Name for a girl born in early October. What to name a girl born in October

Name for a girl born in early October.  What to name a girl born in October
Name for a girl born in early October. What to name a girl born in October

Children who are planning to be born in October are already waiting for their guardian angels. Which of them will be the patron saint for your baby? If you want a name to bring the girl good luck, see our October selection of names with traditional psychological characteristics. She is more modest than, but this month there are many beautiful and.


1 october Ariadne, Irina, Sophia
2 October Maria
3 october Tatiana
The 4th of October Agnia, Valentine
6 october Antonina, Iraida, Raisa
October 7th Fekla
10 october Akulina
October 11 Anna, Valentina, Maria, Tatiana, Ulyana
13 october Alexandra
October 14 faith
15 october Alexandra, Anna
17 October Veronica
The 20th of October Pelageya
October 21 Elizabeth, Maria, Nadezhda, Pelageya, Taisia, Tatiana
October 24 Victoria, Zinaida,
27th October Praskovya
October 31 Elizabeth


Ariadne since childhood she has been distinguished by her tenderness and loyal character. She loves to take care of those who are younger or weaker, rarely complains, tends to give in and selflessly sacrifice her own interests. Even she often gets married just to find a family that needs her care.

Agnia- a talented but difficult girl. She is a homebody, so she does not work out with communication. But it turns out to be easy to learn, she is set as an example for everyone in the class, and this does not improve relations with peers. Agnia has a subtle sense of nature and art, she has a rich spiritual world. These qualities allow, with age, to find those with whom she is truly comfortable in life.

Antonina. This name has two variants: Tonya and Nina. The tonnes of the side are friendliness, good nature and a cheerful character. Nina's traits are imperiousness and commercialism. And it depends only on the parents which side of the girl will develop more strongly. In particular, the choice of home name also affects. In any case, the tendency to lead is manifested in Antonina from childhood.

Anna- the embodiment of good. Even with dolls, she treats them like younger children, not to mention pets. Readily takes care of loved ones, and they often abuse this

Alexandra... In childhood, she is prone to respiratory diseases. Her weak point is the stomach, you need to monitor her diet. If he is fond of sports, he will achieve good success in it. Studying is easy for her, but she doesn't like household chores and always knows how to sneak away with impunity.

Valentine is ready to share the latter, and often creates problems for herself in an effort to help. She is quick-tempered, but immediately moves away. And for her responsiveness, her expressiveness is forgiven

faith- a balanced and calm girl, prone to logical conclusions more than emotional outbursts. He does not like noisy entertainment, but he willingly tinkers with the younger ones in the family, or with pets. Has good musical ability

Veronica- a timid, shy and indecisive girl. Her health is not very strong, and she does not mind being stubborn. Outwardly, she looks like dad, and took her character from her mother. With age, he learns to feel more free with people, and enjoys the attention that attracts.

Victoria. The character often goes to dad. She is restless and loves to start various pranks. In a team of children, he is often a ringleader. Learns superficially and reluctantly. In adolescence, she can go to extremes, behave demonstratively. This is all from excessive shyness, which will pass with age.

Elizabeth- fidget. Peers appreciate her cheerful disposition and loyalty to her friendship. Lisa is easily carried away, and will keep up with all the circles that are within reach.

Zinaida longs for superiority in everything, because of this does not get along with peers. Treats them with slight disdain. The capricious character makes the girl's relatives nervous. Loves praise, and in order for her actions to be noticed, she can curry favor with the teacher, rubbing off other capable classmates. But with age, such excessiveness disappears, Zina learns to notice and smooth out the thorns of her character.

Irina- an independent and decisive young lady, and this is manifested from the very kindergarten. He is more friends with dad than with mom. Studying is easy for her, she looks at things realistically, without romanticizing or denigrating them. At the same time, she is not at all sentimental, and even a little prone to cruelty.

