The most popular specialties of universities in the world. Prestigious universities in Russia

The most popular specialties of universities in the world.  Prestigious universities in Russia
The most popular specialties of universities in the world. Prestigious universities in Russia

MESI - State University of Economics, Informatics and Statistics, which is located in the capital of Russia - Moscow, has been training professionals in various fields for over 80 years. In addition to economic education, applicants can receive legal and psychological education at the university, which makes MESI one of the most prestigious institutions in Moscow. For 2013, there are 21 areas of training at MESI.

Studying at MESI means getting an excellent education, professional skills and colossal experience. Indeed, the educational institution has a wonderful teaching staff, whose representatives have repeatedly been able to show their achievements and scientific developments in conferences of both Russian and international levels.

MESI provides 344 budget places for applicants entering the university through a general competition, as well as 22 places for targeted recruitment. There are 770 commercial places with reimbursement for tuition, which allows everyone to be enrolled in one of the most popular and prestigious universities in Moscow. The passing score for budget places is more than 200 points in three subjects based on the results of the exam. Competition at MESI reaches an average of 41 people per seat.

MESI provides students with the opportunity to conquer not only Russia, but also the countries of Europe, since education at this university is carried out according to the international standard.

In 1906, women's courses were opened in Moscow, then they were transformed into an institute, and since 1930, an independent 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute was separated from them, and from that date it counts its history. It was then that the world's first pediatric faculty was opened within its walls, before that, children's doctors had never been specially trained anywhere. The name Pirogov was given to him in 1956.

It is quite difficult to enter this university, just having good or excellent marks in the certificate or according to the results of the exam is not enough, you need to pass entrance tests, which are akin to tasks at thematic Olympiads. The competition is great. The result on the exam must be at least 85. Training is carried out on a budgetary basis, but there is a paid department. From it you can go to the budget, showing high performance.

The university has 7 faculties, which train doctors of various specialties, clinical psychologists, pharmacists and specialists in theoretical medicine. There are preparatory courses, where they prepare for admission with high quality, as well as the faculty of postgraduate education, advanced training. The world famous Leonid Roshal is among the graduates of the university.

Among the many prestigious universities in the capital, the Russian Chemical-Technological University named after V.I. Mendeleev, or as it is also called - Mendeleevka.

An institute with a rich history has always been famous for the level of training of its students. Among the graduates of the RCTU there are many famous politicians, businessmen, scientists, including one Nobel laureate.
The university graduates: engineers, technologists, specialists in industrial ecology, sociologists and other specialists in various fields of activity from the oil and gas industry to pharmaceuticals. The graduates of this university are glad to see the leading enterprises of the country as their employees.

The university has a good base for fruitful study and scientific activity of students, and in their free time students will not get bored: the university has its own KVN team, a brass band, a choir, a student club, as well as many different sports sections from athletics to mountaineering. The university provides a hostel for students from other regions.
In total, the university has 10 faculties, where students are trained in 17 specialties.

Most popular destinations:
2. biotechnology;
3. fundamental and applied chemistry.
The competition for these specialties this year is 46, 35 and 24 people per place, respectively, and the average passing score last year was: 196, 222 and 227.

Of course, studying at such an educational institution is prestigious and difficult. However, for true chemistry lovers, this is not a university, but a dream

This year, two research institutes - information technologies and computer-aided design systems - as well as the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics were joined to MSTU MIREA. Thus, the university is becoming a large scientific cluster designed to raise specialists for high-tech industries in the civilian and military industries.

The following technical specialties are especially popular with applicants in 2013:
- computer security;
- infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
- electronics and nanoelectronics.

The Faculty of Economics and Management, which offers only full-time study, is invariably the largest university competition. For the specialty "Business Informatics" there are 21 budget places, for the specialty "Economics" - only 6. As a result, the passing score, as a rule, ranges from 200 and above.

Since there is no hostel in MIREA, applicants from other cities will undoubtedly be interested in distance learning (full-time and part-time) in the direction of "Computer Science". You can master the specialization "Software for computer technology and automated systems" and get a state bachelor's degree in 4, 5 years.

The Eurasian Open Institute is a non-profit organization of higher professional education.

This institution of higher education produces specialists for the most demanded areas of work today: information technology, law, finance, economics.

Students can choose for themselves the level of education that matches their capabilities:
bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies, as well as study at a higher business school. The number of university students is about 3 thousand people. You can study at the EAOI both full-time and part-time.

