Why blesses grew up so lazy. Essay of Goncharov I.A.

Why blesses grew up so lazy. Essay of Goncharov I.A.

Why is Oblomov you can not call a negative character?

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - the protagonist of Roman I.A. Balryov - is a collective way of Russian landlords. It presents all the vices of the noble society of the time of serfdom: not just laziness and idleness, but the adoption of it as due.

Ilya Ilyich spends all days in idle: it does not even have civil service, not chosen to the theater does not go to visit. It would seem that a person who lives such a useless life, otherwise as a negative hero and you won't call. But at the beginning of the novel, Goncharov gives us to understand that this is not: obcomments mentions Andrei Stolz - his friend of childhood, who has repeatedly cut out Ilya Ilyich and settled him. If the bugs did not see anything as a person, then with this lifestyle, he would hardly retain such close friendship with the gallerty.

What made German take care of the broom and try to "save" him from "Oblomovshchina" even after so many years of vain attempts? The first part of the novel will help to understand this, the scene of the Oblomov meeting with "friends". All of them continue to visit Ilya Ilyich, but everyone for his needs. They come, talk about their lives, and leave, without listening to the owner of the hospitable house; So goes wolves, it goes and the judge. Penkin's writer is outgoing, who tried to advertise his article, which undoubtedly caused success of society, but not at all interested in Oblomov. Alexseev goes out; He seems to be a graceful listener, but a listener without his opinion; A listener, which is not important for the bug himself, is not the identity of the speaker, but its presence. Also goes and tarantyev - he generally came to benefit from the kindness of Ilya Ilyich.

But at the same time it is possible to notice one line of Oblomov - it does not just take guests, but also notes their shortcomings. Life in the inaction made the Oblomov judgment and calm; He looks at everything from the side and notices all the vices of his generation, which young people usually take as proper. Oblomov does not see the meaning of athletes, he will not care and money; He knows how to reason and really assess the situation. Ilya Ilyich did not have passion for reading, so he did not know how to be beautiful and cleverly arguing about politics or literature, but at the same time subtly noticed this state of affairs in society. Lying on the sofa was not only a breakdown of Oblomov, but also his salvation from the "rottenness" of society - renounced from the bustle of the surrounding world, Ilya Ilyich reached his reflections to true values.

But, alas, no matter how it would not argue the bug about how to live, no matter how the loss of lying on the sofa, he still could not make himself at least for some action, and the ideas of Oblomov remained inside him. Therefore, Ilya Ilyich cannot be called a positive hero, as it is impossible to be negative.

Stolz, as opposed to broom, - a person action. He thinks narrowly and cynically, not allowing himself free spirit and dreams. Stolz clearly thinks out the plan, assesses its capabilities, and only then makes a decision and follows him. But it is impossible to be called a positive or negative hero. And galley, and bugs - two different types of people, driving and thinking strength that can support humanity only together. I believe that the essence of the novel "Oblomov" is not to eradicate "Oblomovochina", but to send its strengths to the existing hands. During the serfdom, the "Oblomovshchyna" was strong: inaction and laziness of landowners leaving the work on the peasants and knowledgeable in life only fun. But now, I believe, the big problem is "gallery", people actively actively actively, but not able to think so deeply like bugs.

In society are important and "broomels" capable of taking the right decisions, and "gallets that carry out these decisions. And only with the equal presence and those and others it is possible to improve society.

Ilya Ilyich did not have a necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the chance, like someone who was tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state. I. A. Goncharov.

Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was written in the pre-reform time. In it, the author with objective accuracy and completeness depicted the Russian life of the first half of the XIX century. The plot of the novel is the life path of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, from children's years and to his very death. The main topic of the novel is a breakdown - a lifestyle, vital ideology; This is apathy, passivity, cutoff from reality, contemplation of life around him; But the main thing is the lack of work, practical inactivity. The concept of "Oblomovshchina" is applicable far from one bite with its inhabitants, it is a "reflection of Russian life", the key to the solve of many of its phenomena.

In the XIX century, the lives of many Russian landowners were similar to the life of the Oblomovtsy, and therefore it can be called "dominant disease" of that time. The essence of the breakdown is revealed by potter through the image of the life of Oblomov, most of which hero holds, lying on the sofa, dreaming and building all sorts of plans. What prevents him from getting out of this sofa?

