Cool medals for graduates from the class teacher. Comic nominations for graduates

Cool medals for graduates from the class teacher.  Comic nominations for graduates
Cool medals for graduates from the class teacher. Comic nominations for graduates

These nominations for graduates can be used both comic and serious.

Although I love and strive to keep things simple, today I made my life a little more difficult (I hope not for you).

I wanted to do something like that, and I wrote out the exact names of song hits from the ratings of popular radio stations in 3 last years, and then I selected nominations for graduates for them.

Some of them are also suitable for students in other grades, i.e. they can be used throughout the school year.
How I did it, read below. But first, a couple of tips for teachers, parents and other adults who will select nominations for names:

  • The nomination is tied only to the name, but not to the text of the song - tell the children this right away so that they do not look for the third meaning (we have already found the second one and wrote it here).
  • No matter how simple the names of the nominations seem to you, they are the titles of hit songs, which we do not all know, but the advanced youth usually knows. And he will react more vividly. So try, take a chance, in the end)))
  • If you still want the classics, then look for it in these.
  • For a glimpse into the future, read in geo style.
  • It would be just super-cool if after the announcement of the nomination the brightest moment from the hit song sounded while the graduate goes to the stage - then he will go to the music of his nomination!

And we went!

school hit parade:

Lost and not found

- a student who always lost everything, in particular, diaries)))
The best day

- the most problematic graduate.
The play is over

- an active school entertainer from the graduating classes.
We'll be together, I know

- if someone remains to work at the school (counselor, laboratory assistant, etc.), then this is for him.

- to a person “in himself” (from the word STRANGE) or to someone who often wandered somewhere during lessons.
We broke up with you

- to any graduate, but better yet another unforgettable one)))
One star

- the student-winner in anything, but high level- champion of the city, region, world.

Love will save the world

- almost always there is one good couple in love at school who really have feelings. This nomination is for both of them.
The world is greener around you

- the kindest girl.
Uncle Pasha

- a boy named Pavel.
Part with her

- Misha (Masha), finally part with the habit of biting your nails in class (shaking your foot, scratching the back of your head, lying, etc.).

- a member of any quartet.
It doesn't happen

- the local prodigy.
City Boy )

- a stylish guy.

Plague spring

- (barely wrote this word!) To pupils who are blown away in the spring.

- who can play any keyboard instrument.
This Love was

- to a girl named Lyuba.
Type my name on Google

- school celebrity.

- a student who was always out of reach.
Fight club

- an amateur brawler or someone who was trained in combat sports.

Make it louder

- to someone whose music just screamed from their headphones, or to a student who always answered very quietly at the blackboard.

- who knows how to do magic tricks, literally or figuratively.
I will not give up without fight

- the most stubborn.
Doll with human face

beautiful girl doll-like

With a wish to have fun during the selection of nominations for graduates,

If you do not watch, but only listen, everyone will have their own plot.


Graduation Party 2011

2011 Graduate Award Ceremony

Veda 1: Ladies and gentlemen!

Vedas 2: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Ved 1: Madame and Monsieur!

Vedas 2: Dear comrades!

Ved 1: Seniors and senoritas!

Vedas 2: Sudar and madam!

Lead 1: Citizens and citizens!

Ved. 2: Friends! Attention!

Lead 1: Let the 2011 Graduate Award Ceremony be considered open!

Vedas 2: This day will be widely covered by all media. Today, representatives of various infrastructures, television and radio companies are working in the hall.

Ved 1: Notice how everyone is waiting for the continuation. The flash units froze, and the video cameras rustle slowly, fearing to miss the most important moment!

Vedas 2: Look again into the hall, the apple has nowhere to fall.

Lead 1: There are many guests of honor in the hall today: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ved.2: We thank everyone who came here today to support our nominees, who will share the joy of victory with the winners of the 2011 Graduate Prize

Ved. 1: So, welcome to our nominees!

Ved. 2: Graduates of 11th grade and their mentors are invited to the star track:

Ovchinnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna and Sidorov Evgeny Alexandrovich.

Bondarenko Maria, Golozubtsev Sergey

Petrova Julia, Baigulov Artem

Burova Veronika, Tsarev Denis

Sheludko Evgeniya, Smirnov Vladimir

Sazonova Elizaveta, Butakov Ivan

Podaruyeva Evgeniya, Nisteryuk Andrian

Kurdyukova Victoria, Nastin Pavel

Kutcher Maria, Zherebtsov Andrey

Repina Anna, Seroukhov Maxim

Marchuk Yulia, Pankov Ilya

Demeshko Victoria, Paushkin Vitaly

Zyuzkova Ekaterina, Gorkovenko Sergey

Mohotko Alena, Atopkin Konstantin

Svarovskaya Irina, Lavrinenko Dmitry

Ermakova Evgeniya, Rassomagin Oleg

Chernenko Tatiana, Smekalin Anton

Khakimova Olga, Turetskov Egor

Karmazova Anastasia, Shadrina Evgeniya

Batrakova Daria, Korchago Ksenia

Svarovskaya Marina, Tashkinova Yulia

Ostapovich Nadezhda, Mayorova Julia

Mashegov Ivan

Ved.1: Thus, 43 students of the 11th grade of Shegarskaya high school No. 2. The 2011 Graduate Prize will be awarded in 11 nominations.

