Individual entrepreneur: All about IP, understandable language. How to call IP

Individual entrepreneur: All about IP, understandable language. How to call IP
Individual entrepreneur: All about IP, understandable language. How to call IP

Entrepreneurship today is engaged in an increasing number of people. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the IP is becoming easier and easier. For the legalization of their activities, an individual entrepreneur must. Can IP give a name? This question is puzzling many entrepreneurs, as regulations do not give specific instructions on this.

PR-stroke or official name

To date, have the official name must:

  • legal entities;
  • individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs.

Can IP be the name of the company? This question is quite difficult to answer, because the question will immediately follow - and what is the name? The fact is that by law, by an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that exercising economic activities may be two names:

  • official;
  • commercial.

The first is indicated in constituent documents and testimonies with OGRNIP numbers, and the second is most used to more advertising. It follows from this that the official and commercial designation are entitled to themselves the authorities and subjects of private entrepreneurship.

Can the IP have a name that differs from its official data and is not contained in its constituent documents? Can. For these purposes, the concept of "commercial designation" appeared. In fact, the name of the owner does not particularly attract a large number of customers who are accustomed to pay attention to the bright and "loud" signs.

How to assign the name of the IP?

To this question, Article 1538 of the Civil Code of Russia can be fully answered, in which it is said:

  • all commercial and non-profit organizations and entities of the IP are entitled to improve their financial condition to have two names: official and commercial (optional);
  • legal or individuals do not have the right to use several commercial designations for one business unit.

Thus, the unofficial name is not fixed anywhere. However, before you give the name of the IP, think again, whether it is worth doing it.

Finally, we will finish the beautiful name for the IP will help the creation of your logo or brand. Remember that these attributes of entrepreneurial activity must be officially recorded in their constituent documents. Printing in this case is simply inevitable. The impression of this business "accessory" must contain the FULL NAM, the place of the implementation of its entrepreneurial activity, the Inn, as well as the logo. For more information, an individual entrepreneur who does not want to engage in entrepreneurship under his last name must contact 129-FZ.

Is it possible to assign the name of the IP? This question is worried about most novice businessmen. On the one hand, the official name of the entrepreneur is the name, name and patronymic. On the other hand, they are not always keen, they will be appropriate to look and sound in advertising. In fact, the entrepreneur is not forbidden to use a commercial name. But it is worth carefully understanding this issue.

Is it possible to assign a name for your IP if it is necessary to register it?

In accordance with the legislation in Russia, the official name of the IP is the combination of this abbreviation with the surname, the name and patronymic. Another word or a combination cannot be used for this.

It is like an abbreviation in combination with the name of the entrepreneur indicate the registry both during registration and in the process of activity. It is important to understand that the entrepreneur is an extremely individual. Therefore, register the name of the company for the IP is impossible.

Naturally, in official documents, including on checks and invoices, it is entitled to indicate only PI in combination with the surname, name and patronymic. However, in order to acquire individuality, the owner of the business can be called a store or the place of providing services a unique way. This approach makes the object memorable and facilitates advertising.

It should be borne in mind that for IP, the name is not included in the registration documents. The name is used exclusively to individualize the place of doing business. When organizing a network of objects of conducting an IP activity is entitled to use one name for their designation.

If subsequently, the entrepreneur will want to make a unique business belonging to him, he has the right to register a trademark. Logo or name can be used as it.

Registration of a trademark helps to achieve the following goals:

  • combine objects belonging to a businessman (shops, hairdressers and others);
  • stand out among competitors;
  • lower your own recognizable brand.

It turns out that the question of how to name the SP, it sounds incorrect. It is more correct to choose the name of the trading point or other object in which activities are being conducted.

If the entrepreneur chooses for his objects notation that are not branded, the strict requirements for them are not presented.

Nevertheless, it is important to know several rules that will help make the name memorable:

  1. It is important to achieve simplicity, the name must be easily pronounced and written. This name will be quickly remembered, with ease will be transmitted from a person to a person. In the end, it will be clearly associated with a specific entrepreneur. Complex abbreviations and phrases cannot become a qualitative name.
  2. It is impossible to register the name, which is a generally accepted concept.
  3. Specialists do not advise, calling a business, use too much descriptive information.
  4. If the entrepreneur believes that it will not stop, and subsequently his activities will grow, it is not recommended to use binding to a certain geographical area or product in item.
  5. Also advised to abandon the use of the surname and name, words with an ambiguous interpretation.

With caution should be taken to foreign words. They should adequately sound in Russian. It is worth carefully studying the translation of the name of the named name, with the involvement of a specialist. The dual value is able to let the reputation of a businessman.

It is important to keep in mind that any name has the right to use other organizations. Today, state bodies list of names are not conducted. Therefore, it makes no sense to check the presence of the selected name in the registry. However, one should always strive for uniqueness. This makes it possible to provide business awareness, helps customers unambiguously identify the company.

They say: as the ship will name, so he saves. The same can be said about the store discovered by the IP. The name must be keen, memorable and understandable. But there is a question, is it necessary to register the name of the store? Do it optional.

But if the entrepreneur has come up with a truly unique name, and wants it to belong only to him, he has the right to register a service sign. In this case, the commercial designation can be used by the copyright holder and anyone else.

