How to make ice ice from aloe, chamomile and green tea. Cosmetic ice for rejuvenation, humidification and skin lightening

How to make ice ice from aloe, chamomile and green tea. Cosmetic ice for rejuvenation, humidification and skin lightening
How to make ice ice from aloe, chamomile and green tea. Cosmetic ice for rejuvenation, humidification and skin lightening

Ice cosmetic wipes are equally perfectly refreshing and tone the skin, both hot summer in the morning and cloudy autumn evenings. Making cosmetic ice It is simple enough, you just need to determine the composition of the future ice cube, prepare a decoction or solution, pour into the forms and freeze.

In hot days it is possible to completely replace the washing with wipes with cosmetic ice. Low temperatures in combination with healing decoctions are rejuvenated, moisturized and tone the skin. If during the summer you will be able to get used to the ice toning of the skin, wiping with pieces of ice can continue in the winter. If you use frozen juices fresh vegetables, it is better to harvest the stock of ice cosmetics. Wipe the skin of ice is not only moisturizing and vigor, it is also a narrowing of the pores, and the removal of swelling.

Today, in cosmetic salons, you can purchase special forms for freezing healing decoctions or ready-made lotions for freezing. Nevertheless, wiping with cosmetic ice is still considered an exclusively home procedure, because only in the home setting can be realized the necessary conditions For specific cold wipes.

Try every morning, barely touching the skin, wipe the face of ice, not forgetting about the neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. Do not delay long in one place, proceed for a few seconds to handle your cheeks, chin, do not go around the lips, forehead and be sure to walk around the eye. Use ice cubes for faceAnd you can easily brighten the skin, rejuvenate and get rid of dark circles around the eyes.

Ice cubes with chalp and aloe juice

110 ml of ragger from sage
- A pair of tablespoons of juice from aloe leaves

For the preparation of juice from aloe, which will have maximum cosmetic efficiency, put the leaves of this plant in the refrigerator for 10-11 days. And only after that press aloe juice. Mix the chalf decoction with aloe juice, and freeze. Wipes ice from aloe helps to get rid of acne and calm irritation. For treating acne, it is better to use in the complex with d.

Watermelon ice
- juice from watermelon, 3 parts
- mineral water, 1 part

Mix fragrant watermelon juice with water and leave in the freezer for a day. The next day you can start the morning with toning ice watermelon wipe. This cosmetic procedure tones the skin and gives the face a fresh and rested view.

Rice ice for leather whitening

50 g risa
- floor liter of water

Fill the rice cereal with water and put on fire. When rice grains completely softened, strain the resulting decoction through fine sieve. Pour the infusion obtained in the mold and freeze. Daily rubbing frozen decoction from rice help and small pigment spots.

Wine ice for oily skin

2 spoons (canteens) of the dried Hypericum
- 3 tablespoons of medicinal sage
- boiling water, third piece of glass
- Third Glass of natural white wine (dry or semi-dry)

Brew medicinal herbs with boiling water and leave for half an hour to fill. After that, straighten the liquid and add wine. Freeze the resulting grinding liquid and use twice a day. Do not worry immediately after the procedure, wait a few minutes and give useful substances to penetrate the skin.

Whitening citrus ice

Parabe drops of grapefruit and lemon juice
- distilled, purified or just boiled water

Citrus cosmetic ice is prepared very simple. Add citrus juice to water and freeze. After the ice cubes are completely freeze, you can wipe the face. By the way, as citrus ice wipes, it is possible to use and simply frozen slices of fruits with removed by peel and film.

Rejuvenating ice from mint

1 spoon (dining room) dried mint leaves
- 1 glass of boiling water

Brew a mint decoction, let it cool, strain and freeze. A few more action, and miraculous rejuvenating cosmetic ice is ready. It will only remain every morning to break down a piece. mint ice and process face and neck.

Start now to prepare useful ice cubes in your freezer. Be sure the contrast wiping or just the burning and cold touch of ice will have to taste!

Good afternoon friends! Today we will talk about the healing effects of the aloe vera juice for the skin of the face, about the procedures that we can spend at home to keep our unstead beauty, improve some flaws and help with some problems.

