
Show off, knight, when in my arms
My sword crumbled to dust
And now I have a sting.
(Shoots at Zmiulan and kills him on the spot.)
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian,
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and fetch old Markushka the grave-digger.
I will go and bring you.


Skorokhod drags a decrepit ragged old man by the hand Markushka the grave-digger who resists with all his might. The skorokhod rewards him with several knee blows below the waist and, holding him by the collar, puts him in front of Tsar Maximilian.

Oh great lord
The winner of the whole world
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Or is my sword dulled?
Or am I guilty before you?
Tsar Maximilian
Again, you, old devil, have business.
Take away this dead body
So that it does not smolder above the ground,
So that the sun does not burn,
Markushka (with displeasure)

Hey you, you green, get up! The sun has already rolled out over there. (He points to the sky with a stick, while trying to hurt someone.) It doesn’t melt, apparently, he’s dead. Yes, I'm afraid of him!
Tsar Maximilian
To the very place
Where do your legs grow from,
So all the fear will pass.
And I'll come for the money in the morning.

Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
I wish you some fun -
Come and bring Hussar here!
I will go and bring you.


Rattling spurs, flies out Hussar in a fantastic uniform covered with red stripes; the chest is completely hung with crosses and medals; he walks up to the throne and does under the visor.

Tsar Maximilian
Listen, warrior Hussar,
Where have you been to this time?
I, your imperial majesty, stood on your border.
Protected your kingdom.
Tsar Maximilian
Well, tell me, what have you saved?
Here I am a jury hussar,
I fought a brave battle with the Turks;
Bullets, cannonballs flew around me,
Like bees buzzed
And I, the sworn hussar, were not hurt.
Here is my daredevil saber
All enemies were a villain
See, see, gentlemen,
As a hussar is always brave:
My chest is decorated with crosses and medals
From foreign princes
And from Tsar Maximilian there is
Yegoryevsky cross ...
Peaceful time has come
And the hussar felt at ease.
It's over, the long journey is over,
I see my dear land!
Time will rest
Me and my dear friend ...


With the singing of a song comes out Goddess and slowly walks up and down the stage.

Goddess (sings)
I loved, I loved
One hussar;
Now I, now I
Left without him ...
(Seeing Hussar, he stops singing and cries out.)
Oh my god, lovely dreams!
Let me enjoy love with you for an hour, lovely Goddess!
You can, darling, you can.
Hussar (hugs the Goddess and sings)
Hussar, leaning on a saber,
In deep sorrow stood ...


Pops up Cossack and, seeing the Goddess in the arms of the Hussar, immediately stops in front of them.

What do I see! Two friends got along.
Well, now I’ll ask,
Why did she give her heart to another?
Shut up, liar!
If I am a liar, then you are stupid!
And if I'm stupid
So you yourself are a fool with all your face!
Let's go to the open field to fight
To amuse yourself with sharp swords!
Protect yourself!
I am fighting!
I defend myself!

Cossack knocks a saber out of the hands of the Hussar.

Hussar (falling to my knees)
Have mercy!
Die, wretch!
(Kills Hussar.)

Hussar falls, arms outstretched.

Cossack (shaking his saber)
This rusty weapon pierced the villain's chest.
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why do you call the Skorokhod-Field Marshal
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get the doctor here!
I will go and bring you.


Slowly enters the middle of the stage Doctor, in a short jacket, trousers outside, a bowler hat on his head; long nose and long flax hair; in one hand a cane, in the other a vial of medicine.

Tsar Maximilian
Is the doctor here?
Here! What do you want, your imperial majesty?
Tsar Maximilian
No matter what
It is necessary to resurrect the Hussar!
I'll give you some lotions
From the fortieth barrel.
Tversky, Spassky hundreds, I will let you into the next world,
And I will resurrect Hussar.
(It splashes on the Hussar from a bubble. The Hussar jumps up. Both, embracing, leave.)
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
Before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian I will appear:
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Come and bring my rebellious son Adolf to me!
I will go and bring your rebellious son Adolf to you.


The same and Adolf.

Tsar Maximilian
Listen, Adolf, my son,
For the third time I tell you:
Trust our gods!
I believe in one Lord God,
And your idol gods
Sword as I want
And trample them in the mud!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, you monster!
You torment the royal parental heart! ..
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Bring Afonka the blacksmith here.
I'm going and bring Afonka the blacksmith here.


Appears on the stage Blacksmith with an apron, with pliers in one hand, with a hammer in the other.

Tsar Maximilian
Afonka, are you?
Afonka the blacksmith
I, your royal majesty.
Tsar Maximilian
Chain my recalcitrant son Adolf in chains weighing a hundred pounds, and lay from shoulders to spurs.
(takes Adolf's hands and fetters them; then, one by one, puts his feet on the stool and also fetters. All the seed sings a song)
Along the wide street
The young blacksmith is walking;
It goes, it goes, it goes,
Sings a song with a whoosh.
Chorus (singing the chorus)
Knock, knock, knock!
At ten in hand!
Let's hit it on, brothers, suddenly!
Love me, Parasha,
Dashing fellow, Daring, daring
That Afonka the blacksmith.
Chorus (singing the chorus)
If you love me
We will live happily
If you stop loving me
You will walk around the world.
Chorus (singing the chorus)
Holy mother, virgin pure!
Who came here
Chain pulls laid
From shoulders to spurs -
Exactly I am a robber or a thief!
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal, go and take my rebellious son Adolf to the dungeon.
I'll go and take you.


In the middle of the stage comes Tsar Mamai, dressed in a long robe, wearing a crown, with crosses and medals on his chest. Two warriors behind him they carry his throne, which they put against the throne of Tsar Maximilian. Mamai, spinning around the stage a little, Sits on the throne.

