This strange Japan. Why the Japanese refuse ordinary sex

This strange Japan. Why the Japanese refuse ordinary sex
This strange Japan. Why the Japanese refuse ordinary sex

January 27th, 2015

In the traditions of each people there are many oddities and inexplicable things. As we have a tradition to get drunk in the "trash" for health, for example, a birthday party. But still the nation number one by strange traditions is the Japanese. To list and describe in detail all strange Japanese traditions will need not one book.

1. New Year in the morning!

The Japanese do not meet the New Year in our understanding. On New Year's Eve, they calmly go to bed, but early in the morning wake up and everyone goes to meet the dawn of the New Year. We, of course, also some meet New Year's Eve dawn, but completely different.

2. Never say never

Japan's residents try to never say the word no, simply replacing it with a polite departure from the topic, or such agreement that does not oblige to anything at all, and, in the end, does not lead to anything.

3. humor

The Japanese has almost no jokes. It is difficult to imagine, but it is. But they have a very funny and interesting sense of humor.

The Japanese has no jokes, but a very peculiar sense of humor

4. Businessciers

In Japan, it is considered quite indecent if you have no business card with you !!! Therefore, the Japanese even in the pool wearing special waterproof small handbags for business cards. In addition, the business card itself is best served so that it can be right away!

5. Politeness

Politeness still comes to extremes in Japan. Instead of shifting the Japanese, the Japanese use bows, and we need to bow so many times as they did before you. Situations reach the absurdity. For example, if the Japanese decided to order home sushi, and if a very polite courier comes to the delivery of sushi home, such a courtesy can take away a lot of time! Guests will gather, and the courier will come very polite: then to speak, it can take not one minute! Do not hurt anything - you have to "follow the protocol." Politeness is a distinguishing feature of the Japanese, which they are rightfully proud of.

6. Transport

In the Japanese subway, there are such specially trained locks that pushed and till people in the train. For objectivity, it must be said that such a "profession" of the locking exists in many eastern metro, for example, in Singapore, etc.

Many Japanese love to go to work on scooters.

7. These strange Japanese schoolchildren.

Japanese girls cannot be communicated and talking to the boys before the onset of a certain age.

Recently, the Japanese-Japanese schoolgirls go in sailors and with pigtails, and many Japanese boys are now often dressing school uniforms for girls, as it is much brighter and pretty more than the school form of boys. Japanese schoolboy, in general, no less strange than an adult Japanese. For example, if the girl is offered by the boy his food on a school change, it will mean almost love to the coffin. Therefore, girls with boys can not eat together without blush.

But even more strange Japanese school tradition is this: at school, children are unable to walk one, without girlfriends or friends, it is considered strange and immoral. Therefore, the more the crowd is going, the one is better.

Kanto or Kancan is a strange Japanese game, megapopular among Japanese students of junior classes. Players fold the palms and pull forward the index fingers, which are trying to lean to another player, at any moment, especially when a possible victim is busy or distracted. There were cases when even school teachers were standned in the game, which was severely stopped by directors of Japanese schools, but not everyone. And some teachers were accused of pedophilia. In the well-known international list of the most dangerous extreme gambling with the Effect of Kanccho's addictive effect at number 27.


8. Addresses

Most of the streets in Japanese cities do not have names. In these cases, the house is descriptively indicated ("the second house from the corner after the store") or on the numbering within the quarter. In addition, houses are numbered in order of construction, which adds confusion even more.

9. Fear of twins

In the old days in Japan, it was believed that one of the born twins would conceive a demon. And just in case, they got rid of both twins, not understanding who is who, and at the same time and from the mother. For example, in Japanese anime "When cicades cry" and "Shaffle" is shown that one of the units must be killed!

10. Family finances

The spouse is managed by all finance of the Japanese family, and the husband does not have the right to ask, and even more so challenge, solutions for their purchases. Moreover, ascetic and nimble Japanese can not be called at all, just Japanese are not transira by nature.

11. Cofuna - mysterious closed parks of Japan.

Japan is one of the most populous countries of the world. Every meter of the Earth is important here, but even in Japan there are closed and practically untouched land. Moreover, for them now for several centuries, a nogue has no one. We are talking about Cofunov - the ancient burials of local emperors. Translated from the Japanese Kofun language indicates Kurgan. Most often, the cofuna is made in the form of a keyhole and are surrounded by deep moat, filled to edge water.

A visit to Cofunov - the Japanese imperial burials is not accepted, moreover is under the strictest prohibition. Therefore, do not even dream to get there with an excursion or yourself.

