Musical instruments - interesting information.

 Musical instruments - interesting information.
Musical instruments - interesting information.

Music is the best thing that can be in the world. Music at the same time can be simple and challenging. Think about a minute - the waves of different frequencies are connected to an excellent melody, and we trample this melody through the ears. The brain decrypts frequencies, and as a result, each person enjoys the magic in its properties of music.

Inventor electric guitar Leo Fander never knew how to play musical instrument - guitar.

Khevi-Metal-Metallic team, after his unsurpassed speech at a concert in Antarctica, got into the Guinness Book of Records. Metallica is the only team that for the year gave performances on all continents of the world.

Yearly " Warner Brothers."Gets about two million cu. For its right of authorship on the composition "Happy Birthday".

Ozzy Osbourne in the eighties at his concert otgby head unfortunate battleAnd as a result was hospitalized, because he suspected rabies.

The name of the Russian team Bi-2 is the abbreviated name, complete - "Truth Coast".

John Lennon distinguished himself by sleeping in a coffin.

Fading plants perfectly revitalizes a classic melody. If you have a melody to turn on the fading plant, then the plant will gradually be filled with paints, moreover, it will come to where the sound comes from.

It is important to know that music reduces pain. Thanks to the classic melody, the sensory paths are activated, which is noticeably muted by extremely unpleasant and pain. Music allows you to get rid of anxiety and from stress. Psychologists are confident in the fact that thanks to the music is a little easier and much more efficient can be achieved.

Not famous for the whole world Michael Jackson, and not even the Bittles record holders in the number of people collected in one place at one concert. Recordsman - Norwegian team "A-HA". In 1991, A-HA in Brazil was given a concert, on which the presence of 195 thousand people were recorded. Previously, the record for him was holding Paul McCartney, there was 191 thousand people on his speech.

Musicians "A-HA" were forced to give more than ten thousand autographs, following the hotel after the speech.

Michael Jackson was confident that all his haunting misfortunes began at the time of recording the commercial on the drink "Pepsi". On the shooting on the star fell a hot spotlight, instantly smeared hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, after which he became the star "yellow press".

Elton John has always been distinguished by its bright and very extravagant scenic outfits, why the critic of Fashion Blackwell brought him to the list of "most extravagant dressed ladies". John and to this day can not forgive this act.

In the US, the most demanded music for a wedding celebration - music composition W. Houston called "I Will Always Love You." So coincided that this composition at such an already level of popularity and in Britain.

And you know why there was a quarrel between the Bittles team and the recording studio of the EMP? During the recording at the Studio "Sergeant Pepper", the musician J. Harrison did not like the paper in the toilet.

If you like music as she likes, then listen to her with us on

Music - Safe Drug?

A group of neurobiologists under the leadership of Robert Slace from Canadian University McGill traced the processes that occur in the human body while listening to the favorite music. It turned out that the effect is observed at the same time akin to narcotic euphoria, "the scientist passes.

The whole thing, as scientists say, in the hormone of pleasure - dopamine. So, with the help of positron-emission and functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, it was possible to find out that when a person listens to his favorite melody, a taper came to the excitement, which is responsible for the processes of memorization and training, and the adjacent, in which the feeling of pleasure, brain centers are formed. The dopamine is allocated here.
In addition to observations of changes in cerebral activity, scientists have also been recorded in volunteers changing the heart rate, breathing, body temperature and skin conductivity.
At the same time, as researchers recognize, science can not give a reliable answer to the question why music is able to awaken such strong emotional experiences in people.

Until the 1990s, there was a law in Iceland in which a foreigner who wishes to accept Icelandic citizenship should take icelandic name Either change its own according to the traditions of the Icelandic language. But for celebrities, exceptions were made. When I emigrated to Iceland soviet conductor And Pianist Vladimir Ashkenazi, the government of the country contributed to the official list of permitted names New - "Vladimir Ashkenazi".


Austrian Pianist Paul Wittgenstein lost right hand In the First World War, however, resumed the concert career and reached exceptional skill, playing one left. The virtuoso possession of the pianistic technique allowed Wittgenstein to successfully fulfill the writings comparable in difficulty even for a pianist with two hands


Each time before sit down at the table and start writing music, Beethoven lowered his head in a pelvis with ice water. This reception was so entered into his habit that the composer could not refuse him until the end of his life.

Beethoven did not know how to multiply.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov on one of his lessons explained to the disciples that the last part Symphonies or sonates must be necessarily written in a rapid pace.
- And why did Chakovsky have the fourth part of the sixth symphony written in slow Tempe? - asked M. F. Gnesin.
Professor paused, then solemnly said:
- Exceptions are possible if they are ingenious.

