May Little Pony. Major Heroes My Little Pony

May Little Pony. Major Heroes My Little Pony
May Little Pony. Major Heroes My Little Pony

(Eng. My Little Pony) is an entertainment franchise, launched by the American company Hasbro at first as a line of toys for girls. Debut toys, developed by three designers of Bonnie Zraca, Charles Munichwinger and Steve d "Aguanno, went on sale in 1981. The pony on the sides were made special symbols (referred to as" Milashka labels ") and brightly and colorfully depicted bodies and mane. Appearance Toy during the production was updated many times in accordance with the requirements of the market. Toys have become popular and sold in the USA, since 1982, and since 1995 they began to be sold worldwide. In the eighties of the last century, it was sold in a total of about 150 million toys. . In 1991, due to increased competition, the production of toys was discontinued.

Again, this line of toys began to be manufactured in 1997, their popularity was small, and in 1999, production ended again. Once again, the brand saw the light in 2003, toys were similar to the 80s toys, and by 2010 there were about 100 million copies of them. For the fourth time, the franchise began to be embodied in 2010 and all began with the animation series "My little pony. Friendship is a miracle "(My Little Pony: Friendship IS Magic). And already in 2015, the brand earned on retail sales more than a billion US dollars.

To date, the "May Little Pony" motives were raised animated performances, animated full-length films and two animated series were removed.


Animation My Little Pony from the mid-80s of the last century

Hasbro's toy line promotion strategy has led to the creation of many animated films and animated series.

In 1984, the first 22-minute cartoon "Mai Little Pony" appeared, later renamed "Rescue from the midday castle" (Rescue at Midnight Castle). In 1985, the premiere of the second cartoon "My Little Pony: Escape from Catherine". In 1986, the only full-length cartoon film My Little Pony: The Movie was released. In the same 1986, the TV series "My Little Pony and Friends" (My Little Pony "N Friends was launched, at first, it was planned to remove the two series, but due to very popular creators removed two seasons. In October 2010, the premiere of the multiplication the series "May Little Pony: Friendship is a miracle" (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic), today already released 7 seasons of the series. 2013 became the year of the release of the next cartoon series on the topic of a small pony under the general name "Girls from Equestria", in Several seasons have already been released on girls - "Girls from Equestria", "Girls from Equestrian - Rainbow Rock", "Girls from Equestria - Games of Friendship", "Girls from Equestria - the legends of evergreen forest."

Heroes and history of cartoons "May Little Pony"

In the Cartoon of 1984, the story is underway about the country of understanding. In the country there are pony 3 species: ordinary, pegasas and unicorn. Somehow, a tyyrban with his accomplisher attacks a downgrade. The desire of Tirban is quite original - to turn the four pony into dragons and damage them in this form in their chariot. The opposition to the criminal intentions of Tirban became the core of the plot of the cartoon.

The full-length cartoon of 1986 is colorfully describes the struggle of little pony living in Ponya, with an evil witch Hindia, who conceived to prevent the preparation of the holiday in honor of the first day of spring.

In the 1986 series of the release "My Little Pony and Friends", familiar with modern small spectators Heroes appeared: the unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, Princess Selestia, Dragon Spike and other friends sparkles. The series talks about how the twilight sparkle goes in search of friends to the city of Pereville, where she participates in different adventures. The case is already happening in the country called Equestrian.

The series about small pony "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle" you can call new, because it is released in the 21st century. The events of this series occur in the same fabulous country of Equestria, which inhabited ponies. In addition to them, there are different sensible animals here: buffalo, cows and zebras, as well as dragons, griffins, and other fantastic individuals. The country is full of proteins, hares, bears and other animals. In 2017, the new season of the series is expected.

Series "My Little Pony Pony: Friendship is a miracle"

The events of the series about Pony "Friendship is a miracle" unfold in a fantastic country - Equestria. Citizens of a fabulous country are primarily a pony, and then dragons, cows, griffins, zebras, manticors, buffaloes, as well as hares, proteins and other inhabitants of mountains, forests and fields.

The natural processes of Equestrey are strictly regulated. The princess of the princess selestistry and the moon provide the rise of the Sun and the exit to the skins of the moon. The weather is managed by pegasus, on the factory of which clouds, rain, snow and rainbow are produced. In addition, Pegasi oversees heaven in the most significant settlements of the country, and, if necessary, transform them in a different way. The seasons replace each other under the influence of magic or with the help of collective labor, which is due to the customs of the town and the presence of a skilled wizard in the village. You will laugh, but in Equestrey there is a territory where everything grows and changes independently - this is an evergreen forest. Therefore, for reasonable citizens of the country, this forest is a place wild and terrible.

The studies living in Equestrey are divided into different types:

  • Earth ponies are simple, ordinary horses. They love to work, especially in the fresh air, therefore, probably, they are engaged in agricultural production.
  • Pegasy - Pony, who have wings. Manage the weather, respectively, have flight skills and clouds.
  • Unicorns - a pony, having one magical horn that helps to engage in witchcraft. From diapers own telekinesis, but not alien to them and other conjunction methods.
  • Alikorn - special pons, which have a horns and wings. The main magicians and wizards of the country, deft and skillful, are carriers of rare, supernatural abilities. There are only five princesses: selesties, Moon, Cadence, Twilight Sparkling and Flarri Hart.

"May Little Pony" season 1

Twilight sparkling learns about the prophecy, which says that in Ecvel after a thousand years of imprisonment on the moon, moon horror will return and this will occur during the upcoming celebration of the summer solstice. The sparkor is trying to warn about the impending danger of his mentor of the princess selection, but the princess does not respond to a warning and sends twilight to the town of Pereville to check the readiness of residents to celebrate the summer solstice. Sparkling with reluctance meets a pony responsible for the preparation of the holiday. Their name is Epprejek, Rainbow Dash, Rariti, Flutters and Pinki Pin. At the festival, instead of the missing princess selesties, moon horror appears and eternal night begins.

After establishing the eternal night, the twilight sparker with new friends is sent to the evergreen forest to find elements of harmony - a set of artifacts that were used in the past for the destruction of moon horror. Overcoming difficulties, friends find elements, but moon horror appears and destroys them. Twilight sparka realizes that she and her new friends personify themselves six elements - honesty (EPPLJEC), kindness (fluttersh), laughter (Pinki Pinki), generosity (Rariti), devotion (rainbow DESH) and magic (twilight spark). Friends won the lunar horror, and the sparkle returns to Pereville to further comprehend the magic of friendship.

In the course of the action, the twilight sparkle with friends falls into different difficult circumstances, learning a lot of new things and unknown, which Celestia princess is constantly talking about.

"May Little Pony" season 2

Disord - the spirit of chaos and disharmony, runs away from a stone detention after a quarrel. Princess Selestia calls on twilight sparks and her friends to use elements of harmony to return order into the world. Friends discover that elements are disappeared. The discord found that he defeated the twilight spark, and promises to spread chaos throughout Equestrian.

Twilight sparkor leads his friends in Ponavil, affected by chaos, where they find elements of harmony in the library. However, without rainbow, DESH elements are not triggered, and the sparkor is crushed by the spells of the discord. But when she was going to leave Ponville, the dragon Spike showed her letters from the princess of Selestia: they were all old reports of twilight sparklers about friendship. Pursuing the Spirit, the spark destroys the spell of the discord and, together with friends, returns it to a stone ullation.

"May Little Pony" season 3

Princess Celestia learns about the return of the crystal empire, which disappeared more than a thousand years ago the last will of the evil King Sombra before his expulsion. Selestia fears that Somabre will return and, using the power of the empire, will capture Equestrey. She causes twilight sparks and directs her with her friends Princess Kadans and shining armor into the empire to help protect her and prevent the appearance of the shade of King Sombra. Twilight sparkle and her friends after a conversation with the inhabitants of the Empire learn about the Crystal Fair, using which you can somehow protect the empire from the king. But too late St. County understands that the missing crystal heart is a central element of the fair and the necessary artifact to protect the city.

Princess Cadenx has weakened magical power. Twilight sparkle to his friends gives instructions to continue the fair to raise the mood of the crystal pony. She herself goes to look for a crystal heart, being sure that this is a test for which Princess selestia hint. Together with the dragon spike, bypassing several traps who King Somabr posted in the castle, eventually get to a crystal heart. Crystal pony recreate a protective spell in the empire and destroy the King of Sombora.

"May Little Pony" season 4

Season 4 continues from the events that ended 3 season, where the twilight sparka was so honed his magical skills, studying the value of friendship, which became a new princess of Equestria. In addition, she moved into the category of Alikorn, because her wings rose.

Twilight sparka adapts to its new wings and princess duties when preparing for the holiday of the Summer Sun. Before the holiday, at night, Princess Selestia was attacked by a black vine. The next morning, the sparkor discovers that the princesses of the selestistry and the moon disappeared, leaving the sun and the moon hanging on the sky at the same time. Castle guards report spark about the growth of ferrous plants from the evergreen forest near Perevillya. Returning to Pereville to collect elements of harmony, twilight and her friends suspect that this discord was the reason for the growing of the black vine and the disappearance of the princesses, but he says that it is innocent. Pony Zequer gives twilight sparkle a special potion, which allegedly helps her know what chaos causes. Drinking the potion, the spark turns out in an unfamiliar castle with a princess moon, which turns into a moon horror.

Twilight sparkling understands that the transformation of the princess of the moon is a vision caused by the potions of Zecora. The sparkor recalls that there is a tree of harmony in the forest, she goes to the forest and finds it a tree, an endangered black vine. Twilight sparkle destroys black plants and thus relieves selesties and moon disappeared princesses. The celebration of the Sunior Sun begins with the fact that the twilight sparkle performs in front of her friends.