Lead 2: An independent jury was formed to determine the winners. The counting commission, having calculated the result, sealed the names of the winners in envelopes.

Ved. 1: So at the moment no one knows the names of the laureates.

Ved. 2: In the meantime, let's remember ...

Graduate comes out

Graduate: Look guys, what a curious thing I found. This is our old photo album. There are recordings and photographs here. 2000, 1st grade ...

(music sounds)

Send photos from 1st grade


1. Being a first grader is very responsible,

You need to study for "5", respectively,

You have to be polite

You have to be brave

We need to serve as an example every day.

2.What kind she is with us,

How glorious she is

I just want to call her mom.

3.And her eyes are kind,

And soft hands

And in her lessons you will not die of boredom.

1. Svetlana Arkadyevna is the kindest!

2. Vera Markovna is the smartest!

3. Svetlana Yurievna is the most glorious!

Together: I just want to call you moms!

(speech by primary school teachers)

(Music, first graders come out)

P1: In ten years we will grow up too -

After all, this is while we are a little younger.

P2: All photo models will be the same,

Boys - in mustaches and put on suits.

Lead 1 : Dear graduates! You are going to take part in the game “Through the mouth of a baby”. Our younger friends will tell you the meaning of school-related words. Your task is to guess the word.

P1: There are many windows, brushes and paints. There are a lot of boys and girls, they get "2" and "5". Fairy tales are read to them, and they become smart, kind and polite. (SCHOOL)

P3: Everyone is running at him. When he walks, they sit on him and sit quietly. (LESSON)

P4: You can draw on it, you can scribble it, even some people manage to sleep behind it. (DESK)

P5: It's a little pleasure. Sometimes some students in the lesson ask when she will be, and the teacher scolds them, because the lesson has just begun. And sometimes the student asks to leave, and the teacher says: “When she was, then I had to walk.” (CHANGE)

P6: It happens in summer and winter, and in spring and autumn; when parents give their children money to go to the cinema, theater. And better, if there is no money, sleep a lot, watch TV or read a book. (HOLIDAY)

P7: He is the first and the last. (CALL)

P1: What good children have grown up!

Well, where else can you meet these?

P2: And in vain they say that the lessons only torment:

They will teach you a lot in life.

There is a video about school life"Leafing through the school album" TRANSITION!

Leading alumni:

1 graduate : So the 1st class flew by, the 2nd flashed

2 graduate:

Backpacks get heavy. There were more textbooks.

In third and fourth grade, everyone

They study, they try.

1 graduate:

I like to go to school

But I hate girls.

You pull the pigtail once, and then….

This girl with a bow

Run after me swiftly

And she will complain to the teacher.

2 graduate:

2005, grade 5

I got a deuce again.

I tried my best:

I took the homework from Masha,

I wrote it all off to blotter-

And the teacher on Monday

Dad invited to school!

1 graduate:

KVN and conversations,

Defeats and victories

Friendship, class, where you strive again,

Our first love!

2 graduate:

Exhibitions, museums and hikes,

Cool hours and evenings.

They cleaned the classroom, went in for sports ...

We will never forget this!

1 graduate:

The older the class

Not to learn -

Everyone around is falling in love! Nothing, no matter how you teach,

Not remembered.

2 graduate:

In the ninth grade, they grew wiser. Whole year taught.

As the exams passed, they immediately forgot everything.

1 graduate:

In high school - that's the attack.

Everyone changes their image.

You can faint

As you will see schoolchildren.

2 graduate:

2010 grade 10.

Oh, these lessons are torment!

Thus, the mind will become darkened.

When did the French retreat from Moscow?

What is the hypotenuse equal to there?

1 graduate:

Oxides, sulfides, phosphates, acids,

And adverbial turns!

This hassle would sooner end!

Eh, they would give me a certificate ahead of schedule.

2 graduate:

School life flashed by unnoticed.

Enough for mom to live unrequited

Time has passed to answer our exams,

Make your choice the only right one

1 graduate:

The time for a carefree childhood has passed,

And in life we ​​have to find a place ourselves!


As in every state there is a ruler,

As in every fairy tale there is a princess,

We have class teachers-

Lyudmila Ivanovna and Evgeny Alexandrovich

Recognition to homeroom teachers:

11 A class:

Our class teacher

Today we say goodbye to the school.

And yet with thoughts and feelings

Lyudmila Ivanovna, we are returning to you.

Sometimes you were strict with us

And they scolded us for mistakes,

You were dissatisfied with many,

Yet they forgave a lot.

11 B class:

Dear Evgeny Alexandrovich!

We shared joy and sorrow with you, as friends,

And in any of our disputes, you are our main judge.

We are used to being with you, it is difficult for us without you:

We are, after all, the most beloved, the best class of yours.

We will become adults, but, as in our childhood,

We will mentally talk with you about everything,

To help us again at the decisive hour:

Together: We are the most beloved, the best class of yours!

(word to homeroom teachers)


1 ... Lovely mothers, lovely fathers!

It's so good that you are near now

In this solemn joyful hour.

We will share our joy with you,

In life for us you are the earthly compass.

After all, the main thing for parents is children!

We are grateful to you with all our souls.

2. Lovely mothers, lovely fathers!

We want to thank you,

For caring, for being with us

We are always ready to help everyone.

3. We passed from class to class,

They gained knowledge and grew.