Iraida grows cocky and disobedient. It is difficult for parents to ask her for help; she does not get along with her peers because of her arrogance. But the teachers are happy with her: Ira studies well, strives to be the best and the first in everything, and from an early age is aiming at a prestigious university for a fashionable profession. Austerity and some arrogance remain with Iraida in adulthood. However, she is strict not only to those around her, but also to herself.

Maria- a kind, gentle, calm girl. Likes to babysit babies and is keenly worried about any remark. But she is quite capable of standing up for herself, and not letting herself be offended.

Hope. Nadya is a lively and cheerful child, with her there is a lot of noise, fuss, but there is also a sea of ​​joyful emotions. Nadia strives for leadership, and her peers often give in to her. With age, this desire acquires some despotic features: she becomes more rigid, stubborn and goes to the goal in any way.

Raisa. As a child, Raisa always finds herself in the thick of all children's fun and games, she seems to unite the children around her, makes them rally, forget all grievances and do a common cause. If Raisa gets away from such a society, then it can turn into an ordinary group of children. She is characterized by a sense of self-confidence, independence in decision-making, the ability to stand up for herself with the most decisive actions. He treats people kindly, looks at life soberly. Does not forgive deception - immediately and permanently ends all relationships. In a personal relationship with a person, she expects a return on his part, equal to the emotions and forces spent by her.

There are many beliefs about how babies who were born in different months of the year should be called. So, it is customary to give romantic names to babies born in the autumn months - there is a belief that in this way it is possible to soften the character of the child. Children born in the fall grow up to be practical, reasonable and wise. Consider how to name a boy or girl born in October in order to positively influence the fate of the baby.

October-born personality traits

In October, children are born under the sign of Libra. As a rule, they are calculating and cold-blooded, especially when it comes to their own benefit. Thanks to intelligence and discernment, Libra never makes hasty decisions. First, they will play the outlined situation in all possible planes, and only then, after making sure that there is no threat, they make a final decision. They are reluctant to take risks, and only when it is fully justified.

Libras can very successfully combine seemingly incongruous traits - they are versatile personalities. So, a person born in October can equally successfully invent a nuclear bomb, while at the same time philosophizing about humanity and spirituality of a person.

Libra can be successfully implemented in almost every field of activity, but the most preferred areas are jurisprudence, business, visual arts, work with people.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely responsible for everything that has to do with material resources, finance and other values. But more often than not, they are not able to independently achieve success in their endeavors, therefore, for real success, they need a partner.

People born in October are not always as careful and meticulous in their interpersonal relationships as they are in business. They can often lie a little, break a promise, although they are always ready to help in a difficult situation. In their actions, they are not accustomed to focusing on the opinions of others, preferring to act as they see fit, which does not always have positive consequences for them. At the same time, Libra does not rush to conclusions in any situation, does not give rash advice.

Libras behave wonderfully in the family - they are balanced, stable and democratic, they value the family very much. Usually, representatives of this zodiac sign prefer partnerships based on mutual trust between spouses. In relationships, they are not used to obeying, preferring to dominate and maintain their own individuality.

Both women and men born in October are equally neat, thrifty and economic. They are not inherent in such traits as touchiness, irascibility, rancor, vindictiveness. But, being principled and decent, having high concepts of justice, they will not be able to forgive betrayal and betrayal of a partner or spouse.

Choosing the names of boys and girls born in October needs to be very careful in order to revive a little permanent and stable character. Therefore, it is better to call the baby a strong, strong-willed and catchy name.

If you cannot finally decide on a name for your child, try on a few names you like for a stranger. Indeed, for those around you, your child will be an outsider. Listen and think, would you like a person with that name? Does it not evoke any ambiguous associations?

If you are in doubt about what to call a boy born in October, ask a stranger to say the name you have chosen out loud and evaluate how it will sound from someone else's lips. After all, something like this will treat your baby in kindergarten, school, at work, on the street. If it seems to you that others are pronouncing the name somehow not the way you would like, then your choice is probably wrong. No stranger will pronounce your child's name with your tenderness and love.