To register the names of an individual entrepreneur, you should contact Rospatent.

This should provide a package of documents:

  • receipt of payment of the appropriate duty;
  • a request to register a service sign that should have in its composition information about entrepreneur;
  • subject to registering the name is contained in the application itself and in the appendix to it;
  • description of the service sign explaining it;
  • a list of products and services for which the registered name will be used.

Prepared documents can be sent to Rospatent by mail, bring to personally or send using electronic communications.

After the registration procedure is completed, the entrepreneur will issue a certificate for a service sign. The right of exceptional use is valid for ten years, at its end it is possible to extend its action an unlimited number of times.

If IP wants to fix the uniqueness of the proprietary name to them, it can hold it. In this case, the name of the trademark will be able to use only a specific entrepreneur in the activity.

Before passing the registration procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the number of rules:

In addition to the compliance with the above rules, it is important to ensure that the trademark corresponds to the requirements of the law. They are reflected in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Not always the name or trademark chosen by the entrepreneur is unique. Specialists advise first of all to contact Rospatent to check them. This will help avoid refusal to register, which means that a large amount of time will save.

It should be aware of which circumstances can lead to the fact that the name or trademark will not be registered:

  • the selected name misleads potential customers;
  • the name is partially or fully coincided with the previously registered earlier;
  • the selected name includes the designation of any state body.

Only if all the above conditions are observed, IP may apply for registration. First of all, you will need to pay the state duty. It is one thousand rubles.

Some particularly enterprising citizens register any name. Subsequently, they can sell it. At the same time, the cost of especially interesting specimens reaches tens of thousands and even more.

Do not forget that the conduct of activities under the already registered name may be threatened with unpleasant consequences. The copyright holder of such a trademark is entitled to apply to the court. If the decision on the case is accepted in his favor, the entrepreneur is wondering.

By law, the name of the entrepreneur includes the name, name and patronymic. However, IP is entitled to register its own individual name. Do not forget that this procedure is regulated by law.

IP as desired can open a bank account for financial transactions or make printing. But these actions are recommendatory.

According to current legislation, these measures are optional and depend on the specifics of activity.

Do I need to register the name for the opening of the SP? Around this issue there were always disputes and separation of opinions. Consider this aspect in more detail.

Official name

Each created company should have the official name, IP is no exception. His name is indicated in the constituent documents. In addition, many entrepreneurs wish to give a commercial name, which would reflect the activities of the company, was bright and memorable, attracted potential buyers.

Absolutely every entity of economic activity has the right to register its own name. These subjects include:

  • joint stock companies;
  • limited liability companies;
  • societies with additional responsibility;
  • full societies;
  • commandit partnerships.

SP in constituent documents should register the name, name and patronymic. Such personal data can be called a peculiar name of the created company, as they act as official designation.

Commercial name

But often on the signs of companies (stores, beauty salons, offices), one name is indicated, and on the check is completely different. The fact is that there is no and unattractive in terms of attracting customers to give the company name in the form of FULL NAME. Therefore, in addition to the personal data specified in the documents, you can come up with another name for your company.

For example, the beauty salon "Creatif", the store "Economy" and others. This name is characterized by consonance, conciseness, they show the advantages of the represented enterprises.

Agree, the beauty salon Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich will not be able to attract potential customers. Many entrepreneurs complement the selected original names by a specially designed logo, the history of creation, etc.

Perhaps it will soon be a recognizable and famous brand.

The legislative framework

Please note: the official name (FULL NAME) must be marked on print print. Also print contains the IP address, the main state registration number of the entrepreneur. Printing can consist of a certain company logo, if such is provided and has been developed in advance by the founder.

Attention! Commercial name (beauty salon "Aurora") is not necessary. But the current legislation does not prohibit this. Optionally, after personal data, it is possible to give the commercial name of the structural unit.

In some cases, disputes arise about the choice of a commercial name. Features of the company name regulates the Civil Code. Refer to Article 1538:

  1. All entrepreneurial objects have the right to designate their commercial activities. These objects include IP. Such a name can not be included in the Unified State Register and in the basic documents at the request of the founder.

Before you give the selected name, it is important to make sure that it does not contradict moral and ethical values.

  1. The selected commercial name can be applied for other companies belonging to the entrepreneur. But for one structural unit, only one name can be applied.

Other aspects that disclose the essence and field of applying names, legislation does not indicate. The question of the need to introduce a commercial name solves a businessman independently. To do this, he needs to analyze the main nuances of the chosen case, the work of competitors, the level of demand and understand whether the flow of customers will attract a specially designed name.

Some entrepreneurs spend great funds for brand name development services in promotional and nemine agencies that generate to their firms memorable and suitable names.

Beauty salon, clothing store, hairdresser, sports room is simply obliged to have its name.

If you are going to open a retail point in the market, invent and prescribe the original name is not necessary.

Commercial names

Commercial name can be used by other counterparties. If you wish to give a unique name to your enterprise - then you can register a trademark. This procedure is strictly regulated by the current legislation and consists of a number of stages.

But the IP has no right to assign itself a branded name, as he is an individual who has a full name.

You can take such a surname that reflects the specifics of the service provided (for example, the beauty salon "Catherine Great").