Everything that they taught us at school

You helped us to master everything.

4. But how much work lies ahead of us!

Victories, joys, successes are ahead!

We expect your support and care

And we promise not to let you down!

The floor is given to parents

Q1: The years went by, you grew up.

B2: And you step by step approached today's solemn day.

So, we are starting the 2011 Graduate Awards Ceremony.

Nomination "Miss Excellence"

How wonderful that there are guys at school
Whose intelligence and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will say sometime:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

To announce the winner in the category "Miss Excellence"

invited ... .._______________________________ (Bondarenko Maria)

2. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".
IN 1: If someone smiled at you,
And suddenly a radiance spilled around -
Fortune has suddenly returned to you,
That's what the charm did.

IN 2: The right to announce the winners of the "Miss and Mister Charm" nomination is given to Tatyana Alexandrovna Korolkova

Petrova Yulia, Marchuk Yulia, Gorkovenko Sergey

Medals and applause are presented. Fanfare.

3. Nomination "True Gentleman".
IN 1: A gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you from God,
To be a gentleman is a vocation,
Take it and try it yourself!
2: The right to announce the winner of the nomination is given to Evgeny Alexandrovich Sidorov

The winners of the nomination are:Baigulov Artem, Lavrinenko Dmitry, Paushkin Vitaly, Smirnov Vladimir

Medals and applause are presented. Fanfare.

4. Nomination "Miss and Mister Kindness".
IN 1: Among all human qualities
It is appreciated for a reason:
Life can't go any differently
As long as there is kindness in the world.
2: The right to announce the winners of the "Miss and Mister Kindness" nomination is given to Galina Mitrofanovna Zhuravkova.

The winners of the nomination are:Svarovskaya Marina, Batrakova Daria, Tashkinova Yulia, Sheludko Evgeniya, Svarovskaya Irina, Demeshko Victoria

Medals and applause are presented. Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Miss Artistry".
IN 2. If you have been given the talent to shine,
Don't bury it in the ground.
1. The right to announce the winner of the "Miss Artistry" nomination is given to Elena Vladimirovna Butakova.

The winners of the nomination are:Burova Veronika, Repina Anna, Sazonova Elizaveta, Kurdyukova Victoria

Medals and applause are presented. Fanfare.

6. Nomination "Mister and Miss Independence".
IN 2. How rare it is in our life
The person is completely independent.
1. The right to announce the winner of the "Mister and Miss Independence" nomination is given to Marina Nikolaevna Bondarenko.

The winners of the nomination are:Golozubtsev Sergey, Mashegov Ivan, Zyuzkova Ekaterina, Ermakova Evgeniya, Smekalin Anton, Rassomagin Oleg

Medals and applause are presented. Fanfare.

7. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".
IN 1: From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
2: The right to announce the winner of the "Mister Veselchak" nomination is given to Nina Mikhailovna Lauva.

The winners of the nomination are:Butakov Ivan, Nastin Pavel, Pankov Ilya

Medals and applause are presented. Fanfare.

8. Nomination "Hope and Support".
IN 1: Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend,
And despite all the changes,
Reliability was appreciated at all times.
2: The right to announce the winners of the "Hope and Support" nomination is given to Lyudmila Ivanovna Nisteryuk.

The winners of the nomination are:Mayorova Julia, Kutcher Maria, Podaruyeva Evgeniya, Chernenko Tatiana

9. Nomination " Faithful friends".
IN 1: We are with you - you and me,
Friends for many years.
Such a loyal friendship
Anyone will envy.
2: The right to announce the winners of the "True Friends" nomination. provided to Oksana Vladimirovna Evlanova.

The winners of the nomination are:Karmazova Anastasia and Shadrina Evgeniya

Medals are presented, applause. Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Heroes of Sports".

IN 1 ... Olympic hopes you tried to grow from them

Look at the guys, yes, you have not worked in vain!

Let them still be eagles, eagles in the future!

It doesn't matter that their Olympic records are not equal!

IN 2. The right to announce the winners of the "Great Athletes" nomination is grantedSergey Vasilievich Ekimovand Vera Mikhailovna Mylnikova.

The winners of the nomination are:

Atopkin Konstantin, Pankov Ilya, Seroukhov Maxim, Tsarev Denis, Turetskov Egor, Zherebtsov Andrey

“Sportswoman. Komsomol member. Gorgeous"

Korchago Ksenia, Ostapovich Nadezhda, Khakimova Olga, Mohotko Alena

"Great Chess Players"

Nisteryuk Andriyan, Mashegov Ivan

A medal is awarded. Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Golden Pen"

1. In that honest feat

That is the happiness of chants

Which I serve every moment

My teacher is your miraculous genius,

And the field is your magic language.

2. The right to announce the winners of the "Golden Pen" nomination is given to Irina Adamovna Kubusevich.

Maria Bondarenko became the winner of the nomination.

(music sounds)

Congratulations from the gentlemen.

D1: Ladies and gentlemen! Dear graduates! Having traveled half the country, having visited different educational institutions from St. Petersburg to Uryupinsk, we have accumulated excellent material on solving the problems of admission to universities.

D2: As you know, applicants are divided into:

D3: knowing nothing and not even guessing about it;

D1: knowing something, but not knowing what exactly;

D2: knowing something, and knowing what exactly;

D3: knowing everything except what is needed;

D1: and finally, who know everything and even what they do not know.

