My opinion about the novel Fathers and children. Writing on the topic: My opinion, attitude to the bazaar

My opinion about the novel Fathers and children. Writing on the topic: My opinion, attitude to the bazaar

Today I read, in my opinion, best work I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". It is now included in the list of my favorite books. I read I had indescribable feelings and impressions. Although I do not fully share the views of the main character - Bazarov, but something attracts me to his character. I like the course of his thoughts, his contradiction and defending his interests in society.

Especially interesting to observe inner world Hero. Just one woman managed to wake in him deep feelings, which he does not recognize, if even more or rather - denies. He does not understand what happens to him, he has a new feeling like love, someone else's for him. In the depths of the soul, he understands that all his nihilism is collapsed, and from this he becomes an evil and is still selfishly in relation to others. And it does not lead to anything good.

Almost all topics are affected in this work. There are many plot and love lines in the novel, so it becomes even more exciting.

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The central place in the Roman Turgenev fathers and children are occupied by Evgeny Vasilyeviҹ Bazarov. It concentrates all the attention of the novel. Bazarov son of the county Lekary, nihilist, who has been, who has been, and medicine. Father could not fully secure his son, and therefore Bazarov himself was forced to punch the road to people. Heavy student's life, life with small penny work, did not indulge Bazarov and gave the severity of his face. I didn't have any pleasant things about the bazaas market for the bazaarova, it even caused some kind of disregard for them, his appearance was distinguished from the rest of people, from gray mass. High height, long balachon with brushes. A long and thin face with a wide forehead, upstairs flat, a pointed nose, large greenish eyes and hanging peelled color, it expressed self-confidence and mind. Separate ҹers, such as a balachon with brushes, a wide forehead, a pointed nose, a persistent and indulgent smile, showed and undercover his pride and extraordinary self-confidence. Bazarova was good reputation In society, he made his own career. He pierced his career with his head, his visual mind, and not low bows and the intercessiousness of an important uncle. Bazarov is cast in great mind and as a result, it produces a strong judgement on people encountered with him. It gives the definition of the present ҹelovka. The real ҹelovka, he says, the one about whom to think about, and which it is necessary to obey or hate. Under the definition of the present ҹelovka comes to the Bazarov itself; It produces visiting on others: some intimidate and repels, others will enter. As ҹelovka implies intelligent, he did not meet himself equal. When I meet ҹelovka, who would not be saved in front of me, he said with the arrangement, then I bet my opinion about myself. Basaars proud and proud ҹelovka. He looks at the people from top to bottom and rarely hides his semi-prevail, semi-staffing relations to those who hate him, and to those who are becoming. He never loved anyone, never needed in whom, was not afraid of anyone and therefore did not gem. I do not understand how you can live, no one pay attention. Bazarov is everywhere and in everything comes in the way it goes or how it seems favorable and comfortable. It is managed only by a lip whim or lyual distribution. As Pisarev said: Bazarov, no, no regulator, no moral law, no principle admires himself. Ironically attitude of the Bazarov to the ministry, to romanticism, artwork Literature, art, to lyrone, gust goes into deep cynicism. But along with all its lack of bazaars, there is a strong nature, noble and true ҹelovka, somewhere even sincere: he belongs to people as they perceive them, if he likes ҹelovka, then I like sincerely, without rear thoughts, if not, then No, but also sincere. Basarov is an image in which all casuals are gathered, which, by crumbs, were in all advanced and progressive people of his time.

Describe your impressions of reading the book I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

In Russian literature there are many books worthy that they read and studied them, so that they admired and they spoke about them. One of these works is, in my opinion, Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children."

This work can be called a romance-discussion, novel-dispute. In it, the writer expresses its attitude towards the "fashionable" in the 60s of the 19th century by philosophical flow - nihilism.

Let me remind you that the basis of this concept was a complete denial of the entire accumulated experience of mankind. Nihilists argued that their vital task is to destroy the legacy of ancestors and, thus, to release people from "unnecessary trash", that is, the whole wealth of world cultural thought.

The main character of the "fathers and children" is precisely such a nihist - Eugene Bazarov. This is a young dispenser, student of the medical faculty. It is important to the origin of the hero - from childhood he was not attached to traditional culture, To the fact that the Russian aristocracy absorbed with Mother's milk. Maybe that's why the hero is so contemptuous about poetry, music, nature, love finally?