"May Little Pony" season 5

The fifth season of the series tells that the twilight sparka continues its activities of the Princess of Equestria with the help of his friends. They discover that in its new castle there is a magic card on which the problems of Equestrey and the paths of their permission are indicated. Traveling, they find the city where all ponies have the same "Cut Sign" on the sides - this is a sign of equality. Friends suspect that something is wrong with the citizens, especially after meeting with their leader, which is the name of Starlight Glimmer. Starlight said that all the ponies living in the city were abandoned from their own tags and special talents, as they believe that they can achieve real friendship, being equal. Twilight sparkling and her friends are secretly found with other pons who want to regain their "signs of cuties". Friends go to the repository in which the townspeople labels are stored. Upon arrival, all six fell into the trap, and Stallight takes their signs.

Without his "signs of cutie", six friends were trapped. Friends decide to send Fluttershai to the city to chat with citizens and learn from them, how to get out of the trap and return their own signs. Fluttershai finds out that Starlight itself never handed over her "Milashka sign" in the repository, but disguised it using makeup. The next day, Starlight frees friends from the trap and Fluttershai reveals the citizens of the trick of Starlight, splashing onto it with water. Starlight runs away with signs of six friends, and the townspeople return from the repository their own signs and start in pursuit for Starlight. As a result, friends return their "Signs of Cuties", but Starlight still manage to escape. All return to the city to celebrate the restoration of their individualities.

"May Little Pony" season 6

At the beginning of the sixth season, the series Twilight sparkles and her friends are invited to a crystal empire to participate in the crystallization ceremony and the magical ceremony dedicated to the birth of Princess Kadans and the foal of shining armor. Sparkling brings with me to the empire of his new student Starlight, so that Stalita met again with his friend's childhood, crystal pony Sanbert. Starlight does not want to meet with Sunbert so that he does not recognize about her past atrocities. In the end, they met and they had an uncomfortable conversation. Meanwhile, the twilight spark is shocked, finding that the foal of shiny armor is a girl-anchorous, which has a powerful non-controlled magic. The foal screams destroy the crystal heart that protects the empire, leaving it without protection before the deadly blizzard.

Pony desperately search spell to restore the crystal heart and rescue the crystal empire from the Arctic snow. Starlight believes that Sunbert is capable of such a feat, but when she comes to him, he in despair admits that it is not such a powerful wizard as she believes. Starlight tells him about his past mistakes, and they laugh. Using the knowledge he received during his training, Sunburst helps Stallight, and the princesses create a crystal, which restores the crystal heart, discing the snow storm from the settlement.

"May Little Pony" season 7

Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Thorax and the discord are awarded with honorary medals for victory over Queen crisalis than they led to the Harmony of the Kingdom of Werewood. During the solemn admission, the twilight sparka understands that she has nothing to learn Starlight, which has achieved great success, so the ISKARD appeals to the Council to the Princess of Celestia. Princess Selestia recommends sending Starlight to teaching away from Ponya, but the twilight sparker is afraid that this experiment will end with a catastrophe. Celestia burst into laughter, admitting that she had the same alarms when she herself sent twilight sparks to study the magic of friendship. The worst announces Starlight that her studies are finished and it can leave Ponya. On the joy of twilight spark, Stallight decides not to leave the revelline until she feels ready to do it.

While the twilight sparkle and her friends leave for Friendship Arena, Stallight remains in the castle to help Trixie in the development of the Magic of the Unicorn. Trixie is inactively using the movement spell by sending a magic card twilight to an unknown place. Starlight comes to rage from the act of Trixie and the magic red cloud is broken out of her horns, which she hides in a glass bottle, fearing harm Trixie. During the search for Map anger, Starlight regarding the carefree behavior of Trixie continues to grow, a bottle with a magic cloud inside the accidentally cracks, and the cloud, breaking out of the bottle, infects his pony, forcing them to attack Trixi. Starlight manages to dispel a cloud and Tricks finally apologize for their actions. After that, together, they find a map in the spa and return it to the castle, having time to return to the twilight sparkle and her friends.

"May Little Pony", cartoon 2017

In 2017, it is expected to enter the screens of the Canadian-American full-length music cartoon film "My Little Pony" (My Little Pony: The Movie). The film is based on the cartoon series "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle." The film is located in the production of companies Allspark Pictures and Dhx Media.

The film was originally scheduled for release on November 3, 2017, but the term was postponed by subsequently on October 6, 2017.

In the center of the cartoon narrative - the liberation of the canterlot. Kanterlot is the capital of the Magic Country of Equestria, which first appeared in the very first series of cartoon "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle." This is the native city of twilight sparkle, in it she studied under the leadership of the Princess of Selestia. The city has a royal palace, and this is a very important place for various activities of the type of the Grand Ball and Gala concert.

The king of the storm captures Kanterlot, wanting to deprive the pony of magical power. The future of the fabulous country is threatened! Pony build leave the native edge and go to a dangerous distant hike, full wonders and risky adventures to stop the storm bandit. On the way they will have to go through the magic mountains, go down into the depths of the underwater world and climb into the air on the fly frigate pirates!

Multiplication films "Girls from Equestrey"

Cycle of cartoons about girls from Ecwork is an animated films with the main characters similar to the main composition of the series "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle," but in these films heroes are no longer small horses, but teenage girls, students in high school schools.

Cartoon "May Little Pony: Girls from Equestria" (2013)

Being with his friends in the Crystal Empire, the twilight spark is losing his crown of Princess Equestria. In fact, the crown was stolen by a unicorn named Sanste Shimmer. Friends are stripped into pursuit of the thief, but that disappears in the mirror, which turns out to enter the human world. Princess Selestia reported spark that without the crown, all other elements of harmony do not work and cannot be used to protect the Equestria. Twilight sparkle must return the crown, but to enter the world of people can only be, friends need to be left in this world. Upon passion to the human world, the stupid Drakonchik Spike, which in the world of people turned into a speaking dog, and the twilight spark was turned around with a human girl. The search for the crown they start in carnelote from the building, which is a city school.

Twilight sparkle begins to get used to his human body, and carefully observes the inhabitants of a strange new world in which she fell. She meets the girl who is very similar to her girlfriend: It turns out her name is Flattershai. Sparkle asks Fluttershai about the crown. Fluttershai tells her that she really found the crown, but he gave the director of the Sellesti school. Sparkling and Spike are sent to the director's office.

During the searches, the crown twilight sparka meets with other schoolchildren who are very similar to her friends from the world. She tells about his mission in the world of people, including the fact that she was given 3 days to return the crown. If the spark does not have time to return the crown, the portal closes, and it will stay for a month. Her new girlfriends decide to help her.

The common efforts of friends manage to find the crown, but here the game comes in the game, which threatens to destroy the portal into the world of pony, if the sparka does not give her a crown. Sparkle does not want to hear about it and hear, and Sunset decides to take away the crown by force. Attacking the princess, Sunset takes the crown, and, putting it, turns into a demon. Then, attending schoolchildren, she tells them that he would not destroy the portal, because she wants to conquer Equestria, using students from the world of people. Sansset Shimmer is attempting to destroy the spark, Eppljek, Fluttershai, Pinki Pink, Rariti and Rainbow Daes, but they take hands and form magical protection. Sparkling understands that elements of harmony are strong in this world. The power of friendship magic helps friends to win Sunset. The victims defeat, Sunset recognizes his mistake and promises more so much. Friends decided to take her in their circle, and then the twilight sparkle and her faithful dog Spike return back home, into the world of pony.

Cartoon "May Little Pony: Girls from Equestrian - Rainbow Rock" (2014 year)

The action of this cartoon film unfolds in the Kanterota school. The former attacker is Sunset Shimmer, who corrected after her the magic of the crown of the twilight spark was defeated, exposed to attacks from most schoolchildren, despite her attempts to redeem their atrocities. Her sole friends are rainbow Dash, Epprejek, Pinki Pink, Flutters and Rariti, who created a rock band called Rainbums to participate in the upcoming music school competition. Five girls discover that the magic remaining from the crown of twilight sparkle helps them during the fulfillment of music to grow ears, tails and wings, like a pony from Equestria.

Enjoying new impressions, Sunset holds a tour of the school for three new students - Adagio Dazle, Sonak Susta and Aria Blaise - and tells them about the musical competition, without knowing that they know how to sing magic songs. By calling his group "Dazzling", the trio performs a song that turns other students in aggressive, competing opponents among themselves, convincing them to turn a friendly competition into competitive rivalry. Sunset and her friends are protected from the "Dazzling" song with their magic, but can not save from the danger of the School of School and Deputy Director of the Luna. Sunset recalls the book that can be used to send messages into a parallel world of ponies to Equestry. With the help of the book, she sends the twilight spark of a request for help.

Having received a message Sunset, the twilight sparkor recalls that the participants of the group "Dazzling" are actually expelled from Evuestriy Siren. They feed on negative emotions to strengthen their singing to achieve their goal - the conquest of the world. The sparkle uses the magic book to restore the transition between the worlds, and she together with the spike returns to the parallel world. Sparkling and girls are trying to use their friendship's magic to weaken dazzling spells, but, unfortunately, the result is zero. Twilight sparka involves using friendship magic during a musical competition. In the course of the contest "Rainbums" practically falls into the final, although the rivals prevent them from them - the negative magic "Dazzling" strongly affects Rainbums.

Help comes from where they did not wait. Spike saves girls with the help of DJ Pont-3 - he constantly walks in the headphones and does not hear the "dazzling" spells. It provides sound support of the "Rinbums" speech when they begin to sing against "dazzling". During singing to Rainbums, Sunset joined, which takes his own sample form. With the help of Sunset "Rainbums" destroy magical necklaces that helped the participants of the Dazzling group. Rainbums wins, schoolchildren return to their normal state, drove the "Dazzling" group from the competition and violently greet the victory "Rainbums". Twilight sparkling and spike return to Equestrey.

Cartoon "May Little Pony: Girls from Equestria - Friendship Games" (2015)

In Kanterlote, traditional competitions are held, in which local schoolchildren meet with their rivals - students of the Crystal Academy. Competitions are called "Friendship Games".

