Biography of n nose for children summary. Interesting facts about children's writers

Biography of n nose for children summary.  Interesting facts about children's writers
Biography of n nose for children summary. Interesting facts about children's writers

According to the definition of S. Ya. Marshak, this is a writer "with a distinct creative personality", in works which manifested itself "a combination of humor, lyricism and the recollective vigilance of a writer of everyday life." Nikolai Nosov created mainly children's works.

Nosov's works for children: a list

  • "Entertainers"
  • "Knock-Knock!"
  • "Gardeners"
  • "Mishkina porridge"
  • "Telephone"
  • "Step"
  • "About the turnip"
  • "Dreamers"
  • "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin"
  • "Under the same roof"
  • "Merry family"
  • "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"
  • "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  • "Dunno in a Sunny City"

And that's not all list of Nosov's children's works loved by many generations.

How did Nikolai Nosov become a children's writer?

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kiev, in the family of an actor. At the age of 15, he entered the concrete plant as a laborer. In 1927 he began to study at the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later, he moved to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, and then worked as a film director - he shot educational and animated films. During the war, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star for creating military-technical films.

Which parent has not had to compose poems, fairy tales, stories their children? Nikolai Nikolaevich also had to do this: he had a boy. The experiments were successful. In 1938, Nosov's story appeared in the Murzilka magazine. "Entertainers". But he became a professional writer only in 1945, when his first book was published.

"Knock-Knock!"- with this heading, Nosov, as it were, knocked on the doors of great literature for little ones. The subtitle "Funny Stories" was a claim for the birth of a humorist writer. Here we first get acquainted with Mishka, whom we later meet in a whole cycle of Nosov's small works: "Gardeners", "Mishkina porridge", "Telephone" and others. This boy is always trying to do something good, but does not measure this desire with his strengths and skills. Hence, situations arise that cause laughter, but not condemning, but benevolent. Nosov believes that "humor is ridicule with a touch of sympathy." Others enjoy great success with readers. Nosov's works for children: "Step", "About the turnip", "Dreamers", "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin", "Under the same roof".

Children's works by N. Nosov

The story "Merry family"

In 1949, Nosov's first story was published - "Merry family" . In many ways, it is still close to those stories of the writer, where the images of the guys who called themselves "Me and Mishka" are developed. Friends still do not know peace: "This is the character of Mishka and I - we definitely need some kind of activity." At first, the guys quickly move from one hobby to another: "Mishka is such a person - he definitely needs everything to be useful." But the boy thinks about the benefit not for himself, but for everyone. There is a community approach to his reflections on the benefits of state farm incubators. So, children need to be helped to find just such activities that would inspire them with a big goal. Only thanks to this goal, Mishka and his friend were able to grow chickens in a makeshift incubator for almost a month (a long time for restless boys!)

With the whole development of the plot, the author suggests that a big deal needs to be taken together, by a team. We see how in the boys, especially in Mishka, who was so careless just recently, a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility for their mistakes, is ripening.

The story "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"

In the story "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" It also speaks of the children's desire to engage in a common cause. Unlike The Jolly Family, in this book, the guys act together from the very beginning and consciously look for "such work that will be useful." The form of the diary allowed the writer to convey the reflections of his hero. They have a lot of naivete, colored by the author's humor, and at the same time, how much moral purity, characteristic of the pioneers.

Following the example of Nosov's characters, many of the guys began to build incubators and breed bees. The writer V. Kataev tells what a rout his son did in the house, who, after reading The Merry Family, decided to follow the example of Kolya and Misha. Readers are attracted to Nosov's stories by the enthusiasm of the characters, the rapid development of the plot, the absence of long descriptions, which, as N. K. Krupskaya noted, are unacceptable for children aged 8-13. Many guys tell Nosov that they themselves, following the example of Kolya Sinitsyn, began to write diaries, and some even ask how to publish them.

Parents, after reading these stories, will truly understand how important adult support is for children. The old beekeeper from the "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" did not scold the boys who accidentally ran into his apiary, but helped them. Kolya reflects on this: “That's how kind grandfather turned out to be! He not only promised to give us bees, but he kept his promise.” This is a reproach to those adults who thoughtlessly violate the word given to the guys. “And I also had joy today,” Kolya writes after a while in his diary, “my mom and dad came to the apiary and looked at our bees.” Here is an example of how important it is to delve into the interests of your children, to encourage them with your attention!

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

If in the books "Merry Family" and "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" Nosov shows the development of interests and a sense of collectivism in the process of extracurricular work, then his third and most significant story in content is "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951) - mainly devoted to educational work. She was awarded the State Prize and was among the best in the children's fiction book competition held by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

... Inseparable friends Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin love school, they want to study well, grow up to be real people. “You dream of something wonderful,” Vitya reflects, “and you want to grow up quickly, become strong and courageous, perform various feats and heroes ...” There is nothing surprising in these dreams. They are determined by our entire system, which opens up clear prospects for children from the very first years of school life. Vitya clearly understands why he should study, but the trouble is that he does not know how to concentrate - the temptation to play football turns out to be stronger than his still weak will.

In the books of Soviet writers, before there were images of children who, under the influence of the teacher and the whole class, became successful. But we did not see how this process took place in the minds of the losers themselves. Nosov, on the other hand, managed to look into the world of thoughts and feelings of his hero. “The discovery that Vitya Maleev makes, having solved the problem on his own for the first time,” said S. Ya. Marshak at the II Congress of Writers, “is not only the discovery of Vitya, but also the author himself. It is not so easy to show why the incomprehensible suddenly becomes understandable, how consideration depends on the imagination.