Tsar Mamai
Where are you, my dear nephew,
Where are you, my faithful messenger?
Nephew (leaving the throne)
Anything, dear uncle?
Go, take a formidable note to Tsar Maximilian and ask him for precious gifts.

Nephew he takes a note to Tsar Maximilian, he reads it, throws it on the floor and stomps on it with his feet, and then gives another note to the Nephew. The nephew takes it and, in turn, hands it over to Mamai.

Mamay (after reading the note)
Ugh! What do I see?
What do I hear?
Instead of precious gifts -
Bullets, cores towards,
In pursuit of stones, Arrows under the sides;
His damask sword, -
And my head is off my shoulders.
No, no, that will never happen!
Go, king, from the throne,
Take off your crown
Otherwise I will knock myself down,
I will enter the kingdom,
I will fill the hero
And you, the cursed Tsar Maximilian, I will take prisoner
And I will torment you with an evil death!
Tsar Maximilian
(takes off the crown, puts it on the throne and, taking a saber from the pages, goes to fight with Mamai)
And what are you, damned Mamai, do you bother in my kingdom?
Or do you want death from my sword?
I don't bother
And I want to fight with you!
Tsar Maximilian
Protect yourself!
Tsar Maximilian
I am fighting!
I defend myself!
Tsar Maximilian (sings a song)
The king said goodbye to the Golden Horde,
He came to the city of Onton,
With the king himself he fought there
And fell from a sharp sword.
(Suddenly rushes at Mamai and kills him, for the company and the Nephew; then sits down on the throne again, puts on the crown and shouts.)
Skorokhod-field marshal.
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian.


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Imagine here the Grave Digger Markushka immediately.
I'll go and present you immediately.
(Turns and screams over the heads of the audience)
Hey you, devil-red-headed,
Grave cavalier,
You will be with the old woman,
It's time to get out to Russia! ..
(No one responds to Skorokhod, after waiting a little, he continues.)
Markushka, go or something, old devil,
The king himself is calling!
Markushka (from behind the scene)
Wait a little, the images are confused!
You're lying, old horse-radish, we felt the old woman!


The same and Markushka.

Here, your imperial majesty, I dragged it out by force!
Your dying high-not-jump,
How long will you bother me for a long time?
You do your business here,
And you just waste me -
I will never go again!
Tsar Maximilian
And you will not go good,
So dragged by the drag!
You see, there are two dead bodies lying here,
Take them away so that they do not smolder above the ground ...

Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring my rebellious son Adolf to me.
I'll go and bring you!


The same and Adolf.

Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the son of Adolf?
Or what deeds do you command?
Or has my sharp sword dulled?
Tsar Maximilian
Listen Adolf
For the last time I tell you:
Trust my idol gods!
I believe in lord god
And your gods to the dirt to the sword
And I trample them with my feet!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, damn you!
Your crown will be gone
And the hereditary throne.
Warrior executioner
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


Enters the stage Executioner in a red shirt, with a long sword on his shoulder, on his head a kind of military helmet.

I will turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why do you call the Executioner Warrior?
Or do you command deeds-decrees?
Or has my sharp sword dulled?
Or am I guilty before you?
Tsar Maximilian
Warrior, my warrior
Beloved warrior
Go to a distant country
To the limits of Jerusalem,
Beat and conquer the whole ugly class
Beat and conquer the whole wrong class
Who does not believe in our gods,
And chop off your head with your sword
To my recalcitrant son Adolf.
Listen, your majesty!
(Turning to Adolf, he says.)
Adolf, ask the king for forgiveness.
Forgive me parent
Destroyer of my soul!
Tsar Maximilian
Will not forgive!
Executioner, cut off your head soon
To my rebellious son Adolf on the right side!
I'm listening!
(To Adolf.)
Ask the king for forgiveness!
He asked, but he does not forgive!
(Turns to Tsar Maximilian.)
Parent, let me say goodbye to free light.
Tsar Maximilian
Goodbye, but hurry up.
Forgive me, dear father;
Forgive me parent
Destroyer of my soul!
I'm sorry my crown
And the hereditary throne!
Goodbye, my princess,
To know, not to see you and me!
Take revenge to my father,
Like a villainous scoundrel!
I will go to the damp earth
And I'll take love with me!
Goodbye east, goodbye and west
Goodbye north, goodbye south!


Appears on the stage Ambassador wearing a military uniform; over the uniform - a cape or cloak; coming out to the middle, the Ambassador bows to all four sides, and then he addresses Tsar Maximilian with a speech. The Ambassador is followed by two warriors.

Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Let me say a few words!
Tsar Maximilian
Speak, Ambassador, speak!
I heard you are the king's son
Want to chop off your head
To the right side, -
He was invincible with us
And we will not intimidate anyone:
He won many knights and heroes,
He turned cities and villages into ashes.
And I will help my friend, Adolf, out of trouble,
And let's go for a walk in the open field,
To beat knights and heroes.
Eh, friends! We, heroes, only need that in order to lay down our lives better and more courageously. To defeat Tsar Maximilian's army and take him prisoner, tear him to pieces and put him to evil death.
Let's break the wall and tear him out of the dungeon!
Hurray, comrades, follow me!

The ambassador and his retinue rush to Adolf, surround him and lead him with them, but unexpectedly meet Anika the warrior.


The same and Anika the warrior.

