Stanislav Cheehin Biography. Stanislav Cheumekhin: - News - Dawn - Information portal of the Brest region

Stanislav Cheehin Biography. Stanislav Cheumekhin: - News - Dawn - Information portal of the Brest region
Stanislav Cheehin Biography. Stanislav Cheumekhin: - News - Dawn - Information portal of the Brest region

"I don't need to be sad", "At the far station," Ati-Bata, the soldiers "," snow spontaneous "and other people's favorite hits that have grown a whole generation of Soviet people, on January 30, sounded from the stage of the Kredmash Palace Performance of the vocal instrumental ensemble "Flame" and his soloist Stanislav Cheremukhin.

It is worth noting that the composition of the collective's rattled for the entire USSR often changed, but it was the singer and musician Stanislav Cheumekhin and remains one of his bright participants.

Before the concert, the soloist talked with the reporters of the Kremenchug newspaper and told why and when he worked under the phonogram, who from Ukrainian stars prefers, as "cloned" by VIA "Flame", about love for cats and a surprise for citizens.

1975 Education of VIA "Flame". Today 2016 for many you are the personification of overthrown communist regime, and for other memories of childhood and youth. Do you associate yourself with something?

With a musician and a singer, an artist of the "Flame" ensemble, whose songs love, know and remember to this day.

You ourselves from Russia, but in Ukraine - is not scary?

It's not scary, for one simple reason ... I feel that people these songs are needed that they need this support. Therefore, they come to these concerts. No one suits picnic there, and people go and listen to these songs.

Do you want to say that culture is out of politics?

I'm at least out of politics. I sing these songs. This discovery for me is that in the 21st century suddenly, they are glad to listen to the songs that were written 40 years ago. Therefore, I carry it to people.

In 1975 there was a phonogram?

In 1975 was not, and in 76 - it was ... (laughs).

And how are you? What does this concept mean for you?

The phonogram was then. When we performed at the Shakhtar stadium in Donetsk, where there were 100 thousand people, as in Luzhniki, then simply at that time did not exist in the equipment that could all voiced it. Therefore, there were speakers all over the perimeter, metal, with a terrible creak, like shoes, and then we put our record, but ... we honestly sang ...

Now how we spell. 21 century on the courtyard, which made a revolution in music. On the one hand, he revealed large sound opportunities, and on the other hand, he broke out young people who use the computer, can make themselves completely impossible sounds.

We work in a small composition and therefore use samplers and play from above. You at the concert to hear acoustic executions. The piano is not in vain here too, it is worth it ... This produces a furor.

I have to pay tribute to DC "Kredmash", which has retained this tool. In Russia, they break through the pianos, and here the tool is in excellent condition.

What kind of music are you listening to?

Different. And modern including. I prefer to domestic performers. I always appreciated and respected the Ukrainian stage. I sincerely say. There are extraordinary talented people. Oleg Violin, the same "ocean Elzy", which is very loved in Russia. I'm not talking about Ani Lorak ...

On the Internet, I found several different VIA "Flames". How to determine the fake?

I recently spoke about it in the film "Legends of Music", which, by the way, released to the 40th anniversary of the "Flame" ensemble. So, there are artists and figures that are trying to privatize the name, privatize songs. I answered this question there in such a way that the songs of the "Flame" ensemble are the public domain and trying on it somehow, something to be "screwed" - incorrectly.

Yes, there are several ensembles. I do not mind it. This is with a light hand "Laskovaya May". They multiplied around the country. Let's talk about quality and who sings. Here Yura Peterson "Flame 2000" is a great singer, I think. But there are accommodants. Name such a case. From the Moscow region suddenly the call from my friend suddenly, and he says - you are here at the concert in the stadium and let me come. I say how at a concert? I sit at home.

He says, yes no of your posters. He is persistent guy and went to the administrator - where is the "flame"? Yes, he is there, they drink and eat. He comes and says, and where is Cheremukhin, where is Berezin?! Who are you?! That we workers, and there they just left ...

You see what meanness!? ... take someone else's poster to post, take that and how they sang ... it's just an abomination. There were criminal prosecution on this.

What can you withdraw you during a concert?

It's hard to withdraw.

Were there such cases?

Are you a man of mind or heart?

And the other. It is difficult to say what more.

If a fire happened in your house, what would you endure in the first place?