In my opinion, the main reason for the obliqueness is his social status. He is a landowner, and it frees it from a variety of classes. He is a barin, he doesn't need to do anything - the servants will do everything for him. Ilya Ilyich never even had a desire to do something herself, although he should not blame him, as this is a consequence of education. And the upbringing, the atmosphere, in which small bugs, played a huge role in the formation of his character and worldview. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was born in a crushing - this "blessed corner of the earth", where "there is nothing grand, wild and sullen," there is no terrible storm, no destruction, where deep silence are dominated, peace and endless calmness.

Life in the crushing was monotonous, here it was terribly afraid of any changes. In the estate of broken traditional was a meal "all-consuming, no winning dream, a true selection of death." And the little Ilyusha grew up in this atmosphere, he was surrounded by care and attention from all sides: his mother, nanny and the entire numerous retinue of the house of Oblomeh showered the boy caresses and praise. The slightest attempt to Ilyushi do anything on his own immediately suppressed: to run somewhere he was often forbidden, at fourteen he was not able to even get dressed.

And the doctrine of Ilyoshi at Stolz is so difficult to call. The reasons for the boy did not go to school, parents found the most different, right up to ridiculous and funny. Thus, living in such a house and in such an environment, Ilya Ilyich was more and more "soaked" the "broomstorm, in his consciousness was formed gradually the ideal of life.

Already an adult broom was characterized, in my opinion, a few children's dreaminess. Life in dreams was represented by him a calm, measured, stable, and a beloved woman - in terms of its qualities, more reminiscent of Mother - loving, caring, polishing. Oblomov was so plunged into the world of their dreams, which completely broke away from reality, which he was unable to accept. ("Where is the person here? Where is his integrity? Where did he hide, how did he change himself on any trifle?") So, the reality of bugs does not accept him, she scares him. Is Ilya Ilyich a particular purpose in life, except for that Oblomovo idyll? Not. Does he have some kind of dealing with him completely given? Also no. So, it's no need to get up from the sofa. The breakwent completely absorbed Ilya Ilyich, surrounding him as a child, she did not leave him until the death.

But after all, the bugs are a man with a "pure, faithful heart", with a harmonious, solid, sublime, poetic soul, in which "will always be purely, light, honestly," there are few such people; This is "pearls in the crowd." But the bugs did not find applying to his huge moral, spiritual potential, he turned out to be an "external person," he was brought to himself the opportunity to do nothing. It seems to me if it were not for the upbringing that thormed the inability of Oblomov to work, this person could be a poet or writer, maybe a teacher or revolutionary. But, in any case, he would benefit others, would not live in life. But, as Ilya Ilyich himself says, the breakwent ruined him, it was she who did not give him to get up from the sofa, to start a new, full life.

Before answering this question, you need to figure out who is such bugs, why did his name become nominated? The main features of the Hero of Roman Goncharov are laziness and apathy. But why did he become so? It is believed that the obcomments turned into Oblomov because of its upbringing. He grew up in a crushing among the same lazy and apathetic people, as he will later. Silent, measured life without any incidents and randomness, boredom and prohibiting Ilya have fun and play with other guys - Wouldn't it formed his character? Maybe.

Ilya Ilyich himself asks a question: "Why am I?" The answer to this is contained in the famous "Obloma dream". It discloses the circumstances that influenced the nature of Ilya Ilyich in childhood and youth. Live, poetic pattern of crushing - part of the soul of the hero itself. Oblomov is so also because the mother is NEA, whisen, caressed Ilyusha and defended him from all adversity.

Or maybe he does not lead an active lifestyle for another reason? Why bugs do not make a career like a judge, does not write articles like Penkin, does not lead a secular lifestyle, like wolves, and not such a business person like galley? Ilya Ilyich rejoices that "he does not have such empty desires and thoughts that he does not happen, but lies here, while maintaining his human dignity and peace."

Bakes have not yet found its goal in life. He lies on the sofa, and his bags perceived in the novel as more as a denial of bureaucracy, secular bustle and bourgeois defense. Ilya Ilyich does what they seek, not knowing this, all: after all, earning money and getting the ranks, many want, in the end, get peace and is still lazy as broils.

All this gradually makes Oblomov Oblomov.

But he is not always like that. Ilya Ilyich awakens and drives his laziness when he meets Olga. He sees the meaning of life in love, but returns to his old life, because Olga puts his goal from the Oblomov of such a person who would read the newspaper, went abroad and made up management plans in his estate, that is, would be as she and Stolz would like to see Ilya Ilyich. But the bugs in their conversation with Andrey explains him that there are other broomels and he is not one. And this leads us to the conclusion that the hero of the novel became a broomstone because of the society in which he lives. After all, this concept includes not only the present position, but also the upbringing of Ilya Ilyich, who, in turn, brought up people who have already become broken.

