Fairy tales about animals read short. Animal fairy tales list

Fairy tales about animals read short. Animal fairy tales list
Fairy tales about animals read short. Animal fairy tales list

Welcome to the world of fairy tales! In this magic world there is always a place for marvelous landscapes, brave heroes and speaking animals. But, most importantly, every fairy tale about animals has its own unique happy end.

What is tales?

Are these little stories really simple? It turns out no. In every fairy tale about animals, there is a good name, a full-fledged story, colorful characters, which reflect in many respects the essence of what is happening in reality. Thus, with each new fairy tale, the child learns to know this huge world.

In fact, children's fairy tales about animals are the first toddler kids in a difficult school of life. With their help, the child learns that good is the most valuable gift for a good person, and it always wins evil. Friendship is important not less than diligence, and the kids will learn from fairy tales about the courageous and noble heroes, which in spite of everything overcome all the difficulties. In addition, animal fairy tales teach love to near and respect for older, compassion to poor and honesty in everything.

The peculiarity of children's visions is such that all stored stories are perceived for the most part at the intuitive level, and the real appearance of perceived situations and characters are found only afterwards. Therefore, the choice of the first books for your baby should be approached with special attention. Perfect if there are either in the new book. And to start better with well acquaintances, good folk fairy tales about animals.

Russian folk tales about animals

The main characters of such fairy tales are wild animals. Although there are quite a few stories and pets. According to legend, the first animals appeared in the era, when the hunt was one of the main crafts. Mothers told their children about the mighty representatives of the animal world, and children, due to the developed fantasy, have already attributed human traits characteristics. Tales about animals were transmitted from generation to generation, and with each retelling, the characters acquired new features.

In Russian folklore, the fairy tales about animals was interpreted in different ways. But the main valid characters were always: a fox and a wolf, hare and a bear, a dog and a rooster; Goat and bull.

Fox character came to us from Western fairy tales. The prurceness, cunning and the cunning fox always did her stronger than her eternal satellites of a wolf and a bear. And this is not surprising at all. After all, anger, greed and simultaneous not the insight of the wolf did not even give him a tiny chance in competitions with the fox.

But a bear character is rarely endowed with any characteristic features and a small reader always has the opportunity to create his image of the hero. A cowardly hare, a proud rooster and a running goat with a bull was not always like that. Most of the features attributed to these characters firmly rooted in Russian folklore precisely because of the traditional vision of these animals.

As for the plot, in the animals there is always a place for deception and meanness, but courage, courage and kindness of the main characters wins everything. The plot of many fairy tales about animals is based on life situations that adult people are experiencing every day in the real world. And due to the colorful image of the characters and comical descriptions, small readers perceive all the stories quite real, but at the same time such stories cause only good associations. After all, the happy end is every fairy tale about wild or pets.

Tales of different peoples of the world

How many fairy tale was written in our centuries-old history for sure no one can say. Each people have their own legends, parables and legends, reflecting his culture and tradition. These tales about animals always talk about something new and unknown. They can meet mysterious creatures, visit the places about which no one will tell. And what could be more interesting for the young adventure craftor?

Each story is a small magic world with its inhabitants and laws. Landscapes, images of characters, situations and finals in the children's fairy tales of different nations of the world are repeated quite rarely. Therefore, reading fairy tales about animals is always interesting. After all, despite the very logical name, it is not known to the very end than the next story will end. Kids perfectly perceive the images described in such fairy tales. Thanks to the skill of writers, even the Great villains are perceived as good magicians.

Regardless of age, each of us, at least once in his life, recalled those wonderful moments of their childhood joy in anticipation of the next trip to the world of fairy tales. But in the life of each child there should be happy moments filled with joy and magic!

Fairy tales about animals for children tell children, in mind, about the habits, signs and lives of our smaller friends. It may be fairy tales in verse or in prose. More realistic - older children or just with the participation of animals - for kids. Today I will show you the best copies of those and others.

Hello, dear readers. Even the smallest children, we read fairy tales, trying to instill love for the book and knowledge of the world. Most books for baby contain pictures with animals. Mom, dad or grandmother reading them, pay attention to the baby on the picture. Ask if he recognizes the character, say what sounds he publishes in real life. So begins the path of the baby into the world of wildlife. The child grows and learns more and more facts about animals, insects, birds.