But who wishes to change their personal data for the sake of such a calabura?
When registering a trademark, the branded form will contain a specially designed logo, and its data is reduced below - IP Ivanov IV

If you avoid the procedure for registering a trademark, constituent documents will contain information about the individual entrepreneur. Pay attention to the receipts of shops, beauty salons and other organizations. As a rule, one name is indicated on the sign, and on the check - the other (FIO of the private entrepreneur).

Important! A businessman can apply a commercial designation if another enterprise does not use it for its activities. It is not necessary to indicate in basic documents and in the state market. The selected name can be indicated on signs, invoice, commercial form, for outdoor advertising, ads, packages.

Right to use the company name

It is forbidden to use a commercial designation that can disinform or misleading about the company's belonging similar to the level of mixing the name, trademark, a logo, protected by the right, which belongs to a third party.

If the entrepreneur has violated such a right, at the request of the copyright holder, it is necessary to immediately stop using it and compensate for the use of damages to the commercial designation.

The right to use the brand, the logo can use a different person in such cases:

  • under the terms of succession;
  • under the terms of the contract;
  • other reasons established by legislation.

As you can see, the IP has the right to use and promote a specially designed trademark, this sphere has practically no restrictions. To secure the rights to its use, it is necessary to officially register it.

Do not forget! Before the promotion of the selected name, it is important to make sure that its other enterprise does not use his rights long ago. If you do not do this question, at any time the legal owner may require money for its use as a compensation for damage.

Consider an example. It was planned to open the beauty salon "Beauty". As an emblem, an attractive female silhouette was chosen. But Rospatent already had information about the registration of such a name.

As a result, the beauty salon was given another name. But a few weeks later, the persons who were offered to redeem the initial name turned to the owner of the salon.

The cost of such a service was several thousand dollars.

As can be seen from the example, many enterprising faces specifically register popular and spectacular items in order to further resale. The cost of registration in Rospatent is small, and it is possible to sell such a name for a large amount.


Can Iphe

The novice individual entrepreneurs should be known that their business in many formal indicators differs from business in the format of LLC. You can read about all the differences of these two organizational and legal forms in the article "IP or LLC - what to register." We are at the moment we are interested in the fact that IP cannot independently decide how his business will be officially called.

According to Russian laws, the name of the PI is given strictly on the "Abbreviation of the IP + FIO of the Entrepreneur".

For example, the owner of the car wash Sergey Ivanovich needed in all documents will be held as "IP need Sergey Ivanovich", and not "cleanliness-service". You can do nothing with it.

If the proprietary name of LLC is recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then it is impossible to find the company name of SP in the register of individual entrepreneurs, they are registered only by last name.

IP is an individual who has a particular authority, who has certain surnames, name and patronymic, so the question of whether the name is IP, it is necessary to give it strange. But it is easy to solve this issue using a commercial designation or registering a full-fledged trademark.

Do I need an IP name

On the check from the beauty salon instead of the vest name, which is banging on the sign, we note the prosauric "IP Ivanova I. I.". But it is difficult to find a store, on the entrance to which only "IP" would write. Can Ip have a name not by last name? Does this not contradict the legislation?

Indeed, in many areas of activity, entrepreneurs can not do without names. The store owner will certainly need a sign type "Products", "Simulators", "Clothing", "Toys". To advertise computer service services, a memorable name is required. Here, a commercial designation comes to the aid of the entrepreneur, which examples of the names of the PI and are.

Commercial designation replaces the name of the company for the IP, but is not subject to compulsory inclusion in official documents (Article 1538 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The entrepreneur has the right to use it to individualize several objects of commercial activity - then, for example, the name of the IP stores will serve as a unifying factor.

If the entrepreneur wants to go further and emphasize the uniqueness of his business, he can register a trademark - a verbal designation or a logo, which is legally not the brand name of the IP, but allows you to dissociate from competitors and build a brand.

The trademark can be actively used in entrepreneurial activity, pointing it together with the official name of the IP. By registering a trademark, an entrepreneur can order an original print. In addition to the name, place of carrying out activities, OGRNIP, INN on it will be a designer logo.

At the same time, along with the commercial name, it should always appear the full name of the IP. The contracts indicate the persons who concluded it, and in the case of IP we are talking about an individual.

Using instead of the official name of the IP commercial designation, the entrepreneur introduces a counterparty.

So, the IP may be called in the form of a trademark or service sign. It is permissible to use verbal, visual, volume or other designation as it. The names of trademarks and service signs are governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Among the obvious prohibitions are less obvious. In particular, according to the text of the GK, it is impossible to register a trademark, which is the generally accepted name of the goods (for example, the brand TV "TV").

It is forbidden to include in the name information about the function of the object.

Registration of trademarks is one of the services of Rospatent. In this body, it is necessary, pre-paying the state duty, to submit an appropriate application. List of documents for registration of trademark / service sign:

  • statement on registration of the designation as a trademark indicating information about the PI;
  • designation in two copies: one is given in a statement by inclination or using computer technology, the second is submitted in the application;
  • description of the designation, which is designed to explain it, disclose conceptual filling;
  • the list of goods / services for which IP claims registration of a trademark.

Now directly on how to register the name of the IP. Representing PI documents can be both independently and issued a power of attorney to the representative.