Thus, the bugs do not see a high goal in his life, which he could devote himself to himself, and therefore believes that it is better not to do anything than to do empty affairs and fuss as many other people.

Ilya Ilyich did not have a necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the chance, like someone who was tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state.
I. A. Goncharov. Oblomov
Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was written in the pre-reform time. In it, the author with objective accuracy and completeness depicted the Russian life of the first half of the XIX century. The plot of the novel is the life path of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, from children's years and to his very death. The main topic of the novel is a breakdown - a lifestyle, vital ideology; This is apathy, passivity, cutoff from reality, contemplation of life around him; But the main thing is the lack of work, practical inactivity.
The concept of "Oblomovshchina" is applicable far from one bite with its inhabitants, it is a "reflection of Russian life", the key to the solve of many of its phenomena. In the XIX century, the lives of many Russian landowners were similar to the life of the Moves, and therefore it can be called a "dominant disease" of that time. The essence of the breakdown is revealed by potter through the image of the life of Oblomov, most of which hero holds, lying on the sofa, dreaming and building all sorts of plans. What prevents him from getting out of this sofa?
In my opinion, the main reason for the obliqueness is his social status. He is a landowner, and it frees it from a variety of classes. He is a barin, he doesn't need to do anything - the servants will do everything for him. Ilya Ilyich never even had a desire to do something herself, although he should not blame him, as this is a consequence of education. And the upbringing, the atmosphere, in which small bugs, played a huge role in the formation of his character and worldview.
Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was born in a crushing - this "blessed corner of the earth", where "there is nothing grand, wild and sullen," there is no terrible storm, no destruction, where deep silence are dominated, peace and endless calmness. Life in the crushing was monotonous, here it was terribly afraid of any changes. In the estate of broken traditional was a meal "all-consuming, no winning dream, a true selection of death." And the little Ilyusha grew up in this atmosphere, he was surrounded by care and attention from all sides: his mother, nanny and the entire numerous retinue of the house of Oblomeh showered the boy caresses and praise. The slightest attempt to Ilyushi do anything on his own immediately suppressed: to run somewhere he was often forbidden, at fourteen he was not able to even get dressed. And the doctrine of Ilyoshi at Stolz is so difficult to call. The reasons for the boy did not go to school, parents found the most different, right up to ridiculous and funny.
Thus, living in such a house and in such a surroundings, Ilya Ilyich, and more "soaked" the gruntry, of the consciousness was formed gradually the ideal of life. Already an adult broom was characterized, in my opinion, a few children's dreaminess. Life in dreams was represented by him a calm, measured, stable, and a beloved woman - in terms of its qualities, more reminiscent of Mother - loving, caring, polishing. Oblomov was so plunged into the world of their dreams, which completely broke away from reality, which he was unable to accept. ("Where is the man here? Where is his integrity? Where did he disappear, how did it changed to any trifle?")
So, the reality of bugs does not accept, she scares it. Is Ilya Ilyich a particular purpose in life, except for that Oblomovo idyll? Not. Does he have some kind of dealing with him completely given? Also no. So, it's no need to get up from the sofa.
The breakwent completely absorbed Ilya Ilyich, surrounding him as a child, she did not leave him until the death. But after all, the bugs are a man with, "pure, faithful heart", with a harmonious, whole, sublime, poetic soul, in which "will always be purely, light, honestly," there are few such people; This is "pearls in the crowd." But the bugs did not find applying to his huge moral, spiritual potential, he turned out to be an "external person," he was brought to himself the opportunity to do nothing. It seems to me if it were not for the upbringing that thormed the inability of Oblomov to work, this person could be a poet or writer, maybe a teacher or revolutionary. But, in any case, he would benefit others, would not live in life. But, as Ilya Ilyich himself says, the breakwent ruined him, it was she who did not give him to get up from the sofa, to start a new, full life.

