Alexey Vorobyov: “My heart sank from pity for my mother. It was impossible to bear her tears

Alexey Vorobyov: “My heart sank from pity for my mother.  It was impossible to bear her tears
Alexey Vorobyov: “My heart sank from pity for my mother. It was impossible to bear her tears

“Two years ago I was different. He believed in eternal love, even thought about marriage and children. But not so long ago a story happened that made me look completely differently at the relationship between men and women ... ”- Alexei Vorobyov admits.

- Vika and I ( Victoria Dayneko... - Approx. "TN") we are sitting in an embrace on my sofa at home, drinking coffee and chatting. Yesterday I flew in from America and we are sharing the news. I am excited by her gentle voice, and in general I feel very good with her, comfortable. Only she alone knows how to listen so attentively, does not interrupt, like many other girls. I know she misses separation, and I confess, too. With her next to me I feel like the happiest man on earth. And now I look at Vikin's eyes sparkling with joy and ... I reproach myself, I just go eat. Because I am not able to give her what she deserves and in the depths of her soul expects - constancy. I am only 23, now I am focused only on work and for many years I will not be able to promise anything to any girl. And Vika is so good! A crazy thought flashes: let there be a smarter guy and marry her.

Two years ago I was different, I even thought about getting married and having children. But a story happened in my family that made me think about how difficult the relationship between men and women in marriage is. Since childhood, looking at my parents, I sincerely believed: these people are made for each other. The time will come - and I, too, will meet my destiny. Dad worked, mom raised the three of us: Serega, me and my little sister Galka. They often repeated to us: "The five of us are strong - like a fist." So we grew up with the feeling that the Vorobyovs were a clan, a separate strong state. Until the fall of 2009 came ...


- Sunny Sunday. Serega, my older brother, and I ran into the football field at the Luzhniki Stadium, changed our clothes, and went to the car. I notice that my brother is kind of dejected. "Tired?" - I ask, loading sports bags into the trunk. He averts his eyes, and he himself opens and closes the zipper of the jacket. “Lesh, our parents are getting divorced,” he says quietly.

The meaning of what was said did not immediately reach me. I get into the car, start the engine, and only then I realize what he said. "What nonsense ?!" - I say. I look at my brother, and there are tears in his eyes. For the first time in my life I saw him crying. I'm used to being strong, calm, how many times in my childhood he stood up for me! I hug him: "Seryoga, don't worry, let's go now, we'll figure it out ..." I canceled all the cases for that day. We dropped by for a minute and drove to Tula. Sergei did not really know the details of the parental quarrel: he and his wife live separately. And then his mother told him and his sister Galka: they say, I'm filing for divorce, don't say anything to Lesha yet - she felt sorry for the breadwinner. (Smiles.)

We arrive in Tula. Mom rushes around the apartment: now she runs to the stove, where she has something squirt, then dust does not exist, then for some reason climbed on the mezzanine ... Obviously something is wrong with the person. I take it by the hand and lead it to the sofa: “Mom, sit down. What happened? " In general, it turned out that she found letters from a woman in her father's car. And I decided that my dad was playing a novel, and even secretly from my mother he bought an apartment - as she thought - especially for this! Mom did not listen to his father's explanations, on the same day she put his things in a suitcase and put him out the door. "And what do you want now?" - I ask. “Divorce because it's a shame for the whole city! I went to that apartment - the neighbors say that ... ”- replies. “Mom, why are you collecting gossip? Didn't you think that if a woman throws letters to her father, it means that she has no power over him? Maybe she just hopes that you will find them and kick your father out of the house, to her joy. " Mom was confused. Something else is confusingly explaining, accusing the father of all mortal sins. I say: “Do as you know, we are already adults, we will understand and will continue to love both of you. By the way, where is your father now? " “I have no idea,” she replies, and begins to cry. Oh, women's tears cannot be borne, let alone mother's. My heart squeezes with pity for her. "I'll go," I say, "I'll look for him." Steering to grandmother, daddy's mom. She is at home. We hug happily: we see each other so rarely ... So it is: the father is here. Lying on the couch, skinny, unshaven, rumpled, flicking the TV remote control. Grandma says: "Here, Lesha, dad refuses to eat, but he drinks every single day!" I was suddenly so angry! Without hesitation in expressions, he expressed everything that I think. Yes, so hard that he went crazy. Never in my life have I allowed myself to raise my voice to my father: he has always been an authority in the family. But in such a situation, to talk like a loving son - "Folder, come back!" - it was impossible. Father needed a serious shake-up. “Look at you! - I shout. - What are you doing? What did you do for your mother? I don't care where you are, what's wrong with you. And if you die, maybe I'll come to bury, or maybe not ... ”It was unbearable hard to throw such words in the face of a loved one whom I loved and love with all my heart. He reached out to me: "Son, I'm sorry ..." I told him: "Take your hands off!" - and I can hardly hold back my tears. And he left, slamming the door.