12. In Japan, Renaissance Rocabilly.

This is an old Japanese tradition, and a new youth passion. Some youth subcultures often experience revival. That is what happened to Rocabilly and Rock and Roll, which were revived in Tokyo the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, there is a Park of Yögi, where all local fans of this cultural tradition are collected and hang.

These Japanese are dressed extremely unusual - they wear screaming biker jugs, vertically boiled bangs, long forgotten high hairstyles with roller. Well, they listen, of course, only rock and roll. They have a girlfriend who still live in the 60s, Lady-Grizers. They dress up in bright colorful dresses and felling roll jeans, as it was fashionable 50 years ago. On the other hand, this new-fashioned Japanese tradition and youth subculture prove - rock and roll is alive!

13. Gyar Another new-fashioned Japanese tradition of young women.

Gyaru is a youth subculture of teenage girls. Those who remember the film "Vasabi" will understand what we are talking about. Girls teenagers from all their might seek to achieve some strange and screaming ideal of beauty. Adherents of this youth Japanese tradition go to the most real madness to achieve their own (in their understanding) of the ideal of beauty.

Interestingly, this movement will not get, and there are already several decades. It is believed that Gyar girls should stick to a certain style in fashion, hairstyles and make-up. And then fashion and flows are changed periodically, but some characteristics are also stored unchanged.

Gyar is very high heels, very short skirts and very large and expressive eyes. As in other currents there are our own, smaller directions. The strange and unusual flow in Gyar is Yamamba, the subspecies of Ganguro. The name of this small subculture is literally translated as "black face." These young Japanese women are maximized in their face a tan cream, whiten their hair into white, and then superimpose the eyes of more large circles of white shadows. Mandatory image complements screaming neon bright clothes or bright extensive hair. True, in recent years, this tradition among girls is becoming less popular. The traditional movement of Gyar is being revived. True, now Japanese girls try to possess light skin and make their eyes multicolored with contact lenses. As a result, regardless of the fashion that is present in Japan, the tradition of gyar even for this unusual country is very exotic.

14. TO arak!

Today, karaoke has won the whole world, it is difficult to find a country in which there are no lovers of this art entertainment. Even the karaoke championships are held! Meanwhile, the traditions of karaoke differ very much in different countries.

In Japan, as in all other East Asia, the most popular format of karaoke is a small room equipped with a karaoke equipped with a small company hourly. That is, Asians prefer to sing for their own, and listen to their (how not to remember the "difficulties of translation").

High-tech Japanese has more popular karaoke applications for mobile - as they say "song, which is always with you."

Tradition brightly decorate cars, buses and trucks are in different strange. Website already described this when I wrote about Sri Lanka. But, fascizing the Japanese and here went around many. In Japan, there is a separate group of truck fans and not only, which easily overshadow all the exploits of other modifiers.

The name of the decorator is translated as trucks decorated with lighting. Spellible Japanese turn ordinary truck trucks into real works of art. All and dazzling neon lighting, and the special painting of cars. So in Japan, there was a relatively new tradition - "super-rocked" trucks, which sometimes resemble famous transformers.

And the reason for the emergence of this strange Japanese tradition was the cult series of the 1970s "Trucker". An interesting fact that several decades this tradition has escaped extremely slowly and suddenly unexpectedly began to grow violently in the past few years.

So now ride the high-speed Japan highways is absolutely not boring - there is something to see!

No matter how many people write to Japan, it continues to amaze and affect. Sometimes it seems that people who live on the island and their culture are actually with some other planet. We found some more amazing oddities that can be found only in the country of the Rising Sun.

The Japanese still use fax

Yes, in the country of robots and the latest technologies, the Japanese at work still use fax. Use every day, in some cases it is even preferable.

Print instead of signature

In the documents, the Japanese prefer to put a signature, but a red seal with their last name. They are sold almost in any store.

Japanese Pizza

If you suddenly want to try pizza in Japan, you will quickly understand what and she is different here. Potatoes, shrimp, rice flakes, corn and mayonnaise - only a few options for filling.

They are very like a combination of mayonnaise and corn.

Packaging fans

For example, if you buy cookie packaging, each will be packed separately. All in plastic.

Skin with grapes always consider
If you decide eating grapes with skin, then you will greatly surprise the Japanese.

On the streets there are no garbage tanks

Even if you need to throw something out on the street, you will not find where. Because the garbage tanks are simply not. Although the streets mysteriously clean. Maybe the Japanese wear rubbish with them?

ATM has a closure time

In Japan, ATMs have hours of work. So you can hardly remove cash on a taxi at two o'clock in the morning when they are so needed.

Everyone is parked back

In Japan, it is almost impossible to meet the car parked in front of the front. And even if you meet, it is most likely there will be a car foreigner. Here parking is considered safe.