I would say that the peak of interest in everything is located between the 2nd and 6th year. Do not miss this time, be afraid that the baby will not understand or that he will be uninteresting at school. Giving knowledge gradually, you enrich his inner world, laid the love of everything alive. The main information of the child of this age receives of course from fairy tales, here we will talk about them today and talk.

Book in Maze.

It is difficult to find a parent who does not know the data of the work of Samuel Marshak. And yet I can't leave this book without attention, in addition, I put it on the first place for the baby and not only.

All 172 pages are divided into sections. In the first short poars about the beasts. In the second poems for children 3-7 years old. Further fairy tales are in verses about a stupid and intelligent mouse - this is the perfect combination of fairy tales so that the child understands not only how not to do, but also received an example of proper behavior.

In this beautiful collection there are poems about each month, colors and letters. But the main reason I made it to the article is almost all works about animals. Little listeners will find out how animals and birds look like. Illustrations here are bright, their set.

Book in Maze.

If you are looking for fairy tales about animals for children of 2.5-5 years, then this book of Tamara Kryukov will fit perfectly. She is about a small, inquisitive hedgehog that left without permission from home.

In his walk through the forest, he learned a lot of interesting things. Where does the squirrel live and why she is a fluffy tail, why the hare is long ears, where the mole lives and why he need such big paws, why the frog wriggled eyes and whom fox hunt. In the second fairy tale, hedgehog met pets, learned about the peculiarities of each of them. And the third tale will tell the children about how they are preparing for the winter squirrel, hamster, bunny, wild ducks, bear and hedgehog himself. Good Quality Book, Tight Paper Offset, Stitched and Skinned Pages, Solid Cover, A4 Format.

Book in Maze.

This book in the soft cover is reprinted already 10 times! I bought the 3rd edition when Alexander was 2 years old. The soft cover at this age served as a plus, since two fairy tales are located on the reversal, and the baby is not able to concentrate on one page when there are the same bright pictures. Therefore, I just fucked the book as a magazine and the question was decided by myself. Fairy tales collected here will help the parent to decide on themes that the child must master before entering school.

At first I did it - I read fairy tales on 1 topic, then we beat her. For example, there are assembled here: Where did your pets come from, why the bear is sleeping in the winter, for which the beasts warm fur coat, what a cow gives us how to sleep animals, how they are saved from predators, for which you need tails, which relatives in cats Such a whale, why a pig lies in a puddle, for which a wolf is needed in the forest. Even more fairy tales here about birds and insects. I think now you understand why this encyclopedia is described by me in this article. By the way, after each fairy tale, the picture is given the elementary information about the read, so the book and is called the Encyclopedia.

Book B. Ozone

I think that the works of Sergei Kozlov do not need a submission. This book attracted my attention during the collection of the collection "Golden Tales in the illustrations of the best artists." Each reversal of the book looks like a separate picture written by oil. Every smear of the artist, who Evgeny Antonenkov is overlooked. The ABC Publishing House made a 25cm large-size book for 25cm, which makes it possible to consider illustrations even better. Paper dense, matte, coated. Font clear, excellent size. In short, the quality of the publication on a solid 5-ku.

Opening a book, you get the feeling that you get in fairy tales about the days of the year: "Winter Tale", about the New Year, "Spring Fairy Tale", "Unusual Spring", "Hedgehog and Sea". Of course, the work is included here. "Shake! Hello! ", Familiar to us since childhood. In total, 10 fairy tales were collected in the book, each of which holds the friends of the hedgehog and a bear at the time of the year - starting with the winter and ending in the fall. I agree with the publisher that recommends the book for children 6+. I agree that in 3 years old, the kid will not appreciate these illustrations, it will not capture the language of writing Kozlov. We have this book went well at the age of 5.

Publication of almost square size 21 cm by 22 cm, the pages of coated, fully filled with the illustration on which the text is located. The book is stitched and punched, on the cover there is a lacquered flower.

Book in Maze.

This is one of my favorite books in the children's library. I am very glad that the Publishing House "The Good Book" was reprinted. I am sure that many more children and their parents will fall in love with this beautiful bear. This fairytale about polar animals: white bear, northern deer or caribou, seal, blue kite. As can be seen from the name, the little bear is going to look for the sun. On the way, he admires the polar night and the Northern Light, and also meets other residents of those places. As a result, he returns to his beloved mother at that moment when the Sunoon again came to the country of eternal snow.