Anika the warrior.
Ugh, ugh!
What do I see?
What do I hear?
They want to destroy our army,
Take Tsar Maximilian prisoner
And put to evil death!
And what are you, cursed impudent Ambassador, giving orders and embarrassing the army and the knights? You will not see Adolf as your own ears!
A crow flew
Into other people's mansions
And she got out!
Anika the warrior
Protect yourself!
I am fighting!
Anika the warrior
I defend myself!
(Knocks the saber out of the Ambassador's hands and kills him. The executioner runs up to Adolf, brandishing his naked saber.)
Hold on sparrow
The falcon is flying
WITH high mountains:
The saber shines with lightning,
The death of Adolf is calling.
Oh dear friend Adolf,
You loved me and I loved you.
Well this rusty iron will pierce your chest
Will pierce my zealous heart too.
Eh, friends!
You can not do it this way!
I never saw
I have not heard by ear,
That the king began to punish his children.
Must be recent times it has arrived
So that the kings of their children began to execute!
Goodbye Adolf! Whom I love
That and the ruble!
(Kills Adolf and addresses the audience.)
Eh, friends,
You can not do it this way!
Who did I hack
Or, better to say, ruined -
You can call it a brother.
I myself don't want to live anymore:
I'll cut my head off
To the right side.
(Turns to Tsar Maximilian.)
Look, evil tormentor, I am dying because of you!
(He stabs himself in.)
Tsar Maximilian
What? Suicide?
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get the doctor.
I will go and bring you.


The same and Doctor.

Tsar Maximilian
Doctor, resurrect this young man.
(examines the dead in different ways, arousing laughter in the public with his body movements, and reports to the king)
The young man died.
Gadgets won't help either.
From the fortieth barrel,
No powders, no ointment,
No healing mud.
Death is the very first grade
And the devil took his soul away long ago.
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and fetch Mark the Grave Digger!
I will go and bring you!
Markushka! .. Markushka! .. Markushka-ah! ..
Markushka(from behind the scene)
Old devil, where are you?
Markushka(from behind the scene)
What are you doing there, old devil?
Markushka(from behind the scene)
S ... y
Come here quickly, you old fool!
Markushka (from behind the scene)
And what about?
Yes, go quickly, ... the king is calling!
Markushka (from behind the scene)
Now, just rub myself
I’ll be wrapped up
Yes, I will drag myself to you.


The same and Markushka.

Come quickly! The king is waiting!
The bird is not great - your king will wait.
Markushka is needed everywhere ...
And the bathhouse swamp,
And take off your beard,
And the old woman ...,
And go to the king.
Here I am,
Absolutely Maxim,
And the knapsack with him!
Wait a minute, I'll go
I'll ask the old woman
Do not think what -
Aren't there six hryvnias,
To take my soul away ...
(grabs old man Markushka by the collar and shakes him)
Yes, will you go, old devil ...
to the king, or should I drag you?
Now, now, father, I run and run and fall!
(Goes to the throne.)
Oh great lord
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Well, why are you calling Markushka?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Or is my sword dulled
Or what have I done wrong in front of you?
Tsar Maximilian
And you, son of a bitch, why are you fiddling about? It’s up to you here!
What's the matter?
Tsar Maximilian
And here lies a dead body,
Take it away so that it does not smolder above the ground,
So that the sun does not burn,
So that the worms do not grind,
So that the devils do not steal,
So that the jackdaws do not zap,
And our women did not cry.
What will you give me for this?
Tsar Maximilian
I'll give you a coin.
And I don’t even have a pocket!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, I'll give you a nickle,
Otherwise, you can clean it up like that.
High-speed Field Marshal, give the old man one time in the neck.

Skorokhod fulfills orders with great readiness.

Okay, okay, just don't be angry, I'll clean it up now.
(He takes a stick and condemns.)
You still need to measure ahead,
Is the coffin great to do.
(Measures the body with a stick, and pokes the dead at different places and condemns.)
One, two -
For firewood;
One two Three -
Wipe your nose;
Three four -
Have jumped in;
One, two, three, four, five -
Time to sleep!
(He clicks the dead man on the forehead with a stick, he jumps up and runs away, and gives Markushka a healthy slap on the ear.)
Oh, oh! .. Father Tsar,
I fell ill.
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get the doctor.
I will go and bring you.


The same and Doctor.

Tsar Maximilian
Here am I!
I am a doctor and a healer
Apothecary from under the Stone Bridge.
I know how to heal
I know how to drag
I can fly
I know how to separate with white light!
I cut out living places
And I put the dead in their place,
Blood to the sword
Bab I fly
I gouge out my eyes
I pin up boobs
I can do anything.
What will you make?
Tsar Maximilian
Cure this old man for me.
This minute, your majesty!
This old man
We must take by the sides
Shake two times
Yes in f ... shove an aspen stake -
It will be healthy.
(To the old man.)
Old man, what hurts?
Head? -
Shave her naked
Raise your skull
Yes, a pound of three g .... to tumble -
Will be healthy
Your head.
Old man, what hurts?
All chubby!
All chubby? -
Season with a butt
Scald with boiling water
Yes, three times with a birch log to hit -
You will be healthy!
Old man, what hurts?
Eyes? -
Give alternate times
Split an eyebrow
Bleed out,
M .... let in
And let go for a walk -
Your eyes will be healthy!
Old man, what hurts?
Belly? -
You need to eat thirty-three watermelons,
A piece of dog meat
Two cat sausages,
Rooster and chicken
Yes, skip through the whole green street
Cavalry and infantry -
You will eat for the hunt!
Old man, what hurts?
Back? -
Gotta put three damask of wine
Yes, pour it down the throat -
And you will live long!
Old man, what hurts?
Legs? -
Chop them off on the doorstep
Attach crutches
Yes, you, old devil, make you dance!
Old man, what hurts?
All healthy.
(Dances and sings.)
Go, hut! Go bake!
The hostess has nowhere to lie down!
Walk, floor and ceiling!
Damn Koryaku dragged!
Healed the old man, your imperial majesty.
Tsar Maximilian
Old man, are you healthy?
Healthy, king.
(Dances squatting again with songs.)
Tsar, what will you give me for this?
Tsar Maximilian
You yourself are Pomeralov!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, Colonel.
You are a dead man!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, ensign.
You yourself are a ragman!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, so the lieutenant.
I myself am a little better than you!
Tsar Maximilian
(angry, speaks to the guard)
Drive this fool down the neck!