Amazing after all this plant is aloe. His homeland is Northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula - places with a hot and dry climate. That is why the plant has the ability to accumulate water and is very economical to spend it.

Thanks to thick, filled with moisture leaves, the plant is safely worried about drought. It would seem, because of the age-old habit, everything in Aloe is predisposed to collect, but not to give. But aloe is divided! Shares generously and not only medical propertiesI wrote about, and you can.

Aloe juice for face

From time immemorial, it is known that aloe juice is literally the elixir of youth for the epidermis. At home, our grandmothers made masks from wrinkles, acne and pigment spots. Rejuvenated the skin, making it more elastic, improved the complexion.

Plant juice slows the aging of the skin, pulls it up, has a regenerating effect. Aloe masks at home moisturize our skin, normalize skin fat production - many women know about it and successfully use beneficial features aloe.

Aloe Vera is most appreciated for the ability to cope with skin problems: rash, acne, redness, peeling and even damage due to dying or solar burns. The use of poor-quality cosmetics, the environment also affects the condition of the skin. Aloe juice eliminates rash, bunting, helps to fight acne.

Those who grow a miracle - Aloe Vera at home and have long been using a plant, know that it fits almost for the skin of any type. Dry skin it moisturizes, oily, on the contrary, dries. Soothing sensitive skin.

Contraindications to Aloe Persons

What pleases, contraindications to the use of cosmetic procedures for the face with aloe juice extract are very few.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Vascular mesh - cooperosis.

How to prepare aloe for procedures

First of all, use the flower at least three years from the genus. For cosmetics, leaflets that grow below are more fleshy. Their distinctive feature is dry tips, it is they who work most effectively in treating and carefulness. Another point you need to know: before cutting weeks, two do not water the plant.

  • Cut leafs wash, dry and wrap in tight paper, but leave the ends open.
  • And finally, hide into the refrigerator for 2 weeks. After that, you will receive a real nectar for your face.
  • Squeeze it, for this, cut out as much as possible and pour with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • Leave a pair of hours and then just squeeze in Marle.

The resulting liquid cosmetologists are called biostimulated, since with a decrease in storage temperature and in the absence of light, the leaves begin to actively produce active substances. They have a healing effect on the epidermis.

The use of aloe juice for skin in pure form

The concentrated meal juice is recommended to be applied in its pure form, and then it will act as efficiently as possible. You can rub the skin daily in the morning - especially fat or problematic. If you use nectar, having a dry epidermis, after the procedure, be sure to lubricate your face with cream. According to the reviews of all who applies a tool for quite a long time, in response, the skin will become velvety, elastic and very soft.

If you do not have the ability to use fresh juice, a pharmacy extract in ampoules will help in leaving the face. True, the useful substances in it will be slightly less.

Homemade face masks with aloe

The use of a metering nectar has a wide range, it is good for any type of epidermis.

  • Dirya skin, many small wrinkles. Mix with olive oil and hold the floor on the skin.
  • Acne. We regularly wash the juice diluted with water during sensitive skin. If the epidermis is fat, then juice can be diluted with vodka.
  • . Lubricate your lips, mixing it with honey.
  • Dry skin. It is possible to improve the condition by a mask of juice mixed with a fat sour cream. And the second good mask - Mix nectar with fat cream. Sign
  • leather. Make oatmeal: Grind oatmeal, add two tbsp. Spoons of sealing juice, juice of one cucumber and one protein. Mask apply for 20 minutes. There will be a fat brilliance, pores will narrow, acne will be dried.
  • Make alcohol lotion for oily skin. For one part of the pulp aloe take 2 parts of the alcohol. Lotion is a week in a darkened place. Wipe the skin in the morning and shortly before sleep.
  • For rejuvenation. Make a mixture of two spoons of juice, honey and sour cream. Washing the mask. At the same time, spend contrast washout (warm - cold - warm water).
  • And one more mask: Add a few droplets of lemon oil or roses into the pulp of the meat and rose (Ylang - Ylang is also suitable). Skin cover will be elastic, at the same time such a mask has a cleansing effect.
  • Moisturizing mask with algae. Take the algae powder and split a little boiled water. Pour on 2 large spoons of powder small nectar, add small honey and vitamin E. Capsule algae are applied to clean epidermis and after half an hour is washed off.

