We make a poster - draw, play, read. How to make a beautiful poster, collage, wall newspaper for a friend's birthday, sister with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos

We make a poster - draw, play, read. How to make a beautiful poster, collage, wall newspaper for a friend's birthday, sister with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos

Olga Nikolaevna Teplikova, an experienced teacher of our site, always advises to make benefits with their own hands for playing with kids: books, posters, lotto. Such benefits are very simple, but at the same time they carry a lot of benefits for the baby. Especially great if the baby is already older, then the game can be created together. Such a game is later appreciated and like a child. Let's consider creating posters in more detail.

What is and why?

A poster is a sheet of paper on which mom writes Lines from a fairy tale, poem, favorite kid songs. This type of reading games includes both the pictorial material. On the poster, we can draw or make appliques. Can be combined different techniques! In addition, the game with a poster will help a little baby to master the technique of writing. Kids 2-3 or 3-4 years can try to write or circle written, and in 3-4 years write something yourself. At the same time, if the Karapuz does not write very well, but wants to make his poster, we do not refuse, just make a small poster. Suppose, not two lines, but one. Watch it on the wall and play!

In such games, we can sing and read at the same time! The speed of reading at the same time can immediately say "bounces"! And our pleasure from the game "bounces". We may not just sing, but still danger! And show words on a beautiful poster.

How old can you offer the baby with a poster?

This type of games is designed for carapuses over 2 years old.

What do we need to know to execute a poster?

1. The size matters!

A poster should not be very big! Do not take too large sheet, two A4 format fastened along the wide side. Do not write too squeezed and large! Words should not be larger than we write usually on cards. You can even less. It is necessary that the child covers the text of 3.4.5 words, and did not look at each letter of a stretched word. The font size is aligned so that there is a place between the words and around the text.

2. The number of words and their value

Leave a place at the edge of the poster, occupying only the middle. The benefit of this is big! The text is easier to perceiveif it is located not from the edge to the edge, but with small fields. We can portray something related to the poster's topic.

A part of the sheet with words can be limited to something: color, drawing, simple drive. This is a limitation helps read faster!

For example, we are handing hand on rows, but despite this, we do not interfere with the child to completely perceive the text.


I am a horsepie redhead.

Or "gray side"! Or some other. You can change the color. But still the main text will remain the same. The child knows it. And he, too, grabbing the entire meaning of the poster, sings and reads at the same time:

I knock with hooves,

If necessary, pumping!

How can we arrange this song on a sheet of paper? You can simply select the middle. For example, the background is white, and on the edges there is a greenhouse.

But there is still such a song:

I have a bake, bake

Babies all over the pies.

Here, cabbage can be drawn small pies, literally several pieces.

Another example - beads:

Beads twisted, Ta-ta

You can draw a thread for becons that will limit the text, drive 3-5 beads to it, where there is a place.

3. Color and selection

Highlight words interestingwho will attract the child's attention. Casual words do not need! Do not focus only by the amount and length of the word, the number of letters. You need to also consider the composition of the word. Suppose

SCOCK, I am a gray bar side.

It makes sense to highlight the scock and side.

Letters we can write the same color, but then separate words need to be highlighted in a circle or bring a bright oval, or to shave with a light pencil. And some words can be just glued! And they will be on light paper: on yellow, pink, on blue, etc.

Very advise one line writing one colorotherwise it turns out very motley. Between the lines do not make too sharp color transitions. Suppose you have one was blue, the second will be purple, and the third is blue. They are in one tone.

Some words can be allocated color and thickness of the font, the magnitude of the letters.

4. Text volume

Do not write long songs. From the whole song, allocate only the fact that a child knows exactly and loves. The content of your poster must be familiar to you, and your baby must be loved !!! It is much easier than to write, and after and play on a completely unfamiliar text!

How do we use such posters?

For example, we ran outside like chickens, came from the streets sing a song. Maybe we run each other friend, or with a cry of chickens, or play a musical and rhythmic game, we can give children to whom a rattle, to whom a wand, someone knocks, who in the palm creates who spoons who are on xylophone, someone Just sings a song:

The chicken was entered,

Fresh grass pinching.

And behind her guys, eating chickens.

Ko-ko Ko-ko! Do not go far.

For example, we already have a poster from the line "Ko-Ko, Ko-Ko! Do not go far." Below on the poster, for example, paws are drawn. Write your finger along the painted legs: "Highels, grains, are looking for." At the same time, someone from the kids knocks on his feet, someone rows with his fingers on the floor. Creative game It turns out!

