Cosmetic ice for rejuvenation, humidification and skin lightening. Aloe juice for skin: methods of application

Cosmetic ice for rejuvenation, humidification and skin lightening. Aloe juice for skin: methods of application
Cosmetic ice for rejuvenation, humidification and skin lightening. Aloe juice for skin: methods of application

Ice cosmetic wipes are equally perfectly refreshing and tone the skin, both hot summer in the morning and cloudy autumn evenings. Making cosmetic ice It is simple enough, you just need to determine the composition of the future ice cube, prepare a decoction or solution, pour into the forms and freeze.

In hot days it is possible to completely replace the washing with wipes with cosmetic ice. Low temperatures in combination with healing decoctions are rejuvenated, moisturized and tone the skin. If during the summer you will be able to get used to the ice toning of the skin, wiping with pieces of ice can continue in the winter. If you use frozen juices fresh vegetables, it is better to harvest the stock of ice cosmetics. Wipe the skin of ice is not only moisturizing and vigor, it is also a narrowing of the pores, and the removal of swelling.

Today, in cosmetic salons, you can purchase special forms for freezing healing decoctions or ready-made lotions for freezing. Nevertheless, wiping with cosmetic ice is still considered an exclusively home procedure, because only in the home setting can be realized the necessary conditions For specific cold wipes.

Try every morning, barely touching the skin, wipe the face of ice, not forgetting about the neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. Do not delay long in one place, proceed for a few seconds to handle your cheeks, chin, do not go around the lips, forehead and be sure to walk around the eye. Use ice cubes for faceAnd you can easily brighten the skin, rejuvenate and get rid of dark circles around the eyes.

Ice cubes with chalp and aloe juice

110 ml of ragger from sage
- A pair of tablespoons of juice from aloe leaves

For the preparation of juice from aloe, which will have maximum cosmetic efficiency, put the leaves of this plant in the refrigerator for 10-11 days. And only after that press aloe juice. Mix the chalf decoction with aloe juice, and freeze. Wipes ice from aloe helps to get rid of acne and calm irritation. For treating acne, it is better to use in the complex with d.

Watermelon ice
- juice from watermelon, 3 parts
- Mineral water, 1 part

Mix fragrant watermelon juice with water and leave in the freezer for a day. The next day you can start the morning with toning ice watermelon wipe. This cosmetic procedure tones the skin and gives the face a fresh and rested view.

Rice ice for leather whitening

50 g risa
- floor liter of water

Fill the rice cereal with water and put on fire. When rice grains completely softened, strain the resulting decoction through fine sieve. Pour the infusion obtained in the mold and freeze. Daily rubbing frozen decoction from rice help and small pigment spots.

Wine ice for oily skin

2 spoons (canteens) of the dried Hypericum
- 3 tablespoons of medicinal sage
- boiling water, third piece of glass
- Third Glass of natural white wine (dry or semi-dry)

Brew medicinal herbs with boiling water and leave for half an hour to fill. After that, straighten the liquid and add wine. Freeze the resulting grinding liquid and use twice a day. Do not worry immediately after the procedure, wait a few minutes and give useful substances to penetrate the skin.

Whitening citrus ice

Parabe drops of grapefruit and lemon juice
- distilled, purified or just boiled water

Citrus cosmetic ice is prepared very simple. Add citrus juice to water and freeze. After the ice cubes are completely freeze, you can wipe the face. By the way, as citrus ice wipes, it is possible to use and simply frozen slices of fruits with removed by peel and film.

Rejuvenating ice from mint

1 spoon (dining room) dried mint leaves
- 1 glass of boiling water

Brew a mint decoction, let it cool, strain and freeze. A few more action, and miraculous rejuvenating cosmetic ice is ready. It will only remain every morning to break down a piece. mint ice and process face and neck.

Start now to prepare useful ice cubes in your freezer. Be sure the contrast wiping or just the burning and cold touch of ice will have to taste!

The ice is a unique product that will help make the skin of the face well-groomed and extend the youth. There are a wide variety of ice recipes for rubbing the face. Depending on the ice components, it can help get rid of imperfections, moisten, give a tone. Coffee, lemon, various herbs and essential oils, green tea, mint brazers, parsley, chamomile and calendula, aloe juice - here is not full list funds making ordinary ice Wonderful product for beauty.

