Bride's diary: Rita Dakota about a wedding with Vlad Sokolovsky. Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota along with a small daughter starred for the cover OK! A pair of old friends

Bride's diary: Rita Dakota about a wedding with Vlad Sokolovsky. Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota along with a small daughter starred for the cover OK! A pair of old friends
Bride's diary: Rita Dakota about a wedding with Vlad Sokolovsky. Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota along with a small daughter starred for the cover OK! A pair of old friends

Spouses Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky exclusively site told how their lives with the birth of Mia changed.

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota

Musicians and became the parents of the baby, which, happy parents called Mia, completely changed their lives. And, as the artists themselves recognize, for the better. Rita and Vlad exclusively for the site told how their lives in the new status proceeds, and submitted their baby to the public. Meet Miya! On this photo, the girl is only two weeks.

Artists did not smear: they, like all parents, are experiencing difficulties, but all the troubles for them are pleasant moments that they will remember with a smile.

Rita:We tried somehow with humor to treat inclipboard and some difficulties. And we understand that this fate is colic, teeth and everything else is waiting for everyone.

Star parents say they themselves have been thinking about themselves new difficulties. For example, they flew to Bali for several months along with a newborn baby. And now have become real professionals in the field of "family holidays". In his walners on Youtube, the spouses on their own example prove that, even becoming parents, can remain mobile and productive.

Vlad: Immediately I can say that it's not very comfortable to travel with a baby. When you fly with a two or three-month-old child, you take a meals, diapers, stroller, sun loungers, toys ... a huge number of things! We minimized themselves and at the maximum of her.

We flew with a child who had two and a half months, and return when she was four and a half. These are three different clothes! Mii has much more things than we

With Vlad and Rita, not only the lifestyle changed, but also the internal perception of the world. They became more reverent, ready and responsible.

Vlad:Worry constantly ... Sometimes stupid thoughts in the head climb. Here you hold the baby in your arms, everything is fine, you stand on the ground and everything is cool, but some thought appears in my head: "What if you are slipping." And here you start to wind yourself, although everything is in order.

Rita:Increased vigilance mode. Even in such rare evenings, when Vlad and We can go somewhere in the evening in the evening, like on Bali Island (in one of our vlogov, you can see). Somehow we were at the Leningrad concert and drank Vinishko. All were drunk, but we are not. We drank a few glasses, but we did not have in any eye, because the vigilance mode turned on.

Despite the immense love for her child, Rita and Vlad continue to engage in their projects, household chores and creativity. Partly Mia helped their parents learn how to plan their day correctly.

Rita: We have become more organized in terms of time management. Previously, we could smear all your affairs for the whole day, to come home to eating home or something else to do. Now we try to make a schedule for a day that in the first half of the day have time to make the maximum number of affairs, and the second to spend with the child completely. But they save, of course, grandmothers. God gave them health.

Now the artists have already gained experience and can share them with other young parents. Vlad, for example, now knows everything about strollers. However, it was not always. Some moments really surprised the spouses when they were preparing for their new status.

Rita: There are some little things that are never thinking about. For me, for example, it was a great discovery that a newborn baby does not need a pillow. It seemed to me that it was necessary to be softer, more comfortable, but it turned out that the cushion for the newborn is dangerous.

Or, for example, the most difficult point for us in household care things for a child - it's cut your nails. In the family on the "stone-scissor-paper" decide who will do it, because everyone is afraid to make some kind of wrong step.

Rita and Vlada can no doubt be called parents of the year. The warm atmosphere reigns in their family, and they share this warmth with fans in their fans on the Youtube Channel "Sokolovsky & Dakota" and in Instagram every day. They honestly tell what actually happens in their lives. Like all people, sometimes they break away. Planted Rita takes the camera and talks about failures ... But in this, as the artists themselves say, and there is a real life, without embellishment.

Rita: We learn to re-adapt to your freedom, because she now looks a little more. But in fact it is cool! This growth is definitely. We have become better, we have become stronger. This is a very cool stage, and we are grateful to the universe for him.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky - a young married couple, which is married just over 2 years old. Their wedding took place on June 3, 2015, and 5 days later, a grand party in Gangsta-style was held in the Royal Bar, which gathered about 200 invited.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky at the "Star Factory"

Young couple together for 3 years. Relations of Margarita and Vlad can be characterized by means of a little obsolete concept for our time - "partnership", since between Rita and Vlad there is not only a passion, passion and love, but also strong friendship and partnership.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky got acquainted on the "Star Factory". Young people did not immediately began to meet, between them were friendly relations, both between his brother and sister. The guys were friends, talked, shared their musical victories and losses.