If unwritten lines remain in the song or poem, it can be depicted, for example, in dance. Suppose the game "Ah-yes." The lines "ah-yes" are written on the poster, and can be allocated by the magnitude of words, letters.

Ai-yes! Ai-yes!

And then: "Quickly legs roll, the kids fun dancing" We do not write, but cut the tracks from color paper, stick them and then, hitting your fingers along with your fingers, singing these words. So you can beat the game when we sing on a poster.

How are we singing?

I sing in the usual pace, show the words with your finger at the usual pace. What we sing, then show. It looks like a karaoke, only much more beautiful and not so fast, much less in volume, and the text of this one and the baby is already familiar.

The most common mistake in the manufacture of posters is too large letters.

Letters better to do a little bit smallerBecause the poster is of course a poster, but the visual memory and perception are so arranged that we are if we see a big word, then our memory chooses some part of this word. For example, if you write the word in the meter "goat", you will see only "Pts", "goats", and the rest will remain outside.

And the child has an angle of view, because he is small. It is lower thanks, he has a different distance between the pupils, as we have with you. Therefore, very large no need. Have this in mind. Make smaller. Fold two sheet A4. Not along where the long side, and across. Do you know how to play better? Here you are playing goat, or in a horse, or download, or something else do something. Take the baby in the hands, go to the poster and spoil:

The goat horns in the meadow lives

And show these words:

The goat horned song sings:

Me-Me, Me, Me, Me.

And that's it. More you do not need anything. No need to show the child. Discard this control. The game does not need control.

Let's consider another poster based on the game "walks a cat on a bench"

Poster is huge. Better such a poster on the floor to lay. On the floor is still more convenient than on the table. This is verified. "Cats". So go like a cat. You have already prepared a poster or lies, or hanging somewhere on the sidelines, put it on the floor, everything is getting on all fours, let's say two or three plus adults, and everyone reads and sing.

Walking a cat on a bench

And drive your finger. Let even the nefple, children may not show. Nothing wrong. And you still show your own.

Drives a kitty behind a paw

Top Top Top (You can not show) on a bench

Cop-Cop-Cop for Pickles

"For the paws" we can also just sing. Hand no longer works. Play the lotto on the poster. But do you know how? You write a word, everyone is wanted, and you correct, help a little and rejoice!

Enjoy you and kids creativity and happy games!

Olga Nikolaevna Teplikova

Such simple benefits are easy to do independently, while no special materials need. They give many opportunities for games with the baby. And the huge plus such a game is that you can play again and again.

It offers many ideas to create benefits with your own hands. Come to school if you want to receive new ideas and teacher's recommendations, teach the baby to read with simple and interesting games.

In school, the students are often given a task: "Come to and draw a poster." Wall newspapers can be of various topics. But most often asked to draw a poster "Take care of the air", "Keep clean water»And similar problems associated with environmental protection.

What to portray on the poster "Take care of the air"

It is not enough just to take a sheet of paper and draw something on it. The wall newspaper should be full, have semantic load and convey useful information. To understand how to draw a poster, you must first read what actions are carried out to save the specified natural resource. Most often depicted on thematic watmans:

  • Items and actions that harm air. It can be cars from which exhaust gases come out. Also often depict smoky pipes of plants, turbines of nuclear power plants.
  • In addition, it draws what helps to keep his purity and suitability for breathing. You can depict a person riding a bike or planting tree. Also often in air protection wall newsgazetas live nature, Forest, as a symbol of green light planets. After all, it is he who helps to clean the air from different harmful components.
  • Before drawing a poster, you should also learn useful information from the selected sources. Can be cut out of the newspaper important article And glue to Watman in the selected place. Often, children and adults compose poems or take ready-made creations to put them on a poster.

What speeches can be written on the wall page

In addition to the information on how to draw a poster, you should also reflect on textual content. It may be poems, prose - anything, the most important thing that the text is thematic. For example, you can take the following statements:

  • Take care of the air, we really need it. It allows us to breathe and hears health.
  • You do not break trees, save the purity of nature, and then everything will be the class for each of us.
  • The air needs to be preserved, without it we do not. Stop need Skodnikov and Zabyak, which the trees break and the forest does not protect.

These are amateur rhymers that schoolchildren junior classes Can be successfully placed on a poster dedicated to air protection.