Ice for problem skin

Lemon ice

Holders of combination and oily skin should pay attention to lemon juice for face care. It possesses whitening and cleansing properties, and also perfectly narrows the pores. The ice from this miracle citrus prepare is very simple: the meal of middle lemon is mixed with a glass of cool clean water, poured into a form, goes to the freezer. Lemon ice cubes for wiping better use in the morning.

Ice from Bahar Sage

Herbs in cosmetology on right occupy leading places. To care for problem skin, sage is perfectly suitable due to its anti-inflammatory properties. In order to make a herbal ice cube, you will not need a lot of time, and the effect will simply be striking during use. 6 tbsp. Spoons of dry sage need to be pouring 500 ml of water, boil for 15-20 minutes. Then the decoction to cool, pour into forms and put in the freezer. Herbal cube wipe face in the morning and evening. In addition to fighting pimples and other imperfections, ice from the bravery Sage has a rejuvenating effect, smoothing out small mimic wrinkles.

Mint ice

Mint perfectly dries and matches the skin, she the best way Suitable for use with bold or mixed type Persons. Mint's decoction is very simple: 2 tablespoons of dry leaves need to pour the glass of boiling water and leave until complete cooling. It is necessary to do it in a glass dish with a tightly closing lid. Then the mint decoction is filtered, after which it is frozen. Use such cosmetic ice better in the morning Instead of washing with ordinary water.

Ice from Bahar Calendula

In the fight against pimples and other rash, an excellent assistant will be calendula. It has anti-inflammatory properties, perfectly drying already available pimples. A decoction of calendula flowers can be prepared as follows: Dry flowers (2 tbsp. Spoons) put into glass dishes and put on a steam bath. After 15 minutes, turn off the fire, the decoction of calendulas strain through the gauze, cool. Add clean water to get a full glass, after that freeze.

Green tea ice

To prepare a miracle - ice from green tea can only be used mineral water. A couple of tablespoons of welding need to fill 150 gr. Boiling water and leave for five minutes, pre-tightly closing the lid. Then it is necessary to strain the infusion, and the remaining leaves of the tea is good to press through the gauze. The cooled green tea is poured into the form and frozen. Green tea is an excellent assistant in caring for problem skin. It tightens the pores, helps to fight small imperfections.

Ice for fading skin

Hammer Coffee Ice

The useful properties of skin care coffee are known to everyone. You can use it not only as a scrub or mask, but also make coffee ice for face. For this recipe for coffee, only natural, soluble is not suitable. A strong coffee is cooled, then bottled into a special form for ice. You can use coffee cosmetic cubes 2 times a day after washing. A pleasant addition to toning will be giving the color of light tan skin.

Milk ice

The use of milk and dairy products in cosmetology is rightfully located on leading positions. On its basis make masks and scrubs or used for washing in pure form. Cosmetic ice cube made of milk has excellent rejuvenating properties. Milk in pure form for this recipe is not used, it must be mixed with water in equal proportions. After the weekly use of dairy cubes during the morning wash, the skin becomes elastic and fresh. More milk has a whitening effect, which means it is an excellent helper in the fight against pigment stains and freckles.

Ice from aloe juice

The well-known aloe plant has excellent rejuvenating properties. To make a cosmetic tool from this wonderful plant it is necessary to prepare. The fresh cut green sheet of aloe needs to be cut and put in the refrigerator, after wrapped in a paper napkin. Before this plant is better not to water around two weeks. After 12-14 days, the Aloe sheet needs to get from the refrigerator, turn through the meat grinder and squeeze the juice from the resulting puree. Then pour the molds in pure form and freeze. Cube cosmetic ice From Aloe wipe the skin of the face and neck during the morning and evening toilet.

Ice for any type of skin

Ice with the addition of essential oils

Essential oils are known for their miraculous effect on the skin. They are suitable for all skin types, the main thing is to choose the right oil. For problem skin, a tea tree oil, sandalwood, anise, citrus fruits are suitable - they have an antibacterial effect, the existing inflammations are well dried and eliminated from shine. Dry skin will help ylang - ylang, neroli, patchouli, chamomile. Oils can be used for one or mix them depending on desired result. For the preparation of ice cubes, you need to take 1 cup of cool purified water and add 10 drops into it. If a mixture is taken from oils, then the total number should not exceed 15 drops. Pretty stirring, pour into the forms for cosmetic ice and put in the freezer. Wipe face in the morning and in the evening.