D2: Determine which group you belong to, this will certainly help in choosing a university.

D3: But do not forget: those who do not have a university behind them are still better off.

Together: Good luck to YOU, graduates.

SONG number

Issue 1 We love you, love may still be

In our souls it has not completely faded away,

But she will not disturb you any more,

We do not want to sadden you with anything.

Issue 2 We will carry your knowledge through life,

We will be different and difficult at times

But all your efforts are not in vain,

We are always a mountain for our school.

Issue 3 It used to be difficult with us, we know for sure

And sometimes it's not easy for us,

And we still have an exam ahead,

And life is big, so thank you

For everything that you could teach us,

For your kind but stern eyes,

For being very patient

I would especially like to thank you.

Issue 4 For the fact that you sometimes did not notice

That I learned a lesson

3 your outbursts of anger and sorrow,

For your first and last call.

Issue 5 For that we will enter life a little smarter,

What could have been, of course, without you,

For being a little kinder

We say: "Thank you!" - every time.

Issue 6 thank you for your inspiration,

For your sometimes thankless work!

And may these beautiful moments

They will give you the power of life in the future!

Issue 7 May all students and pupils

You will be grateful without end!

And we still have to learn from you all our lives,

To never lose face!

Issue eight To become people with a capital letter,

There are still many lessons to be learned.

And even though we leave your warm hands,

Let your fire burn in our hearts.

And we are for everything: "Thank you!" - we say.

Vedas: We, the graduates of 2011, decided to celebrate the outstanding teachers of our school, those who made it to the exams with them and helped them survive them.

1. Certificates of honor for success in calligraphy, alphabet writing and counting on sticks are awarded to the first teachers Vera Markovna Saranina, Svetlana Yurievna Petrova, Svetlana Arkadyevna Bezryakova.

2. For the first time in the history of the exact sciences in connection with the nomination of a candidate for obtaining Nobel Prize the award is given to the teacher of mathematics Ivanova Galina Nikolaevna, Artemyeva Nadezhda Ivanovna.

3. For love, loyalty and devotion to Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky and others are awarded to the teachers of literature Zaitseva Tamara Efremovna, Ovchinnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna

4. For a subtle synthesis of basketball and historical knowledge history teacher Eremin Sergey Nikolaevich is awarded in pupils' organisms

5. For special achievements in the field of pedagogy and the introduction of physical knowledge not only in the heads of students, but also in stone walls cabinet is awarded to physics teacher Lauva Nina Mikhailovna

6. Chemistry teacher Batrakova Lyudmila Ivanovna is awarded for increased stamina and Olympic calmness, manifested many times in explosive situations

7. A certificate of honor for a significant contribution to the solution of environmental and garden problems is awarded to the biology teacher Alena Valerievna Logutova.

8. Certificate of honor with the award of the title of Honorary Member Geographical Society Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation for the two thousand and eleventh discovery of the Strait of Magellan is awarded to the teacher of geography Kubusevich Irina Adamovna

9. A teacher is awarded for an invaluable contribution to the heads of students and the development of interlingual communications foreign language Zhuravkova Galina Mitrofanovna, Korobtsova Galina Vasilievna, Evlanova Oksana Vladimirovna.

10. For high achievements of students in running ... from lessons, jumping .... over fences, in throwing ... little notes are awarded to the teacher of physical education and health and safety Sidorov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

11. The teacher of informatics Korolkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna is awarded for the increased permeability in the depths of the processor and high-speed swimming in the Internet.

12. Certificate of honor for strategic talents; for incorruptibility in the fight for healthy image life; school administration Sidorova E.A., Kubusevich I.A., Eremin S.N. are awarded for intelligence, honor, conscience of our era, as well as for harmfulness (at work).

Issue 1 An ancient beautiful tradition -

The student gives you flowers

At this moment your faces brighten

At this moment you will realize:

Issue 2 Your labor was, of course, not in vain

And sometimes it was hard for you

But how wonderful it is

Give yourself to your students. (Give flowers to teachers)


If the school has an administration,

So someone needs it?

It means - it is necessary,

So that they sit in the silence of their offices ?!

And struggling in the swamps of academic performance

Burst into RONO,

Crying ...

They ask ...

They swear ...

And now - the Order !!!

The floor for congratulating graduates and ceremonial presentation of certificates is given to the director of the school, Sergei Nikolaevich Eremin.

Issue 2 With all my heart, with bow and love
We wish you happiness years
Girls - good-looking students
Good boys, teachers' victories!
Issue 3 Let the sun shine brighter for our school!
For teachers - health is like granite!
May all children please you, relatives
May God always keep you all in everything!

Closing song "Farewell Waltz"

"Star Square" is a favorite holiday that pupils, parents and teachers are looking forward to at our school. This holiday is a good tradition of recognizing the merits and achievements of children, rewarding the best students of the school and those who helped them achieve their achievements.

