The procedure for controlling the quality of finished products. Quality control of finished products

The procedure for controlling the quality of finished products. Quality control of finished products
The procedure for controlling the quality of finished products. Quality control of finished products

In the modern world, it is very difficult to do without control. Alas, but human society is still far from learning how to do well and efficiently do what it does. And here the control methods come to the rescue. In essence, these are methods that determine the effectiveness of human activity. What do they imagine?

General information about methods

Let's initially go through the theory. There are various forms and methods of control. So far, we will not affect the specifics and talk generally. Basic control methods This is:

  1. Permanent observation. It allows the head to draw up a judgment on the attitude of the student to classes, as well as on accessibility and accuracy for him instructions, orders, job descriptions. In addition, you can personally observe the level of qualification.
  2. Oral survey. There are three species: individual, front and combined (compacted). The first option involves a detailed answer to a certain question or their group. Ensures work with a large number of people. It is necessary to answer questions requiring minor responses. And the combined answer is when several people are called, and they are required oral and written explanations. Example - the actions of the manual when the shortage is detected. Initially there is an oral survey, then written explanatory, that and how.
  3. Check written documentation. The main goal of the search is reconciliation of data on the position (company, sales, and the like). It is also used to conduct an audit, accounting, managerial and financial accounting.
  4. Check the level of qualification. It is used to determine whether a specialist has a specialist experience to perform a certain work or not, it corresponds to the position being occupied or it must be translated into a lower one.

These are the methods of control exist. Of course, this is extremely general information that needs additional detail and more detailed study.

General information on forms and types of control

They depend on the specifics of the organization of work. All of them allocate five:

  1. Frontal form. It assumes the provision of brief responses to the questions and requirements to explain the data and information.
  2. Group shape. Work is carried out only with a certain number of employees or data. They also addressed certain questions about something. Although it should be noted, representatives of other groups that are not currently monitored are also available.
  3. Individual form. Used to familiarize themselves with the skills, skills and knowledge of individual employees, as well as with the results of their activities.
  4. Combined form. Spends a combination of paragraphs 1-3.
  5. Self-control. It assumes the presence of observation of the employees themselves for the quality of their work, the functionality of equipment, the accuracy and timeliness of information on their own without external coercion. In many cases, this is the most attractive, albeit difficult to achieve.

In addition, it should be mentioned about other types:

  1. Current control. It is carried out by direct supervisor during everyday work, for example, the head of the workshop for certain sites.
  2. Periodic control. It is conducted after the end of a certain logically complete part of the work. For example, the production cycle or at the end of the quarter.
  3. Final control. It is conducted before renting over the entire year.

Additionally, it is still possible to recall the planned, preliminary, thematic and delayed control. In general, there are various forms, types and methods of control that allow you to keep your hand on the pulse of life. And in favor of what a choice is to make - solved in a certain situation.

What is their place in tracking the situation?

Let's consider an example on the basis of the already outlined information:

  1. Pre-control. It usually performs diagnostic tasks. It is carried out to identify skills, knowledge and skills at a specialist sufficient to perform certain tasks. It is held when taking a job or before the behavior of new duties. It allows you to choose the most effective embodiment of the assigned functions.
  2. Current control. It goes during a specific process (for example, production), and allows you to determine how much the creation of products, works, provision of services. It is also necessary to determine their quality. Allows you to identify gaps and take the necessary actions to eliminate them. He also stimulates responsibility for the work performed.
  3. Periodic control. Sums up for a certain period of time. For example, for a quarter or six months.
  4. Final control. It is intended to determine the final results of the activity. For example, for the year or when liquidating the enterprise. Encompasses all possible moments.
  5. Deferred control. It is held after a certain time after the implementation. A good example is an audit. It is intended to make an opinion on the effectiveness of the functioning process according to the results of a certain temporary segment.

There may be certain specific situations. For example, if a student is accepted from the university. In this case, practical control can be carried out to identify the formed skills and the skills of real work. Separately, mention about money. There are special methods for monitoring finances whose task is to prevent non-targeted use and / or waste.

Use of information technology

Funds and control methods are constantly being improved. The development of computer technology has made a new word into the monitoring process. Machine control allows you to save time both inspecting and workers. After all, with the help of equipment, it is easy to establish uniform requirements for assessing and measuring knowledge. Also working information obtained thanks to machines is very easy to process. And in addition, subjectivism is eliminated when evaluating the results.

Another important point - the use of machine control allows you to increase the efficiency of self-control. You can give an example of a personal life when a person follows all his spending and income through mobile helpers. Of course, you can do without them, but then summing up and the search for information will occupy a considerable amount of time until all the papers and checks are moved. While the technique allows you to quickly summarize all the necessary information and output in an attractive form.

It should be recognized that self-control can be provided without a car. In this case, you have to independently search for errors, analyze the causes of incorrect solutions, to reduce all data and do a lot of other monotonous and tedious work. At modern enterprises of the production profile, quality control methods are often automated and human involvement is minimized. This allows you to get a high quality result and for a smaller price. What, in turn, leads to an increase in competitiveness and allows you to survive in the conditions of a rigid market. It is impossible to miss the need that information technology has information technology. After all, they also contribute to control! Accounting, financial, managerial accounting on any relatively actively active small enterprise with a state of more than one founder, medium and large business are impossible without information technology.

About requirements

Suppose we need to provide adequate and efficient quality control methods. For this, they must comply with certain requirements. Namely:

  1. Systemativity and regularity Control at all stages.
  2. A variety of forms.
  3. Comprehensiveness. It is necessary to check high-quality and quantitative indicators, theoretical knowledge, intelligent and practical skills and skills, level of qualification.
  4. Individual character of control. When working with employees, it is impossible to replace the results of one person by the team and the opposite.
  5. Objectivity. It is necessary to eliminate erroneous and subjective conclusions and judgments.
  6. Differentiated approach. It is necessary to take into account individual properties, personal qualities, conditions.
  7. All objects must be observed unity of requirements.

It should be noted that the methods of conducting control should be easy to use. Also differ approaches depending on the conditions in which you have to act. For example, in an educational institution you can talk about one thing, the company is put on completely different requirements. Until now, it was possible to carry out such a generalization. In the future, the concentration of attention will be produced for control methods in the enterprise.

We simulate the situation with the commercial structure

Control methods are funds that are based on data representation (including graphically), which allow you to familiarize yourself, to understand and solve a certain problem. The basis is initial data, which is subject to special processing of statistical and mathematical tools. If we talk about graphic representation, then the most popular are:

  1. General list of defects.
  2. Bar graph.
  3. Control map of quality.
  4. Pareto diagram.
  5. Graphic image of reasons and consequences.
  6. Correlation diagram.
  7. Brainstorm.

The first three are used to detect defects, the remaining four - for its analysis. If you need to use, for example, financial control methods to identify problems, they are quite suitable for this task. Let's imagine how the group of specialists works:

  1. General list of defects. This is not an expensive and simple metering method, which allows you to sort certain events in the quantity and species diversity. Defects are listed in a two-dimensional table, and each error is recorded, for example, with a stroke. You can insert individual lines for unexpected and expected problems.
  2. Bar graph. This tool allows you to graphically portray on defects on defects. Thanks to this, it is clearly familiar with them. This species is also convenient to identify the structure and nature of the available data, which is difficult to notice in a tabular view. How are they built? In this case, the transfer of the table to the column chart is provided. On the "x" axis, you can place the changes intervals, whereas "y" to display the defect frequency values. Thanks to the histogram it is easy to assess the occurrence of the process and express the suggestion about the future.

