Electronic project about Boris Zhitkov. Presentation "Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov and his works

Electronic project about Boris Zhitkov. Presentation
Electronic project about Boris Zhitkov. Presentation "Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov and his works

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Vestes Boris Stepanovich Biography. Creativity Library BOU "SOSH №2 G. Gryazov"

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Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882 - 1938), Russian Soviet Writer, author of numerous books for children

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Vitaly Bianki Sturman of a long-range swimming, who had a half of the world of the globe, a shipbuilder engineer, an inventor, a real "master for all hands", a disinterested friend of all workers, a man of comprehensive knowledge, a great life experience and, and also gifted by the amazing gift of a storyteller - the big talent of the artist - As amazing that such a person in the end is taken for the pen and, holding him, immediately creates unparalleled books in world literature.

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Childhood was born Boris Allows on August 30 (September 11, N.S.) in Novgorod in the family of a teacher of mathematics. Got a wonderful home education. Childhood spent in St. Petersburg, Riga, Odessa. Novgorod Odessa Riga St. Petersburg

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The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky title sheet of book "Life and creativity B.S. Zhitkov ", art. S. Pozharsky 1955

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Youth after the end of the Gymnasium B. Ltkov entered the Natural Department of the Novorossiysk University, from where he was twice excluded for participating in student unrest. In 1905, in Odessa participated in revolutionary events. He graduated from the university in 1906. Swimat sailor and navigator on sailboats in black, Mediterranean and Red Seas, participated in the expedition on Yenisei, having time to complete the naval school and get the title of long-range navigator; He lectured in chemistry and physics on the evening courses for workers in St. Petersburg. In 1911-16 he studied at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute on the shipbuilding department.

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Professions returned to Odessa in 1917, worked as an engineer in the port, he managed the technical school, taught at Rabafak. He changed a lot of professions: ichthyologist, Sailboat's navigator, a metalwork, a marine officer and an engineer, captain of the research vessel, a teacher of physics and drawing, head of technical school. After graduating from the 1916 SPb Polytechnic Institute with a diploma of the shipbuilder, was called up for military service and sent to England and France as an inspection controller for Russian submarines and aircraft.

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Literary activities moved to Petrograd, engaged in literary activities; From 1924 He printed in the collection of stories "Evil Sea", also collaborated in the magazine "Sparrow", subsequently "New Robinson", in the collections of "Soviet guys", worked for some time in the journal "Hedgehog." He was a member of the Union of Writers. Marine Tale Fabulous Tale Scientific and Art Books Works for Children

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Works for children of lettea played a big role in the formation of Soviet children's literature: it introduced strict realism into it, a valid conversation with a teenager about heroism and demands for himself; He knew how to show the beauty and creative power of labor. I also wrote "animal stories" (1935) and several stories for the smallest readers. He collaborated in many children's newspapers and magazines: Leninist sparks, new Robinson, hedgehog, Chizh, young Naturalist, etc. wrote for the smallest readers: Overall, blizzard, etc.

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Outcome of all B.S. By the fourteen and a half years of literary work, 192 works were written, considering the title, that is, summing and large things, and small stories for preschoolers. Including: 74 essay, 59 stories and stories, 38 small stories for preschoolers, 7 large works, 14 articles. Of the total number of written by B.S. Zhitkov works 8 remained unpublished, and 29 were published after the death of the writer.