The doctors pushed out, he screams.

Guard! Guard!


The same and Goddess.

And here I am, idol Goddess,
I walked in a clean field,
She conquered many lands.
One is not conquered
Maximilian's land,
Yes, if I saw him too,
And then she would have taken him prisoner.
Tsar Maximilian
What do I see?
What do I hear?
(Jumps off the throne and starts running around the stage.)
Some girl in my kingdom is walking
And he promises to take me, Tsar Maximilian, prisoner!
(Brings a saber over the head of the Goddess.)
I myself, mlada, did not think
She listened to someone else's mind.
Tsar Maximilian
And you would not listen to someone else's mind!
How can I comfort you, good fellow?
Tsar Maximilian
Will you comfort me with that,
That you will enter my royal mansions,
You will sit on my golden throne next to me.
I agree, this is the will of the gods.
(He gives Tsar Maximilian his hand, he leads her merry to the throne and sings a song.)
Tsar Maximilian
Pop has been waiting for us in church for a long time
With the deacon, with the deacons.
In chorus the chorister sings,
The temple is burning with lights ...


The same and Anika the warrior.

Anika the warrior
Eh, friends,
You can't live like that!
Moved my heroic heart
Because of some girl.
Either I was not a warrior.
Was I not a hero ?!
There were two of us brother of relatives,
And the third comrade is a damask sword,
And my conscience was completely ripped off.
I walked, walked in a clean field,
I grabbed the stars from the sky;
I was in Italy
I was on and on;
I was in Paris
Was closer and closer;
I was in the Crimea,
I sat here on the stove, in the smoke, -
I have not found a hello anywhere,
No submissive
No counter
No transverse,
Who could I fight
To converge on sharp swords!
(He walks across the stage brandishing his sword.)


Appears on the stage Death- a tall slender figure, completely covered with white, with a scythe on the shoulder; moving slowly, she approaches Anike the warrior; he backs away in horror.

Anika the warrior
What kind of woman are you?
What kind of drunk are you?
I'm not a woman
I'm not drunk -
I am Death, your womb!
Anika the warrior
Here I was not met,
No transverse,
And now the accursed Death has hit!
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
For three years!
There is no privilege for you
For three years!
Anika the warrior
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
For at least three months.
There is no privilege for you
For three months.
Anika the warrior
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
For a three days.
There is no privilege for you
For a three days.
Anika the warrior
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
For at least three hours.
There is no privilege for you
And for three hours -
Here is my sharp braid!
(He cuts the scythe of Aniku the warrior. He falls dead. Death leaves as slowly as it came.)
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Come and bring Markushka the Grave Digger to me.
I will go and bring you.


The same and Markushka.

Oh great lord
The winner of the whole world
Why are you calling Markushka the grave-digger?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Or is my sword dulled?
Or am I guilty before you?
Tsar Maximilian
Again, old devil, there is a case for you:
Take away this dead body
So that it does not smolder above the ground,
So that the sun does not burn,
So that the heat does not flow from nose to mouth!
Markushka (with displeasure)
We'll have to screw up again ...
They won't even let the old woman lie down.
(He approaches the dead body and pushes it in the side with his bast shoe.)
Hey you, you green, get up! The sun has already rolled out over there.
(He points to the sky with a stick, while trying to hurt someone.)
He doesn’t get up, apparently he’s dead.
(Turns to Tsar Maximilian.)
Yes, I'm afraid of him!
Tsar Maximilian
But I'll tell you to roll in a hundred or two hundred
To the very place
Where do your legs grow from,
So all the fear will pass.
Well, in, blessing, I will trample,
I'll come for money in the morning.
(Harnesses the dead body and drags it off the stage.)
Tsar Maximilian
Skorokhod-field marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Field Marshal Skorokhod.

I will return from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
Oh great lord
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?
Or what deeds-decrees do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Bring me an enlightened ruler to marry us with the Goddess. I want to get married.
I will go and bring you.
Tsar Maximilian
Look, drive quickly - you can't wait!


Appearing on the stage Priest and Deacon... A priest in mat, draped over his shoulders instead of a robe; in the hands of a bast shoe on a rope instead of a censer. Deacon in a long white robe.

Deacon, deacon!
What, father?
Come and bring me the crowned book.
Where is she, father?
In the old altar, on the shelf,
Behind the tilicon, in the support.
Do you remember - they drank it in a pub!
So bring at least a funeral!
And they got drunk on the funeral.
Well, shut up, let's go and so on. Read the gospel.
During it,
When there was neither earth nor sky,
I walked the city of Moscow,
When I see I will keep a big one,
And faithful men sitting in it,
Keeping the magic of wine measured -
Some for five, some for ten,
And I, a sinner, drank for two-ten
And drunk got drunk
And he fell on his side.
Two robbers saw me,
They grabbed me by the arms
And they put it on trial,
They began to judge me
Why so drunk
And they said: Go into the world to do miracles!
Glory to you, mad beer,
Glory to you, sweet honey,
Glory to you, suffering torch!
You suffered from the persecutor of the tormentor of the distiller,
Thou hast passed the lights and waters
And fill it all up copper pipes,
And she came out, like Christ, clean,
Decorated with beads,
Precious stones
Priceless pearls.
And now we run to you with gaiety,
Pour full cups
And we drink them dry
We glorify, we speak, we prophesy,
All about the burner bustle.
Now go ahead "figured"!
What are you foolish head doing? Sing: "You put it ..."
You put a penny on the counter
From pure heart,
Begging for your belly
And you gave me a half-dash.