Cat, and then the guitar ... I have three cats. Murka, Gray and Lucy ...

You released a film to the 40th anniversary of the ensemble, and what is your inner age?

Well, I'm afraid to survive, but 25 years 25, probably.

What do you appreciate in people and what do not accept?

I do not accept false and insincerity, and appreciate the work and talent.

Tell us who you are speaking today. Who are these talented people?

These talented people are my like-minded people ... The guys are capable of what you heard and seen on rehearsals ... just dedicated. An example is. Past tours in yellow waters. We go to our bus. It happened that the navigator was broken and stolen, and we were on the same night to go to the Sumy region and give a concert one, and then to the Kharkiv region to Pervomaisk. And here Sergei - the sound engineer manifested himself as a man. For this distillation is more than 1000 km, he needs to give a "hero of Ukraine." We arrived in Pervomaisk there "Thousands" hall. We were late for an hour and a half. But at least who left ...

And what are you surprised by Kremenchuan today?

Premiere songs. We remembered the song of 40 years ago "Chaklunk Gіr". Then I wrote by Volodya Kudryavtsev .... Today we will revive the song ....

After that, Interviews Stanislav Cheumekhin rose again to the scene and began to "work out" the song. Already after 40 minutes, a concert began at DC "Kredmash". The hall was scored to failure, and the audience did not regret their palms and often shouted from the place "Bravo" and "Thank you!".