A distinctive feature of the institute is a developed system of distance learning using the Internet. Electronic Learning Environment (ELMS) allows you to get higher education from the comfort of your home, communicating with teachers and colleagues through various services.

Admission, passing of tests and thesis in distance learning is also carried out through a remote connection to ELMS. The cost of studying at EAOI is very moderate in comparison with other Moscow universities.

The diploma of higher education, issued upon graduation, is a state diploma, which is guaranteed by a document of state accreditation of the institute.

If you want to become a sought-after lawyer, gain extensive high-quality knowledge in the field of Russian and international law, the possibility of an internship in the Moscow Government - we invite you to the Russian Academy of Justice.

The Russian Academy of Justice is a state university. It was established by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. The Academy prepares specialists for further work in the judicial system. This year the Academy celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. Prospective applicants are offered a preparatory program for 2013-2014, designed for 9 months. Training is conducted in 4 subjects. The courses begin work on September 2, 2013.

In addition to the judicial system and economic specialization, prospective students have the opportunity to obtain a rare and especially relevant specialization today: land and property relations, forensic examination.

The Faculty of Continuing Education is actively working at the Academy of Justice. He supervises the student, starting with preparatory courses, the first stage is college education, the second stage is higher education (3 years). At the first stage, in-depth language training is carried out (including at the College of London). Starting from the second stage, it is possible to simultaneously obtain knowledge and a second diploma at the University of London without leaving the UK. A specialist with a degree from the University of London is highly regarded throughout the world.

The advantage of the Academy is the presence of a military department and a deferral from military service. Thanks to the fundamental knowledge gained at the Russian Academy of Justice, every 9 out of 10 graduates work in their specialty.

Founded in March 1995, the Moscow City Pedagogical University, today can be safely called a large cultural, scientific and educational center of the city with a powerful educational and methodological base and modern technological capabilities. Its structure includes 10 institutes, 2 colleges, 7 faculties, a University school and a branch in the city of Samara. About 18 thousand students are trained in 108 specialties. University graduates will be able to work not only in educational institutions, but also in industries related to law, economics, psychology, management, social sphere, etc.

In 2008, the university began to operate a level system of personnel training (master's, bachelor's). At the moment, the process of strengthening structural divisions is actively underway by combining close faculties into institutes. Thus, the Faculty of History and Philology were merged into the Institute of the Humanities. The Institute of Natural Sciences included the Faculty of Life Safety, as well as the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Geography. In these conditions, the training of specialists will take place in the specialties and areas transferred to the departments.

MGPU is a budgetary educational institution, but there are also extra-budgetary forms of education. The competition for free specialties is on average from 2 to 7 people per seat, depending on the direction.

In Europe, it is the largest university that trains actors for stage and cinema, directors and sound engineers, as well as circus, pop, ballet and musical theater artists. It begins its history back in 1878, from the moment of the opening of the “music school for those who come”. Drama classes were once headed by Nemirovich-Danchenko. Among the graduates are such celebrities as Knipper, Meyerhold. In 1902, the RATI, which was then still a music and drama school, moved to a mansion in Maly Kislovsky Lane, which belonged to the Soldatenkovs, where it is located to this day.

The competition for the place is very high, since many want to become famous, but only a few people are admitted to the course, since it is impossible to train a large number of actors, and in the words of one of the graduates of this university, the actor is a piece of goods, and classes are often conducted individually with everyone.

Enrollment is carried out according to the results of the Unified State Exam and a creative competition, the Russian language and literature must be 36 and 32 points, respectively, for creativity - 35 points. The institute has a hostel for nonresidents. There is also a stage with an auditorium for 200 seats, where students-actors give performances, and student-directors stage them.

The Moscow Highway Institute was established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in December 1930. The university trains specialists in road transport, road-bridge and airfield construction, automated control systems in the motor transport complex, and road-building machines. In MADI, scientific schools were created by academicians Stechkin and Chudakov, and other scientific figures of the country.

In 2013, the minimum USE score for the possibility of submitting an application was 40, applicants were enrolled in the budgetary department based on the results of this score. Outsiders on the Unified State Exam can, if desired, be enrolled in a paid department or wait for additional enrollment, when places become free among those who entered, but did not provide originals of documents.