This holiday takes place at the end school year... They prepare for it very carefully. Everything should be up to the mark: stage decoration, concert program, gifts - so that all the participants of this holiday were interested, easy, and cheerful. Preparatory work begins long before the holiday. Lists of students nominated for awards are compiled, indicating all achievements for the academic year. The nominations are determined (“First steps”, “Successful debut”, “Our hope”, “Application for success”, “To the top of Olympus!”, “Inspiration”, “School pride”). Material for the holiday is collected, a script is drawn up, the place and time of the holiday is determined. Certificates are being prepared, gifts are purchased, a multimedia presentation is being created. The most solemn and touching moment of the holiday is the celebration of the best students of the school. In each nomination, students are in turn invited to the stage, where the presentation of certificates and gifts takes place. The best students are awarded with badges "The winner of the nomination ...". The entertainment part of the holiday includes concert numbers between nominations. A separate page of the gala event is dedicated to teachers and parents. For them - words of gratitude, flowers, gifts, applause and recognition.

Holiday script

Again April in this world.
On a school joyful planet
Nature comes alive again
Ringing, blooming, fragrant.
And it's a miracle in this room
What kind of schoolchildren have we gathered!

There is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us
Here souls are full of anticipation
Love is an accidental confession

Excitement reigns solemnly
The familiar intro sounds
For all who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,
He came, joyfully came ...

The presenters come out:

Lead 1. good evening, Dear friends! We are delighted to welcome you to a traditional celebration young talents"Square of Stars".

Host 2. Traditionally, this holiday in our school takes place at the end of the school year. Here we honor the most talented and intelligent

Leader 1. The strongest and most agile, -

Presenter 2. All those who bring good fame to our school and make the life of the school itself interesting and joyful.

Host 1. What was the best year for this year?

Lead 2. This academic year is jubilee.

Host 1. Yes, this year our district is 70 years old.

Host 2. And our native school is 80.

Presenter 1. And therefore, we want to devote a holiday the best students and the teachers of our school.

Leading (in chorus). For all of us.


Song "Little Country" (performed by the ensemble "Buttons")

A school is a small country, a small state, and it has its own laws.

In order not to go astray, in order to set the motion vector,

The school has a fair and strict, but the best director!

The floor is given to the director of our school, Vera Alexandrovna Lodyagina

Moderator 1. Each school has its own merits. But there is also something that brings them together and unites. These are their graduates. Our school is rightfully proud of its graduates.

Host 2. What we are absolutely sure of is that wherever our graduates work, they are always distinguished by search, experiment, and innovation.

Presenter 1. We are pleased that today in this hall there are graduates of our native school No. 27, graduates who are the special pride of the school, who have chosen not the easiest, not the most profitable, but the most important profession in society - the profession of a teacher.

] Presenter 2. The word for the nomination "First steps" is given to a school graduate, teacher primary grades- Oborina Olga Vladimirovna.

Each person in his life takes the first step. The first step towards my mother's gentle hands. Towards the teacher. The first step on the way to knowledge, success, victories.

The First Steps nomination includes:

  1. Albycheva Lera
  2. Alikin Vova
  3. Achintseva Daria
  4. Bashirova Karin
  5. Belyaev Vlad
  6. Boldina Julia
  7. Vshivkova Sophia
  8. Galitsyna Liza
  9. Golenko Egor
  10. Yenukidze Danil
  11. Zavyalova Daria
  12. Zorina Anna
  13. Ivanov Nikita
  14. Kovina Lera
  15. Komissarova D
  16. Kirill Konyakhin
  17. Lomilov Kostya
  18. Lukina Masha
  19. Maltsev Sasha
  20. Melnikova Yana
  21. Metlyakov Nikita
  22. Mokrushina Anna
  23. Muzafarova Ange
  24. Nekrasova Maria
  25. Nikulin Andrey
  26. Ovechkin Nikita
  27. Pershin Kirill
  28. Plotnikova Yulia
  29. Ponomareva Katya
  30. Rossomakhina Lera
  31. Romanov Savely
  32. Sokolov Nikita
  33. Smetanin Daniel
  34. Smolentsev Sergey
  35. Efremova Varya
  36. Shubin Sasha
  37. Yurina Veronika
  38. Denis Morozov


The winner in the "First Steps" nomination was -.... (surname, name, achievements).

Well, what can I wish you? Study, of course -

To achieve heights and depths in your training!

Host 2. We thank our nominees.


(Grade 3a students perform a dance.)

Host 1. We continue the award ceremony.

They try to protect their native school

It is glorious to win at competitions and shows.

And in their studies, they also want to be the first.

Let it not always come out

But they are not sad.

Presenter 2. The nomination "Successful debut" is presented by a school graduate, primary school teacher - Lazareva Nina Nikolaevna

The Successful Debut nomination includes:

  1. Balandina Veronica.
  2. Berezovik Alyosha
  3. Bondarenko Katya
  4. Borisova Julia
  5. Borovikova Nastya
  6. Bronnikov Artem
  7. Buzikova Polina
  8. Bushuev Maxim
  9. Vasilevskaya Ksenia
  10. Grigorieva Daria
  11. Efimova Ksenia
  12. Zinnurova Sophia
  13. Zhetikova Lera
  14. Kazakova Tanya
  15. Kipenko Nastya
  16. Kopytova Lisa
  17. Matyaeva Diana
  18. Leontyeva Nastya
  19. Nikonova Lisa
  20. Oborin Gleb
  21. Onishchenko Katya
  22. Onyanova Nastya
  23. Oshchepkov Ivan
  24. Oshchepkova Vika
  25. Pigasov Maxim
  26. Silkin Ilya
  27. Tryatsin Nikita
  28. Tulyakov Nikita
  29. Ustalova Katya
  30. Khudyakova Natasha
  31. Chirukhina E
  32. Yudina Vika
  33. Yukseeva Irina

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the "Successful debut" nomination was -.... (surname, name, achievements)

May every school day be not in vain
You need to know a lot, a lot,
To become like the hero Gagarin,
To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

Host 2. We thank our nominees.