Other moments of the simulated situation

Suppose that the methods of monitoring finances needed due to the identification of marriage. In the future, it is necessary to use such methods:

  1. Control map of quality. It is a graphical interpretation of random events in a certain coordinate system. During the production, employees can independently control the qualitative aspect of activity, randomly choosing random products on the line and go to check. Its results are entered into a special document. With their help, you can judge the presence of deviations, whether they come out for the established norm. If there are no problems, it is believed that the process is managed.
  2. Pareto diagram. Used to graphically display the causes of problems in the sequence of their effect on internal processes. Defective assessment occurs on the basis of their significance or by the amount of costs, which is needed for their correction. Here is the famous Pareto principle, which says that 80% of the problems will be delivered to us 20% of the problems. Therefore, the diagram is used to rank a sequence of problems in order to solve them.
  3. Graphic image of reasons and consequences. Also known as Ishikawa diagram. This graphic method is used to analyze and subsequent formation of causal relationships. With it, it is recognized and all possible reasons are studied, which relate to the problem. This highlights five main groups that are dedicated to: person, car, methods, materials and the environment. If necessary, their detail may be carried out.

Correlation diagram and brainstorming

We finish considering the model with the company:

  1. Correlation diagram. It is a graphical representation of a statistical relationship between a certain amount of measured factors (at least two). This establishes the magnitude of their relationship. As an example, a diagram can be brought out where the points responsible for the signs of "width" and "temperature". A positive correlation in this case suggests that the larger the temperature, the most significant width. As an example, ice, water and steam can be brought. The negative correlation ensures the presence of a reverse relationship, that is, the higher the temperature, the less width is.
  2. Brainstorm. This is a group-oriented method of searching for ideas, as well as the joint formation of a solution to problem solving. It provides the following rules: in the search phase of ideas there should be no criticism; It is necessary to focus on quantity, not quality; Unbridled fantasy is only welcome; Everything must be represented and recorded. Initially, the existing problem is written on the board. It is also necessary to remind those present on the compliance of the rules. Then the first phase of the search for ideas begins, the duration of which is negotiated. At the request of the group, it can be extended. The results obtained are entered into the protocol and ideas are recorded on the board. Then members of the group begin to evaluate them and choose the best.

Here, from such seven stages, one of the options for solving problems, which arise in enterprises. Of course, it should not be thought that everything is limited to them. This is just one example of possible activity, which is more suitable for ordinary enterprises focused on production and / or trade. And what if not so simple?

Pro methods of non-destructive testing

Let's talk about technical moments. Non-destructive testing methods - most often this analysis of reliability, basic performance and other necessary properties for a specific object or its element, provided that it is not dismantled or not derived from work. That is, they are used to check the quality of the product without its destruction. Consider an example when it is necessary to evaluate the upper face of the load leading to the damage due to which operation is not possible: the crash test of the car. And what if it is too expensive, it is difficult, inexpedient? In this case, GOST-18353-79 will come to the rescue. He offers us the following methods:

  1. Vortex.
  2. Radio wave.
  3. Optic.
  4. Acoustic (also called ultrasound).
  5. Magnetic.
  6. Thermal.
  7. Penetrating.
  8. Electric.

The physical control methods are somewhat separately, which are used to verify the quality of welded works, coating iron surfaces and so on. Returning to the non-destructive, it should be noted that despite the rather impressive variety, most often used magnetic and acoustic methods. Although radiation can provide more opportunities. Also, its significant advantage is that it can be used in the diagnosis of materials that other, for example, with composites cannot cope with. Of course, the specific case of application depends on what work is being done, since it is always necessary to remember the cost.

About the work of the enterprise

And finally, we need to consider tax control methods to pay attention to the maximum possible number of aspects found in practice. What do they imagine? Tax control methods are methods and techniques for checking the legality of economic operations, as well as whether they are true in documents and tax registers, and taxes are fully accrued and paid to the budget and there are no signs of offenses in the taxpayer. At the same time, they are quite closely intertwined and it is quite difficult to divide them. But you can try:

  1. Documentary. These include claims and as well as accounting registers, verification of the correctness and reliability of reporting, compliance with the norms of law, validity of the operations, coincidence of arithmetic values.
  2. Actual. This includes examination, property inventory, checking the actual scope of work, which was paid, test purchases, analysis of the quality of materials and raw materials.
  3. Estimated analytical. This is the implementation of economic analysis of data, the implementation of technical calculations and logical assessment, pricing control.
  4. Information. Request and receipt of explanations from the taxpayer, recruiting written information, an explanation of the current legislation.

We disassembled methods and methods of control carried out in various spheres of human life.

Independent work

under the discipline "Quality Management"

on the topic: "Product quality control"

Performed: Student 4 Course Group 7-EFMN-1

Kazakova V.I.

Lecturer: Savostikova OG

Moscow, 2011


1. Types of product quality control

2. Product quality and organization of industrial technical control

3. Ways to represent products to control and methods of selection of products of products to the sample

4. Statistical quality control



In accordance with the terminological standard ISO 8402094 "Quality management and quality assurance. Dictionary »Control - these are actions that include testing, checks, measurements, one or more product characteristics or services and their comparison with the established requirements for determining compliance.

Product quality control - checking the quality of product quality or process from which it depends, established requirements. Production quality control includes state supervision of product quality, departmental quality control of products and technical quality control in associations of enterprises and organizations.

State supervision of product quality is carried out by the USSR State Standard and its bodies; It consists in monitoring the compliance of standards, technical conditions and metrological rules, the state of measuring instruments and the work of standardization and metrology services. Departmental quality quality control is carried out by inspections on the quality of relevant ministries or departments.

The main goal of quality control is to ensure that the products (service, process) comply with specific requirements and are reliable, satisfactory and focus financially.

One of the most important factors for the increase in production efficiency is to improve the quality of products. Improving the quality of products is now regarded, as a decisive condition for its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. The competitiveness of products is largely determined by the prestige of the country and is a decisive factor in increasing its national wealth.

Production quality control is an integral part of the production process and is aimed at identifying defects, marriage in finished products and to test reliability in the process of its manufacture.

Production quality control is set at all stages of the production process, starting with the quality control of the raw materials used and ending with the definition of the compliance of the released product with technical characteristics and parameters not only during its test, but also of operation, and for complex types of equipment - with the provision of a certain warranty period After installing the equipment at the customer's enterprise.

To control product quality, it is necessary to have:

1. indicators (standards, technical parameters) characterizing product quality;

2. Methods and means of quality control monitoring;

3. Technical means for testing;

5. The causes of the occurrence of defects, marriage and the conditions for their elimination.

Types of product quality control

There are many types of control , which can be classified according to various criteria.

1. Depending on the possibility of using controlled products distinguished destroycontrol I. non-destructivecontrol.

2. Depending on the volume of control distinguish:

- solid controlat which all products are controlled;

- selective controlin which the relatively small number of products are controlled from the aggregate to which it belongs. Selective control, procedures and rules of which are based on the laws of probability theory and mathematical statistics, is called statistical control of product quality.

