Distance learning at school as it goes. For those who go to school - sometimes

Distance learning at school as it goes. For those who go to school - sometimes

This is in theory. And in practice, not all schools are ready to organize part-time or part-time forms of education. Why? Because the constituent documents (charter, regulations and other local acts) of most educational organizations are not brought in line with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Why is the leadership of most schools in no rush to make changes? Because so far in these schools there are no people willing to transfer children to correspondence or part-time forms. No statements - there will be no changes. The market principle operates in education: demand creates supply. Why there are no volunteers is also understandable. The overwhelming majority of parents do not know about new forms of education, do not even know about them. In the minds of the majority of Russians, the concept of “correspondence” is associated only with obtaining a higher education. Secondary educational institutions do not advertise new forms, much less advertise them at parents' meetings. It's also clear why. If at least one statement appears, it will be necessary to change the familiar, established system for years. Nobody needs an extra headache - the director and his deputies have a lot of trouble.

Previously, children who did not want or for some reason could not study full-time were simply sent to an evening (shift) school. The evening schools had a special license - permission to study in correspondence form. Now, in the appendix to the license, only the level of education is indicated and there is not a word about the form of obtaining it. In most regions, evening (shift) schools became part of secondary general education organizations and became their structural subdivisions. It was these united schools (now called "centers of education") that were forced to be the first to amend the constituent documents and start working in all three forms.

Has the change in the status of evening (shift) schools led to positive changes? Not everywhere.

It is known that the curricula of evening schools have always been shortened, especially in correspondence courses (almost all schools in the FSIN system operate on it), while the funding ratio was 0.65 of the standard for day schools. When, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the curricula included subjects that had not been taught before: physical education, music, fine arts, health and safety, schools had to hire new specialists or increase the workload of the existing ones, but the funding standard remained the same.

It is logical to assume that if a shift school is part of a general education school, then its funding increases. But that's in theory. In practice, funding is organized differently depending on the budget of a particular region.

In addition to educational centers, intra-school documents brought some rural schools in line with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Apparently, they were also pushed to this by vital necessity. It is no secret that the transportation of children from remote settlements is often associated with difficulties of a purely technical nature: from time to time, schools are faced with a lack of fuel, the driver's illness or a technical malfunction of the bus. And not only like that. I know of many cases when a school bus with an accompanying teacher rolls at 6-30 in the morning after a single student to a village located 25-28 kilometers from the school. The driver is not allowed to take one student unaccompanied. So teachers have to get up in line a little light, not get enough sleep, give up their morning household chores for the sake of a ride to one student. Moreover, this obligation, distributed among the members of the pedagogical collective of a rural school, is most often not paid. The director simply says: “What to do, colleagues? If we do not carry, we will lose one soul and - accordingly - funding. The number will fall. " Since almost all rural schools face the threat of closure, and teachers face the prospect of losing their jobs, no one objects. Without much joy, educators submit to necessity. For such cases, part-time education is a salvation. A child living far away can not be brought up every day, but let’s say, once a week - for consultations and testing and for school-wide events.

In addition, there are children who do not tolerate the road well, especially if it is uneven, with bumps and holes (this is, alas, not uncommon in the provinces). They will bring the child to school, half-dead, unable to study, by the third lesson he will gradually come to his senses, and after the fourth he will endure the same road torment again. Parents do not have a heart of stone, they leave the child at home under any pretext. For families faced with such a problem, the correspondence form is the most acceptable way out. Distance education would also be a way out, but the speed of the Internet in Russian villages, even large ones, does not allow using Skype not only for ordinary residents, but even for school administrators. Undoubtedly, distance education is the future, but for most rural schools it will not come soon.

But back to the stated topic. In contrast to the "family members", about whom we, "part-time students" and "part-time students" are full-fledged students of the school with all the ensuing consequences. The school is responsible for their academic performance, development, provides all the necessary consultations, provides educational material, carries out diagnostics, etc. Each correspondence student has a curator and teachers assigned to him. Both for "full-time students" and for "correspondence students"there is a state educational standard,training for “correspondence students”, as well as for full-time students, is financed by the founder. The only difference is that educational Xia in part-time and part-time forms master a general educational program according to an individual plan.Organization of training in part-time and part-time formsalso has its own characteristics, although she tooregulated by the curriculum, class schedule, educational programs and work programs teachers.