You can apply for the registration of a trademark with a personal visit, by mail or by fax (the latter suggests the presentation of the original documents subsequently). There is also an option to resort to EDS.

If an individual entrepreneur plans to register several trademarks, documents need to be sent particularly for each of the designations.

A positive decision on registration of the name of the IP in the form of a trademark (service mark) or the decision to refuse registration is taken after the examination for compliance with the requirements of the Civil Code. About possible reasons for refusal to learn from Art. 1483 of the Civil Code.

In the event of a positive decision on request, a trademark is registered in the registry, publishing information about this registration, and the entrepreneur receives a certificate for a trademark.

The exceptional right to this sign is valid for ten years from the date of submission of the application, subsequently it can be renewed as many times as it takes.


Is it possible to assign the name of the IP? This question is worried about most novice businessmen. On the one hand, the official name of the entrepreneur is the name, name and patronymic.

On the other hand, they are not always keen, they will be appropriate to look and sound in advertising. In fact, the entrepreneur is not forbidden to use a commercial name.

But it is worth carefully understanding this issue.

Is it possible to assign a name for your IP if it is necessary to register it?

In accordance with the legislation in Russia, the official name of the IP is the combination of this abbreviation with the surname, the name and patronymic. Another word or a combination cannot be used for this.

It is like an abbreviation in combination with the name of the entrepreneur indicate the registry both during registration and in the process of activity. It is important to understand that the entrepreneur is an extremely individual. Therefore, register the name of the company for the IP is impossible.

Naturally, in official documents, including on checks and invoices, it is entitled to indicate only PI in combination with the surname, name and patronymic. However, in order to acquire individuality, the owner of the business can be called a store or the place of providing services a unique way. This approach makes the object memorable and facilitates advertising.

It should be borne in mind that for IP, the name is not included in the registration documents. The name is used exclusively to individualize the place of doing business. When organizing a network of objects of conducting an IP activity is entitled to use one name for their designation.

If subsequently, the entrepreneur will want to make a unique business belonging to him, he has the right to register a trademark. Logo or name can be used as it.

Registration of a trademark helps to achieve the following goals:

  • combine objects belonging to a businessman (shops, hairdressers and others);
  • stand out among competitors;
  • lower your own recognizable brand.

It turns out that the question of how to name the SP, it sounds incorrect. It is more correct to choose the name of the trading point or other object in which activities are being conducted.

What requirements are subject to the title

If the entrepreneur chooses for his objects notation that are not branded, the strict requirements for them are not presented.

Nevertheless, it is important to know several rules that will help make the name memorable:

  1. It is important to achieve simplicity, the name must be easily pronounced and written. This name will be quickly remembered, with ease will be transmitted from a person to a person. In the end, it will be clearly associated with a specific entrepreneur. Complex abbreviations and phrases cannot become a qualitative name.
  2. It is impossible to register the name, which is a generally accepted concept.
  3. Specialists do not advise, calling a business, use too much descriptive information.
  4. If the entrepreneur believes that it will not stop, and subsequently his activities will grow, it is not recommended to use binding to a certain geographical area or product in item.
  5. Also advised to abandon the use of the surname and name, words with an ambiguous interpretation.

With caution should be taken to foreign words. They should adequately sound in Russian. It is worth carefully studying the translation of the name of the named name, with the involvement of a specialist. The dual value is able to let the reputation of a businessman.

It is important to keep in mind that any name has the right to use other organizations. Today, state bodies list of names are not conducted. Therefore, it makes no sense to check the presence of the selected name in the registry. However, one should always strive for uniqueness. This makes it possible to provide business awareness, helps customers unambiguously identify the company.

How to register store name

They say: as the ship will name, so he saves. The same can be said about the store discovered by the IP. The name must be keen, memorable and understandable. But there is a question, is it necessary to register the name of the store? Do it optional.

But if the entrepreneur has come up with a truly unique name, and wants it to belong only to him, he has the right to register a service sign. In this case, the commercial designation can be used by the copyright holder and anyone else.

To register the names of an individual entrepreneur, you should contact Rospatent.

This should provide a package of documents:

  • receipt of payment of the appropriate duty;
  • a request to register a service sign that should have in its composition information about entrepreneur;
  • subject to registering the name is contained in the application itself and in the appendix to it;
  • description of the service sign explaining it;
  • a list of products and services for which the registered name will be used.

Prepared documents can be sent to Rospatent by mail, bring to personally or send using electronic communications.

After the registration procedure is completed, the entrepreneur will issue a certificate for a service sign. The right of exceptional use is valid for ten years, at its end it is possible to extend its action an unlimited number of times.

Do I need to register a trademark

If IP wants to fix the uniqueness of the proprietary name to them, it can hold it. In this case, the name of the trademark will be able to use only a specific entrepreneur in the activity.

Before passing the registration procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the number of rules:

  1. It should be borne in mind that trademarks are used within certain classes. They combine a specific type of goods or services. Inside the class can not register the same trademarks. At the same time, similar options can be used for goods and services in different groups.
  2. Checking the uniqueness of the trademark, the IP should be used by the site of the Rospatent. Other resources may indicate the names that have not been registered anywhere.
  3. If the entrepreneur plans to export its goods, it should check the availability of unique rights to similar name in the relevant country. Only in case of its absence, a trademark can be applied when exporting. At the same time, the presence of this name, as it wants to register an IP, in the official register of another country is not an obstacle to the passage of the relevant procedure in Russia.