Kostya's correction process is much more difficult. He is less able than Vitya to analyze his actions, to be critical of them. Kostya even stops going to school and, deceiving his mother, pretends to be sick. It seems to him that it is easier to perform in the circus than to write a dictation. And although Vitya feels remorse, he still hides the truth from the teacher, from the whole class. To act otherwise, he thinks, would be uncomradely. But soon Vitya realized that a true pioneer should not hide the bad deeds of a friend, but help him improve. The pages describing how Maleev works with Shishkin, how they, despite the first failures, achieve success, are especially interesting in the story.

In the words of Lev Kassil, "educators will find in Nosov's story a lot of things that will be useful in their work." Let the parents think about how Kostya's mother failed to correctly direct her son's hobbies and inspired him that he had no will. And Aunt Zina kept threatening to "take him in, check his studies, but each time she forgot to do it." The example of Viti's parents is also instructive. Each time, the mother scolded her son for the fact that he sat down for lessons late, but did not help him properly allocate his time. And the father, undertaking to help the boy with arithmetic, simply solved the problem for him, and explained it so impatiently that Vitya did not want to turn to him anymore.

The book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published 30 times in the first three years. Hundreds of letters about the children's favorite story are stored in the Children's Book House.

Tale-tale "The Adventures of Dunno"

N. Nosov says that when discussing his books, the guys often say: without friendship there cannot be a full-fledged school team, and the girls complain about the boys, who often behave arrogantly towards them. This topic is mainly devoted to the story-tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" . But why did the writer decide to resort to fantasy? He explains that "the very form of a fairy tale, as a work of fictitious events, is close to a game in its entertainingness, which arouses the interest of a child who is always willing to play." As usual in the works of Nosov, the main character of the new book - Dunno - is also endowed with shortcomings. He is inquisitive, active, but he does not know how to work, he does not have enough patience for this. Striving for fame, this shorty does not even neglect deception. The unknown is re-educated.

Fascinating episodes of Nosov's new fairy tale "Dunno in a Sunny City" says that good deeds must be done disinterestedly, that, having advantages, you should use them deliberately, otherwise you will harm others. Pictures of the sunny city are clearly directed to the future.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (November 23, 1908 in Kiev - July 27, 1976 in Moscow) - Soviet children's writer.

“Love for children was his general
trait, and she illuminated everything in him "
Mirimsky C.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in the village of Irpen, not far from Kiev, in the family of an actor. Before the revolution, he studied at the gymnasium. In 1923, after graduating from a seven-year school, N. Nosov came as a laborer at a brick factory. At the age of 19, he entered the Kiev Art Institute, and then transferred to the State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. Since then, the creative biography of Nikolai Nosov has been associated with cinema for almost 20 years. He worked as a director, directed many animated, scientific and educational films.

Since childhood, Nosov was fond of all kinds of technology, he even dreamed of becoming a chemist. The trace of these hobbies in his stories and fairy tales - their heroes are constantly inventing, remaking, improving something. Few people know that it was thanks to his technical talent that Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1943. The award was presented to him for a series of military-technical paintings he created, with the help of which our military men were trained to work with new equipment.

The beginning of his writing biography was unusual: his son was growing up, and Nosov composed small funny stories for him and his comrades. In 1938, his first story, "Entertainers", was published in the Murzilka magazine. In 1945, a collection of short stories called "Knock - knock-knock" was already published, and in 1947 the collection "Steps" appeared. Separate stories were published one after another in the magazines Murzilka, Bonfire, Zateynik, and in the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda.

The stories of Nikolai Nosov have gained immense popularity among readers.

The heroes of the writer's stories are always busy with some interesting business: they build an incubator, breed bees, work in the garden, go to the forest for a Christmas tree or cook porridge. The example of heroes encourages readers to take up the same exciting business.

The best story by N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published in 1951 in the magazine "New World". Talking about how two fourth-graders from lagging behind students became excellent students, the writer does not even think of giving recipes for good study. Its protagonist is a cute, lively boy who looks down on his third-grader sister, from time to time decides to “start life over”, educates an “iron will”. His friend Kostya Shishkin is kind, gentle, even reasonable in his own way, but he has his own ideas about life. He took a notebook from Vitya to write off an exercise in Russian. “What is this,” I say, “you took a notebook without an inkblot, and you give it back with an inkblot.

“I didn’t plant the blot on purpose.

- What is my business on purpose or not on purpose.

- Why do I need a blot?

- How can I give you a notebook without a blot when there is already a blot. Another time there will be no blot."

The editor-in-chief of the magazine "New World" A. T. Tvardovsky, having published his story, introduced Nikolai Nosov into the "adult" literary world. From that moment on, real fame came to the children's writer. In 1952, the Novy Mir team nominated the story for the USSR State Prize. After the award, Nosov left the cinema and took up literature as a professional.

In 1954, the story "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" was published.

Its heroes are funny fairy-tale little men, “short men”, the size of a small cucumber, but in general they are very reminiscent of ordinary boys and girls. When reading Nosov's fairy tale, one gets the impression of a magnificent, bright, complete game of fiction, which a smart mentor plays with the children.

For the trilogy about Dunno in 1969, the writer was once again awarded the prestigious State Prize.

In the last years of his life, Nikolai Nosov created a book of thoughts about how a person grows - "The Tale of My Friend Igor." Already by the title you can see how respectful the writer is to childhood, what a thoughtful teacher he was in relation to his own grandson.