Before finally dwelling on the version of the name for the baby, think about how you would like to see your child in the future. If you want to provide him with a quiet and calm life, avoid too banal and too rare names - both will cause discomfort in the child.

Also, remember that rare names inevitably attract excess attention that can be difficult for a toddler to deal with. And a banal, too common name, on the contrary, infringes on pride. Thinking about what to call a girl born in October, remember that everyone wants to feel their originality and uniqueness, and the too common name contradicts this.

If you want to bring up a stubborn and strong character in your baby, feel free to call him one of the hard and rare names. In this case, he will learn from childhood to protect and defend his own interests. With all this, do not forget that the name can only have an impact on the character of the child, but it will not completely form it. The main role in this is played by the correct upbringing.

Names for October boys

Matvey, Ignat, Trofim, Thomas, Peter, Valerian, Kuzma, Khariton, Oleg, Savva, Benjamin, Denis, Mikhail, Aristarkh, Julian, Vyacheslav, Fedor, Kasyan, Trofim, Alexander, David, Innokenty, Demyan, Sergey, Roman, Anton, Kondrat, Martyn, Dmitry, Nikita, Mark, Nazar, Gury, Erofey, Ivan, Philip, Stepan, Luka, Rodion, Grigory, Nikandr, Makar, Alexey, Andrey, Tikhon, Maxim, Vladislav, Efim, Konstantin, Igor, Pavel, Leonty, Ignatius, Vladimir.

Names for October girls

Jonah, Efrosinya, Zlata, Pelageya, Ariadne, Evlampia, Sophia, Thekla, Virineya, Marianna, Taisia, Praskovya, Irina, Anna, Veronica, Zinaida, Ustinya.

Distinctive character traits of girls born in October

Girls born in October are very sociable, they know how to find a common language with other people. In communication, they show tact and friendliness. They love beautiful outfits and strive to please the people around them. Such girls often flirt to attract attention.

October girls, as it is right, are not decisive. They are highly susceptible to other people's opinions and are quite gullible. Before making their own decision, they can rush from side to side, taking one or the other intermediate decision, consulting about this with all the people around. As a result, either they do not make any decision at all, or they accept what other people will advise them, or they come to such a decision that they did not initially think about.

The girls who appeared in October love to spend time with friends. They absolutely do not accept loneliness, which greatly oppresses them. Therefore, such girls often have noisy companies of close friends at home that they need.

Despite all their frivolity, these girls have a sense of justice and do not accept any manifestation of rudeness and tactlessness. Despite all their tact, rude and tactless people who allow themselves attacks against them, these girls respond with the same coin.

When choosing a name for an October girl, the best option would be to choose a strong, strong-willed name that will help smooth out their windy, indecisive nature.