Life and creativity Boris Zhitkov. Vestes Boris Stepanovich. (1882-1932) Biography B.S. Tychkov Mospomy K. Chukovsky  Musuality of the writer  Taking the book B. Tovkova Boris Zhatkov was born in 1882 in Novgorod. His father was a very good teacher of mathematics, and the mother is an excellent pianist. Boris was six years old when the family moved to the village to her grandmother. Soon the family moves into Odessa. The new, sparkling world opened before the boy: the sea, port, steamers, snow-white sailboats. They lived right in the harbor, and the ships passed by their windows. "We were alphabets, studied in the same class of the Odessa second gymnasium. I was impressed by his importance, for I myself was very sparkling and talking and there was no shadow of solidity. He taught me everything: the French language, the tying of the sea nodes, recognizing insects and birds, swimming, catching tarantulas ... ... and was very pleased when he appeared on the threshold after the separation. Boris stayed with me all day. He told the children of different marine stories. When I am going to leave, I said: -The listen, Boris, why not make you a writer? Try to describe the adventures that you spoke now, a good book will come out! A few days later he brought a school notebook and soon made sure that the editorial pencil had nothing to do. My joy was limitless: literature for children and teenagers scolded in the face of this forty-male Moreler, shipbuilder, mathematics, physics reliable power. " K. I. Chukovsky S. Marshak met Zhitkov as a long-awaited friend. At that time, Marshak was headed by the Children's magazine "Sparrow". Mashakov magazine began to work with extraordinary hobbies. Allows is the main character of the famous children's poem Samuel Marshak "Mail". - Custom from Rostov for Comrade Zhitkov! - Customized for Zhitkov? Sorry, no such! London flew out yesterday at seven fourteen in the morning. The borders of the air rushes abroad - the earth is green below. And after Zhitkov in the wagon post, the letter is carrying "Allowers Avoid the obsessive morality, but the young and inexperienced reader himself clearly distinguishes the struggle against evil, truth, with a lie. But biased characteristic, not a recommendation given by the author, and the behavior of its acting persons in difficult and acute provisions gives us an idea of \u200b\u200btheir feelings and characters. In the moments of heavy testing, the time of the storm, crashing, blizzards - you see more clearly, who dare, generous, generous and who is selflessly, little, cowardly. Talk about the main, about the most essential features of a person - the case of a real, big writer, and children in particular. It was able to do Boris Zhitkov. " S. Marshak In order to write these stories, there was little one talent. It was necessary to live such a life, which Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov lived. Boris Stepanovich graduated from the University with a diploma Chemist, he had the title of long-swelled navigator, was an engineer-headlaser, owned a dozen languages, could answer any question, he was called the "live encyclopedia" for all this. Very simple, at first glance, his stories were the fruits of great labor. He composed them for years, applying the word to the word in the mind, but not writing nor lines. And only when it was separated well and forever fastened in the memory of Boris Zhitkov recorded him- And for this it was necessary one to two days. It can be said, his hand since childhood stretched to Peru, "Feather to paper". He produced handwritten magazines. All my life was lying diaries. His letters sometimes are whole stories. Once for the nephew Boris Stepanovich came up with a long tale in letters with a continuation. He wrote and poems: He had a whole notebook. In addition, he turned out to be a great storyteller. Yes, and he had to tell him about. Most of all, in the world, he loved the sea and his workers - sailors, fishermen, stamps, port workers, mechanics, captains of small and large ships. In a moment here, on the sea, face to face with nature, the good and good and bad sides of the person are most fully revealed. When you read his stories on the seabed, you often contact a explanation of the words of words. Therefore, in the class, from the words encountered in the stories of B. Tovkov, amounted to a "dictionary of marine expressions". Buck-nasal deck. Beyderend- When the ship goes under the sail so that the wind blows almost the ship's nose. Bizan-Third mast, counting from the nose. Brashpiller, which is raised anchor. Breeze, which blows from the shore. Web guy who come from mast to sides. Goth mast - second mast, counting from the nose. Drift demolition ship in the wind. Cambuzy kitchen on the vessel. Kilwater- so they say when the ships go to the Gusk. Kubrick - the total sailor cabin in the nose of the vessel. Nord-West direction almost