Here are several points of the regulation on the organization of training in full-time and part-time form:

" Ostudents, mastering educational programs in person - correspondenceor correspondenceform, can be transferred to full-time education at the request of the parents ( slegal representatives). Together with the application, documents confirming the development of educational programs are submitted. MDocuments may be submitted for the period preceding training in the form of family education in educational institutions of foreign countries. In the absence of documents development level general education programs are carried out schoolcommission on the basis of an administrative document, which determines the procedure, list of items, terms and forms of passing diagnostic certification.

When accepting an application for enrollment or transfer of students to correspondence or aboutpart-time education, an educational institution is obliged to familiarize the parents (legal representatives) of students with the procedure for attestation (intermediate and state (final)) andeducational programs of academic subjects.

To master educational programs, teaching hours are distributed during school days, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the student on the basis of the curriculum. Examinations and tests are carried out at the expense of the allotted hours of the curriculum. The number of tests is determined by the teacher in agreement with the administration of the educational institution. The forms of the tests are determined by the teacher. The schedule of classes, tests and tests is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution.

The school opens classes (groups) with at least 9 people. When less than 9 students are enrolled in a class (group), the development of general education programs is carried out according to an individual plan, the number of teaching hours per week is set at the rate of 1 academic hour for each student. NSIf there are 16 or more people in a group, 72 study hours are additionally allocated for individual consultations. The total number of training hours is evenly distributed for intermediate certification, practical, laboratory, and consulting sessions.

When organizing the educational process during the entire academic year, the specified teaching hours are evenly distributed over 2-3 school days a week, taking into account the current SanPiN.

The school is independent in choosing the student assessment system, the order and frequency of intermediate attestations of students. The quality of mastering the programs of basic general education, submitted for independent study by students, is checked using various types of control. The forms and terms of assessing the student's knowledge are determined by the participants in the educational process and are recorded in the student's curriculum.

GState (final) certification of students in subjects studied in full-time and part-time and part-time forms, is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the educational process righte toOto correct the forms of organization of training of the student and choose the most convenient for the successful mastering of the educational program by the student (distance, group, individual).

A student who is educated in full-time and part-time can receive additional educational services at school (including on a contractual basis) outside the main educational program, taking into account the interests and individual characteristics of the student. The order of mastering programs of additional education and extracurricular employment is reflected in the individual plan of the student. "

On paper, everything looks very blissful. Everything "at the request of the parents", "taking into account the opinion of the child", in accordance with the law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard ... Beautiful - no words ... But who pays for the "banquet"? Founder. This means that the order to transfer or enroll a child on a part-time or part-time form must be agreed with the founder. It is good if the application is written by the parents before the start of the school year, but if they decide to transfer the child in the middle of the quarter, after the budget of the educational institution has been approved? Where will the funding for the extra hours come from? Most likely, money will be squeezed out of the school's budget from the wages fund. Is it profitable for schools? No, most schools are not profitable. Much more profitable than "correspondence students" are "family members", for whom the school is not responsible, according to the law, it is obliged to organize only his certification - intermediate and final. Agree that these are completely different costs.

There is an opinion!

Svetlana Viktorovna Savitskaya, Director of Lyceum No. 40, Petrozavodsk:

In our institution for the last 10 years, children have been trained, whose parents transferred to the family form of education, and now to correspondence. But these were always special, isolated cases.
I think that this practice will expand, and parents will more boldly choose extramural forms of education for their children. The most frequent arguments against correspondence education and family education - the lack of opportunities for the child's socialization, the scarcity of his communications with peers - seem to me untenable. Are parents who are ready to take full responsibility for the education of their children on themselves, will not be able to provide their child with adequate communication with other children? Today there are plenty of opportunities for this. But the fact that the school “does not keep up” with the modern development of society and technology, does not always really build the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of EACH child, for me there is no doubt. But this is exactly what every parent expects from us. We will answer the request - the children will come to study at school, we will not answer - the parents will look for alternative options for teaching their children.

Photo by Vera Kostrova

1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

2) outside organizations that carry out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

2. Training in organizations that carry out educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory classes of a teacher with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form.

3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right of subsequent passage in accordance with the intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.

4. A combination of various forms of education and training is allowed.

5. Forms of obtaining education and forms of training in the basic educational program for each level of education, profession, specialty and direction of training are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, educational standards, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. Forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Commentary on Art. 17 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

The commented article names the forms of education and training. It should be said that in part the provisions of the commented article 17 of the Law on Education of Russia are not new, since Law No. 3266-1 enshrined in its provisions an independent Art. 10, referred to as "Forms of education". Meanwhile, the previous legislation did not contain separate provisions on the forms of education.