My brother did not want to talk to my father at all: he was offended for his mother. And although he went with me, he did not go up to my grandmother, he waited in the car. We returned home with him, and I calmly say to my mother: “Everything will be all right, don’t worry. You and Jackdaw will not need anything. And with your father, figure out what you really want - to divorce or keep the family. The main thing is that you are happy. " The four of us drank tea in the kitchen - mom, brother, sister and me. Everyone's mood improved a little. The next day I bought my sister a computer to please her somehow. Jackdaw had the hardest time: her parents quarreled in front of her. And when I went to Moscow, I was covered in the car ... How I sobbed! I am flying along the highway, squeezing the gas pedal all the way, from the speakers the song of Nikolai Noskov “Confession” rumbles: “Do not blame me, Lord, for everything that has become a fault ...” And tears are rolling down my face like a hail. Well, how? At home, it's a misfortune, with my father, as if he was the last to speak with a homeless person ...


- A couple of weeks later, dad came home, asked mom for forgiveness. She said, "Come on in, let's try to start over." And ... they didn't succeed. For the first time I realized how easy it turns out to be to destroy a family, but to glue it together is incredibly difficult. Mom could not forgive the insult. I started every day over again: “I still don’t believe you. Is that where you went? Why did you stay late? " My father has already got a normal job, runs home in the evening, everything seems to be in order, but my mother is not well. Calls me: “Can you come? We will never find a common language. "

I rush to Tula again. Together we sat down at the table in a large room, the tea is getting cold, and no one touches it - the three of us are already sausage with excitement. I could not even imagine how many claims they had accumulated towards each other! It turned out, for example, that fifteen years ago, dad was jealous of her mother for some of her former classmates and carried this insult in his heart. When he talked about this, his voice trembled, and his eyes burned with a fierce fire. It is immediately evident that the person is experiencing. Mom was surprised: “Lord, Volodya, what kind of nonsense ?! At that time we already had two children, what could I give a reason? You really shut up! I found your notebooks - they are full of female names! And they also saw you with some blonde ... "Dad shouts:" Those books are a hundred years old at lunchtime, I forgot to throw them away! Now tell me, who saw me ?! " - "Girlfriend". - "Give her phone ..." Immediately dialed, and the other: "No, Nadia misunderstood me ..."

Father every now and then jumped out into the street to smoke. In the meantime, I admonished my mother: “If I let him back in, then forgive me, don’t bear the brain. You can't poke a man with his nose into his jambs, drive him into a corner. Understand, if he still tolerates your pilezh, it means that he loves you, too, for him - the light in the window. I couldn’t stand it, I swear! Well, what are you trying to achieve? For him to leave or to drink? " Then he went out to his father: “How did you want? Twirl your tail right and left, and then come to your wife - and so that she, as before, blows the dust off you ?! You either hide your partying, or leave your mother. "

It turned out strange: the son teaches the parents! I never thought that a time like this would come. It turns out that it makes sense to get involved in parenting relationships in order to save the family. Otherwise, the parents of such firewood can break! For nothing that both are 50! I was sure: Mom and Dad still love each other, but, apparently, everyone has accumulated, and now it has broken through.

On the same evening, it turned out that dad was not going to leave mom, and that apartment was bought by him for Galka with the money he was saving up - he wanted to arrange a surprise. Then I hacked myself on the nose: a woman does not need such "surprises" - make excuses later! But whether dad had an affair on his side or some kind of one-off story, I never found out. He didn’t confess. And it is right! You can neither justify nor confess. Excuses are humiliating, and confessions do not give a chance to restore the relationship. A person, if he loves, wants to hear anything but the bitter truth, he must be given a chance to catch on to something. I'll be honest: if I suddenly find myself in a similar situation, I'd rather be deceived! Lie, women, that fainted, and this nice man saved you, and you are undressed because there was nothing to breathe ... Family life is longer with pink glasses.