3. Depending on the place of control in the production process, distinguishes:

- acceptance controlexercising to make a decision on the shelf life;

- statistical regulation technological process, implying quality control for assessing the state of the technological process, followed by setup, if necessary.

4. Depending on the place of control in the production process, distinguishes:

- input control raw materials, materials, components;

- operational control;

- control of finished products Sometimes called the finish. To these types of control adjoins inspectionand volatile control.

Inspection control - This is the control of already projected products from which a detected marriage is removed. It is carried out if it is necessary to verify the quality of the operation of the OTB - the technical control department. In special cases, inspection control is carried out by representatives of the Customer to increase the responsibility of the regulatory body of the enterprise.

Flying control It is carried out suddenly, in unplanned earlier points of time. It is a kind of inspection control.

5. Depending on the controlled parameter, the control distinguishes:

- quantitatively;

- on high-quality sign;

- alternatively;

When monitoring the quantitative feature, the numerical values \u200b\u200bof one or more indicators are determined, which are compared with the regulatory values.

When monitoring the qualitative feature, each proven unit of products belongs to a specific group, and the decision is made depending on how much products fell into each group. A special case is to control alternative sign, when two groups are suitable and defective.

Alternative feature control is to determine the compliance of the controlled parameter or the units of products of the established requirements. In this case, each individual inconsistency is established in the requirement, is considered a defect. And the unit of products that has at least one defect is considered defective.

You can use the simplest means of control: templates, caliber.

6. Depending on the nature of the product, control can be control of pieces of piece products and controlling continuous products (liquid, bulk).

Product quality control and organization of industrial technical control

Means of control - This is a technical device, a substance or material for conducting control. The most common type of control - instrumental. In this case, the means of control are different means of measurement. Alternative feature controls are limit calibers. To control the quality of chemicals, standard substances are used, the interaction of which with a controlled substance is estimated by the measurement results.

Product quality control alternative sign can be carried out. organoleptic and visually. In this case, human senses are used, in particular, the organs of vision. In such cases, reinforcing agents (optical, mechanical, chemical), as well as various types of standards and samples can be used.

Control functioning of many technical devices cannot be carried out without testing. Testing products - This is an experimental determination of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the object properties as the result of the impact on it of various factors. In this case, the control means are identified with tests.

The accuracy of the control tool should be such that significant distortions of the measured parameter are not allowed.

Technical control It is called checking the compliance of the object by the established technical requirements.

Technical control objects are: products, the processes of its creation, use, transportation, storage, maintenance and repair, as well as the relevant technical documentation.

The most important part of the technical control is to control the quality of products.

In enterprises, technical control is carried out by technical control departments - OPC.

The main tasks of the CI is the prevention of production (supplies) by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of standards and technical conditions approved by samples (references), design and technological documentation, the terms of delivery and contracts or noncompliament products, as well as the strengthening of production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all Production units for the quality of products.

The technical control system includes technical control objects, control operations and their sequence. Technical equipment, modes, methods, means of mechanization and automation of test operations.

The technical control system is an integral part of the production process and is developed simultaneously with the development of the production technology of the enterprise's technological services or relevant design and technological organizations with the participation of OTD or in coordination with it, and must be recorded in approved technological processes.

Technical control covers all parties to the manufacturing process. OTB provides input control of the raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and tools intended for the main production, monitoring compliance with established requirements when transferring production from the warehouse from the workshop to the workshop, operational, acceptance control of finished products and many other control operations.

OTB selectively checks also compliance with technological discipline - compliance with production operations with the requirements of approved technological maps and other technological documentation.

Product quality control plays a significant role in the management of the organization. It provides really good quality products, which means it is an important method for achieving goals and a serious lever of the management process as a whole.

You will learn:

  • What is the essence of product quality control
  • What types of product quality control distinguish
  • How is the organization of product quality control
  • What stages consist of the control process
  • What are the methods and product quality control tools
  • What are the costs of product quality control
  • What is the result to expect from product quality control

What is product quality control

Quality control (QualityControl) - any planned and systematic activity carried out at the production, which is carried out for guaranteed confirmation that produced goods, services and in general any performed processes comply with the established requirements and certain consumer standards.

According to the ISO 9000: 2000 standard, which defines such norms, Quality is a set of specific characteristics and product properties or services to satisfy certain needs. It should be borne in mind that the designated features of product quality control could be measured and monitored. For example, they can include weight, product dimensions and packaging, cost, packing, etc. We can highlight 2 main groups of product features: high-quality and quantitative. To the first one can, for example, the referred artistic design, and the second - the size and technical aspects.

Product quality control objectives

1) an increase in efficiency in working with clients. When the product quality improves, the number of consumers is growing, while the existing client base is preserved. This is a good strategy at which there is no need to take into account the price competitive policy.

2) the formation of industrial culture. If a quality management system is competent and established, this is favorable on the motivation of employees of the enterprise, there is some production culture. Accordingly, the number of errors allowed by employees is reduced, which helps to avoid additional costs and improve product quality control process.

3) the increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise, the level of investment in it. Here success is guaranteed to those firms that exceed customer expectations. The established quality management system increases customer loyalty and creates an impeccable company image, strengthens its position.

What types of product quality control distinguish

1) Total control - all products passes through it. In this case, special attention is paid to any product marriage in the process of its creation.

2) Selective - not all products passes through it, but only its part. This is a kind of preventive reception, warning the possibility of marriage. This process at the enterprise monitors a special group, which is called the product quality control department.

3) Input control is the procedure through which the accompanying raw materials passes before it is launched into production. All supplier materials are carefully checked and analyzed in order to improve the quality of the final product.

4) Interoperative (current) control applies to the entire production process, when the products are tested between its certain stages to comply with the storage standards provided for by technical regimes, etc.

5) the output (acceptance) control - it is already exposed to the final product, what happened as a result. Everything is checked in accordance with the adopted standards and regulations, a thorough inspection is carried out for the presence of defects, the labeling and quality of the package is also taken into account. And only after fully controlling the quality of products and verification, it is allowed to deliver the goods.

How to compare the quality of your products with the quality of competitors

To find out how your product is different from the offer of competitors, you can take blind testing. The tool makes it possible to understand how to modify the goods to preserve positions on the competitive market.

How to apply this method, find out from algorithmwhich you will find in the article of the Commercial Director's e-magazine.

Tests as a special type of quality control

Experimental definition (study) of quantitative and qualitative specifics of products, which is carried out according to the established standards, is a test of finished products. Various product characteristics are taken into account. Several fundamental types of product quality control test types can be distinguished:

- preliminary tests of test samples in order to determine the possibility of acceptance tests;

- acceptance - tests in order to identify readiness for launching in the production process;

- Reception - Suite - Such tests, resulting in the readiness of the product to send the client;

- periodic - one-time tests held every 3 years in order to verify the constancy of production technologies;

- Typical - quality control tests conducted with serial products, when some additions are made to its production or composition.

What is the product quality control department

Sepa is an independent division of the company and subordinate to its direct director. The main functions of the department are the tracking of a product that does not meet the standards and defined references, removing it from production. Also, OTP is not just watching and is responsible for controlling product quality, but also works to increase the sense of responsibility of employees, follows the discipline in the company.