In this cartoon, the twilight spark in the form of a person is studying in the Crystal Academy and really wants to go to study in a more prestigious institution. The head of the County Academy Sinch strongly recommends the sparkle to participate in the Games of Friendship. Otherwise, it will disagree the transition to another educational institution. Iraar has to agree.

Upon arrival in Kanterlot, Sparkling inspects the Kanterota school and accidentally notes that her amulet takes the magic, which, trying on new outfits in front of his friends, was used by Rariti. The girlfriends finally saw the sparkle and were very happy, but it turned out that this is not the wrong spark. Sunset quickly realizes the mistake and decides to consult with twilight spark from the world of ponies, but the amulet of the sparkle from the Crystal Academy absorbs Magya Sunset and closes the portal between the worlds of people and pony. In the same way, the mysterious amulet affects Pinki Pin and Fluttersay when they are attempting during games to make friends with twilight spark from the crystal empire.

In the first round of games, friendship Twilight Sparkle wins academic decade. The second round as a whole passed in an equal struggle of schools, but carnelot's schoolchildren still won with a small margin, which gave the director of the Crystal Academy to accuse the carnelot students in the application of witchcraft.

At the beginning of the third round, the sparkle reveals the amulet, after which it turns into a winged and horned monster, something like a person-Alikorn. Now the dark twilight sparkor opens portals into the world of pony. Sunset, using the same amulet, turns into the same creature and with the help of the Magic of Friendship, the twilight spark wins. Sparkling asks for all forgiveness for his behavior. Life is settled, and Princess Cadenx allows the sparkle to go to the Kanterota school, and Sunset and other students greet her as a new friend.

Cartoon "May Little Pony: Girls from Equestria - the legends of evergreen forest" (2016)

Like the first three films about girls from Equestria, this cartoon again tells about the main heroes of the ponies, which appear as adolescent students at school.

The students of the Kanterota school are sent to the summer children's camp of Everfrey. Upon arrival at the camp, seven friends got acquainted with the leadership of the camp - Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Sprug her brother. The disciples outlines their recreation plans and reason what kind of gift School of the Countrylot will make the camp. Suddenly, someone Filti Rich comes to the camp, which is the owner of local lands. It turns out that he was in his time a graduate of the everfri camp.

At night, Timber tells students a story about the forest spirit of Gai Everfri, which, being indignant by the construction of the camp, threatened to send natural disasters to him. In the morning of the next day, the guys start the execution of their plans for recreation, and suddenly they see how the river fall apart. As a gift camp, they decide to build a new berth and begin to work. Suddenly, a yacht is crashed into an unfinished jacket, and young tourists saw a shiny precious dust in the water, which corresponded to the description of the presence of the traffic police of Everfrey in the history of Timpler. Apparently, Gaya exists! However, twilight isor seems to be that it is responsible for the happening accident.

Later, among the apparent earthquake and the next observation of the pearl dust, the twilight friends begin to develop their unique superhuman abilities, which they believe they can only be used within the camp borders. Believing that her magic infects friends, sparking runs from the camp. Sunset follows herso in the forest and, finding his own telepathic power, convinces her to stay in the camp. When Timber, caught up with girls, leads them back to the camp, Sansset notices the pearl dust falling out of his pocket, and suspects that he is the Guy Everfri.

Walking around the surrounding area, Sansset Shimmer stones in a cave on a cave from which there is a screaming radiance. Exploring the Threesome Sunset cave, the spark and spike are in the cave two colored crystals. In the cave, from nowhere, he arose Glorios, which takes the crystals and turns around to the very Guy of the Everfri. She binds three travelers and closes them in a cave, fading out the cave of stones, and around the camp she creates an impassable barrier from blackberries.

The sparkers remaining in the camp try to get out of the blocked camp, and at this time the spike releases sparkle from the cave and SMIMER. After combining the entire spark group at the request of friends, the magical crystals are taken away from the traffic police and returns Gloriosa to normal state. Regarding the victory over the fighting on the river pier, the fashion shows is made, and a party is organized in the cave.

Cartoon characters "May Little Pony"

In the cartoons "My Little Pony" six main characters united by harmony elements - a set of six mystical jewels with light insurmountable force, which are used to protect the country of Equestria from different threats.

Twilight Sparkle It is a central character of the series. In the first three seasons, it is shown as a violet unicorn with a pronounced mane of Indigo, and as a winged unicorn (Alikorn) appeared in later seasons. She is smart, obedient, loves to learn, with greed studies all types of unicorn magic, such as levitation, teleportation and creation of power fields.

The TV series "Girls from Equestrian" is represented as a girl for 16 years from the family with dark purple eyes, with lilac skin and long dark blue hair. She is kind, fair, friendly and confident.

Rainbow DESH - Pegasus blue color with rainbow mane and tail. She first does, and the questions asks later. It is literally obsessed with speed and adventures.

The rainbow DESH is one of the girls from Ecwork with light blue skin, long carelessly laid rainbow colors and with raspberry eyes. She is incredibly bold, always ready to help friends, feeds weakness to speed.

Rariti - White unicorn with purple, twisted mane, fashionista, which speaks with an emphasis and conducts high fashion salons in Ponya.

In the form of a girl from Equestrian, her blue eyes, dazzling white leather and purple color hairstyle. Talented seamstress with the packs of fashion designer, puts on the most arring fashion technicians at the Shanlota School.

EPPLJEC - Orange blonde earth pony. Works farmer in the apple garden in Ponya, using its greater physical strength to get apples from trees.

Pupils of the Kanterlotian school appljack green eyes and blond hair. Applejack is diligent and comprehensible, a little wayward and unwanted.

Fluttershai - Yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane, has a unique proximity to the animal, allowing her to understand and communicate with them.

Fluttersay in a cartoon about girls from Equestrian leather light yellow color, long slightly curly gently pink hair and blue eyes. By the nature of Fluttershai is infinitely kind and shy, while also buggy.

Pinki Pai. - Pink earth pony, cheerful, energetic and talkative. She loves to entertain her friends, arranging endless diverse parties.

In the series "Girls from Equestrian" she has a gentle pink leather, curly and long hair of pink and blue eyes. Pinkies are usually cheerful, energetic and fun, sometimes it seems a bit insane.

Spike - This is a purple dragon with green spikes, he fulfills the role of "Assistant number one" twilight sparkle, helps her solve any problems and teach lessons.

Princess Celestia - Dazzling white Alikorn, is shown as a generous ruler of the country of Equestria. Selesty manages Equestrey over a thousand years, is depicted as a symbol of harmony between unicorn, pegasics and ordinary pony.

Princess Moon - Dark blue Alikorn, the younger sister of Princess selestia. It serves as a co-guarantee of Equestria, using his magic to raise the moon and protect the dreams of his subjects at night.

Discord - This is the spirit of chaos, is characterized as a meaningless deceiver. Kite-shaped creature with head pony and many different parts of the animal.

Princess Cadenx "Good-natured Alikorn, is the niece of the Princess of Selestia. Former Pegasus.

Starlight Glimmer - Pleasant unicorn. It turns out an evil figure that wants to create a "absolutely equal society" using his magic.

Sunset shimmer - A nobble-orange coloring color with a striped red-yellow mane and light turquoise eyes. The main opponent of twilight sparkle.

In the cartoon "My little pony: Girls from Equestria" she is studying in the Crannelot school, being a former student of the Princess of Selestia. First, behaves like a loaf, false and unscrupulous hooligan, but along the plot is corrected.

"May Little Pony": toys

A series of children's toys "My little pony" embodies copies of the main characters of the cartoon serials "My little pony" and "My little pony: girls from Equestria."

Toys "My Little Pony" Production of the American Hasbrough company (Hasbro) is a whole epic of adventures of charming pony, living in a special world of magic. Pony guests from each other, pick up their clothes, spend parties, walk in the fresh air, in general, live everyday magical life. All horses are special, with their own names, practically do not look like each other. The toy series includes, except for figurines of horses, also a variety of accessories to them, and other curious and wonderful additions: locks, houses, carousel, carriages ... Most girls know the names of such a pony, like Princess Selestia, Rainbow Dash, Princess Moon, Pinki Pay and others. All ponies have special colors of the mane and tail, different habits and hairstyles. After some time, the owners of toys can make themselves shoot the doll cartoons "My Little Pony."

Another interesting interactive gaming kits "May Little Pony". For example, a set of "Baby Pony at the doctor's reception". The kit includes a thermometer, stethoscope, syringe, as well as a spoon and a bubble with a medicine. When pressed on the tummy, the pony horses say phrases: "I have a tummy hurt," "Listen, how my heart beats," "Give me my medicine," "I have already recovered" and others. Communication with horses in children causes only positive emotions. When playing with colorful pony, children develop faster, gain communication skills.

Of particular interest in children cause miniature figures "May Little Pony: Friendship is a miracle." Extremely like girls thematic kits, such as "Poni Fashionista", "tea drinking", "hairstyles", "traveler" and others. Small pony can be combing the mane and make fashionable hairstyles. The game kit "Carousel" works from the batteries, the carousel rotates with musical accompaniment. You can arrange a toy adventure park for your pony.

Among modern girls there is a fashion on the toy girls from Equestria. Each mother can buy his daughter's doll's favorite cartoon character "My little pony: Girls from Equestria." There are several most affordable puppet series: a series "Rainbow Rock", "Friendship Games", "Sporty Style".

Puppet girls from Equestria differ from ordinary dolls. They are small, about 22 centimeters high. The legs of the pupae are made in the form of hoofs dressed in bright boots that can be removed. The collection "Girls from Equestrian: Rainbow Rock", published in 2014, represents dolls with updated bodies and human legs. Kits include trendy outfits, combs, beautiful stickers, overhead strands, musical instruments and other accessories.