The commented article introduces the forms of obtaining education and forms of training.

There are two forms of education:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities.

The forms of education are divided according to the forms of obtaining education:

in organizations carrying out educational activities - in full-time, part-time or part-time;

outside organizations carrying out educational activities - in the form of family education and self-education.

In a systematic analysis of the norms of the Law, however, home-based education can also be distinguished as a form of training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education ().

Education outside organizations carrying out educational activities, possibly in scientific organizations, in other legal entities where a unit carrying out educational activities is created, in production, in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, organizations providing treatment, health improvement and (or) recreation, social service organizations (,). If we are talking about finding a child in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, in organizations providing treatment, health improvement and (or) recreation, or organizations providing social services, then receiving them an initial general, basic general, secondary general education in these organizations is provided if education cannot be organized in general education organizations.

For additional professional programs, such a form of training as an internship is allowed, as well as at a time and continuously or in stages (discretely) ().

In Law No. 3266-1, external studies were also a form of education. With the adoption of Law N 279-FZ, it no longer ceased to be a form of education and was transformed into an institution that provides state final certification in accredited educational organizations of students in the form of family education or self-education, or in non-accredited educational organizations.

Home-based education still exists - for students in need of long-term treatment, disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations. It is reflected in the Law, while earlier, before its adoption, it existed only at the level of by-law regulation. The relevant bylaws and instructional letters have retained their significance today: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 861 (as amended on September 4, 2012) "On approval of the Procedure for the upbringing and education of disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions ", letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 28.02.2003, N 27 / 2643-6, letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 30.03.2001, N 29 / 1470-6, letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR of 14.11.1988 N 17-253-6" On individual home education for sick children. "

These acts relate to the functioning of home education schools.

Education in organizations carrying out educational activities is still carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form. The choice of the form of study is provided for by the federal state educational standard for a specific specialty and area of ​​training and is conditioned by the possibility of obtaining an education in such a specialty in part-time or part-time form.

Until the new ones are adopted, the RF Government decree of 22.04.1997 N 463 "On approval of the list of specialties, the acquisition of which in full-time (evening), correspondence and external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed" and the Government decree RF of 22.11.1997 N 1473 "On approval of the List of areas for training specialists and specialties in which obtaining higher professional education in correspondence form or in the form of external studies is not allowed."

The educational organization implements the educational program in a permissible form, and the choice of the form of education is carried out by the student (his parents). The form of obtaining general education and the form of education for a specific basic general education program are determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the minor student. When the parents (legal representatives) of a minor student choose the form of obtaining general education and the form of education, the opinion of the child is taken into account.

Since local self-government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts keep records of children eligible for general education at each level and living in the territories of the respective municipalities, these bodies should also keep records of the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of children. When parents (legal representatives) of children choose the form of obtaining general education in the form of family education, the parents (legal representatives) inform the local self-government body of the municipal district or urban district in whose territories they live about this choice.

The procedure for formalizing relations between a state or municipal educational organization with students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) in terms of organizing training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education at home or in medical organizations is established by a regulatory legal act of the authorized government body subject of the Russian Federation.

The result of training in the form of self-education or family education is the final certification as an external student in an accredited organization that carries out educational activities.

The law establishes that such attestation for school curricula is free of charge, since the state, in accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, guarantees free and generally accessible basic general education. In the form of self-education, vocational training is possible. Getting preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education by a child is possible in a family.

In addition to the right to final certification in an organization carrying out educational activities, students in the form of self-education and family education have the right to undergo intermediate certification.

However, in accordance with the passage of intermediate certification is mandatory for students in the form of family education. If the intermediate control is not passed, the student acquires academic debt, which must be eliminated. In turn, educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, who ensure that students receive a general education, are obliged to create conditions for him to eliminate academic debt and control the timeliness of its elimination.

Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not liquidated their academic debt in due time, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

The procedure for passing certification by these students is established by the organization itself carrying out educational activities. On the issue of final certification, until the adoption of a new act, the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2000 N 1884 (ed. Of 04/17/2001) "On approval of the Regulation on obtaining general education in the form of external studies" is in force, which determines that the state ( final) certification of external students is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of IX and XI (XII) classes of educational institutions of the Russian Federation. At the moment, instead of the above, the Regulation on the forms and procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2008 N 362, is already in force.

External students enjoy the same rights as persons undergoing final certification as a result of training in an organization carrying out educational activities. This means, inter alia, the provision of conditions for training, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and health status, including the receipt of socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction; use, in the manner prescribed by local regulations, medical and recreational infrastructure, cultural and sports facilities of an educational organization.