The department sometimes includes: groups, technical control laboratories of external exchanging, technical bureaus, Bureau of TC in the workshops.

Functions of the quality control department:

1. Control over the quality and integrity of the product manufactured by products, for compliance with all the necessary indicators, standards, technical conditions, the design of the necessary documentation for adopted products and is subject to return due to marriage, as well as control over the removal from the production of fully rejected products to special warrant insulators. and their disposal.

2. Presentation of finished products to customer representatives, if provided for by the contract.

3. Analysis and accounting of the defective goods of the enterprise; thinking and organization of projects for the prevention and elimination of defects in production; Finding failed in the release of inadequate products.

4. Collecting customer opinions and receiving information from them on quality and reliability of products.

5. Control over the quality of incoming raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components from products of suppliers; Identifying poor-quality parties, drawing up acts on them and subsequent promotions of claims to suppliers.

6. Regulation of the recruitment process, packaging and preservation of finished products.

7. Preparation and introduction of new standards and technical conditions.

8. Control over the availability of the company's trademark on finished products.

9. Tracking the condition of measuring instruments in production and on their presentation on the necessary deadlines for the state audit.

10. Control over the quality of manufacturing products and the condition of operating at the enterprise of the tool and production equipment.

11. Preparation and provision of director for approval of graphs of typical tests of serial products. Perform such checks on the desired time. It takes into account the compliance with the Gostas, ITUU, TU.

12. Control over compliance with the necessary conditions and standards for storing not only finished products, but also other products, components, raw materials.

13. Organization of product quality control in all stages, providing its client on the first request.

14. Preparation and implementation of current methods of product quality control and quality assessment.

15. Conduct unplanned product quality tests, as well as individual stages of production, raw materials, components, storage standards, etc.

16. Direct participation in testing updated products and in all necessary coordination and design. Perform all necessary actions to effectively ensure product quality control.

17. Preparation, conduct and control of the process of certification of finished products.

18. Reception of components for the enterprise, the necessary materials and raw materials necessary for the production, control over the quality of delivery data, as well as the preparation of the entire associated documentation.

19. The introduction of high standards and requirements for the quality of products, the desire for the motivation of employees for the manufacture of a high-quality product, opposition to any possibilities for the appearance of marriage or defects in production.

  • Processing assets of the enterprise: concept, management and analysis

How is the organization of quality control

The organization of product quality control is a set of actions to ensure the manufacture of goods that meet all the necessary established standards and requirements.

Technical control is to verify the ratio of the object of control and established technical requirements.

For the production of high-quality goods it is necessary to have a powerful technological enterprise, keeping up with progress. In this regard, the system of quality management and product itself involves the following conditions:

1) processing and adjustment of technical documentation that guarantees the production of good quality goods;

2) the development and development of technological processes in such a way that with their execution the master can easily follow all the instructions and perform its work, guided by the available action plan, without spending a lot of time on his understanding, studying, without experiencing the need to use additional support documents;

3) Preparation and use of accompanying documentation in which all data should be recorded by specialists and controllers in accordance with the drawings and technological processes (the so-called operational, final quality control);

4) carrying out a systematic verification of the accuracy of the measuring instruments used, devices, and in the event that they turn out to be faulty - immediate removal of them from production;

5) maintaining a significant level of culture and order at work, in the shops, in warehouses;

6) ensuring the production of all necessary relevant materials and components provided for by technical documentation;

7) Rhythmic work of production;

8) the qualifications of enterprise personnel involved in production. It must be the corresponding level.

What stages consists of product quality control process

1. The choice of methods is a full total product quality control or selective checks;

2. Choosing a control goal;

3. Development of an inspection plan:

Control objects;

Values \u200b\u200bsubject to verification;

Controls of control;

Control methods;

Volume and product quality control (full, selective, manual, automatic);

Temporary checks of checks, their duration;

Sequence, techniques and tolerances.

4. Fixing values \u200b\u200bof valid and prescribed.

5. Determination of the identity of discrepancies (detection, detection of quantity).

6. Summing up, resolution.

7. Written fixation of the decision.

9. Decision message (report in oral or writing).

10. Evaluation of the decision, taking measures to eliminate the shortcomings.

Quality control of products and raw materials

Andrea Kuomo, Director of Production Factory "Extra M", Moscow

As soon as we came to the macaroni factory "Extra M", we immediately became clear - it is necessary to completely change the system of checking and controlling the quality of products and raw materials (flour and water), approaches to cooperation with suppliers - too. It is obvious. It was not possible to act on the example of work in Italy: almost all Italian producers use their own resources and, for example, use water directly from natural sources. We have completely different conditions in Russia. We decided to take the following.

3 Stages of raw material quality checks:

1) Express test of the quality of purchased raw materials

Usually we discharged entirely flour, then its samples were tested in the laboratory. Now we take a small part of the flour and first of all we carry out an express test, as a result of which we check the compliance with the standards of 3 parameters: humidity, whiteness and degree of sifting. With satisfactory results of analyzes, the quality of raw materials are already beginning to completely unload raw materials and only then carry out more in-depth and detailed tests, some of which sometimes occupy quite a long time - it also happens to five hours (for example, gluten analysis).

If the results of our test do not correspond to the necessary standards and quality standards, then return the flour back to the supplier. Only the flour, which adopted all the stages of our thorough test for quality, goes to production.

2) attracting suppliers to the quality control of incoming raw materials

Now we work according to the following principle: as soon as they brought and unloaded raw materials, we immediately take two samples for testing, and not one, as before. After express test, we leave yourself and immediately send it to the laboratory, and we send it back to the supplier. So we care about bilateral quality control and raw materials, and at the same time save the supplier time. If, after conducting more thorough tests, problems with the quality of the flour received on the plant, having learned the results of the inspection of our laboratory, the supplier will be able to independently conduct an examination of the sample sent by us and draw conclusions.

3) Daily Chemistry Quality Checks and Finished Products

Every day we additionally test the flour before sending it to production - it passes the examination on special equipment intended for such studies. The inspection is then the finished products itself. In addition, both water, which is used for kneading test passes daily in the morning. It is pre-cleaned by passing chemical treatment in special installations.

Thanks to a thorough check and thorough control of the quality of flour, we revealed the most reliable partners for themselves and now we cooperate only with them. In addition, the sequential time saving on check, we have time to produce more goods in a short time. However, the introduction of an additional phase of product quality verification required some personnel additions. For example, I had to make a new reporting documentation, and still operators of the warehouse of irritable storage of flour had to undergo additional training.

What are the methods of product quality control

1. Histogram. This is the most effective method of product quality control method - data processing method. This method is ideal for current quality control in the production process, studying the possibilities of technological processes, analyzing the activities of individual performers. The histogram is a graphic method of presenting data grouped by frequency of contact in a certain interval.

2. Dissection. This method of quality control is applied to obtain specific information, based only on reliable data and helps to identify causal relationships.

3. Control cards. They demonstrate the process on the chart, showing its time speaker. With this method, you can quickly trace the start of the parameters drift along any indicator of quality during the process. This will help timely carry out preventive measures and prevent marriage in already finished products.

Control maps are used to control the quality of the product in the process of its production. They record data on the technological process. Formats such entries may be several options, depending on the type of product and its production goals. The result of the action of such cards is the timely detection of the moment when the failure occurs, and control over the quality and process of production begins to be lost. Then you can take the necessary measures in time. As experience shows, a small number of marriage types is a greater share of their total number. The total frequency of manifestation of the types of marriage category "Other" should not exceed 10%.