During this singing, the priest takes the hands of Tsar Maximilian and the Goddess and begins to lead them around the throne.

The waders get married
Like buttermongers!
Now bubble up the stichera!
As Sergius had the Trinity,
Father had an abbot,
Y the abbot was with the builder,
Svovo monastery is not a diligent,
Of your destroyer abode,
All the brethren of the scavenger -
We will all gather, brothers,
Let's go out of the monastery:
Let our father guess
He does his own singing and learning:
Let him put us oak vats,
Filled with green wine
And let go of the copper glasses,
Copper glasses, iron ladles,
And he himself will drink more than ever,
And then he will bring it to us.
As it was not at Mass, not at Matins,
Not a big bell was rung, On the right kliros they sang:
"With a hangover, my head hurts!"
And on the left they grabbed:
"Light the candles,
Climb on the stove
From the stove to the floor,
Bend your legs ... "
Ugh you! Not quite!
(in chorus they pick up and dashingly and sing a song)
The sun is at sunset
Time for loss ...
The girls sat down on the meadow,
Where is the ant and the flower
Where we frolicked in the evening,
They had fun in a round dance
In pleasant silence
Under the birch trees alone ...

The general dance, with which the whole performance ends.

The drama "Tsar Maximilian" (sometimes Maksimyan, Maksemyan) became widespread throughout Russia (Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma provinces, Russian North, Don, Terek, Ural, Siberia), Belarus (Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk provinces), Ukraine (Kiev, Chernigov, Podolsk, Kharkov, Kherson provinces), Moldova. She was played in a soldier's, sailor's, urban, workers', peasant environment.

Several opinions have been expressed about the origin of this drama. Probably, the researchers are right who believed that the reason for its creation was the political situation at the beginning of the 18th century: the conflict between Peter I and his son Alexei and the execution of the latter. The people remembered the murder of their son by Ivan the Terrible. Sonicide could not but affect the attitude of the people to the sovereigns. This helped to spread the drama. It should also be taken into account that the people knew the spiritual verse "Kirik and Ulita", in which, as in the drama, the cruel Tsar Maximilian demands that the infant Kirik renounce his faith in Christian God. Kirik, like the hero of the drama Adolf, remains faithful to God.

A persistent search was made for the immediate source of the drama, but one was not found. There was probably no single source. At the same time, the connection of the play with the repertoire of the Russian city theater of the 17th-18th centuries is indisputable, as well as the influence of translated stories on its text ( chivalric romances) and their performances from the same era, which has been proven by a number of researchers. However, no matter how diverse literary sources"Tsar Maximilian", significantly different - the connection of the play with Russian reality.

The drama is based on the conflict between the tyrant Tsar Maximilian and his son Adolf. Gentile father demands that son quit Christian faith, but he resolutely refuses:

- I am your idol gods

I put it under my feet

I trample in the mud, I don't want to believe.

I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ,

And I kiss him on the mouth,

And I contain His law.

Tsar Maximyan commands the prison guard.

- Go and take my son Adolf to the dungeon

starve him to death.

Give him a pound of bread and a pound of water.

Adolf is in the dungeon. Tsar Maximilian three times appeals to Adolf with his demand, but he refuses all the time. Then the king summons the executioner Brambeus and orders the execution of Adolf.

The drama depicts the cruelty of Tsar Maximilian not only with his son. In one of the variants, he, like King Herod, orders a warrior (here: Anike the warrior) to kill the babies:

- Warrior, my warrior.

Go to all the countries of Bethlehem,

Shoot down, chop down fourteen thousand babies.

If you can't kill someone.

You will bring me alive.

Baba (Rachel) appears and asks the king:

- Why should my child

Is it innocent to disappear?

The king is unforgiving:

- How blameless,

When I sent a warrior

An armed warrior?

Warrior, my warrior

Kill this baby

And drive this woman away!

The warrior kills the child. Rachel is crying ..

Tsar Maximilian is opposed by his son Adolf. He boldly tells his father that he rode down the Volga down his mother And with a free gang, with robbers, he knew that he was their chieftain; orders to release from prison the prisoner (restant), who was imprisoned by order of his father. In the drama, Adolf firmly defended his convictions, endured torment, went to death, but did not betray his ideals, which aroused sympathy and sympathy. The executioner, having carried out the order of the king and killed Adolf, stabbed himself with the words:

For what he loved

For that I cut off my head.

I fix the king's debt

And I myself am dying.

The tsar's command to kill his son, the image of the execution of Adolf, the executioner's suicide are tragic pictures. But the performance was supposed to amuse the audience, relaxation was needed. A tradition has been established to introduce farcical, satirical and humorous episodes. Such are the conversations of the Grave Diggers, the Tailor, the Doctor, even the funeral service by the Patriarch of the body of Adolf. Sharp satire on priests arose when depicting the wedding of Tsar Maximilian with the Goddess (the priest and deacon in the tavern drank the crowned book, and got drunk on the funeral).