Igor Petrovich Nosov - the grandson of the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov, a photojournalist at ITAR-TASS, lived with his grandfather until he was seven years old, says:

“I have two main impressions of my grandfather. 1) Always been busy. 2) Always played with me. Either writing or playing. He adored his son, my father, adored me. I don't know who else. I practically didn't drink. I quit smoking at the age of forty. Attracted women: sociable, prominent. Hammered nails, drilled holes. Drawn, sculpted. I made something like an air conditioner: a lamp in a metal box; the lamp heats the air; air comes through the pipe from the balcony door ... etc. Also a game. Very obligatory, tough. Rigidity is not that he suppressed, but that he did not tolerate the optionality of others. Very smart. Strong-willed. Cunning. Careful. He did not speak on political topics. Collected materials, preparing to write about Lenin the child. But he didn't write. Was not a communist. Aleksin complained that Nosov did not go to meetings of the writers' cooperative. I rented a dacha in Vostryakovo, in Golitsyn. Is his humor related to the nature of the Ukrainians around him in childhood? Hard to say. Loved Gogol. He did not tolerate Dostoevsky, he oppressed him with his gloominess. He didn't hear anything about his parents. Neither about life before the revolution, nor after. This referred to what the grandfather kept quiet about. Why is unclear. He liked to buy toys for me. I remember how we went to Leipzig, still old, on Leninsky. He bought German cars. He loved to play with them.

For the last two years, my grandfather did not leave the house, did not walk. They treated the stomach, but the heart ached. I went fishing with my uncles, caught carp, made fish soup. They brought him. We ate together. He ate with gusto. It seemed to have recovered. And two days later his wife's sister Tamara came to the dacha. She said her grandfather died. At night. In a dream. I heard it, it was a good morning, it didn't fit. I was fourteen years old. His archive is kept by my father, by me. Few unpublished. Books are coming out. He continues to feed us. We are not greedy, we are not eager to receive large fees from publishers.

And the autobiographical story about N. Nosov's own childhood "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well", which is interesting to read for both children and adults, was published, unfortunately, after the death of the writer.

Books by Nikolai Nosov

There are many books by Nikolai Nosov in the library fund. This is a collection of works in 6 volumes, collections of short stories and novels, individual works. Thick volumes or small books for the little ones. This exhibition presents the author's most popular books. Let's start with the famous Dunno trilogy, which has been reprinted many times with illustrations by different artists. And then the books will be presented in alphabetical order of titles.

Nosov, N. N. Adventures of Dunno and his friends [Text] / Nikolai Nosov; ill. A. Borisov. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. – 217, p. : col. ill.

The tale of Nikolai Nosov about the adventures of Dunno and his friends - the fabulous inhabitants of the Flower City - is widely known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The main character, Dunno, tries his hand at music with the musician Gusli, in painting with the artist Tube and poetry with the poet Tsvetik. And then the shorties build a real balloon and go on a trip. Young readers will learn a lot of interesting things while traveling with the little ones. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" is the first book in a trilogy about funny shorties.

Nosov, N. N. Dunno in Sunny City [Text] / Nikolai Nosov; artistic E. Tregubova. - Moscow: Strekoza-Press, 2003. – 316, p., l. col. ill.

The second book about the mischievous shorty from the Flower City. Dunno meets a wizard who gives him a magic wand - it grants any wish. Dunno wants to test her in action - he goes on a journey with Button and Pestrenky. The road leads them to the Sunny City, where Dunno can arrange a holiday for his friends with one wave of his magic wand. Everything would be fine if Dunno did not turn one little man into a donkey. Such an act can turn into a real tragedy for all residents of the city. Based on the story, an animated series of the same name was shot.

Nosov, N. N. Dunno on the Moon [Text]: novel-tale / N. N. Nosov; rice. G. Valka. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1985. – 462: ill. – (Library series)

The final part of the trilogy about the adventures of Dunno and his shorty friends. This time Dunno, contrary to the prohibitions of Znayka, goes on a trip to the moon. But there, our hero has to cope with unexpected difficulties, he falls ill with longing for the Flower City and is looking for a way to return home.

The course of entertaining economics, you can call the book "Dunno on the Moon." Many children and adults, in Soviet times, it was from her that they first learned, using the example of the Giant Plants Society, what are shares, monopolization of the economy, strikebreakers, stock exchange, domination of the oligarchy, "free" press, corrupt police and much more. Even caricatured exaggerated images of the rich now look quite real. Based on the fairy tale "Dunno on the Moon", an animated film was created.

Nosov, N. N. Grandmother Dean [Text] / Nikolai Nosov; rice. G. A. Mazurina. - Moscow: Nigma, 2015. –13, p. : col. ill.

In one kindergarten, on the occasion of the 8th of March, the children decided to arrange an exhibition of photographs of their mothers. And they could not decide whose mother is more beautiful. And Slavik Smirnov considers his grandmother Dina to be the most beautiful, because for each of us, the person we love most in the world is more beautiful. The book is illustrated by the artist German Alekseevich Mazurin.

Nosov, N. N. Bobik visiting Barbos [Text]: fairy tale / N. Nosov; rice. I. Semenova. - Moscow: Edition of I. P. Nosov: Melik-Pashaev, 2013. – 19, p. : col. ill.

In ordinary life, Nikolai Nosov was a silent and reserved person, but he wrote exceptionally funny books. Which of the mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers did not laugh at "Bobik visiting Barbos"! Without exaggeration, this incredibly funny story about two mutts can be called one of the best humorous works for all ages and for all time.

Barbos is bored at home alone, and he invites the yard dog Bobik to visit. Barbos pretends to be a hospitable landlord and tries in every possible way to impress Bobik: he empties the refrigerator; satisfied with watching TV and licking spilled jelly; claims that grandfather sleeps on a rug, and Barbos himself sleeps on a bed; finally presumptuous, declares that he is punishing grandfather with a whip. In the evening, grandfather returns from work, and it immediately becomes clear who is the real boss in the house. Watchdog hides under the bed, and a compassionate cat brings him a piece of sausage.

The figurative speech and fascinating story of Nosov were perfectly complemented by the wonderful illustrations of the artist Ivan Semyonov, who created emotional, lively, absolutely truthful images of four-legged characters in details.

Nosov, N. N. In the grass Grasshopper sat [Text]: poems and songs / N. N. Nosov; artistic O. Zobnina. - Moscow: Makhaon, 2006. – 79 p. : ill. - (Merry entertainers).