For older children will use strings more serious: "It is necessary to take care of the forests, fields and gardens and remember that the forest is the green light of our planet. Everyone must take care that the air is clean and transparent, did not harm health. Using scientific achievements, you need to modernize the plants, stabilize the work of the production, to use electric vehicles. People, Earth - our only home! "

How to draw a poster unusual and memorable

In order for the wall newspaper to be really noticed and effective, the human conscience should be touched upon and the sense of debt, to use contrasts. The poster can be issued as follows:

  • Half sheet should be frozen with rainbow and colorful colors. Picture on paper happy children walking on a clean platform or on green solar clearing.
  • In the second half of Watman, draw the smoking pipes of the plant, serness, crows. You can also portray trash thrown into the reservoirs, dead trees, dried flowers - everything that is enough to fantasy.

Such a contrast of life and death will clearly show how much a person can affect nature as positive and negatively. In the newspaper in any case will be depicted what is in reality.

Very sorry, but many people do not understand how important is to take care environment. The poster must with the help of truthful facts to reveal to all eyes to very serious questions of our life.

This article offers you ways and advice on creating a beautiful congratulatory poster for a girl's birthday.

Beautiful birthday poster Girls 8 - 11 years old do it yourself: templates, ideas, photos

Surprise your daughter, girlfriend, granddaughter, sister or niece for a birthday can be using. To do this, you great Sheet of Watman (A1 format) and additional materials: paints, brushes, markers, scissors, colored paper, sequins, glue, photos and poems.

Such a poster will surely impress the child, because the memories of 8, 9, 10 and 11 years remain very bright, and most importantly - for life. Try to remember the hobbies of the birthday in advance:

  • What sweetness loves
  • What are watching cartoons or serials
  • What loves to play
  • What collects
  • What is interested in
  • What books reads
  • His favorite color
  • Favorite flowers

This data will help you collect. a large number of jewelry and clippings that perfectly complement congratulatory poster. In addition, you can always stick to some single stylistics. For example, a poster in the style of "Hello Kity" or a poster from "Princess Sofia".

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to leave the place in the poster to leave the guests who come to the house can leave their wishes - this is important for the child, who is unlikely to carefully listen to congratulations on their birthday, but will be happy to read them after.

If you stick the photo, choose only those that exactly love your girl, because it is even a little, but a woman. And women are often offended if they are not the most successful photos are exposed to universal ferris. A good idea - lay out a series of photos "from Mala to Velika", i.e. Trace the photo of the adapt of your child from 1 to the date you celebrate.

Ideas of posters for a girl for a birthday:

Congratulatory poster in the style of "Smeshariki", drawn on Watman

Congratulatory poster in the style of "Masha and the Bear" for the girl

Colorful poster do it yourself for a birthday girl

Beautiful poster from the whole family for a birthday girl

Wide suspended poster for a birthday girl

Drawn poster with photo girl for birthday

Poster with verses and wishes

Colorful Poster for Girls from Close Birthday

Beautiful birthday poster Girls 12 - 15 years old do it yourself: templates, ideas, photos

Poster for adult girl 12, 13, 14 and 15 years should differ from posters for young children. At this age, the child begins to feel like a person and therefore it is important to fully take into account all the preferences. As a rule, teenage girls love movies and music, modern television shows and social networks.

Try to take into account the hobbies of your teenager, because such a poster will not only be interesting, but also pleasant. You can also fill the poster by wishes and verses, because at this age the child perceives all nice words and rejoices. You can decorate a poster with artificial or homemade colors from corrugated paper, draw and cut flags, inflate balls.

Ideas of posters for adolescent girls:

Poster from friends for birthday girls

You can draw a poster from hand and glue your photos

Poster for girlfriend with your own hands with photos and sweets

Drawn poster with personal photos for girl

How to make a birthday poster girl of sweets?

A poster of sweets can please anyone in his birthday, because candy and chocolates love absolutely everything, especially teenage girls. You can use sweets with original names, which will be able to continue your phrases.

For example:

  • You are my Miracle"
  • You are my favorite ... "Kinder"
  • You are my child the most ... "kind"
  • Let your life be colorful, like ... Skitles
  • I wish you more often walk with friends on ... "Picnik"
  • Let life give you a real ... "Love IS"
  • I wish you fly on the journey to ... "Mars"
  • I wish you in life to be like ... "crazy bee"
  • I wish to be happy "7 days" per week

Important: Ideas for wishes using sweets a lot and each depends only on your fantasy and that product you can find in the store!