The university has an excellent scientific and technical base, has dormitories. Since the number of those in need exceeds the number of beds, they are provided according to the USE rating after enrollment. The university has a targeted admission, for a number of specialties, for example, customs, there is no budgetary department at all, and there are only 10 and 20 public places for the faculties of logistics and economics, respectively, but there are several times more paid ones. Data are given for full-time department.

The university prepares specialists in the field of nuclear research and for the nuclear industry. From the day of its opening, the current MEPhI was called MMIB, or the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition, since it was organized on the initiative of Beria in November 1942. The modern name of MEPhI has been the university since 1953.

Among the famous teachers are the Nobel Prize winners Sakharov, Cherenkov, Tamm and others. The students were also taught by Kurchatov, Zeldovich, Kikoin and a number of other academicians and famous scientists. From the moment of its foundation to this day, the university has been working for the defense industry.

The institute has branches in a number of cities of the Russian Federation; it is an elite university of world renown. His diplomas are quoted worldwide without further confirmation. The competition for one place is always big, in particular, in the current year, 2013, it was easier to enter nuclear specialties, the competition was from 1 to 2, 58 people per place, depending on the faculty. With the seeming simplicity of admission here, it is much more difficult to study and many leave MEPhI after the 1st semester. It was more difficult to enter the economy, more than 28 people per place.

Not only Russians come to study, but also citizens of other countries, Turkey, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and not only these. The university has hostels, a large campus, but the university is not able to provide everyone with a bed.

For over ninety years, actors have been graduating at the famous Shchukin Higher Theater School, or Shchuk. The university operates at the theater. Vakhtangov, because it was Vakhtangov who was the first head of the amateur studio of actors, in the future a great director.

Today the institute is headed by Evgeny Knyazev, who replaced Vladimir Etush in this position. A huge number of famous actors came out of the walls of Pike, among them Vera Maretskaya, Yuri Lyubimov, Vladimir Etush, Andrei Mironov. Of the modern ones - Sergey Makovetsky, Maxim Averin, Konstantin Raikin, and this is not a complete list.

Today, future actors and directors are studying at the university, the target recruitment is for puppet theater or mimicry artists, as well as for specific theaters or regions of the country. The competition for one place is very high, since about 30 people are accepted for acting and 20 people for a theater director.

Applicants must pass a creative competition in addition to passing exams in school subjects, if they do not have USE results, that is, those who graduated from school in 2009, graduates of subsequent years provide USE results. Applicants with higher education will be exempted from entrance exams, except for the creative competition, on the basis of an application.

VGIK is a prestigious educational institution that graduates specialists in the field of screen arts, namely: cinema, television, video, etc.

Students are enrolled in programs of both higher and secondary education. And also programs for obtaining additional education are provided.

There are 7 faculties at VGIK: directing, acting, screenwriting and film studies, cinematography, animation and multimedia, art, production and economics.
In this educational institution, training is carried out in full-time and part-time form. It also provides for both a budgetary form of training and a commercial one.

In 2013, at the acting department at VGIK, there were 17 places - budgetary, 8 - paid. At the cameraman's faculty there were 15 budget-funded, 10 non-budget places. Approximately the same number and ratio of paid and budgetary places in other faculties.

Teaching is organized in the form of creative workshops. This year, famous film and television figures, actor V.A. Grammatikov, playwright R.I. Ibragimbekov, playwright and director Yu.N. Arabov, cameraman I.S. Klebanov, director V.Yu. Abdrashitov, artist of the animated film S.A. Alimov and others.

A rare university with a deficit of specialties is a GUZ. Land management, management. It is easy and honest to enter the State University of Land Management at the Faculty of Land Management (by the way, this year marks 235 years). Average mark for 1 exam (Russian, mathematics, physics) - 50-60. In total, from 150. Although the most patient at the end came in with 120 points, well, who with the originals of the documents waited until the last, while everyone rushed to other universities. Therefore, the scatter of points at the faculty is from 280 to 120. By the way, the zemfak gives quite a decent education in the field of rational use and management of the country's main resource - the land resource. There are hostels, a military department - a set of 500 people. University website -

The official date of the establishment of the Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova is considered May 26, 1992, but the university received its full name only a year later. The name of Princess Yekaterina Dashkova was not given to the educational institution by chance, because it is with her that the significant development of Russian science and culture in the 18th century is associated. The Grand Duchess was distinguished by quick-wittedness, a lively mind and a craving for new knowledge, an unconventional look at everyday things, a striving for perfection.