When the project ended, Vlad Sokolovsky and became participants in the Music Duet "BIS", and Margarita Gerasimovich lived in Moscow for some time, after which it was forced to go home, to Belarus. Thus, the paths of young musicians for a while diverged.

However, already in 2011, young beauty took the spirit and again decided to conquer Russia. She created a rock band "Monroe", which time later became a frequenter of such musical festivals as "invasion" and "Kuban".

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky: Love Story

Time passed and after 8 years, crowned celebrities accidentally faced a party. Margarita replaced the role of punk rebellion to a more feminine image, and Sokolovsky was no longer one of the cute boys Boyz Benda Bis. There was a spark between young people and from the moment they were no longer parted.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota on the air of one of the TV show, the heroes of which they did not have so long ago, told about their love story. Thus, the star couple shared with the leading and viewer memories of their first meeting after a long parting.

As it turned out, a fateful event, which a little later led the young to the altar, occurred in the metropolitan strip club, where Rita and Vlad were invited to a closed event.

Young people began a stormy novel, and after a year and a half after the relationship Vlad made Margarita's proposal of his hand and hearts. The former participant of the Bis Group decided to marry during a joint holiday on Bali Island.

Mom Dakota was against marriage manufacturers

After some time was resolved. As it turned out, during the phone call, Ritin Mom was in the studio and thought that a conversation with Vlad was a draw. The woman did not know that the star couple had a novel and that their relationship was long ago rearranged into something more than just friendship.

Parents of Vlad and Rita

By the way about the families of young. It is worth saying that the parents of Vlad Sokolovsky are talented, multifaceted personalities. Pope Vlada, Andrei Aleksandrovich Sokolovsky - Famous choreographer, soloist, as well as the founder of the vocal dance group "Iks-Mission". His mother, Irina Vsevolodovna Sokolovskaya, is a well-deserved artist of the Russian Federation. In the past, Vlad Mother was an artist of a circus that performs the most complicated dances on the wire, subsequently was the in-demand director. Vlad Sokolovsky also has a sister named Darin Serbin.

On the parents of Margarita Gerasimovich (real name of the Rita Dakota) information is much less. It is only known that her mother with dad is ordinary people who occupy the average positions. However, they always applied efforts to have a happy childhood and a decent education.

Wedding and Sokolovsky

The official painting in the registry office occurred on June 3, 2015, after which the young went to the wedding in the church. Celebration of the solemn event Spouse decided to move to the 8th of the same month.

Young celebrities decided to arrange a wedding in the style of the film "Once in America", which is the beloved Gangster ribbon of the culprits of the celebration. For the organization of the holiday, a popular owner of the wedding agency entitled "Svadberry" took. The weddings of Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky, at the request of the newlyweds, occurred in the metropolitan restaurant "Royal Bar", which is located on the shore of the Khimki reservoir.

The solemn holiday began with the official marriage ceremony, where the leading event felt herself in the role of the Holy Father and re-made a wedding ritual. Spouses exchanged oaths in love and loyalty, gold rings, as well as a passionate kiss. The solemn event lasted for a luxurious holiday table, after which there was an unrestrained fun.

Scenario of wedding celebration

The guests who came congratulated young enchanting performances, among which there were songs, as well as focuses in the performance of Sergei Listopad itself. A little later, a solemn room has made an inspiring cake with silver patterns and symbolic inscription in English. The first piece of the cake immediately put on the auction. One of the guest guests acquired him during trading, paying $ 5,000.

A little later at the wedding of the Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky Young spouse, guests began to sprinkle with money so that the family would live in prosperity and did not need anything. In the middle of the evening, Margarita, according to the old tradition, threw a wedding bouquet with unmarried friends, and a young spouse, removing the garter from the legs of the bride, threw her with unmarried friends. Next evening continued incendiary dances and bright speeches invited to the celebration of celebrities.

Among the guests were noticed by the parents of Vlad Sokolovsky and Dakota, Vadim Galygin and his son, Sergey Lazarev and Yulia Kovalchuk, Svetlana Loboda and Egor Creed, Anita Tsoi and Natalia Rudova, Alexander Revv and Bianca, Christmas tree, Olga Marquez, Arseny Borodin, Alexander Panayotov (which the bride invited specifically for a young spouse to make him a surprise), as well as many other popular representatives of modern show business.