Thanks to my parents, I now know: it is better to immediately express grievances to each other, otherwise they will grow like a snowball. And the children then cut this Gordian knot - which not everyone can do. But I am happy that I succeeded. At the end of our frank conversation, he said to them solemnly: “Dad and Mom, now at last everything has been said, there are no more offenses. You are starting a new life. So go to the resort! " And he sent them to a sanatorium in Kislovodsk. They called from there happy, my mother was completely glowing, did not miss a single procedure, swam in the pool, walked arm in arm with dad ... It turned out that this was my mother's first vacation ...


- We have always lived very modestly, my mother could not afford to rest. When my older brother was born, she quit a promising job at the factory: she and her father decided that it would be better for the family.
The marriage of my parents, as I understand now, was guarded by my mother all this time. There is only one reason - love. All my life it is impossible to endure lack of money and daddy's periodic binges for another reason.

It happened that my mother simply had nothing to feed us. She went to the neighbors, asked for a loan of buckwheat. We did not understand the tragedy of the situation, we were happy: hurray, delicious porridge! My brother and I played football in childhood, but we did not have boots, only sneakers. Parents could not afford to buy them. Therefore, in bad weather, the coach left us to sit on the bench. It was only as an adult that I realized: my childhood was not always radiant. And then it seemed beautiful - the best in the world!

I don't blame my father for anything. Actually, he is smart, but because of his addiction to alcohol, he constantly loses his job. I ask: “Why did you fly from this place? You liked it. " He replies calmly: "Well, that means it's not mine." It finishes me off: how is it possible - to break your life, the only unique one, like a children's designer!

When dad is sober, everything is fine. The miner, works hard, watches over the economy. Often, it happened, he sat behind the wheel of a broken-down "kopeck" at night and taxied ... And returning home, he made my brother and me laugh with stories about how someone brazenly cut him off, and he caught up at a traffic light and drove into the "melon" of the offender. Since childhood, I have firmly understood: if someone offended you, give back, and do not turn the other cheek ...

But when he broke down - write wasted. Another man! How many times has disappeared from the house, neatly folded on the shelf in the hallway, car keys and documents - so as not to lose! My brother and I scoured the city, looking. (Smiles bitterly.) Then my grandmother called us and said that dad was staying at her place.

At the same time, when Serega and I were still teenagers, he put us in front of him and said: “If I see drunk at least once or, God forbid, I find out that I’ve got involved with drugs, I’ll blow it half to death.” Hard? Yes. We were chilled on our skin by his words. Fear of my father saved me and my brother from a lot. As soon as we naughty, he took up the belt. I think that I will bring up my sons as well. (Laughs.)

To be honest, I'm still afraid of my father. I know for sure that even now, if I stumble, he will not spare. But my mother is the real keeper of the hearth. But at the same time, she is by no means an uncomplaining woman. She could give dad coal, having arranged a hauling, but only in private, without strangers. There is always respect in public. And this is wise: a man cannot be humiliated, especially in front of witnesses. From a woman who understands this, a man will never go anywhere, believe me.


- I try to teach Sister Galku the intricacies of relations between men and women, I explain how to behave. I honestly talk about what happens in a guy's head when, for example, he gets a girl on his first date. I say: “The longer you pull, the better. And if he is tired of waiting - great! So, all that was needed was sex. "

I know for sure that more often than not a man needs sex. And I have great respect for those who refuse me. (Laughs.) I also teach my sister to look at a man with admiration, to let her take care of you - any man needs to feel stronger than a woman. Smart girls always put their lover on a pedestal. And you begin to idolize her, need her, because only she understands you ...

I am wildly depressed when romance leaves a relationship. Previously, you had to call, come on a date with flowers. Now everything has been simplified. It is enough to write an SMS: "Let's see you tonight." I drove up, put the girl in the car, drove to a restaurant. And what's so special about that? After all, you just yourself want to eat! Or to the cinema, because you do not want to go alone ... So, girls, do not consider yourself to be obliged to us for this. (Laughs.) I am a romantic guy, I do not like to rush things, in a relationship with a woman it is important for me to make her happy. Truth! Everyone who was with me knows this. This is probably why I keep in touch with all my friends after parting. Except for Ani Chipovskaya. Our love was for aortic rupture. I was trying to get it for a year and a half. Romantic outbursts did not make an impression on her, then out of despair I began to twist novels with her closest friends, so that she would notice that she was jealous. Achieved ... We spent the happiest eight months together, and then she began to blow up my brain. Claims poured in for any reason. Long and hard, but we parted. When she came to me at night without warning to get my things, I was in another bedroom. Fortunately, there was no scandal - she just put the keys on the table and left. We didn't communicate anymore.