Herbal ice

Herbs have just a wonderful effect on the skin. Owner of any skin type can choose for themselves from a huge list Herbs suitable grass. Sukhoi I. sensitive skin Perfect rags of roses, melissa, linden, and any berries of red. Birch kidneys, coltsfoot, chicory and wormwood will help to get rid of problems with oily and combined skin. Happy owners of normal skin can use mint, plantain, hunter and viper. Recipes for cooking herbal beam for all the same. Two tablespoons of dry grass (or flowers) need to grind, put into glass dishes and pour boiling water. Tightly close the lid and leave the minutes by 15. Then strain the resulting infusion through a gauze or sieve and cool, pour into a mold for cosmetic ice and put in the freezer. Use herbal face cubes twice a day.

Important! Despite all wonderful properties Cosmetic ice has a number of contraindications:

  • cooperosis or vascular mesh;
  • irritation;
  • viral infections.

Aloe is a real storehouse of vitamins, which is why it is still long used so actively used in cosmetology. It has the property to be perfectly absorbed into the skin, penetrate the blood and lymph and restore the skin from the inside. Especially useful natural cosmetics from Aloe will be for young girls whose skin is prone to irritation and can often react to cosmetics.

Make masks and compresses from Aloe for the face can be at home, in this case they will be much helpful stores. Aloe sheets contains a lot of useful substances:

  1. Amino acids that are so necessary for proteins. The human body is not able to produce them on their own, so it is desirable to enrich the skin from the outside.
  2. Micro and macroelements, without which the body's functioning is impossible. The skin will be problematic and lost its attractive appearance.
  3. A whole group of vitamins.

Through the use of aloe, the skin will always be clean, because it perfectly helps to get rid of acne. Care should be permanent, otherwise the desired result does not achieve. Aloe for a face aloe will help rejuvenate the skin, remove inflammation and will return an attractive appearance.

How to apply aloe juice for face

The plant for their needs can be grown simply on the windowsill. It is completely unpretentious in leaving, but its benefit is just a huge.

Aloe contributes to the fact that the processes of the regeneration of the skin flow faster, with its help you can get rid of various kinds of inflammation and even from burns.

To begin with, from which cosmetics completely removed, Aloe leaves. It is advised to remove it with skin and cut along it. After 15 minutes, the face is recommended to wash warm water.

The effect will be noticeable immediately - the skin will become velvety to the touch, inflammation will decrease, and small wrinkles will disappear. If there is no live plants at hand, you can buy aloe juice in the pharmacy. The cost of the bottle is small, but the use of aloe juice for the face will bring invaluable.

In natural juice, there are many vitamins, so it is an excellent tool to care for problem skin. Regularly using aloe ice cubes from aloe and masks from natural juice, you can get rid of acne and acne. The skin will acquire mattness, and after healing on the face there will be no irregularities and flaws.

How to use aloe juice?

Mask of proteins and juice - for the preparation of the mixture will need protein chicken egg And approximately 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice. You need to keep such a mask on the face of 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Aloe - Vitamin Clades

Lotion from aloe juice. For the preparation you will need 3 aloe leaf and liter of water. The mixture copes on a weak fire for 5 minutes, then joined. Store the tool is best in a dark cool place.

Mask from sour cream with aloe. A little honey and ragow of the Hypericum add to several spoons of sour cream and freshly squeezed juice. The mask is applied to the cleaned skin of the face for 10-15 minutes and after this period is flushed.

Aloe juice for face in pure form has the most pronounced effect. In order to get it, it will take a little flutter under running water of aloe sheets. They are placed in gauze and pressure with wooden spoonThe remaining drops can be squeezed with hands. Store the resulting tool is recommended no more than 5 hours in the refrigerator.

Lode with Aloe for face

Every woman knows that the narrowing of the pores can just rub the face with ice cube. More efficient this method will be in case to freeze natural decoction of herbs. At home you can try to prepare aloe ice.