Happy coincidence

As it turned out, the day of the solemn marriage of young people coincided with the 25-year anniversary since the wedding of the parents of the groom. In addition, on 3 June 27 years ago, the father of Vlad Sokolovsky - Andrei Alexandrovich Sokolovsky, as well as the son, was also 23 years old.

Spouses are waiting to replenish

Somewhere in early 2017, the media was talking about the fact that Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky waiting for the firstborn. Young spouses admitted that a joyful event should occur at the end of this year.

Initially, Paul Child The famous parents held in secret, but now it became known that Vlad and Margarita are waiting for a girl. Future parents shared that they had already decided how to call the baby. They want to give her the name Miya. Also, star parents said that on the first two ultrasound, the doctor argued that, most likely, they will have a boy, after which Rita and Vlad acquired many children's things. However, after a time, the re-ultrasound showed that the doctors gave a false assumption.

Happy parents argue that in fact it is not so important for them, a boy or a girl will be born. They will love the child of any gender, both daughter and son.

Some time ago, rumors were distributed in the network that Vlad Sokolovsky changes the Rita Dakota. There was no surprise of fans of the couple, because by their family seemed perfect. And not so long ago, young people became parents for the first time - they had a charming daughter Mia. Rita got acquainted with the information that was widely publicized, and decided to shed light on the community speculation.

According to Dakota, rumors about the treasures of Sokolovsky do not correspond to reality. Rita stated that they spread their mentally ill people - the wife of a better friend of childhood, who, in turn, is the son of a good friend of her mother. Woman works by a housekeeper at Sokolovsky and Dakota.

"I do not know the exact diagnosis, but there is some form of schizophrenia. At first she wrote to me in all social networks that I should be friends with her. Then she began to speak offended and evil in the key "For the sake of your children's friendship with my husband, you must add me and answer me to messages, and you will regret", and when I blocked it, then not quite funny things have already begun: it began to threaten - Indeed, "Rita said.

After offended by Dakota, the girl began to invent about her news and distribute them on the Internet. Communicating with Heyters, she was presented by a man from the close environment of Rita and Vlad and in the proof of his words showed photos from a personal archive.

"At first, the person spread rumors that I sleep with my manager (my best friend and the Locomotive man of my project), and when I got pregnant, I went a new chip -" Vlad Changes, "the singer told.

Rita Dakota decided not to leave such gossip without attention and turned to those skilled in the art that they found out who was their author. "Furnishing, we got complete evidence that it is (thanks to our aestishniks, they expose cybercrime)," the artist noted. According to Rita, it is tired of such a "compromising", regularly popling on the network. Therefore, Dakota would like to punish the author of rumors, but the singer upset that this would affect her family's loved ones.

"By law, we can easily submit it to the court, and we, of course, will win it. And the "moral damage" for attempting to blame and stain the reputation on the fact that it will not be paid - the unemployed and sick girl - and my friend and my aunt. They cry and bred by their hands: it does not work with her husband, neither in the mother-in-law. Man is sick, a vicious circle, "Rita shared.

Dakota asked the fans, how to do it in this case - to continue to endure the behavior of an abnormal person or still punish it. Most artist follovers came to the conclusion that Rita should not put up with a similar attitude. The fans of the young woman also wrote that they were shocked by her story. "The story resembles the film" Ingrid rides to the West "," If you do nothing, she will never stop "," Maybe send it to treatment? "," Tin. And what does it seek? "," There are pity such people. She needs therapy, "commented on the Internet.

Family couple Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota became parents. October 23, 2018, in their family, replenished, Rita Dakota gave birth to a girl called Mia. First of all, it is worth noting that the child was born completely healthy. Currently, young mom and dad are incredibly glad to such an event, to which they were preparing for a long time. On the birth of daughter Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky became known only today, the information received from the social networks of parents.

Latest news from the life of Dakota Rita

It became known that the star couple Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota became for the first time by their parents. This incredible event has become for many fans the moment when they learned the whole truth, since Vlad and Rita until the last day kept the gender in secret. The girl is called Mia, about all this became known from the blog, in which parents shared so joyful news.