The researcher of folk dramas N. N. Vinogradov wrote about Tsar Maximilian: XVIII century and passing from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, this play inevitably underwent the most varied changes, shortened and lengthened at will. Having liked the people, she gradually absorbed a whole series of separate scenes and small works of the same kind. As a result, in many versions, a long series of separate scenes, a whole collection of diverse faces, a motley kaleidoscope of the most diverse positions are obtained; the general meaning of the play is lost, there is no unity of the plot, only the unity of the title remains.

Here, for example, what series of plots is practiced in the majority of not very widespread (in terms of volume) variants: 1) Maksemyan and Adolph (main); 2) Goddess and Mars; 3) Mamai; 4) Anika and Death; 5) Boat. Often they are not connected at all, sometimes the connection is purely mechanical. These plots still need to add a whole series of inserts in the form of separate comic scenes or stable, permanent (doctor, tailor, gypsy, grave digger ...), or random, sporadic (n-th number); sometimes the play begins verte pom.

Gradually, the topic of the struggle for religious beliefs became less relevant - this made it possible satirical image ministers of worship, as well as church funeral and wedding ceremonies. In 1959, in the Arkhangelsk region. a version of the drama was recorded in which the religious beliefs of the father and son were not even mentioned. At the same time, the problem of tyranny fighting, the fight against violence continued to excite the audience. In the drama "Tsar Maximilian" a replacement was made: the tsar demanded from his son not betrayal of religious beliefs, but to marry a bride from far-off kingdom, which he found. Adolf refused to marry just as strongly as he refused to change his faith. And he was executed.

Sometimes the drama ended with the death of Tsar Maximilian himself, which could be perceived as punishment for cruelty and filicide.

The dialogue between Death and Tsar Maximilian almost literally coincided with the spiritual verse - the dialogue between Anika the warrior and Death.

Death (approaching the throne, turns to Tsar Maximilian):

- Follow me!

Tsar Maximilian:

- Masha, my dear Death,

Give me three years to live

For me to cash in

And to dispose of his kingdom.

- There will be no time for you even for three hours,

And here is my sharp braid for you.

(Strikes him with a scythe on the neck. The king falls).

The drama "Tsar Maximilian" is large in volume. Often it was copied in a notebook and rehearsed before the performance. However, in it, stereotyped situations, as well as formulas that contributed to the memorization and reproduction of the drama, were developed. Such, for example, are scenes of fights, formula-answers of Adolf to his father ("I torment your idol gods at the feet ...", etc.). The challenge of Tsar Maximilian Skorokhod (or another character) and the callee's arrival report.

Tsar Maximilian:

- Skorokhod-Field Marshal,

Appear before the throne

Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


- I will return from right to left,

Before the throne of the formidable king Maximilian I will appear:

Oh great lord.

Terrible Tsar Maximilian,

Why are you calling the Field Marshal Skorokhod?

Or do you command deeds, decrees?

Or is my sword dulled?

Or I, Skorokhod-Field Marshal, what have I done wrong before you?

In the cited version of the drama, this formula of the report is repeated 26 times (Skorokhod pronounces it 18 times, Markushka 3 times, Adolf and Anika the warrior 2 times, Executioner 1 time).

To what has been said it should be added that in "Tsar Maximilian" there are the same situations and commonplaces as in the drama "Boat". For example: Adolf - knew the cap of the robbers; about the burial of the murdered, they say: "Remove this body so that it does not smolder above the ground ..." - and so on.

Thus, the drama "Tsar Maximilian" arose and developed under the influence of other folk plays, knightly novels, popular prints, folk song folklore, spiritual verses.

Zueva T.V., Kirdan B.P. Russian folklore - M., 2002

The drama "Tsar Maximilian" (sometimes Maksimyan, Maksemyan) became widespread throughout Russia (Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma provinces, Russian North, Don, Terek, Ural, Siberia), Belarus (Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk provinces), Ukraine (Kiev, Chernigov, Podolsk, Kharkov, Kherson provinces), Moldova. She was played in a soldier's, sailor's, urban, workers', peasant environment.

Several opinions have been expressed about the origin of this drama. Probably, the researchers are right who believed that the reason for its creation was the political situation at the beginning of the 18th century: the conflict between Peter I and his son Alexei and the execution of the latter. The people remembered the murder of their son by Ivan the Terrible. Sonicide could not but affect the attitude of the people to the sovereigns. This helped to spread the drama. It should also be taken into account that the people knew the spiritual verse “Kirik and Ulita”, in which, as in the drama, the cruel Tsar Maximilian demands that the infant Kirik renounce his faith in Christian God. Kirik, like the hero of the drama Adolf, remains faithful to God.

A persistent search was made for the immediate source of the drama, but one was not found. There was probably no single source. At the same time, the connection of the play with the repertoire of the Russian city theater of the 17th-18th centuries is indisputable, as well as the influence on its text of translated stories (knightly novels) and their performances of the same era, which has been proven by a number of researchers. However, no matter how varied the literary sources of "Tsar Maximilian" are, something else is fundamentally different - the connection between the play and Russian reality.

The drama is based on the conflict between the tyrant Tsar Maximilian and his son Adolf. A pagan father demands that his son give up the Christian faith, but he resolutely refuses:

- I am your idol gods I put under my feet, I trample in the mud, I don’t want to believe. I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, And I kiss His mouth, And I contain His law. Tsar Maximyan commands the prison guard.