In MGI them. E.R. Dashkova is loved and respected by her students. The course is attended by a wide variety of young people and girls who have come to receive quality education from all over the vast country. The team of students and teachers is distinguished by a friendly and well-coordinated approach to what they love, no matter whether it is teaching or learning. The educational process is based on such qualities as mutual respect and attentiveness.

The creation and formation of the institute took place in a difficult time of changes, changes in ideologies and the emergence of new opportunities, but this did not prevent the teachers from preserving the classical fundamental teaching and introducing the most advanced, innovative methods into it.

The founders of the institute set ambitious goals for themselves. The main task was to create a higher educational institution of a new type. Such a university:

Focused on the most demanded specializations;
Interesting for students;
Independent from government agencies;
Combines European and Soviet educational traditions;
Uses new teaching methods in teaching.
The main goal set by the team of teachers is to create a unique, cohesive university that provides training of highly qualified, comprehensively educated specialists.

A modern educational and research center recognized in Russia and in the world, combining classical university traditions and modern educational technologies in its work. Since its inception, the university has always kept pace with the times and has constantly expanded the range of educational programs in accordance with the country's needs for engineering personnel, while improving the quality of training and achieving recognition both in Russia and abroad. MIREA today is one of the leaders in the field of training highly qualified specialists for the rapidly developing science-intensive branches of science and technology: telecommunications, information and computer technology, automation, cybernetics, radio engineering and electronics, chemistry and biotechnology.

pay attention to list of the best universities in Russia based on the QS University Rankings: BRICS, which includes the top 100 universities in the BRICS countries. The presented rating was compiled in cooperation with the Interfax agency.

Moscow is home to many of the country's leading universities. The capital attracts students not only with its chosen place of study, but also with a vibrant, varied nightlife, vibrant culture, rich historical background, and an endless range of possibilities. In addition to luxurious buildings and a hectic stream of life, an underground culture is developing in the city, and the epochal Kremlin towers continue to attract tourists from all over the world.

St. Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, will show the country from a completely different perspective. The city's canal networks and Italian Baroque architecture. give St. Petersburg a Western European atmosphere. Since its inception, it has been known as a city of new ideas, creativity, and cultural exchange. If you prefer Western universities to Russian universities, then you should read the article 10 Best Universities in London. If you are attracted to the East, then the 50 best universities in Asia will gladly open their doors.

The list of other student cities also includes Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Vladivostok.

The educational institution was founded in 1942. The National Research Nuclear University is renowned for its specialization in the nuclear industry and for teaching physics, engineering and mathematics. It is located in Moscow, near Kolomenskoye, which offers a stunning view of the banks of the Moskva River.

Ranking 65th in the QS University Rankings: BRICS, the National Research Nuclear University is the leader of Russia in the international scientific community: it is in 1st place among BRICS universities in terms of the frequency of publication of scientific papers. Given the importance of his research, it is striking that he does not rank higher in international surveys among researchers and employers (the university is not included in the top 100 BRICS universities for this indicator). Like other leading universities in Russia, the National Research Nuclear University boasts a faculty-to-student ratio, as well as a good percentage of Ph.D. staff members.

The oldest university in Siberia, founded in 1888. Today, the University of the historic city of Tomsk has 23,000 students at 23 faculties. Like most universities in Russia, it has been awarded the status of a National Research University and boasts the most extensive library archives in Russia.

In the ranking of universities in the BRICS countries, Tomsk State University ranks 58th with the highest scores for the percentage of foreign teachers; according to this indicator, it is the best in Russia and ranks 28th among BRICS universities. He also excelled in the percentage of foreign students and professors with PhD degrees. Following a general national trend, the university received relatively low research scores and relevance.

It is unofficially called Phystech. The university specializes in applied mathematics, physics and related disciplines, sometimes referred to as "Russian MIT". The main campus is located in the city of Dolgoprudny, with a student population of 5,000.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ranks 55th in the BRICS universities ranking and, along with other leading universities in Russia, received high points for the ratio of teachers to students. The institute excelled internationally with a high percentage of foreign faculty and students.

7. National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE)

Starting as a school of economics in 1992, the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE) has quickly earned a solid reputation - both in Russia and internationally - as a multidisciplinary university. The number of students is over 20,000. The main campus is located in Moscow, there are campuses in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm.