This diagram is widely applicable. Sometimes it is called 80/20 curve, as 80% of defective products are associated with 20% of all possible reasons.

4. Pareto diagram - a circuit based on discrete signs, ranked in descending order and having a cumulative frequency. Specificably on production, it should be noted that problems with quality are fraught with losses (defective products and costs associated with their production).

It is extremely necessary to clarify the pattern of loss distribution. Most of them are due to a certain number of major defects caused by a small number of main reasons. So, by finding out the reasons for the emergence of basic particularly important defects, you can eradicate almost all the losses, focusing on all the attention and efforts to eliminate precisely these reasons. It is in this that the principle of the Pareto chart is concluded, which is used in our time and is used very actively. Simply joint discussion of the main factors, as a rule, is not enough, since the opinions of various persons are quite subjective, but, in addition, they are also not entirely correct. The foundation of any event should be reliable information. It is her who allows us to get a chart Pareto - another serious method of controlling product quality.

5. Isica scheme. Japanese Professor Kaoruisikawa is the author of many books on quality management and quality control. Famous charts, or as they are also called, Isicawa schemes (someone are familiar with the quality mugs and graphics of reasons and consequences) made the name of the scientist known throughout the world.

So, the Isica scheme is a logical construction of 4 of the most important elements of quality control and their connection. Materials, equipment, man, raw materials - of them, in fact, and consists of a diagram. All of these four factors are arranged as their significance to the target. As you understand, the scientific structure grouped the very "ingredients", which influence the quality of the product.

  • Sales Stimulation Methods: How to Develop Loyalty Program

Of course, in fact, the number of components of the elements is much larger, so each of them can be additionally divided into associated, less significant elements. In the diagram, they draw up arrows.

To take advantage of the Isicawa scheme, you must first select the most key elements affecting quality control, and then allocate causes and consequences.

With the help of such a diagram, you can disassemble the quality of the product itself or its individual components, to analyze all the components and factors thoroughly, their influence on quality as a whole and separately. Also, the scheme allows us to calculate the most acceptable and best way to improve the quality of the product.

Isicava scheme, being another practical quality control method, collects together and clearly demonstrates all aspects affecting a certain problem. It helps to recognize and resolve a large number of issues of organizational, economic, industrial characters.

Product quality control tools

1) non-automatic controls;

2) automata and automatic quality control systems;

3) controls of automatic process management systems.

The first group is used to collect information about product quality characteristics. Most often they are used in manual control, differ rather low performance. Control them are quite difficult.

The second group helps to get information about the parameters, comprehensively denoting the quality of the object under control. In their composition, the presence of scanning devices, indicators and registrars, etc. They all characterize the products on the principle of "fit - marriage". As examples of such systems, you can name the devices for sorting balls by diameter, automata for accounting and sorting pistons, etc.

The third product quality control group (ASUTP) is intended for issuing useful information that can be used to actively affect the course of the entire technological process in the event of its unexpected violation.

What are the cost of quality control

In the estimate of quality control, you can enter:

1. Checks and Tests: Payment for the work of inspectors and other employees participating in the tests. This is relevant precisely when planned checks. Repeated checks of defective, rejected elements, as well as their tests, sorting, etc. This estimate is already not fit into this estimate.

2. Checks and tests supplied materials:

Payment of works of inspectors and test personnel of various levels;

Expenses for various laboratory tests that are performed to evaluate and monitor the quality of materials;

The costs of the work of inspectors and personnel involved in the tests of materials and their assessment directly at the manufacture of the supplier.

3. Materials for testing and checks:

The cost of consumables that are used in control and tests;

The cost of materials and samples destroyed during the test.

The price of test equipment in this definition is usually not fixed.

4. Process control: Payment of the activities of employees performing control and testing of production.

5. Customer reception:

Costs for testing already finished products before delivery;

Costs for testing products from the customer to their delivery.

6. Check the raw material and spare parts: the costs of testing raw materials, spare parts, etc. are taken into account, etc., which are associated with changes in the project technical requests, a significant shelf life, etc.

7. Product Audit:

Costs for auditing the quality of technological operations. Such actions can be carried out either during the manufacturing process, or with the final product;

The cost of all reliability checks that are conducted on products produced;

Expenses for confirmation of quality by insurance companies, government organizations, etc.

Production quality control results - stable quality and customer loyalty

Alexey Martynenko, managing partner of Umatofrescolattte, Sevsk

Before starting to work with any farm for the supply and conclude a cooperation agreement with it, we come there and find out how milk is produced, check whether cows are hung to mastitis; We estimate the overall sanitary condition of the farm, we pay special attention to the presence of cooling equipment. If something does not satisfy us and at least partially does not meet the established standards, we immediately refuse from cooperation. Mozzarella is a very gentle product, which should be made by certainly from the quality of the purest milk, in which no antibiotics content is unacceptable. At the same time, it must be cooled immediately after the milking, otherwise the harmful bacteria will begin to multiply in it.

All milk, which bring to us on the enterprise, we very carefully check for many parameters. We identify the percentage of fat, protein, density, and also for the presence of bacteria. If at least something does not suit us - the entire received party is immediately returned to suppliers.

That product that has passed all our checks and meets the established standards, we certainly begin to pasteurize. We do this at a temperature of 72 s, the process lasts 20 seconds. This procedure helps to preserve only useful bacteria in milk, killing all unnecessary microorganisms.

Then we leave the product for 12 hours and only after this excerpt we ship on production. The cheese creation procedure itself is rather difficult and consists of a variety of stages. Each of them is closely controlled and recorded by special staff. This allows subsequently when some shortcomings are found to be easily recognized, where exactly at what stage they were allowed.

Next, the cheese passes through laboratory studies, samples of all parties are checked. If problems or inconsistencies are detected - the entire party is written off the entire batch. With a positive result, we, nevertheless, we keep samples for the archive, in case there will be some complaint from buyers. Then we will be able to quickly respond and identify the problem of the party.

While the cheese is delivered to the distributor, we can still control the temperature on this segment using special temperature sensors. We lay them in all containers with cheese. However, its further preservation, unfortunately, can not be traced. An annoying, if the cheese is spoiled on the store the cheese due to improper storage conditions. And buyers may calculate that this is the product itself is not high quality ...

I personally carefully follow the quality of our products and often leave your contact phone number and personal signature - Alexey Martynenko. Many consider such a move insane - after all, I publicly advertise my data, my mobile. You can make sure. For example, in the stores "ABC of Taste" - there are this information on the cream oil packs. I really support my job and take myself personal responsibility for the quality of our product. For 2 years of this practice, I received only 2 calls, but also without complaints.

Outcome: After two-year labor and experiments, the quality of our products has been prolonged. The program "Test Purchase" on the first channel has already noted our result 4 times.

Information about the author and company

Andrea Kuomo, director of production of the Extra M factory, Moscow. OJSC "Extra M"
Field of activity: Pasta production (division of the Italian dececco company). Personnel number: 240 (in Moscow). Main brands: Dececco, "Notable", "Extra M", "Saomi."