Games "May Little Pony"

Children love charming and funny characters from cartoons and fairy tales. Some of the most popular among the children became cute horses from the famous TV shows "My Little Pony" and "Girls from Equestria", such as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Chud, Pinki Pink, Rariti and others. These characters became the main heroes of the pony games, which many children are entertained today around the world. In most of these games, the child falls into the fabulous world of ponies, for example, in the famous city of Pereville or in the evergreen forest. In games, children are dressed, feed and care about small horses. For the most part, girls are amused with games about a pony, because the cartoon pony looks like girls, sing songs, bake patties and dressed beautifully.

Among the infinite multitude of video games based on the cartoon serials about ponies and girls from Equestrey, games that can be combined into the category of "Equaint Herls' dressing house" category. In these games, girls are invited to clothe one of the residents of the Magic Equestrian country. Many hairstyles, manifold shoes and clothing - all this is at the disposal of the player. Try to become a fashion designer, and maybe the heroine will like the style chosen by you! The result of creative efforts can be displayed on the printer and boast before girlfriends.

Another of the most popular games is "three days in Equestria." Her plot is very busy and attractive. The player holds three days in the fabulous country of Equestria, during which he meets with the main characters of the cartoon "May Little Pony: Friendship is a miracle," solves different rebuses and solves funny tasks.

The heroes of the game "Girls from Equestrian - a secret kiss" Sparkling and Flash are passionate about each other, but do not want friends and friends to know about it. They can't only stay together, today they had to meet in the library and chat, but someone constantly violates their privacy. Help them imperceptibly for others to kiss each other.

As usual, one of the most sought-after video games - "Fantry Mai Little Pony." Many wonderful things happen in the fabulous pony world. The character of the game Eppljek falls into curious and dangerous situations. She saves their girlfriends in a dark and dangerous forest, fighting with birds attackers and hostile animals. At every step, it will be waited for traps made by villain criesalis, but Eppljek, of course, should get out the winner.

The number of games based on animated series "My little pony" amazing imagination!

Songs and music in cartoons

Cartoon TV series "My little pony" and "Girls from Equestrian" are really musical films. The perky songs sound in Russian and English, they charge a great mood for the whole day and give smiles. I want to dance along with Pinki Pay and Flothters and sing the charming pony. In the cheerful songs, the cartoon heroes tell about their friendship, about the difficulties, facing and overcoming which they grow up and know the world around. Throughout the series "Girls from Equestrian", the main heroine of the sparkle sings that sadness and quarrels are temporary difficulties of life, and most importantly is friendship and consent that will necessarily help overcome all obstacles and difficulties.

The number of songs in the series leads to delight.

In the first season "May Little Pony: Friendship is a miracle" Songs sound: "Laugh Song"; "Song of the Gala concert"; "Bill song"; "Jump-jump-jump"; "Pegasov's song"; "Evil witch"; "Last Day Winter"; "Song about cupcakes"; "Sewing Art"; "Honest, sleep"; "Song of seekers"; "You share"; "You smile"; "Breathes all wonders"; "Telegram in the form of a song"; "The best evening"; "I dreamed of getting here so"; "Polka Pony."

The second season is no less rich in songs: "Let the best won"; "The pony, which everything needs to know"; "Circle of friends"; "Month since the birth"; "Piggy dance"; "Flema and Flam Song"; "The perfect stallion"; "Song about smiles"; "Drowle Doodle"; "Welcome song"; "Krenki has a dedicated heart"; "Aria Cadence"; "Love blooms."

Admire the songs of the Third Season: "Song of the failure"; "Ballad on the Crystal Empire"; "Song about success"; "Babs LED"; "Our barn"; "Morning in Ponya"; "The fact that the sign tells me"; "Help your friends"; "Your best friend"; "Ballad of Selestia"; "Here it is, Princess"; "Twilight Sparkle"; "Life in Equestria."

The fourth season stands out by the number of songs: "Friends with a huge heart"; "The bats"; "Generosity"; "Forever we are epples"; "Glass of Driver"; "Pinkies - a party organizer"; "King - organizer of parties"; "Pinkness sadness"; "Fooling"; "I apologize chiz"; "Any desire"; "Tree melody"; "Heart swollen music to meet"; "Wonderful Tonic Flema and Flam"; "Rap wonderful lightning"; Your turn will come "; "You see the rainbow - remember."

In the remaining seasons at least 10 songs in each.

Songs of the cartoon "Girls from Equestrian": "This strange world"; "Song in the cafeteria"; "Time to act together"; "Our evening has come"; "Lifelong friend".

It is clear that especially the music cartoon "Girls from Equestrian - Rainbow Rock": "Rainbow Rock"; "They became better than were"; "Battle"; "Bad spell"; "Chin up"; "You got into our networks"; "My trump card"; "I like this"; "The battle is"; "Battle of Rainbums"; "Like the stars"; "It's time to part with the past"; "Friendship will be eternal"; "Life is a way forward."

In cartoons about girls from Equestrian "Games of Friendship" and "Legends of Evergreen Forest" for six musical compositions.

Criticism and perception of the public

The cartoon series "May Little Pony: Friendship is a miracle" got a lot of positive feedback from critics. Todd Van der Verff, Observer of the magazine The A.V. Club, positively noted the presence of apparent cheerfulness and the lack of cynicism in cartoons - unlike many other children's animated films that have become cult, including adults. He praised a stylish appearance of characters, the relative complexity of the plots for children's perception and good jokes, who like everyone: and their parents. He assigned the serial category "B +". On the contrary, Brian Truitte from USA Today has somewhat negatively appreciated the humor in the animated series. Emily Eshbi from the organization "For common sense in the media", which is engaged in the education of children in the media, assigned four stars rating from five, stressing the positivity of the story about friendship, tolerance and respect. Critic Liz Oganesyan for the newspaper La Weekly reported that the series "is absolutely sincere in his ideas of friendship, but it is not perceived too seriously." The critic "Los Angeles Times" Robert Lloyd called the series "smarter, strong and more aesthetic" than any of the previous animations of My Little Pony, highly appreciating his techniques for communication with children, so with their parents. TV Guide magazine evaluates the series as one of the best sixty animated films of all time. Critic Amid Amidi, writing for the Animation Site Cartoon Brew, more critically reacted to the concept of the series, calling it a sign of the "end of the era of the creators in television animation". In his essay, she expressed concern about the fact that the creative talent of the author of the series was used when creating a toy show, which indicates the concentration of efforts on advantageous genres of animation and speaks about the surrender of the high position of the television animation industry.

Multiplication films "Girls from Equestrian" received mixed feedback from critics. Daniel Alvares from the Unleash The Fanboy website gave 4 stars out of 5, stating that this is a "very interesting film", although some elements, in particular the romantic size of the plot, weaker than in other cartoons. Gwen Ignat from The A.V. Club assigned the films to the "B-" rating. And I counted interesting a few songs and scenes of battles with demons, everything else is the embodiment of very beaten ideas from the series about Pony "Friendship is a miracle." Sherinin Connelly from SF Weekly in a polling of film critics gave his voice movies as the best full-length animation.

Interesting facts about animated series about small pony

In fact, various kinds of interesting and funny moments in the series "My little pony", of course, a lot. We give some of them.

  • The only character of cartoons, which is mentioned by the full name, - Pinki Pink. Her full name of Pinkamin Diana.
  • Dragon Spike is a dragon boy, but his woman named Katie Weslak is voiced. She actress, director, singer and humorist.
  • The names of the members of the Pony Eppljek are actually the names of the varieties of apples, namely: Granny Smith, Big Makintsch, Breurne.
  • The popularity of the series gave rise to as many amateur content that when the creators choose a new character to include it in the plot, they must make sure that the name of the new character is not too similar to the name of the character created by the cartoon fans about small pony.
  • Note! Disord - the best dancer Equestria. When he danced on the head of the twilight spark, he boasted his unimaginable skills in the dance.
  • Rainbow Dash is the only protagonist, whose "Sign of Cuties" consists of one symbol. Rariti, Eppljek, Fluttershai and Pinki Pay "Signs of Cuties" of 3 characters, and in twilight sparks from one large symbol and 5 small. Fans of cartoons are interested in, if it is ravaged, or some mystery hides behind it.
  • One of the cartoon developers "My Little Pony" Lauren Faust said that she was inspired by the city of Minas Tyrit from the "Lord of the Rings".
  • The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the series "My little pony: Girls from Equestria" advised to Lauren Faust, one of the creators of the series "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle."
  • Some cartoon lovers have heard or read famous fan fiction on the cartoons "May Little Pony." It is called "cupcakes) and refers to the category of crippa. This is a terrible and cruel story written by cartoon fans.
  • Few lovers of cartoons about Pony know about an episode that has not entered the final version of the cartoon. Allegedly the content of this episode was no less terrible than in the fan fiction. Knowing people assure that even he was visualized. The episode described about the tragic and terrible case that occurred in the life of Pinki Pink.
    The main characters of the episode:
    • Pinki Pin;
    • mom Pinki Pay - Eppl Pai;
    • father Pinki Pink - Unnamed Pegasus;
    • grandmother Pinki Pink;
    • Twilight Sparkle.

Among the children's premiere.

If your voice is there too, or the child has already set you before the need for a campaign to cinema, we advise you to get acquainted with a short list of facts useful for viewing this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle," and watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening is not necessary at all. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but the exit to the cinema franchise with a rich history, the following you will come in handy. Briefly, in the case and with an absolute effect on the part of the child - "Mom, what do you know who it is?!".

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each in its own way is unique, amazing and diverse. As you could have noticed, "Understand" are not looking here in a row here, but inside these magic horses are divided into info, unicorns, Pegasov and Alikornov. Yes, these are those with horn and wings at the same time. Alikorna is a recognized elite and foremost princess. No, no one has seen alicorn boys.