After reading this book, you will discover your favorite children's writer Nikolai Nosov, the author of funny stories and novels, from a new perspective - as an interesting poet. The poems of Nikolai Nosov are very unusual. He, like his hero Dunno, tells the truth, and this, it turns out, can be very funny. Immediate, funny and mischievous poems of the famous classic of children's literature will surely appeal to young readers.

Nosov, N. N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home [Text]: story / Nikolai Nosov; rice. V. Chizhikov. - Moscow: Machaon, 2005. – 189, p. : col. ill.

N. Nosov's book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" is a story about two school friends Vita Maleev and Kostya Shishkin: about their delusions and mistakes, sorrows and insults, about their joys and victories. True, the source of their sorrows is most often poor success or missed lessons at school, and all victories basically come down to victories over their own disorganization and laziness. But which of the schoolchildren was not upset when they got a bad mark, and who was not happy when they earned the approval of a teacher, parents or their peers - schoolmates? Everyone with whom this happened will see in the characters of the story familiar and close to him features.

Based on the story, the feature film "Two Friends" (1954) was shot.

Nosov, N. N. Putty [Text]: story / Nikolai Nosov; rice. Evgenia Migunova. - Saint Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2018. - 16 s. : col. ill. - (My mother's favorite book).

This humorous sketch from the life of friends Kostya and Shurik will be close and understandable to any modern elementary school student. How many events happened in a couple of hours thanks to an ordinary piece of putty that the guys picked out from the window! This is a real movie - and much more entertaining than the picture that friends missed.

The drawings by Yevgeny Migunov are kind, emotional, witty, adding liveliness and charm to the book.

Nosov, N. N. Zateiniki [Text]: stories / N. N. Nosov; artistic G., I. and M. Ogorodnikovs. - Moscow: Onyx, 1999. – 55 s. : ill. - (Favorite book).

Stories from the collection "Entertainers" by Nikolai Nosov - everyone's favorite funny and perky stories and amazing illustrations, straight from my childhood.

Nosov, N. N. Mishkina porridge [Text] / Nikolai Nosov; artistic A. Ter-Arakelyan. - Moscow; ed. I. P. Nosova: Strekoza-Press, 2005. – 61, p. : col. ill.

The book "Mishkina porridge" is a collection of stories by the classic of children's literature N.N. Nosov in the drawings of A. Ter-Arakelyan. So many interesting things happen with Mishka and his friends! They will try to cook porridge, make sparklers and even ride a car. Not everything works out for the guys, but they learn from their mistakes and always remain true friends.

Nosov, N. N. The story of my friend Igor [Text] / N. N. Nosov; rice. E. Medvedeva. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1973. – 142 p. : ill.

This book is about two friends: Igor and Kolya. They play together, walk, draw, watch TV, “shoot” pedestrians with imaginary guns, catch newts in the swamp and constantly invent something. They perfectly understand each other, even though between them ... more than 50 years. Kolya is Nikolai Nosov, and Igor is his grandson. With inextinguishable interest and careful care, Nikolai Nikolayevich describes the first 7 years of his grandson's life. Subtle observations, situations full of humor, instructive stories will not leave anyone indifferent. It is impossible not to fall in love with little Igor while reading about his everyday adventures, and not to immerse yourself in the world of childhood while looking at Yevgeny Medvedev's funny sketches.

Nosov, N. N. Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin [Text]: stories and novel / N. N. Nosov; artistic A. Tambovkin. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1983. – 254 p. : ill.

Tolya Klyukvin is a fourth grade student. The boy is very kind and sociable, so he has many friends. One day after school, Tolya decides to visit his good friend to play chess together. Almost reaching the house where his friend lives, Tolya notices that a black cat crosses his path. It turns out that the boy believes in signs, so he considers this a bad sign. Because of this unforeseen circumstance, Tolya is forced to take a different path. It is there that new problems await him.

It gets to the point where the poor boy almost gets hit by a car. It was then that he realizes that man is a rational being and believing in omens is stupid. After all, an ordinary cat cannot serve so many troubles. Having understood all this, the boy decides to return home, where his mother is waiting for him for dinner.

Read only good books to children!

Literature about the life and work of Nicholas Nikolaevich Nosov:

1. Nosov, N. N. (1908-1976) // Essays on children's writers: A guide for elementary school teachers. - M., 1999. - P. 138-141.

2. Nosov, N. N. // Russian literature for children: Textbook / Ed. T. D. Polozov. - M., 1983.

3. Nosov N. // I know the world: Literature / Ed. - comp. N. V. Chudakova. - M., 2005.

4. Arzamastseva I. N. Nosov N. N. // Arzamastseva I. N. Children's literature. - M., 2001.

5. Tubelskaya, G. N. N. Nosov//Tubelskaya G. N. Children's writers of Russia. One Hundred Names: Bio-Bibliographic Reference. Part 2. M-Ya. - M., 2002.

6. Korf O. Nikolai Nosov's “Merry Family” is 50 years old! // Det. lit.– 1999.– No. 2-3.– P. 8.

7. Mirimsky S. My meetings with Nikolai Nosov // Det. lit.– 1999.– No. 2-3.– P.9-12.

8. Neduva E. Humor and growing intelligence. Works by N. Nosov in 4th grade. // Beginning School.– 1996.– No. 2.– P. 21-25.

9. Nosov N. N. / / Books, notes and toys for Katyusha and Andryushka. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 43-44.

10. Prikhodko V. Nikolai Nosov: he loved childhood in people // Preschool education. - 2001. - No. 11. - P. 73-79.

11. Prikhodko V. Nikolai Nosov's sparkling flute // Det. lit.– 1999.– No. 2-3.– P. 4-7.

13. Rubailov A. Everything that you did not know about Dunno // Sketch. - 2006. - No. 2. - P.18.

14. Savitskaya O. Nosov N. N. (1908-1976), Russian writer // Romeo and Juliet. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 40.