Air conditioners always work on heat

In Japan, the summer is very hot and humid. However, the temperature on air conditioners is always exhibited by 28 degrees of heat.

In restaurants you need to scream to the waiter approached

In Japan, an absolutely different service culture. There they will not be suitable for waiters every five minutes and ask how you liked the dish. Japanese waiters will not suit until you call, and they do not react to the raised hand or a modest "girl" - you have to scream, and loud.

There is a mandatory break in the city pools.

Every hour rescuers whistling in whistles and asked everyone to get out of the pool for 10 minutes. At this time, everyone should rest.

Fabulous - put on mask

If someone falls into Japan, then it defies the mask in order not to cough on others and not infect them. Many Japanese women wear a mask if lazy to apply makeup.

Sleep at work

In Japan, you can safely sleep in the workplace, if there is no strength to keep your eyes open. It is even considered a sign of hardworking.

In the morning the streets drive cars with megaphones

In the season of elections, candidates travel around the machines and pushed speeches in MegaFon from early morning. From such exactly wake up.

Snacks for sale only for men

Whatever meaning. In the photo: Bitter chocolate for men.

Fruit is incredibly expensive

Buying fruits in the supermarket is considered to be in Japan almost transit and boasting, because they are very expensive. For example, strawberries are sold for 100 dollars.

Sun protection

Japanese, by all means trying to avoid tanning - hot summer wear clothes with long sleeves, hats and closed face.

Sometimes it seems that people who live on the island and their culture are actually with some other planet. We found some more amazing oddities that can be found, attention, only in the country of the rising sun.

1. The Japanese still use fax.

Yes, in the country of robots and the latest technologies, the Japanese at work still use fax. Use every day, in some cases it is even preferable.

2. Print instead of signature.

In the documents, the Japanese prefer to put a signature, but a red seal with their last name. They almost sell at any store.

3. Japanese pizza.

Only in the event that suddenly want to try pizza in Japan, you will quickly understand that she is different here. Potatoes, shrimp, rice flakes, corn and mayonnaise - only a few options for filling.

4. They are very like a combination of mayonnaise and corn.

5. Packaging fans.

For example, if you buy cookie packaging, each will be packed separately. All in plastic.

6. The skin with grapes always believes.

Only in the event that you decide eating grapes with skin, then the Japanese is greatly surprised.

7. There are no garbage tanks on the streets.

Even if you need to throw something out on the street, you will not find where. Because the garbage tanks are simply not. Although the streets mysteriously clean. Maybe the Japanese wear rubbish with them?

8. ATM has a closure time.

In Japan, ATMs have hours of work. So you can hardly remove cash on a taxi at two o'clock in the morning when they are so needed.

9. Everyone is parked back.

In Japan, it is almost impossible to meet the car parked in front of the front. And even if you meet, it is most likely there will be a car foreigner. Here is the parking back safely believed.

10. Air conditioners always work on heat.

In Japan, the summer is very hot and humid. However, the temperature on air conditioners is always exhibited by 28 degrees of heat.

11. In restaurants you need to scream to the waiter approached you.

In Japan, an absolutely different service culture. There they will not be suitable for waiters every five minutes and ask how you liked the dish. Japanese waiters will not suit until you call, and they do not react to a raised hand or a modest "girl" - you have to scream, and loud.

12. There are a mandatory break in the city basins.

Every hour rescuers whistling in whistles and asked everyone to get out of the pool for 10 minutes. At this time, everyone should rest.

13. Farewell - put on the mask.

If someone is ill in Japan, it necessarily puts on a mask in order not to cough on others and not infect them. Many Japanese women wear a mask if lazy to apply makeup.

14. Sleep at work.

In Japan, you can safely sleep in the workplace, if there is no strength to keep your eyes open. It is even considered a sign of hardworking. 15. From morning through the streets of cars with megaphones go.

In the season of elections, candidates travel around the machines and pushed speeches in MegaFon from early morning. From such exactly wake up.

16. Fruits are incredibly expensive.

Buying fruits in the supermarket is considered to be in Japan almost transit and boasting, because they are very expensive. For example, strawberries are sold for 100 dollars.

17. Sun protection.

Japanese, by all means trying to avoid tanning - hot summer wear clothes with long sleeves, hats and closed face.

None in any other country, the traditions, technology and living conditions did not intertwined so quaint

Translation for - Light Gogol

For the European Consciousness in Japan's culture a lot of strange, and even completely incomprehensible. None in one other country, traditions, technology and living conditions did not intertwined so quaint. Samurai ideals are perfectly getting along with the latest generation computers, and long-livers who born back in the 19th century - with teenagers in Pokemon costumes. Despite the striking development of all that concerns technologies, Japanese culture is one of the most conservative, closed and incomprehensible for foreigners.