In addition to the compliance with the above rules, it is important to ensure that the trademark corresponds to the requirements of the law. They are reflected in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to patent name or trademark

Not always the name or trademark chosen by the entrepreneur is unique. Specialists advise first of all to contact Rospatent to check them. This will help avoid refusal to register, which means that a large amount of time will save.

It should be aware of which circumstances can lead to the fact that the name or trademark will not be registered:

  • the selected name misleads potential customers;
  • the name is partially or fully coincided with the previously registered earlier;
  • the selected name includes the designation of any state body.

Only if all the above conditions are observed, IP may apply for registration. First of all, you will need to pay the state duty. It is one thousand rubles.

Some particularly enterprising citizens register any name. Subsequently, they can sell it. At the same time, the cost of especially interesting specimens reaches tens of thousands and even more.

Do not forget that the conduct of activities under the already registered name may be threatened with unpleasant consequences. The copyright holder of such a trademark is entitled to apply to the court. If the decision on the case is accepted in his favor, the entrepreneur is wondering.

By law, the name of the entrepreneur includes the name, name and patronymic. However, IP is entitled to register its own individual name. Do not forget that this procedure is regulated by law.


Corporate name IP

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Any individual enterprise can be considered both the object and the subject of economic activity. As an object is a truly independent unit of a certain sector of the economy, which leads entrepreneurial activities. As a subject is an enterprise that has its personal and individual characteristics. In any case, the name of the IP plays an important role in business development.

The need to register a corporate name

According to the law, any IP should be identified by the name of the owner. Most often it is made by the name, name and patronymic of the entrepreneur.

However, as practice shows, any interested entrepreneur wants to differ from competitors with all its activities. This will allocate in the market and quickly attract potential customers.

Achieving these goals, the successful solution of marketing tasks is possible only after registering one of the following individual differences:

  • corporate name of IP;
  • trademark;
  • brand;
  • information and colorful logo.

Experience of professional activity causes individual entrepreneurs except the official name to develop an individual name of the organization of the IP. It is chosen so that it will fully reflect the main activity.

He is trying to create informative, attractive, well memorable. It should be easily recognized by potential customers.

Using the correctly selected corporate name allows you to solve the following tasks:

  1. First of all, it is an excellent marketing stroke. Modern Russian legislation provides for an individual entrepreneur named, in which the surname and initials should be reflected. The form of such a name looks like "IP FULL NAM". However, the law does not prohibit and does not limit the PI in the choice of branded names that allow them to promote their activities in the market. Therefore, the IP may have a name. You can come up with a good and attractive name for the store, hairdresser, beauty salon. In this case, active and passive advertising spreads much better.
  2. It is easier to organize and hold an advertising company. Beautiful, sonorous name faster, stays longer on a hearing. Owners of famous brands, which are based on the name or surname of the owner, do not always agree with this. The situation in which the name, surname, the patronymic of an individual entrepreneur is rapidly interested, which is not a speaking abstract name. It is easier to search for SP by name.
  3. The abstract name creates good conditions for anonymity. It is very convenient in cases where a dishonest competitive struggle is underway against the IP. Fashing staff will not be able to help such competitors in solving their unfair tasks.

In addition to these advantages, circumstances occur in which the registered individual name is simply necessary:

  • to provide permission to perform individual tasks to trusted persons;
  • for advertising companies, participation in exhibitions, presenting their products in contests. This will eliminate possible differences, will relieve problems in the field of copyright.

Legal registration of brand name

When creating your business, the future entrepreneur wants to get an answer to the following questions:

  1. Do I need to register the name?
  2. You can or not consider the proprietary name of the IP analogue of the company name?

Unlike the name of the company, the company, the Organization on the existing legislation, the entrepreneur is not required to celebrate the selected individual name in his documents. It can not be declared in the tax inspection. The same name can be used for a number of objects: the name of the IP store, catering points and so on.

The rules of choice, the procedure for applying branded items is governed by the articles of the Civil Code (in particular, Article 1538). After receiving a permit for commercial activities as an IP, the applicant has the right to develop and apply its own individual commercial name. It must be remembered that one name can be assigned to one object.

In addition to the corporate name, the IP can register another individual character. It is called trademark. It is very reasonable especially in production activities. Trademark is a symbolic designation. It reflects the individual feature of the business of the entrepreneur. Such a sign is used in conjunction with the official name of the PI.

After registration, its placement on the press of the entrepreneur is allowed. In addition to him, the full name of the IP must be on the press, the place of implementation of the main activity.

Also must be the main details: OGRNIP, INN. In addition, the law defines other features of the development and use of any commercial name.

The rights of the entrepreneur on its use are legally determined. Responsibilities and responsibilities.

An individual commercial name can be freely registered. This name according to the law is not fixed only after it. The same name can use another entrepreneur, the company, public association.

The Ministry of Justice contains a full record of registered individual items. A common name of the IP, examples of widespread items: a cafe "Lira", beauty salon "Perfection" and so on. The right of championship is always preserved by the entrepreneur who received an application for registration before others.