With the ex-soloist of the legendary VIA "Flame" by Stanislav Cheremukhin and his group "Lighting of the flame", the Belarusian singer and composer Vitaly Prokopovich, who in the regional DC of the trade unions organized the second concert for the Bresthouses of this Moscow team. Artists willingly talked about how the group was created, in which the secret of the songs performed by them and what adventures happened to them on Brestchin.
"Brestina - our second homeland"
Stanislav Cheremukhin and Vitaly Prokopovich met in January of this year at one of the Belarusian corporate events. And already in March, the shine of the flame was heard Kobrin and Brest. All three programs passed with the manschlage.
- Flaming Hi of brotherly Belarus from Moscow! - Having greeted the students Stanislav Cheumekhin and, together with his team, performed the song "Don't be sad", which immediately caused ovation. So from the first note and until the end of the two-hour program "Lighting the flame" held the viewer on the top of emotions. Stanislav Cheremukhin soloated not only as a vocalist, but also as a guitarist, a flutist ... Tocused the soul of an acoustic unit when the artists sang only under the guitar. In short, the bright gala concert of the best songs VIA "Flame" turned out to be fame. Note, as part of one of the most popular in the 1970s in the 1970s in the USSR, Cheerykhin teams first performed such hits as "the soldiers go through the city", "at the far station to go", "Snow is spinning", "Childhood Last Call", And many donny favorite songs. So now the audience could not hold back the enthusiastic "bravo!".
Martov tour of Belarus in the creative biography of the "Shining of Flame" group first. Yet not so long ago, on January 21, its very first concert took place in Moscow.
"Brestina, you can say, now our second homeland," said Stanislav Cheumekhin. - This trip arose because creative roads crossed me with Vitaly Prokopovich. This is really a talented, creative man, energetic. He has wonderful songs. Therefore, we will think how to attract it to Moscow. Let the Belarusian talents know there. Why not? Referring to the "Lighting Flame" group has the idea to sing with Vitaly Prokopovich and the songs of the song and dance named after Alexandrova "there is a soldier in the city."
and "shine of the flame"
So how did the collective "Lighting of Flame" arose? About this, his leader also wouldingly told the "Zare".
- It came at such a moment when I left VIA "Flame" under the leadership of the People's Artist of Russia Sergey Berezina. Sat down at home, rested, and sow sings! And there is a voice, and the desire ... I gave the "Flame" ensemble for more than 15 years. Basic songs that really become folks are recorded with my voice. How without them? This is my life! I registered a new brand "Lights of the Flame", accordingly, the production center was arguing under the name and group. For two years, worked on that this group takes place, - said Stanislav Cheumekhin. - Our team is based on the Commonwealth of those who believed me, supported in a difficult moment (Light Baskakov, Sasha Istomin, Konstantin Kravtsov, Volodya Zalevsky). These people are my condition and dignity.
... It is impossible to return to childhood and youth, but you can repeat those sensations that we then worried. As Vitaly Prokopovich notes, this is all thanks to the music, the songs that sounded and still sound from the speakers of radio stations, are reprinted on CDs. They are still loved. Perhaps due to the fact that the authors trusted them to fulfill such talented musicians as the participants of the "Flame" ensemble. Mikhail Tanich, Robert Christmas, Sergey Oster, Lion Oshanin, Mikhail Potazkovsky, Anatoly Transverse and many others wrote. Songs were born thanks to such outstanding composers as Mark Fradkin, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Vladimir Shansky, David Tukhmanov, Seraphim Tulikov, Arno Babajanyan ...
"Our official repertoire, who wrote well-known authors, was parallel with our own creativity, the works of talented artists - Valentina Dyakonov, Yuri Peterson, Sergey Berezina," says Stanislav Cheehin.
Nevertheless, the repertoire of the "shine of the flame" group will not be limited only to the fact that everyone has all on the mouths and in the hearts. This young team must have their own "radiance".
"We sing the song VIA" Flames "not because we want to put together for someone else's glory," Cherochin explained. - The ensemble "Flame" was, maybe one of the most prolific on the repertoire (over 250 songs were recorded in those years), and there are works of such extraordinary beauty that should still be executed. They are already subsidized, since 36 years have passed, the generation has changed ... But these songs are priceless! They wrote great masters of their genre. They wrote soul, heart. And we will work on keeping all this. We plan to include in the repertoire and new works, including Vladimir Zalevsky, Vitaly Prokopovich.
... about Brestchina
and chopped Kabana
- We received the most pleasant impressions of Kobrin. This city is clean, friendly, calm. The public is warm to the impossibility! When the hall after the concert rose and applauded standing, I triggered a lump for the throat ... and after the concert in the Brest regional socio-cultural center the same, "said Stanislav Cheumekhin. - Brest - Wonderful City! European. Clean, completely safe ... I do not understand when you collect trash! I have not seen a single Tajik with a broom (laughs). Moscow, of course, a very stormy city, energetic. Maybe Muscovites are embittered due to the thrust and tension, which arise there, but we have just got a peaceful rest. It's true!
And the artists will probably remember the case for a long time that happened to them on the road from Belovezhskaya Forest to Brest. The car on which they rode, almost rammed the boar. Fortunately, no one was injured. The car, however, got damaged, but the boar himself got off with a light fright and cut into the forest ...
After the speech in Brest, the "Lighting of Flame" group headed to Moscow. The official presentation of the young team there is only planned.
- On May 21, we make a group presentation in a friendly Moscow State Construction University. There is a stunning concert hall with awesome equipment. We invite the entire Moscow musical press, producers, concert administrators ... We invite our friend Vitaly Prokopovich, we are already creatively lacking it. It is very difficult to introduce a team in the field of view of concert activities. Honestly, closely on this field - the Russian show business market, "Stanislav Cheehkin admitted.

The Starry Guest of the Cultural Program of the Shcheljka Festival, held on Sunday at the Rainbow Fountain Cascade, became Stanislav Cheehin from the legendary Unsemble of Soviet times "Flame". The singer performed "do not need to be sad", "at the far station to go", "Ati-Bata, they walked soldiers", "snow is spinning" and other people's favorite hits.
"Industrial" managed to communicate with Muscovite Stanislav Cheremukhin, who, by the way, turned out to be our countryman.
"Oh, I remember the newspaper" Industrial Zaporizhia, "said Stanislav Cheerykhin. - I come from Akimovka Zaporizhzhya region. My parents discharged "industrial", and in those years I have read her occasionally. I remember how I was struck by a note in the "Industrial Zaporozhye" that the technique goes with such steps that video telephones will soon be. My brother served in Khabarovsk, and I thought: "How cool that I can communicate with him."
And said signing a poster:
- Cheremukhin - my pseudonym, and on the passport I am Cherepukhin, but as my last name only "called" - Cheremushkin, Cherepanov. Why cheerykhin? But one letter is changing and immediately - Association.