The ideas of ready posters of sweets for girls:

Poster with sweets for birthday

Poster with sweets in the form of a picture on the wall, birthday greetings

Poster with wishes and sweets girl on birthday

Small birthday poster for girls with sweets

Colorful poster with sweets made by hand

Sweets, how to continue wishes for a birthday

How to make a birthday poster girl with photos and wishes?

A poster with photos for a girl can be an excellent birthday greetings. Most often, such posters make friends, gluing joint photos with captured happy moments.

Parents can also use photos, but which can be fixed all happy last year: travels, family holidays and events, beautiful portraits.

Another idea is to make a "collage of dreams." To do this, you should cut the face of your birthday girl and substitute it in various scenes luxurious and beautiful LifeOr at least thus implement those dreams that have not yet come true.

Unusual way make congratulations from photos

Poster with wishes and photos

Unusual way to congratulate on happy birthday

Poster for a girl from the photo and birthday wishes

Poster collage from photo and clippings with wishes

How to draw a birthday poster girl?

The poster can be printed on the computer using ready templates, you can buy ready, but you can draw with your own hands. To do this, you can use ready-made ideas of posters or print special coloring posters.

Pattern options for a congratulatory poster:

Poster template with cake for girl

Simple template with festive cake

Unusual template for coloring poster

Poster Co. Sponge Bob Birthday, template

Coloring page for a congratulatory poster

What to write on a poster happy birthday to the girl, what wishes and congratulations?

A congratulatory poster must be happy. What you need to write on the poster:

  • Poems
  • Congratulations
  • Wishes of a happy life
  • Compliments
  • Words of favorite songs
  • Citates from cartoons and movies

What words to write on a poster for a girl:

Beautiful poems for a girl on a birthday

Beautiful wishes For a birthday girl

Congratulations for girls

Poems for a congratulatory poster poems for children on a congratulatory poster

How to buy an aliexpress template for a poster for a girl's birthday?

The modern Aliexpress store offers you to purchase any necessary attribute to celebrate the birthday. Here you will find everything you need.

Main attribute new Year holidays A tree is considered, but the elegant fir should not be the only decoration of the house, the working office or school corridor. You can complement the festive decoration with balls, tinsel and colorful posters. We will be happy to help me to draw a wall newspaper on New Year Pigs to those who do not finish art school And does not have innate artist's talent.

Bright and cheerful wall newspaper consists of 8 graphic files, which in general form a large drawing with windows for congratulations and wishes. In order to get a poster, it will take white paper A4 paper, prorter and painting tools.

Download Fragments New Year's post newspaper 2019

How to make a newspaper for the new year of pig

  1. Download 8 graphic fragments on your computer or immediately print them on a black and white printer.
  2. Collect the components of a whole picture, focusing on the sequence numbers of images.
  3. To glue the elements with an adhesive pencil or a tape, strengthened it from the reverse side.
  4. Optionally, duplicate a watman poster or tight paper.
  5. Coloring stewards with pencils, paints or woven, using bright and pearl paints, and leave "clouds" for congratulatory inscriptions.
  6. Additional new Year's poster Mishur, sequins, bits toys.
  7. Writing in the "windows".

The resulting wallpaper can be hanging in any place, it will create everywhere festive mood And will cause a smile!

New Year's wall newspaper №2.

The wall newspaper consists of eight graphic fragments, each of which corresponds to the format of the standard A4 sheet. For printing of fragments, you can use any black and white printer.

Download fragments of wall newspaper

How to make a New Year's newspaper

  1. First of all, you need to download fragments of wall newspapers on your computer (but, you can print immediately, directly from the browser).
  2. Print images in turn on the printer.
  3. Create a whole poster from existing parts: Sheets can be glued together with a tape or any glue, and if you need a more dense newspaper - stick to the appropriate sheet of watman or cardboard suitable size.
  4. Now it remains only to paint the workpiece with paints, colored pencils or wovers and fit into each cloud.
  5. To get a "New Year's effect", a picture can be additionally decorated with Mishur, fragments of broken toys, cotton wool or sparkles.

Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays, getting ready to congratulate someone, we view the incredible number of sites, search all stores in the district in search of the perfect gift. It should be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about replacing simple postcard To a gifting on a congratulatory poster or poster?