For all my love for the weaker sex, I do not tolerate the dominance of women in principle. And no matter how in love I am, I will not do anything at the behest of my friend. I am sure that even the latest feminist strives to find a strong man. I am for sincerity in relationships: I can’t stand various women's tricks and stupid games. I’ll replay each one anyway. Well, why, tell me, women so love to frown their brows for no reason and to be tragically silent? You tell her: "Darling, what happened?" And in response, with a sigh: "Nothing ..." The man is spinning as if in a frying pan, trying to find out the truth, experiences a terrible feeling of guilt, and the woman continues to torment him. Ooh! Once upon a time I fell for such tricks. But now a scientist. (Laughs.) My first girlfriend, whom I was in love with at the age of 16, twisted me as she wanted, and I took everything at face value, worried. Then he grew wiser and gave himself a vow never to allow a woman to rule. (Smiles.) Because then suffering and torment are guaranteed.

But with Oksana Akinshina, I myself am to blame. She did not give me any reason to be indignant. But one day I foolishly went from her computer to the VKontakte website. And he wrote another, with whom we have already ended. Oksana read it and said: "I don't want to see or hear you anymore!" - which is, by and large, correct. Nobody knew about our quarrel - and suddenly it appeared in the press: "While Vorobyov is preparing for Eurovision, Akinshina is celebrating her birthday without him." They doused her with mud, making it clear that she was cheating on me. I was horrified: I was to blame for everything, but it turns out that because of me, such a dirty train pulled behind her! Arriving in Moscow, straight from the plane rushed to Oksana and begged for forgiveness for several hours. Then she forgave me. But in the end we broke up anyway. I'm not the man with whom she could build a happy union. I scold myself terribly for being unfaithful. But maybe this will pass with age?


- After Eurovision I was invited to the Cannes Film Festival. I drove with joy: I just needed to rest. In a nightclub he met a beautiful girl. She turned out to be an actress from Holland named Darin. For several days we did not part for a second, and in euphoria we decided to go to Paris together. I had to get to the "Big Race", and Darin wanted to keep me company. And so we are rushing in the car along the Autobahn. Night, music, we just had amazing sex at the gas station, everything seems to be wonderful. I put my hand on her knee, turn to her with a smile and ... bump into a displeased expression on her face. "What's the matter, honey?" - I ask. And then she "turns on": "No, nothing, everything is fine ..." I instantly boil, stop the car, go out and stand, leafing through the phone. Three or four minutes pass, she also comes out: "Why aren't we going?" I say, "I don't want to." - "In terms of?" "No sense ... Get your things out of the car." - "What? Why?" - “Judging by your sour face, you don’t like something ?! You can go further on foot! " - I am rude. Where should I go? Night, we're on the autobahn. It is clear that she silently climbed back into the car. Of course, we immediately made up. I really liked her, but I immediately stopped her attempts to steer me in the bud. In such a situation, the main thing is not just to send (this is rudeness), but to make it clear why you are acting so harshly. For example, say: “I want everything to be good with you, so it’s important to me what your mood is. If you don't want to share, you'd better leave. " Only in this way the girl realizes that she is very wrong. After that, over time, she will abandon her experiments - and peace and quiet for a man are guaranteed.

Darin and I were happy until the last day. We spent several weeks together, and then I flew to Los Angeles. One. Then I did not know that for my sake she left her boyfriend - the star of the Barcelona football team Ibrahim Afell. Darin was ready to go with me, but in America, by and large, now I have no time for novels at all - I cannot waste precious time. I have to plow there ten times more than here in Russia. Not only do I study, write music and work in the studio on an album, but twice a day I study with teachers fucking English, which I didn't like since childhood - I remove the foreign accent. The contract signed this year with RedOin (producer of Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias and others) and the American label Universal gives me the chance not only to work with people who shape the global music market today, but also to study at the most respected acting school in Hollywood Ivana Chubbuck Studio with the educators who raised Cameron Diaz and Brad Pitt. There, overseas, I have to start everything from scratch. There are a lot of plans: "Grammy", "Oscar" and so on. I don't know if I will get them, but if you set such goals, then you will definitely get somewhere. Fortunately, there are still things to do in Moscow, and I come here every few months. These three or four weeks in Moscow I work like dad Carlo, I sleep quite a bit. The day before yesterday, after the concert, the doctors put me on a drip with some kind of vitamin garbage, because the body can no longer cope with the load. I do not work for the sake of money - this is the only way to achieve something. I love work more than anything else. And I don't really need money. Well, help my parents, buy a present for my beloved, well, even fly to America in business class, and that is because I cannot fit in the economy with my growth - that's all the expenses. I still don't have an apartment in Moscow. I bought a new microphone today - and I'm glad! And in the evening Vika arrived ...