The ensemble "Buttons" performs a song about the school


The song "Interplanetary Cruiser"

Lead 1.

How wonderful that there are guys at school
Whose intelligence and knowledge bring glory to her.
After all, it is about them that they will say sometime:
“You are the pride and hope of our days”

Presenter 2. The floor for the nomination “Our Hope” is given to a school graduate, primary school teacher - LS Bryzgalova.

The nomination "Our Hope" presents:

  1. Agrest Eva
  2. Andreeva Daria
  3. Anischenkova Polina
  4. Beresneva Sasha
  5. Bronnikov Nikita
  6. Vozhakova Nastya
  7. Glushkova Katya
  8. Gribkova Anna
  9. Dudina Xenia
  10. Dudko Lisa
  11. Zakirova Natalia
  12. Kichev Ivan
  13. Kolosova Tatiana
  14. Anna Kostareva
  15. Krinitsin Ruslan
  16. Lyashenko Yulia
  17. Melnikov Mikhail
  18. Naumenko Nikita
  19. Nechaeva Polina
  20. Oborina Sophia
  21. Soinova Masha
  22. Tutynina Vasilina
  23. Khudorozhkov Maxim
  24. Sharafutdinov Marat
  25. Yurina Alisa
  26. Mazurina Maria

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination "Our Hope" was -.... (surname, name, achievements)

Great achievements to you,
And there are many good decisions!
A lot of joy, warmth,
May the dream come true

Host 1. We thank our guys for the achieved results.

For our "hopes" the saxophone sounds.


Lead 2.

Country sports names
Known to the world, we are proud of them!
There are glorious sons of the fatherland!
The Motherland is proud of its athletes!

Lead 1.

And it all begins - in school sometimes,
On a simple physical education lesson,
Then - years of hard work,
The path to the master is work without hack-work.

Presenter 2. A graduate of the school, a physical education teacher - Natalya Viktorovna Solovyova is invited to award medals to the best athletes.

In the nomination "To the top of the Olympus!" presented:

  1. Bolonkin Kirill
  2. Demin Grisha
  3. Egozova Masha
  4. Kamensky Daniel.
  5. Kovalev
  6. Kopytova Lisa
  7. Curicina Angelina
  8. Lazarev Sasha
  9. Lipatova Masha
  10. Ovechkin Nikita
  11. Pachin Nikita
  12. Rossomakhina Lera
  13. Tarantin Sasha
  14. Terebilo Artem
  15. Tulyakov Nikita
  16. Filippov Lev
  17. Steinle Andrey
  18. Yurin Danil

Athletes and female athletes are beautiful and smart.

You are the pride of our school - the hope of the whole country!


(Pop dance)

Leader 2. The school is famous for its deeds,

The school is famous for its students.

In sports, in studies, in work, in entertainment

Our school has its own achievements

Presenter 1 The nomination “Application for Success” is presented by the laureate of the city competition “Teacher of the Year 2011” - Yulia Anatolyevna Prokhorova.

  1. Alkinsky Sasha
  2. Gushchina Polina
  3. Istomin Ilya
  4. Kamenskikh Maxim
  5. Kamynin Misha
  6. Klimenko Irina
  7. Kopylova Julia
  8. Kuchukbaev Danil
  9. Laskarzhevskaya Hive
  10. Lelkina Christina
  11. Lipatova Masha
  12. Pishchalnikova Sophia
  13. Poroshina Ksenia
  14. Postupinskaya Alena
  15. Proleeva Ksenia
  16. Razumova Alena
  17. Rybakov Daniel
  18. Salikhova Anna
  19. Samoylenko Kolya
  20. Irina Stafeeva
  21. Tudvaseva Nastya
  22. Fedoseeva Lena
  23. Filonenko Alina
  24. Chernova Vika
  25. Shveeva Daria
  26. Chebykin Edgard

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the “Application for Success” nomination was -.... (surname, name, achievements)

You were born at the turn of the century.
You in new Age open the way.
Today and always we must together
Decide, seek, create, dream


(Fiction reading)

Presenter 1 The nomination "Inspiration" is presented by the laureate of the city competition "Teacher of the Year - Malykina Olga Vladimirovna

  1. Alexandrova Polina
  2. Berezin Egor
  3. Gorbik Daniel
  4. Gorbunov Sergey
  5. Demin Grisha
  6. Kalinina Valya
  7. Komiljonov Yura
  8. Lukoyanova Victoria
  9. Mekhonoshina Anna
  10. Murygina Maria
  11. Pachin Andrey
  12. Pimenova Maria
  13. Serebrova Ekaterina
  14. Tolkachev Denis
  15. Yurin Danil

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the "Inspiration" nomination was -.... (surname, name, achievements)

In your studies, you have different successes,

More joy and laughter,

Pass all tests without problems,

So that in your life everything was "five".


(A song is played by a student of grade 2a)

Lead 2.

The fanfare faded, the dancers were tired
The main action is awaiting in this hall,
Waiting for the award ceremony
Highest award for the year of study.

