Beautiful male names starting with the letter n. Russian and modern names for a boy

Beautiful male names starting with the letter n. Russian and modern names for a boy

Translated from Hebrew - "dedicated to God."

As a child, Nazar is a lively, agile, talkative, sociable boy. Goes in for sports: football, acrobatics, rides a bicycle. Winter Nazars achieve success in sports. He reads a lot, especially adventure literature, he has a developed imagination. Likes to listen to a tape recorder, has an excellent music library. On television, he especially likes to watch action-packed films about the war. Collects coins. He is executive, always helps his parents, he has many friends. Does not participate in crowded games, dances. He loves spending time with his only real friend more. Polite with old people, willingly answers questions. July Nazars are very similar to mothers; they are withdrawn, ponder their actions and decisions for a long time, are serious, show themselves little in life. Intelligence allows them to form an opinion about the people with whom they communicate.

Professions suitable for Nazar: engineer, constructor, investigator, director, entrepreneur, prosecutor, singer, musician, film actor, driver, historian, cameraman, artist. They are relatively little influenced by external events, much more important is their own view of things. They don't like moving on to another job for no reason. Before getting down to business, they think for a long time, prepare the ground. Marriages are accommodating, same-sex children are born. Pay a lot of attention to them. They like skiing in their free time in winter and fishing in summer. Neat and children are taught to be neat.

If Nazar likes a woman, then he carefully tries to win her over, without resorting to rough pressure. Marriage for Nazar means the merger of two destinies, which should be based on deep love. He can enter into a marriage union only with that woman who suits him sexually: very affectionate, gentle, tolerant, that is, corresponding to his ideal. He appreciates nothing more than the support of his beloved woman. She must be strong and consistent in order to help him gain self-confidence and make him believe in his own worth. Every time Nazar is difficult, she must make a vital decision, do everything in her power to dispel his doubts and confirm in the consciousness of righteousness. She should become for him a protection and support, constantly think about strengthening the union. However, she should not establish her dominance over him, this will humiliate his manhood. Sexually, the spouse should be very empathetic and tolerant. Nazar cannot be denied intimacy, it hurts him very much. He cannot, like another man, seek satisfaction on the side and withdraws into himself, loses the acuteness of his feelings for his wife.

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task for moms and dads. So I want the future name of the child to have a beneficial effect on the fate of the baby, to help him through life, so that the name of the child does not bring any inconvenience.

Today in the arsenal of parents there is a huge number of names for boys, from Orthodox to modern and very unusual. How to name the boy is up to you and your beloved spouse, but of course it is better to first read a little information about the meaning of the boy's name in order to choose the right one.

Female portal prepared for you a complete list of Russian names for a boy, as well as modern and unusual male names... We hope you choose the best name for your son!

Aurora / Aurore (new) - the son of the morning dawn

Adonis (old) - lord

Alevtin (new) - alien to evil


Anastasius (old) - resurrected

Russian names for boys with the letter B

Bazhen (Old Russian) - saint

Benedict (old) - blessed

Vilen (new) - short for V. I. LENin

Vissarion (old) - forest man

Eruslan (Old Russian) - "lion"


Isidor / Sidor (old) - patron saint of fertility

July (new) - summer

Russian names for boys starting with the letter K

Casimir (Slav.) - Announcing Peace

Kuzma / Kozma (Nar. From the old.Cosma) - decorated

Kupriyan (noun from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian names for boys with the letter L

Laurel (old) - famous

Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels

Lazarus (old) - "God's help"

Larion (nar. From Hilarion) - joyful

Miliy (old) - cute

Miloneg (Slav.) - cute

Miloslav (slav.) - glory mila

World (new) - "world"

Myron (old) - kind

Miroslav (Slav.) - Winner

Russian names for boys starting with the letter N

Nazar / Nazariy (old) - dedicated to God

Nathan (old) - gifted

Naum (old) - consolation

Neon (old) - shining

Neonil (old) - principled

Nestor / Nester (old) - returned home

Nikandr (old) - the winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian boy names starting with the letter O

