How to use dry milk.

 How to use dry milk.
How to use dry milk.

How to breed dry milk? If you are going to travel, relax in nature, do not forget to capture the package of dry milk. Dry milk will not contact, will not deteriorate. Knowing how to breed it, you will get a good dairy product. In its taste and nutritional qualities, it is not inferior to natural milk. Dry milk is a powder obtained by drying a condensed milk in advance.


1. There are two types of dry milk - it is solid and skimmed. The difference between them in the percentage of thick substances. One-piece milking milk has a smaller storage period than skimmed. By smell and taste, one-piece milk is closer to pasteurized milk. Dry milk has a white color with a small cream tint. How to divide dry milk? In order to get one glass of milk drink: Put 5 teaspoons of dry milk in a glass, (25 g of dry milk) Add a little warm or cold water and searcate. Do not ceasing to interfere, add water to the water before filling the glass (25 g of dry milk, about 200 ml of water. The milk will be approximately 2.5% fat). The resulting dairy product should bloom for a while for swelling proteins, eliminate watery lifting and to achieve the required density. Diluted milk powder can get different fatty. It is allowed to bring to a boil. All proportions for milk breeding are usually indicated on the package.

2. Black milk milk produce use for cooking cottage cheese, baking culinary products. There is a lot of recipes for multiple dishes, which uses dry milk: milk porridge, soups. Long storage period, allowed any hostess invariably to have dry milk at hand. I should not forget that dry milk can not be replaced with freshly. Which of them has its superiority.

Many mothers are tormented by the question: "What to do with the procured future, but the remaining reserves of baby food and dry milk?" For some, dry milk - generally an unclear product: what to cook out of it and how? It turns out that it is allowed to make good sweets from dry milk.

You will need

  • "Mamina Truffles"
  • 3-4 glasses of dry milk
  • 1/2 cup of ordinary milk
  • 2 tbsp
  • 40 g of butter
  • 4 tbsp Sakhara
  • breadcrumbs or coconut chips
  • "Banana Pleasure"
  • almond - 100 g
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • dry milk - 2-3 cups
  • banana - 1 pc
  • milk - 2 tbsp
  • creamy oil - 20 g
  • coconut shavings


1. "Mamina Truffle" milk, sugar and oil post in the pan. Put on the slab on the lowest power of the fire and stirred continuously. Boil to the complete dissolution of sugar. Leave the mixture to be cooled.

2. In the closer cool mixture, add cocoa and enter dry milk . The mass should become a viscous note point, in order to stirring easily from the pans walls. But do not add too much, you can not get a "wooden" result.

3. Form from the resulting mass of truffles and cut them in breadcrumbs or in a coconut chips.

4. "Banana Pleasure" Thrown in a deep bowl of a spoon of banana, add to it milk , Sugar and softened butter, mix scrupulously. Multimitate in the mass of dry milk Before acquiring a homogeneous thick and viscous mass.

5. Pull off the slice of the resulting mass, put the almond nut on it and roll the ball so, so that the almonds turned out to be inside the ball. Thus, form all candy.

6. Observe the resulting candy in the coconut chips. The dish is immediately ready for use.

7. In the same way, allowed to cook "strawberry pleasure", replacing a banana strawberry. A good option will also be a "blueberry pleasure", blueberries contain many vitamins and isoflavones, which are easily needed for excellent vision.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
Delivered to hit the baby, prepared a white truffle. To do this, it is easy to exclude cocoa recipe.

Dry milk learned to produce in the early 19th century. For its production, cow's milk is taken. Initially, it is normalized. The purpose of the process is to achieve the required fat ratio and dry substances. Later, this milk pasteurize, condensed and dried. After that, the finished product is sifted and cooling. To extend the shelf life, dry milk is packaged into vacuum packaging.

You will need

  • - powdered milk;
  • - cocoa;
  • - water;
  • - butter;
  • - Honey.