From "Gem Communion" was revived "Flame". And not one

Stanislav Cheumekhin in Zaporizhia
(Photo by)

- Stanislav Danilovich, how did it happen that the participants in the "Gem" ensemble became the "flame"?
- was not a witness to this split, I know about it from colleagues. In the 70s in the Soviet Union, there were no more popular ensembles than "Pesnira" and "Gems", it was like "Beatles" and "Rolling Stones" in the world.
In 1975, there was a conflict between the artists of "Gems" and the artistic director Yuri Malikov. He wore in most part financial character, but also creative too.
And then, all the artists of the "Gems" ensemble went together with the artistic director, they invited the new Khuduka Nikolai Mikhailov and organized an ensemble called "Flame".
- True, that the name "Flame" was born in Moscow skewer?
- Not. It was born after touring in Czechoslovakia, in honor of the ensemble, which in Czech was called "Flames", we threatened with him.
- How did you get into the "flame" and how many years have worked there?
"I graduated from the Melitopol School of Culture, then he studied in the Kostroma Museum, Gitis finished. He worked in various philharmonic teams - Kostroma, Nikolaev, Vinnitsa Philharmonic and in Lenconcert.
Me and my countryman Yura Rishko was noticed and invited to the "Flame" ensemble at the next change of the team. Then Tolera Mogilev filed documents for departure to America, Nikolai Mikhailov, too, Yura Hebachev left to play jazz. We needed fresh people, and we were so sang in Yura, it was so sang for half an ensemble!
It was in 1976. And on the 1980 year I worked in the "golden" composition, recorded the songs that were folk. To this day, my voice and my flute sound in such songs as "at the far station will go", "there is a soldier in the city", "snow is spinning" and in many other favorite people.
Then my fate was connected with the movie - ten years worked in this area. He worked, in particular, with Sergey Zhigunov as an organizer, rolling through his serials.
And in 2000, the composer and artistic director of Seryozha Berezin invited to gather on the anniversary of the "Flame" ensemble. After that, we were invited for the city day to the Moscow region. And when we sang "don't be sad" and the whole square with us was singing when the song "My address - Soviet Union" sounded - it was shock, shock! And we realized that our song is not yet sung!

VIA "Flame". Stanislav Cheumekhin - the second right in the second row

- And since then, in the reborn ensemble "Flame"?
- In 2010, I left the composition under the leadership of Berezina. Cause? Let's say - creative disagreements.
I decided that I was enough to sing. But - again, the case! I was invited to speak to cadets. Young guys. And again - stunning reception. I do not respect him to my account, I'm just a carrier of the musical language of the "Flame" ensemble, this style. I made sure that people need these songs.
- And now we have one "flame" or not one?
- Not one thing.
- How much?
- Accounting question (laughs). We live in other legal dimensions, compared with the twentieth century ... The brand "Flame" is registered and remains for Sergey Berezin.
I registered the brand "Shine of the Flame" and I have the right to write on the poster: "The artist" Flame "ensemble Stanislav Cheumekhin, in the program - the best songs of VIA" Flame ", accompanied by the" Lighting Flame "group. In Zaporozhye I came alone, I was accompanied by your musicians.
"I say in Moscow:" You're an idiot! WHERE ARE YOU DRIVING?"
- Why did you agree to our difficult time to speak in Zaporizhia?
- pulls me in my native edges! I have the graves of my relatives in Akimovka, the brother lives there. In Zaporizhia, I am not the first time. Very love chortitsa!
And a good incident to me with Gennady Fedosov. He is headed by the producer center "Tavr" (engaged in the organization of the Shashlik festival. - S. O.). We are now supporting each other. I need a scene, concerts! And in Russia, they, frankly, a little. Why? Changed generation. "Flooded the field" the phonograms, karaokers and just passing. I can't beat myself in the chest: "I am a real!". Who knows - he invites.
- How are the sensations from the concert in our city?
- Thanks Gennady and his organizational abilities! I am a grated Kalach, at what only festivals and contests we visited, but at the slab festival was the first time. It turned out - a kebab lovers are a lot! These flavors are completely crazy!
In the cultural program there were talented people, yours. Andrei Shamray from "Voice of the Country" - a magnificent natural gift! And others, I can not list everyone.
And our performance with Zaporozhye musicians - it turned out! Gennady Fedosov took the bass guitar.
And, despite any difficulties, Gennady makes me a tour. This is the third round of Ukraine this year, we will go to the Poltava region. I speak Moscow: "You're an idiot! Where are you driving? Do not look tv? " Gennady and Gennady are guided by this phrase: "Shakal WORK, CARAVAN goes." Our business is to sing songs that have become folk.
- How do Russians actually relate to us?
- with sympathy. You know: People - separately, the media - separately. And the people with whom I communicate - Ukraine, this is understandable, the first theme is now - everyone is worried.
- What else, besides the performances, do you do?
- Teaching, I have students. I work in the studio, I am a multi-instrumentalist, I have a collection - six guitars, three flutes, keyboard tools.
About personal
- Son Danil - he soloist state symphonic chapel "Russia", composer. I brought his arrangement, and the ensemble of the director of the Zaporozhye Museum Sergei Pelyuk will play his work.
The daughter filed brilliant hopes as an actress, starred in several films. And for the main role of the girl in the film "Fans" (13-year-old Lena, followed by a maniac. - S. O.). She received the Prize of the Film Festival. And then - women's fate, now she has a daughter. Until now, she is invited to act, and she does not want. Sorry…