15. Sadykov K. "The latest" adventures of Dunno // Det. lit.– 1999.– No. 2-3.– P. 13.

16. Sergeev I. A new book about Dunno "Dunno in a stone city" has recently appeared. Its author is a Moscow schoolboy Grigory Vaypan // Book Review. - 2000. - No. 52. - December 25 - P. 16.

17. Ukhova N. Why did the mushroom pipeline break?: The grandson of N. Nosov continued the tale of Dunno // Book Review. - 2000. - No. 52. - December 25 - P.16.

18. Kharlampiev N. With his good friend ... // Bonfire. - 2001. - No. 11. - P.1.

Materials for the celebration dedicated to Nikolai Nosov.

Competition for the most attentive reader of the works of Nikolai Nosov.

1. What was the name of the city where the short men lived? (Floral)

2. What was the name of the city where only the little ones lived and where the little ones flew on the ball? (Green)

3. How tall were the little ones? (as tall as a cucumber)

4. What were the collars on the babies' dresses made of? (From black-brown caterpillars)

5. What poems did Dunno compose?

Znayka went for a walk on the river,
Jumped over the sheep.

At Avoska under the pillow
Sweet cheesecake lies.

Hurry was hungry
I swallowed a cold iron.

6. Tractor Mitya from the village of Prostokvashino worked on food, but what did the car of mechanics Shpuntik and Vintik work on? (On syrup and soda)

7. What did Znayka make a balloon from? (Rubber for the ball was made from the juice of flowers similar to ficuses)

8. What were the babies' parachutes made of when they jumped from the balloon? (from dandelions)

9. How did Dr. Pilyulkin treat shorties? (Iodine and bonfire)

10. How did Medunitsa treat shorties? (Honey)

11. What color was Dunno's magic wand? (Reddish brown, small, round)

12. What was the water supply in the Green City made of? (From reed stalks)

13. Why was the city where the kids lived called Zmeevka? (Because its inhabitants loved to fly kites)

14. Dunno and his friends in the Sunny City stayed at the hotel, what did they call themselves? (Auto traveler Neznam Neznamovich Neznaikin and foreigner Pacchuale Pestrini)

15. What unusual cars did Dunno see in the Sunny City? (Circulin, Planetarka, caterpillar motorcycle, spiral walkers, jet roller turbolets, etc.)

16. How is Dunno dressed? (A bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie)

17. Why Dunno liked playing the trumpet more? (“Playing loud!”)

18. What did the musician Guslya usually wear? (Velvet jacket, pink bow around the neck)

19. What flowers grew around each house of the little ones? (Daisies, chamomile, dandelions)

20. What was the name of the stream on which the city of short men stood? (Cucumber River)

21. Who was the first to draw Dunno when he decided to become an artist? (His friend Pulku)

22. Shorty, who liked to draw the most?. (Tube)

23. What did Dunno do, every day loitering around the city? (He composed various fables and told everyone and constantly offended the little ones)

24. The name of the river in the city of babes? (Watermelon River)

25. Syrupchik's full name? (Sakharin Sakharinich)

26. Who was the most afraid of flying in a hot air balloon? (Syrupchik)

27. What were the babies called babies? (by imagining)

28. What were the babies called? (Brawlers)

29. What was the name of the assistant mechanic of the Flower City? (Shpuntik)

30. Who was taller - Vintik or Shpuntik? (Cog)

Competition "Professions of Shorties".

The task is to connect cards denoting the names and professions of shorties: Znayka (scientist), Donut (cook), Silent (shoemaker), Cog (mechanic), Pilyulkin (doctor), Avoska (postman), Tsvetik (poet), Guslya (musician) , Tube (artist), Pulka (hunter), Steklyashkin (astronomer), Smekaylo (writer), Medunitsa (doctor).

Competition "Bag of Lost Things".

The host takes turns taking things out of the bag. It is necessary to name the owner: paints (Tube), gun (Pulka), wrench (Vintik), tablet (Pilyulkin or Medunitsa), book (Znayka), magnifying glass (Steklyashkin).

Competition "Solve the problem"

“A boy and a girl were picking nuts in the forest. They plucked only 120 pieces. The girl plucked half the size of the boy. How many nuts did the boy collect and how many did the girl collect? Answer: 80 and 40.

What story by N. Nosov is this task from? ("Vitya Maleev at school and at home")


Dunno. Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Flower. Do you have abilities?

Dunno. Of course have. I am very capable.

Flower. This must be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno. Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Flower. A rhyme is when two words end in the same way. For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?

Dunno. Understood!

Flower. Then say a rhyme for the word "stick".

Dunno. Herring.

Flower. What is the rhyme "stick - herring"? There is no rhyme in these words!

Dunno. Why not? Because they end the same way...

Flower. This is not enough. It is necessary that the words are similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Here, listen to how our guys will pick up rhymes for words.

Competition "Choose rhymes".

The task is to choose a rhyme for the following words: “river”, “daughter”, “frog” and others.

The holiday ends with summing up and awarding the winners. As prizes, you can make medals with the image of the inhabitants of the Flower City.

(Reprint from the journals "Pedagogical Council" and "School Library")

Scenarios dedicated to the works of N. N. Nosov:

1. Hoffman S. V., Klimova M. P. A gloomy day is brighter from a smile / We read, study, play. - 2007. - No. 1. - P. 32-37.

2. Kovalchuk T. L. In the Sunny City of Nikolai Nosov // Read, study, play. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 55-57.

3. Deister I. V. Neznaikin benefit performance. // Pedagogical Council. - 2005. - No. 12. - P. 12-13.

4. Dzhanseitova N. Kh. Where does Dunno live? // Reading, learning, playing. - 2003. - No. 6. - P. 17-20.

5. Andreeva M. S., Korotkova M. P. Entertainers and visionaries: On the 95th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov // School Library. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 14-20.