straight to the west. Allows - Wizard Word. A man who skillfully operates creatively is called the Master. We call the master Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov. Reading his books, we get into the workshop, rich, elegant, talented workshop. Who in childhood from curiosity did not disassemble his toys? What is there - inside, inside the drum, steam locomotive, watch or steamer? Want to know what I was looking for a boy inside a steamer in the story "How I caught the little men" "I watched watched on a steam. And probably, people live in it. Small, just for the growth of the steam house. It walked out that they should be slightly lower than the matches. Probably spy. And when there are no one at home, go to the deck. Crazat, probably on ladders on masts. " What I saw B. Sovekov created a lot of books for the young reader, his biggest merit - the creation of a kind of encyclopedia for preschoolers "What I saw" "This book is about things. I wrote it, meaning age from three to six years. This books should be enough for a year. Let the reader live in it and grows. I warn again: do not remember! It is better to read first. " And the stories "about an elephant" or "a street-free cat" could write a man, not only who loved animals, but also understood them. How do you not remember that Boris Zhitkov and a trained wolf, and the cat, who smeared to "become a monkey". The trained poodle made all sorts of frills and understood (as suggested) two hundred words. Shot a separate room, where she settled with his four-legged friends: a dog, a cat and a small wolf film, which decided to tame. And there, in a cage, Teddy walked past the lattice and looked at all. He looks like a dog. Only he is thick. And the eyes are very small, black. " From the story "Zoosad" "I saw a big cage, and a beast walks in it, and his hair was up to half. And behind a short wool. Only he is very big and yellow, and not black. And he looked very angry ... This is a book for those who love distant journey and want to become a hero. After all, what happens: Robinson was an adult, captain Nemo was an adult, the fifteen-year-old captain Dick Sand was almost an adult. But the children also want to travel and how! And here Boris Maitkov wrote a book about a child who went on a huge country, and told that he saw. And he also saw a lion in the zoo, and the Red Army on the exercises, and the bear in the forest, and the mysterious dzug on the rope. No wonder the book is called "All about the adventures of big and small" answering questions Quiz illustrations for the stories of B. Tikov, a quiz on the stories of B. Zhitkov. 1. Grade "Wat". What did customs insider found in the coal pit? 2. What was the task in Senka with his friend? 3. Was it a baseman? 4. The story "Owl". How did you cleanse the road from the collapse? 5. Grade "On the ice" on the ice slam took how many people? 6.Rext "White House". Why did the brother with Ninochka did not hit the white house? 7.Sconsquences "Razin". Who helped sachets to find a basket "? 8.Schat "Skat". What kind of trouble was a fish with an old man? 9.Sconsquences "How to raise a steamer from the bottom." How raised a steamer from the bottom? 10. How called the monkey in the story "about a monkey"? 11. What is the book of Zhitkov, can you learn about everything in the world? ("What I saw") 12. What was the name of the chief hero of this book? Answers to quiz 1. Vata. What did customs insider found in the coal pit? (Paper, Journalists) 2. What task was Senka with his friend? (Deliver magazines) 3.Who was a jammer? (Zuev) 4. The story "Owl". How did you cleanse the road from the collapse? (Pump-hydrotaran) 5. The "on the ice" on the ice should be carried out how many people? (Eight people) 6.Rext "White House". Why did the brother with Ninochka did not hit the white house? (Stranded) 7.Scake "Razin". Who helped sachets to find a basket "? (Dog) 8.Schat "Skat". What kind of trouble was a fish with an old man? (Ripped the belly) 9.Sconsquences "How to raise a steamer from the bottom." How raised a steamer from the bottom? (The air pumped into the bidones, they floated up and raised a steamer with them) 10. How called the monkey in the story "about a monkey"? (Yasha) 11. What is the book of Zhitkov, you can learn about everything in the world? ("What I saw") 12. What was the name of the chief hero of this book? (Alyosha Landmark) List of references 1. Chernenko, G. Two Lives Boris Zhitkov // I will know the world: literature. B. S. Zhitkov. - M., 2000. - S.: 181184. 2. Vetkov Boris Stepanovich // Who is who. - M. Slovo, Olma-Press, 2003. - C.: 541543. 3. Any publication of B. Tikov's books. 4. Ilchuk, Hope. Vestes Boris Stepanovich. http: // www.bibliogid.ru/. 5. B. Sites. "I saw something." Stories and fairy tales Publisher "Wesheck", Kiev, 1988 6. Materials of sites: http://www.biblioguide.ru, http://www.rgdb.ru, http://bookoliki.gmsib.ru