Lead 1.

Let the celebration of the stars light up
Let everyone at our school know
What a stellar team
We win today.

The “Pride of the School” nomination is presented by a school graduate, a primary school teacher, Elena Aleksandrovna Tarasova.

  1. Derbenev Alexander
  2. Gogidze Polina
  3. Eremina Sasha
  4. Ilyina Anna
  5. Daniel Kamensky
  6. Mazeina Irina
  7. Mazunin Maxim
  8. Mansurova Sophia
  9. Popkov Ilya
  10. Sagyndykov Timur
  11. Fedorishcheva Maria
  12. Khramtsova Lyudmila
  13. Chernitsin Igor
  14. Shevchenko Sophia

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the "School pride" nomination was -.... (surname, name, achievements)

Let the study be bright, starry,
May you be able to find out more
So that the spring is ringing, hot, late
To pass any exam again for "five"!

Lead 2.

I want to say about the parents separately,
Who knows how, like them, to worry about you?
With whom you can share joy, sorrow
Whose, sometimes, do you not notice the tears on your eyelashes?
Parents are sitting next to you,
And they look at you with excitement, as if they saw for the first time
The very best guys

Host 1 We invite the parents of the “star team” to the stage:

  1. Fedorishchevs Nina Anatolyevna and Valeria Sergeevich
  2. Ilyina Yana Sergeevna and Alexey Alekseevich
  3. Derbenevs Olga Alexandrovna and Andrey Vladimirovich
  4. Popkov Lilia Railievna and Alexander Anatolyevich
  5. Chernitsinykh Alexandra Vasilievich and Tatiana Evgenievna
  6. Artur Khatybovich Sagyndykovs and Yulia Arturovna
  7. Shevchenko Larisa Anatolyevna and Taras Stanislavovich
  8. Kamenskikh Svetlana Anatolyevna and Pavel Vitalievich
  9. Mazeinykh Svetlana Andreevna and Sergey Valerievich
  10. Mansurov Natalia Timofeevna and Rustam Anatolyevich
  11. Gogidze Tatiana Pavlovna and Roina Gurgenovich
  12. Mazuninykh Olga Leonidovna and Sergei Gennadievich
  13. Eremina Olga Alekseevna
  14. Khramtsov Mikhail Yurievich

Parents receive letters of thanks


Presenter 2. Behind each of you is a person whose cares, professional skill and love have led you to creative victories in studies, sports, creativity

1. Nomination - For activity and initiative
You are active in any business,
you captivate everyone with new ideas,
you help the dirt, you lead!
always good, interesting with you!

2. Nomination - GIRLS 'DREAM
He knows how to find an approach to any girl,
They dream of him in the evening and in the afternoon,
Serious passions are boiling in the group,
To spin with him in a waltz.

3. Nomination - For hard work
Both the group and the garden are proud of you, you love to study,
And you love to work. Make us happy with new successes,
And in life you can achieve a lot!

4. Nomination - For exemplary behavior
the course you have chosen is correct, you behave approximately,
respectfully, obediently, you do everything you need to do!
Everyone admired you, looked up to you in everything!
let knowledge help you to gain patience and efforts!

5. Nomination - Mr. Accuracy
Always and in everything he is neat
All things are in order, nice to look at.
Dirt, mess and untidiness
This boy will not tolerate.

6. Nomination - Mister Sweet Tooth
No cookies, no candy
They don't give me for lunch ...
I would use a creamy toffee
It would be much better to jump!
And from the strawberry waffle
I would run better!

7.nomination - Mister Shyness
Smart and well-mannered, in life - a hero,
Only you are shy at times.
Always try to be brave in life
Then there will be no trace of shyness.

8.nominated - Mr. Modest
he is quiet, modest, charming,
and attentive in the classroom.
I only spoke louder,
but apparently there is no strength for this

9.nomination - Mr. Degree
unhurried in movement and smart,
he knows how to keep the conversation going.
sometimes thoughtful, sees perspective,
sometimes so wise - you are given a marvel!

10. Nomination - Mister Athlete
For agility, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training
For composure, nerves of steel,
And for striving to be the first
For courage and patience,
Talent, drive and inspiration

11. Nomination - Mister Artist
the guy loves to draw,
Likes to help adults.
He has a lot of talents.
Let there be a bright road!

12. Nominated - Mr. Justice
Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.
all the guys respect
Everyone wishes him success.

This child knows everything around,
Learns the science of life INDEPENDENTLY,
He will fry the eggs himself, if necessary,
Clothes will be washed without fail!

14. Nomination - MISTER X
He is a mystery to everyone around,
He can achieve what he wants, if he wants to,
It always goes only its own way.

There is nothing to surprise him
Always and everyone will INTRODUCE THE COURSE OF BUSINESS,
Who brought what, where did he go,
He will tell you quickly and skillfully!

16. Nomination - REAL GENTLEMAN
He is helpful, neat,
no doubt neat.
Many years without change -
a real gentleman!

Slightly lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed neatly and handsomely,
He, like the DANDY from the magazine, is also important.
Anyone will confirm this to you now!

18. Nominated - Miss Imagination
Oh guys look -
These are drops of rain
Wanting your strawberry
They ask for a visit, waking up.
On the window - knock and knock -
A booming sound is heard;
Knock them back
Smile, say hello!