One day, a young man came to the director of the Milan Conservatory and asked him to project him. On the entry exam He played her piano, showed his writings. A few days later he received the answer: "Leave the idea of \u200b\u200bthe conservatory and find the teacher among the city musicians." It was in 1832, and in a few decades, the Milan Conservatory wanted to wear the name of the musician once rejected by her. This name is Giuseppe Verdi.


The word "music" gave us ancient Greeks. Music B. ancient Greek mythology - Daughters of Zeus, goddess, patronizing sciences and arts. Nine them. True, there were no one among them, which would specially engage in the art of sounds. Some believe that this is the muse of the dance of Terraticor as if on official duties should be patronized by music accompanying dancing. Others believe - it was the case of Eutherpi, muses of lyrical poetry (poems in the ancient Greeks were soles to the sounds of the instrument) in the word music and today a reminder of the distant gods and legends is heard.


The word "key" - from the Latin "Claus", which means the key. And the reason everything is vintage instrument Organ. On the authority, each key acts like a key: the key has opens the access of air into one of organ pipe - And it makes the sound of a certain height. On very old simple organs of the Keys, so that the playing is not confused - they subscribed to the letters of Latin alphabet A, B, with etc. Recording from the keys has passed on paper. Music in the distant past was recorded with letters. And at the beginning of the record a key letter was put. Over time, three key letters are preserved: C (sound to), F (the sound of the F) and G (Sound Sound) are now keys in modern notes.
Here is the path from the keys to the keys.


The most expensive violins in the world are the tools of the work of Stradivarius of the late 17th and early 18th century, allegedly sounding better than all other violins thanks to the unsolved secret of the master. However, in 2010, this prejudice was refuted during the experiment, in which 21 professional violinists using double-blind testing explored 3 modern violins and 3 old tools - 2 work of Stradivari and another work Guardarry. Most musicians participating in the experiment could not distinguish old violins from new ones. Moreover, best quality Sounds possess how it turned out as a result of testing, the tools of the living masters, while more than a hundred times the expensive violins of Stradivari took the last two places.


In 1984, the drummer of the Hard Rock Group Def Leppard Rick Allen got into a car accident and lost left. It did not affect his desire to be a musician, and he began to train on a hybrid installation specially designed for him. It was written by samples of shocks, which he used to make left hand, and they were reproduced by various movements of the left leg. Since then, Allen participated in the record of many successful Def Leppard albums, as well as several sided projects.

Austrian Pianist Paul Wittgenstein lost his right hand in the First World War, but resumed a concert career and reached exceptional skill, playing one left. The virtuoso possession of the pianistic technique allowed Wittgenstein to successfully fulfill the writings, quite complicated even for a pianist with two hands.

What subjects lie in a crypt Bob Marley?
The famous Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley bequeathed to put in his posthumous crypt "Les Paul" guitar, soccer ball, Bible and marijuana sweeping.

The famous Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley as a child was known in his village as a talented predictor on the lines on his palms.

Vitas is the most popular modern Russian performer in China, which puts it in the first place among all Russian performers on total number fans in the world.

One of the best violinists American Joshua Bell January 12, 2007 agreed to take part in the experiment - in the morning for 45 minutes he played the lobby of the metro station under the guise of ordinary street musician
Of the thousands past people, only seven became interested in music.

Julio Iglesias in his youth was a football goalkeeper and advocated the Madrid "Real". However, his football career was interrupted at the age of 20, when he fell into a car accident and lay in the hospital for three years. He was paralyzed, only hands worked freely. Iglesias learned to play guitar and subsequently became a famous musician.

The Ukrainian singer Carolina Kupe became known under the pseudonym Ani Lorak thanks to the "Morning Star-95" contest. The fact is that another has already been announced russian singer Under the name of Carolina, so Ukrainian had to come out of the situation by writing his name on the contrary.

In the touring team, Madonna has a special group whose task is to prevent the singer's DNA to theft. After Madonna comes out of the grimor, these workers carefully cleaned all hair, skin particles and droplets of her saliva, and only after that allow access to the room of other people.

Opera singer Enrico Caruso was considered a tenor, but his voice could change in a very wide range. Once, when performing the opera Puccini "Bohemia", the bass turned to Caruso and whispered that he lost his voice. To which Caruso told him just to open his mouth and performed all Aria himself, standing back to the audience. Almost none of the public did not notice the trick.

French organist Marshan, famous for his game, arrived in Dresden in 1717. Everyone was fascinated by his game, even the King Kurfürst. All in one voice said that Marshant eclipsed all German performers. However, rumors of Bach from Weimar, the art of which was the vertex of skill, reached the Kuthursta.
On the appointed day, the competition between Bach and Marshant was organized. Marshant performed one of the great French Aria with the brilliant and numerous variations.
And the hall broke out with loud applause.