Everything that constitutes the "life of the soul", Bazarov despises, all this is exposed to his ruthless ridicule. The hero believes that only the fact that is materially, what concerns urgent, physiological needs are important. And everything else is "Bedni", inventions unsuitable for life, weak people.

Such a point of view is one ideological pole in the novel. Carefully opposed to him the other - the opinion of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the aristocrat, the Russian nobleman. For this person, all the fact that Bazarov calls to destroy, is the essence of life, its basis. Therefore, he is so outraged by the ideas of the main character, takes them to the "bayonets," considers dangerous and destructive. That is why he, at the first convenient case, desperately argues with a nihilist, although he feels that bazaars are stronger.

So, Evgeny Vasilyevich contemptively refers to poetry and music. He believes that "a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet." Recall how the hero mocks the father of Arkady, when Nikolai Petrovich is around in these "sins": "He reads poetry in vain and in the economy is unlikely to make sense ...", "Verify! In forty-four years, man, Pater Familias, in ... Mbeard - Playing the cello! " etc.

In addition, the bazaars do not believe in nature as something living having their laws, more wise and eternal than the laws of human society. The hero says Arkady: "And the nature of trifles in the meaning, in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker. "

Evgeny Bazarov is also suitable for human relations with a purely pragmatic, materialistic point of view. So, for example, he believes that the love between a man and a woman is explained by only physiology, instincts, and there is no place for high feelings.

His dispute with the hero, the debunk of his views of Turgenev begins with the refutation of his views on love. Completely unexpectedly, the bazaars fall in love, falls in love with the way they write about it in the novels despised by him, - before the distervection, before self-reliance, before the loss of self-esteem. The scene of explanation of the hero in love is one of the most emotional scenes of the novel: "The bazaarov was supervised by the forehead in the glass window. He chuckled; All the body apparently trembled. ... This passion fought in him, strong and heavy - a passion like a malice and, perhaps, akin to her. "

Bazarov is aware that they fell in love. This fact for the hero is akin to a catastrophe, a disaster - he understands that his whole theory collapsed that he a common person, the same "weakness", like Kirsanov and them like. What to do next? How to live? The Bazarov did not remain support, the rod for which it would be possible to rely. He is not able to radically change his worldview, take what he understood - eternal values There are and will always exist, being the basis of human existence.

From this point on, the spiritual death of the hero begins, his fading, which ends with the physical death of the Bazarov in the final of the work. It's important that last man, which Evgeny Vasilyevich wanted to see in his life, was exactly Anna Sergeyevna Odintsova.

Thus, Turgenev will cultivate the position of their hero, and with it and nihilistic theory at all. But we understand that the writer does not approve of the position of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, who he caught in his "prisoners" and does not want to develop, move forward.

Turgenev understands all the significance technical progress, its importance and necessity. But at the same time, paramount, as the writer claims in his novel, are eternal values, the experience given to the ancestors. Refusing all this, a man destroys himself, carries his offspring to disappear.

"Fathers and children" are a book that made a strong impression on me and made me think about many issues. But, despite all the seriousness of this work, many of his pages are saturated with a subtle humor, irony, beautiful descriptions Russian nature. I spent a lot of wonderful minutes, communicating with the author and heroes of this novel, and therefore I decided to tell you exactly about him.

My opinion about Bazarov.

Roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children" was written in 1861.
For the first time, this novel appeared in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" in 1862.
Critics evaluated this novel in different ways.
DI. Pisarev said: " New Roman Turgenev gives us everything that we used to enjoy in his works. "
But already another critic M.A.ANtonovich said that "the new work of the city of Turgenev is extremely unsatisfactory in artistic relation."
No matter how criticized this novel, I believe that it is I.S. Turgenev fully reveals an up-to-date topic of not only its time, but also of all generations. The author cannot calmly look at how "fathers" and "children" are constantly arguing, therefore he writes a novel in which, as mentioned above, discloses this topic. The main character Roman "Fathers and Children" - Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. This is a high height person, with a long and thin face, "with a wide forehead, upstairs flat, book a pointed nose, large sandy color bacenbards." The face "animated a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and mind." Bazarov is engaged in medicine, loves natural sciences, chemistry.
For the first time, the reader meets Bazarov in the scene of the arrival of Bazarov and Arkady home to Arkady. Arkady Nikolayevich Kirsanov - friend and student Evgeny Bazarov.
Bazarov gets acquainted with Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - Father Arkady and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov Uncle Arkady.
Arkady answers the question of uncle: "What is bazaars?". He says that the Nihlist bazaars, that is, "a person who does not inclined any authorities that does not accept any principle for faith, no matter how respecting this principle is surrounded." So, Bazarov is a person who denies everything. After reading this scene, where Arkady tells the uncle and the Father about Bazarov, I still do not really understand the Bazarov itself. I can not understand what, it means, to deny everything for a man - bazaars.
The author explains what I wanted to say Arkady about Bazarov.
Bazarov was a hunter to women, but love "in the sense of romantic called Belibard, unforgivable foolishness, considered knightly feelings with something like deformity or illness." He denied love.
TO simple people Bazarov refers with respect. He deeply sees people, is able to be with him, believes that the people are equal to him, because he himself follows from the people. Bazarov wants people to study. At home, Arkady Bazarov gets acquainted with peasants. They talk to him on an equal footing. But when Bazarov came to his home, the peasants did not understand him, laughed at him, because for them the bazarov was Barin. They did not understand what he wanted.
In the house of Kirsan Bazarov always argued with Pavel Petrovich. They have completely opposite glances. The point even reaches a duel. Pavel Petrovich does not want to put up with the bazaarov. He is looking for any pretext to cause him to duel.
I first got acquainted with Bazarov. He seemed to me a rude man, soulless, not recognizing anything.
But, reading the novel further, I began to understand that the bazaars are not at all what it seems.
Bazarov loved Anna Sergeevna Odintsov. In conversations with her, he tried to show his indifference and contempt for everything romantic, and left alone, "he was aware of the romance in himself." Love changed him. He never thought that he could truly love, but would love. Bazarov became human, began to take care of other people more.
Even to parents, he began to treat differently.
Previously, he did not love the tenderness of his mother, did not like that his parents were "shaking" over him. But after he fell in love, began to understand what love is.
Only Turgenev began to show the changes of the Bazar, immediately the bazaars dies. And everything dies because of one scratch. He is infected with a typhoid. Thus, the author wants to tell the reader that such great people like bazaars, die quickly, did not have time to do everything that they wanted. Other people come to their place, and so continues from generation to generation.
After reading the novel to the end, I discovered a new Bazarov. I realized that the bazaars is a purposeful personality on the legs. Despite the fact that Bazarov was a nichist, denied all the principles, they still had. He hates the "aristocratis", lives on the calculation, guided by entry, denies empty conversations, recognizes people who are achieved by their work. Bazarov loves people for originality, but despises for ignorance. He performs for honest people in society. All this principles of democrats. No wonder the author himself spoke about Bazarov, that he is "honest, truthful and democrat to the end of the nails." I agree with Turgenev. And so I like bazaars. If he is a democrat, then it will be to the end of life. And I also like the fact that he saw change in him and did not deny them.
Turgenev said that when he wrote Bazarov, he felt admiration for him. And when he wrote the stage of his death, he sobbed his head. And these were not tears of pity, but the traces of the artist who saw the tragedy of a man in which part of his own ideal was embodied.
Turgenev did not believed that the bazaarovs would be able to lead Russia further, but did not think that Petrovichi Petrovichi.
The author wanted to take a positive one and others and believed that this could give impetus to the development of Russia. But many people did not understand. It turned out that Turgenev himself had to reveal the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel.
So, what complex and beautiful novel created Turgenev, which is not so easy to understand. But the author just showed the life that cannot be changed. From here we can conclude that our life is not so easy, as it seems.
And Turgenev is a wonderful author who could be able to reflect in his work difficult life situations.
This can not do any writer.
Therefore, you need to thank Turgenev for his talent, for the love of the people for whom he tried to write his work so that he studied on the mistakes of the heroes and henceforth did not repeat these mistakes in his life.

Essay of student10 CLASS OF NP FED "Penate" Makiyevsky Chiara (Head of Berezkin Julia Vladimirovna)

"What questions make to think about the reader Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"? "

Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", first published in 1862, became a sign for his time. The work made a strong and ambiguous impression on readers, however, the image of the main hero of Eugene Bazarov was perceived for the most part Youth as an example for imitation, because youth ideals of those times were perfectly reflected in the worldview of the main character. In his novel I.S. Turgenev managed to reflect the main socio-political problems of Russia 1853-1861. And yet the novel "Fathers and Children" attracts me not only exactly transmitted by the atmosphere of Russia, standing on the verge of reforms, but also by the author of moral and philosophical problems raised by the author.