1. Truffles. Mix 100 g of dry milk and 50 g cocoa. Dissolve 125 g of sugar in 55 g of water, add 85 g of butter. Pour the resulting mixture in the burning form in a dry mass and mix. Add 50 g of kuragi, nuts and mix. Put in the refrigerator. Somewhere in an hour and a half get a lot, form the balls and cut the cocoa.

2. Candy. Mix 200 g of dry milk with a softened cream oil of 120 g. Add 60 g of sugar powder, 2 h. Spoons of warm milk and stir. Must get a graceful mass. Later, her cooling rapidly form small candies, decorate with nuts or fruit. Sell \u200b\u200bin the refrigerator.

3. Mastic for decoration. Combine 1 cup of sugar powder with 1.5 glasses of dry milk. Mix 150 g of condensed milk with 1 tsp of lemon juice. The mixture should go homogeneous. The resulting mass of small pieces pour into a dry mixture and mix. When all ingredients are combined, put the mass on the table and continue to knead, adding sugar powder. Do it until the mass stops sticking out. Wrap the mixture into the edible film, send to the fridge. Apply mastic is allowed closer in an hour.

4. Clean the face. Mix 2 pieces of crushed oatmeal with one part of powdered milk. For dry skin, add 1 tsp of olive oil. Divide all the number of warm water. As a result, the creamy mass should be obtained, which is applied to the skin of the face. Hold 15 minutes, rinse with warm water or decoction of herbs.

5. We feed dry skin. Take the identical number of dry milk and crushed flax seed. Mix, add 1 hour a spoonful of honey and warm water - so much in order to get a thick mass. Contact with the previous mask.

6. We feed typical skin. Take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of powdered milk, 1 tsp of honey, add yolk and mix. Pour a little milk in a mixture, in order to form a creamy mass. Hold on the skin for 15 minutes. After time, rinse with cool water.

The main superiority of powdered milk before ordinary is the duration of storage. His without fear is allowed to take with him to the country, on a campaign, a long trip. It is used in winter when milk production decreases. Otherwise, ordinary milk is preferable to taste quality, and in composition.

Helpful advice
For the absence of an ordinary allowed to apply dry milk. To do this, it must be restored by mixing with warm water. Three parts of the water takes one part of the milk. Later this procedure, the product is used instead of ordinary milk. And the dry milk is added to the dough, creams, mousses and other confectionery.

Milk is the first product that man tries, appearing on the light. In cow's milk a lot of useful substances, but only it quickly skies. Not one dozen years have tried to solve this problem. Oh, Eureka! Manufacturers have come up with powdered milk. How to breed dry milk? Proportions, some tricks and advice will discuss today.

Milk in sufficiency - and we are in order

Many believe that dry milk is solid chemistry. To its taste and composition, this powdery product has nothing to do with fragrant and snow-white, a little sweet pair milk. Let me disagree. To dispel this myth, you need to know the product production technology. And then you will be interested in which proportions are dry milk.

For the first time, the solution to make milk milk appeared back in the distant 13th century. Warriors milk attached strength. Let's move in history. Imagine: field, exhausting sun, no refrigerators. How long is the fresh milk will save his original taste? Maximum a few hours, and all - it is already a prokoz. Then the Mongol-Tatars learned to dry the milk mixture. But the progenitor of dry milk was still far from the modern product.

Today, milk powder is made exclusively by processing whole cow. The process of long - the result is stunning. Scientists have repeatedly conducted research and found that all vitamins, micro and macroelements are preserved in dry milk. But the caloric content of it slightly decreases. What can not not please people holding their weight under control.

Oh-ho-ho, without milk we are not easy for us ...

You decide to suddenly cook pastries, and maybe you needed to cook porridge for breakfast? And suddenly they found that there is no milk drop in the refrigerator? Well, it's time to dilute the white powder and turn it into a miraculous drink to turn it into a miracle drink.