  • Sourish mask. Couple a couple of tea spoons from aloe leaves, pour the same broth of the Hypericum and add sour cream and honey on a spoon. The composition is superimposed for five minutes, then washed off.
  • Tightening. Juice, honey, milk and yolk connect in an equal number and apply on the face. After half an hour, I will be able to.
  • Glycerin procedure. You will need a teaspoon of glycerin, squeezing from aloe, warm water and oatmeal for lungs. A mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with a warm water.

Aloe Hair Masks

With thin and weakened. Make a mixture by taking under Art. A spoon of the juice of the meal, honey and a rapid oil. Apply and hold the hour by distributing throughout the length of hair and head. So that the effect intensifies, cover the head of the film and on top of a towel.

Ice cubes for face

I already wrote about the magic effect on the skin of ice cubes, if interested, you can read it. Sometimes, after some therapeutic procedures, you may have some amount of aloe vera juice. Do not thump it - freeze in the freezer, your face will tell you a lot thank you for this.

It is possible to freeze the nectar in its pure form, but some additives will not interfere.

For winter care for the face of aloe juice, pour olive oil or honey yolk with honey - it will moisturize the skin, remove small wrinkles. Effectively helps the skin squeezing from a meal frozen with milk.

How to use juice

  • Treatment with counseling is best to conduct courses at 3 - 4 weeks.
  • The share of making masks is suitable only glass, faience or ceramic dishes.
  • Apply a mask for the main massage lines. On the eyelid, the mask and compresses from the aloe juice are not applied.
  • Before mixing with juice, additional ingredients are preferably a bit (up to 40 degrees) warm.
  • Masks apply on purified, slightly wet skin.

Those who have long used at home Aloe Vera juice to care for skin skin will agree that the use of it is much more efficient than from purchased lotions and creams. Do you have a crown recipe? Share, please, my dear, I will be grateful to you. Be healthy and beautiful. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

What's in the article:

Do you know that such an ordinary thing like ice is very useful for the skin of the eyelid and can even pull them out? Of course, not any ice is capable of such, but only the right cooked. Our today step-by-step recipe - It is a rejuvenating and tightening ice ice at home from aloe, chamomile and green Tea.

From reviews about manufacturing cosmetics on our site We all understand that these funds sometimes not only do not help, but also harm the skin! But such folk remedies, as ice, sometimes have a completely magical effect, and besides - quickly and without harm!

Cubes of this cosmetic ice Warning the aging of the most delicate sections of the face, making eyelids and the skin around the eye with an elastic and brighter.

Cooking ice cubes for the eyelids at home

For ice, we will need:

  • Aloe (member) - 20 grams,
  • Dry chamomile - 1 bag,
  • Green tea - 1 bag,
  • Water - 1 cup,
  • Ice molds and freezer 🙂

1. To begin with, prepare the components. Fortunately, aloe grows on the windowsill in almost everyone, therefore the components of this cosmetics are available to all. Aloe is better to use a three-year and older, because In a young plant, useful substances are much smaller.

2. Boil the water and fill with boiling water bags with green tea and chamomile. Leave for 15 minutes to insist.

3. Meanwhile, rinse the aloe sheet and cut it with small pieces, lay out in a deep bowl.

4. Further decoction of tea and chamomile strain and pour them aloe.

5. Leave for 1 - 1.5 hours. Cover the bowl with a plate or lid.

6. After the infusion, strain. The remaining pieces of aloe are squeezed by squeezing all the benefits of them in the liquid from which the finest ice for our eyes will turn out.

7. Frame decoction with aloe juice bully over the molds for ice. Send to the refrigerator and leave there until complete freezing.

Our ice is ready !!!

  • Hold the ice cube on the skin of the eyelid on massage lines, without lingering anywhere! The remnants can be wiped with the whole face and zone.
  • In no case wash hot water After the procedure! Do not wipe the towel! Otherwise, efforts will disappear.
  • When the skin dried, the cream was applied under the eyes. Everything!
  • How to move ice to face? It should be light circular movements, while not worth lingering for a second in one place - a pair of wipes of wipes on the skin of the eyelids and everything will be enough.

    Such a simple tool from homemade cosmetics, like ice cubes for the age, will help your eyes to shine always! Be pretty at any time and at any age!

