May Little Pony Minor toy characters. What is the name of My Little Pony of all

May Little Pony Minor toy characters. What is the name of My Little Pony of all
May Little Pony Minor toy characters. What is the name of My Little Pony of all

Pinki Pay ( Pinkie Pie) - Putting as a little finger cake. But I used to think: what if simply "Pink" -Rot? Maybe! Then it turns out a pink pie (or a pink piddle).

Eppl Jack

Apple Jack (Applejack) -Labe Vodka or Apple Cider. And if you just write her name separately, then it will be "apple" and "jack".

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) -Raduga dash. Or rainbow jerk.


Rariti ( Rarity) -Realth, wonder, rarity. Carousel translated as Rariti. The word rarity denotes something like the word "rarity". And this is true, Rariti is very fashionable and sews beautiful dresses.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle) - Summer Sparkle. Twilight-it is Twilight, a spark is a sparkle. It is necessary to call twilight. There is a very suitable twilight, she has a label to "Sparkle", "Twilight" is already known: it looks like a night and the opposite side of SMATS SMERMER.

Sunset shimmer

Sunset shimmer( Sunset Shimmer) - acknowledged flicker. Zakat comes to her hair, flickering to her label. And a flickering sunset.


Fluttershy (Fluttershy) -I words, if this word is written in English, then it will be just flutter. But if you look at the word more closely, then this can be translated as "timid trepid".

FROM ely sitia

Celestiya (Celestia) - Putting as "Divine" -celestial or "Heavenly".

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Among the children's premiere.

If your voice is there too, or the child has already set you before the need for a campaign to cinema, we advise you to get acquainted with a short list of facts useful for viewing this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle," and watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening is not necessary at all. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but the exit to the cinema franchise with a rich history, the following you will come in handy. Briefly, in the case and with an absolute effect on the part of the child - "Mom, what do you know who it is?!".

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each in its own way is unique, amazing and diverse. As you could have noticed, "Understand" are not looking here in a row here, but inside these magic horses are divided into info, unicorns, Pegasov and Alikornov. Yes, these are those with horn and wings at the same time. Alikorna is a recognized elite and foremost princess. No, no one has seen alicorn boys.

Now you have to sprinkle with the names (and even in two translations!), But they are not required to remember - just accept these characters as a given. By the way, your daughter probably has its own favorite. And this is a great way to learn about the inner world of the child a little more.

And also at Pony have special signs of differences - that is, the pictures on the cereal - they are obtained in the process of growing up, and it is damn important characters.

Twilight sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The most important heroine, diligent and good, loves study, order and clear planning. He suffers from unnecessarily out of conscience and anxiety, sometimes skeptical and cynical. The sign of distinguishing from sparking with the star, because she is a mega-super-steep magician, one of the best in his magical country called Equistria (you can not remember the name). Its "element of harmony" (mega-super weapons based on the friendship of all heroines) - Actually, magic.

Oh yes. First Sparkor Unicorn, and from the final of the third season - Alikorn, that it builds it in the premium princesses. The princess of friendship was made by the most important pony in the world - selesti (also the princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, we are clearly born with a set of horns and wings.


In a word - fashionista. Unicorn fashion designer, whose business is great, so amazing (after all, the pony almost never wear clothes!). Rariti is still a treasure, the character of it is spoiled and wounded, but it is very generous, generosity embodies.

Differences sign - Crystalliki, they just love them, this is the best friends of girls ©.

Rainbow Daes (Reinboou Dash)

She is speed. She is the most sporting, magnificent and unceremonious, Pegasus, who flies the meaning of life. The rainbow is unnecessary self-confident (read - that still fucking), loves adventure books, stupid draws and dreams of flying in great sport, but always stays with friends.

Personifies loyalty. About the sign of the difference you guessed.


Just "Nishka", timid, shyly animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid to fly, afraid of dragons, is afraid in general. However, inside Fluttershai - one rod. With all the external introversion and naivety, sometimes it is very surprising.

The sign of distinction is a butterfly, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the very brightened and better, which is in humans. Sorry, in Pony.

Pinki Pai.

Pony, whose calling - parties, fun and the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, more precisely, a jumping positive that demoloning his unoccupied optimism on his way.

Pinky professional organizer of parties, embodies joy and laughter, sign of differences - balloons. Wihu!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but the real pony name. There must be something about the apple farm, diligence, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we just say that it is unrealistic cool. And strong.

You can exhale, the main characters ended. Just add that they all live in the town called Pereville, they regularly save the world, use special "friendship" with the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also single working girls slightly in 20 years. No, men's characters in the series are also found. Sometimes.

Pony is much older than you think

These bright bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also, just others. And only for girls is 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is a legendary restart author, which was a rare case.