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P



Prokop (Prokofy)


Prokhor (old) - choir leader

Russian names for boys with the letter P

Radium (new) - "radium"

Radim (Slav.) - dear

Radislav (slav.) - glad to glory

Radomir (slav.) - glad to the world

Russian names for boys starting with the letter C

Sawa / Sava (old) - desired

Savely (old) - desired

Light (new) - "light"

Svetlan (Slav.) - light

Svetozar (Slav.) - bright as dawn

Svetoslav (Slav.) - "glory is light"

Svyatogor (Old Russian) - "holy mountain"

Svyatopolk (Old Russian) - "holy regiment"

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Trifon (old) - pampered

Trofim (old) - pet

The main qualities of a girl whose name begins with "H" are self-esteem, inner strength and ability to think. So it's not surprising that her main goal is to be successful and is among successful people. A monotonous, monotonous life is not absolutely unacceptable - you need comfort, self-realization, a business to which you can apply abilities. The combination of such strong abilities naturally gives rise to weaknesses - some distrust of everything, doubt that interferes with business, the desire to abandon everything indiscriminately - even from the obviously most useful and interesting.

  • Hope - (Nadia) the name has Greek roots. This is an independent woman for whom freedom is not just a word, but the meaning of life. She is always happy to be the center of attention, she needs the opportunity to do what she pleases. 6
  • Nana - Japanese, Orthodox, Georgian name. Perhaps it came from the names of John, Marianne, Natalia. This girl is dynamic, flexible - a born actress. -33
  • Natalia - (Natasha) the name is very ancient, formed in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin "birth", "Christmas". Natalia is modest, benevolent, self-confident, with some sense of superiority. A born leader, created to be the center of attention, a very gifted, cheerful person. 31
  • Neva - possibly derived from "neva", from Old English. Neva is a bright, unusual girl, always looking for an application for her abilities. -40
  • Nellie - (Nelya) perhaps the name comes from the Greek "neos" - new. A girl with this name is not endowed with restraint. As a rule, this is a rather selfish nature, which always needs to feel superior. -14
  • Nika - victory (from ancient Greek). Calm, confident, interesting and proud girl. 54
  • Nikolina - (Nicolas) Bulgarian name derived from "Nikolay". She is a cheerful and sociable girl who strives for leadership and self-realization. Despite her openness, she comes into contact for a long time, but if she is interested in a person, she will communicate easily and with pleasure. -39
  • Nicole - the name comes from the French language. Slightly mysterious, emotional and sociable nature. 22
  • Nile - name from the ancient Greek "neos" - "young", "new". A diligent, judicious girl who never goes to extremes. -47
  • Nina - there are thousands of versions of the origin of this name. Nina is a person who prefers the golden mean and strives for the ideal in everything. 7
  • Ninel - read the opposite "Lenin" - an invention of the USSR. Kind, sympathetic, but overly sensitive girl with a penchant for fantasy. -25
  • Nona - (Nonna) translated from Latin "nona" means - the Ninth. Tireless girl, full of energy and cheerfulness. -55