Alexey Martynenko, Managing partner of the company Managing Partner of Umatafrescolattte, Sevsk. "UmatofressColattte". Field of activity: Production of soft cheeses. Organization form: CJSC. Location: Sevsk (Bryansk region). Personnel number: 167. Annual turnover: 500 million rubles. (in 2011). Produced products: cheeses of cheese of cheese, mascarpone, mozzarella, ricotta, feta, checked; Creamy oil (products are produced under the Umalatte umbrella brand and the "Umalat" brands, Pretto, Salatta, Unagrande. The experience of the managing partner in office: since 2003. Partner participation in business: co-owner (55%).

Production control in production covers the processes of ZHCP, ranging from control of input resources, controlling the preparation of production and production of products, as well as controlling operation, ending with the storage control. Operating control refers to the control of the operation of the equipment and serves to determine the reliability, confirmation of durability, the study of the nature and nature of random failures.

Product quality control is the control of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of products that are represented by variables and attributes. The measurement of variables is based on continuous numerical scales, such as length, weight. Attributes are estimated either without detailed measurement (as an example, the use of the instrument for checking on the "suitable - not suitable" principle is in accordance with the technical conditions), or subjectively (something has a certain attribute, or does not have, for example, the surface of the finished is acceptable or unacceptably). Production quality assessment when characteristics are represented by attributes, is called an assessment by alternative feature.

The random nature of the measured value is determined by the effect in the manufacture of products of numerous, often, insignificant factors that could not be predicted: change in temperature conditions, defects in materials, different storage conditions and transportation, deviation of voltage on the network from nominal, etc., as well as measurement accuracy .

Types of control are classified (GOST 16504-81) for the following features.

    Stage of creation and existence of products:

    production control carried out at the production stage;

    operational control carried out at the product operation stage.

    Completeness of product coverage:

    continuous control at which all units of products are controlled;

    selective control at which a relatively small number of products are controlled from the aggregate to which they belong:

    flying control, which is carried out suddenly, in unplanned times of time;

    continuous control (control of bulk and liquid materials), providing continuous admission of information on controlled characteristics;

    periodic control, i.e. The receipt of information on controlled characteristics occurs through the set time parameters.

Solid (continuous) control is the limit of a comprehensive (100%) control, i.e. Implementation of the control of each unit of products. Conducting this type of control is associated with high costs and, it, as a rule, advocates to substantiate the general hypothesis about the nature of the change in the controlled random variable.

Selective control (GOST 15895-77) is periodic sampling for analysis or periodically performed some measurements of product quality indicators. The size of the sample or number of measurements is determined on the basis of methods of mathematical statistics.

3. Stage of the production process:

    input control of raw materials, materials, component products, i.e. control of the supplier products entering the consumer or customer and intended for use at the production, repair or operation of products;

    operational quality control of products in the process of its manufacture to assess the state of the technological process with subsequent adjustment, if necessary.

    acceptance control (not necessarily finished products) is carried out to make decisions about the shelf life of products;

    the output control of finished products, sometimes called the finish;

    inspection control is the control of already projected products, from which a detected marriage detected and which is carried out if necessary to verify the quality of the operation of the technical control department. In special cases, inspection control is carried out by the customer's representatives to increase the responsibility of the controlling body of the manufacturer.

    Impact on the control object:

    destructive control in which the suitability of the object may be broken

    non-destructive testing, in which the suitability of the object is preserved to use.

5. Application of controls

    measuring control carried out using measuring instruments;

    registration control carried out by registration of values \u200b\u200bof the controlled parameters of products or processes;

    organoleptic control in which primary information is perceived by the senses;

    visual control of organoleptic control carried out by the vision bodies;

    technical inspection, control carried out mainly with the help of sense organs and, if necessary, the means of control, the nomenclature of which is indicated by the relevant documentation.


Types of technical quality control of products

Violation of the requirements made to the quality of manufactured products leads to an increase in production and consumption costs. Therefore, timely prevention of a possible violation of quality requirements is a mandatory prerequisite for ensuring a given level of product quality with minimal costs for its production. This task is solved in enterprises using technical control.

Technical control It is called testing compliance with technical requirements for product quality at all stages of its manufacture, as well as production conditions and factors providing the required quality. Technical control facilities are materials and semi-finished products entering the enterprise from the side of the enterprise, both in the finished form and at all stages of its production, technological processes, tools, technological discipline and the total culture of production. Technical control is intended to provide production issues that meet the requirements of design and technological documentation, to facilitate the production of products with the lowest time and money costs, provide initial data and materials that can be used to develop measures to improve product quality improvements and reduce costs.

At the stages of the production process, the following types of control distinguish:

- inputcontrol carried out before the start of treatment in order to prevent defects and marriage due to the accurability of incoming materials, semi-finished products and timely seizure of defective billets and products from production;

- operating Control carried out during the processing of products in order to verify the quality of operations, timely detection and removal of marriage, eliminating defects. It is possible after each operation or after a group of operations, depending on the quality of the quality of products and the nature of the technological process. This control is performed by the executor of the operation (worker, brigadier, testing) controller, master OP (BCC). In some cases, operating control can be executed by the Customer's representative;

- remote Control performed at the end of the manufacturing process of products, parts, assembly units in order to determine the compliance of the quality of the requirements established in the regulatory and technical documentation. Packaging, completeness, etc. are also controlled. This control is subject to all products completed by processing in this workshop before entering it into the next workshop or directly to the warehouse. Acceptance control warns the dispatch of poor quality products to the consumer. It is performed by the controller, the SW master, and in some cases, a representative of the customer. Depending on the type of products, the control is possible to conduct appropriate tests.

Upon completeness of the coverage of manufactured products, the control is allocated:

- solid Control - checking each product in the manufactured party. Typically, such control is necessary in the heterogeneity of the rates and blanks and in the instability of the technological process. Solid control is often carried out after operations are crucial for the quality of finished products, the homogeneity of which is not sufficient in production, when checking the most expensive products;

- selective Control in which only part of the manufactured products is controlled. It is used for large quantities of identical products and with a stable technological process. Selective control significantly reduces the complexity of control in a sustainable process, with an unstable process, selective control will lead to the conclusion about the necessary solid sorting of a clogged marriage of a batch of products.

According to the degree of connection with the control objects in time distinguish:

- volatile Control performed directly at the place of manufacture, repair, product storage at random indefinite points in time (suddenly) in order to timely identify violations of technical requirements and product defects, as well as preventing such violations. It is carried out only selectively for low-seat products and processes;

- continuous Control to verify technological processes in cases of their instability and the need to continuously ensure certain quantitative characteristics. Carried out, as a rule, automatic and semiautomatic means of control;

- periodic Control used to verify the quality of products and technological processes in the established production and stable technological processes.

For used controls distinguish:

- measuring Control used to estimate the values \u200b\u200bof the control parameters of the product: by exact value (tools and devices are used, arrow, etc.) and on the permissible range of parameter values \u200b\u200b(templates, calibers, etc.) are used;

- registration control carried out to assess the control object on the basis of counting results (registration of certain qualitative signs, events, products);

- control Sample Control - Comparison of signs of a controlled product with signs of a controlled sample. Used in assessing controlled characteristics and parameters of the product when their measurement is impossible or economically inexpedient;

- organoleptic control carried out by means of only sense organs without determining the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the controlled object;

- visual Control is the option of organoleptic, carried out only by the bodies of vision (eye control).