19. Nominated - Miss Curiosity
You are inquisitive, apparently born!
You were in a hurry to get on the road!
The world is limitless, learn everything in it!
And of course, tell us!

20. Nominated - Miss Quick Wits
You are able to quickly
It is good to understand and reason,
That two plus two is always four
And in another way, it cannot be!

21. Nomination - Most Attentive
Quiet, modest and charming,
And in the classroom she is attentive.
You will help anyone out, you will not let anyone down
Prompt a verse, sing a song.

22. Nomination - Miss Obedience
You behave approximately
You are always the attention itself
And that's probably why.
You are an example to follow.

23. Nominated - Miss Fashionista
a fashionista in our group,
How hard it is for her!
Loves fashionable glasses
And high heels!

24. Nominated - Miss Cutie
Pretty face, pretty eyes,
She dresses like a princess from a fairy tale.
Beautiful, slender, like a chamomile in a field
You can call her in one word - cutie!

25. Nominated - Miss Caprice
Like our nominee
There's a big pocket somewhere!
And there are no pictures,
Neither handkerchiefs nor shoes
No candy and no book
And whims live there!

26. Nomination - exemplary behavior
The course you have chosen is correct
you behave approximately
respectfully, obediently,
do everything that needs to be done!

27. Nominated - Best Female Singer
You are the soloist in our choir,
After all, you barely open your mouth
Heard even in the hallway
Everyone knows who sings.

You adore singing since birth
In karaoke, you are the star.
You dream in Eurovision
Get out, when you grow up.

28. Nomination - Most Stylish
Every day with a new hairstyle
you go to school cheerfully:
Then with a two-meter pigtail,
Then you suddenly curl your curls.

That with straight hair
Repaint them again ...
In front of the mirror for hours
You are ready to stand.

29. Nomination - Most responsive
Will always respond to a request
And he will invite guests to his place;
From a joke that hour will laugh
Will tell a lot of news.

30. The nomination is the kindest
Like the sun, you radiate
You are warm and kind.
you help everyone to get out,
You keep it clean ...

If an apple is in your pocket
You will certainly treat.
To those who themselves did not have time,
You will solve all the tasks.

More nominations can be found here

I can't believe it - graduation is coming soon. It would seem that not so long ago students studied letters, learned to solve problems, and played classics. And now they have graduation. I want to spend it so that it will be remembered for long years, so that there was something to tell your children later. Shining moment on prom comic nominations presented to students can become. Graduates are smart people, they will accept funny information with humor.

"Walking encyclopedia"
Of course, among the graduates there is someone who can be called a “walking encyclopedia”. He knows a lot and understands a lot, he has a huge store of knowledge. It is enough to contact him and the answer will be received. The winner in the "Walking Encyclopedia" nomination is the most erudite graduate.

"Shark Feather"
"I could talk to you, but I'm just text." Abstracts, compositions, essays are my love. I know how to form words in such a way that it comes out beautifully. So that beautifully folded lines please everyone. I can speak sharply and succinctly, precisely and aptly. The prize in this category goes to what we call the "shark of the feather".

"Fly, doves fly"
This graduate (category winner) dreams of the most prestigious university, about better education, about a world-renowned teacher. The palm in this category belongs to those who are not used to being content with little. Fly pigeons, fly, learn, try - and be lucky!

"Your Honor, Madam Victory"
Olympiads, contests, blitz tournaments, wherever you can win, demonstrate your knowledge, skills - in this area the graduate (winner of the category) has no equal. Its motto is Victory. He is the main one in the category "Your Honor, Madam Victory"

"Just - darling"
This graduate (or graduate) is sweet and charming, calm and attractive. He used to smile at the sun and his classmates in the morning. The teachers are delighted with him. He is just a darling and that says it all.

Where she is, the flowers are softer, the breeze is softer, the birds sing more wonderful. She walks out of the classroom with a flying gait. And where it appears, it becomes warmer and brighter. She is the winner in the category "Perfection Itself".

« Good deeds become famous ... you can "
To do good to people is the true greatness of man. To be able to help, prompt in difficult moment, lend your shoulder ... Undoubtedly, there is one among you who knows how to do good. He has no equal in the category "Good deeds to become famous ... you can"

"And the Shvets, and the reaper, and the gamer on the pipe!"
Versatile personality ... In another way, you can say "jack of all trades". He knows how to show a beautiful experience in physics, and write a satirical note to the wall newspaper, and weed out a bed in the school garden so that not a single rubbish blade will remain. And he can also bungle a birdhouse or play a violin. In general, he is a real leader in the nomination "And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the player on the pipe!"

"We all learned a little, something, and somehow"
A fly in the ointment in a sweet barrel with honey. We all studied and studied well, but someone studied as noted by A.S. Pushkin “somehow”. But he began to try, and he will try even more.

"April 1"
This is now the graduates are not laughing. Exams - serious challenge... But in the process schooling there was a lot of fun. And this graduate is the main merry fellow, comedian, stand-up artist. Laughter is his life credo.

"Barankin, be human"
And he becomes them on the sly. I have already begun to seriously prepare for the exams. Has changed it appearance: the whirlwinds are combed, the shirt is ironed, the boots are a feast for the eyes. It used to be he was carefree and carefree, he forgot about homework... But this is all in the past.