We have been together for the fifth month already. With her appearance, my life has changed radically. She's the perfect girl. I have not written to her from America for several days, but she is not offended. I called - a joyful voice and not a word of reproach! How? I do not understand. If the girl hadn't written to me for several days, I would have broken off the relationship right there ... We sincerely try to please each other - recently I made an arrangement for a song that Vika wrote at the age of thirteen. Matvienko believed that nothing would come of this song, but I liked it so much that it came out just great, and Vika was happy. She is feminine and wise beyond her years. Sometimes I see anticipation in her eyes. Of course, it is hard for her with me, Vika understands that I have no matrimonial plans yet, and it is unbearable for me to see it. (Sighs.)

After the story of the divorce of my parents (thank God, everything ended well and they are together), I do not want my marriage to be threatened by any casual ties. Well, I am drawn to women with terrible strength, they are different, alien creatures with delicate skin and an alluring aroma ... The fantasy is played out in such a way that it is difficult to control oneself. (Laughs.) So I decided: I'd better take a good walk first, and then I'll be faithful to my wife. And ideally, frankly, now I want an easy relationship, because tearing the heart of a loving woman hurts. ... And yet I look at Vika - a good, loyal, trusting me, who is so terrible to hurt - and I understand: tell me now, for example, that she has met someone else ... No, it's impossible! The hunter will turn on in me, I will begin to win her back. Therefore, I will try to do everything to make her happy. As long as possible.

Alla ZANIMONETS, Telenedelya LLC, Moscow (specially for ZN), photo by WAHB MABKHOUT and from the personal archive of Alexei Vorobyov

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FULL NAME: Vorobyov Alexey Vladimirovich

DATE OF BIRTH: 01/19/1988 (Capricorn)



HAIR COLOR: fair-haired

MARITAL STATUS: not married

A FAMILY: Parents: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Vorobyova, Vladimir Viktorovich Vorobyov. Brothers and sisters: Galina Vorobyova, Sergey Vladimirovich Vorobyov

HEIGHT: 186 cm

OCCUPATION: singer and actor


Actor, musician, composer and director.

Over the years, Vorobyov has won many awards - he became the winner of the Delphic Games, the owner of the MTV Russia Music Awards, the winner of the Ice and Fire project on Channel One, and the winner of the Soundtrack prize in the Music in Cinema nomination for soundtracks to films ... He is a two-time Laureate of the Smile, Russia Film Festival for Best Actor in the films Suicides and Treasures of O. K. and for the best film score, and was named "Person of the Year" for the best role in the film "Suicides" at the Swedish Film Festival "KinoRurik". And he has received many director's awards for his debut short film "Dad".

As a child, Alexei Vorobyov was very fond of football and played for the Tula youth team. And he even became the top scorer, and his team became the regional champion. And the young man dreamed of associating his future with sports. However, a little later, his plans changed, and it was decided to choose music as a profession. The young musician not only plays almost all instruments, but also sings beautifully, and in 2005 he becomes the Winner of the Delphic Games, and, having won over 186 applicants from all over Russia, Alexei receives the Gold Medal in the "Folk Vocal" category.
From the age of 16, Aleksey has been a soloist of the famous Tula folklore ensemble "Uslada".
In 2005, young Alexei came to Moscow for the casting of the television project "The Secret of Success", in which he became one of the winners. Immediately after the competition, he moved to the capital, and entered the Variety-Jazz School. Gnesins.
In 2006, Alexei's film career began, and his first major role was in the youth TV series Alice's Dreams on the MTV channel.
In 2008, after graduating from Gnesinka, Alexey entered the Moscow Art Theater School for the acting course of Kirill Serebrennikov, and at the same time acted in films, playing both comedy and dramatic roles.