How to register the name of the IP

The established rules allow the following images in branded names:

  • separate words, set of words, abbreviation on Cyrillic or Latineta;
  • artistic image: drawing, graphics, top, symbol set;
  • through image.

The list of permissible variants of names, trademarks, logos are quite wide. It is limited to existing legislation and common sense. It is impossible to choose the name of a well-known product as a name for a trademark. Examples of incorrect names: The brand of the refrigerator cannot be called "refrigerator", and the new iron design is called "Iron".

When choosing a corporate name of its IP, it should be remembered that such names are divided into two categories. The first category is official names, the second - commercial names.

Develop and apply the commercial name is allowed without registration. Consequently, it may not be included in the constituent documents.

Creating a memorable individual name, sign, logo can be entrusted to specialized organizations. Their experienced specialists in the so-called "neminigu" will always help.

It should be remembered that the services of professionals in this area are expensive. However, the invested funds will be justified.

Successfully selected individual commercial name of the IP will create a positive image, increase the stream of customers, will increase sales, which means profit.

Do I need registration of IP names? It is necessary for several reasons:

  1. First, the passage of this procedure allows you to make sure that the selected name does not contradict to all established standards (legal, moral, ethical).
  2. Secondly, it will be possible to understand, and thoroughly track which effect gives an individual name. How many additional customers managed to attract how the profit returned quickly increases.

There are a number of reasons that can lead to refusal to register the selected name. The main reason is an attempt to register an existing and registered name. To avoid this, it is necessary at the preparatory stage to refer to the base of the names of Rospatent.

Specialists of this organization will determine the originality of the selected name. If registration is not possible, a written refusal will be sent to registration indicating the reason for the refusal. The legislation details the imposed restrictions on branded names.

By completing the necessary requirements, you can apply for the registration of an individual name. The official statement is issued. A package of necessary documents is applied to this application. He is sent to the Rospatent.

You can apply for yourself. If this is not possible, you can assign the execution of this procedure to any trusted person: your representative, relative, employee.

The list of documents for an answer to the question of how to make a branded name, it looks like this:

  • application to the rapatent of the established sample;
  • receipt indicating the payment of state duty;
  • copies of documents confirming the registration of IP;
  • a separate letter with the listing of all codes of economic activity.

It is advisable to select a name that is easy to pronounce and causes problems with writing. It is especially important that the name reflects the activities of the IP and associated with the reliability and decency of the entrepreneur. It should be avoided: confusing terms, incomprehensible phrases, geographical names.

It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of foreign words.

Before use, if the exact meaning of the word is unknown, be sure to check all the transfer options and possible interpretations in the dictionaries and make an analogy with other languages.

Incorrect use of foreign words, expressions, phrases can adversely affect the attitude towards IP. This is especially necessary if it is planned to promote your products through the Internet.

Registration of a trademark

In addition to the individual name, IP can register its personal trademark. This sign allows the entrepreneur to submit its goods as a personal development. It helps to highlight it from competitors' products. A legally trademark cannot be considered a corporate name.

The procedure for the registration and use of trademarks is provided for by the provisions of the Civil Code. It is prohibited to state registration of any designations that do not have signs of identification. In particular:

  • everywhere is used to designate individual goods or groups of goods;
  • already registered generally accepted signs;
  • denote the distinctive features of the product being represented;
  • denote form, individual functions of goods.

Registration process, the issuance of permits for the use of trademarks on the territory of the Russian Federation is engaged in Rospatent. It is in this organization that documents must be submitted. This procedure is paid. The cost is determined by the amount of state duty.

To register your trademark must be submitted:

  1. The statement declared properly. It is necessary to specify the information about the applicant.
  2. Submit a graphic image of a trademark. The image is represented in two copies. The first copy is attached to the application. It can be represented in a computer form by a graphic file. The second is placed in a separate application.
  3. Detailed verbal description of the graphic image. It explains the meaning of the proposed sign, reveals the concept, semantic filling, features used and national traditions.
  4. A product description or a whole list of goods on which IP plans to apply a registered trademark.

If it is planned to register not one, but several trademarks, it is necessary to prepare a package of accompanying documents for each sign. When providing each package of documents will be paid by the state duty.

The decision to register a trademark (refusal to register) is accepted only on the basis of the results of a special examination. All identified reasons for refusal are set out in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 1483).

When making a positive decision, a trademark is registered with the issuance of the appropriate certificate. Its description and the graphic image is placed in the register of trademarks.

The entrepreneur receives a written notice of a positive decision.

The term of its action does not exceed 10 years. After completing this period, the entrepreneur has the right to prolong. The number of renews can be as many times as necessary for commercial activities.

Registration as an IP and the opening of your business involves the presence of additional details, such as printing and an account. The state does not oblige the entrepreneur in the obligatory order of them, but the availability of details can serve as an additional advantage over other companies.

With organizations whose owners are registered as an IP, but the company has its own printing and account, partners cooperate willingly. For this reason, experts are advised not to neglect the creation of details.

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In the process of the company's status, the business owner may face the question of whether the name of the company belonging to an individual entrepreneur? The answer to it is identical to solving the problem of creating printing and registration of the current account. IP has the right to name the company at his own request, however, the current legislation does not oblige the procedure.