How to make milk powder milk? The proportions are usually indicated on the packaging, but it does not mean that you must extort all to milligrams and milliliters. The first "pancakes" can turn out to be a com, and then you will be on the eye to dilute the milk.

Before moving on the theory to practice, let's study the following important points:

  • Dry milk needs to be dissociated only with boiled, but not cold and not hot water. Find a golden middle.
  • Do not pour the whole portion of the water at once, add a little bit at first, stir, but only then pour the remaining liquid. If such a rule does not observe, then lumps are formed in milk, which do not melt.
  • After dilution, milk must be broken. Quickly all proteins will not swell. These invisible crystals will be tangible on their teeth.
  • Mixer and other gadgets during breeding milk in no case use. Extra foam - that's all that the kitchen will give us.

Dry milk in numbers

Yes, it will be about proportions. It happens that you have read the instructions and seem to have done everything according to the rules, and the result leaves much to be desired. It is taken on 200 ml of liquid to use 5 teaspoons of powdered milk powder. But if you divor the milk to cook porridge, then the amount of dry ingredient can be insignificantly increased. For baking, for example, pancakes, rare milk is suitable. In this case, the owners take 100 g of dry milk at the rate of 1 part of the fluid.

The process of turning dry milk into the exquisite natural drink takes place in several steps:

  1. First, we bring water to boil water and cool it to a temperature mark of 50-55 °.
  2. Now, in a comfortable dish, the dry ingredient is pouring.
  3. We add literally 50 ml of water.
  4. We stir up this cleaner until the trace remains from the lumps.
  5. The mixing process can last a couple of minutes or delay a little.
  6. As soon as you are convinced that the consistency of the mass became perfect, you can add the remaining water.
  7. Once again, everything is thoroughly stirred and leave milk to insist for 30-40 minutes.

This milk can be used in pure form, use for the preparation of various dishes, sauces and cocktails.

Remember that powdered milk is afraid of high temperature. If you pour boiling water, then you will see how the powder turned into a flakes. This means that the protein curled, and you transferred the product.

Let's help our brothers

Dry milk is used not only in industry and nutritional purposes. It is actively used by breeders for feeding piglets, lambs, goats, calves. How to breed dry milk for piglets? The proportions are clearly listed on the package. As practice shows, the proportion of dry matter is 15-20% per 1 liter of liquid.

Rules for the breeding of these mixtures are the same as for food purposes. But many farmers say that the use of dry milk in pure form for feeding piglets is economically unprofitable. It is better to acquire special mixtures, as well as add vitamins. Approximately 1 l of such a mixture will replace the piglet 0.5 l of sow milk.

The composition of dry milk

If we are talking about a natural dry product obtained from fresh cow's milk, then he will not differ from him. Of course, the method of production in some way changes its composition, but to consider it with some kind of chemical analogue, which is capable of causing health is not worth it.

Dry milk: the production of this product involves the concentration of the contents of the cow ditch, and then evaporation. The higher the temperature will be installed in the last procedure, the less in the final product there will be vitamins and nutrients. However, it is impossible to completely destroy them, some part will necessarily continue.

What are the values \u200b\u200bfor the body components turn on milk powder? The composition of this product is enriched with proteins, amino acids and vitamins, among which can be noted A, D, E, PR and Group V.

As for the mineral components, the effects of high temperatures cannot affect their number, so they are contained here in full, including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and others. Whole dry milk has calorie content in 549.3 kcal, and a degreased in 373 kcal. A dry analog contains much less components that can cause allergies and provoke digestive disorders.

Useful properties of dry milk

Actually, the use of dry milk is not doubtful: it has the same qualities as liquid. First of all, its value lies in the ability to strengthen bones and teeth. It is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Milk is often used to combat viral pulmonary infections, since the immunoglobulins necessary for this are formed precisely from protein food.

The athletes use dry milk for mass, muscle buildup, using special mixtures based on it, and young mothers who for any reason cannot feed the baby breasts, buy children's dairy mixes, which again contains dry milk.