Accepted abbreviations: az. - Azerbaijani, English. - English, Arabic. - Arabic, Aramaic. - Aramaic, Bulgarian. - Bulgarian, Wall. - Welsh, Hungarian. - Hungarian, Gaelic. - Gaelic, Greek. - Greek, Danish. - Danish, OE - Old English, Old German. - Old Germanic, Old Hebrew. - ancient Hebrew, Old-Ind. - Old Indian, Old Irish. - Old Irish, Old Ice. - Old Icelandic, Old Persian. - Old Persian, ancient Roman. - ancient Roman, ancient Russian. - Old Russian, Old Scandal. - Old Norse, Egypt. - Egyptian, wives. - female, app. - western, ind. - Indian, Spanish - Spanish, it. - Italian, kaz. - Kazakh, Celtic. - Celtic, lat. - Latin, lit. - Lithuanian, husband. - male, netherl. - Dutch, Norwegian - Norwegian, Pers. - Persian, Polish. - Polish, colloquial. - colloquial, room. - Romanian, Russian. - Russian, Sami. - Sami, Skt. - Sanskrit, Serb. - Serbian, Syrian. - Syrian, scandal. - Scandinavian, Slav. - Slavic, see - look, owls. - Soviet, Art.-French. - Old French, Taj. - Tajik, Tat. - Tatar, Turk. - Turkic, Uzbek. - Uzbek, Ukrainian. - Ukrainian, outdated. - obsolete, Finnish. - Finnish, French. - French, frieze. - Frisian, Swede. - Swedish, Czech. - Czech, shot. - Scottish, South Slav. - South Slavic.

Nabi (Arabic) - male, "prophet".

Nadezhda (Russian) - female, translation from Greek. named Elpis.

Nadir (Arabic) - male, "warning".

Nazar (Hebrew) - male, “he dedicated”. In the calendar - Nazarius.

Nazira (Pers.) - female, "promised."

Nazym, Nazym (Pers.) - “keeping in order, organizer”. Originally masculine. However, among a number of peoples of the East, it is also used to name girls. So, at present, the Kazakhs call the name Nazym almost exclusively girls.

Nail (Pers.) - a man who achieves success.

Nailya (pers.) - wives. to Nail (see).

Naida, Naida, Found(south-slav.) - female, "find". In the old days, in families where children died, the newborn was "left" on the road. It was believed that the power of the one who found it would pass to the child. The finder knew whose child it was and gave it to his parents.

Namig, Namik (Arabic) - male, “scribe, writer”. Occurs among Azerbaijanis and Turks.

Nana (French) - female, affectionate to Anna (see).

Nanó (French) - female, a derivative of the name Anna (see).

Naomi, Naemi (ancient Hebrew) - female, "my sweetness, my charm."

Nargis, Nargiz, Narkes(Greek) - female, from the name of the flower narcissus, figuratively "black-eyed". Typical for Muslims, to whom it came from the Persians.

Nariman (Pers.) - male, “courageous”.

Narkis (Greek) - male, from the name of the flower narcissus. In the calendar - Narkiss.

Nasib (Arabic) - male, "relative", "son-in-law".

Nasiba (Arabic) - female to Nasib (see).

Nastasya - female, colloquial to Anastasia (see).

Natalia (lat.) - female, "Christmas", in the calendar - Natalia.

Naum (Hebrew) - male, "consoling".

Nathanael (ancient Hebrew) - man, "God gave."

Napoleon (Greek) - male, "new city".

Narcis - male, zap. to Narkis (see).

Nathan (Hebrew) - male, "God gave".

Never (Old Russian) - male, "unbaptized".

Nevzor (Old Russian) - male, “inconspicuous, unprepossessing”.

Neklyud (Old Russian) - male, "nondescript, clumsy".

Nekras (Old Russian) - male, “ugly, unattractive”, protective name.

Nekrasa (Old Russian) - female to Nekras (see).

Nectarium (Greek) - male, "nectar".

Nela, Nella, Nelly- female, zap., Abbreviated to Helen (see Elena), Cornelia (see), Petronella (see), Eleanor (see).

Nelid (Russian) - male, colloquial to Leonid (see).

Nelida (Old Russian) - female to Nelid (see).

Nelson (English) - male, from the surname Nelson - from the personal name Neil (see) + "son".

Unloved, Unloved (Old Russian) - male, “unsightly, disgusting, disliked”, protective name.

Nelyuba (Old Russian) - female to Dislike (see).

Nenila - female, colloquial to Neonila (see).

Neon (Greek) - male, "youth, youth".