Evolution of Pony and other Multgeroev

So the pony looks out of the 80s. Those more plump. Nevertheless, many external and internal traits of the heroine of the old series moved to the new one.

"Armor" exist

So called the fans of the series, that is, this is "fand". And yes, among them are full of adult men. They will come to the cinemas with the children and you. Do not be afraid - "armor" is extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship, promoted in the series.

And if it is glimable: "Fandom" is clearly able to compete with similar communities in the "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear, in front of us is a real cult.

Pony make the world better

It follows from the previous point. "My Little Pony" stably pulls people from depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and then on the list. In general, Cool changes in life - we have already told about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of children's psychologists, everything is very safe, they are recommended for the competent development of the identity of the child. Of course, sometimes the opposite opinions are sometimes found that they kill children. Of course, you decide who to listen. But we agree with psychologists and consider the series very good. All in the name of friendship!

They are very poorly localized with us

We have they say how flat cards. Just "My Little Pony" we have extremely unlucky with localization, especially with the translation of names - you already could notice it yourself. Disputes about being sparkling or twilight name is the main heroine will be raged for another decades.

As in fact, the name of the dirty, wrencock and other famous carters

By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was lucky slightly more - at least a dubbing in the early domestic spectators did not cause nausea, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

Do not pony single alive this universe. A variety of Dracoshi, Cauchy, Donkey, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film of this good there will be more. At the same time, part of the animals is reasonable as the pony themselves, and some are no, just pets. Interestingly, in what kind of kin is the straight talking cat from a movie with a cat opal, Rariti's favorite?

Especially good here with mythological beings, both from our legends, like griffins and manticar and owned ones. Yes, discord, we and about you too.

The pony themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, pony-isorted and scripts still know what. In the film, we will see pony-mermaids - a great addition, what do you think? By the way, there is also another world, where the same heroines appear as people. But it is completely already, do not clog your head.

The series is much more dramatic than you think

And he may well like. At least the plot series, it is 1-2 and 25-26 episodes of each of the seven seasons. All that between - autonomously, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, on the plot influencing only inspired because. But what is the scatter! Especially in late seasons are discussed extremely important and very adults. On glory and fashion, deceptions and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in plots, everything always goes not according to plan and not in templates, there are end-to-end secrets, carefully portable from the season in the "Chips" season, swirling and inventive scenarios. In general, the series reallyit is interesting to watch and adults.

More precisely, even more adult, because it is for this category of viewers in My Little Pony "a lot of delicious. Thin hints and cunning references, their "Doctor Who", all sorts of "easter eggs" and a topical irony. However, this item may not remember: a full-length film was focused on the Children's public. But there is a chance that some such joy will leave parents.

But you "Aria Cadence", a dramatic moment from the finals of the second season, with the villain-clutter, pretending to the princess. Just listen, look and enjoy it seems like a "children's" series.

My Little Pony: Friendship IS Magic (Abbreviated MLP: FIM) - This is the 2010 animated series about small pony, living in a fabulous fantasy country of Equestria, as well as about their diverse adventures. Corresponds to the fourth generation (G4) pony toys (created by Hasbro), to it there were a para-triple of franchise animated series taken in the 80s. Formally, all TV shows are a certain addition to the main products (I mean, toys for children), however, only MLP: FIM has become interesting and adults as it is, in many ways, thanks to the pretty (although uncomplicated) animation, bright, memorable heroes, original series performances , as well as vranny voice acting. It can be said that this is a very successful remake of old series.

The series was created by Animator Lauren Faust (Lauren Faust) based on its same drawings - subjected to redesign and styling old characters from the first generation of pony. Faust laid out his drawings to the Deviant, where Hasbro has seen it. Also, the project is involved in Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob, the creator of the animated series "My Life As A Teenage Robot". Cartoon technology - two-dimensional Flash animation. At the moment, the network has 26 episodes in English, which are the first season, as well as Russian-speaking subtitles. In the fall of 2011, the second season showed.


Main heroines

From left to right:
Pinki Pink, Rariti, Twilight Sparkle, Eppljack, Fluttershai.
From above: Rainbow Dash