In the first QS University Rankings: BRICS, the HSE is ranked 50th, having received high scores for the ratio of faculty and students, as well as employees with the title of Doctor of Philosophy (15th and 31st places, respectively). It lags behind other leading universities in Russia in terms of the number of foreign applicants, but has some success in attracting foreign teachers.

Another relatively large educational institution is the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. It has over 30,000 students enrolled in 406 undergraduate and graduate programs. The university offers courses of lectures in engineering, economics and management.

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University ranks 47th in the ranking of universities in the BRICS countries. He received high scores for the faculty-to-student ratio and for the percentage of staff with PhD degrees. The university boasts a large number of international applicants.

5. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Once the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) was part of the Moscow State University, but in 1944 it became an independent educational institution. The number of applicants is approximately 6,000 students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Based on the name of the educational institution, it becomes clear that the university has a humanitarian orientation and specializes in diplomacy, journalism and law, and also boasts a wide choice of languages.

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations is ranked 37th in the QS University Rankings: BRICS and has received high points for the ratio of teachers and students, and also has a high rating in international polls. The university received impressive marks for the percentage of employees with the title of Doctor of Philosophy and for the number of foreign applicants - according to the above indicators, it takes 3rd and 12th places, respectively, among educational institutions of the BRICS countries.

4. Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman

The next in the BRICS ranking is the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. One of the oldest universities, which is also the largest technical university, has 20,000 students, including PhD candidates. The institution offers a wide variety of lecture courses in engineering and applied sciences.

Like other leading universities in Russia, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman is distinguished by a high score in the ranking for the ratio of teachers and students and ranks 4th among the universities of the BRICS countries in this indicator. Another advantage of the university is the demand for graduates among employers, which is proved by the research of Quacquarelli Symonds.

A relatively young educational institution. The university was founded in 1959. Located 20 km from Novosibirsk, the third most populous city in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg. The student body is small here. The university offers courses of lectures on a wide range of scientific subjects.

Novosibirsk State University is ranked 22nd in the QS University Rankings: BRICS, receiving the highest scores for the number of foreign students and the ratio of teachers to students.

It is called the oldest university in Russia. The history of St. Petersburg State University begins with the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, founded in 1725. With 32,000 students and 20 faculties, it is inferior in size and number to the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, but offers an impressive range of cultural and sports facilities, located in close proximity to the main attractions of St. Petersburg. The educational institution itself is located on Vasilievsky Island, which is equipped with a metro and tram lines.

St. Petersburg State University is ranked 14th in the QS University Rankings: BRICS and, in principle, its strengths and weaknesses are largely the same as the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The university earned high scores for faculty-to-student ratio, international reputation among professors, proportion of staff with Ph.D. degrees, and for the number of international students.

The first in the list of the best is Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Founded in 1755, it is one of the oldest and largest universities in Russia with over 40,000 bachelor and master students. Most of the faculties are located 5 km from the center of Moscow on Vorobyovy Gory, which offers a stunning view of the Moscow River.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University takes an honorable 3rd place in the QS University Rankings: BRICS. He scored the most points on many of 8 criteria, namely academic reputation, faculty-to-student ratio, employer reputation, number of international students, and number of employees with a Ph.D.

And finally ...

There are 9 more universities in the country that are included in the top 100 universities of the BRICS countries:

  • Tomsk Polytechnic University (71st place)
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky (74th place)
  • Kazan Federal University (79th place)
  • Ural Federal University (84th place)
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (86th place)
  • Southern Federal University (89th place)
  • Voronezh State University (91st place)
  • National Research University "MPEI" (97th place)
  • Far Eastern Federal University (99th place)

How the rating agency EXPERT-RA evaluates the comparative level of Russian universities.

Any employer values ​​a good education. Nowadays, it is not very difficult to get into a foreign university, you just need to prepare well for admission. It is in order to choose the most suitable university that ratings are compiled.

How ratings are compiled

Evaluation criteria for universities:

  • Feedback from students.
  • The quality of scientific research.
  • Admission requirements and GPA.
  • The number of students per teacher.
  • The cost of the material and technical base.
  • Students who have completed the course.
  • Career prospects.

All data is run through many filters, and you should not refuse a suitable offer just because of a line in the rating.

100 best universities in the world

In the top for 2015, the first 10 places are occupied by universities in the USA and Great Britain. The rating of universities in the world was compiled by an independent commission, the survey was conducted in 9 languages.

So, one hundred of the best universities in the world opens Harvard University. It is a very old educational institution dating back to the 17th century. Many US presidents have emerged from its walls.