Then the organ village Bach. The hall is measured in surprise. Johann Sebastian began playing the composition as Marshant. Bach heard her first time in his life when she was performed by Marshant. However, this did not prevent him from unmistakably repeat all the variations of the French organist and add their own - more complex, skillful and magnificent ... The listeners rated the game Baha deafening applause, which did not leave doubts about the virtuosity of the German game. But it was still decided about the revenge of the musical dispute.
In the appointed evening, the Frenchman did not come. As it turned out later, the Marshant ran away in the morning, not even gone to anyone ... well, jokes ...

How to write symphony
Some young man asked Mozart, how to write symphony.
- You are still too young. Why don't you start with ballads? - Signed Mozart.
The young man objected:
"But after all, you started writing symphonies when you were not ten more."
"Yes," Mozart replied, "but I didn't ask anyone how you need to write."

Become violin
Once after the concert, an enthusiastic fan turned to Paganini:
- Maestro, I am ready to do anything, to always be near you!
"For this you need to become a violin of Stradivari," Paganini replied.

Real friends
Once D. Rossini asked if he had friends, and if there was, then who they were.
- Oh yeah! Of course, there is, - replied Rossini and called Millionaire Rothschild and Morgan.
He was noticed that, probably he chose such rich friends to be able to occupy money from them.
"Along with the opposite," Rossini answered fun, "I call them friends just that they never take money from me."

The impossible is possible
Mozart wrote up music as a child and somehow she brought a few pages with notes somehow a boy.
"I wrote a play that you could not play anything for anything," he said to his sheepish glory to the teacher.

Haydn took his notes and shouted:
- Here, the hands must perform complex passages in opposite ends of the keyboard, and some more notes need to take in the midst of the moment! It is impossible to play this thing!
Mozart laughed, sat down for the harpsichine and took the "impossible" notes - with the help of the nose.

Music is associated with a lot of interesting things. This is not only amazing work on the beauty, a variety of musical instruments, game techniques, but also interesting Facts about music. You will learn about some of them in this article.

Fact number 1 "Feline Clausing".

In the Middle Ages, it turns out that the Inquisition was exposed not only to people recognized by dad heretics, but even cats! There are information according to which the King of Spain Philip II had an unusual musical instrument called "Feline Clausing".

Its device was simple - a long box with partitions, creating fourteen compartments. In each compartment there was a cat, previously selected by the "specialist". Each cat passed "listening" and if her voice arranged "Foniators", then she was placed in a certain compartment, respectively, the height of his voice. "Removed" cats were immediately burned.

The head of the selected cat was supervised in the hole, and the tails were tightly fixed under the keyboard. Every time the key was pressed, the sharp needle sharply dug into a feline tail, the animal, naturally, screamed. Fun court has concluded in the "playing" of such melodies or take chords. What caused such cruelty? The fact is that the church declared fluffy beauties with the messengers of Satan and defended the destruction.

The cruel musical instrument quickly spread over Europe. Even Peter I ordered in Hamburg "Feline Clausing" for Kunstkamera.

Fact # 2 "Water - a source of inspiration?"

Interesting facts about music are connected with classics. Beethoven, for example, started writing music only after he lowered his head in a large pelvis, which was filled with ... Ice water. This strange habit is so firmly attached to the composer that with all the desire he could not leave it until the end of his life.

Fact number 3 "Music and treats, and cripples"

Interesting facts about music are connected with not to the end with a clarified phenomenon, health. Everyone knows and scientifically proven that classical music develops intelligence, soothes. Even some diseases were cured after the music audition sessions.

In contrast to healing action classical music - The destructive property of the Country music. Statistics were calculated that in America the most large percentage personal disasters, suicides and divorces are accounted for those who are customer admirer.

Fact number 4 "note - language unit"

The last three hundred years of philologists-innovators torments the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an artificial language. It is known about two hundred projects, but almost all of them are currently forgotten due to their incorrectness, difficulty, etc. In interesting facts about music, nevertheless, one project entered - the musical language "Sol-re-salt".

Developed this Language System Jean Francois Sudde, Frenchman by origin. rules musical language In 1817, the design of grammar, vocabulary and theory in the followers of Jean took forty years.

The roots of words, of course, became seven notes to all of us. Of these, new words were formed, for example:

  • s \u003d yes;
  • before \u003d no;
  • re \u003d and (union);
  • mi \u003d or;
  • fa \u003d he;
  • re + before \u003d mine;

Of course, such a speech could play a musician, but the tongue itself was harder than the most complex languages in the world. Nevertheless, it is known that in 1868 in Paris even came out the first (and, accordingly, the last) compositions in which the musical language was used.