- Go and take my son Adolf to the dungeon

starve him to death. Give him a pound of bread and a pound of water

Adolf is in the dungeon. Tsar Maximilian three times appeals to Adolf with his demand, but he refuses all the time. Then the king summons the executioner Brambeus and orders the execution of Adolf. The drama depicts the cruelty of Tsar Maximilian not only with his son. In one of the variants, he, like King Herod, orders a warrior (here: Anike the warrior) to kill the babies:

- Warrior, my warrior. Go down all the countries of Bethlehem, Shoot down, cut down fourteen thousand babies. If you can't kill someone. You will bring me alive. Baba (Rachel) appears and asks the king: - Why should my child be innocently lost? The Tsar is relentless: - How plain, When I sent a warrior, an armed Warrior? Warrior, my warrior, Kill this baby And drive this woman away! The warrior kills the child. Rachel is crying

Tsar Maximilian is opposed by his son Adolf. He boldly tells his father that he rode down the Volga down his mother And with a free gang, with robbers, he knew that he was their chieftain; orders to release from prison the prisoner (restant), who was imprisoned by order of his father. In the drama, Adolf firmly defended his convictions, endured torment, went to death, but did not betray his ideals, which aroused sympathy and sympathy. The executioner, having carried out the order of the king and killed Adolf, stabbed himself with the words:

- For what he loved, For that he cut off his head. I correct the king's duty And I myself am dying

The tsar's command to kill his son, the image of the execution of Adolf, the executioner's suicide are tragic pictures. But the performance was supposed to amuse the audience, relaxation was needed. A tradition has been established to introduce farcical, satirical and humorous episodes. Such are the conversations of the Grave Diggers, the Tailor, the Doctor, even the funeral service by the Patriarch of the body of Adolf. Sharp satire on priests arose when depicting the wedding of Tsar Maximilian with the Goddess (the priest and deacon in the tavern drank the crowned book, and got drunk on the funeral).

The researcher of folk dramas N. N. Vinogradov wrote about “Tsar Maximilian”: “Having appeared in the middle of the 18th century and passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, this play inevitably underwent a wide variety of changes, was shortened and lengthened at will. Having liked the people, she gradually absorbed a whole series of separate scenes and small works of the same kind. As a result, in many versions, a long series of separate scenes, a whole collection of diverse faces, a motley kaleidoscope of the most diverse positions are obtained; the general meaning of the play is lost, there is no unity of the plot, only the unity of the title remains.

The drama "Tsar Maximilian" is large in volume. Often it was copied in a notebook and rehearsed before the performance. However, in it, stereotyped situations, as well as formulas that contributed to the memorization and reproduction of the drama, were developed. Such, for example, are scenes of fights, formulas-answers of Adolf to his father (“I torment your idol gods at the feet ...”, etc.). The challenge by Tsar Maximilian of Skorokhod (or another character) and the report of the summoned about the arrival took on a stable form.

Tsar Maximilian: - Skorokhod-Field Marshal, Appear before the throne of the Terrible Tsar Maximilian! Skorokhod: - I will return from right to left, Before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian I will appear: Oh, great sovereign. Formidable Tsar Maximilian, Why do you call the Skorokhod-Field Marshal? Or do you command deeds, decrees? Or is my sword dulled? Or I, Skorokhod-Field Marshal, what have I done wrong before you?

In the cited version of the drama, this formula of the report is repeated 26 times (Skorokhod pronounces it 18 times, Markushka 3 times, Adolf and Anika the warrior 2 times, Executioner 1 time).

To what has been said, it should be added that in Tsar Maximilian there are the same situations and commonplaces as in the drama The Boat. For example: Adolf - knew the cap of the robbers; about the burial of the murdered, they say: "Remove this body so that it does not smolder above the ground ..." etc. Thus, the drama "Tsar Maximilian" poetry.

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Folk drama "Tsar Maximilian"

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History of creation

The play was based on the description of the folk drama "Tsar Maximilian" in Bakrylov's collection, in which the author collected extensive folklore material. The author has compiled some striking samples folk drama in Russian culture and created his own version of the play "Tsar Maximilian". Having familiarized himself with this work by Bakrylov, Aleksey Remizov expressed the opinion that the play was written in a crude and vulgar way, and its parts are mechanically connected to each other. After a meeting of the editorial committee, at which Bakrylov's code was discussed, Remizov decided to create his own version of the play.

Remizov worked on the drama not only as a writer, but also as a scientist, largely relying on historical and philological works:

“... I, putting mine, maybe one single stone to create the future great work which will give the whole kingdom folk myth, I consider it my duty, not adhering to the tradition of our literature, to introduce notes and tell them the course of my work. "

In his work, Remizov tried to embody his ideas about the ideal folk theater- “theater of squares and oak groves” and mystery performances as opposed to “theater of walls”. In practice, this desire was expressed in the fact that Remizov simplified the staging of the play as much as possible and, in comparison with Bakrylov's play, significantly reduced the number of characters. By reducing descriptive remarks, he took "a step away from naturalistic theater."


In many ways, the plot of the folk drama is based on the story of Peter I and Tsarevich Alexei. Tsar Maximilian is a tsar who decided to marry a foreign queen and renounce the Orthodox faith. The king's son, Adolf, opposes the marriage of his father. Trying to reverse the decision of his son, Tsar Maximilian imprisons Adolf, and ultimately executes him.


  • Tsar Maximilian (Maksimian, Maksimian) - "a formidable and strong tsar" who planned to marry an overseas princess and refuse Orthodox faith, but worship "idol gods." He wears a crown and carries orders, brandishes a scepter or a sword.
  • Adolf is the son of Tsar Maximilian, who refuses to pray to the "idol gods", for which Tsar Maximilian will execute him. He walks in military uniform, but simpler than that of the tsar. After imprisonment - weak and without insignia.
  • Knight Brambeus - calls on the king to change his mind, and not to execute the innocent Adolf, but Tsar Maximilian does not listen to him. Huge and gray-haired.
  • Skorokhod - informs everyone about the will of Tsar Maximilian.
  • The old grave digger is preparing a grave for Adolf (A. M. Remizov himself compared him with the gravediggers in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet").
  • The old woman-death - comes for King Makismilian.