The second place is taken by the University of Cambridge. It is the oldest university among the existing ones. It was founded in 1209.

Oxford ranks third. This educational institution, like the two previous ones, is very old and has a worldwide reputation.

All these educational institutions have been known for a very long time, have an impeccable reputation, and after graduating from one of the universities you can count on one hundred percent employment.

The list includes universities from both Europe and Asia. In the last, hundredth place of the list, the University of Massachusetts is listed. Thus, the list closes and opens the US university.

Of course, in order to choose a top university, you need not only large cash infusions, but also initial knowledge and knowledge of the language of the country where the educational institution is located.

Top technical universities

Technical specialties are in demand and are popular along with the humanities. IT specialties are especially appreciated.

The rating of technical universities in the world is topped in the United States. Its peculiarity is that students learn in practice, rather than cramming boring theory. Therefore, the university is a leader in intra-university research. It is worth noting that the competition for this university is unrealistically high, and in order to get there, you need to try very hard.

The Indian Institute of Technology is also in the top five. This is a real forge of personnel for the IT sphere. The institute does not have a clear specialization, and students study about 40 disciplines. International students are awarded a scholarship for the exchange of cultural experiences.

The top ten includes Imperial College London. Education there is relatively inexpensive - 12 thousand pounds a year. But big expenses will be for housing, because the college does not have a hostel. And in London, real estate prices are high.

The top twenty includes the Australian University of South Wales. The teaching principles are very similar to those of the University of Massachusetts.

Russia ranks 66th among the world's technical universities. This is the site of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Top Medical Universities

In the first place in the top medical universities is Oxford. As you can see, he is not only included in the ranking of universities in the world, but also the best among teaching medicine.

In second place is Harvard University.

The third place is taken by Cambridge.

The fourth place is given to the Imperial College London.

Rounding out the top five is Stanford University, which is located in the United States.

But Russian universities were not included in the ranking of medical universities in the world.

Top World Business Schools

Business schools tend to be part of large universities, and very rarely exist separately. After graduation, graduates become managers of different levels.

In the first place among business schools - Harvard.

The second place was given to the University of London and its business school.

The third place is taken by the University of Pennsylvania.

The rating of prestigious universities in the world, according to the U.S. agency News

In the first place, as in almost all ratings, Harvard University.

The second place belongs to the Massachusetts Technical University.

The third place is given to the University of California at Berkeley.

The British university appears only in fifth place - the University of Oxford.

In general, only US universities are represented in the first twenty positions. Further, you can find universities in Japan, Canada, China, Australia, Singapore and European countries. But most of all there are universities in America. Therefore, there are fears that the agency's experts, out of patriotic feelings, may slightly overestimate the educational institutions of their country.

Ranking of universities in the world by specialty

In addition to the general rating, ratings of specialties are made. This is done so that the applicant can choose the most suitable university. Because not all universities have every department or department that is equally strong. The university may be in the top ten of the overall ranking, but after admission it turns out that in a less well-known institute it is in a particular specialty that knowledge is given deeper, more interesting internships, and so on.

The lists are made up in six directions:

  • humanitarian;
  • engineering and technical;
  • biosciences;
  • physics and chemistry;
  • medicine;
  • social direction.

Moscow State University took several positions at once in different directions: 35th in the direction of "Linguistics", 36th - "Physics and Astronomy", in the specialty "Computer Science and Information Technologies" entered the top hundred. In addition to Moscow State University, the hundred includes St. Petersburg University.

Russian universities in international rankings

In Soviet times, education in our country was considered the best in the world. During the years of perestroika and during the 90s, the level decreased slightly, but now it has begun to grow up in the world.

According to the QS agency, which analyzes all higher educational institutions in the world and compiles a rating, Russian universities are in the following places:

  • On the 114th place of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
  • On the 233rd - St. Petersburg State University.
  • At 322nd - MSTU im. Bauman.
  • The Novosibirsk National Research Institute is on the 328th place.
  • From 400th to 500th place are the Peoples' Friendship University, NRNU MEPhI, St. Petersburg Technical University, Tomsk State University.
  • From 500th to 600th places - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Higher School of Economics, Kazan University, Ural University named after Yeltsin, Saratov State University.
  • the 800th place is occupied by the Southern Federal University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, FEFU and Voronezh State University.