Now you have to sprinkle with the names (and even in two translations!), But they are not required to remember - just accept these characters as a given. By the way, your daughter probably has its own favorite. And this is a great way to learn about the inner world of the child a little more.

And also at Pony have special signs of differences - that is, the pictures on the cereal - they are obtained in the process of growing up, and it is damn important characters.

Twilight sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The most important heroine, diligent and good, loves study, order and clear planning. He suffers from unnecessarily out of conscience and anxiety, sometimes skeptical and cynical. The sign of distinguishing from sparking with the star, because she is a mega-super-steep magician, one of the best in his magical country called Equistria (you can not remember the name). Its "element of harmony" (mega-super weapons based on the friendship of all heroines) - Actually, magic.

Oh yes. First Sparkor Unicorn, and from the final of the third season - Alikorn, that it builds it in the premium princesses. The princess of friendship was made by the most important pony in the world - selesti (also the princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, we are clearly born with a set of horns and wings.


In a word - fashionista. Unicorn fashion designer, whose business is great, so amazing (after all, the pony almost never wear clothes!). Rariti is still a treasure, the character of it is spoiled and wounded, but it is very generous, generosity embodies.

Differences sign - Crystalliki, they just love them, this is the best friends of girls ©.

Rainbow Daes (Reinboou Dash)

She is speed. She is the most sporting, magnificent and unceremonious, Pegasus, who flies the meaning of life. The rainbow is unnecessary self-confident (read - that still fucking), loves adventure books, stupid draws and dreams of flying in great sport, but always stays with friends.

Personifies loyalty. About the sign of the difference you guessed.


Just "Nishka", timid, shyly animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid to fly, afraid of dragons, is afraid in general. However, inside Fluttershai - one rod. With all the external introversion and naivety, sometimes it is very surprising.

The sign of distinction is a butterfly, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the very brightened and better, which is in humans. Sorry, in Pony.

Pinki Pai.

Pony, whose calling - parties, fun and the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, more precisely, a jumping positive that demoloning his unoccupied optimism on his way.

Pinky professional organizer of parties, embodies joy and laughter, sign of differences - balloons. Wihu!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but the real pony name. There must be something about the apple farm, diligence, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we just say that it is unrealistic cool. And strong.

You can exhale, the main characters ended. Just add that they all live in the town called Pereville, they regularly save the world, use special "friendship" with the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also single working girls slightly in 20 years. No, men's characters in the series are also found. Sometimes.

Pony is much older than you think

These bright bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also, just others. And only for girls is 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is a legendary restart author, which was a rare case.

Evolution of Pony and other Multgeroev

So the pony looks out of the 80s. Those more plump. Nevertheless, many external and internal traits of the heroine of the old series moved to the new one.

"Armor" exist

So called the fans of the series, that is, this is "fand". And yes, among them are full of adult men. They will come to the cinemas with the children and you. Do not be afraid - "armor" is extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship, promoted in the series.

And if it is glimable: "Fandom" is clearly able to compete with similar communities in the "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear, in front of us is a real cult.

Pony make the world better

It follows from the previous point. "My Little Pony" stably pulls people from depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and then on the list. In general, Cool changes in life - we have already told about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of children's psychologists, everything is very safe, they are recommended for the competent development of the identity of the child. Of course, sometimes the opposite opinions are sometimes found that they kill children. Of course, you decide who to listen. But we agree with psychologists and consider the series very good. All in the name of friendship!

They are very poorly localized with us

We have they say how flat cards. Just "My Little Pony" we have extremely unlucky with localization, especially with the translation of names - you already could notice it yourself. Disputes about being sparkling or twilight name is the main heroine will be raged for another decades.

As in fact, the name of the dirty, wrencock and other famous carters

By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was lucky slightly more - at least a dubbing in the early domestic spectators did not cause nausea, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

Do not pony single alive this universe. A variety of Dracoshi, Cauchy, Donkey, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film of this good there will be more. At the same time, part of the animals is reasonable as the pony themselves, and some are no, just pets. Interestingly, in what kind of kin is the straight talking cat from a movie with a cat opal, Rariti's favorite?

Especially good here with mythological beings, both from our legends, like griffins and manticar and owned ones. Yes, discord, we and about you too.

The pony themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, pony-isorted and scripts still know what. In the film, we will see pony-mermaids - a great addition, what do you think? By the way, there is also another world, where the same heroines appear as people. But it is completely already, do not clog your head.

The series is much more dramatic than you think

And he may well like. At least the plot series, it is 1-2 and 25-26 episodes of each of the seven seasons. All that between - autonomously, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, on the plot influencing only inspired because. But what is the scatter! Especially in late seasons are discussed extremely important and very adults. On glory and fashion, deceptions and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in plots, everything always goes not according to plan and not in templates, there are end-to-end secrets, carefully portable from the season in the "Chips" season, swirling and inventive scenarios. In general, the series reallyit is interesting to watch and adults.

More precisely, even more adult, because it is for this category of viewers in My Little Pony "a lot of delicious. Thin hints and cunning references, their "Doctor Who", all sorts of "easter eggs" and a topical irony. However, this item may not remember: a full-length film was focused on the Children's public. But there is a chance that some such joy will leave parents.

But you "Aria Cadence", a dramatic moment from the finals of the second season, with the villain-clutter, pretending to the princess. Just listen, look and enjoy it seems like a "children's" series.

« Names are not translated ...»

"I didn't say anything," March Hea chucks hastily.
"No, said," Mad Hetter objected.
"And I didn't think," said March Hea. - I deny everything!
"He denies everything," said King, "don't put in the protocol!"
- Well, then, it means, Dormaus said.

« Names are not transferred»

"Girl," said Bag Bad Wolfe, "where do you keep the way?"
"I'm going to my Grandmazer," Little Red Riding Hood replied, "she carry her patties.

« Names are not transferred!»

- Hello, Mr. Filsi! - I prefer Mr. Rich.

Names are not translated - this rule is often given as an argument on the forums; His, indigrant, use the authors of the reviews for the next "Red Hat"; Even on TV you can hear it together with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to "" One way or another affected the issue of translation of names. As a rule, the answer to this question was unambiguous " do not translate" And because such a reaction is not good!

- You are the lunar pony, the lunar pony!

Unfortunately, increasingly there are cases of reproach translators (not only the series " Friendship is the miracle") For similar" adaptations ". For example, one of the characters " Stories of toys", Astronaut, in the original wears a name Buzz Lightyear.. The name is a reference to the present astronaut Bazz Oldrin, the last name is the word of space subject (light year). Both variants of the Russian translation, Svetik and Lyter., in their own way, unsuccessful. The first one is not connected with space, rather recalls the flower than the adventure of Locking. The second also indicates not to space, but on the lighter (Lighter). Animated series " Kim Possible."For some reason turned into" Kim five-s-plus" A lost game of words with a parody of a famous spy film was changed by the Association - not even with an assessment! - With candy from the school canteen.

« Names are not transferred,»

- The search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which "everyone knows that the names are not translated", "this rule", "this is taught in school."

What is the rule where did it come from? Where can I read it?

Names in the passport are not translated - this is done for convenience as themselves crossing the border and civil servants. This also includes the situation with August-Serpent (in addition, this is August, which serpen, named in honor of August, which Octavian). For artistic text, this rule is applied rather: " names are not translated ... poor quality" The spectators of the first season were shocked not from the very fact of translating the name of the lunar pony - lunar pony, but from such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one and the loss of the game of words. By the way, choose an adequate replacement of a double word game mare. (sea) - mare. (horse), night Mare. (Mobyl Darkness) - nightmare. (Nightmare) is really very difficult.

In the second season there was a different trend that at first many perceived with enthusiasm. Vanderbolt, Rapid Fire, Flitfut, Claud Chaser.... the first swallow of the fallacy of this approach was Siternitegrath (Hayseed Turnip Truck.). Will not say anything to the Russian viewer and names Jet Set, Upper Crast and Fancy Pints. (The joke here tried to keep - quite unsuccessfully). And with the rich Filti RichchHow the armor was expressed, translators "Dandandbolt".

The authors of the Russian version listened to numerous requests concerning the names of the characters. But as a result, the resulting you can describe the series about the outfits from the first season: at first I like it, and then comes to the absurd. In addition to the mentioned siterrtagra in the series, for example, are present. princess Platinum and wise clover. Let beat Clover The Clever. did not work (and sorry), but who would be worse from Platinum and Clover?

A kind of textbook for translators can serve as a book " Word Live and Dead"(Http:// of the famous translator and editor of the Gal. The book was built as an overview of examples of successful and unsuccessful working with the language and in particular aimed against the unlimited and unjustified use of the stationery and foreign language borrowing. Nora Gal disassembles many translation, writing and simply speech errors and outlines some general principles, thanks to which the literary text sounds vividly and expressively, reads fascinating and causes the credibility of the reader (based on the materials "Wikipedia"). A separate chapter is just devoted to the names of the heroes of artistic works (

The next quote from the book of Nora Gal shows how they were with an honest senator:

« But it seems, the case is not a trivial and therefore more grown. A new Roman's novel was translated, almost pamphlet, where the American election system, parliamentary morals, the Senate and senators are sharply and evil. In the sea of \u200b\u200bsales and demagogy tween, one island is erected - this is a senator named Nobl. But not any Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Would you not do this senator so that it sounded in English and still would have transluted the meaning? Why not at least - the senator by the name is honest! After all, there are surnames Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Let's return to the character FILTHY RICH. And consider the translation of his name more. Literally this expression means " dirty rich"What a joke is found:" Mr. FILTHY? - I Prefer Mr. Rich" Of course, in the literal translation, the joke will be lost - as well as without translation at all. Why not pick up the Russian analogues of the expression "Filthy Rich"? For example, "cash bag". "Mr. Bag" is already more like a joke. "Monetary" is not very suitable for the role of the name, so you can beat the types of money. For example, dynamo - in structure is very similar to the well-known name DiCaprio (or de Niro). And here is the new dialogue of Grabuli Smith and Mr. Bag Di Nero: " Mr. bag? - I prefer "Mr. Di Nero"».