Notes (edit)


  • The play "Tsar Maximilian", arranged by A.F. Nekrylova and N.I. Savushkina

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Tsar Maximilian" is in other dictionaries:

    "Tsar Maximilian"- TSAR MAXIMILIAN is the most popular folklore play. The action takes place in a conventional land (I am not the Russian emperor, not the French king ...). The basis of the play is the conflict between the tsar and his son Adolf, to ry from our idol (that is, pagan) ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

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    - (real name Kirienko Voloshin). (1877 1932), poet, art critic, painter. In poetry, the filial sense of nature as a cosmic whole, the tragic experience of the historical destinies of Russia: the collections "Iverni" (1918), "Demons deaf and dumb" ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • A.M. Remizov. Collected Works. Volume 12. Rusalia, A. M. Remizov. The book "Rusalia" (Volume 12 of the Collected Works of A. M. Remizov) includes dramatic works: "Demonic action", "Tragedy about Judas Prince Iscariot", "Action about George ...
  • Unpublished materials of the expedition of B. M. and Yu. M. Sokolov. 1926-1928. In the footsteps of Rybnikov and Hilferding. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. Folk drama. Wedding poetry. Non-ritual lyrics. Chastushki. Fairy tales and non-fairy tales. Creativity of peasants,. The volume consists of unique folklore texts collected in the 1920s. XX century in the protected cultural zone of the Russian North. It includes the texts of the folk drama ("Tsar Maximilian" and "The Boat"), ...

History of creation

The play was based on the description of the folk drama "Tsar Maximilian" in Bakrylov's collection, in which the author collected extensive folklore material. The author has compiled several vivid examples of folk drama in Russian culture and created his own version of the play "Tsar Maximilian". Having familiarized himself with this work by Bakrylov, Aleksey Remizov expressed the opinion that the play was written in a crude and vulgar way, and its parts are mechanically connected to each other. After a meeting of the editorial committee, at which Bakrylov's code was discussed, Remizov decided to create his own version of the play.

Remizov worked on the drama not only as a writer, but also as a scientist, largely relying on historical and philological works:

"... I, laying mine, perhaps the only one stone for the creation of a future large work, which will give a whole kingdom of folk myth, I consider it my duty, not keeping to the tradition of our literature, to introduce notes and tell them the course of my work."

In his work, Remizov tried to embody his ideas about the ideal folk theater - the "theater of squares and oak groves" and the mystery action as opposed to the "theater of the walls". In practice, this desire was expressed in the fact that Remizov simplified the staging of the play as much as possible and, in comparison with Bakrylov's play, significantly reduced the number of characters. By reducing descriptive remarks, he took "a step away from naturalistic theater."


In many ways, the plot of the folk drama is based on the story of Peter I and Tsarevich Alexei. Tsar Maximilian is a tsar who decided to marry a foreign queen and renounce the Orthodox faith. The king's son, Adolf, opposes the marriage of his father. Trying to reverse the decision of his son, Tsar Maximilian imprisons Adolf, and ultimately executes him.


  • Tsar Maximilian (Maksimian, Maksimian) - "a formidable and strong tsar", who decided to marry an overseas princess, and abandon the Orthodox faith, and worship "idol gods." He wears a crown and carries orders, brandishes a scepter or a sword.
  • Adolf is the son of Tsar Maximilian, who refuses to pray to the "idol gods", for which Tsar Maximilian will execute him. He walks in military uniform, but simpler than that of the tsar. After imprisonment - weak and without insignia.
  • Knight Brambeus - calls on the king to change his mind, and not to execute the innocent Adolf, but Tsar Maximilian does not listen to him. Huge and gray-haired.
  • Skorokhod - informs everyone about the will of Tsar Maximilian.
  • The old grave digger is preparing a grave for Adolf (A. M. Remizov himself compared him with the gravediggers in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet").
  • The old woman-death - comes for King Makismilian.

Notes (edit)


  • The play "Tsar Maximilian", arranged by A.F. Nekrylova and N.I. Savushkina

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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See what "Tsar Maximilian" is in other dictionaries:

    "Tsar Maximilian"- TSAR MAXIMILIAN is the most popular folklore play. The action takes place in a conventional land (I am not the Russian emperor, not the French king ...). The basis of the play is the conflict between the tsar and his son Adolf, to ry from our idol (that is, pagan) ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

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    Voloshin Maximilian Alexandrovich- (real name Kirienko Voloshin). (1877 1932), poet, art critic, artist. In poetry, the filial sense of nature as a cosmic whole, the tragic experience of the historical destinies of Russia: the collections "Iverni" (1918), "Demons deaf and dumb" ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • A.M. Remizov. Collected Works. Volume 12. Rusalia, A. M. Remizov. The book "Rusalia" (Volume 12 of the Collected Works of A. M. Remizov) includes dramatic works: "Demonic action", "Tragedy of Judas Prince Iscariot", "Action about George ... Buy for 2421 rubles
  • Unpublished materials of the expedition of B. M. and Yu. M. Sokolov. 1926-1928. In the footsteps of Rybnikov and Hilferding. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. Folk drama. Wedding poetry. Non-ritual lyrics. Chastushki. Fairy tales and non-fairy tales. Creativity of peasants,. The volume consists of unique folklore texts collected in the 1920s. XX century in the protected cultural zone of the Russian North. It includes the texts of the folk drama ("Tsar Maximilian" and "The Boat"), ...