To do this, you will need to mix a little bravery chalf and aloe juice (you can use aloe vera - it is considered much more useful). The mixture is bottled according to the molds for ice and leave in the freezer, best of all the resulting ice wipe the face in the morning after washing.

Facial ice with aloe needs to be used regularly, thanks to this, you can achieve facial mattness. Inflammation, small pimples and acne will disappear, and the skin will become noticeable.

How to use aloe juice in cosmetology and traditional medicine

Cosmetologists recommend wiped face with a piece of aloe in the morning or before bedtime. Such a procedure will be useful for any type of skin and has no contraindications. The face for the face is rejuvenating, which was cooked from frozen juice, will help for longer to preserve the freshness of the face and its tone, and the skin will remain healthy and elastic.

In order for the fight against the facial and age wrinkles to be more efficient, the use of a special lotion can be recommended for women with fading skin. You can cook it, tapping several aloe sheets in a liter of boiled water.

You can use aloe to both girls whose lips are strongly dilated. This is especially true of the cold pore of the year - Aloe will be successfully replaced by ordinary hygienic lipstick. Aloe will help to restore the thrill of lips, make them more gentle, and thanks to his bitter taste you can get rid of the habit of constantly licking or biting lips.

Applying aloe for skin, you can achieve such an effect:

  • Intensively moisturizes the skin and nourishes it.
  • Increases elasticity and eliminates small mimic wrinkles.
  • Several times accelerates the process of regeneration, which occurs at the cellular level. As a result, the aging process slows down.
  • He enriches the skin with nutrients and vitamins, because it has a property to penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Satisfies oxygen and is heated face.
  • Helps fight pigment stains.
  • Protects the skin from negative factors and toxins.

Before use, juice must be prepared correctly. Only the most fleshy wood leaves are permitted, growing at the very bottom. The tree should be fulfilled more than 3 years, and it is not necessary to water it 2 weeks before the moment when it is necessary to tear the leaves.


Cut leaves are washed with boiled water and fold on paper. Next, it is recommended to collapse the tube and leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Only thus weathered leaves are desirable to use in cosmetology and make from the juice of the face for the face.

Good afternoon friends! Today we will talk about the healing effects of the aloe vera juice for the skin of the face, about the procedures that we can spend at home to keep our unstead beauty, improve some flaws and help with some problems.

Amazing after all this plant is aloe. His homeland is Northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula - places with a hot and dry climate. That is why the plant has the ability to accumulate water and is very economical to spend it.

Thanks to thick, filled with moisture leaves, the plant is safely worried about drought. It would seem, because of the age-old habit, everything in Aloe is predisposed to collect, but not to give. But aloe is divided! Shares generously and not only medical propertiesI wrote about, and you can.

Aloe juice for face

From time immemorial, it is known that aloe juice is literally the elixir of youth for the epidermis. At home, our grandmothers made masks from wrinkles, acne and pigment spots. Rejuvenated the skin, making it more elastic, improved the complexion.

Plant juice slows the aging of the skin, pulls it up, has a regenerating effect. Aloe masks at home moisturize our skin, normalize skin fat production - many women know about it and successfully use beneficial features aloe.

Aloe Vera is most appreciated for the ability to cope with skin problems: rash, acne, redness, peeling and even damage due to dying or solar burns. The use of low-quality cosmetics is also negatively affected on the skin condition. environment. Aloe juice eliminates rash, bunting, helps to fight acne.

Those who grow a miracle - Aloe Vera at home and have long been using a plant, know that it fits almost for the skin of any type. Dry skin it moisturizes, oily, on the contrary, dries. Soothing sensitive skin.

Contraindications to Aloe Persons

What pleases, contraindications to the use of cosmetic procedures for the face with aloe juice extract are very few.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Vascular mesh - cooperosis.

How to prepare aloe for procedures

First of all, use the flower at least three years from the genus. For cosmetics, leaflets that grow below are more fleshy. Their distinctive feature is dry tips, it is they who work most effectively in treating and carefulness. Another point you need to know: before cutting weeks, two do not water the plant.