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938)

His father was a teacher of mathematics in the Novgorod Teacher Institute,

Mother - pianist.

Childhood spent in Odessa. I received the initial home education, then graduated from the gymnasium. During his studies made friends with K. I. Chukovsky.

He was not ten years old, and he was already walked perfectly, dived, one went on a boat far into the sea, causing the envy of neighboring boys. None of the classmates could better and faster it to knit sea nodes, row, to predict the weather, to recognize insects and birds. He always liked simple and courageous people who are not afraid of any difficulties and dangers.

Will and perseverance helped him master many professions. Allows worked as a chemist, a shipbuilder and even a distant naval navigator. He carried out his dream: visited many cities and the countries of the globe, around the world swimming and scientific expeditions.

But becoming a writer Boris Sitkov was not going.

Just he was famous among acquaintances as a wonderful narrator. One day at the request

K. I. Chukovsky, recorded one of his stories.

It solved his fate.

Everything that watches lettees, he had a chance to see in life with his own eyes

or make it yourself.

Therefore, so fascinating his stories.

From the very first lines of readers concerns whether passengers will be saved

during the storm of the sailing vessel

(The story "Shkva") whether the sailors will be able to remove the compass with the captured traitors of the steamer ("Compass"), whether the wild cat will be accustomed to a person and whether it will make friends with a dog ("Strevy Cat"). And such truthful stories about the mercy of the person to "brothers our smaller" - Animal Boris Sitkov told us a lot.

Allows died from lung cancer

Buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Art and journalistic prose

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882 -1938)

1. Biography

2. Almost writer

3. Start of creativity

4. Works for adults and children

5. Works for children - all his life

6. B. Zhtkov is a storage room

7. The purpose of B. Zhitkov's life


Russian and Soviet writer, prose, teacher, traveler and researcher. The author of popular adventure stories and leads.

Father Boris was a teacher of mathematics. Boris's mother was an excellent pianist.

Boris gave it to the second Odessa gymnasium, where he studied in the same class with the future cornea Chukovsky. Boris was an unusual gymnasium. His hobbies did not know borders. He seemed to be interested in everything: I played the clock on the violin, I studied a photo.

K. Chukovsky

B. Zhitkov. Gymnasist

Almost writer

He produced handwritten magazines. All my life was lying diaries. His letters, sometimes, are whole stories. He wrote and poems: He had a whole notebook.

Start of creativity

When the Allows took the pen, the new meaning has acquired his entire former life, she became material for creativity.

Works for adults and children

Peru Boris Zhitkov belongs to talented novels, plays, articles for adults.

For 15 years of literary work, 192 works are written, including: 74 essay, 59 of the ages and stories, 7 large works, 14 articles. But, perhaps, "His, Zhitkovskoye, he said a new word in children's literature."

Works for children - his whole life ...

Over the years of work in the children's literature, the Allies managed to try all genres, all types of books for children and invented and prompted quite a few new.

  • he is one of the creators of the scientific and artistic genre;
  • he started a weekly magazine-picture for children who are not yet able to read;
  • he came up with different types of toy books;
  • he participated in the creation of a special calendar for children

  • The writer told the children about whether the Soviet pilots won the North Pole ";
  • by the century from the date of death, A. S. Pushkin prepared an article in "Chizh" to tell children about the great poet;
  • he also told about the feat of Chelyuskintsev;
  • about the life of children abroad;
  • about the new Soviet shockers;
  • about Bolshevik S. M. Kirov;
  • about events in Spain;
  • about the friendship of Soviet people;

Now I'll tell you

B. Zhitkov - This is a storage room

As in childhood, fattes "Easy to learn, instruct, explain, express" . And sometimes heroes of his works became ... Ax and steamer. As the author wanted, "so that the arms and brains are combed" from reading these books. For this, he was incentive and learned in fiction.