When choosing a suitable educational institution, you need to focus not only on the ranking of the most prestigious universities in the world. This is a very conditional indicator, various ratings are marketing tools, and their compilation may not be known to a common man in the street. Of course, there is no reason not to trust popular agencies, but when choosing a university, it is better to focus on your interests.

"Study, study and study again!". Education, of course, is a very good thing, and, most importantly, very necessary, especially if your goal is to reach career heights. Caring parents from a very young age begin to think about educational institutions for their children. Education is exactly the thing for which they never regret money. Parents try to choose the best - the best kindergarten, the best school, and then the best higher educational institution. Those who have the opportunity send their children abroad to receive a European or American diploma. There are legends among the universities of the world. These are the universities within whose walls prominent politicians, scientific geniuses or people of art were educated. Agree, the phrase "graduate of Harvard or Cambridge" speaks for itself. These two legendary universities, together with Yale, make up the three most prestigious universities in the world.

The rating was prepared by the equally legendary British newspaper The Times. The results can be trusted, since they are based on the opinion of the scientific community, employers and the citation of scientific papers of the university staff. For those who really have a real opportunity to study abroad, it will be useful to know which other universities are in the top ten.

1. Harvard University (USA)

The undisputed leader - was named the best university in the world four times in a row. Harvard is the oldest university in the United States, founded in 1636. This is the "alma mater" for many prominent American politicians: Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, and of course, Barack Obama. Harvard also holds the record for billionaire alumni. Among them: Michael Bloomberg, Sumner Redstone, David Rockefeller.

2. Yale University (USA)

Yale is an elite US university, part of the so-called Ivy League. In 1832, the most mysterious student organization - "Skull and Bones", appeared within its walls. Its activities are shrouded in secrets. It is said that it is this organization that actually runs America. The fact is, since 1989, all US presidents have been Yale alumni.

3. University of Cambridge (UK)

One of the oldest universities in the world. It was founded in 1209. 83 Cambridge alumni have become Nobel laureates. Today it is the largest figure among the universities in the world.

4. Oxford University (UK)

This institution of higher education in Great Britain was founded in 1117. A whole galaxy of prominent figures in science, literature, art graduated from Oxford: Roger Bacon, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, Adam Smith, DRR Tolkien, Margaret Thatcher.

5. California Institute of Technology

The California Institute of Technology, or Caltech for short, is one of the leading universities in the US and the world in the fields of science and engineering. Base university for NASA: the first American satellite and a series of space probes were created here. Studying here is very difficult, but interesting. Students have their own unusual traditions. For example, Absenteeism Day. On this day, fourth-year students leave, leaving complex devices and puzzles at their doors. They are designed for junior students who come together in teams and jointly try to solve the problems assigned to them. If they show ingenuity and are able to solve the puzzle, they will receive a reward - they will get into the rooms of the elders.

6. Imperial College London (UK)

Leading institution of higher education in the field of natural sciences and engineering. The college has trained 14 Nobel laureates. On its basis, there are two medical schools, whose specialists have made a great contribution to the development of modern medicine. So, college graduate Sir Alexander Fleming became famous as the inventor of penicillin. And, for example, in 2006, researchers at Imperial College, together with scientists from Cambridge and Cologne universities, developed a test that helps identify schizophrenia at an early stage.

7. University College London (UK)

The first secular university in Great Britain. The college accepted into its walls everyone, regardless of their class, racial or religious affiliation. The main thing is the craving for knowledge. Since 1878, women have been able to study here. Today it holds the lead in the number of women professors. In 1893, the first student union in Great Britain was opened here.

8. University of Chicago (USA)

One of the leading universities in the world, founded by Rockefeller in 1890. He became famous for his research in the field of economics and socio-political sciences. Close to Cambridge in the number of Nobel laureates among its graduates - 79 scientists were awarded this prize. Among them Milton Friedman is the founder of the theory of monetarism. The current President of the United States, Barack Obama, taught constitutional law here, and his wife Michelle was the assistant dean for student affairs.

9. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

This is the largest center for the training of leading specialists in the field of computer technology and innovation. The university conducts the most advanced research in artificial intelligence. So, in 2006, experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, together with Nokia, announced the development of a phone with increased computing capabilities, which will work using voice commands.

10. Columbia University

The oldest American university, together with Yale it is included in the Ivy League. Columbia University is the forge of the US political elite. His students were the first US Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower. It is fair to say that people of action are not trained here in the first place. However, this did not prevent the university from raising 54 Nobel laureates within its walls. In addition, it was here that the first ever experiment on the fission of the uranium atom was carried out.