"The snow is spinning", "no need to be sad", "at the far station to go", "Ati Bati, the soldiers went," "never repeats," I will take you to Tundra "," good sign "," White Wings "," Two days "and other hits of the legendary Soviet vocal instrumental ensemble" Flame "for two hours yesterday they sounded in the concert hall of Glinka, where there were no free places.

There was a kind of premiere - the song of 40 years ago "Chaklunk Gіr", which Vladimir Kudryavtsev wrote. In Ukrainian, the will also sounded "Verba" and "Sviti, Mizyzhenko".

The program "The best songs of VIA" Flames "is a solo project of a former participant in the popular Soviet group Stanislav Cherepukhin, who took the creative pseudonym Cherochin, who almost 15 years worked in the team of the national artist of Russia, composer Sergei Berezina.

In Zaporozhe appears not for the first time, moreover, he is our countryman - from Akimovka, a graduate of the Melitopol School of Culture. Stanislav for more than 30 years lives in Moscow, the other three performers - from Ukraine: Producer Valery Novokreshchin from Poltava, Valentina Tyshkevich from Zaporizhia and Peter Naumov from Mariupol.

Describe the atmosphere of the concert, which returned the audience in the 70-80 years of the last century, is an ungrateful matter. It was necessary to see and hear how the Cossacks were emotionally reacted to his hives, once very often sounded from the screen, plates, on the radio. The concert was, of course, dear. Hall Most of the compositions sang with artists, and some listeners did not even strengthen in the chairs and went into the dance! Completing the performance, Stanislav Cheumekhin noted that now we live in difficult time, I wished the Zaporozhets of a peaceful sky and sang the famous wang "The world is not simple."

Just a furor! - did not hide his delight of the "industrialist" Stanislav Cheumekhin. - We tried, and the audience is so responsive that I caught every word! Each song perceived great! Bravo, public! - This reaction hall is not amazing, because you are executing Soviet hives, in which the meaning was present, and the melody could be remembered. - Eh, I did not say my corona joke, I will say, okay? When I see that the hall sings, I say: "Did you get ready for the concert? Texts were found on the Internet, did you learn words? And the hall replies:" No, we remember these songs! "- Stanislav, tell us about yourself, as found yourself in VIA "Flame"? What do you do now? - I was tightly lucky. In the last century, when the ensemble "Flame" was on takeoff, I was invited to this team. It was in 1976 (the ensemble was created a year earlier). And in 1980, I worked in the "gold" composition, wrote down the songs that were folk.

Especially since I was happy that I was the first performer of such songs as "a soldier goes around the city", "at the far station to go", "Childhood Last Call", "Snow is spinning." To this day, my voice and my flute sound in such songs as "on the far station will go", "there is a soldier in the city", "snow is spinning" and in many other beloved people.

Happiness was and in the fact that the composers brought a music notebook, written hand, they trusted us. And we gave these songs life. I was fortunate enough to work on songs with outstanding composers: Mark Frakdin, Nikita Theological, Vladimir Shansky, David Tukhmanov, Seraphim Tulikov, Vladimir Miguli, Arno Babajanyan.

Poems for VIA "Flame" wrote talented poets: Mikhail Tanich, Robert Christmas, Sergey Isotov, Lev Oshanin, Mikhail Danzkovsky, Anatoly Transverse and many others.