One of the main problems of the work is enclosed in his name. This is the problem of the relationship between parents and children, the abyss between generations, the differences of views. The problem of "fathers and children" is an eternal problem arising from people from generation to generation. In the novel "Fathers and Children", this problem is especially clearly revealed by the example of the Eternal Disputes and Disagreements of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov. Pavel Petrovich is the most real antipode of Bazarov. Pavel Petrovich is a typical representative of the aristocracy of those times, nobleman by origin. Evgeny Bazarov also proudly talks about his simple origin: "My grandfather's grandfather smelled ..." Bazarov appreciates practicality, prefers to think rationally, denying art, creativity, spirituality: "Rafael is not worth a copper." The practicality of Bazarov is manifested even in its appearance: "Bazarov was extremely simple: never juliel. He said that he thought. Dressed just even to some extent old fashioned: a hood with brushes, a hat with large fields. But it was not disturbing him, he wore what is and what is convenient, the fashion did not worry about it. " Pavel Petrovich, Romantic and Conservative, could not understand Bazarov. Even life in the village did not affect his reverent attitude to appearance. Pavel Petrovich has always been considered beautiful man: "Since childhood, Pavel Petrovich was distinguished by beauty, was a little mocking and somehow funny yellow - he could not not like." Pavel Petrovich was not able to understand and take nihilism, which is a certain principle of life of the Bazarov, science preferred fiction. Under a nihilist, he understood a man who does not respect anything and anyone. And Pavel Petrovich, and Bazarov were rather radical in their views, they absolutely did not want to take into account each other's arguments, everyone remained with her opinion. In the 24th chapter of the novel, the conflict of generations, namely the conflict between Bazarov and Paul Petrovich, reaches its climax.

Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady are not so categorical in his beliefs, but in this dispute also support different directions.

Despite the obvious differences in Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, they have a lot of them, it can even be argued that they are pretty similar. Both are not subject to otherwise influences, and only experienced and experienced themselves forces the heroes to change the views on some questions. Both democrat bazaars and the Aristocrat of Kirsanov have a huge impact On others, and in the power of character can not be refused to be neither the other.

The conflict of "fathers and children" is not the only conflict in the novel. The composition of the Roman Mirror: Bazarov twice carries around the same places. This allows Turgenev to show the second conflict in the novel. This conflict is associated with the main hero, its mental state. Love Bazarov - the most important topic novel. In the first part of the work, we also face several stories of love, but they can be considered prehistory of heroes in relation to their further destinies. Even with a position love conflict Between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, much more in common, which seems at first glance. Love completely changes the life of everyone. Because of love for Princess R. Pavel Petrovich refuses his former life and career. Love for Anna Sergeyevna is alone above and stronger than all theories - bazaars begins to understand the inconsistency of his ideals.

The first half of the work will mostly makes thinking about the distortion of Russia, about the feasibility of certain political views, Principles and views on life. The second half of the work more raises various moral and philosophical questions and makes think about the real values \u200b\u200bof life. No wonder the plot of the work was conceived by this. From the work we learn that the most bright charactersHaving made their principles above all in the world, a happy fate was not prepared: Bazarov dies, Pavel Petrovich moves to Dresden, where he continues to stick to her former views, living alone. In turn, Arkady and Katya, Nikolai Petrovich and Fengetics live happily, protecting each other, living a big and happy family. Life goes on, goes to her! No wonder in the end of the novel, only two happy families remain in the center of attention, and Bazarov, fighting for a different future, and Pavel Petrovich, "Archaic phenomenon", disappear. Family, friendship, love is values \u200b\u200bremaining in life forever. This is something eternal, lack of time, and such bright phenomena, like Pavel Petrovich or Bazarov, is an era that sooner or later ends, which exists only in a certain period of time.

Thus, in the novel "Fathers and children" I.S. Turgenev raises many relevant issues for society. It is noteworthy that the work does not lose its relevance and at present, and also will hardly lose in the future, since the problems raised by the author are eternal, through in Russian literature. The reader can not after reading, do not think about true life values, On the role of the family in the life of every person. After reading the novel "Fathers and children" think about the importance friendly relationship Between parents and children, such relations, what were between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich. It is impossible to live, guided only by the mind, competent balance between the mind and soul - what Bazarov lacked. It is worth noting that Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" - a work that is remembered by their depth, a work that raises many questions, the answers to which the reader will have to seek inside itself, unconsciously comparing itself with the main characters of the work.