What is the name of girls born in October, according to the dates of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Arina (1. Derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2.derivative from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. Derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Irina (from Greek "endearing, peaceful")
  3. Sofia, Sophia (from the ancient Greek "wise")
  4. Ariadne (from Greek "venerable")
  5. "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "hunter")
  2. "Tatius" 2.from Greek )
  1. Agnia (1. from Latin "lamb" 2.from Greek "pure, innocent")
  1. Flora (from Latin "blooming")
  2. Martha (1.from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  3. Matryona (1st Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2.from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  1. Raisa (1 derivative from Iraida, from Greek "hero's daughter" 2.from Arabic "leader")
  2. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, daughter of a hero")
  3. Xenia, Xenia, Aksinya, Oksana (from Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  1. Vladislav (Slavic, from male Vladislav, glorious)
  2. Ustinya (1.from Latin "fair" "speaking")
  3. Thekla (1. from ancient Greek "God's glory", "divine")
  1. Pelageya (from Greek "sea")
  2. Taisia ​​(1.from Greek "wise" 2.from Greek "dedicated to the goddess Isis" 3.from Egyptian "fertile")
  3. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Angela (from Greek "angel")
  2. "dedicated to Zeus" 2.from Latin "Thoughtful" 3.from Arabic "beautiful")
  3. Paul, Paula, Paulina, Pavlina (from Latin "modest")
  4. Akulina (from Old Russian or Latin "eagle")
  5. Dorothea (from Greek "bestowed by God")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Mary (1 is variously translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. Derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Yuliev family" 2.Russian form of the name Julia)
  4. Tatiana (1.Latin, derived from the name of the tsar "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, parent")
  1. "protecting people")
  2. Zlata (Slavic "gold")
  3. Madeleine (Derived from Magdalene)
  4. Marianna, Maryana (1.derivative from the combination of the names Maria and Anna, literally "bitter grace" 2.from Jewish "outraged" 3.from Latin "owned by Mary" 4.latin derivative "sea")
  5. Olesya (1. from Ukrainian "protector" 2.from Old Church Slavonic, means "forest", "living in the forest")
  6. Polina (this name has many variants of origin 1.from ancient Greek "solar", "dedicated to Apollo" 2.from Greek "meaningful" 3.from Latin "small" 4.from Greek "liberated" 5.from ancient greek "strong")
  7. Apolinaria (origin unknown, presumably from Greek "sunny")
  1. Vera (Russian, literally "faith")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficial")
  2. Ustinya (1.from Latin "fair" 2.from the Old Slavic word of the mouth, literally "speaking")
  3. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. Vladana (Slavic "owning")
  2. Jadwiga (from the ancient Germanic "warrior")
  1. Veronica (1.from Greek "winning" 2.from Latin "clean image")
  2. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1.derivative from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2.from Latin forward looking 3.from italian "beautiful, sweetheart" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  3. Margarita (translated from Latin and Ancient Greek "pearl")
  4. Virinea (from Latin "young, blooming")
  1. Zlata (Slavic "gold")
  2. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from Greek meaning "protecting people")
  1. Inessa (from the ancient Greek Agnes, meaning "lamb")
  1. Adeline (from the ancient Germanic "noble")
  2. Pelageya (from Greek "sea")
  1. Angelica (derived from Angelina, from Greek "angel")
  2. Elizabeth (from Hebrew "worshiping God")
  3. Laura (from Latin "crowned with laurel, that is, glorified")
  4. Mary (1 is variously translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. Derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  5. Nadezhda (from Russian literally "hope")
  6. Pelageya (from Greek "sea")
  7. Taisia ​​(1.from Greek "wise" 2.from Greek "dedicated to the goddess Isis" 3.from Egyptian "fertile")
  8. Ursula (from Latin "bear")
  9. Tatiana (1.Latin, derived from the name of the tsar "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, parent")
  1. Alla (1.from ancient Arabic "letter" 2.from Hebrew "goddess" 3.from Arabic "goddess" 4.from Jewish "pistachio tree" the Gothic dialect "jack of all trades" 6.from greek "other" 7.from Jewish "invincible")
  2. Odette (1. from the Germanic "heiress, owner" 2.from the Greek "fragrant")
  3. Eulampia (from the ancient Greek "glowing")
  1. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  2. Zinaida (1.from ancient Greek "dedicated to Zeus" 2.from Latin "Thoughtful" 3.from Arabic "beautiful")
  1. Miroslava (1.from Slavic "glorifying the world" 2.from Slavic "glorified all over the world")
  1. Zlata (Slavic "gold")
  1. Antonina (1.from ancient Greek "adversary", "opposing" 2.from Latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient greek "daughter of Anthony")
  2. Christina, Christina (from the ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  3. Praskovya (1st from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  4. Sabina (from Italian "beautiful")

What is the name to give the child according to the Holy Calendar, if she was born in October? It should be noted that the calendar of the Saints is used mainly only by believing families. If you are one of the Orthodox families, then choosing the name of the girls according to the Holy Calendar for October is the most correct decision. In the Orthodox tradition, the custom of giving children names in honor of Saints has become relevant in recent times. So, parents want to endow their children with at least a piece of the Shrine. In addition, there is an opinion among the people that the Saint, after whom the child was named, will patronize him.