    The skin of the face is often exposed to ambient and low-quality cosmetics, as well as other factors. From here there is a need to use all sorts of cosmetic and folk remedies In order to preserve beauty and elasticity. One of the common options is the use of aloe vera juice for the skin of the face. It is applied in its pure form, add to the cooked lotions and masks.

    Indications for using aloe juice

    Apply aloe vera juice for the skin of the face in the case of the following problems:

    • rash, redness;
    • peeling;
    • excess fatness;
    • comedones (black dots);
    • acne (closed), rash of any nature;
    • other skin problems (dying, burns from the sun and solarium);
    • fading epidermis;
    • accusations, folds, mimic wrinkles;
    • brownish, yellowish, greenish skin color.

    The use of the juice or gel of the plant is contraindicated with nursing and pregnant girls, as well as people with Cooperoz. With caution, the product is used during menstruation.

    Aleo juice action

    • soothes the skin, removes itching and peeling;
    • treats solar burns;
    • prevents fractures on the skin when frostbite;
    • soothes epidermis;
    • softens the skin of the face, relieves redness;
    • accelerates the production of collagen fibers and elastin;
    • heals microtrauma, abrasions, cuts and other mechanical damage;
    • cleans the pores from burned particles, sludge, dirt;
    • leads to normal activity of glasses;
    • has a lifting effect;
    • treats purulent neoplasms, psoriasis, eczema, acne;
    • removes pigment spots and freckles;
    • protects the skin from premature aging;
    • has moisturizing and nutritional properties;
    • smoothes wrinkles, forms faces;
    • aligns the tone, removing the earthen shade.

    Cooking aloe juice

    1. Choose a three-year-old plant, whose ends have already been dried. For cooking juice used bottom part aloe vera. Before cutting the leaves, do not water the flower for the crescent.
    2. After cutting, wash aloe under the crane cold water. Leave to sleep on napkins, then wrap the stalks into paper from a loose cardboard. Tips Leave unaczzle.
    3. Send leaves in cold for 15 days. When the specified time expires, you can start a juice squeeze. Cut the stalk with knife with small pieces. Put in the glass from the glass, pour with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
    4. Cover the dishes, remove the container with the contents in the dark and cool, expect 2-2.5 hours. Now press the mixture through several layers of marlevary tissue and strain once again.
    5. Juice prepared by this technology is considered biostimulated. The tool received its name due to the fact that when creating favorable conditions, the plants begins to distinguish biologically active compounds into water. It is they who heal the skin.
    6. After cooking, special attention is paid to the storage of juice. Hold it in a closed container or a bottle of dark glass. Leave the composition in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in the door. Shelf life - 2 weeks.

    1. You can prepare an aloe vera gel, it is sometimes called juice. In this case, it suffices to squeeze the contents of the stem in a bowl and filter. Raw materials added to home masks.
    2. To increase efficiency, after cooking lotion or masks, keep the composition in the refrigerator 20-30 minutes. In such conditions, Aloe will allocate more nutrients.
    3. Before the first acquaintance with the remedy, make sure that you do not have allergies to the composition. To do this, wipe the skin on the skin of the elbow, leave half an hour, wash. Similarly, masks are checked.
    4. When you prepare a mask, before mixing all the components, heighte each ingredient to 30 degrees. So valuable enzymes will faster interact with each other.
    5. Applying cosmetics with aloe vera is carried out on a predetermined, purified and barely moistened skin. This rule is valid when the oil or esters do not include (water repels them).
    6. Treat the means made not only the skin of the face, but also neck, chest. The listed zones are associated with each other, so they should not be avoided. But the eye area is better not to touch, the skin in these places is thin and sensitive.
    7. If masks or lotions are used in preventive purposes, it is enough to apply them no more than 2 times in 10 days. When it comes to therapeutic therapy, making masks are carried out once every 3 days, and the tonic is used daily. Course - 1-1.5 months.