Cute, like live illustration in purple-blue-pink colors. Paper matte coated. The publication is well stitched, the cover is solid. Went to children from 2 to 6 years. At the end of the book, encyclopedic information is available in an affordable language. It is intended for parents who will fill with the questions of small intelligence.

Book in Maze.

Another book of Tamara Kryukov, who will tell the children about where Mammoths left, where did the red hat from the dyatlah, why the ostrich does not know how to fly, why the bat is asleep and as Lisa Blokh studied. Here you need to consider a very important point. The book is suitable for children after 4 years, when the main information on these issues has already been considered and the child has developed imagination. That is, it is necessary to read these fairy tales to children who understand that the mammoth figuratively took the shelling skin. To discuss fairy tales here many topics. After reading each of them with Alexander, we first discussed read, correlated information with the real life of animals and only after that I started following the next fairy tale.

At the end of the book gives a fairly long, but easily readable and perceived poem about natural signs in nature. The "Forest Calendar" tells the child about the fox, which decided to learn about all the signs at the time of the year. These signs relate to forest animals and birds. We liked this part of the book most.

Book in Maze.

I think that everyone is familiar with the works of Vitaly Bianchi. Therefore, I just write that despite the fact that this is Mahar - a good collection. It includes 9 fairy tales about forest animals, birds and insects. Pleasure, from reading and viewing illustrations, animal lovers are provided. This collection can be recommended to children from the 4th, the fairy tale "How Mrai Hurry Home" will be clearer. But the whole book will be available to understand the years with 5 years. The Publisher itself recommends a book for mid-school age.

Illustrations are not catchy, but big and understandable. There are many of them and they clearly match the written. Book format 29 cm for 21 cm, offset paper, pages are dense enough. The font is large, suitable for children for independent reading.

Our duty as parents, teach children to love living beings, instill an understanding that everything that exists in nature has it right. Fairy tales about animals for children are the starting point in this difficult business. Today I have everything, dear readers, in the following articles I will introduce you to the stories and encyclopedias about animals. In order not to miss new articles, subscribe to the newsletter in the right pane.

Baba in the hut sculpt the cake and puts it on the windowsill so that he is born in the sun, because they have no stove with their grandfather - so poorly they live. Fox pass with a wolf and steal a pie. Lisa secretly eats all the filling, and the blame dumps the wolf. He swars out that he did not even touch the pies. Then Lisa offers him a test: it is necessary to lie in the sun, and who from the heat will perform on the body wax, he ate a honey filling. The wolf falls asleep, the Lisa, meanwhile, cuts his honey cells at the apiary, eats it, and the carriage fascins the skin of the wolf. So the cheating is achieved: the wolf is forced to admit the fact that he did not, because he does not even remember how and when he ate filling from the pies. Ashamed wolf promises the fox at the very first mining to give out its share.

Lisa is pretending to be dead, and passing past the men pick it up and thrown onto the WHO with fish. The tricky fox dumps the fish from the war, collects prey and tells the hungry wolf, as she caught so many fish. He, having obeying her advice, goes to the river and buses the tail in the hole. Fox waits, when the wolf tail will completely take off, runs to the village and convenes the people to beat the wolf. He managed to escape, jumped into someone's sleigh, but he remains without a tail. Lisa, meanwhile, runs into the hut, is buried in the dough, runs for the village and falls on the road. When the wolf passes by, she complains to him: she was so badly beaten that even the brain came out of the bones. The trustful wolf sympathizes her, and Lisa is arranged in Sanya. As soon as the wolf goes into the woods to seize firewood, Lisa is a meant of the horse all the insides and stuffing her belly alive sparrows and straw. When the wolf notices that the horse is flowing, he himself has to take the fox in Sanya himself, and she slowly says: "The batty is not lucky!"

For laptops - a chicken, for a chicken - Guschka

Fox finds a lap and suggests the house to the man to re-spend the night, and asks her find to put in a chicken coop. At night she secretly throws the lap, and in the morning, when he could not find him, demands a chicken instead. In other houses, she gets a goose in the same way for a chicken, the roaster, for a lamb - bull. Relaxing his prey, she hides meat, stuffing the skin of a bull with straw, puts on the road and asks the bear and wolf to steal sleigh and clamp to ride. But the straw bull is not moving from the place. Lisa jumps out of the sleigh, laughs over a wolf and a bear and runs away. Those pounce on the bull, but nothing to get started.