If a student receives preschool education in the form of family education, then the parents (legal representatives) of such students have the right to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance free of charge, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if corresponding consulting centers have been created for them. Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 23.06.2000 N 1884 (as amended on 17.04.2001) "On the approval of the Regulation on obtaining general education in the form of external studies," an external student has the right to:

receive the necessary consultations (within 2 academic hours before each exam);

take educational literature from the library fund of a general educational institution;

attend laboratory and practical classes;

take part in various Olympiads and competitions, centralized testing.

The law provides for the possibility of combining various forms of education and training. The combination may be due to the educational program, according to which the person is studying, or the transition from one form of education or training to another, for example, if the student fails to pass certification and, thus, academic debt appears.

The forms of obtaining education and forms of training for some levels of education are determined by the Law. Thus, the Law on Education provides that general education can be obtained in organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as outside organizations carrying out educational activities, in the form of family education. And secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. This allocation of secondary education is explained by the age of students, which already allows them to study independently, without parental "interference." Up to this point, training outside the educational organization is carried out with parental "participation" (family education). Getting school education is also possible at home (see the commentary to clause 1 of this article), in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care, an organization that provides treatment, health improvement and (or) rest, an organization that provides social services ...

In addition, the forms of education and training are determined for each level of education, profession, specialty and direction of training by the federal state educational standard, educational standard. At the same time, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.04.1997 N 463 "On the approval of the List of specialties, the receipt of which in part-time (evening), part-time and in the form of external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 N 1473 "On approval of the List of areas for training specialists and specialties in which obtaining higher professional education in correspondence or in the form of external studies is not allowed."

The forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently. concretizes this provision, indicating that vocational training is carried out in organizations that carry out educational activities, including in vocational training centers and in production, as well as in the form of self-education. For additional professional programs, such a form of training as an internship is allowed, as well as at a time and continuously or in stages (discretely).

Almost none of the parents know that the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" adopted three years ago provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time secondary education. In this case, the right to choose belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" adopted three years ago provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time secondary education. In this case, the right to choose belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

However, in reality, not all educational organizations are ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documents, which in most schools do not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: in view of the lack of applications from those wishing to choose part-time or part-time education, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, the correspondence form of education in the minds of Russians, as a rule, is associated with universities, and not with schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to evening schools that had licenses for part-time education. However, now the appendix to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening, or shift, schools today have become part (structural unit) of secondary general educational organizations, becoming centers of education, which were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially when you take into account the reduction in curricula and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm for day schools.

In addition to educational centers, the intra-school documentation was changed, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, and in some schools in rural areas, where extramural education is more important, since children often have to be transported over long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

For full-time and part-time forms, a group must open at school if at least nine people are recruited. If there are 16 people in a group, then 72 hours are allocated for them for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical exercises, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 school days weekly, in accordance with the current SanPiN.

The whole process of organizing part-time and part-time education is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

The final state certification takes place, like all graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the current Regulation on it. But the forms of organization of training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on the mutual consent of the participants in the educational process.

In general, the management of schools does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form in a mass manner can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

Photo taken from http://lh4.googleusercontent.com.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" adopted three years ago provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time secondary education. In this case, the right to choose belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" adopted three years ago provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time secondary education. In this case, the right to choose belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

However, in reality, not all educational organizations are ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documents, which in most schools do not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: in view of the lack of applications from those wishing to choose part-time or part-time education, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, the correspondence form of education in the minds of Russians, as a rule, is associated with universities, and not with schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to evening schools that had licenses for part-time education. However, now the appendix to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening, or shift, schools today have become part (structural unit) of secondary general educational organizations, becoming centers of education, which were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially when you take into account the reduction in curricula and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm for day schools.

In addition to educational centers, the intra-school documentation was changed, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, and in some schools in rural areas, where extramural education is more important, since children often have to be transported over long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

For full-time and part-time forms, a group must open at school if at least nine people are recruited. If there are 16 people in a group, then 72 hours are allocated for them for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical exercises, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 school days weekly, in accordance with the current SanPiN.

The whole process of organizing part-time and part-time education is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

The final state certification takes place, like all graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the current Regulation on it. But the forms of organization of training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on the mutual consent of the participants in the educational process.

In general, the management of schools does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form in a mass manner can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

Photo taken from http://lh4.googleusercontent.com.