  • Pinkie Pie (Pinkie Pie) - Missed, eccentric (sometimes before insanity), but super-rigid, funny and very energetic earth pony. Cames the stove of cupcakes and other confectionery, which does and do (however, most sweets immediately eat it right on the spot). Loves to arrange parties and write songs.
  • Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) - Pony-Pegasus, one of the least feminine ponies among the whole six. In fact, it is a local embodiment of Sonic. Very quickly flies, (knows how to go to the superstall), likes the speed, loves to shine before the audience with his talents or throw someone a challenge, does not tolerate something boring. Loves to srop, until the rest work. Like most Pegasov, is engaged in weather control: i.e. Cleans the sky from the clouds, or on the contrary, drives it together.
  • Rarity (Rarity) - Unicorn fashion designer, owns a boutique and sews clothes. Fashion, glamor, grace, sense of style and ability to be beautiful - all this about it. In such matters, it is scrupulous to the boroughness, which is expressed in most cases, the fear of stains (and as a result, non-impressive work), to allow the slightest mess in his boutique, or even fear to get under the rain, which will spoil the hairstyle.
  • Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) - The main heroine of the series, unicorn magician. Consultable, judgment, punctual. It leads a rather reclusive lifestyle, studying books on magic and in general, before the image of Norta, she lacks except that glasses. As a result, a normal full-fledged life with all its attributes, which her friends are offered, often it turns out to be in the wonder. He lives with his subwoofer - a small dragon (baby dragon), Spike, engaged in learning the magic of friendship, for which, apparently, receives a scholarship or like that.
  • AppleJack (Applejack) - Ground pony, farmer and cowboy (if this word can generally be applicable to ponies). The most landed pony from all six, thinks most pragmatic and in most cases, healthy. Almost does not have cockroaches in his head - as a result, hardworking, reliable and knows what it does. A little rudeness. Together with an extensive family of Epplov, owns farmers where apples are grown. In addition to actually, work on the farm, selling apples and is not afraid of dirty work. The only one of the seisters, who wears a headdress - a cowboy hat, with which almost never part. Oh yeah, talking with the Texan accent.
  • Fluttershy (Fluttershy) - Very quiet, shy and timid pony-pegasus. It is engaged in having lite animals. In ordinary life - extremely soft and buggy. It rarely talks, and if he says, it is very quiet, barely audible. However, to her, as no to anyone, the saying about a quiet pool applied. And this is not good.
  • SPIKE) - As already noted, Dragon, Assistant Twilight, to which he belongs to how older sister. By the nature is straightforward, ironic (sometimes to sarcasm), a little pizhonist. He likes to sleep, although it is always trying to conscientiously fulfill its duties, which includes housekeeping, search for the right books in the library, sending correspondence and other. He is experiencing a deep sympathy for Rariti, for which it is ready to go at least to the edge of light. In case of any trouble, it is almost always worked out to leave dry out of the water, it is unknown, or thanks to its natural quietness, or the damn luck.

Secondary heroes

  • Princess Luna - The younger sister of Selestia, also Alikorn. As the myth tells, one day she did not like the fact that during her board, all subjects worship deeply sleep, while her sister is in the center of attention. Her evil alter-ego manifested here - Nightmer Moon (Nightmare Moon). Nightmar Moon tried to overthrow the selence, but unsuccessfully, for which there was a Scene on the Moon for a period of 1000 years forever. In the first season, it appears only in the pilot series, in the second - in the Luna Eclipsed series. It must be said, created and cherished (for all her time of lack), many of the armor, the image of Tihoni-Snean in this series was thoroughly destroyed, partly - the eccentric behavior of the princess, partly - its Kanterlotian royal cape voice.
  • Trixie (Trixie) - Pony-unicorn, also studying magic, like twilight, but on a very casual level. He arrived in Pereville to show all his magical abilities (or rather speaking, the ability of the focus), and also boast of their coolness. It appears only in one series of the first season.
  • Make-designers (Cutie Mark Crusaders) - Trinity of funny young pony - EppLBLUM (AppleBloom), Skutal (Scootaloo) and Sweetie Belle - who, unlike peers, still there are no fate marks that very upset them. United, they ordered themselves by the fellow designers and began to look for their vocation wherever possible, sometimes delivering others (and sometimes - and themselves) non-libusurious problems. Often quarreled and arguing among themselves.
  • Big Macintosh - Eppljack's elder brother, big and strong pony. His corona phrase "E-Eyup" (that is, "A-Agams"), pronounced slowly, with a broach on the first syllable, as it is impossible to emphasize its calm.
  • Zecora (Zecora) - Zebra, living in Ponya - more precisely, not in it itself, but in the nearby part of the foreigner. Talking allegories, cooks potions and other witching pieces than a clearly opposed twilight with her scientific approach to learning magic. Initially, he was considered in Ponya almost an universe evil, because of his mystical mystery, but in fact it turned out to be friendly and loyal. Speaks with an African accent.
  • WonderBolts (The WonderBolts) - A group of pegasov performing in the air all sorts of tricks, similar to those passing on the air show. Vonderbolts are present in many celebrations and part-time, are idols for Rainbow Dash.
  • Discord (Discord) - reasonable generation of chaotic chromosome replication, local joker adaptation. The main villain of the two entrance series of the second season. Represents a creature with head pony, horses, dragon, griffin and lion limbs, and a dragon tail; In place - "Drakonavis". According to the plot, the rules of Equestrey before the appearance of selestics and the moon, holding the country in constant chaos and riots. Subsequently, he was overthrown and turned into a concrete statue. Disord of the negligence and pretty prudent, despite the external frivolism. It feeds the passion for eccentric outcomes and mockery speeches, as well as to different kinds of rows that seem funny to him.