The wolf and fox live in the hut near the village. When men and women go to the haymaking, the wolf cuts the oil from the cellar from the cellar and puts it on a high shelf in Song, to keep the oil to the holiday, while the fox did not eat everything. Then Lisa goes to the trick: three nights in a row, she tells the wolf that her name is in the obstacles, and herself sneaks into the Song, puts the ladder to the wall and eats oil. The holiday is approaching. Wolf and Fox are going to call guests and prepare a treat. When the loss of oil is detected, the wolf accuses the fox, but the cheating all denies and dumps the wine to the wolf. Lisa offers him a test: you have to lie next to a melted stove and wait: who, who has an oil from the belly, he ate it. The wolf falls asleep, and Lisa decesses him the belly with oil residues. He wakes up, sees that he has everything belly in oil, angry on the fox and leaves the house.

Fox, hare and rooster

Fox lives in an ice hut, and the hare is in Lubyana. In the spring, when the fox of the hut melts, she asks to get sick to the hare, and herself kicks himself. He complains of her first by dogs, then bear and bull. Those are trying to drive out the fox from the holy hut, but she shouts them from the furnace: "How to around, how to emphasize, go bulls on the Zakolem!" Beasts in fear are running out. Only the rooster is not afraid of the fox, he rubs her oblique and remains to live with a bunny.


Hungry Fox comes to the yard to the peasant and climb on the sister. But when she is going to grab a chicken, in all the throat of Cook-Rake Rooster. With fellis felling falls from the volatile and extensive. The rooster comes to the woods to walk, and Lisa is already waiting for it. She comes up to the tree on which he sat down, and loses his cunning speeches. The jacket repays the rooster in the fact that he, having a fifty wives, never been to confession. Lisa promises to let him go all the sins if he gets away from the tree and will shown in her all. The rooster goes down and falls fox in the paws. Fox is gloating: now she is pissing with a rooster who did not give her to begun a church when she was hungry! But the rooster promises her to persuade the bishop, who will soon have a feast so that the foxes entrusted the furnace of cloaks, and then they climb together. Lisa, hearing, releases a rooster, and he flies away from her.

Guy, Bear and Fox

He sows a man's back, the bear comes and threatens to kill the peasant, but he promises him to give him a breeze, and he agrees to take roots. Bear agrees. Time comes to dig up a turnup, the bear takes myself the tops, and the man collects the turnip and takes to sell to the city. The bear meets him on the road and tries, what are the taste of the roots who took a man. Having guessing that he deceived him, the bear threatens to rebuild a man if he thinks to go to the forest along the firewood. Fox promises to help the peasant and the cunning trick. A man goes to the forest and chopped firewood, Lisa raises noise. Bear resorts and asks a man that this is noise. The man replies that the hunters catch wolves and bears. The bear persuades a man to put it in Sani, Zaki-give firewood and tied up with ropes: then hunters will not notice him and pass by. The man agrees and kills the connected bear. Fox comes and wants a man to treat her for helping him get rid of the bear. He calls her to her home, and himself raishes dogs to her. Fox has time to hide in Nore and asks his eyes and the ears that they did when she flew away from the dogs. Eyes answer that they watched, no matter how she stumbled, and the ears say they listened to whether the dogs were far from. The tail says that he only dangled under his feet so that she was confused and hit the dogs in his teeth. Lisa is angry at the tail: she is chatting him out of the hole and shouts by dogs so that they felt the lisus tail, and they pull her around the tail from the hole and tear.

Beasts in the pit

The old man with the old woman lives in poverty, there are only the bors. He goes to the forest to eat acorns and meets a wolf who asks to take it with him. Borov tells him that where he goes, a deep pit and a wolf did not jump. But everything is not necessary, and he goes for Borov. When they come to the pit, the wolf jumps and falls into it. The same happens with a bear, a hare and fox: they all fall into the pit.