Among the universities in the world there are special ones that are distinguished by their worthy age, universities with high prestige, the most famous. There is a rating of the most famous universities in Russia.

The oldest universities in the world

There are universities founded several centuries ago. Among the existing universities are known, opened in the eleventh - thirteenth centuries. Read more about the oldest ones below.

University of Bologna (Italy)

The University of Bologna is fighting for the right to be considered the oldest university in the world. The year of its foundation is one thousand eighty-eighth. Initially, the University of Bologna was famous for its high level of teaching Roman law. Now more than seventy seven thousand students study within its walls. This university is the oldest in Europe.

University of Oxford (UK)

The oldest among the English-speaking universities is the University of Oxford. It is the oldest in the UK. Unfortunately, no documentary evidence of the exact date of its discovery has survived, however, it is reliably known that in the one thousand ninety-sixth year it was already working. About forty-four thousand people are studying at this university today.

Al-Azhar University (Egypt)

Al-Azhar University, located in Cairo, is recognized as the oldest in the world. Its history began in nine hundred and sixty-ninth year. He appeared almost simultaneously with Cairo itself. From the first years of its existence, special attention was paid there to the teaching of religious disciplines.

University of Salamanca (Spain)

The oldest in Spain and one of the oldest in the world is the University of Salamanca. Among the educational institutions of Europe, it was this first one that was awarded the right to be called a university. Initially, the University of Salaman was opened as a school in one thousand one hundred and thirty. Ninety years later, the school was awarded the degree of "general school". In one thousand two hundred and fifty-four, the "general school" became a university. This university was one of the first to acquire its own public library.

The most famous universities in Russia

There are more than a thousand higher educational institutions in Russia, they are located throughout the country and differ in the level of teaching and prestige. Let's learn more about the most famous Russian universities.

MSTU them. H.E. Bauman (Moscow)

Not only the most famous, but also the most prestigious in Russia is the M.V. H.E. Bauman. This Moscow university trains specialists in twenty-four areas, seventy-five specialties. The university prepares specialists for modern instrument making and mechanical engineering.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow)

One of the most famous universities in Russia is Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. They know about him far beyond the borders of the country. It was founded in the middle of the eighteenth century by M.V. Lomonosov in Moscow. Today it is the oldest university in Russia. Thanks to many years of history, an excellent material and technical base, the country's largest library, research centers, and its own museum have been created.

SPbSU (St. Petersburg)

The State University in St. Petersburg takes its rightful place among the best universities in Russia. It trains specialists in twenty-four faculties. St. Petersburg State University has its own museums, a publishing house and one of the richest libraries in the country.

KPFU (Kazan)

Of the permanently operating, Kazan Federal University is the second oldest in the country. The university in Kazan is equipped with the latest technology, there is a rich scientific library. This university is one of the country's cultural heritage sites.

The most prestigious universities today

Among the most famous universities in the world, you can choose the most prestigious. As you know, the more authoritative the university is, the easier it is for a student to find a good job after graduation. Further on some of the most prestigious universities in the world.

California Institute of Technology (USA)

Caltech is called Caltech for short. This university is the base for NASA. In the field of exact sciences, Caltech is the leading university in America and around the world. It is believed that studying there is not easy at all. The first American satellite and several space probes were created on the basis of this outstanding university.

University of Cambridge (UK)

Another leader in authority and prestige among universities in the world is the University of Cambridge. He is also one of the oldest. This university opened its doors to students in the year one thousand two hundred and ninth. Graduates of Cambridge are more likely than graduates of other universities to become Nobel laureates.

Yale University (USA)

The top three in terms of prestige includes Yale University. He is located in the USA. It was founded in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Today eleven thousand students study there. The university differs in that there are no restrictions on the admission of foreigners.

The most prestigious university in the world

Everybody knows

Harvard University, and this is no coincidence. He is not only one of the most famous, but also the most prestigious in the world. In the United States, this university is the oldest, the year of its foundation is one thousand six hundred and thirty-six. Most of America's prominent political figures graduated from Harvard at the time. During their studies, students use the large rich library of the university, one of the largest in the world. The university has its own observatory and museums. Harvard University graduates often become politicians and scientists. Not only temples of science are prestigious, but also things that are bought for money, for example, cars. The site has a site about the longest limousines.
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