Some interesting facts

  • The form of government in Equestria is an absolute monarchy. All power belongs to one pony, more precisely, Alikorn - the Princess of Selestia (although everything is more interesting here than it seems at first glance). In the fan environment there are quite a lot of theories regarding this power in general, and selestics in particular. Not all of them are consistent with universal love and mutual understanding.
  • The discord opens the selection with respect to its relationship to his enemies and possibly the methods of holding power: "After all, I do not turn a pony into a stone!"
  • In addition to, actually, the board, the selestistry is visiting the change of the day (after the expulsion of Nightmare Moon on the Moon - and Nights too), and it is before her Twilight is a reporting person to fulfill its work - to study the magic of friendship.
  • Selestia is the only owner of adult body proportions, as well as "essential" mane and tail. The moon, although it looks like her sister, is somewhat less than selesties and differs from her "ordinary" tail and mane. Nightmare Moon, in turn, is much more like a selection of body proportions, and in addition, her tail and mane also have "essential".
  • Palace in Kanterlota - the second most of the residence of the princess. The first, for unknown reasons, was thrown. Its ruins are in the depths of the forever.
  • The ending of the second season's introductory series is very similar to the final scene from the X / F "Star Wars" (Episode IV - New Hope).
  • Pony zoomorphs, that is, they go on four legs, but they live in an anthropomorphic medium. Part of things for which hands are needed, ponies make mouth, for example (letter), or tail (for example, lasso spinning), part - hooves. Sometimes they take anthropomorphic poses on two legs, but do not go in this way. Unicorns, moreover, own telekinesis.
  • The vast majority of the characters of the series are female representatives.
  • In the show itself there is a lot of reference to various films, cartoons or games

In cartoons "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle!" And the "Equestrian girls" are a lot of secondary and even background heroes, which in their popularity almost do not lag behind the main characters.

The ruling elite of the Equestrian country is very loved by many fans of the series, because these pony-Alikorn are real princesses with their royal attributes and unique duties. The main princess of the selestistry is depicted as a high alicorn of white, with large wings and horn, and its long mane is poured with gentle shades of pastel colors. Seliesty has a younger sister - Princess Moon, who at the beginning of the story about small pony is the main negative character. Princess Moon in his angry embodiment turns into Nightmer Moon (lunar pony) - her body becomes black, and the head is crowned with an ominous appearance helmet. In his normal, good embodiment, the body of the princess of the moon of dark blue, and her mane is poured by many stars. Since the world has again reigned between the sisters, the selestistry is responsible for the movement of the sun in the sky, and Princess Moon runs at night. Another princess of Equestria, in the possession of which is the crystal empire - Princess Cadence. According to the plot, she marries the haming armor, the brother of the main character of Twilight Sparkle. Before the wedding, a big misfortune happens to her - in the body of Cadence, the dark and terrible Queen of Krizalis, who almost managed to capture power over Equestrey.

Among the magicians of Equestry, the Witch Zeckor is allocated - this is an unusual pony zebra, which lives in the evergreen forest. Zecora is very wise, always ready to help spell, potion or advice. Another wizard named Trixie lost in the magic confrontation Twilight Sparkle: it turned out that Trixy is just boasting, and her magic looks more like focuses.

Another negative heroine appears in the cartoon "Girls of Equestria" - Sanste Shimmer, who knows how to turn into an evil demon. To stop the Cusar Plan of Sunset, Twilight Sparkle goes to the world of people and there meets all small pony in the human appearance.

Not less popular than princesses, and pony-babe, elementary school students. Earth pony named EPL Bloom (sister Epl Jack) Together with the union of the Svita Belitis, the sister of the Rariti) and Pony Pegasus Scudela are organized by the team "Findingors". Together, these ponies are trying to find their purpose and get welcome signs of differences. In the "Loka Finder" there is a couple of ill-wishers - arrogant and arrogant Pony Diamond Tiara and Silver sofa.

Not all the characters of the world "My little pony" are horses, pegasses or unicorns. The most famous of such characters is the Dragon Spike. He serves as Assistant Twilight Sparkles and dreams of conquering the heart of Rariti. But while he is still small and absolutely not a terrible dragon, whom Twilight and others perceive as the younger brother. From other heroes, non-pony should be remembered about the negative character of the discard, the thrill of chaos, which looks like mixing several animals. Thanks to the efforts of Flathers and all other pony, it turns into a light side. Among the popular heroes of "my little pony" are also those that are almost seen in cartoons, but they still enjoy the love of millions of fans. This, in particular, gray pony-pegasus by the name of the Holder, which is easy to distinguish with eyes looking in different directions. DJ PON-3 (Vinyl Scratch), Oktavia Melody, Lira Hartstrings and many other ponies are also very popular.