At the initial medical examination, the ultrasound showed that the sex of the future child is male. Already at that time, the name was invented - Max, which was very liked by both parents. But for the second time, the ultrasound showed that the floor was already female, since the fruit was already more formed.

Photo from Instagram Vlad Sokolovsky

The fact that the couple is waiting for its first child, it became reliably known in the late spring. In May, future parents told all their fans about replenishment. Young people were incredibly happy for what was going on in their life at this moment. It was also noticed that all bright events in their family life occurred on Bali Island.

Life before the birth of daughter

Rita Dakota gave birth to daughter on October 23, but reported it only in two days. On June 3, 2015, Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota officially became her husband and his wife. It was the result of a long period of their friendship, which then turned into romantic relationships and real love. Currently, video from the wedding of the star couple can be found on the net, since Rita Dakota is very often divided by all the bright events in his life.

It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that Rita Dakota, after he learned about the replenishment in their family, launched his own personal diary. All fans could watch her preparing for the birth of her daughter, which she had dreamed of long time.

Independent emotions, personal achievements, tips - All this could be found on a personal page on a social network. The most important thing that the singer immediately said how her child will appear, so immediately she informs everything, it was done so that the fans stop asking unnecessary questions. This is how life has been in front of the birth of her daughter.

Rita Dakota never hid nothing from his fans and tries to tell about all the events taking place in her life. It is worth noting that the singer even in the last month before the birth of the child continued to work, it was visible by the photo with which she was divided into social networks.

She continued to remain active, went shopping, attended cosmetology salons. Fans simply were in the expectation of reports that Rita Dakota gave birth to the firstborn. But this did not occur until October 25. The young couple decided to leave himself a few days in order to enjoy personal happiness and only then reported replenishment in the family.

Personal life couple

Teleproject "Star Factory" related to many young people together, some went on the creative way, others had loving themselves with love cures. The seventh season of the displayed teleproject did not exception. It was here that Rita Dakota met for the first time with the young Talent Sokolovsky. At that time no one could think that they could create a full-fledged family. In 2007, they were friends on the project who supported each other in all difficult situations, but there was no attachment between them.

Together with Dmitry Bikbaev, Vlad creates a new musical group, which at one point has become popular. Songs of young guys sounded almost everywhere, gathering concerts gathering antlags organized. It was at that moment that the life of the Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky disconnected. They worked in certain directions and built a full career. It should be noted that Vlad had a huge army of fans who dreamed of becoming his wife. There were no joint meetings between Vlad and Rita, but one party joined their hearts.

After several years, Vlad and Rita met again at the event of one common acquaintance. This meeting was significant in their relationship, since young people became more adults responsible and treated each other in a special way. As a result, the past love broke out between them, which was already simply not to stop. Soon the fans learned about the upcoming wedding.

Joint holiday in Indonesia, became incredibly fruitful for a star couple. It happened in 2015, when Vlad offered to get married in a romantic setting at Bali. Rita never doubted the second in his desires and happily agreed. The wedding was organized after a few months in Moscow. It was an incredible event that was accompanied by a wedding in the church, and then a luxurious wedding.


Margarita Gerasimovich is a real name of the domestic singer Rita Dakota. A future star was born in 1990 on March 9 in Minsk. Despite the fact that the family lived not in the best conditions at that time, the parents sought by all their forces to create a great life for her daughter. So she never needed anything. Music interests were traced from early childhood. Rita gladly performed popular songs of that time and already in 5 years wrote the first poem.

At the seven age, Margarita went to music school. Here she managed to master the course of the piano, was engaged in choral singing and achieved incredible results. All thanks to the fact that the music was given to her with a special ease. Little Rita visited various regions of the country with speeches and very often won at festivals and competitions. The first song, which was personally written by Rita, appeared within an eleven age. It was an incredible composition that became the result of inspiration.

The first serious educational institution was to become the Glinka School. It was here that the acquaintance of Rita with Gulnare Robertovna, which is a unique teacher who opened the way for young talent. Together with Rita, they recorded some songs and issued copyright. Margarita Gerasimovich is a very creative person who is fond of the most diverse directions in art.

The first steps on the stage she did in 2005. She was invited to participate in the talent contest "Star Dilizhans", which was broadcast on television of Belarus. The victories did not succeed, but earn not a very good reputation of the Dakota. The jury noted the absence of patriotism from a young girl, as she performed songs in English. It can be said that such a situation could have a negative impact on the future of the singer. But the disappointing nature of Margarita and her desire to become popular, after all, helped it achieve incredible results.