Fact number 5 "Spiders listen to music?"

If in the room in which spiders live on the violin, the insects immediately cradle. But do not think that they are lovers of beautiful music. The fact is that the sound causes the threads of the web to fluctuate, and for spiders it is a mining signal for which they immediately get out.

Fact number 6 "ID of personality"

Once it happened so that Caruso came to the bank without a certification of the document. Because the case did not tolerate the adoptions, the famous customer of the bank had to sing Cassira Aria from the "Toski". After hearing, the cashier agreed that his execution certifies the identity of the recipient and issued money. After, Caruso, telling this story, recognized that he never tried to sing.

Music is not only inspirational, amazing on the beauty and strength of the work, the variety of genres, tools and gaming games. Many interesting facts are associated with music. About some of them you will learn now.

Fact 1. "Music and treats, and cripples"

Various musical rhythms They surround us from birth. But at the same time we infirmly think about the impact of music on the human body. Meanwhile, various melodies serve as a kind of tune for the body, capable of setting it on self-herial.

The question of the influence of music on the human body is relevant since ancient times. Already then it was known that with the help of music you can cause joy, relieve pain and even heal from serious diseases. So, B. Ancient Egypt Chorah singing was treated with insomnia and filmed pain.

Doctors ancient China And completely discharged music melodies As a recipe, believing that music is able to cure any disease. The great mathematician and scientist Pythagoras proposed to use music against anger, rage, delusions and passivity of the soul, as well as apply it for the development of intelligence.

His follower Platon believed that the music restores the harmony of all the processes in the body and in the whole universe. Avicenna very effectively applied music into the treatment of mentally ill people. And in Russia for the treatment of headaches, diseases of the joints, the removal of damage and the evil eye used the bell tongue melody. Modern scientists explained by the fact that bell ringing It has ultrasound and resonant radiation that can instantly destroy most viruses and causative agents of hazardous diseases.

Determined that:

  • mozart and ethnic melodies help to remove stress and control emotions;
  • living and bright melodies improve the coordination of movements, mobility and productivity, passing their energy to people;
  • classical music is able to eliminate muscle tension, reduce nervousness and establish metabolism;
  • in contrast to the healing effect of classical music - the destructive property of the Country Music. Statistics were calculated that in America the largest percentage of personal disasters, suicides and divorces falls on those who are the worship of country music.
  • composition "Helter Skelter" Worldwide famous group « The Beatles.»Can provoke pain in the stomach or in the chest. And due to the fact that the rhythm of this melody is practically similar to the rhythm of the human brain, the coincidence of their frequencies can cause a man of madness.

The influence of music on the human body is huge. But magic power Music acquires only when a person is purposefully resorting to it to improve his psycho-emotional state. But the so-called background music It can cause the body alone alone, since it is perceived as noise.

Fact 2 "note - language unit"

The last three hundred years of philologists-innovators torments the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an artificial language. It is known about two hundred projects, but almost all of them are currently forgotten due to their incorrectness, difficulty, etc.

In interesting facts about music, nevertheless, one project entered - the musical language "Sol-re-salt". Developed this Language System Jean Francois Sudde, Frenchman by origin. The rules of the music language were made public in 1817, in total for the design of grammar, dictionary and theory in the followers of Jean took forty years.

The roots of words, of course, became seven notes to all of us. Of them, new words were formed, for example:

  • s \u003d yes; before \u003d no; re \u003d and (union);
  • mi \u003d or;
  • fa \u003d he;
  • re + before \u003d mine.

Of course, a musician could play such a speech, but the tongue itself turned out to be the most difficult languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Nevertheless, it is known that in 1868 in Paris even came out the first (and, accordingly, the last) compositions in which the musical language was used.

Fact 3 "Water - source of inspiration?"

Interesting facts about music are connected with classics. Beethoven, for example, started writing music only after he lowered his head in a large pelvis, which was filled with ... Ice water. This strange habit is so firmly attached to the composer that with all the desire he could not leave it until the end of his life.

Fact 4 "Spiders listen to music?"

If in the room in which spiders live on the violin, the insects immediately cradle. But do not think that they are lovers of beautiful music. The fact is that the sound causes the threads of the web to fluctuate, and for spiders it is a mining signal for which they immediately get out.

Fact 5 "ID of Personality"

Once it happened so that the Great Caruso came to the bank without a document certifying his personality. In those days there were no television, no internet, and few could know celebrities in the face. Because the case did not tolerate the adoptions, the famous customer of the bank had to sing Cassira Aria from the "Toski". Having heard famous singer, Cashier agreed that his execution certifies the identity of the recipient, and issued money. After, Caruso, telling this story, recognized that he never tried to sing.

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