A variety of knowledge of Zhitkov was useful. No wonder they went about loud fame. He could explain the household household how to solit cabbage, and the writer K. Fedina - how to make barrels. Yes, so explain that that "I heard a knock and a hum of work ... and was ready ... to put on a little on with a wonderful Bondar - Zhitkov."

The works of the writer are emotional, lyric, easily find the way to children's hearts. "Do not be afraid of you lyrics," - spoke B. S. Lytkov to young writers, considering all coldness "Blasting and vulgarity", who can not be any excuse.

Allows wrote: "I remember a steam ladder by how I missed my skin on him, I remember the turkey by the way he hurts me, when I was fed to him, and the horse in the way she did not bite me when I gave her a palm sugar. And I just waited and was afraid. And she was velvet lips tightened sugar, gently and carefully, and could bite my hand on the elbow. "

The purpose of life B. Zhitkov

The desire to transfer to other generations perceived during life The special system of the works of Zhitkov has determined.

  • https://yandex.ru/images/? redircnt \u003d 1449143668.1. - Yandex. Pictures
  • http: // injournal.ru/biograf/zhitkov.html. - Boris Zhitkov - Biography of the Writer
  • http: // studopedia.ru/3_89715_b-zhitkov-obzor-tvorchestva.html - Allows. Overview of creativity

    1. Russian and Soviet writer
    2. prozaik
    3. pedagogue
    4. traveler
    5. researcher
    6. Interesting fact:

    Boris Allows is the main character of the famous children's poem Samuel Marshak

    - Customized from Rostov
    For Comrade Zhitkov!
    - Customized for Zhitkov?
    Sorry, no such!
    - Where is this citizen?
    - flew yesterday to Berlin.

    Allays abroad
    By air rushes -
    The earth is green below.
    And after Zhitkov
    In a wagon mail
    Custom letter is taken.

  • Boris Zhitkov became the prototype of one of the main heroes of the film "On the MiG look." (1984, Odessa Film Studio, dir. Vyach. Kolpayev), played the actor Viktor Proskurin (and his friend K. I. Chukovsky - Oleg Efremov). Already on this fact we can say that he was an interesting and unusual person. But this is too little to characterize it. If you try to do this briefly, it can be said that it was a human adventure, with extraordinary talents and with an extraordinary destiny.
  • Boris Sitkov was born on August 30, 1882 in Novgorod; His father was a teacher of mathematics, mother - pianist.
  • In 1924, the fattes began to be printed and soon became a professional writer. Wide life experience and impressive knowledge in many branches are reflected in the narratives of the writer - about science. Loves wrote about different professions.
  • Allows was:
  1. the organizer of the Shadow Theater.
  2. the author of the unfinished book " History of the ship "
  3. cycle " Stories about the technique "addressed to young people

Creativity Zhitkov, classic of domestic children's literature, which can also be considered the founder of the scientific and artistic genre in children's literature, which had a significant impact on many children's writers.

Think and answer at the end of my story, really creativity Zhitkov - the classic of domestic children's literature?

  • Heroes of Zhitkov often fall into extreme situations. About this cycles "on water", "above the water", "under water", "Mechanic Salerno" and many others that you will learn further
  • Cycle of children's stories "What I saw"

The main hero of the cycle is an inquisitive boy "Alyosha-Toward", whose prototype was a small neighbor writer on the communal apartment of Alyosha Nekrasov.

(Video "Why Elephant") 0: 21-0:50. ("... calling aleas")

The most difficult for the writer was the challenge to build a story from a four-year-old boy. Good understanding the conventionality of such a form, the allowance for children's perception in it.