In order not to die with the famine, Lisa proposes to pull the voice: who will not pull out, in addition. First eat the hare, then the wolf. Sunshine Lisa gives the bear not all of his share and hides the remaining meat. When his reserve ends with his reserve and he starts to starve, insidious fox teaches him that she had to push the paw in the rib. That next to her advice, breaks his belly and sniffers, and Lisa eats him. When Medbatina ends, the fox threatens a thrush, which is a nest on a tree, standing over the pit that eats his children if he does not feed it. Drozd feeds and sew the fox, and then it mogs her to get out of the pit, if only she did not touch his children. Fox demands that he also laugh at her. Drozd flies to the village, sits on the gate and shouts: "Grandma, bring me a piece of sala!" Dogs pop up on his cry and tear the fox.

Fox and Zhuravl

Fox friendly with a caravel and invites you to visit. He comes, and she treats his semolina, which smears on a plate. The crane pecks-keens, but nothing falls into the beak. So it remains hungry. And Lisa eats the whole porridge itself and says that there is nothing more treatable. The crane is also calling the fox to visit. He prepares around and serves it on the table in a jug with a narrow neck. The fox does not manage to eat around, because the head in the jar does not break! And the crane grinds the whole okroshka. Fox in the annoyance leaves, and their friendship comes an end.

Cat, Baran, Rooster and Fox

Cat, ram and cockerel live together. A cat with a ram from the house of the Lyki is to drag, and the fox is selected under the window and sings to put out the root. He peeps, Lisa grabs him and takes into the forest. The cockerel shouts, and the cat with a ram will help him out. When they leave again, they warn the cockerel so that he does not look out from the window but Lisa sings so sweetly that the cockerel in no way; Can not lose! And again the Lisa is enough and takes it into the forest. The cat with a ram come home, see that there is no cockerel, they make a hussley and go to the forest to foxes. And the fox - seven daughters. A cat with a ram is played and singing, Lisa sends his daughters, so that those who watched who is so nice to hobs. A cat with a ram on one catch all the foxes, and then the Lesu itself. They plant them in the box, enter the hut, take their cocks and come back home.

Cat and Lisa

The man relates a shock cat in the forest and throws there. Cat is set up in the hut, in which the forester lived, hunts on birds and mice and lives - does not fade. Fox first sees a cat and surprised: what a strange beast! The cat also tells her that he was a burmistrome from the Siberian forests to them from the Siberian forests and name to His Kotofee Ivanovich. Fox invites the cat to visit, and they will soon become husband and wife. Lisa is sent for surpluses and meets wolf and bear. They are trying to play with her, but she says that now she is Burmistra's wife, Lizaveta Ivanovna. The wolf and the bear are asked by the fox of the permission to look at her husband, and the fucking fox demands that they bring him to the bull bowl and the ram and hid, it will not be thin. The wolf and the bear bring bull and ram, but they are not solved to approach Lesa Nore and ask the hare to call the fox with his spouse. The bear with a wolf is hiding in order not to get on the eyes: the wolf breaks into the dry foliage, and the bear climbs on the pine.

Fox and cat come. The cat with greed tears the teeth to the carcass of the bull and meows. The bear is might seem like a cat grumbling that he is not enough. The wolf is trying to look at the cat, rustles with leaves, and the cat thinks that this is a mouse: he rushes on a bunch of foliage and joining the wolf in the face. That falls in fear, and the cat, frightened, climbs on a pine, at which a bear sits. He falls on the ground, beats off all the liveries and starts running, and Fox with the cat is rejoiced that now they have enough supplies for the entire winter.

Frightened bear and wolves

The old man has a cat and a ram with an old woman. The old woman notes that the cat was sidelled to eat sour cream in the cellar, and persuades the old man to kill the Skoddy cat. The cat managed to overhear their conversation, and he deceives the ram, told him that they were going to kill both. They run out of the house and pick up their heads on the way.

Twelve wolves warm in the fire in the fire. A cat with a ram join them and gather to dine. The cat reminds Baran that they have twelve wolf heads with them, and asks him to choose from them the one that is eager. Baran pulls out a wolf's worship from the bushes, which they found on the road, wolves are frightened and trying to sleep under the only pretexts. And a cat with a ram and glad that got rid of them! Wolves meet in the Bear forest and repent of him about the cat with a ram, who ate twelve wolves. Bear with wolves agree to invite a cat and a ram for lunch to die them, and send a fox to them. The cook puts a groundhog, and one wolf orders to climb on a high stump and watching. But the cat with a ram notice the guard. Baran runs up and stifles him with stump, and the cat rushes onto the wolf and scratches him all over the face. Wolves are missing in fear, the bear climbs on a pine tree, the brown is hiding in Nouro, and the fox is clogged under the cololine.