  • Cut leafs wash, dry and wrap in tight paper, but leave the ends open.
  • And finally, hide into the refrigerator for 2 weeks. After that, you will receive a real nectar for your face.
  • Squeeze it, for this, cut out as much as possible and pour with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • Leave a pair of hours and then just squeeze in Marle.

The resulting liquid cosmetologists are called biostimulated, since with a decrease in storage temperature and in the absence of light, the leaves begin to actively produce active substances. They have a healing effect on the epidermis.

The use of aloe juice for skin in pure form

The concentrated meal juice is recommended to be applied in its pure form, and then it will act as efficiently as possible. You can rub the skin daily in the morning - especially fat or problematic. If you use nectar, having a dry epidermis, after the procedure, be sure to lubricate your face with cream. According to the reviews of all who applies a tool for quite a long time, in response, the skin will become velvety, elastic and very soft.

If you do not have the ability to use fresh juice, a pharmacy extract in ampoules will help in leaving the face. True, the useful substances in it will be slightly less.

Homemade face masks with aloe

The use of a metering nectar has a wide range, it is good for any type of epidermis.

  • Dirya skin, many small wrinkles. Mix with olive oil and hold the floor on the skin.
  • Acne. We regularly wash the juice diluted with water during sensitive skin. If the epidermis is fat, then juice can be diluted with vodka.
  • . Lubricate your lips, mixing it with honey.
  • Dry skin. It is possible to improve the condition by a mask of juice mixed with a fat sour cream. And the second good mask - Mix nectar with fat cream. Sign
  • leather. Make oatmeal: Grind oatmeal, add two tbsp. Spoons of sealing juice, juice of one cucumber and one protein. Mask apply for 20 minutes. There will be a fat brilliance, pores will narrow, acne will be dried.
  • Make alcohol lotion for oily skin. For one part of the pulp aloe take 2 parts of the alcohol. Lotion is a week in a darkened place. Wipe the skin in the morning and shortly before sleep.
  • For rejuvenation. Make a mixture of two spoons of juice, honey and sour cream. Washing the mask. At the same time, spend contrast washout (warm - cold - warm water).
  • And one more mask: Add a few droplets of lemon oil or roses into the pulp of the meat and rose (Ylang - Ylang is also suitable). Skin cover will be elastic, at the same time such a mask has a cleansing effect.
  • Moisturizing mask with algae. Take the algae powder and split a little boiled water. Pour on 2 large spoons of powder small nectar, add small honey and vitamin E. Capsule algae are applied to clean epidermis and after half an hour is washed off.

  • Sourish mask. Couple a couple of tea spoons from aloe leaves, pour the same broth of the Hypericum and add sour cream and honey on a spoon. The composition is superimposed for five minutes, then washed off.
  • Tightening. Juice, honey, milk and yolk connect in an equal number and apply on the face. After half an hour, I will be able to.
  • Glycerin procedure. You will need a teaspoon of glycerin, squeezing from aloe, warm water and oatmeal for lungs. A mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with a warm water.

Aloe Hair Masks

With thin and weakened. Make a mixture by taking under Art. A spoon of the juice of the meal, honey and a rapid oil. Apply and hold the hour by distributing throughout the length of hair and head. So that the effect intensifies, cover the head of the film and on top of a towel.

Ice cubes for face

I already wrote about the magic effect on the skin of ice cubes, if interested, you can read it. Sometimes, after some therapeutic procedures, you may have some amount of aloe vera juice. Do not thump it - freeze in the freezer, your face will tell you a lot thank you for this.

It is possible to freeze the nectar in its pure form, but some additives will not interfere.

For winter care for the face of aloe juice, pour olive oil or honey yolk with honey - it will moisturize the skin, remove small wrinkles. Effectively helps the skin squeezing from a meal frozen with milk.

How to use juice

  • Treatment with counseling is best to conduct courses at 3 - 4 weeks.
  • The share of making masks is suitable only glass, faience or ceramic dishes.
  • Apply a mask for the main massage lines. On the eyelid, the mask and compresses from the aloe juice are not applied.
  • Before mixing with juice, additional ingredients are preferably a bit (up to 40 degrees) warm.
  • Masks apply on purified, slightly wet skin.