Speech of Little Alyoshi is rich in bright comparisons, unexpected comparisons

So for example, the radio wagon is described:

"And completely far - the tower. Only she is made from the ribbon. Everyone is visible. "

About the hall in the hotel says:

"The room is big-big. Paul glitters like ice. And very slippery. And mats on the floor, like paths in the garden. "

  • Cycle of children's stories "What happened"

We are talking about the draws belonging to the number of extreme. At the same time, all of them from the category of "what happened": spill rivers, fire on the ship, the collapse in the mountains, a snowstorm in Tundra. People find themselves in captivity of the everlasting elements and seemingly doomed to death. However, the heroes of Zhitkov are not hurry to fold their hands: in the most difficult conditions, they continue to fulfill their duty. Their actions are true feat. For example, the work "Flood"

  • Captain Exchange selflessly saves people from the threat of flooding while the threat hung over his house. But close captains were saved - these people also took care of them. The prosperous resolution of the dramatic situation is not an accident, but the law of life.

(Audio Photo Flood 2:38)

in these stitches, the whole point of the work of mutual assistance is hidden.

  • Another product from the cycle "What happened" is the story "How I caught a little man"

Written on behalf of the child. Events are intertwined in two plans - real and imagined. In the real world over the boy hangs Babushkin. Prohibition: you can not touch the vapor model, which is considered a family relic. In the world, the vaporody is becoming a real ship with a live team.

The child is completely captured by the persecution of imaginary men. He invents different ways to capture them by surprise, and when it fails, the game breaks the game in the excitement. The feeling of deep disappointment is aggravated by the consciousness of irreparable guilt. And it causes sympathy for the hero despite the fact that it is a serious act. Refusing to morality, the values \u200b\u200bof the identity of the child are revealed in the children's game: activity, perseverance, cutter, curiosity.

  • For example, the story "About an elephant"

The story tells a long-range sailor who made a trip to India on the ship. Despite the fact that the main place in the story occupies an elephant, an important role belongs to the figure of the story. Like a child, he burns from impatience, waiting for a meeting with an exotic animal.

Childish rejoices a storyteller with the implementation of his dreams. The story ends with an episode, in which the work of the elephants is described as the exhausting, unbearable job. Such an attitude towards the animal causes a painful feeling that dawns the joy of the meeting. Not exotic, and humanity acts in the story on the fore.

  • Another story from the cycle of animals "Mongoshka"

This is a truthful story about the adventures and the exploits of two fun and brave animals-mangown on a large ship. The habits of an unusual animal are described as a fun game, in which, as a child, adult is included. At the same time, the narrator remains a careful observer who knows that communication with animals requires patience from man. The smile is replaced by respect when it comes to agility and fearless mangoste when a collision with a snake. The last episode of the story is the death of one of the mangoste. Her return to life causes surrounding frank joy.

(Audio recording Mongoose 14:08. "... so loved her")

Such completion of the story speaks about the triumph of humanity.

  • Allows died in 1938

Along with V.V. Bianki and E.I. Scharushin, Boris Zhitkov is considered the founder of the scientific and artistic genre in children's literature. His creativity had a significant impact on many children's writers.

  1. The style of stories is unusual - these are plenty of novels written in the form of an "case of life", as a rule of dramatic.
  2. The works of Zhitkov are saturated with action, he often enjoys a conversation with the reader, writes always figuratively and clear.
  3. Task of creativity Zhitkov - Message to children useful information and upbringing the best human qualities
  • Before you, the words Marshak about Boris Zhitkov.

Highlight the main thing and write down in the notebook

  • Now check if you recorded
  • In honor of the Russian Children's Writer Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov, Boris Zhitkov (Kiev) is named. Named in 1957

Buttons and men. - Dir. M. Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1980.

Why are elephants? - Dir. M. Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1980.

Pounding. - Dir. I. Vorobyeva. USSR, 1990.

  • Study of the Writer's Creativity in elementary school

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"Presentation. The originality of Creativity B. S. Zhitkov "

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938)

  • Russian and Soviet writer
  • prozaik
  • pedagogue
  • traveler
  • researcher
  • author of popular adventure stories and leads, animal works

Interesting fact:

Boris Allows is the main character of the famous children's poem Samuel Marshak

"Post office".