N.N. Nosov

Say what you like, but Nosov is the most suitable surname for a writer, especially for a children's writer, and even more so for a cheerful children's writer. Just listen: N o s o v - simple, easy and a little funny. Okay, in general. And even better, if the writer himself fits his last name.
Nosov really had a nose, and not at all small, such a large, noticeable one, and a big head, and broad shoulders ... And all this did not at all fit with his short stature and quiet, muffled voice. At first glance, such an unsightly person. Very silent, very reserved. Others called him "gloomy grumbler". But what did they know, these others? They probably didn't even read his books. And it should. However, it's never too late to start.
“- Bobik, go eat jelly as soon as possible! Barbos shouted.
Bobik ran:
- Where is the kissel?
Yes, it's on my back. Lick it.
Bobby let him lick his back.
- Oh, and delicious jelly! - is talking.
Then they brought the cake to the table. They also sat down on the table to make it more comfortable. They eat and talk.
- You're doing well! Bobik says. - You have everything!
- Yes, - says Barbos, - I live well. What I want, I do: I want - I comb my hair, I want - I play on TV, eat and drink what I want or lie on the bed.
- And your grandfather allows you?
- What do I grandfather! Think! This is my bed.
- Where does grandpa sleep?
- Grandfather is there, in the corner, on the rug ... "
Well, how could a gloomy grumbler write so funny? Or, perhaps, the widespread opinion is true that all the most cheerful comedians, as a rule, are irritable, gloomy and almost angry people? Maybe it is, but not in this case.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov really was an unsociable, reserved person. But it came from some special delicacy, vulnerability and even self-doubt. Which seems strange, because by nature he had very diverse talents, as evidenced by at least his many hobbies.
“During my school years, I dreamed of becoming a musician (someone like Paganini at least), then I abandoned the violin, became interested in chemistry and quite seriously prepared to enter the Chemistry Department of the Polytechnic Institute; just before entering, he changed his mind and instead of the Polytechnic entered the Art Institute ... He graduated from the Institute of Cinematography, then worked in the cinema, then became a children's writer. So he will write about his "throwing" in his autobiography. But he will write, as always about himself, very briefly. In order to fill these dry words with colors and sounds, it is worth opening his story “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well”. And to see the small village of Irpen not far from Kiev, where then a small family of either a railway worker, or an actor (depending on the circumstances) Nikolai Nosov lived, and where his middle son, also Nikolai, literally took his first steps. Soon the family moved to Kiev - it was time to send the boys to the gymnasium. And just a few years later, a civil war broke out. Hunger, typhus, death - everything fell to their lot. And the well-known writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov spoke about all this in his latest book. The story "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well" was published as a separate edition after the death of the author, in 1978.
And exactly forty years before that, his first story, “Entertainers,” saw the light of day. At that time, N.N. Nosov was still working in the cinema and continued to work there until 1951, shooting as a director a variety of (animated, scientific, educational) films. But at the same time he wrote funny stories for children and about children, which increasingly appeared in the magazines Murzilka, Koster, Zateynik and on the pages of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper. Appeared and immediately became incredibly popular. The secret of the reader's excitement was explained quite simply. First, in short stories, and then in “big” stories (“Merry Family”, 1949; “Kolya Sinitsyn’s Diary”, 1950; “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home”, 1951), Nikolai Nikolayevich hid so skillfully behind little heroes that it seemed as if they themselves, without any participation of the author, were talking about their lives, about sorrows, joys, problems and dreams. So, directly, without intermediaries, the characters and the reader found each other and talked and laughed together, and argued, and made friends.
Probably, for the same reason, Nosov's heroes then easily migrated to films and performances, remaining even there the most ordinary "non-fictional" boys - fidgets, inventors and dreamers.
Over time, all these heroes were joined by another one, this time a fabulous one. Dunno came himself and brought with him a whole horde of cheerful and noisy short men who chose Nosov’s three books as their permanent residence: “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1953-1954), “Dunno in the Sunny City” (1958) and “Dunno on the Moon" (1964-65). There they settled down perfectly and did what they wanted: quarreled, reconciled, flew in a balloon, went on a space trip, and even participated in the revolution on the moon.
But even these "fictitious" short stories looked suspiciously like their little readers. Especially the Dunno. Just like a tomboy boy, because of his own inability and arrogance, he gets into a variety of stories. That's why he loved it the most. And not only to our (then - Soviet) guys, but also to foreign ones, since through the efforts of translators he very soon spoke many languages ​​​​of the world. Even in Japanese!
So, if you happen to be in Japan, then don't be too surprised to see Dunno Cafe. Come in calmly - you will definitely be met there by an old, kind and cheerful friend.

Irina Kazyulkina


COLLECTED WORKS: In 4 volumes - M .: Det. lit., 1979-82.
COLLECTED WORKS: In 4 volumes / Khudozh. A.Astretsov. - M.: Modern. writer, 1993.

COLLECTED WORKS: In 3 volumes / [Fig. G. Valka et al.] - M.: ONIKS, 1998.
How spacious four or even three volumes can be. They perfectly fit the fidget Mishka and his friend Kolka with their indomitable porridge, a broken phone and a whole family of chickens; and Vitya Maleev together with school and home; and Dunno with all his adventures; and many other characters from the stories, novels and novels of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

ALL STORIES AND NOVELS / Khudozh. I. Semyonov. - M.: Ed. I.P. Nosova: Bustard-Plus, 2006. - 734 p.: ill.
Before reading these stories and novels, think about your loved ones. They will have a hard time if you decide to build an incubator, or breed bees, or, at worst, teach the dog a few lessons in mathematics. And no one doubts that you will definitely want to do all this. Nosov is so infectiously able to talk about all sorts of hobbies of his heroes that it is simply impossible not to follow their example.