In 2012, Alexei Vorobyov was taken unconscious to a hospital in Florence. During the filming of a mass brawl for the film about Florentine football I Calcianti, Alexei missed a blow to the head. The injury did not seem serious enough then. A couple of days later, Vorobyov left the hospital.In early 2013, information appeared in the press about a serious car accident involving Vorobyov. It happened on one of the roads in Los Angeles. Alexei was in a wheelchair, the left half of his body was partially paralyzed. Youth, lust for life and willpower helped the singer cope with the illness. The doctors quickly put him on his feet. In May 2013, Alexey returned to Russia to continue acting in the TV series "Deffchonki".

Alexei Vorobyov is credited with an affair with Tatyana Navka, actress Oksana Akinshina, Victoria Daineko.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna always supports her son. So she approved of his participation in the show "The Bachelor".

And yet I did not find my happiness with any of them. But he has a wonderful example before his eyes - his parents.

“The mechanism of our family is based on love. At the same time, the wife is just a foundation and an “all-knowing” mother. I am convinced that the road to success is full of women who walk behind the backs of men, pushing them in front of them. In the case of Alexei, he only needs support with care and love. Then he will move mountains. After all, he has not yet reached his peak.

The wonderful actress and beauty Vera Sotnikova said that if a girl saw Vorobyov and she did not like him, then she had serious problems. I'm sure the girls will be fascinated by my son. Another question haunts: why do they go to the project? What do they carry in their hearts? But if at least one of them forgets why she came and just falls in love with Alyosha, I will be happy! I would very much like to see eyes shining like two stars and a complete eclipse of the mind. My son needs that kind of love. And we will accept and love anyone that he loves and brings to the house, ”summarize her loving son's mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

In the finale of the show "The Bachelor" the famous actor and musician, Tula Alexei Vorobyov had to choose his wife from two girls. However, Lesha did not choose any of them, which shocked the producers of the program. Myslo found out why this happened and what kind of girl Alexei needs. We talked with the person who knows the artist best of all - with his mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

- Nadezhda Nikolaevna, why, in your opinion, Lyosha did not choose any girl for the show "Bachelor"?

There is such a cartoon "Three heroes", and there is Alyosha Popovich. There he has a girlfriend Lyubava, who all the time to him: "Alyoshenka, Alyoshenka!" And she always follows him somewhere and walks, and drives, gets into different stories. But she is always there. Lyosha needs just such a girl who is: "Alyoshenka!" - that's all. But that's what I think ...

- That is, which is ready to go to the ends of the world for him?

I am ready to be his rear always and everywhere. After all, what is Alyosha? Few of the girls understood that his religion is work. And the second it stops working, it will fade away. Because his mission is to realize his talent. It is like an object that moves across the sky - it is alive, it is whole, it shines. He stopped - that's it, he died ... Lyosha has a lost time syndrome. If he sat for half an hour - panic that life is wasted. Well, I can talk a lot about this ...

- The finalists of the show Natalia and Yana do not fit this image?

They are wonderful girls. Clever, beautiful, characteristic, good in their own way. And each has its own story and its own position in life. Their goals and objectives in life are different. They didn’t come to build relationships, they came to “win at the Bachelor, whoever he was. I did not see any of them with him on the road of life. In the last episode of the show, it was so clear that even if the sound was turned off, everything would be clear without words.

- Do you think the girls did not have feelings for Lesha?

It struck me that not one of them mentioned that she was in love. I've been waiting for this. It doesn't matter at all on what occasion they met, why the girls came to the project. I expected that at least one would say: “Yes! I came to the project for my own reasons, even gain experience, even show off, even out of curiosity ... But I met your son ... and fell in love. And even though I look funny - now I know why I am here! I only want to be with him. Is everything else in this world important? "

I am sure that everything happened as it happened, because in the girls' coordinate system, love is not the core of the relationship. And it's scary. Alyosha has one family project before his eyes - his family. And he went on a project to find love. He believes that it happens. This is the kind of love that dad and I have. For Alyosha, a family without love is a crime.

- At the moment, does Lyosha maintain relations with the finalists?

I have no idea. We will learn about this much later, when the time comes. What if he brings someone to us? Our door is open. And we are sure that it will include the one we love.
Alyosha gave us a 1984 bottle of Massandra in Crimea. This is the year my dad and I met. And this bottle will be opened on the day when his love comes to our house. It means that he believes in his love and is waiting for it.