"Children's Curler" called My Little Pony Friendship IS Magic entered the screens of American television in 2010. Since then, this series has gained immense popularity. There was nothing unusual in this until I came across the shocking being of his adult followers ...

About cartoon

The world in which all events occurs is inhabited by many magical intelligent zoomorphic mythical creatures such as: ponies, griffins, dragons, etc. Events unfold a magical country called Equestrian, where the pony live. These horses have different opportunities, so some ponies have a magical horn, which allows them to be koving, others have wings that give the opportunity to fly and walk on the clouds, there are still ponies that have a horn and wings immediately. Such pony are referred to as "Alikorn" and manage the country. The remaining pony artists were sentenced to additional parts of the body, but they are physically stronger than others. Equestrey rules two sisters of Selestia (Celestia) and the Moon (LUNA), living in a luxurious castle.


In medieval (christian) painting a horse - one of the symbols of lust ...


Read also on the topic:

    Psychological conclusion on the subculture "My little pony" - psychoneurologist Elena Lisin



In the plot, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) arrives in the princess of selesti's princess. Twilight is absorbed by the teaching and does not find time to communicate with other ponies, but arriving in rejection along with his assistant, a small dragon spike (Spike), where finds the best friends.

Total has five girlfriends and every one is unique in its own way.


Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) follows the weather. She is predicted to her friends, and never throws them in trouble, however, as everyone else. It has the bad nature of the kits and hooligans. Everything solves "fists". No talents do not have, stupid:


Epl Jack (Applejack) Farm. He is engaged in the cultivation of apples and alcohol production. Never lies. Personifies a rude village:


Fluttershy (Fluttershy) Forestish. Cares for animals. Robing and kind, but sometimes behaves loosely and silent:


Rarity. Sew dresses. Arrogant, capricious, but in the cartoon personifies generosity. Loves fashion and outfits, is obsessed with appearance and luxury.


Pinkie Pie (Pinkie Pie). Bake sweets and funny of other pony. Naughty and very stupid:


Twilight. The librarian, now the princess. Practicing witchcraft. Showing as a smart and well-read character:

Throughout the cartoon together, they save their horsepower, or solve various household problems, most often completely trifling.

It looks like an ordinary children's musical cartoon with bright colors, which determines its success and children's enthusiasm. But if you read carefully with the TV series, you will notice the following:

The first to pay attention to is universal matriarch. In the cartoon, ancores are controlled by the princesses of Alikorn. All the main characters of the cartoon character of female. Men's characters in the cartoon are practically absent, even background. All that can do "men" is to guard, and wearing severity. Exceptions are so insignificant that they do not deserve mention.

We have already written that there are four types of pons. These are Alikorn, unicorn, Pegasy and just pony. However, different ponies occupy different positions in society, depending on what type they belong to. What is division to the lower and higher castes.

The cartoon demonstrates the ordinary and approval of alcohol consumption. Moreover, alcohol use absolutely all adult pony. For example, in a series of 2 seasons of the 15 series, all ponies are rushing to drink a cider, which is missing at all, including the main characters.

The main characters live separately from their parents, and many seems to have them at all. For those heroes whose parents exist, the stormy life erased about them. In the cartoon, even children's characters live without their parents! Epl Bloom (Apple Bloom) and Sweetie Belle live with their sisters - the main characters.

The cartoon flashes the footage of not children's content. But not all noticeable when watching a cartoon, but animators work in vain.

- All bright, saturated colors, fast frame shifts are not for the psyche of small children.

Are there any positive moments in this animated series? Yes, they are present. So, for example, the main characters avoid conflict situations, solving all their problems together.

The cartoon demonstrates the impact on the heroes of various evil qualities as, for example: stubbornness, greed and pride, but on the plot the main characters receive a lesson, and they try to do so more. And it could be a good cartoon if there were no destructive ideas invested in the child's consciousness.


Oddly enough, the cartoon became popular mainly among adolescents and infantile men - usually these are closed and uncommunicative people. Also, the series acquired popularity among sexual perverts.

Since the cartoon itself was originally starred exclusively for girls, enthusiasm for adult guys is alarming. The fans of the animated series have formed a community more reminiscent of the sect, calling themselves "armor" (BRONY - the merge of the word Brother - Brother and Pony - Pony). On one of the main Russian-speaking websites of the Community's armor registered over 35 thousand people, and this figure is steadily growing.