Custom from Rostov for Comrade Zhitkov! - Customized for Zhitkov? Sorry, no such! - Where is this citizen? - flew yesterday to Berlin. The borders of the air rushes abroad - the earth is green below. And after Zhitkov in the wagon post, the letter can be brought.

Boris Zhitkov became the prototype of one of the main heroes of the film "On the MiG look." (1984, Odessa Film Studio, dir. Vyach. Kolpayev), played the actor Viktor Proskurin (and his friend K. I. Chukovsky - Oleg Efremov).

Already on this fact we can say that he was an interesting and unusual person. But this is too little to characterize it. If you try to do this briefly, it can be said that it was a human adventure, with extraordinary talents and with an extraordinary destiny.

Boris Zhitkov born

in Novgorod;

His father was a teacher of mathematics, mother - pianist.

Childhood spent in Odessa .

I received the initial home education, then graduated from the gymnasium.

During his studies made friends with K. I. Chukovsky

After the gymnasium, he entered the natural branch of the Novorossiysk University, which he graduated from 1906.

Then from 1911. In 1916 he studied at the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute.

In 1924, the fattes began to be printed and soon became a professional writer.

Wide life experience and impressive knowledge in many branches are reflected in the narratives of the writer - about science. Loves wrote about different professions.

Allows was:

  • the organizer of the Shadow Theater.
  • special series of books for small
  • the author of the unfinished book " History of the ship "
  • cycle " Stories about the technique " addressed to young people

Creativity Zhitkov, classic of domestic children's literature which can also be considered the founder of the scientific and artistic genre in children's literature, which had a significant impact on many children's writers.

Heroes of Zhitkov often fall into extreme situations. About this cycles "on water", "over water", "under water", "Mechanic Salerno" and others.

Everything that wishes inks, he had a chance to see in his life with his own eyes.

Therefore, so fascinating his stories.

Cycle of children's story "What I saw"

The main hero of the first cycle is an inquisitive boy "Alyosha-Troops", whose prototype was a little neighbor writer on the communal apartment of Alyosha Nekrasov.

"What I saw"

The author fascinatingly talks about the vivid impressions of childhood: about a trip by train to Moscow, about visiting the Moscow Zoo, about traveling to the steamer to Crimea. Colorfully describes the people who have seen who met people and animals.

Alyoshi speech is rich:

  • bright comparisons
  • unexpected comparisons

Red Commander Flower Soap in the Mountains How Sasha Mom scared a beard like a boy sneak harmony fire Flood As a steamer drowned as a steamer from the bottom of a fire in the sea on the ice floe Adventure "partisan" collapse smoke Skat Razing White House How I caught a little man Travel brave van-gogen

Cycle of children's story "What happened"

Short stories for preschoolers with unad life situations. Stories will not only tell about various cases, but also explain how to behave properly, but not to do.


from the cycle "What happened" and "Help is going"

Captain Exchange selflessly saves people from the threat of flooding while the threat hung over his house. But close captains were saved - these people also took care of them. The prosperous resolution of the dramatic situation is not an accident, but the law of life.

"How I caught a little man"

from the cycle "What happened"

Written on behalf of a child. Events are intertwined in two plans - real and imagined. The child is completely captured by the persecution of imaginary men. He invents different ways to capture them by surprise, and when it fails, the game breaks the game in the excitement.

Allows shows that the valuable qualities of the child's identity are revealed in the children's game:

  • activity
  • persistence
  • savvy,
  • curiosity

Stories about animals Boris Zhitkov - these are short history of human relationships with animals. Loves describes various non-refined cases of rescue people with animals, their devotion, strong friendship and no less strong attachment.

Stories about animals:

Street cat

Girl Katya

How the elephant saved the host from the tiger

Smean under the Christmas tree


Hunter and dogs

About monkey

About Elephant

Brave dot.