It should be remembered that the company name can serve as a profitable advertising move. Potential customers will be more willing to visit the institution that sound and memorable is called what will begin to cooperate with the firm that does not have the name.

If the entrepreneur decided to go through the procedure for creating a details, it is necessary not only to decide how the IP can be called during registration, but also to comply with a number of features that obliges the existing legislation. To do this, the business owner will need to familiarize themselves with the information.

Requirements when choosing

Despite the fact that the owner of the Waves to independently give the name of the company, he still must comply with a number of requirements for applicable law.

Communicable rules that must be met by the Company's name are:

  • the name of the institution must comply with the norms of morality, humanity and public interest;
  • the company's title must necessarily indicate the organizational and legal form of the company;
  • if the establishment with a similar name already operates, and the trademark has passed the registration procedure, to call the business exactly also prohibited;
  • use in the company name "Russia" and "Russian Federation" can only after receiving a special permit;
  • it is forbidden to use the name of the powerful structures of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation or foreign states.

Requirements made to the name of the company are minimal. For this reason, it is difficult not to observe them, even if the business owner has not previously familiarized himself with the rules. However, it is better to take into account all the nuances in advance than then re-invent the name institution.

Important parameters

Legal formalities

Deciding, how can I call the IP when registering, the owner of the company begins to think about whether the company name is needed. This requires to apply to current legislation.

Having studied the regulatory acts, the business owner will not find a provision that indicates the need to pass the company's name registration procedure. However, a number of features should be taken into account.

The company will have 2 names. The official name of the IP is the name of the entrepreneur. The props will appear in the documents and reflected on the checks. However, customers will know the establishment under a different name.

For buyers, current legislation allows the use of a different name of the company, which will be placed on the sign and banners, because the law does not prohibit the application of such an option and the problems of the business owner will not arise

Using neminiga

The company should be called beautiful. So consider most entrepreneurs who have decided to give name to their work. However, marketers adhere to the opposite opinion. The firm's games should make a profit, and all other parameters are secondary.

The name is an excellent marketing course that can attract additional customers if it is selected correctly. The name will help increase the recognition of the company in the market of goods and services and will contribute to an increase in popularity.

However, it is not easy to get high-quality props. It is necessary to make a colossal marketing work, which was named neiming. The process of creating a name consists not only in the search for suitable words, but also includes a whole list of actions that must be performed.

The procedure is divided into several steps, the list of which includes:

Analysis of the company
  • Usually guest specialist examines the sphere in which the institution will carry out activities, takes into account the concept of development and other factors. The task of the marketer is to understand what is superior to the new company other firms, what is your advantages, and how it can stand out.
  • In addition, a list of goods and services will be taken into account, which will produce or implement the company, and takes into account the price category in which the organization will function. The quality of products is important together with the benefit that goods and services of the company are able to bring potential customers.
Consumer Analysis At the next stage, the assessment of citizens in which business is focused. It turns out age, gender, social status of potential customers and their income level. The company's image must be designed for a specific audience, take into account its values \u200b\u200band vocabulary, which group representatives are used daily.
Market research After completing the previous steps, the marketer analyzes the companies that function in the same niche. The specialist studies the names of institutions, how consumers reacted to the brand, pros and cons of competitors. In addition, advertising moves and methods of promoting goods are taken into account.
Requirements for the title
  • When all the features are taken into account, they are based on the list of wishes that the company's name must match. It is revealed, which idea should reflect the words that can be used, and the list of expressions that cannot be applied is determined.
  • The specialist then calls an approximate number of letters from which the selected word should consist, and other features of the name selection procedure.
Generation of ideas Then the specialists participating in the procedure are selected words that meet the stated requirements. A large number of expressions may complicate the company names. For this reason, experts must strictly observe the identified framework.
Selection options All proposed ideas are passing a procedure for analyzing the criteria. The result of the operation becomes a choice of several names. Then they are subject to examination.
Testing Options that have been selected are tested on real people. For this, a group of persons who can later become clients of the company are selected. Specialists offer them to evaluate the remaining options, name the associations they cause, and note the most liked word, which contributes to improving confidence in the company.
Legal expertise The final name that has passed all previous testing is tested for compliance with the norms of current legislation. If the selected name does not appear in the list of names of other firms and satisfies other requirements, it is chosen as the name of the new company.

Performing all procedures can identify the name that will be popular with potential customers and will help attract new buyers. If the name is doubling, it is easy to remember and will be constantly on the hearing. This will lead to a rapid expansion of the audience.


Not all business owners give the name of the company in accordance with the generally accepted rules.

Sometimes the atypical names can also attract customers to:

Names and family names of family members or company creators An example of well-known firms that took advantage of this method of attracting customers can serve as giants like Ford, Mercedes, Hayz. However, it should be remembered that only those entrepreneurs who have an unusual name or surname can take advantage of the method. Such words will quickly remember and start attracting customers.
Mention of activity Attract buyers can company, having heard the name of which immediately becomes clear what it does. Business owner can form the name of the company from several words denoting the goods and services that the institution offers. However, marketers advise not to choose the names that the market is already oversaturated.
Hybrids and abbreviations
  • Unusually sounded names made up of several words. Business owner can compare the ending and glue different phrases among themselves. However, it should be remembered that the name should sound beautifully and easy to remember the potential client.
  • Bulky structures that cannot be crowned, the institution will not bring popularity. Before using hybrid names, it is better to spend a survey and check how people relate to it.
Transcriptions from other languages Another interesting marketing move, which began to use the owners of companies - writing by Cyrillic foreign phrases. Such phrases are always on a hearing and quickly remembered.
Creativity Fantasy business owners are not limited to anything. He can create his own words and use them as a company name. However, you should choose only those phrases that sound well.