The names of girls according to the Holy Calendar in October are very diverse, there are primordially Russian names, but most of the names in the church calendar are names that came from other cultures, but eventually adapted in our time and language. How to choose a name for a girl born in October according to the Holy Calendar? You open the church calendar of the church where you will take your daughter to baptize, in the month of October you look at the names of the girls. It should be noted that each monastery has its own list of names, so the editions of the Svyatsev may differ from each other. So, when choosing a name for the October girl according to the Holy Calendar, check if your church gives permission to take any October names in the church calendar. The fact is that there are churches in which it is customary to take names before the 8th date from the date of birth, that is, if the daughter was born on the 6th, then the names can be chosen from the 6th to the 13th of the month. But there are churches in which you can take the names of the whole month, the main thing is not to use the names of the past days. If the child was born on the 6th, then the names, in this case, can be taken only from the 6th to the end of the month. After you decide on the rules of the church, you have to make a choice among the specified names. Some parents, when choosing the name of girls according to the Holy Calendar for October, pay attention to the meaning of the names. Since many parents believe that the meaning of the name plays an important role in the lives of children. If you want your daughter to be wise, smart and kind, then we advise you to pay attention to names with such a meaning, the name Sophia means - wise, smart. For example, by endowing a child with the name Elizabeth, you thereby associate her with God, since in translation Elizabeth means one who worships God.

Names of girls according to the Holy Calendar: October

Looking forward to a new addition to your family in October? Not sure what to name your child? Yes, choosing a name is a very difficult question, since the name of the child is given one, and two parents have several options. At the same time, there are still close relatives, in the person of grandparents, as well as uncles and aunts, who are also not averse to taking part in this process. It is at this moment that parents begin to remember the names of girls born in October and compare their character traits.

What is the character of girls born in October?

Consider the features of the meaning of the nature of those born in October and names in October. October- people born in October are easy to communicate, obligatory, but only when it comes to work. With friends, they believe, it is not always possible to be obligatory. They love to lie, are witty. Enterprising. They are disinterested in friendly relations, but in financial matters they are practical and careful. Are generous. They do not rush to conclusions, do not make rash decisions, try to listen to as many different opinions as possible, on the basis of which they build their line of behavior. They always act at their own discretion, only very close people are the authority for them. Women are principled, objective. They have a good memory, they can easily make a career. Do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. They are trying with all their might to save the family. They are leaders in the family and rarely rely on the support of a spouse.

It should be noted that people born in October are intelligent, practical and adventurous. Rarely do October girls make premature conclusions, and even less often make hasty decisions. But there is still a riskiness in the character of the October girls, they take risks only if it is justified.

Girls born in October are very careful, especially when it comes to finances. Many of them have an outstanding mind, good memory and organizational skills, which is why they quickly move up the career ladder. But not all of them can run business independently, they are often helped in this by partners or assistants.

Most October children are born under the sign of Libra, and Libra is not always accurate in business, they easily break promises, can lie a little, but are not selfish. Libras always have their own opinion, and they do as they see fit, but they are in no hurry to resolve the issue and never make hasty decisions.

In family life, girls born in October are very stable, balanced and democratic. For them, there is nothing more important than the family, and in the family trust and honesty. Libra women are very economic, tidy, thrifty, they are not offended by trifles, they are not vindictive or hot-tempered. Girls born in October are always distinguished by decency and integrity, but they have a heightened sense of justice, they never forgive the betrayal of a partner or adultery.

The most successful names for girls born in October are:




Names of girls born in October according to the Holy Calendar:

You can also give the child a name according to the calendar calendar. But, unfortunately, not all calendar days have the names of the Saints. And if you do not like this or that name, then you can take the name of the Saint, up to the eighth day from the birth of the girl. For example, your daughter was born on October 8, this day is marked by Saint Euphrosyne in the church calendar. Since this name is too unusual, and a little complicated, you can choose another name. For example, Anna.