"About an elephant"

From the cycle of animal stories

The story tells a long-range sailor who made a trip to India on the ship. Like a child, he burns from impatience, waiting for a meeting with an exotic animal.

The story ends with an episode, in which the work of the elephants is described as the exhausting, unbearable work.

The story comes to the fore. humanity


From the cycle of animal stories

This is a truthful story about the adventures and exploits of two fun and brave animals- mangoste on a large ship.

The habits of an unusual animal are described as a fun game, in which, as a child, adult is included.

The last episode of the story is the death of one of the mangoste. Her return to life causes surrounding frank joy.

Completion of the story speaks about the triumph of humanity.

Allows died in 1938

Buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery. His legacy make up more than 500 works.

Along with V.V. Bianki and E.I. Scharushin, Boris Zhitkov is considered the founder of the scientific and artistic genre in children's literature. His creativity had a significant impact on many children's writers.

  • Stories are written by a simple understandable language, through them the author sought to convey as much impressive knowledge gained by him during life and work.
  • The style of stories is unusual - these are plenty of novels written in the form of "case from life".
  • The topic of the feat is closely related to the idea of \u200b\u200bmutual assistance.
  • Words "Help is coming" you can put the epigraph to many stories of Zhitkov

The works of Zhitkov are saturated with action, he often enjoys a conversation with the reader, writes always figuratively and clear.

The task of Creativity of Zhitkov - Message to children of useful information and upbringing the best human qualities in them.

"Allowers avoid obsessive morality, but the young and inexperienced reader himself clearly distinguishes the struggle against evil in his books, truth is with a lie. But biased characteristic, not a recommendation given by the author, and the behavior of its acting persons in difficult and acute provisions gives us an idea of \u200b\u200btheir feelings and characters. In the moments of heavy testing, the time of the storm, crashing, blizzards - you see more clearly, who dare, generous, generous and who is selflessly, little, cowardly.

Talk about the main, about the most essential features of a person - the case of a real, big writer, and children in particular. It was able to do Boris Zhitkov "

S. Marshak

Your recording must contain the following:

  • Avoids obsessive morality
  • In his books there is a struggle with evil, truth - with a lie
  • The behavior of his acting persons gives an idea of \u200b\u200btheir feelings and characters.
  • There are topics storm, crashing, blizzards
  • Enables such qualities as courage, generosity, generosity
  • Ridicule such qualities as selflessness, petty, cowardiness
  • I knew how to talk about the main, about the most essential features of a person

  • IN honor Russian children's writer Boris. Stepanovich Zhivkov Nazvan Street Boris. Zhitkov (Kiev). Named in 1957
  • Based on the stories of Zhitkov from the "What I saw" cycle created cartoons:

Buttons and men. - Dir. M. Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1980.

Why are elephants? - Dir. M. Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1980.

Pounding. - Dir. I. Vorobyeva. USSR, 1990.

"On a moment, look around" / "I lived then" (1984, Odessa film studio, dir. Vyt. Kolpayev), played the actor Victor Proskurin

In 1967, at Mosfilm's film studio. Dir. A. Sakharov and A. Svetlov. According to the stories of "Dissoli", "Wat" and "Compass" was made by the film "Maritime Stories".

In 1968 at the Odessa film studio. Dir. S. Govorukhin. Based on the story B. Zhitkov "Mechanic Salerno" was made by the film "Angel Day".

In 1975, at the film studio. Gorky. Dir. E. Bocharov. Based on the stories B. Zhitkov, a film "Storm on land" was put.

Study of the Writer's Creativity in elementary school

Most often, the teacher in elementary school use works by Boris Zhitkov at the lessons of extracurricular reading and on extracurricular activities, when the topic of relationships between people, the theme of humane, careful attitude towards animals, as well as the topic of people and animal relationships (help each other, life situations, Interesting moments that can happen with each).

tutorial name

tutorial name


Literary reading UMK "Harmony"

Native speech "School of Russia"

Brave duckling, daw

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How I caught a little man

Thanks for attention!