However, the word " Bag", To put it mildly, it sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: "rowing money shovel", "Tolstosum".

« Mr. La Pato? - I prefer "Mr. Grabby""(Grabby La Pato)

« Mr. Tolsto ... - I prefer "Mr. Rich""(Tolstosum Rich - this name is saved here)

Or in a more compressed version:
« Mr. Tolsto ... - I prefer "Mr. Sam""(Tough Sam)

Pay attention to the decline: the male surname on "O" (Di Nero) does not inclined, as well as female for consonants (Smith), but the lack of declaring the male surname on the consonant and female on "a" is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Selestia should have declared a wedding Shaining BUT Armor (Wed: Mark Twain) and Princess Mi Amora Cadenz S . This rule is really available (\u003drubric_482), although on the forums dedicated to the translation from Japanese, users sometimes issue a ban on the result of the surnames to "A" (for example, Akira Kurosava). Apparently, this "rule" is as justified as the ban on the translation of the names.

Turn to other names. Horrific hearing SiterniteTraga It was not worth it, of course, to translate literally: " Truck hay and swear» (« Hayseed Turnip Truck."). But it was possible to limit the simple name, which sounds in English enough - and at the same time in Russian! - Reddis.

And what about the names of the main characters? While from six translated only one and a half (yes, Rainbow DESHlike I. Moon Pony, also called "delight" from the audience). At the same time name Twilight Sparkle It is quite pleasant for the rumor: in our world a horse may well be called sparky.

EPPLJEC. This name in the original is related not only to direct apples, which, by the way, beats in the teaser Appletiny. The armor found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka. Both meanings in the name are present (although they may not like the methodologists and psychologists).

Fluttershai. Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is trembling. In Russian and in this case there are idioms: tremble like an aspen sheet. Osinka!

At first glance, how can I translate the name of Fluttersay? But then there are two teasels in the series: Flutterguy. (which indicates her new voice) and KLUTZERSHY. (sad sack). In the first case, the spike can call Osinka Dubin, in the second Pegasy-athletes laugh at the low Kerosinko. But how did the conversation sounded in the train:

- And how should we be with a tree? - Are you about apple tree? - No, I'm talking about osinka. ... - She is not a tree, Dash! - And I would like to become a tree! ..

Not only the names of the characters help support the atmosphere of the series: almost every name joke is hidden, the game of words - often, as noted in "Petition", having attitudes towards horses ( Manehattan., FillyDelphia., Canterlot.). Without translating some names, the series will also lose paint. Here, as an example, you can bring Dodge Dzhankeshon", The town in which hey Jay is leaving. How to offered armor, the town can give a name Acute adventurist or Khitretsa. It is immediately clear that there is something unclean!

The name of the Pegasov team " The WonderBolts."Is a reference to the American pilot group" Thunderbirds." And even if it did not work in the Russian version, " Miracle lightning"Still closer and clearer viewer than" Vanderbolt" Fleetfoot, one of the participants of the group, also remained as is - and the name speaks about its speed. Appearance and decisive (as it will be later) the nature of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire.. Translate or not - the question is controversial: on the one hand, " Spitfire"- a famous military aircraft; On the other, you can give her last name The fire (by analogy with O'Genry or O'Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by rumor.

« Names are not translated?»

Recall here more about one "zipper" - I mean the hero of the cartoon " Bolt." The bright sense of the name was perfectly transferred to the replacement of just one letter: in the Russian version of the pussy Volt. Outstone Bolt - Associations would come to the mind, for example, with a construction or workshop (and it is at best).

There is a character with an adapted name to which the "tech" associations do not interfere with: Wantk from rescuers (" Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " Gadget"During this translation, it would be not clear. Yes, and now it will rather be suitable for a computer guy, not to the inventor.

Disney animated series that have fallen into our screens at the beginning of the nineties are generally very successful among both translation and adaptation. Who is not familiar Black cloak With its corona phrase " and well, from the screw!"N. Duck-darkrynor Darquing Duck Not at the same time a good name and recognizable way. The name of his pilot is also adapted very competent: the viewer can present the trajectories for which flies Zigzag McCryak (Orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The most first example was a dialogue from " Alice»Carroll. The Demurova translator wrote a separate article about " Alice"In particular, attention is paid to the names (" On the translation of Carroll fairy tales", Http:// Without going into details, we note that Dagger, Sonya mouse, Trulya and Herbral, Barmaglot from Brandashmyg Would lose part of themselves, whether their names are translated "in the forehead" or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions to all names and names in the series about the pony "speakers". Therefore, the question of translating or not, is inappropriate. Rather, it is worthwhile as translate (or rather - adapt). If you distract from each name separately, then you can answer it like this: thoroughly, thoughtfully, efficiently.

Twilight ICC, or just a spark - the main heroine. Sparkle - Alikorn, but was originally unicorn. Is the embodiment of magic. Her distinguishing sign is a purple star, surrounded by white stars. The sparkle is light purple wool, and on the tail and the mave there are strips of lilac. Sparkle curious and smart. She is so obsessed with reading that her house lowered she turned into a library. Sparkle is closed in itself due to the fact that it gives a long time study. Sometimes it is tuned skeptical and uncertain in their abilities.

All major heroes My Little Pony.
Applejack is an earthly orange pony, an embodiment of honesty. Her distinctive sign is three apples. Epljek has a chic yellow mane. She has big green eyes. You can often see a cowboy hat on her head. Applejack is kind and honest. She is very attentive, everything can be trusted and you can always rely on it. She lives on the farm "Apple Alley," where they are growing apples and family. Eppljack is good bake and sells sweet baking. As a real cowboy, Eppljek knows how to contact Lasso and speaks with a Texas emphasis.
Rainbow Daes - Pegasus, the embodiment of loyalty. Its distinctive sign - rainbow lightning under the cloud. The rainbow is a heavenly blue color and bright pink eyes, as well as a rainbow mane and tail. The rainbow is very brave and brave. Her work is to disperse clouds, with which it easily copes. It flies quickly and often performs tricks. She often saved friends and showed such an uncharacteristic compassion. At first glance, the rainbow is very proud, but in fact she is very responsive and kind.
FRTTERSHAY - Pegasus, the embodiment of kindness. Her distinguishing sign is butterflies. FRTTERSHAY Yellow color and pink mane. Despite the fact that she is Pegasus, Fraventshai is afraid of heights. It is generally very shy and buggy, but she has a special gift - "look", capable of getting any. She lives near the forest in her own home.
Rariti is a white unicorn, incarnation of generosity. Its distinctive sign is three blue crystals. Urraniti excellent sense of style, her purple mane is always beautifully laid. She is a fashion designer and owns its own boutique. Says with a small French accent. Rariti in everything keeps cleanliness and order. Lives in the same place where it works - on the second floor of the boutique "Carousel".
Pinki Pink is a pink pony, the embodiment of laughter. Her full name is Pinkamin Diana Pai. She has a gorgeous curly pink mane. Pinky cheerful and cheerful. She can't live without sweets. She is the only pony that moves with jumps. Her feature is that she sometimes "breaks the fourth wall" and communicates with the audience.

Pinki Pinki / Pinkamin Diana / Pinkie Pie

Pinkies Pay - Earth Pony, Just Massow Cressing Serial Friendship This is a miracle. Pink, cheerful, singing it is an element of harmony - joy and fun.


Pinky Pay may probably feel in energetic with rainbow Dash. She is always excited, energetic and ready to having fun, loves sweets and funny draws. Pinki Pini even move away prefers jumps, and not simple steps. Pinky Pay can play different tools and adores singing songs. Pinki Pay can compose them for any occasion and in the context of various situations. She can encourage friends and advise laughing fear in a person, and maybe just describe events in their songs. The behavior of Pinki Pink is sometimes so illogical and funny that friends often do not perceive her seriously and simply close their eyes to some of her actions, speaking to themselves "Oh, this kick." It was especially difficult to sparkle Twilight when she faced the ability of kicking to predict the future, based on the sensations in the body - scratching, pats and so on.

Pinki loves fun, please others and create a holiday is her most important goal in life, and everyone around says that Pinki is the best organizer of parties. However, Pinki is very sensitive, when one day she thought that his friends threw it she fell into the most real depression. Even her cheerful curls straightened, and the reason clearly left the pony for a while. But seeing friends who did not think her throwing kicks quickly returned to her usual excitedly cheerful state.

Pinki loves the draws very much, but respects the feelings of others and will never play such sensitive ponies as Fluttersay.


Pinki Pink, like Eppljack earth pony, does not have the ability to fly and magic, but she has a lot of their unique talents.

First of all, this is of course parties. Pinki Pay received her high label, organizing a party for her family. In general, in the animated series, Pinkies managed to organize no few parties.

Pinki Pink composes her own songs, sings them and can even play tools. In most cases, the truth, friends negatively belong to the songs of Pinki and are not waiting for anything good when she starts to sing them.

Pinkies Pay on the winter tidwill showed itself as a professional skater. She knows how to stand at the skates very well and even demonstrate unique tricks.

Pinky's feeling - Pinky's special ability to predict certain events in the future, based on sensations in the body. So she can predict the opening of the door, or drop items from the sky.

Also, Pinki has a very good memory, she is able to remember and remembers everything about each pony in Ponya.


Pinki Pink pink pony with blue eyes and a dark pink mane and tail. In childhood, her tail and mane were perfectly straight, but after she fell into the shock wave of sound rainbow Rainbow Daish, her hair fused into the bulk slightly untidy curls. Its singular label is three balloons: two blue and one yellow in the center.

Pinki Pyat is a pet - a toothless kid Alligator Gammy.