Participation in the new TV project "Star Factory" opened incredible perspectives for young rita. At that time, she arrived one of Belarus to Russia and was able to prove the presence of an incredible talent.

"Star Factory"

Since 2007, Rita Dakota began to gain popularity as a singer. She is decided to visit the casting of the famous TV project "Star Factory. At that time, producers were going to launch the seventh season and gained talented performers from all over the CIS. But in front of Margarita, there was a completely different task, she wanted to provide his songs on the casting on the casting, but it turned out that it became a party to the teleproekt.

With each day of television filming, Rita more and more dreamed of returning home. But the support of friends helped her to get comfortable in the capital. Many participants of the seventh season of the "Stars Factory" were surprised at how talented Margarita Gerasimovich.

At the show Rita was able to differ in various directions. She performed not only songs, but also independently writing texts, helped others in creating songs. A bright image, an attractive appearance made a popular person from it and a symbol for imitation among millions of fans.

But after the end of the TV project came the moment when she could not realize himself in the Russian show business. An incredible disappointment came, which could deprive us so talented singer.


Monroe, that is the so-called first independent group, which appeared due to Dakota. The singer itself clearly decided that her show business does not attract her completely, this is where a large number of temptations, deception and cruelty.

Now Monroe is a party to many famous domestic and foreign festivals. A variety of concerts are also organized throughout the Russian Federation that collect a considerable number of fans. But when it became known that Rita Dakota gave birth to a daughter, many realized that in the coming year, the girl would accurately take a break in creativity.

In 2015, the singer was invited to participate in the project "Home Scene", which was devoted to musical talents. Together with Viktor Drobish, they reached the semifinal stage. The Rita Dakota itself performed only his personal songs and works.

In 2016, the singer released a song called "Holchelovka", which brought incredible popularity to Margarita. The track sounded on all domestic radio stations and was in rotation for a long time. All fans were in an incredible delight of the work done. In the future, Rita Dakota set itself more ambitious goals for creating new songs and albums.

The addiction to the Indonesian island of Bali almost deprived of many fans so talented singer. In February 2018, she was going to move forever to the country, where there are never frosts, always heats the warm sun and there is an incredible ocean nearby.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky on Bali

But in the consequence, still changed its decision, as she wanted to be a fairy tale, which she can attend as much as possible. Soon it became known that Rita Dakota gave birth to a daughter. Currently, everything is fine in the family.

In the family of singers Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky replenishment: the couple was born a girl who was given the name of Mia.

As it became known, Vlad and Rita became parents on October 23 at 19:35. Young people have a girl with an increase in 52 cm and weighing 3 kg of 280 grams.

Rita Dakota explained that they and her husband decided to wait two days before reporting the family replenishment. "And today we decided to tell about it to everyone who waited for the cherished news, was thoughts and soul with us all the last time," she wrote.

Rita Dakota in the hospital

Publication from Rita Dakota (@Ritadakota OKT 25 2017 at 6:02 pdt

For the first time about pregnancy, the Rita Dakota became known at the end of May. Then the spouses gave a frank interview with journalists, in which they told about the upcoming replenishment in the family. According to artists, the child was conceived during their travels to Bali. As it turned out, Rita has long dreamed of becoming a mother. At the same time, the singer and musician noted that she did not like the phrase "planned child."

After the Dakota decided to talk about the future of the baby, she began to keep a diary in "Instagram", in which he told about his preparation for an important event. The performer not only shared emotions and consulted with subscribers, but every time he noted at what week of pregnancy she is.

For a while, until replenished in the family, Rita stated that her loved ones were constantly calling with questions about the appearance of the baby. Dakota appealed to the public with a request to put them alone and stated that he would tell about the birth of the firstborn. The artist tries to be the most open with his audience. By the way, a few weeks before the long-awaited event, the singer did not limit his activities and continued to engage in ordinary affairs: "I just started the 40th week, and I did not give birth. And even in the hospital did not leave. On the contrary, yesterday, the songs wrote and drowned, today in the cinema, tomorrow at 15:00 to the beautician. Thanks for your experiences, for dignity, for care. But do not ahead of events and do not press for a pregnant woman. I promise that immediately, as it happens, you will learn about it first, we have always been the most open with our audience, not ashamed and did not hide a personal life ... Our happiness loves sincerity, openness and honesty, inspiring and other people on their own "