They explain his love for children's animated series by the presence in the animated series of the indescribable plot of the animated series, excellent humor, an excellent musical component and deep ideals of friendship, which according to their opinion and cultivates this animated series.

However, there is a suspicion that in fact they are attracted by children's, infantile patterns of characters that seem sexually attractive. Usually they prefer to hide it, but some are written about it. Often you can see pony in stockings and candid poses. Here are the screenshots of many popular communities of the community from the social network "in Contact":

And on this they, of course, do not stop. Here, for example, a clipping from one popular among the armor of the site:

But the library "Tabuna", pay attention to the genres:

The Genre "Erotic" implies a detailed description of bed scenes with the participation of pony, or a pony and a person, regardless of gender and age.

The "Horror" genre implies any action of a violent nature described in detail in the story. Up to sadism with a detailed description of the dismemberment, bullying and suffering of characters.

Many similar stories are present on the website "Book of Fanfikov". Site "Book of Fanfikov", this is a huge collection of stories, at absolutely different topics and genres. This site registers a huge number of children. There are stories on the site freely, labeled as a genre: "Sex with minors", that is, pedophilia. The complaint to Roskomnadzor did not give any results.

There is also a collection of stories exclusively pornographic content. And many more similar sites ...

In the social network "In Contact", there are many pornographic groups dedicated to the cartoon My Little Pony. They are greatly popular among community armor. This is evidenced by the number of subscribers such as groups:

All this information is in absolutely free access, and is not blocked by special anti-porn programs. Everyone may join such a group, it is enough to apply. To this content, it is easy to stumble upon a simple viewing of pictures in Yandex. It should be noticed that there are many minors among these groups of groups. They usually do not write about their real age, or they write false data about themselves. Here are the accounts of some of them:

About the relationship of the Community Community is evidenced by these messages:

Adult "armor"

Among the adult community representatives of My Little Pony are people who have not come out of the mind, but such very little. Usually "armor" rarely when publish their real photos, because their appearance is strongly shamed, but among those who lay them out, many people with infantile and women's appearance.

Here is American armor:

Russian armor:

It is known that among adults "armor" there is a lot of pedophiles, this is evidenced by images and stories of such a content, where instead of people the main heroes pony.

« Names are not translated ...»

"I didn't say anything," March Hea chucks hastily.
"No, said," Mad Hetter objected.
"And I didn't think," said March Hea. - I deny everything!
"He denies everything," said King, "don't put in the protocol!"
- Well, then, it means, Dormaus said.

« Names are not transferred»

"Girl," said Bag Bad Wolfe, "where do you keep the way?"
"I'm going to my Grandmazer," Little Red Riding Hood replied, "she carry her patties.

« Names are not transferred!»

- Hello, Mr. Filsi! - I prefer Mr. Rich.

Names are not translated - this rule is often given as an argument on the forums; His, indigrant, use the authors of the reviews for the next "Red Hat"; Even on TV you can hear it together with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to "" One way or another affected the issue of translation of names. As a rule, the answer to this question was unambiguous " do not translate" And because such a reaction is not good!

- You are the lunar pony, the lunar pony!

Unfortunately, increasingly there are cases of reproach translators (not only the series " Friendship is the miracle") For similar" adaptations ". For example, one of the characters " Stories of toys", Astronaut, in the original wears a name Buzz Lightyear.. The name is a reference to the present astronaut Bazz Oldrin, the last name is the word of space subject (light year). Both variants of the Russian translation, Svetik and Lyter., in their own way, unsuccessful. The first one is not connected with space, rather recalls the flower than the adventure of Locking. The second also indicates not to space, but on the lighter (Lighter). Animated series " Kim Possible."For some reason turned into" Kim five-s-plus" A lost game of words with a parody of a famous spy film was changed by the Association - not even with an assessment! - With candy from the school canteen.

« Names are not transferred,»

- The search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which "everyone knows that the names are not translated", "this rule", "this is taught in school."

What is the rule where did it come from? Where can I read it?

Names in the passport are not translated - this is done for convenience as themselves crossing the border and civil servants. This also includes the situation with August-Serpent (in addition, this is August, which serpen, named in honor of August, which Octavian). For artistic text, this rule is applied rather: " names are not translated ... poor quality" The spectators of the first season were shocked not from the very fact of translating the name of the lunar pony - lunar pony, but from such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one and the loss of the game of words. By the way, choose an adequate replacement of a double word game mare. (sea) - mare. (horse), night Mare. (Mobyl Darkness) - nightmare. (Nightmare) is really very difficult.