The cat notices that from the hole sticks the tumble's tail, frightened and climbs on the pine. The bear thinks that the cat noticed him, and jumps from De Ryva, almost crushing the fox. They run together together. Lisa complains that the bear hurts badly when he fell from the tree, and he answers her that if he did not jumped out of his pine, the cat would have a long ago!

Wolf and goat

The goat makes himself a hut in the forest, and her baby is born. When she leaves the house, the goat is locked and do not go anywhere. The goat, when he returns, sings his thin voice a song, and a goat, having learned the voice of the mother, unlock her door. The wolf erupts the goat's song, waits until she leaves, and sings a rude low voice, but the goat does not unlock him and tell the mother of all. When the goat next time leaves the house, the wolf comes again and sings with a thin voice. The goat unlock the door, thinking that this is their mother, and the wolf eats them all except one who has time to hide in the stove.

Going home comes home, there is only one goat and crying bitterly. A wolf comes, she swear to her that he did not touch her children, and his calls to walk into the woods. In the forest finds the goat pit, in which the robbers cooked porridge, and sees that the fire in it is not dead. She offers a wolf jump over the pit, and he falls right into the fire. From the heat, the wolf bursts belly, and from there they jump into the goats - alive and disadvantaged.


Lives the man's man, serves as the owner faithfully, but when old age comes, the dog shakes, and the man takes him to the forest, binds to the tree and throws. The wolf comes and it is going to revenge the ps for all the former insults, but he persuades not there, because he has an old and hard meat: let him give it a little fattening it, and when the meat he becomes delicious, then let him do with him anything. The wolf agrees, but when the dog is eaten, he rushes onto the wolf, and that barely takes his legs.

The wolf, angry with the fact that the dog was so slyly spent him, smys in search of mining, meets the goat on the mountain and is going to eat him. But the tricky goat suggests him not to waste the power, and just become under the mountain and get the mouth, and he will then eat and jump into the mouth of the wolf. The wolf agrees, but the goat so hit the wolf in his forehead that he could not come to himself for a long time.

The Village Wolf wants to grab the piglet, but the pig does not give him and says that the piglets have just been born and need to wash them. They go to the mill, and the pig trickle lures the wolf into the water, and herself leaves the piglets home. A hungry wolf finds near the gum of Padal. At night, he comes to Gumna, but a hunter who has long been wing a wolf, shoots him from a rifle, and the wolf comes to an end

Winter animals

There is a bull in the forest, meets the ram, then a pig, goose and a lap and invites them to travelers - from the winter of the summer to search. Bull suggests building a hut so that it is where to live when it is good, but no one wants to help him: Baran discourages that he has warm wool, a pig says that it will go to the ground and gets warm, and goose and roosters are going to climb into Yelnik, one wing to raise under itself, and to others to cover and so winter. There is a bull to build a house alone.

Winter comes with light frosts, and everyone is asked to the hut, and the bull does not allow. Then the ram threatens to knock out a log of a wall, a pig - to undermine the pillars, goose - pluck the moss from the walls, and the rooster - to unload the land on the roof. There is nothing to do, the bull lets them all in the hut. Lisa hears how the cock sings a rooster in a warm hut, comes to the bear with a wolf and tells them that I found the prey for them - the bull Yes, the Baran Bear opens the door, Lisa rushes into the hut and wants to grab the rooster, but the bull with a ram kill her. Then the wolf comes there, but he is waiting for the same fate. One bear managed to leave alive, but also his bull with a ram as follows the beamed!