The most important feature of Pinki Pini, as a character is the role of a particularly cartoon character allocated by her creators. This is what animators call the "Breaking The Fourth Wall" to the fourth wall. It seems to break the face between what is happening in the cartoon and the audience. For example, she almost the only pony, which looks right on the viewer in some episodes. And it was her that the animators took the role of a character who can open his mouth so that the cake could be in the air in the air, in an incomprehensible way to appear next to other characters and so on. It was Pinki Pinks that classic animation techniques are discharged, for example, it appears in a narrowing frame and speaks with us at the end of the series, as the characters of the Lunie Lunies did.

Rarity / Rarity (Rarity)

Rariti / Rariti / Rarity

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Rariti is one of the main characters of the series "My little pony friendship is a miracle." With laid mane, lady manners, Rariti talented unicorn, which is an element of harmony - generosity. Her pet cat opalsence (opalecescence), which helps her work in her own fashion store.


Love to the whole beautiful in Blood in Rariti. She has a great sense of style and she loves to decorate the city for the holidays, correct hairstyles to friends, create beautiful outfits. In addition, she never forgets about himself: she always has a mane and tail, she doesn't like to get dirty in dirt or wet in the rain, she regularly visits the spa salon along with Fluttershai. Sometimes she is too fond of their appearance and, for example, begins to pick up tiara to the scarf for a hike in the mountains.

Rariti loves to be in the spotlight, and begins to jealous his friends if they overshadow it. But not for a long time, Rariti generous pony and she is able to share with her friends, even someone's attention.

In general, it can be noted that the nature and behavior of Rariti were written off with Scarlett O'harra, and some of her replicas in the cartoon is the converted replicas of the heroine Margaret Mitchell.

Rariti is inherent in some manners (graceful) Hollywood actresses, such as Grace Kelly, for example. In the English original version, she speaks with a transatlantic accent, and her speech is more artistic and saturated with complex phrases than in other pony. Rariti True Lady, she is calm, behaves always with dignity and is able to stand up for himself, which was demonstrated when she successfully manipulated diamond ps.

Generosity is one of the most important distinguishing features of Rariti, she sacrificed his tail to help the sea dragon, she decided to sew dresses for her friends and sewed them, and even redoned more than once, completely forgetting her outfit.

Rariti loves to work. Her store is a boutique of fashionable clothes Carousel, the most important place in revealing for her. Rariti is very carefully related to its customers and always tries to make perfect outfits.


Like any unicorn, Rariti is able to manage magic. It uses magic to create clothes, search for jewels, creating beautiful items - for example, bird nests. Rariti knows the teleciene perfectly and is able to move the items over long distances, besides, it can return the tree branch into place.

Also Rarity can protect themselves, demonstrating the amazing abilities of the melee. Especially successfully, she managed to kick.

Another her weapon is charm. Rariti can persuade men to help her in one account.

But the most important amateur help Rariti is a spike, ready for her almost everything.


Rariti is a white one, with a beautifully laid mane and a violet tail. Her eyes of a blue-lilac shade, and on centuries you can always see the blue shadow. Its special label is three blue diamonds.

Rainbow DESH / Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

Rainbow DESH / Rainbow Dash / Rainbow Dash

Rainbow DESH - one of the main characters of the series My little pony friendship is a miracle. Dash - Pegasus, one of the most talented athletes in all Equestria. It represents the element of devotion, her pet tank turtle (Tank).

Rainbow Dash is very sporty and active. She loves the competition very much, but she does not like to lose. Rather, even the rainbow is just a passion for victories, she always dreams of honoring the podium. And any loss, even in the smallest and minor competitions leads it to apathy and depression, and of course the desire to take revenge.

And although the Rainbow Daes is capable of cleaning the sky from clouds in a matter of seconds and make another Pegasus work very quickly, she loves to be lazy and lying on the clouds. Friends tend to consider it lazy, in fact this is a high level of rainbow self-confidence. She is actually capable of making a difficult job in a matter of seconds and does not consider it necessary to do the work ahead of time.

Reinely Dash is a good girlfriend, but she has its drawbacks. She never hides her displeasure about the behavior of friends. Sometimes its behavior can be called through Chur in charge. But it was Rainbow Dash that symbolizes devotion - as one of the most important elements of friendship. She does not quit friends when they need help and support.

Another interesting feature of the rainbow character is her love for drawing. She likes to arrange funny draws for his friends, scare them and make laugh. In this, they began his friends with Pinki Pay, which is also not going to be awesome.

The rainbow Daes was always confident that reading this occupation for Batanov, which in her opinion is Twilight Sparkle. However, she changed her mind when hitting the hospital for the first time discovered the world of adventure on the pages of books about Daring to. Rainbow even for some time tried to hide from his friends the fact that she liked to read, but then admitted this and realized that there was nothing wrong with that.


Rainbow Dash - Pegasus, and her element flight. In this, it is practically no equal. It flies very quickly and manifests the wonders of maneuverability in the air. She can even dry a pony, flying around her with a rigorous speed. The rainbow Dash the first was able to perform a sound rainbow explosion (Sonic Rainboom) - a very complex trick, for whom pony needs to overcome the supersonic speed. Rainbow in stock has a whole arsenal of various tricks one amazing other. But its main task in revealing is to follow the weather and clear the sky from clouds.

Remarkably, the dwelling of the rainbow DESH is a real cloudy castle, with rainbow waterfalls and air columns. The castle is paled low above the ground in Ponya.


Rainbow DESH - Pegasus with wings, her body painted in blue color, eyes of a lilac color, her mane and tail painted in the colors of the rainbow. Moreover, the bangs are painted in warm colors - orange, yellow, red, and a portion of long hair in cold colors. Its special label (Cutie Mark) Cloud with a rainbow in the form of a zipper.

Fluttershy (Fluttershy)

Fluttershai / Fluttershy

Fluttershai ( Fluttershy) - Pony Pegasus, one of the main characters of the series My little pony friendship is a miracle. FlutterShai represents the element of the kindness. Her assistant is Rabbit Angel with a complex character.

Fluttersay is very good and shy. So shy that, with the first meeting with Twilight, she hardly was able to push his name. At the same time, she very talked when he saw the baby Spike - the little dragon Twilight. Fluttershai loves animals very much and it is with them best finds a common language. It is always very polite, both with pony and animals. Faltershai most like young animals, and especially she is afraid of adult dragons. But with them it can find a common language. Fluttershai can be not only kind, but also strict. She is the perfect educator, although she didn't immediately find a common language with the foals.

Also in the TV series FlutterShai is shown a slightly panty, which is afraid of sharp sounds and its own shadow. But when it comes to her friends and their safety, it becomes unpredictable brave and brave. All these opposites and additional faces of Faltershai, make it one of the most popular characters.


Most Pegasov are responsible for the weather in Ponya, but Flathershai is not the best shooting, so it prefers to give his time to care for animals.

Fluttershai like no other can find a common language with animals. It can be controlled with large and terrible animals, can take a cat with a cat Opal Rariti, who in the hands of the hostess completely disobedient. Fluttershai feeds, wakes up, stacks to sleep, treat animals.

In general, like any other Pony Pegasus, Fluttershai knows how to fly, and even on average standards does it well. But at moments of fear, it is practically unable to break away from the ground.

Also, Flattershaw has a secret weapon - a look. She does not like to apply it and applies in exceptional situations, such as the fight against Vasilsky. Using this look, Fluttersay can make any animal obey and do what she orders. This is a very terrible look and it is afraid of not only animals, but also large and small ponies.

Fluttershai knows how to sew, of course, not as Rariti, but she could finish a dress for her that she created for her score. Fluttersay disassembled fashion, sometimes reads fashion magazines and know what haute Couture.

Another talent of Fluttershai is her musical hearing. It is she who heads the Choir of Birds, who sing on various celebrations in Ponya.


Fluttersay charming yellow pony with blue eyes. The shape of her eye is different from other ponies, their corners are slightly lowered that she gives her look some naivety and sadness. Its mane and tail gently pink color, most of the hair are combed on one side and flirtally fall, at the ends of charming curls. Her singular label is three pink butterflies, and like any Pegasus she has wings

AppleJack (Applejack)

EPPLJEC / Applejack

EPPLJEC ( AppleJack)- Ground pony, one of the main characters of the series My little pony: Friendship is a miracle. She lives and works on an apple farm along with her older brother Makintow, the younger sister Epplbloum and Grandma Smith. Her assistant pet is a Wion dog who professionally knows how to graze and drive animals. Eppljack personifies an element honesty. Sometimes her name will hide before the initials and name hey Jay (a .j.)

Eppljack is very hardworking pony. She loves her work, and does not calm down until she is done all, and is done well. At the same time, she never refuses to help his friends, even if he is busy or tired. The very same EPPLJack does not like to make help from others and is sometimes too stubborn.

Everything in appearance, in actions and even speeches, Applejack reminds us of cowboys. She wears a cowboy hat, she (in the original English version) South American accent and reprimand and how the actress said, voicing Eppljack, she drenched her inspiration in the manner singing and say Miley Cyrus. Applejack is not afraid of work, and is not afraid of dirt, and places behaves like a boy. She does not like bows, rushes and other typical maiden attributes.

In general, Eppljack is very reasonable and calm pony, she often stops the rainbow Dash from the rash actions, she often says the right things, but sometimes she herself can lose their head, especially when it comes to disputes and competitions.


Eppljack is just a master in everything related to agricultural work, she professionally knows how to contact Lasso, runs very quickly. Eplljack at the same time very strong and clever pony. In addition, Eplljack a lot of other talents. So Pinki Pink describes it as a better baking specialist. And it was to Eppljack Twilight more often addressed advice earlier than to another pony.


Eplljack symbolizes an element honesty. Honesty is an important fond of any good relationship, and friendship including.