In the second season there was a different trend that at first many perceived with enthusiasm. Vanderbolt, Rapid Fire, Flitfut, Claud Chaser.... the first swallow of the fallacy of this approach was Siternitegrath (Hayseed Turnip Truck.). Will not say anything to the Russian viewer and names Jet Set, Upper Crast and Fancy Pints. (The joke here tried to keep - quite unsuccessfully). And with the rich Filti RichchHow the armor was expressed, translators "Dandandbolt".

The authors of the Russian version listened to numerous requests concerning the names of the characters. But as a result, the resulting you can describe the series about the outfits from the first season: at first I like it, and then comes to the absurd. In addition to the mentioned siterrtagra in the series, for example, are present. princess Platinum and wise clover. Let beat Clover The Clever. did not work (and sorry), but who would be worse from Platinum and Clover?

A kind of textbook for translators can serve as a book " Word Live and Dead"(Http:// of the famous translator and editor of the Gal. The book was built as an overview of examples of successful and unsuccessful working with the language and in particular aimed against the unlimited and unjustified use of the stationery and foreign language borrowing. Nora Gal disassembles many translation, writing and simply speech errors and outlines some general principles, thanks to which the literary text sounds vividly and expressively, reads fascinating and causes the credibility of the reader (based on the materials "Wikipedia"). A separate chapter is just devoted to the names of the heroes of artistic works (

The next quote from the book of Nora Gal shows how they were with an honest senator:

« But it seems, the case is not a trivial and therefore more grown. A new Roman's novel was translated, almost pamphlet, where the American election system, parliamentary morals, the Senate and senators are sharply and evil. In the sea of \u200b\u200bsales and demagogy tween, one island is erected - this is a senator named Nobl. But not any Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Would you not do this senator so that it sounded in English and still would have transluted the meaning? Why not at least - the senator by the name is honest! After all, there are surnames Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Let's return to the character FILTHY RICH. And consider the translation of his name more. Literally this expression means " dirty rich"What a joke is found:" Mr. FILTHY? - I Prefer Mr. Rich" Of course, in the literal translation, the joke will be lost - as well as without translation at all. Why not pick up the Russian analogues of the expression "Filthy Rich"? For example, "cash bag". "Mr. Bag" is already more like a joke. "Monetary" is not very suitable for the role of the name, so you can beat the types of money. For example, dynamo - in structure is very similar to the well-known name DiCaprio (or de Niro). And here is the new dialogue of Grabuli Smith and Mr. Bag Di Nero: " Mr. bag? - I prefer "Mr. Di Nero"».

However, the word " Bag", To put it mildly, it sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: "rowing money shovel", "Tolstosum".

« Mr. La Pato? - I prefer "Mr. Grabby""(Grabby La Pato)

« Mr. Tolsto ... - I prefer "Mr. Rich""(Tolstosum Rich - this name is saved here)

Or in a more compressed version:
« Mr. Tolsto ... - I prefer "Mr. Sam""(Tough Sam)

Pay attention to the decline: the male surname on "O" (Di Nero) does not inclined, as well as female for consonants (Smith), but the lack of declaring the male surname on the consonant and female on "a" is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Selestia should have declared a wedding Shaining BUT Armor (Wed: Mark Twain) and Princess Mi Amora Cadenz S . This rule is really available (\u003drubric_482), although on the forums dedicated to the translation from Japanese, users sometimes issue a ban on the result of the surnames to "A" (for example, Akira Kurosava). Apparently, this "rule" is as justified as the ban on the translation of the names.

Turn to other names. Horrific hearing SiterniteTraga It was not worth it, of course, to translate literally: " Truck hay and swear» (« Hayseed Turnip Truck."). But it was possible to limit the simple name, which sounds in English enough - and at the same time in Russian! - Reddis.

And what about the names of the main characters? While from six translated only one and a half (yes, Rainbow DESHlike I. Moon Pony, also called "delight" from the audience). At the same time name Twilight Sparkle It is quite pleasant for the rumor: in our world a horse may well be called sparky.

EPPLJEC. This name in the original is related not only to direct apples, which, by the way, beats in the teaser Appletiny. The armor found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka. Both meanings in the name are present (although they may not like the methodologists and psychologists).

Fluttershai. Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is trembling. In Russian and in this case there are idioms: tremble like an aspen sheet. Osinka!

At first glance, how can I translate the name of Fluttersay? But then there are two teasels in the series: Flutterguy. (which indicates her new voice) and KLUTZERSHY. (sad sack). In the first case, the spike can call Osinka Dubin, in the second Pegasy-athletes laugh at the low Kerosinko. But how did the conversation sounded in the train:

- And how should we be with a tree? - Are you about apple tree? - No, I'm talking about osinka. ... - She is not a tree, Dash! - And I would like to become a tree! ..