Dog and woodpecker

Lives a dog with a woman with a woman, feeds them and will eat, and when it becomes old, they drive it from the yard. Flyman flies past. He offers a dog wrapped his kids, and he will feed it for it. The woodpecker comes up with a trick: when the women go to the field and bring their husbands to the pots in the pot, he will pretend that he can't take off and will flit a little on the road, so the women will begin to catch him and put his pots, and the dog in the meantime will be

So they did. They are going home and see the fox. The dog is chasing the fox, and at this time the road rides a walking barrel. Fox rushes to the cart and slipping through the wheel knitting, and the dog is stuck, and the end of it comes. The woodpecker sees that the dog is dead, and begins to take revenge on the thing that he crushed the dog. He is hammering a hole in the barrel, and the whole race is poured. Then the woodpecker hammered his head, the man is trying to nail it with a purul, but inadvertently kills the horse. Woodpecker flies into the huts to the peasant and starts to peck the child, and when the mother wants to hit him with a stick, then she accidentally covers the child

Death Petushka

The cockerel fed to the bean grain, the chicken asks the river of water, but the river says that he will give her water if the leaf gives her a sheet. The lipping also sends a chicken to the girl so that she gave threads, then for these threads she will give a leaf church. The girl demands that the chicken goes to the cow, and when the cow gives milk chicken, then the girl will give a melt jacket for the milk. But the cow sends a chicken to the Kosts behind the Saint, and the kosps send it to the blacksmiths so that they focus on the Blacksmiths need coal for the forge. Finally, the chicken brings to all what they need, and in a hurry with water to the cock, but from that breath of breath.


An old man has a chicken with an old woman. He blows the chicken egg, put it on the shelf, but the mouse waves his tail, the shelf falls, the egg rolls and smashes. The old man is stupid, granddaughter imposes hands. It goes past the width, and, having heard about trouble, breaks all the coscils and throws. The decek asks for a seniority, why she broke all the cloisonel and disadvantaged. Learning what was the matter, he runs to the bell tower and interrupts all the bells. Pop asks Dyachka, why he interrupted all the bells, and when he tells him, pops up all the books.

Terem Mukhu

Muha-Torry builds Terem. They come to her live-in-foam, fleech-packed, Komar Dolled, Muscular-Tyutyruyushka, Lisa Patriyevna, Sherochka Lizard, Sayushko from under a tender, Wild Gray tail. The latter comes a bear Tolston and asks who lives in the terme. All the inhabitants call themselves, and the bear says that he is Truppy-Lyapysh, all feeds to all, hit the paw and breaks it.

You looked into the site category Russian folk fairy tales. Here you will find a complete list of Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and hotly favorite characters of folk fairy tales will meet you here with joy, and again will tell you about your interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk fairy tales are divided into such groups:

Fairy tales about animals;

Magic fairy tales;

Household fairy tales.

Heroes of folk tales of Russians are often represented in the face of animals. So the wolf always displaced the greedy and evil, Fox cunning and a smelter, the bear is strong and kind, and the hare of a weak and cowardly man. But the moral of these stories was that it was not worth it to hang a yarm even on the very evil hero, because a cowardly hare can always be met, which can freeze the fox and defeat the wolf.


Russian folk tale plays an educational role. Good and evil clearly delimited and gives a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, a bun, who ran away from the house, considered himself an independent and brave, but he had a tricky fox on his way. The child, even the smallest, will make a conclusion for himself, that after all he could be on the site of a kolobka.

Russian folk tale is suitable even for the little ones. And as the child grows, there is always a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale, which will be able to give a hint or even the answer to the question that the child can not solve himself.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech russian folk tales read pure pleasure. They are stored and folk wisdom and light humor that skillfully intertwined in the plot of every fairy tales. To read fairy tales to children is very useful, as this is well replenishing the vocabulary of the child and helps him further correctly and clearly shape his thoughts.

There is no doubt that Russian tales will enhance and adults in the world of childhood and magical fantasies on a lot of happy minutes. The fairy tale on the wings of the magic fireband will be carried out in the imaginary world and will more than once will take away from everyday problems. All fairy tales are presented to familiarize themselves absolutely free.

Russian folk tales read

The role of animals in Russian folk art is extremely large and diverse. In almost all fairy tales, those or other animals appear. Among them you can highlight the fox, bear, wolf, hare, hedgehog, soroki and others. With the help of these well-known bright adult characters tell their children about what is good, and what is bad. The first fairy tales in the history appeared long before the invention of books and writing and were transmitted from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Therefore, they are called folk. Consider the most popular animals that appear in fairy tales, and compare how much the "fabulous" characteristics coincide with their description in real life.