I worked for five years, and then I was pulled to another team. I graduated from guitis, thought to arrange a director's career. And then fate again returned me to the "flame".

In 2000, Sergei Berezin called: "Anniversary of the Ensemble, let's gather, Skopi songs." Gathered, drank, bored, sang. And he says: "We offer a concert, let's go"? "What do we need?" - We are talking. "Let's try". And we tried! I will never forget. It was in the Lytkarino of the Moscow region day of the city. Something incredible at the square! The people were full! And when we sang "don't be sad" and the whole square with us was singing when the song "My address is the Soviet Union" sounded - it was shock, shock! And we realized that our song is not yet sung! - The new era began in the history of the legendary VIA? - Exactly. In 2010, I worked in the team, which was naturally called the "flame". Then, I will not talk for what reason, out of the composition.

I decided that I was enough to sing. But - again, the case! I was invited to speak to cadets. Young guys. And again - stunning reception. I do not respect him to my own account, I'm just a carrier of the musical language of the "Flame" ensemble, this style. I made sure that people need these songs and created their solo project "The best songs of VIA" Flame "- what you have seen today.

I live in Moscow, I come to Ukraine and with local artists speaking. In Zaporozhye, concerts organize Musin Groups: we performed in DK "Dneprospetsstal", in the theater named after Magar. Last year, they performed on the day of lovers and decided that the concert was 14 February - this should be a tradition. This year, the tradition was not broken.

I remember such a case. I was invited to the 70th anniversary of the Melitopol School of Culture, which I was finished at one time. There were such magnificent teams - choir, orchestra, dance. I and, graduate, with one song - "On the far station to go". And then the director of the DK named Shevchenko comes to the scene and says: "Tomorrow he has a solo concert in the Palace of Culture, if you want - come." And the next day DC named Shevchenko was full.

The brand "Flame" is registered and remains for Sergey Berezin. Our countryman registered the brand "Lighting Flame" and has the right to write on the poster: "The artist of the" Flame "ensemble Stanislav Cheumekhin, in the program - the best songs of VIA" Flame ", accompanied by the" Lighting Flame "group.

Photo by Alexander Prilepi
Tags: concert, music

"There is a soldier in the city", "On the far station to go", "no need to be sad" - the whole generation of Soviet people has grown on these and other hits of VIA "Flame". The composition of the rundest to the entire Union of the team often changed, and one of his bright participants was the singer and musician Stanislav Cheumekhin. A few years ago, the artist left the ensemble and over the past two years he worked on creating his group. At the end of March, the new team "The Lights of Flame", performing immortal hits, could see the inhabitants of Brest and Kobrin.

This mini-tour in Belarus has become possible thanks to the meeting of Stanislav Cheremukhin and Brest singer Vitaly Prokopovich, which occurred in January at one of the corporate standards. Vitaly admits that he was in good sense struck by the team by the performance of the team and decided to do everything possible so that the group "Lightfire" again visited Brest and could hear it again. As a result, in two months, Stanislav Cheumekhin, along with the team, arrived at Brestchin. Before the concert at the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions on March 26, Cheerykhin and his team met with journalists. Here are some moments from the conversation with the artist.

"How did I get to VIA" Flame "? Lucky "

My main creative biography is associated with the "Flame" ensemble. To get into it, it was necessary to skill. By that time, I and my colleagues according to VIA "Flames" were well owned by their instruments, voices, studied for this. And yet it was necessary to have luck. I do not hope for your talents. I was lucky. And then - work, education, self-education.

"Soviet artists went on tour for the sake of daily"

The remuneration system in Soviet times was very unfair. The maximum rate that we received officially from the Ministry of Culture - 12 rubles 50 kopecks. And this is despite the fact that the "Flame" ensemble collected stadiums and the Palaces of Sports, and local philharmonic monitors were in line and asked: "Guys, when you come to remove us from a card so that we make money for a symphony orchestra and so on?"

As for foreign tourists, there were simply anecdotal cases. For the most part of the artists who represented Soviet art, went abroad to get 10 or $ 20 daily. And if the trip is 3 months and you multiply than 20 dollars, then we are oh-oh. In order for this money to be preserved, we naturally took with you the "Conservatory": canned banks, boiling cards and so on.