Neonila - female, derived from Neon (see).

Neophyte (Greek) - male, “new convert, newly initiated”.

Nepomuk (Czech) - male, by the name of a town in the Czech Republic.

Nesmeyan (Old Russian) - male, "sullen, stern man."

Nesmeyana (Old Russian) - female to Nesmeyan (see).

Nessie (English) - female, diminutive for Agnes (see).

Nestor (Greek) - male, possibly “to return”.

Nestorian - male, derived from Nestor (see).

Neulyba (Old Russian) - female, "who does not smile", a protective name.

Nefyod - male, colloquial to Methodius (see).

Nechay (Old Russian) - male, “unexpected, unforeseen”.

Nick (English) - male, short form to Nicklas (see).

Nika - female, named Greek. goddess of victory.

Nikandr (Greek) - male, “to win” + “husband, man”.

Nikanor (Greek) - male, “to win” + “husband, man”.

Nicky (English) - male, short form to Niklas (see) ..

Nikita (Greek) - male, "victory".

Nikifor (Greek) - male, "victorious".

Niklas - male, 1) English. the equivalent of the name Nikolai (see); 2) in it. short form to Nikolaus (see) ..

Niko - man., Zap., Short form to Nikolaus (see).

Nikkoló - male, it. the equivalent of the name Nikolai (see).

Nicodemus (Greek) - male, "victory" + "people".

Nicola - male, colloquial to Nikolay (see) ..

Nikolá - male, French the equivalent of the name Nikolai (see).

Nikolaus - male, zap. to Nikolay (see).

Nicolette (French) - female, diminutive to Nicole (see).

Nicoletta (it.) - female, diminutive to Nicole (see).

Nicole (French) - female, made from husband. Nikolá (see).

Nikon (Greek) - male, "to win".

Niktopolion (Greek) - male, "night" + "city, state".

Nile (Greek) - male, possibly by the name of the Nile River.

Neil, Neill, Neil (Gaelic) - male, "fighter, winner".

Niels (n.-German) - male, short for Nikolaus.

Nymphodora (Greek) - female, "nymph (pagan deity)" + "gift".

Nina - female, 1) derivative husband. named Nin - the name of the founder of the Assyrian state; 2) short to Ioannina - derivative husband. named John (see).

Ninel - female, neologism of owls. period, reverse reading of the surname Lenin ..

Nisa (Pers.) - female, "mistress".

Niphont (Greek) - male, "sober, reasonable."

Niyaz (Pers.) - male, "mercy".

Novella (lat.) - female, “new, young”.

Novomir (Russian) - male, neologism of owls. period, "new" + "world".

Nolly (English) - male, short form to Oliver (see).

Nonna (lat.) - female, "ninth" or "nun".

Nora - female, abbreviated to Eleanor (see).

Norbert (Old German) - male, "north" + "brilliant, glorious, famous."

Noreen (English) - female, diminutive for Nora (see).

Norina (it.) - female, diminutive for Nora (see).

Norm (lat.) - female, “norm, sample”.

Norris (English) - male, a variant of the name Norman (see).

Norman (Old German) - male, "north" + "man".

Notburg, Notburg(Old German) - female, "danger" + "lock, protection".

Notger, Notker (Old German) - male, "danger" + "spear".

Nouel (Old French) - male, "the Nativity of Christ", typical for English-speaking countries.

Nur (Pers.) - male, radiance. " Often included in complex personal names, both male and female.

Nurlan is a husband. Contains the Nur component (see Nur) and the male personal name affix -lan. Very often among the Kazakhs.

Nurtas is a husband. First part: Nur (see). Second part: tas - truncation to kaz. tasynyn "let it overflow."

Nurtugan (Persian-Turkic) - husband. The first component: Nur (see). Second: Turkic. tugan - "falcon".

Nyura, Nyusha (Russian) - women, abbreviated to Anna (see).