"Fox-sister", "Lisa-at the conversation of the beauty", "Fox Patriyevna", Lisafya, Lisea-Kumushka - so affectionately called the fox in Russian folk fairy tales. This red-haired flutter is definitely a favorite character at all times. And it is invariably, she is smart, smart, smart, calculating, malicious and cowar. So, only she was able to inflict and eat a poor swab, to hold a stupid wolf, who has a tail to the hole, and even deceive a man, pretending to be dead. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthese fairy tales is to tell the children that in life is not important, but a trick. Despite this, Fox is a negative character. In some fairy tales, peaceful animals suffered from this red cheerleep, you have to work hard to overload and teach the fox itself.

But is it really the trick and smart fox in fact? German Zoologist Alfred Brem in his book "Life of Animals" claims that the fox's trick in Russian fairy tales is very exaggerated, but the mind of the wolf - on the contrary, is underestimated. Otherwise, the real ordinary fox is largely similar to the "fabulous": red wool, a beautiful fluffy tail, fox often hunting a hare or visits nearby smoking.

"Bear Kosolapiy", "Mikhail Potapich" or just a bear in its popularity, does not lag behind the fox. This character is often presented in a fairy tale like lazy, fat and clumsy. Large and closure, he is slow, stupid and dangerous. Often it threatens with his weak force, but ultimately always loses, because it is not the power, but the speed, dexterity and the mind is the meaning of fairy tales with the participation of the becher. The most popular fairy tales - "Three Bear", "Masha and the Bear", "Cups and Fur". However, in real life, the brown bear is not so slowly as it can be assumed. He can run very quickly and, moreover, no stupid is different. Otherwise, his "fabulous" image has a lot of common features with him: he is really big, dangerous and a bit clutch: when walking his socks look a little inside, and the heels are out.

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"Bunny-shooter", "Bunny-panty" or "oblique" is also a very common hero of Russian fairy tales. His main feature is cowardice. In some fairy tales, the hare is represented as a cowardly, but at the same time boastful, looting and stupid hero, and in some - on the contrary, as a moderately cautious and intelligent forest beast.

For example, in the fairy tale "Bunny-boasting" or "Fear of eyes are great", the cowardice of the hare is ridiculed, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthese fairy tales is always brave. At the same time, in the tale of "Zayushkina Hut", the bunny appears in front of us with a positive character who needs support and protection.

In real life, hare, like his "fabulous" character, long, fast, agoned, careful and attentive. Thanks to the special position of the eyes, the hare can look not only forward, but also back. During the chase, the hare can "throw" the eye to calculate the distance to his pursuer. For such an ability, the hare was nusted by oblique. The main enemy of the hare, as in fairy tales, - Fox.

"Gray Wolf - the teeth of the cheek", "Wolf-Wolf - from under the bush." \u200b\u200bThe wolf-fool "seems to be in most cases as a negative character, stupid, angry, hungry and dangerous. But, in most cases, he is so stupid that, in the end, it remains with anything. For example, the "fairy tale of the fox and a wolf" or "wolf and seven goats". In these fairy tales, the wolf is an incarnation of evil, and the main promise for children - that good always wins evil. Nevertheless, in some fairy tales, the Wolf appears before us as a wise and loyal friend of a person, ready to always come to the rescue, the example of this is the fairy tale "Ivan-Tsarevich, a fire-bird and a gray wolf".

In real life, the wolf, indeed, can be extremely dangerous. Often he is hungry and wanders over the forest in search of food. But his mind is extremely underestimated. The wolf is a smart and organized animal, a clear structure and discipline can be traced in the wolf flock. Wolves create an incredibly strong pair, their unions are durable, and the wolves themselves are the real personification of loyalty and love to each other. A tamed wolf can indeed become a faithful and devoted friend for a person.

Spiny hedgehog - has long been submitted to us in the form of a good intelligent old man, wise life. Despite his small growth and small legs, he always comes out the winner thanks to his extraordinary mind and tricks. So, for example, in the fairy tale "Hare and Hedgeh", - Hedgehriess did not know the poor hare, with whom they allegedly ran down, and in the Fairy Tale "Celebrate Wand", the hedgehog taught the hare of various vital wisdoms, explaining that for survival it is necessary Total think your head.

In real life, the hedgehog is not distinguished by an outstanding mind, but not stupid. With danger, the hedgehog is folded into the prickly ball, which makes it inaccessible for predators, as stated in fairy tales.