Not everyone suffering from diseases gasts have the opportunity to drink fresh milk, but dry is absorbed by the body better, adjusts the acidity of the stomach, eliminating pain, heartburn and normalizing the intestinal operation.

The defatted product helps fight extra kilograms, and it is often included in the composition of masks, healing baths and other means for beauty, hair and nails.

Milk is useful for the heart and blood vessels, it improves eyesight, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and leather flabbiness and has an anti-grade effect. Today it can be found as part of sausage and confectionery, dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream and others.

Depending on the percentage content in it, different substances are isolated by whole, skimmed and instant milk used in various fields.

Dry milk harm

Dry milk harm is identical to a liquid harm. First of all, it is contraindicated to persons with lactose insufficiency, in which there is no enzyme capable of Lactose.

In addition, more and more inhabitants of the planet suffer from allergies to milk, which, for obvious reasons, is also not recommended to receive it.

Many notice that after the use of this product, the bloating, diarrhea and other unpleasant consequences begin to be tormented, but, as already mentioned, a dry product can minimize such an effect.

In addition, it is not necessary to get involved in the reception of milk to the elderly, since there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis and those who in the joints are observed excess calcium salts.

Milk dry: a substitute for a fresh product can harm when using low-quality raw materials. It all matters: and what the cows were fed during the milking, and what were the conditions for storing the contents of their udder and much more.

In addition, the conditions for the storage of dry milk are also important. If it has long been indoors with high humidity and air temperature, then this does not most likely affect its properties.

How to breed dry milk

How to breed dry milk? There is nothing supernatural in it, it is enough to prepare the powder itself and heat the clean simple water to the temperature in + 50-60 ° C.

How to breed dry milk? The proportions are as follows: on 1 part of the dry matter there are 3 parts of the water. Nutritionists recommend starting from a glass of warm milk a day or end it with them, but not to use any food or immediately after it. This product must be used in pure form.

However, these advice concern for the most part of people with gastrointestinal diseases. The rest can be combined with almost any products by using porridge on it, adding tea or coffee.

Dry milk is normalized by fat, and then dried in special devices cow's milk, externally resembling a dry white powder with a creamy tint. The purpose of the production of such a product is to reduce the volume of milk and extend its shelf life up to 6 months. Especially demanded by such milk in the regions, which is where it is impossible to regularly import fresh milk products. Also, dry milk is often used in cooking cookies, porridge, cakes, sausages and different desserts.

Dry milk - product features and its varieties

Mass production of milk powder began in 1855. The developed milk evaporation technology provided moisture loss to 85% and extension of the storage period of up to 8 months while compliance with the temperature regime (0-10 ° C). At the same time, taste properties, aroma and chemical composition remained initial.

Milk milk is produced:

  • Other - it is completely identical to the composition of fresh cow's milk and is intended for nutrition.
  • Degreased - milk fat before drying from milk. Used powder in industrial production and dietary, sports nutrition.
  • Institable - suitable for making cappuccino, coffee with milk.

Dry milk by 50% consists of carbohydrates, and the rest is a mixture of proteins and minerals.

How to breed dry milk - the basic rules

Although many of us often use dry milk, few people know that it is necessary to breed it in a clear scheme, and not to the eye. Of course, by purchasing the packaging of this product, you will find a few gender instruction, where the optimal combination of milk and water will be indicated in the 1: 3 ratio. But to achieve a good taste need a little more than just breed a milk powder.

How to make milk milk properly:

  • To obtain 1 l of high fat milk (more than 3%), you need 8 h. L. Powder. If milk is required 2.5% fat, the number of milk spoons need to be reduced to 6.
  • To begin with warming water to 60 ° C.
  • Squeeze the required amount of spoons and pour into deep containers.
  • Then slowly pour water into the milk powder, and not the opposite. So you will prevent the formation of lumps.
  • Stir the mixture until the dry concentrate is completely dissolved.
  • Give the cooked milk breeding about 10 minutes.