Not only the names of the characters help support the atmosphere of the series: almost every name joke is hidden, the game of words - often, as noted in "Petition", having attitudes towards horses ( Manehattan, FillyDelphia., Canterlot.). Without translating some names, the series will also lose paint. Here, as an example, you can bring Dodge Dzhankeshon", The town in which hey Jay is leaving. How to offered armor, the town can give a name Acute adventurist or Khitretsa. It is immediately clear that there is something unclean!

The name of the Pegasov team " The WonderBolts."Is a reference to the American pilot group" Thunderbirds." And even if it did not work in the Russian version, " Miracle lightning"Still closer and clearer viewer than" Vanderbolt" Fleetfoot, one of the participants of the group, also remained as is - and the name speaks about its speed. Appearance and decisive (as it will be later) the nature of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire.. Translate or not - the question is controversial: on the one hand, " Spitfire"- a famous military aircraft; On the other, you can give her last name The fire (by analogy with O'Genry or O'Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by rumor.

« Names are not translated?»

Recall here more about one "zipper" - I mean the hero of the cartoon " Bolt." The bright sense of the name was perfectly transferred to the replacement of just one letter: in the Russian version of the pussy Volt. Outstone Bolt - Associations would come to the mind, for example, with a construction or workshop (and it is at best).

There is a character with an adapted name to which the "tech" associations do not interfere with: Wantk from rescuers (" Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " Gadget"During this translation, it would be not clear. Yes, and now it will rather be suitable for a computer guy, not to the inventor.

Disney animated series that have fallen into our screens at the beginning of the nineties are generally very successful among both translation and adaptation. Who is not familiar Black cloak With its corona phrase " and well, from the screw!"N. Duck-darkrynor Darquing Duck Not at the same time a good name and recognizable way. The name of his pilot is also adapted very competent: the viewer can present the trajectories for which flies Zigzag McCryak (Orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The most first example was a dialogue from " Alice»Carroll. The Demurova translator wrote a separate article about " Alice"In particular, attention is paid to the names (" On the translation of Carroll fairy tales", Http:// Without going into details, we note that Dagger, Sonya mouse, Trulya and Herbral, Barmaglot from Brandashmyg Would lose part of themselves, whether their names are translated "in the forehead" or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions to all names and names in the series about the pony "speakers". Therefore, the question of translating or not, is inappropriate. Rather, it is worthwhile as translate (or rather - adapt). If you distract from each name separately, then you can answer it like this: thoroughly, thoughtfully, efficiently.

Twilight ICC, or just a spark - the main heroine. Sparkle - Alikorn, but was originally unicorn. Is the embodiment of magic. Her distinguishing sign is a purple star, surrounded by white stars. The sparkle is light purple wool, and on the tail and the mave there are strips of lilac. Sparkle curious and smart. She is so obsessed with reading that her house lowered she turned into a library. Sparkle is closed in itself due to the fact that it gives a long time study. Sometimes it is tuned skeptical and uncertain in their abilities.

All major heroes My Little Pony.
Applejack is an earthly orange pony, an embodiment of honesty. Her distinctive sign is three apple. Epljek has a chic yellow mane. She has big green eyes. You can often see a cowboy hat on her head. Applejack is kind and honest. She is very attentive, everything can be trusted and you can always rely on it. She lives on the farm "Apple Alley," where they are growing apples and family. Eppljack is good bake and sells sweet baking. As a real cowboy, Eppljek knows how to contact Lasso and speaks with a Texas emphasis.
Rainbow Daes - Pegasus, the embodiment of loyalty. Its distinctive sign - rainbow lightning under the cloud. The rainbow is a heavenly blue color and bright pink eyes, as well as a rainbow mane and tail. The rainbow is very brave and brave. Her work is to disperse clouds, with which it easily copes. It flies quickly and often performs tricks. She often saved friends and showed such an uncharacteristic compassion. At first glance, the rainbow is very proud, but in fact she is very responsive and kind.
FRTTERSHAY - Pegasus, the embodiment of kindness. Her distinguishing sign is butterflies. FRTTERSHAY Yellow color and pink mane. Despite the fact that she is Pegasus, Fraventshai is afraid of heights. It is generally very shy and buggy, but she has a special gift - "look", capable of getting any. She lives near the forest in her own home.
Rariti is a white unicorn, incarnation of generosity. Its distinctive sign is three blue crystals. Urraniti excellent sense of style, her purple mane is always beautifully laid. She is a fashion designer and owns its own boutique. Says with a small French accent. Rariti in everything keeps cleanliness and order. Lives in the same place where it works - on the second floor of the boutique "Carousel".
Pinki Pink is a pink pony, the embodiment of laughter. Her full name is Pinkamin Diana Pai. She has a gorgeous curly pink mane. Pinky cheerful and cheerful. She can't live without sweets. She is the only pony that moves with jumps. Her feature is that she sometimes "breaks the fourth wall" and communicates with the audience.