Special view of control - control inspectionwhich is a reassessment of products already accepted, or check compliance with control rules. Such control is performed by a special commission, it can be implemented in each workshop by order of the head of the Factory sector. Inspection control disciplines the staff, encourages him carefully to their duties. A combination of species, controls, methods of performing control operations and performers interacting with the object of control is the control system.

In the product quality management system statistical control methods are the most progressive. They are based on the use of methods of mathematical statistics to systematic control over the quality of products and the state of the technological process in order to maintain its sustainability and ensure the specified level of product quality. Statistical methods of controlling production and product quality have several advantages over other methods:

Are preventive;

Allow in many cases justified to switch to selective control and thereby reduce the laboriousness of the test work;

Create conditions for a visual image of the product quality dynamics and process mood, which makes it possible to take measures to make marriage not only by the controller and the OTD employee, but also the staff of the workshop - workers, brigadiers, appliances, technologists.

Statistical methods of quality management (GOST 23853-79) include:

Selective statistical acceptance control of the quality of finished products;

Statistical analysis of the accuracy of technological processes;

Current control in order to regulate and maintain the process in a state providing specified qualitative parameters.

Statistical acceptance control is selective quality control of products, in which the methods of mathematical statistics are used to substantiate the control plan. The control plan is a set of rules for which a sample is made from batches of manufactured products or parts and on the basis of their quality is concluded about the quality of the entire product. Methods of statistical acceptance control are used for input control of materials, raw materials and components, with operational control, during the control of finished products.

Often, continuous control or disorder of all products is impossible due to the uneconomicity of checking large batches of products or the inevitable destruction of products during control (for example, the test of electric light bulbs for durability).

The essence of acceptance statistical control is the selection and verification of the sample from the consignment of a batch of products. Based on the quality assessment of the selected copies, conclusion is made on the quality of the entire product batch.

In practice, methods of one-time, double sample and consistent analysis are used. When a single sample method, the conclusion about the quality of products is made based on controlling one sample. It is most simple and convenient. From the batch of products volume N.selected sample volume n.randomly. The quality of each copy of the product is checked using the appropriate technical means of control.

There are two types of single statistical control: statistical acceptance control on a quantitative basis and statistical acceptance control alternatively.

The decision on the quality of a batch of products, determined by statistical acceptance control on a quantitative basis, is taken according to the following rule: if the number of defective copies butdiscovered in the sample P, less or equal to acceptable numbers fromThis batch of products is accepted. If but>from, the consignment N.rusually.

Statistical acceptance control on an alternative feature is applied in the case when the reception of a batch of products in the presence of defective products in the sample is unacceptable ( from\u003d 0) for economic or other considerations. In this case, a rule is used: if no defective product is detected in the sample, the party N. accepted; If there are at least one defective product, the party is brave.

Depending on the variant of the branches of the party N. Returns the supplier or solid control of all products in the party is performed.

The most important parameters of one-time statistical acceptance control are the size of the sample P and acceptance from. These parameters are determined taking into account the requirements for the quality of controlled products, as well as the risk of the supplier and the consumer. The risk of the supplier, as well as the risk of consumer, is set as a percentage (0.05% or 0.1%). The risk of the supplier is the likelihood of taking the batches of products with a permissible level of defectiveness. Conversely, the risk of consumer is the probability of acceptance of a batch of products with a brave level of defectiveness.

The advantage of twofold control of the batch of products compared to one-stage is that, with other things being equal, less products are subjected to check (by 20-30%).

Sequential control (sequential analysis) does not define the number of products for which the product capacity will be concluded. Sampling is selected in small groups consistently up to the receipt of convincing results for which the solution is made. Multistage control and consistent analysis require highly qualified controller, therefore, although there are special control tables, they did not find enough distribution.

Statistical acceptance control is used under stable technological processes in mass and large-scale production. Compared with continuous control, it reduces the number of controlled objects, however, the complexity of each control operation increases due to the use of the measuring equipment (and not simple control tools as brackets and calibers), which determines the value of the controlled parameter.

Under conditions of mass and mass production, the methods of continuous control over the course of the technological process and the statistical regulation of its quality should be widely used. The complication of equipment and technological systems, the transition to deserted technology makes particularly high requirements for the process of controlling the quality of the technological process. The normal functioning of automatic lines and flexible overvollable systems requires obtaining permanent information not only about the quality control of the quality of the system at the system output, but also on the performance of technological systems, including equipment, equipment, tool, workpiece, and performer - working, operator, or adjuster, so the labor-intensity of control operations Automatic and flexible automated production reaches 50% and more in general labor costs associated with manufacturing products. In this regard, the improvement of existing and the creation of new quality management systems of technological processes is by automating control, the use of new controls, including acoustic, magnetic, optical, radiation, etc.

Improving the product quality management system should create such economic and organizational conditions that would stimulate high-quality, productive work, the initiative of the performers. Bad work should directly affect the material remuneration, on official position and on the authority of the employee.

Control tasks and questions

1. Expand the tasks of technical quality control of products in the enterprise.

2. Consider the types and objects of technical quality control of products in the enterprise.

3. Consider statistical methods of technical control.

4. Expand the tasks and functions of technical quality control services.

Subject: Quality control of concrete and reinforced concrete works at different stages of concreting.

Question number 1. Quality control of work.

The quality of concrete and reinforced concrete structures is defined as a total characteristic of the quality of the material elements used and complying with the regulatory provisions of technology at all stages of the complex process. To do this, control in the following stages:

When accepting and storing all the starting materials (cement, sand, rubble, gravel, reinforcement steel, timber, etc.);

In the manufacture and installation of reinforcement elements and structures;

In the manufacture and installation of formwork elements;

In the preparation of the base and formwork to laying the concrete mix;

When preparing and transporting a concrete mix;

When laying a concrete mixture;

When care for concrete in the process of its hardening.

At the cooking stage Concrete mixture check the quality of components of concrete materials, reinforcements and conditions of their storage, accuracy of dosing materials, the duration of mixing, mobility and density of the mixture, the operation of dosage devices and concrete mixing plants. The quality of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bcontrolled at all stages - in the manufacture, transportation and laying.

During transportation The concrete mixture is monitoring that it does not start to capture, did not fall into the components, did not lose mobility due to the loss of water, cement or grapplation.

In the process of opalked Control the correctness of the installation of the formwork, fasteners, as well as the density of the joints in the shields and pairing, the mutual position of the formwork forms and reinforcement (to obtain a given thickness of the protective layer). The correct position of the formwork in space is checked by reference to the centering axes and leveling, and the dimensions are ordinary measurements. Allowable deviations in the position and sizes of the formwork are shown in SIPE.

IN reinforcement process Constructions Control is carried out at the acceptance of reinforcement (the presence of factory brands and tags, the quality of reinforcement steel); when stabling and transporting (correctness of storage in brands, varieties, sizes, safety during transportation); In the manufacture of reinforcement elements and structures (correctness of the shape and size, welding quality, compliance with welding technology).

Before laying a concrete mixture controls the readiness of structures and formwork to concrete, the purity of the working surface of the formwork and the quality of its lubricant.