Those who have long used at home Aloe Vera juice to care for skin skin will agree that the use of it is much more efficient than from purchased lotions and creams. Do you have a crown recipe? Share, please, my dear, I will be grateful to you. Be healthy and beautiful. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

Slow out aging and keep skin elasticity will help daily ice massage. The procedure perfectly tones skin cover, has a rejuvenating and tightening effect, stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermal layer, helping cell renewal, closes the pores and reduces wrinkles, improves the complexion.

For maximum benefit, wipe the face with ice cubes should be in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. For greater effect, cosmetologists recommend using mineral water instead of simple water. Herbal courage is another excellent alternative. Knowing the needs of your skin, you can make the choice of the necessary herbs.

Frozen fruit and berry juices are perfectly working, as well as pink water prepared at home. Citrus juices are bred by water in a ratio of 1: 1, berry and vegetable can be boldly freezing without diluting.

It is useful to wipe the skin with ice from the beam of daisies, parsley, turns, calendula, sage, mint, thyme, flax. Most of herbs and their fees are suitable for almost any skin cover. More information can be found.

Small council. To get the maximum benefit from ice rubbing, choose 5 different herbs and change their combination every 2-3 weeks.

Recipes for ice cubes for face are easy to prepare, and components can be chosen depending on your skin type, but no more than 7 days should be stored in the freezer.


Antibacterial from acne

1. You will need aloe leaves that should be put in the fridge for 11 days before use. Aloe juice Mix with infusion sage, chamomile or thyme in proportion 1: 3. Boil into the mold and freeze.

2. To 150 ml of brewed vane or basil add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil.

3. One teaspoon salt, better sea, dissolve in a glass of warm water. Give cool and pour by molds.

Whitening and cleansing

Cook 3 spoons of rice in 500 ml of water. The resulting decoction has excellent whitening and cleansing properties. The same action has watermelon juice, orange, apple, strawberry, cucumber and grapes.

Food and moisturizing

For the preparation of this recipe for ice cubes, 150 ml of herbal beam (socket, calendula, chamomile) or mineral water are used. To any listed components, add 1 tsp. milk or cream and half h. l. Basic oil. You can choose any, suitable for your type of epidermal layer: almond, jojoba, peach, linen, coconut, etc. The mixture is good and pouring through the molds.

Ice rubbing with such components not only contribute to nutrition and humidification of the skin, but also help slow the aging and the formation of premature wrinkles.

Fat skin

1. For oily leather, prone to acne, it is recommended to freeze calendula chamidula, daisies, mother-and-stepmother and chammerti and chastard. Fill 2 tbsp. l. Herbal mixture glass boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Strain, cool and pour by molds. You can add 4-5 drops of the healing oil extract of calendula or rosemary, which has antiseptic properties and improves blood circulation in capillaries.

2. The combination of brave of marigolds in a 2: 1 ratio with cucumber juice and several drops of lemon juice.

3. Cutlery spoon of viburnum molds in 100 ml of water or chamomile beam.

Holders of dry-type epidermal layer are recommended to use chamomile, parsley, lime color or mint for the preparation of cosmetic ice. A mixture of several grasses will be more efficient. There are no strict brave proportions.

From edema under the eyes

1. One art. l. Parsley juice dilute in 150 ml of green tea, add ½ tsp. peach oil.

2. A teaspoon of low-fat cream and 10-15 drops of coconut oils to diverge in 100 ml of ragger of the Zverboard or chamomile. Mix well and freeze, spill by molds.


1. To reduce wrinkles, try to freeze the boiled green tea that contains a large number of antioxidants that slow down the aging process. To 100 ml of beverage Add a few drops of lemon juice, ½ tsp. grape Oil Or avocado and 1-2 drops of Essential oil extract of lavender, orange or geranium.

2. Milk diluted in equal proportions with mineral water, shown for the skin with the first signs of aging.

For impeccable makeup application, wipe the face and neck such composition: 1 tsp. Olive or any other oil on your choice (almond, avocado, sesame or germs of wheat) divoved in 100 ml of mineral water or pink water. Such a massage softens and feeds the epidermis without the use of cream. Daily procedures will return to tired skin freshness and radiance.

You can use another simple way: In each mold, put on the berry or on a piece of any fruits or vegetables, medicinal grass and pour warm water. Cook from the evening.