Eppitec - orange-brown pony, with big green eyes. On her face, she can see small freckles. She has a bright mane and tail, which is fixed with small red rubberies at the ends. None of the pony will no longer braid their hair. She always carries a brown cowboy hat, which removes only in a dream. Its singular label (Cutie Mark) Three red apples. She, like other members of her family, received her special launch latter in the class.

Twilight Sparkle/ Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle - the main character of the series Friendship is magic. The young unicorn and the student of the Princess of Selestia, she began her studies in the castle of Kanterlot. But finding friends in Ponnieville wished to stay there, and continued his studies already surrounded by new friends. Together with his assistant - a young dragon spike, she learns new every day and recognizes a new magical feature of friendship. She regularly writes the princesses of selesti on their observations and discoveries. It is an element of magic.

At the very beginning of the series when we first show Twilight, it seems to us a completely asocial personality. She avoids offers to go to a party, she has no friends, she loves to spend all the time in the library and learn new books. But having encountered friends in revealing on the instructions of the Princess of Selestia, it opens with a completely different side. We see a devotee, ready to help and maintain. She likes everything, she wants to participate in various events of Perevillya, she likes the idea of \u200b\u200ba pajama party, which she never had, she finds a tongue even with Zekorea - Zebra from the Forbidden Forest.

Twilight is very organized, she always plans its actions, and one day its ability to plan was even useful to herself. Twilight, as an educated and reading pony, extremely skeptically refers to everything that cannot be explained by books or to understand logically. She calmly reacted to Zeckor, she could not agree with the fact that Pinki Pini is able to predicate various dangers if the nose has a nose or clap ears. And in general, Pony is very stubborn and although most of the time she keeps himself in her hands, she can give in to the gusts of panic or show the extreme degree of irritation.

Twilight capable student and she loves to read twillelate
Searches for answers to all questions in books. Even at such as "can it be considered a camping?". But very often her love for reading and books brings her certain success.

Almost always next to Twilight is her faithful assistant Spike. This little dragon is lazy, but he always fulfills the tasks of Twilight and is very devoted to her.

Twilat has very good abilities to magic, so big that it can be considered the strongest magician in Ponya. She owns more than 25 ways to apply magic, including it can teleport, find out how and Rariti precious stones, do so that ordinary ponies begin to walk on the clouds as well as Pegasi, help the dragon hatch from the egg and others. Twilight's abilities were noted by the Princess of Selestia, who said that he had never seen a unicorn with such great potential, and Twilight became her personal student.


Twilight Sparkle is the unicorn of light lilac color, with a straight dark blue mane and tail, which decorates pink and lilac stripes. She has large lavender eyes and a slightly rolled nose. Its distinctive mark ( Cutie Mark.) - Six-pointed pink star, overlapping a white six-pointed asterisk. Also from surrounding five small white stars.

Princess Celestia

Princess Selestia (Princess Selestia) Government of Equestria. During the entire animated series, did not punish anyone and did not raise the voice. She loves her very much when they draw it, well, herself loves to joke on someone for this armor invented her nickname Trollestia. For twilight In addition to the princess, but also a teacher ... Celestia takes care of the sunrise (earlier and about the appearance of the moon). He is a tag yellow-orange sun. Silestia Rainbow hair and white leather. Sometimes they consider it a pervert - princess sickle Ladies in the forehead


Octavia The secondary character of the series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic", although in the upcoming 3 season it is planned that it is almost the main character. Eye will voice Katie Wislark, who also confirmed the information that her heroine, Rariti and Sweet Ball Sisters! It is also known that Rariti and Octavia will sing a duet in the 3 season. Octavia gray pony with black mane. She carries a bow on her neck and she is very elegant. Her cute brand is a purple violin key. Octavia loves to play the violin. And some believe that Vinyl Scratch and Octavia - the best friends due to the fact that they are both musical pony.

Vinyl Scratch


Photofinish (photo finish) Blue pony with a white mane. It is strict and picky, she does not care about the opinions of others. It is only 2 times. The first in the series "Green is not your color (the secrets of friendship)". The second time in the series "Sweet and elite "During the song Rariti. I am the same label is the same as Twilight Sparkle, it means only one thing, the artists have no fantasy to draw a camera or something like that.

Princess Moon

Bon Bon

Bon Bon is a secondary pony in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It is an earthly pony that appears in several episodes, and has a different speaking roles in the "call of Cuthimarka", "green is not your color", "zero lesson", "Super fast cider cider". Her body is light-light yellowish as a pale cream and her mane dark blue with a pink stripe. Her Kuity Mark is three wrapped in the blue wrapper with green stripes. It is very similar to one pony from the previous generation of Pony Bon Bon. In the old generation, she cleaned shoes. She received her name in honor of the names of American candies.

Amethyst Star (Starkler)

Amethyst Star (Starkler) ordinary unicorn, secondary character. Also on winter cleaning, she is known as the commander of the group on animals, and at the same time she takes part in the weather group where it helps to split the ice. You can widely wearing a yellow-orange saddle with yellow under Skirt, and sometimes a yellow flower, filled into the mane next to the ear. The store also, as well as the majority of other pony, moved from Kenterotot to Ponville, and, like others in the first series. Ametist is very similar to its design on LIRA and Rose, their three distinguishes Only colors. Eye label is three small diamons.

Cardic Later (Lira)

Lyra is a secondary character and often appears in the background as an ordinary unicorn. She lived in Kanterlote, but for some reason she moved to Pereville, and on that day when Twilight moved there. What is not mentioned in the series, but it first appeared in merchandising (toys Pony), as the cordical on the packages of this merchandising, which was first released in Europe in January 2012, and then the toy began to call a heart-trap liera. Fans love her to represent her Bon-Bon's pony and allegedly they have a novel. Her cute brand - Lira; "Feelings" refers to a deep sense of love and compassion, usually used in the phrase "Talking on feelings".

Sweet Bell.

Sweet Bell shares the name of the character in the third generation My Little Pony. In the premeditual embodiment, she was white with a purple and pink mane and tail, and her cute brand was a luminous pink heart. In the third generation, it is described as an expert Baker and the youngest of the group that has a big heart. Her talent in singing may be a tribute to the third generation of Pegasov Song. In addition, the voice of the third generation of Sweaten Bell was delivered to Andrea Libman, who currently voiced by Pinki Pai and Fluttershai. The current voice that singing Sweat Bell is provided by Michel Kreter, which also voiced by EPPLBLUM.

She is the younger sister Rariti and sometimes she sticks to her when Rariti is trying to work on new outfits. Some armor believe that its future kuli-brand is a microphone or notes.

Great and powerful trixie

Trixie the secondary character of the series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". It appears in the 6th series "Bushube" where he plays a major role, as well as in 26, but perhaps it is just a bitten. Trixie Unicorn-Bastania, who always calls himself "Great and Might." Triski said that she was able to defeat a big naughty, but, as it turned out, could not even defeat the small one. After his failure, with a disgrace runs away from the city, but still calls herself "powerful." She has a blue body and a white-blue mane. Eyel Cute-brand - a blue magic wand and crescent.


Scudela is a schoolgirl, Pegasus, and one of the members of the Metchonostess. Her first appearance in "Friendship is magic", part 1, an episodic role, and its first official appearance as a basic symbol in the episode "Call of Cuthimarka." Like Eplblums and Svita Bell, her friend Metchonos residents, the scoundal has no Cuthimarka as they have. Although it is not yet able to fly, scout a talented scooter, and using his wings, she promotes a scooter at high speeds. She is guarded by Rainbow Dash, another Pony Pegasu, like she. Single armor still consider chick due to the fact that she has wings, but she does not know how to fly.

Hayning Armor.

Hayning Armor Unicorn and Senior Brother Twilight Sparkle. He is the captain of the Concent Royal Guard. His Cuthimarka-Blue Shield with a pink-purple six-pointed star in the center, and she also has three blue stars over the shield. He first appears in the "counterlot wedding", of the two parts of the second season of my little pony, friendship is magic, along with his wife Princess Candes.Shining Armor is very close to his younger sister Twilight Sparkle, which he calls Tweely. Nevertheless, both lost the connection when Twilight moved to Ponya. He gladly welcomes Twilight again after her return to Contert, asking for help in the preparation of the wedding.


Eplblum Schoolgirl, earthly pony. She is the younger sister of Big Makintosh and Eplegek and granddaughter Gabli Smith. She is a member of the Eppl family, in Ponya. It is a support character that plays a leading role in several episodes. Eplblum is one of the cute methonostess, along with Sweet Bell and Skutal, and she was the only schoolguard, a pony to the "call of Cuthimarka", the episode where she meets Sweet Belle and Skutal. Like two other cute metacons, they do not have their own sign. She had skills in repair in one series.

Princess Mi Amore Cadeza (Candez)

Princess Candez - Nanny Little Twilight Sparkle. The point is unknown what country she rules, after all, it is known that she is a princess. Thendes is very friendly pony, even friendly selesties and moon. Who watched the last 2 seasons series, you already know that Candez loves the haming armor and Mention him by name in his song two times. The insides of Amore Candenza loves when she is called briefly - Princess Candez, and for Twilight she is Nanny Kendes or just Candez. Cryresis exceeded in Candez wanted to get married on Brother Twilight to rule Equestria. And on Tabuna there is a photo where the Hying Armor and Candez kiss. We have never seen a pony kiss

Holder HBSS (Ditza Du)

In the 1st season, Horst appears in almost every series, but it plays not an initial and non-minor role. In the seasons, it appears in the background. In the interview, Lauren Faust said that her oblique eyes are an animation error. The eyes were conceived as all Pony .ee's real name - Ditzi Du, but armor called her horses. Holding the mail and Madfins. But it is not yet known where she has such a Cuthimarka-on Cuthimarka, gray-blue bubbles are depicted. Yellow Eyes. In the season 2, she becomes a secondary character and I noticed her in one season 2 of the season she talked to Raibu Dash. Raibou Dash shouted for her because she ruins the holiday with her inaccuracy.