At the place of installation, you should pay attention to the height of the mixture, the direction of laying the concrete mixture in the height and surface of the structure, the duration of the vibration and the uniformity of the seal, not allowing the bundle of the mixture and the formation of shells, emptiness. Controlling the correctness of concrete care, compliance with the timing and sequence of palacing, partial and complete loading of structures, the quality of the structures made and take measures to eliminate defects.

The process of vibration is controlled visually, in the degree of precipitation of the mixture, stopping the exit of the air bubbles and the appearance of cement milk on the surface.

The final assessment of the quality of concrete can only be obtained based on the test of its compression strength before the destruction of samples of cubes made from concrete simultaneously with its laying and kept under the same conditions in which concrete concrete blocks harden. For compression test, samples are prepared in the form of cubes with a rib tire 150 mm.

Along with standard laboratory methods for assessing concrete strength on samples, indirect non-destructive means of assessing durability directly in structures. Such methods widely used in construction are mechanical, based on the use of the relationship between concrete strength on compression and its surface hardness, and ultrasonic pulsed, based on measuring the speed of propagation in the concrete longitudinal ultrasonic waves and the degrees of their attenuation.

With a mechanical method Concrete strength controls use the reference hammer of Kashkarova. To determine the strength of concrete on compression, the hammer is installed by a ball onto a concrete and a plumbing hammer on the housing of the reference hammer. At the same time, the ball of the lower part is pressed into the concrete, and the top is in the reference steel rod, leaving both on the concrete and on the rod of the prints. After measuring the diameters of these prints, they find their relationships and the strength of the surface layers of concrete concrete determine with the help of tariff curves.

With ultrasound pulse method Special ultrasonic devices are used, with which they determine the speed of ultrasound walking through concrete design. Under the cooling curve of the speed of passage of ultrasound and strength of concrete, the strength of concrete is determined in compression in the design

In winter, in addition to the general setted requirements, additional controls are carried out.

· In the process of preparing the concrete mixture, it is not less likely to control
than every 2 h: the absence of ice, snow and the fatal comers in
warmed aggregates supplied to the concrete mixer when
causing a concrete mix with antiorrosal additives; Temperature
water and aggregates before downloading to the concrete mixer; Concentration
salts solution; The temperature of the mixture at the outlet of the concrete mixer.

· When transporting a concrete mixture, once in shift check
performing measures for sheltering, insulation and heating transport
Noah and reception packaging.

· In the preliminary electrozhegery mixture before laying it in
The design controls the temperature of each heated portion.

· Before laying a concrete mix, check the absence of snow and land
on the surface of the base, jammed elements, reinforcement and formwork,
follow the correspondence of thermal insulation formwork requirements of technological
Gheal card.

· When laying the mixture controls its temperature during unloading
From vehicles and the temperature of the laid concrete mix. Pro-
believe the correspondence of waterproofing and thermal insulation of non-constituated
Surfaces with technological maps.

· But necessarily controlled parameters and conditions are more important: the temperature of the concrete mix when laying in the formwork and the average

the temperature in the period of maintenance, the coolest time of the concrete mixture to about ° C

The results of the quality control of concrete and reinforced concrete works are entered into the appropriate acts, magazines, passports of structures in the form established for this construction.

The acceptance of concrete structures is carried out only after acquiring a design strength determined by the test of prototypes, and before the production of concrete surfaces. When accepting, it is necessary to check the quality of the design, the presence and correctness of the installation of mortgage parts, breaking holes, openings and channels, make sure that the deviations in the size of the structure do not exceed the permissible.

All operations for monitoring the quality of technological processes and the quality of materials are acts of checks (tests) that make a commission accepting an object. During the production of works, they make acts accepting the base, the block before laying a concrete mix and fill the magazines for temperature control works in the prescribed form.

Question number 2.Safety in the performance of work.

The safety of the work of work should be provided:

  • advance preparation and qualitative organization of jobs;
  • providing jobs with necessary means of protecting employees;
  • timely learning and verification of knowledge of labor protection workers.

In the work of work, it is necessary to constantly consider the following:

  • methods of rafting elements of formwork structures should ensure their submission to the installation site in the project position;
  • elements of mounted structures during transportation to the place of installation should be kept from swinging and rotating flexible detensiats;
  • it is not allowed to find people under the mounted elements before installing them in the design position and consolidation;
  • it is not allowed to touch the vibrator of the reinforcement in the process of sealing the concrete mix;
  • it is not allowed to find workers in the displacement zone of the rotary baud, the movement itself in the loaded and empty state should only be with a reliably closed gate;
  • only persons who have a certificate for working with them are allowed to manage concrete pumps and other mechanisms.

When working at an altitude of more than 1.5 m, all workers are required to use safety belts with carbines.

The cleaning of the concrete mixer tray from the residues of the concrete mix can be performed only with a fixed drum.

It is prohibited to work concrete pump without remote supports. The work of the concrete pump must begin with washing with water and pumping the entire system.

In the production of formwork, reinforcement, concrete and platform processes, it is necessary to monitor the consolidation of scaffolding and forests, their stability, properly fixing the flooring, railings, fences, stairs.

Installation of large-scale formwork must be carried out only with cranes. When installing formwork elements, several tiers should be monitored, the nods each subsequent tier of the designs was installed after the final consolidation of the previous one. Shield formwork columns, riglels and beams are allowed to be installed from mobile ladders-ladder at height above the level of their installation (on earth or underlying overlap) not more than 5.5 m. Work at an altitude of 5.5 ... 8 m is permitted only with mobile scans having at the top workstation with fences.

Workers engaged in electrical heating of concrete should be equipped with rubber boots and dielectric galoshes, and electricians are also rubber gloves. Connecting the heating wires, the temperature measurements of concrete by technical thermometers are made with a disconnected voltage.

The zone where the electrical heating of concrete is carried out, should be fenced, and at night is illuminated and equipped with warning lights, including when the voltage is applied to the heating network.

All metal current-carrying parts of electrical equipment and fittings must be securely grounded by attaching them to the zero wire of the feed cable. When using a protective earth contour before turning on the voltage, it is necessary to bring the contour resistance to the maximum allowed. The plot of electrical heating of concrete should be constantly under the supervision of the attendant electrician.

In the work of work in winter conditions and the conditions of hot climate, there are additional factors that are dangerous for the workers who need to be considered:

  1. increased, compared to conventional conditions, the voltage of the electric current used to intensify the winter concreting;
  2. the use of various chemical additives in the composition of concrete mixes;
  3. education of snow drifts in the construction site, forehead on the trap, submits, forests, in the workplace;
  4. detection of visibility at the construction site due to the usual overcast, short light day and during sediments in the form of snow;
  5. additional loads on the scaffolding and forests from snow, nondes, increased wind loads;
  6. increased electricity due to the abundance of electrical wires in the production area of \u200b\u200bwork, interconnected by a handicraft, and a constant high humidity of air and working base;
  7. low air temperatures in winter conditions and insufficient motility of workers in thick work clothes;
  8. high temperatures and low air humidity in combination with solar radiation in a hot climate.

External quality control (interlaboratory) is carried out by the federal system of external quality assessment (FS WOB).

Urban quality control is carried out at the KDL level. It is accepted to divide into three main stages:

1. Pre-analytic (appointment of test doctor, taking material, transportation).

2. Analytical (sample study).

3. Predated (interpretation of the result, diagnosis and treatment of the patient).