Alexey Vorobyov is a Russian singer, producer and composer, actor and aspiring director, a favorite of hundreds of thousands of girls, a UN Goodwill Ambassador. The only participant in the show "Bachelor" who has not chosen his life partner. He represented Russia at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest, but took almost the worst place in the history of the country's participation in this contest.

Childhood and family

Russian singer and musician Alexei Vladimirovich Vorobiev was born on January 19, 1988 in a simple family from Tula, far from the art world. The star's dad, Vladimir Viktorovich, worked as the head of security at the enterprise, mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, was engaged in housekeeping. According to the singer, complications arose during childbirth and the doctors barely managed to save his life. Alexey has an older brother Sergei and a younger sister Galina. Both of them, having matured, connected life with music: Sergey plays the accordion in the Jazzophrenia group, Galina became a singer.

As a child, Alexei Vorobyov was very fond of football and played for the Tula youth team. And he even became the top scorer, and his team became the regional champion. The young man dreamed of connecting his life with sports. However, a little later, his plans changed towards singing. However, according to Alexei, sports and the stage are very similar to each other - the intensity of emotions and the desire to win everyone.

During their school years, the Vorobyov brothers went to a music school, where they studied in the accordion class. But at the age of 15, after 9 years of study, Alexey decided to leave the musical instrument and take up singing. After graduating from school, Vorobyov entered the Dargomyzhsky Music College of Arts, specializing in the "leader of the folk choir." The relatives did not understand this decision: “What, how are you going to sing like an old grandmother?” - his mother asked him, but the young man was adamant.

Musical career

At the age of 15, Alexei joined the Tula folklore ensemble "Uslada", and at 16 he became its soloist. Teachers noted his unprecedented diligence and hard work.

In 2005, the 17-year-old singer won the Delphic Games and received a medal in the Vocal category. Then Alexey went to Moscow for the all-Russian casting of the television competition "The Secret of Success", which was broadcast on the channel "Russia". The young man reached the final and became one of the winners of the show. Inspired by the victory, Lesha Vorobyov moved to Moscow and immediately entered the Gnessin Variety and Jazz School. A year later, a promising performer has a signed contract with Universal Music Russia in his pocket.

Alexey Vorobyov performs only "live". He is one of the few artists who does not sing to the soundtrack even when recording TV broadcasts.

A year later, Alexey Vorobyov sang the official anthem of the J8 Youth G8 during the Summit, and also spoke at the opening and closing of the international event. In the same 2006, the singer released his first video for the song "Summer".

Alexey Vorobyov - "Summer"

Vorobyov has only one full-fledged album - "Vorobyov's Lie Detector", released in 2011. At the same time, he has a huge number of singles, including those recorded with other artists. Most often, Alexey collaborated with the Friends! Group: together they released 7 songs. He also did feats with Yegor Creed ("More than love"), his brother and sister ("Like the last time"), Vika Daineko ("Go crazy without you").

Scandal at Eurovision

In 2008, Alexei Vorobyov tried his luck at the Eurovision qualifying round. The singer performed "New Russian Kalinka", which was received favorably. However, in the final standings, the artist took only fifth place.

Alexey Vorobyov - "New Russian Kalinka"

A year later, Alexey tried his hand again and tried to get to the final of the Russian selection for Eurovision. This time, the singer passed the qualifying round, but refused to participate in the competition due to employment in another project. Luck smiled at him in 2011. Alexei Vorobyov finally got a chance to represent Russia at Eurovision with the song Get You by Moroccan producer RedOne. The singer took sixteenth place. This result was the worst in the history of the country's participation in the competition, with the exception of the result of Philip Kirkorov in 1995 - 17th place. But Alexei Vorobyov's participation in Eurovision was remembered not only for bad results, but for his defiant behavior.

Eurovision 2011: Alexey Vorobyov - Get You

Even before participating in the competition, Alexei Vorobyov made a number of homophobic comments about representatives of sexual minorities in an interview.

If you hear or read that at Eurovision Vorobyov “marked an innocent person”, you should know: this is one of the gays who tried to molest me. And he was immediately rewarded with a blow to the melon!

In addition to homophobic remarks, Vorobiev accused his Swedish rival Eric Saade of plagiarism. Representatives of the Russian performer said that the Swedes took over the number with glass, which was invented by Alexei's group for a performance at the Russian Music Awards. However, the accusations were denied, and the "number with glass", as it turned out, had already been staged by other performers even before Vorobyov.