A little reflection, the business owner will be able to give the company such a name that will attract universal attention. However, you should not overdo it. The name of the company can how to increase the demand and push consumers.

To consider all the features affecting the names of the company is difficult, especially if the entrepreneur is going to independently choose the appropriate name. Therefore, marketers have developed a list of basic rules that need to be used to make the company's name to be memorable and attracting potential customers.

During the process, you must remember:

The name should not be long Laconic, sonorous phrases are easier to remember than bulky structures. Specialists advise you to choose words consisting of one or two syllables.
Comfort customers Choosing a name, you need to put yourself in a potential consumer to decide whether it will be convenient to use the company's name in everyday communication. Words should sound well, do not cause problems while writing and not lead to disputes on the accent. If the business owner chose non-existent words, it is necessary to make sure that the client adequately perceives it.
Avoid ambiguous expressions No need to use the name of the company's firm that cause negative associations from clients.
Take into account the focus of the business If the company's owner in the future plans to go to the international level, he needs to adapt the name of the institution for hearing foreign partners in advance. It is better to choose a word with an international root. It is necessary to check the name of the name in all languages. In order not to complicate the process, it is better to choose fictional words or abbreviations.
Avoid similarity with famous brands By choosing a similar phrase, business owner risks not only to face problems with the law, but also will cause potential customers association with a competitor.
The name must hint on type of activity. However, it is not necessary to use joined phrases and phrases.

Rules are only recommendations. Business owner Waves to independently choose a word that will be used as a company name. However, accepting the view of the specialists, he will be able to increase the company's popularity among customers and increase the demand for goods and services.

We should not forget that the official name of the IP is the name of the business owner. In the implementation of retailers, individual entrepreneurs get the right to establish a signboard on the store, on which the type of product or service can be obtained here.

Business owner is endowed with the right to register a trademark in the form of a phrase or logo. Thanks to the action, the owner of the company will be able to allocate the institution from the list of similar companies.

The name that was assigned to the firm will need to be indicated in contracts or other documents along with the official name of the enterprise

Frequently asked Questions

Despite the simplicity of assigning the name of the business that IP owns, entrepreneurs often have questions about the implementation of the procedure.

To protect yourself from possible problems, it is necessary to study the solutions of the most popular of them in advance:

Is it necessary to register the name of the IP? No, there is no need for registration.
Is it possible to come up with a name for IP for advertising purposes? Yes, the current legislation does not prohibit the performance. However, the official name of the company should be indicated next to the sign and in the documents.
What if they stole the name of the company owned by the IP? The official name of the company is the name of the entrepreneur. All other phrases need to register as a trademark. If there was no such action, the entrepreneur could not make a claim to another institution, which applies to the implementation of the activity similar name.
How to fix the selected name for IP? To other companies cannot use similar name during activities, the company's name must be registered as a trademark.
Why does IP 2 names, and which one is official? The company owned by the IP cannot be several items. The official name of the company is the name of the entrepreneur. Additionally, the business owner can register a trademark. The current legislation does not prohibit the use and other name for advertising purposes. However, it will not appear in official documents.

IP as desired can open a bank account for financial transactions or make printing. But these actions are recommendatory. According to current legislation, these measures are optional and depend on the specifics of activity. Do I need to register the name for the opening of the SP? Around this issue there were always disputes and separation of opinions. Consider this aspect in more detail.

Official name

Each created company should have the official name, IP is no exception. His name is indicated in the constituent documents. In addition, many entrepreneurs wish to give a commercial name, which would reflect the activities of the company, was bright and memorable, attracted potential buyers.

Absolutely every entity of economic activity has the right to register its own name. These subjects include:

  • joint stock companies;
  • limited liability companies;
  • societies with additional responsibility;
  • full societies;
  • commandit partnerships.

SP in constituent documents should register the name, name and patronymic. Such personal data can be called a peculiar name of the created company, as they act as official designation.

Commercial name

But often on the signs of companies (stores, beauty salons, offices), one name is indicated, and on the check is completely different. The fact is that there is no and unattractive in terms of attracting customers to give the company name in the form of FULL NAME. Therefore, in addition to the personal data specified in the documents, you can come up with another name for your company.

For example, the beauty salon "Creatif", the store "Economy" and others. This name is characterized by consonance, conciseness, they show the advantages of the represented enterprises. Agree, the beauty salon Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich will not be able to attract potential customers. Many entrepreneurs complement the selected original names by a specially developed logo, the history of creation, etc. Perhaps it will soon be a recognizable and well-known brand.

The legislative framework

Please note: the official name (FULL NAME) must be marked on print print. Also print contains the IP address, the main state registration number of the entrepreneur. Printing can consist of a certain company logo, if such is provided and has been developed in advance by the founder.