LIVING HAT AND OTHER STORIES / Khudozh. G.Yudin. - M.: Dom, 1993. - 249 p.: ill.
In the life of every person there is a place for a feat. And what, you say, is not a feat - to cope with an angry living hat, or return the stolen cucumbers, or ... go to school every day ?! So - in the life of every person there is a place for a feat!

A STORY ABOUT MY FRIEND IGOR. - Ed. 2nd. - M.: Det. lit., 1973. - 143 p.: ill.
If you know the book by K.I. Chukovsky "From 2 to 5" and laughed to tears at "stupid nonsense" those who are already 2 years old, but have not yet exceeded 5, then this book will be of interest to you. However, there is only one representative "malyshovsky tribe" named Igor. And Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov, who is the hero's grandfather, is watching him and trying to understand.

How many shorties around! Here is Znayka - a clever man, an inventor, he knows everything, he can do everything. But Vintik and Shpuntik are first-class craftsmen, they will assemble the most complex machine in no time. But Dr. Pilyulkin will cure any disease. But for some reason, I want to make friends with Dunno - a brawler, a braggart, a clumsy and a bully. Maybe because you don't get bored with him? ..

MYSTERY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WELL: A Tale / Foreword. M. Bremener. - M.: Det. lit., 1978. - 303 p.
This is the last book of Nikolai Nosov. And for him, not quite ordinary - sad, sad. Although there is a lot of humor in it, its tone is not at all cheerful. Probably because Nosov tells about his childhood and youth, which fell on the terrible years of the civil war and post-war devastation.

Dreamers: Stories, fairy tales, novels / Foreword. I. Nosova; Rice. G. Valka and others - M.: Oniks, 2000. - 670 p.: ill.
Have you tried swimming across the ocean? Did a shark bite your head off by any chance? Well, at least you were on the moon, I hope? Not?! So you're just not dreamers. Here Mishutka and Stasik did all this hundreds of times! ..

Irina Kazyulkina


Nosov N. About myself and my work: [Autobiography] // Laureates of Russia. - M.: Sovremennik, 1973. - S. 375-392.

Nosov N. On writing work // Aloud to himself: Book. 2. - M.: Det. lit., 1978. - S. 248-261.

Baruzdin S. About Nikolai Nosov // Baruzdin S. Notes on children's literature. - M.: Det. lit., 1975. - S. 170-175.

Begak B. The City of the Sun and the City of the Moon // Begak B. Children laugh. - M.: Det. lit., 1979. - S. 140-153.

Begak B. The wanderings continue // Begak B. True fairy tales. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - S. 77-88.

The life and work of Nikolai Nosov: Sat. / Comp. S. Mirimsky. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 256 p.: fotoil.

Kataev V. About Nikolai Nosov // Nosov N. Sobr. cit.: In 3 volumes: T. 1. - M.: Det. lit., 1968. - S. 5-7.

Nosov I. About my friend grandfather // Nosov N. Sobr. cit.: In 3 volumes: T. 1. - M.: ONIKS, 1998. - S. 5-8.

Razumnevich V. Cheerful family: About the books of N. Nosov // Razumnevich V. All children are the same age. - M.: Det. lit., 1980. - S. 118-145.

Rassadin St. Nikolay Nosov: Critical-biogr. feature article. - M.: Det. lit., 1961. - 79 p.

Sivokon S. Laughter for everyone // Sivokon S. Your funny friends. - M.: Det. lit., 1986. - S. 71-103.

Taratuta E. A novel about a five-year-old man // Taratuta E. Precious autographs. - M.: Sov. writer, 1986. - S. 212-215.




Two friends: Based on the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home." Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. V. Eisymont. USSR, 1955.
Druzhok: According to the stories "Druzhok" and "Mishkin's porridge". Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. V. Eisymont. Comp. L. Schwartz. USSR, 1958.
Live rainbow. Dir. N. Bondarchuk. Comp. B. Petrov. USSR, 1982. Cast: Roma Generalov, Katya Lycheva, N. Burlyaev, N. Bondarchuk, S. Stanyuta, I. Makarova and others.
Stranger from our yard. Dir. I. Apasyan, I. Yakovleva. Comp. M. Minkov. USSR, 1983.
Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin. Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. V. Eisymont. Comp. A. Lepin, M. Partskhaladze. USSR, 1964. Cast: Andrey Filatov, T. Peltzer, N. Grebeshkova, E. Vesnik, B. Novikov, S. Filippov, S. Kharitonova and others.
Jerusalem artichokes. Dir. V. Kozachkov. USSR, 1987.
Dreamers. Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. I.Magiton. Comp. A. Lepin. USSR, 1965.


Bobik visiting Barbos. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. V. Komarov. USSR, 1977. Voiced by: Y. Nikulin, O. Tabakov.
Vintik and Shpuntik are funny craftsmen. Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. P. Nosov. USSR, 1961.
Dunno in the Sunny City: In 10 ser. USSR, 1976-77.
Dunno on the Moon. Dir. A. Lyutkevich, Yu. Butyrin, A. Ignatenko. Russia, 1999.
The stranger is learning. Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. P. Nosov. USSR, 1961.
Adventures of Dunno and his friends: In 10 series. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1971-1973.
It happened in the winter: According to the story of N. Nosov from a series of "hunting stories". Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. V. Baker, V. Popov. USSR, 1968.
Funtik and cucumbers. Scene. N. Nosova. Dir. L. Aristov. USSR, 1961.

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich was born on November 10 (23), 1908 in Kiev in the family of a variety artist. The childhood of the future writer passed near Kiev, in the small town of Irpin. Nikolai Nikolayevich received his primary education at a local gymnasium, which in 1917 was reorganized into a seven-year school. The Nosov family was in distress, so the future writer had to start working from the age of 14, he was a digger, a newspaper merchant, a log carrier, a mower.