And there was such a precedent, in my opinion, indicative when we arrived in Finland at the Finnish-Soviet youth festival. The record company that invited us was very pleased with our work and we were given a fee. In the hands! And then the inconspicuous little man came up and said: "Pass! Pass to the Embassy! " Of course, the embassy did not return to us.

Finns were terribly outraged by this, but when they realized that everything was useless, they brought us to the music store, where they were driven, and they said to choose what we want and how much we want. And we caught the plates of Stevie Wander, Janice Joplin, "Jesus Christ - Superstar" ... So they accounted for us.

"We were more or less free and traveled many countries"

Departure abroad - it was a coup. When I visited the Dresden Gallery, I saw the "Sicstinian Madonna" or "Chocolate" - what could be with me? The stupor is simple. It all passed through the heart. Truth. It is impossible to imagine outside the world or be indifferent if we visit, for example, Buchenwald. And thanks to the fact that the ideological Shores did not significantly acted on the "flame", we were really more or less free and traveled around many countries.

The composition of the "Shining of the Flame" group: Stanislav Cheremukhin (group leader, singer and musician), Konstantin Kravtsov (video engineer), Alexander Istomin (musician), Svetlana Baskakova (singer), Vladimir Zalevsky (directorial console).
"Flame ensemble I gave more than 15 years"

Care from the group is actually a dramatic story. If briefly: I came a point when I left VIA "Flame" under the leadership of the People's Artist of Russia Sergey Berezina. I sat down at home, rested. And soul sings, you know? Where to give it? And there is a voice, and everything else too. I gave the ensemble "Flame" for more than 15 years, and - I say it without boasting - the main songs that really become people are recorded with my voice. And how without them? This is all already my life. Since we live in new conditions, I registered the brand "Shining of Flame". The production center of the same name arose and group. On January 21, we had the first concert in Moscow.

"I want to raise these songs, save and propaganda"

We are not just playing the songs "Flame", we also call our program - "Gala concert of the best songs VIA" Flame ". This is not because we want to be attached to their glory, not because we are their twins. The fact is that the "flame" was one of the most prolific on the material. At one time we calculated that they recorded over 250 songs in those years. Moreover, among them there are songs of such extraordinary beauty, which should still be executed. And not because we could not recruit fresh material.

At the moment, I suppose, we must be in the status, which in the West has long been practiced, something like a fan block luba "Flame". I want to raise these songs, save and promote. As for relations with VIA "Flames", they are not.

"On the way out of the forest, a boar hit us"

We had a relatively free day on Sunday, and we decided to get inspiration from Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Vitaly Prokopovich, our friend and one of the organizers of this tour, kindly agreed on her car to take us. Indeed, the beauty is indescribable, breathing easily, everything is wonderful. We got a pleasant "irradiation" with positive emotions.

We are going back, everyone is good, everyone has fun, and suddenly - a boar. He ejected headlights, whether he wanted to run the way. Punch - Vitaly has such such here (it follows an eloquent hand gesture - approx. Auto) Pork muzzle. We slowed down, Kostya (group video engineer - approx. Auto) I got under the hood to check that with the machine, and my curious colleagues decided to see what the boar.

In general, the secoch becomes very ferocious when it gets wound. But the guys were lucky: their curiosity was not punished. The boar, apparently, was also frightened and escaped. As they said, for him it was so, he talked a little. And Vitalia is now to repair, painting and so on.

"I have not seen a single Tajik in Brest with a broom"

Brest is a wonderful city. Listen, well, this is a European city! I have been here in those years when we are toured with VIA "Flame", I can compare. Now this city is clean, the city is friendly and, as it seems to me, is completely safe. I do not understand when you clean. Always everything is clean. I have not seen a single Tajik with a broom.

We received the most favorable impressions from Kobrin. The public is warm to the impossibility. When the hall at the end of the concert rose and coplenged standing, my lump rushed to the throat: "Why did they get up?!" It turned out that the tradition is so. We have no such, we only have this at the CPSU Congress for the last time.

"Let the Belarusian talents know in Moscow"

We have plans for the future regarding Vitaly Prokopovich: He is a talented, creative, energetic person, he has wonderful songs. Therefore, we will think about how to attract it to Moscow, let the Belarusian talents know there.

As for your country, I would like to organize a new tour in May and cover more cities. How it will turn out and whether it will be possible, depends on the organization here in the field.