    Aloe juice applying in pure form

    1. It doesn't matter, you use a concentrated gel or biostimulated aloe vera juice, the principle of application is identical. First prepare the bath: pour filtered water into the pan and boil, pour a little sea salt, enter the handful of dry herbs.
    2. Remove the dishes from the fire, put on the stool, sit nearby. Lower the head over the container, observing the distance of 35-40 cm. Cut the towel to form a steam effect. Expect 7-10 minutes.
    3. For the assured pores will be revealed, they will be easier to clean. Take advantage of peeling with fruit acids or, on the extreme case, scrub. Exfoliate oroging particles according to the instructions.
    4. Now come over and leave the skin slightly moistened. Lower the fingers into the cooled aloe juice, then cover the face with the face of the face.
    5. The composition is not recommended to rub. Observe massage lines, do not touch the eyelids and the zone under the eyes. If the skin is fat or combined, should not be used additional means. In all other cases, apply an easy cream and give it to absorb.

    Loda with Aloe Vera juice for face

    1. Cosmetic ice is designed to remove any skin imperfections, including irregularities, wrinkles, pigmentation, gray tint Persons, etc. The frequency of wiping the epidermis - 3 times a day, the term of use is unlimited.
    2. For cooking, first make a decoction based on the medicinal plant. Salfea, mint, plantain, chamomile, yarrow and even nettle is suitable.
    3. Send dried plants (30 grams) in boiling water (400 ml.), Boil 10 minutes. Cool down, filter. Enter 50 ml into the contents. Aloe Vera juice (biostimulated).
    4. Boil on ice cells, wait for soar. Wipe the epidermis cubes every day - after morning awakening, at lunch, before leaving the bed. Do not delay in one zone longer than 2 seconds.

    Cucumber with avocado

    1. Choose a mature avocado, get rid of the fetus from the skin and bone. Grind, immersing the blender. Do the same with a quarter of a mature cucumber, just do not count the skin.
    2. Prepare a strong brewing of green tea leaves, measure 10 ml. Mix this amount from 15 grams. Bostimulated aloe vera juice.
    3. After receiving a homogeneous mass, apply the mixture and expect 35 minutes. The mask perfectly moisturizes dry skin.

    Pink Water Clay

    1. Buy in a specialized store Rose oil and water of the same name. Squeeze the components, take 2 drops and 5 ml., Respectively. Mix with 35 gr. Bostimulized aloe juice.
    2. Satch up 30 grams. Blue clay, enter it with small parts into a liquid base. Stir to homogeneous paste.
    3. Apply to the purified epidermis. Wait until solidification, remove the usual way. The mask is suitable for problem skin.

    Laminaria with Mid.

    1. Buy Powder Laminaria, follow 20 grams. (about a teaspoon). Mix with 25 gr. Honey, 2 ml. tocopherol or retinol (pharmacy solution of vitamins E and a).
    2. Add 25 ml to this composition. The aloe vera juice prepared by technology is higher.
    3. Apply a mask on the skin of the face in several layers, let's sleep each of them. Expect half an hour. Mask well removes inflammation.

    Peach with vodka

    1. You can use both the flesh and peach juice. Measure 20-25 gr., Connect with 8 ml. Vodka, 5 drops of jasmine ether, 30 gr. Moisturizing face cream.
    2. Mix the components of the fork, enter the dessert spoon of the biostimulated aloe vera juice.
    3. After a thorough distribution on the skin of the face, to withstand the composition at least 20 minutes. Mask is ideal for fatty epidermis.

    1. Cream. Cool the cream of high fat, mix them with biostimulated aloe juice. Stick the proportions 3 to 1. Pour the contents into the vial, use 1-2 times a day. Shelf life - 7 days.
    2. Herbs. Prepare a decoction from your favorite medicinal plants. Cool and strain it, measure 100 ml. Enter 40 gr. Aloe juice, mix and cool. Use in the morning.
    3. Lemon juice. Slit lemon juice to get 20 ml. Connect with the same amount of aloe juice, add 30 ml. Warm water. Insist the composition in the dark 2 hours, then filter.
    4. Vitamin E. Buy in the pharmacy an oil tocopherol solution that is sold in ampoules. You need 2-3 ml. Mix the contents from 30 gr. Aloe juice, add 40 ml. Balar from any medicinal plant.
    5. Vodka. Lotion is suitable only for fatty or combined skin, because it has a dry effect. Mix 10 ml. Vodka with 40 gr. drinking water and 20 ml. Aloe juice. Insist an hour, apply.