Education. The beginning of creative activity

In 1924, Nikolai Nikolaevich graduated from high school and went to work as a laborer at a concrete plant in Irpin, then got a job at a brick factory in the city of Bucha. In 1927 Nosov entered the Kiev Art Institute. However, carried away by cinema and photography, in 1929 he moved to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. After graduating from an educational institution in 1932, Nikolai Nikolayevich began working as a director and director of educational, scientific and animated films for children in the Soyuzkino studio. In 1938, Nosov's stories were first published in the Murzilka magazine, which also published such famous children's writers as S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, B. Zakhoder.

Mature creativity

During the Great Patriotic War, Nosov directed educational military-technical films. In 1945, Nosov's collection Knock-Knock-Knock was published, which included previously published stories. In 1946, the next collection of the writer "Steps" was published. In 1947, the collection "Funny Stories" was published, and soon Nosov's "Merry Family" (1949), "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" (1950) were published.

In 1952, the writer was awarded the Stalin Prize of the third degree for the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951). In 1954, the children's film "Two Friends" was based on the work. Soon other collections of Nosov's stories were published - "On the Hill" (1953), "Hide and Seek" (1956), "Funny Stories and Tales" (1958).

Last years

A brief biography of Nosov would be incomplete without a mention of his later work. In 1969, the writer's satirical collection Ironic Humoresques was published. In 1971 - 1972, Nosov created the autobiographical work "The Tale of My Friend Igor", in 1977 - the memoir story "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well" (its first version, "The Tale of Childhood").

On July 26, 1976, the children's writer Nosov died. Nikolai Nikolaevich was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

Works about Dunno

The most famous were the works of Nikolai Nikolaevich about Dunno. After the first fairy tale ("Cog, Shpuntik and the vacuum cleaner"), Nosov published a trilogy about his small, restless, comical and inquisitive hero. Fairy tales "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City", "Dunno on the Moon" became very popular. For the children's trilogy in 1969, Nikolai Nikolayevich was awarded the Krupskaya State Prize.

Other biography options

  • In the 1920s, Nosov became interested in chemistry, organized a chemical laboratory in the attic of his house. Nikolai Nikolayevich even intended to enter the Chemistry Department of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but changed his mind at the last moment.
  • Nosov composed the first fairy tales for his son Peter and did not plan to publish them.
  • According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Nikolai Nosov, whose biography covered the most difficult periods of Russian history (World War I, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War), was a very withdrawn and silent person in life.
  • The Dunno trilogy was illustrated by famous artists A. Laptev, G. Valk, A. Kanevsky, D. Bisti, I. Semenov, V. Goryaev and others.

Biography test

Pass the final test on a brief biography of Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Years of life: from 11/23/1908 to 07/26/1976

Russian Soviet prose writer, playwright, screenwriter. He is best known as a children's writer, the author of the Dunno trilogy.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 10 (23), 1908 in Kiev in the family of a stage actor. He spent his childhood in the village of Irpin, not far from Kiev, where the boy began to study at the gymnasium. A versatile gifted boy, Nosov from his gymnasium years was fond of music, theater, writing - along with chess, photography, electrical engineering, amateur radio, he was a newspaper merchant, digger, mower, etc. After 1917, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school. After graduating in 1924, he worked as a laborer at a concrete plant in Irpen, then at a brick plant in the city of Bucha.

At the age of 19 he entered the Kiev Art Institute, but two years later he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. After graduating from the institute, Nosov directed training films for the Red Army, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1943.

He is also known as the director of many popular science and children's animated films.

In 1938, his first story for children, "Entertainers", was published. According to Nosov himself, he came to literature by chance: a son was born, and it was necessary to tell him more and more fairy tales, funny stories for him and his preschool friends. Nosov introduced a new hero into children's literature - a naive and sensible, mischievous and inquisitive fidget, obsessed with a thirst for activity and constantly getting into unusual, often comical situations.

During the Great Patriotic War, he made a training film for tankers, for which he later received the State Prize.

Later he writes a lot for the children's magazine "Murzilka". In 1945, Nosov's first collection "Knock-knock-knock" was published, which included the stories: "Entertainers", "Live Hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful Trousers", "Mishkin's Porridge", "Gardeners".

In 1949, his first story for the younger generation, The Merry Family, was published. This genre is continued by Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary, Vitya Maleev at school and at home.

In 1952, Nosov was awarded the Stalin Prize for his literary work.

His trilogy of fairy tales about Dunno enjoyed popular love: “The Adventures of Dunno and his friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”. In 1969, the author was awarded for it the State Prize of the RSFSR. N.K. Krupskaya.

In 1969, the satirical collection “Ironical Humoresques” was published - a series of articles by the writer about literature (“On Literary Mastery”, “Let's Talk About Poetry”, “A Treatise on Comedy”), the Russian alphabet (“A, B, C ...”), the relationship of teachers and students (“The second time in the first class”) and about some social phenomena - philistinism (“Another, boring question for everyone”), drunkenness (“On the use of alcoholic beverages”), the relationship between fathers and children (“Is it necessary to name parents ancestors and horses and other similar issues”), etc.

In later years, the writer's autobiographical works were published: "The Tale of My Friend Igor" and "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well".

Information about the works:

In 2008, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.N. Nosov, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin.

Writer's Awards

1943 - Order of the Red Star for a series of military technical films
1952 - for the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
1967 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor
1969 - State Prize of the RSFSR named after N. K. Krupskaya for the trilogy about Dunno
Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"


Novels and stories
1938 Lollipop
1938 On the hill
1938 Sasha
1938 Steps
1938 Wonderful Trousers
1939 car
1940 hide and seek
1941 Patch
1945 Bengal lights
1945 Cucumbers