During the announcement of the results in the first semifinal, Alexei Vorobyov suddenly shouted into the camera live: “This is Russia! This is Russia, f * ck! Come here, f * ck! Look in the eyes, f * ck! " and kissed the lens. "Disgrace" - this is how many artists summed up his act, for example, Anfisa Chekhova and Sergei Lazarev.

Actor career

In 2006, Vorobyov not only made his debut on the big stage, but also began his career as an actor. In the fall, the young man became the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the multi-part interactive series "Alice's Dream" with Masha Malinovskaya. The latter was shown on the air of the popular music channel every day.

After that, Alexei Vorobyov began to actively act in films and decided to enter a theater university. In 2008, the singer received a diploma from a music school and entered the Moscow Art Theater School, where he studied acting on the course of Kirill Serebrennikov. However, due to high employment in 2010, the young man left the institute. By that time, his filmography included the main role in the military drama "The Second", participation in the horror film "Phobos. Fear Club ”with Pyotr Fedorov and a dozen less prominent heroes.

"Dad", a short film by Alexei Vorobyov

Alexey strove to perform tricks in films independently. Before filming began, Vorobyov underwent serious physical training. The singer was fond of extreme driving and motor sports, and these skills in many ways helped Lesha in one of the frames to perform such complex stunts as a jump from the 4th floor and burning.

The actor's filmography was replenished from year to year. In 2012, together with Galina Bob, he starred in the TV series "Deffchonki" in the role of Sergei Zvonarev, with Maxim Averin in the films "Capercaillie. Come, New Year! " and "The Runaways", with Maria Kozhevnikova and Elvira Ibragimova - in the film "Treasures of OK".

Alexey Vorobyov on television

Alexey Vorobyov is invited to take part in television projects. So, he could be seen in "Cruel Games", "Big Races" and the ice show "Ice and Fire", where he made a great pair with Tatiana Navka.

Alexey Vorobyov and Tatiana Navka - Show Must Go On

But perhaps the most memorable appearance of Vorobyov on television was his participation in the fourth season of the show "The Bachelor", which was released in March 2016.

He really hoped that the project would help him find love for him, but in vain. He did not want to conform to the rules of the project and imitate feelings for girls when in fact they were not there. As a result, he became the first bachelor who, at the end of the season, did not give preference to any participant.

Other projects

In 2007, Alexey Vorobyov became a Goodwill Ambassador. For a year, the candidacy of the Russian singer was considered at the UN headquarters in New York. And only after approval, Alexey received an official offer to represent the organization in Russia. It is noteworthy that the position and duty is quite prestigious.

Alexey Vorobyov became the first Russian artist to receive such a prestigious status. He is responsible for the United Nations AIDS programs in Russia. At the same time, Lesha became an ambassador and active worker of the Dance4Life youth program and the UNICEF foundation.

Tragic accidents in the life of Vorobyov

In 2012, Alexei Vorobyov was taken unconscious to a hospital in Florence. During the filming of a mass brawl for the film about Florentine football "I Calcianti" Alexei missed a blow to the head. The injury did not seem serious to the doctors, and a couple of days later Vorobyov left the hospital.

At the beginning of 2013, information appeared in the press about a serious car accident involving Vorobyov. It happened on one of the roads in Los Angeles. Alexei was in a wheelchair, the left half of his body was partially paralyzed. As journalists reported, the injuries affected a quarter of the singer's brain.

Only youth, lust for life and willpower helped the singer cope with the illness. He learned anew not only to sing - to talk! Already in May 2013, Alexey returned to Russia to continue acting in the series "Deffchonki".

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey Vorobyov is reputed to be a heartthrob. However, the singer prefers not to talk about his victories.

It is known that after the artist took part in the show "Ice and Fire", he had an affair with his colleague Tatyana Navka. For her sake, he left his previous girlfriend, Anna Chipovskaya, whom he met on the set of the video for "New Russian Kalinka".

Alexei Vorobyov is credited with having an affair with actress Oksana Akinshina, his partner in the film "Suicides". The couple initially denied their romance, but soon began to appear in public together, which indirectly confirmed their relationship.

In May 2011, the couple broke up, but Alexey did not stay alone for long, already in August 2011 he began dating Victoria Daineko. The romance also turned out to be short-lived, Alexey and Victoria broke up in May 2012.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko - For the last time

A lot of rumors about Vorobyov's personal life gave rise to the series "Deffchonki", where the actor played the lover of the heroine of Galina Bob. Also on the site, the artist made friends with