Why did the gentle, honest Ilya Ilyich became a broom? (according to Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

... But the work thoroughly was um ...
A.S. Pushkin
I remember the picture of one Flemish artist "Country Lazy". There are pictured people who lie under the fruit trees and are waiting for the fruits to fall into their mouths. It seems, and the Russian fairy tale is so there. And the history teacher told us that there are islands in the southern seas where Sagovy palm trees grow. The islanders are reserved in a few days the necessary amount of Sago, and the rest of the time "rest". And also consider residents of other islands too fussy.
It turns out, the desire for laziness is characteristic of people, but the civilized man is different from the savage, which considers the labor of life. Sawn works only when the need drives it.
Therefore, it is strange to read a story about how a young man, with ideals, dreams turns into a lying exist, to which even a book, lying on the sofa, laziness read, open the newspaper! This is the hero of Roman I.A. Goncharova Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. From laziness, apathy, an unhealthy lifestyle he dies a little more than thirty years old.
Roman "Oblomov" had a big response in society. About him there were many critics. ON THE. Dobrolyubov called his article "What is a breakdown?" Since she considered such painful laziness, such a useless existence of a public phenomenon.
What led Ilya Ilyich to such a crying end? After all, in childhood, he was a frisky, alive and inquisitive boy, with whom there was no Sladule. The nanny did not sleep after him, was afraid that he would be lucky, called Yuly. In the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" we learn how the childhood of this Barchuk took place. Beautiful was nature in his homeland, people lived peacefully. "Neither terrible storms or destruction do not hear in the very edge ... in the fields and in the village they roam only in the abundance of cows, sheep bleaching and kura kuckers," writes the author.
It would seem to live, work in this blessed edge, live a long and happy life. But the fact of the matter is that Ilya does not work. After all, at hand, a lot of servants and nyanyushki, who did not allow him to do anything. And the child grew, gradually the accustomed to this eternal life holiday. "Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of difficulty and boredom - it had synonyms; Another is from peace and peaceful fun. "
But after all, in Russia there were many noble children who brought little an idleness. What did they differ from Ilyushi? They studied, prepared to serve the Fatherland, got used to the order. And Oblomov was constantly freed and from studying that the child is not tired. Reading about how Ilyuha regretted in childhood, I immediately remember Mitrofanushka-nadilly and his mother.
It seems to me that the answer to our question. Ilya Ilyich did not need to work since childhood, he got ready for him. He began to consider labor to be acknowledged. His servant Zakharu, who is very lazy, he says: "Does I feel silent, do I work? ... it seems to file, do - there is someone!". And if a person does not need to work, he morally descends, and there is not long and to become a broom. Yes, Ilya Ilyich, brought up in the peaceful edge, in his caress, acquired a kind and gentle character. But his inclination to dreamy, to "peaceful fun" turned into a desire to do nothing.
He did not have learned anything special, she does not read books, he does not accept guests. Even make the servant remove the room to him too. Together with the idleness, it covers apathy so that other times any activity seems to him unnecessary and even absurd. As a result, surviving up to thirty years, he understood badly, why he was generally given life. The village did not do, believing that everything would be done there by itself. The sofa became the only place where the brooms felt calm.
Friends left him, only sometimes visited forever busy Andrei Stolz. In these arrips, he excited Ilya Ilyich, forcing him to live more active. But it was worth a friend to leave, how everything went to the same order. And we conclude that, if you do not resist harmful habits, do not engage in self-education, a person can fall and suffer greatly to Oblomov. It is also necessary to clarify the answer to the question of the topic, Ilya Ilyich became obgalov not only because he was exempted from labor, but also because he was completely not fought with his vices.
At one time it seemed that Ilya Ilyich will cure love for Olga Ilinskaya. This beautiful girl liked many spiritual qualities of Oblomov, she sought to revive him to normal human life. But laziness and the habit of peace turned out to be stronger even love.
To better understand the essence of the grooves, it is worth saying a little and about Andrei Stolz. This is an entrepreneur, hardworking and honest. The writer shows it a somewhat limited person, it seems that Ilya Ilyich is spiritually richer friend. But precisely because galley is constantly working, he achieves success. While the brooms felt on the couch, the gallery marries Olga Ilinskaya and suits his life as many times represented in his dreams Ilya Ilyich.
The phenomenon when laziness ruins good people, called the breakdown. Manilov from the "dead souls" can be remembered, in many ways like Goncharov's hero. But still, the first lives in the estate, he has a family, he looks like a person. Once we said that Pechorin is "the younger brother" of Onegin. Using this expression, it can be said that Oblomov - "Junior Brother" Manilov.
Exceptional conditions for endless things, contempt for labor, character inclinations and the absence of will to fight with their disadvantages led a tender, kind and honest person to the fact that he became a broom.