    As can be understood, aloe vera juice has a wide focus of application and a large spectrum of action. It is used in rash, excessive fatty or, on the contrary, dryness. Prepare cosmetic ice, masks and lotions with our own forces.

    Video: Aloe juice for face and hair

    Home cosmetology has long been familiar with the unique properties of such a plant as Aloe Vera. It has a moisturizing effect, helps slow down the aging process, has antibacterial properties, eliminates acne and what is important - suitable for any age. The pulp and juice that contains the Aloe sheet is wonderful tools for care for any skin type. Aloe Vera leaves can be used for making masks, lotions, tinctures and tonic. This is also worth attributed to special ice.

    What is the useful plant?

    Aloe contains in its composition great amount Useful compounds such as: pectin, alin, vitamins A, E, C, B, organic acids that contribute to the rejuvenation of the body and are a source of longevity.

    Aloe Vera juice has the following properties:

    • moisturizes the skin of the face , saturates with vitamins;
    • heals cuts, burns, wounds;
    • prevents acne from the appearance;
    • improves complexion;
    • prevents the aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles;
    • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • protects OT ultraviolet rays;
    • prevents the formation of pigment spots;
    • disinfects and dry the skin.

    Homemade Aloe

    Today, on the shelves of cosmetics stores, you can meet such a career for the face as a gel Aloe Vera , As part of which juice plants are connected to preservatives for a longer storage period. And although manufacturers assure that it is completely safe for the skin, but many women prefer to make cosmetic formulations from the meal at home . In this case, you can be confident that in masks, lotions or tonic there are exceptionally natural ingredients, which will undoubtedly benefit for the skin of the face and will not harm. Studying the reviews of women on the efficiency of the plant, one can once again be convicted of its wonderful properties and beneficial effects on the skin of the face.

    For one of the most simple ways The use of aloe juice will need a fresh leaf from which to remove the skin and smear their face twice a day. Such a sheet is stored in the refrigerator up to 3 days, then you should cut a new one. For longer storage, it is better to use the meal juice, for which the leaf of the plant needs to grind and squeeze the liquid from it. Offer useful recipes For skin skin from aloe.

    Recipes of lotions

    For the preparation of lotions, sealing juice is used, connected to additional ingredients.

    • Aloe juice to combine with alcohol or vodka in the ratio of 4: 1. Such lotion can be wiped with oily skin, subject to acne, black dots and acne.
    • Herbal decoction, mixed with ameal juice need to use for sensitive skin. This liquid also obtains useful cosmetic ice.
    • The composition of medicinal herbs is combined with fruit or lemon juice, adding a meal and aloe vera juice. For infusion, you can use the leaves of the plantain, sage or rose petals. Running the face with such lotion will help get rid of acne and skin inflammation.
    • The recipes of lotion for mature skin are based on the indoor, which includes the leaves of the meal and boiled water. The mixture must be boiled for 5 minutes, insist and wipe the face.
    • Aloe Vera juice to combine with disobedience from chamomile and warm up in a water bath, add vitamin E and mint essential oil. The toning composition cools and refreshes the face , But it must be stored in the refrigerator.

    To prepare means with a meal juice at home, it is recommended to use a wooden, glass or ceramic container.


    To care for the skin of the face you can use finished productsBut in this case you need to take into account that the percentage of the metering juice in the store must be no lower than 40%. A much more useful option for masks prepared at home, since such recipes are based on fresh and natural ingredients: Aloe Vera's leaves and juice:

    • The eggs of eggs beat, add lemon juice and ameal, apply a mask on the face of three layers after drying each previous one. Such a means will help bold skin to get rid of acne and inflammation.
    • Cosmetic green clay, aloe leaf, rose essential oil and pink water to combine in a homogeneous mixture and apply on face. Thus, this mask helps solve the problems of oily skin in the form of acne and acne.
    • The juice of the meal and crushed oatmeal - 2 spoons to connect with a juice of one cucumber and a protein, put on the face, leave for 20 minutes. With the help of such a product, it is possible to significantly narrow the pores, get rid of acne and eliminate the fat shine.
    • Peach oil is combined with aloe vera juice, vodka and fat nutritious cream - 3 spoons. The mask is useful to use for dry skin.
    • The next mask for dry skin is done like this: avocado, green tea, meal juice and crushed cucumber mix and apply mass on face.
    • Another mask version represents recipes for dry skin: seaweed in powder and aloe sheet connect with honey, add vitamin E, apply on face.
    • Cottage cheese or sour cream, liquid honey and a metering sheet, from which you need to highlight juice to combine into a homogeneous mixture and apply as a rejuvenating mask. The components of the aloe vera juice have a strong anti-aging effect.
    • Aloe juice, honey, yolk and powdered milk - A wonderful mask from the series representing rejuvenating recipes.
    • Glycerin, honey, meal juice and boiled water to take in equal proportions, you can add chopped oatmeal here. The benefits of this mask lies in its moisturizing and softening action.

    Application gel

    Countercake sheet - 2-3 pieces Clear skin and beat with a blender, add vitamin E - a few drops, which will serve as a preservative. Fold the mass into the clean glass, closing capacity and store in the refrigerator.

    The gel prepared independently needs to be used exclusively in a diluted form, for example, adding additional ingredients and water. Based on the gel, you can easily prepare lotions and masks, including acne. All utensils for the preparation of gel should be disinfected with alcohol.

    Ice from Aloe is no less useful, read about it Next.

    Frozen meal juice

    Not only liquid or creamy agents based on a meal can be used to care. It works well with cosmetic ice, which can be easily prepared at home. To begin with, it is worth making a herbic decoction, based on the type of skin, and then use it to get ice:

    • oak bark is suitable for oak, calendula;
    • dry skin will need linden, pink petals or raspberries.

    It is necessary to add a bit of the metering juice, pour it into molds and send future cosmetic ice to the freezer. Wipe the face using such a means, it is necessary after the morning washing procedure every day. After that, wip the skin is not recommended. Ice with aloe juice can also be done with the addition of floral water. Be sure to wipe the skin of the neck and neckline. Cosmetic ice from aloe juice is able to significantly increase skin elasticity, remove small wrinkles and extend the youth of the skin.

    Preparation of tincture

    Aloe juice alcohol tincture is best suited for fatty skin. The principle of cooking is very similar to the option of a home gel, only here in the role of a preservative is alcohol. The tincture is preparing like this: take a leaf of the meal, remove the flesh and pour it with alcohol - 1: 2, then leave in a dark place for a week. The resulting tincture can be used for problem and oily skin as a lotion that helps to remove acne. Women with dry skin, this recipe will not suit.

    A tincture of a member should be prepared from mature leaves, the optimal age of which is from four years and above.

    Aloe oil - healing facial

    Plant oil is the most valuable product obtained from the leaf of the metering. Its unique composition containing natural antioxidants, beta-carotene, a vitamin complex, allantoin contributes not only to the improvement of the skin of the face, but also to rejuvenate. The oil is hypoallergenically and therefore suits almost everyone, while it also has a regenerating effect on the skin of the face: any damage to the skin is rapidly reduced when using an oil extract.

    In order for the effect to be maximum, you need to properly use the meal oil. The main advantage of the fund is that it is suitable for any type of skin, but best result It gives during the care of damaged, dry or flabby skin. The plant has remarkable bactericidal properties and therefore, the oil obtained from Aloe acts on the skin as a powerful disinfectant. It is useful to use it in the fight against acne. Most women leave an aloe oily very laudatory reviews.

    How to apply the means with aloe?

    • To make domestic remedies from the meal, it is necessary to cut only large leaves and rinse them thoroughly.
    • Before use, aloe leaves, it is recommended to wrap in a wet fabric and hold at least a week in the refrigerator.
    • Before applying the means, you need to test the allergic reaction.
    • Any additional ingredients need to be combined with a meal juice only in a warm form.
    • All masks with aloe must be applied only on purified and wet skin.
    • Masks, lotion, ice or gel are applied to the face only on massage lines, but for the age of the eyelid and around the eyes there are special means. You should also not forget about the zone of neckline and neck, they require no less care and care.

    With regular use of means from the juice of the metering for skin care, the noticeable result will appear rather quickly: the face will be clean and shining, and the skin moisturizes and pulls away.