Let's think together how to draw a poster for a birthday, how beautiful to arrange it and which birthday congratulations to place it, especially since the birthday posters are becoming increasingly popular.

Cool posters, cheerful cartoon, wall newspaper, poster, made by hand - nice birthday gift, original greeting - The key to the wonderful mood of the birthday room. A birthday poster can accommodate funny congratulations, poems, drawings, photos.

What will take for a congratulatory poster

To make a poster for a birthday, we will need quite a bit, first of all it:

  1. Whatman.
  2. Pencils, paints, markers, handles.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.

It is possible that there are also photos of the future birthday party, old magazines, printouts, depending on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future wall newspaper with wishes for a birthday.

By the way about the idea, before drawing a birthday present in the form of such a big, a kind of postcard, take a small draft, where you can make an outline of the future congratulations. Thus, we simplify the design of the poster, having thought of it in advance by the idea.

Constituting such a gift

  1. The inscription and its design.
    The most important phrase, undoubtedly, should rush into the eyes, be bright, emitting good mood. How to arrange them? These letters can be diversified by dudling, drawing big letters, add them colors or others small details, draw a similarity of graffiti for a birthday or make an application. Letters can be printed, cut out of colored paper or from logs. Unusually interesting!
  2. Background.
    The background should be no less bright, but do not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. On the help will come watercolor. Light layer of watercolor will dilute white background Watman, and already a wide variety of ideas can be placed on it.
  3. Congratulations.
    On a draft with a sketch, sketch and a few words for a celebrating birthday fun, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose. If you doubt your skill to write good congratulations, Look for them in the Internet, print it or rewrite yourself.

First of all, the congratulatory poster for the birthday is simply obliged to be bright, and therefore it is necessary to minimize the use of dull, dark, cold colors.

A poster will not require a lot of effort, artistic skills, and interesting congratulations to easily find on sites, there you will find not one good ideaWhat is the birthday to draw.

The first thing that comes to the mind of the thought of creating a poster is a huge birthday inscription, placed on top or centered, large beautiful lettersVolumetric bright. So, first of all, place the phrase in a convenient place, to start do it simple pencil. Armed with eraser and pencil, we will be able to fix random blots and shortcomings.

Ideas for drawing to the birthday

If you do not have ideas or lack inspiration, then here are some tips of what can be drawn on a birthday. Here you will find help, how to make a poster for a birthday, but do not forget to add your unusual raisin as a gift.

For artists

The first and simplest thing that can serve as a picture on a poster - drawings, simple thematic drawings, it can be air balloons, boxes with gifts, image of a birthday or simple drawings, for example, flowers, among whom congratulations will be posted.

Congratulations can be printed and glued to a poster, or write from hand. If balls are depicted on your posters, why not put congratulations on the balls. And if the flowers, petals - great ideaTo arrange any wishes.

You can diversify such a poster volume, for example, glue from above another drawn ball, raising which you can detect a couple of warm words from you. You can also do with flower petals, and with gifts. If you have several small envelopes, or you can fold them out of paper yourself, then stick the finished envelopes, putting in them a pair of pleasant lines - a great idea.


Doubt yours art skills? No problem. Having a color printer, find beautiful images in the Internet! Print, cut, and glue to the future poster. Between them you can place the same printed congratulations.

Photos for collage will be no less by the way. Take yours general photosMade in the happiest moments or past holidays. Or photos from children's years, they can be placed on the poster in the order of the birthday of the birthday. Funny and random photos can also be used, of course, if the birthday girl is not offended, and you want to get cool posters.

Among congratulations with such photos, you can put a pair of phrases that are celebrating a birthday celebrating in your family / company.

Work on such a poster does not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

A sweet poster has now become very popular. Supermarkets die with a variety of sweets, and those are the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on the poster. It will be fun to sound such phrases as "we are inseparable as twix" or "Communication with you - a paradise enjoyment" with a banty chocolate bant chocolate bant. Purchasing a pair of snacks, reaching sample plan congratulations. Give, enter, attach small sweets to Watman, bright markers adding missing words to chocolate, candies and lollipops.

For congratulations on your birthday, you do not need to possess the poet's talent, and the drawing does not have to be your skate. Happy Birthday posters - a current way to express their congratulations.

Poster with wishes for birthday is an interesting, unusual and original giftwhich is done not long, does not require a lot of effort. However, it is very nice to get such a congratulation, because he is made with his own hands, which speaks of attention to the birthday man and his gift.