How to breed dry milk - common mistakes

Often, during the dilution of milk, irreparable errors leading to the spoilage of the product are performed. Their knowledge will help properly use dry milk without loss.

  • The use of cool water does not allow the dry powder to completely join the reaction with water. As a result, the milk will have lumps and water taste.
  • Powder breeding boiling water also leads to failure, as milk will come.
  • Mixing water with a powder with a blender provokes the formation of foam, and if the milk is fatty - separation of dairy fat.
  • Making powder into water. Such a sequence will not give milk to dissolve, and you will get multiple solid lumps.

The thickness, fatness and saturation of milk from the powder can be varied depending on what purpose you needed. It is not necessary to scrupulously calculate each gram, the main thing is to adhere to the technology of the process itself and then you will always have delicious milk.

Have you purchased milk powder? How to breed this product correctly? Often, lovers of dairy products do not imagine holidays in nature without this useful product. Since transportation and storage of classic drinking milk without refrigerator is difficult, resting should take care of the presence of a package of dry milk. Properly divorced dry products are not inferior to taste and nutritional properties of pair milk. The question "How to breed dry milk" is often asked cookies, animals. To understand what proportions should be observed when breeding a white mixture, it is worth learn what options dry products are available.

The store can offer solid and low-fat dry dairy products. They are distinguished by the fat content in the composition. Whole milking milk has a shortened (compared to a degreasing) shelf life. To taste, solid dry milk resembles a pasteurized version. The color of milk powder has cream notes. Want to try dry milk? How to breed this wonderful product will find out below.

Necessary proportions

To obtain a glass of appetizing drink, we take 5 h. L. Powder and warm / cold water. We stir the resulting substance (these proportions allow you to get 2.5% fat milk). It is necessary to postpone with tasting: it will take some time so that the proteins are swollen, the watery taste disappears and the necessary density has developed. Drink can be boiled. It usually does not arise serious doubts about the preparation of milk powder: how to breed a white fragrant powder will always prompt instructions.

You bought milk powder, how to breed it became clear. And what if the cooked liquid processed? Like traditional black milk, diluted dry drink is used to prepare cottage cheese and baking. An experienced hostess always has a dry milk package on the shelf: it is easy to cook porridge, adding this product makes the taste of soup unusual. But it is not necessary to fully cross the powder analog of milk: each product has specific features, for each dish there is the most optimal variant of dairy products.

What can be prepared if there is dry milk

You are already experienced on how to breed milk powder, but you do not know which dishes it can be added. Dry milk can be a good help in cooking sweets.

"Truffles from Mom"


  • 0.5 Art. milk;
  • 3-4 tbsp. milk powder;
  • 40 gr. butter cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Prepare a saucepan and put sugar, butter in it, milk. Dog fire on the stove and stir the composition. When sugar is dissolved, the pot needs to be removed from the stove and put the mixture to cool. In the cooled mass introduce cocoa, milk powder. The resulting "dough" must be separated from the walls of the dishes. To form truffles, take them on the coconut chips (breadcrumbs). If you are not a fan of cocoa, you can remove this ingredient and make the preparation of white truffles.

"Banana enjoyment"


  • Milk usual - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Milk dry - 2-3 cent.;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Almond - 100 g.;
  • 1 banana;
  • 20 gr. Oil drains.;
  • Coconut chips.

Sometimes the question is "how to breed dry milk" is not relevant: there are sweet meals for which it is used by powder. Such a dessert is "banana enjoyment". In a bowl there is a crushed banana, oil, milk and sugar. In the mixed mass introduced milk milk. A small piece of mass is taken inside almonds, a round candy with almond stuffing is rolled. Balls are covered with coconut chips.

The company "Tortsnab trading house" offers you a dry milk of high quality at a bargain price. More details you can find out in the section.

And on the last, we suggest you watch the video where one piece and dry milk are compared.