Below you will find the six most strange aspects of the culture of the "ascending Sun countries".


Hikicomori are young people who do not want to communicate with the outside world. Of course, in every culture there is a small number of people who are called "hermites", but usually these are people of the older or even old age, many of whom suffer from mental disorders like depression or agoraphobia.

Feature of Japanese "rents" - age. These are either teenagers, or young people are slightly in twenty, which are almost completely cut off from the outside world. There are several objective reasons for the appearance of a huge amount of Hikicomori: the first, of course, this is the Internet, the second is a monstrous load in educational institutions that few people can stand, and finally loving parents who are willing to keep their offspring to old age, if only they are not departed from the "nest".

Usually, the term Hikicomori is called young people who seek in their room without work and communication for more than six months. Psychologists already talk about "lost millions."


Despite the legends of Yakuza, the crime rate in Japan is one of the lowest (lower only in Monaco). All weapons - from pistols to ceremonial swords, be sure to register in the police.

However, if you really fell on the dock - writing disappeared. 99 percent of ships end with an accusatory sentence. In addition, in Japan, they still sentence the death penalty, usually through hanging. In a year, it is executed for 2-3 people, and about the upcoming execution of the sentences noticed in just a few hours. The family is already informed about the accomplished execution.

Attitude to work

Everyone knows that the Japanese are one of the most disciplined and hardworking workers in the world. However, the image of a businessman-alcoholic, the travener karaoke bars is also not far from the truth. The Japanese really drink a lot; The river and younger employees are poured on Corporate Sake, trying in vain, trying to hide behind their annoyed years of training by bosses.

But that's what is really surprising - no matter how much Japanese drank in the evening, in the morning it will be like a cucumber and start working exactly on time. In addition, in Japanese culture it is considered completely normal to take a bit in the workplace, it is even welcomed. It is believed that a person who has abandoned his head on the desktop works to exhaustion and is especially devoted to his work.


The phenomenon of the Kodokushi (lonely death) is the silhouette of the body of the deceased person. It is formed when the body has remained unparalleled for a long time.

Workers who are engaged in transportation of furniture say they are very often encountered on such "codecs". According to the estimates of one private company, about 300 cases out of 1500, they stumble on these sad symbols of human solitude.

The traditional image of the Japanese family, when several generations began under the same roof, already outdated, and now the old people are more and more often lived alone.

This happens with temporary workers, or employees under the contract - many men and women of this category of labor never get married and married. They die alone, and no one knows about their death.


Japanese morals have always differed with rigor, including in relation to the "films for adults". And although the prohibition does not exist to remove hard porn in Japan, the genitals on the video must be blurred to meet national ideas about morality.

This softened version of the Japanese porn is complemented by the so-called "bucktha" - a demonstration of the resulting fluid as evidence that the "act of love" really happened between the actors.

It is curious that a huge number of young Japanese does not show any interest in sex at all, especially the guys. They are called "Socha" Danche "or" Vegetarian ".


While the whole world spends big money to make selflessly smooth teeth, Japanese teenagers are passionate about the opposite. One of the rapidly distributing trends among Japanese young people is called "Yaba" (literally "double tooth"). This is a nozzle that creates the impression of the sticking of the mouth of the canine. By the way, quite expensive pleasure.

The strangest Japanese traditions of the top 10.

In the traditions of each people there are many oddities and inexplicable things. As we have a tradition to get drunk in the "trash" for health, for example, a birthday party. But still the nation number one by strange traditions is the Japanese. To list and describe in detail all strange Japanese traditions will need not one book. But we will try to list some of them.

The most unusual Japanese traditions Top-10

1. The strangest Japanese traditions - New Year in the morning!

The Japanese do not meet the New Year in our understanding. On New Year's Eve, they calmly go to bed, but early in the morning wake up and everyone goes to meet the dawn of the New Year. We, of course, also some meet New Year's Eve dawn, but completely different.

2. - Never say never

Japan's residents try to never say the word no, simply replacing it with a polite departure from the topic, or such agreement that does not oblige to anything at all, and, in the end, does not lead to anything.

3. - humor

The Japanese has almost no jokes. It is difficult to imagine, but it is. But they have a very funny and interesting sense of humor.

The Japanese has no jokes, but a very peculiar sense of humor

4. The most interesting Japanese traditions - Businessciers

In Japan, it is considered quite indecent if you have no business card with you !!! Therefore, the Japanese even in the pool wearing special waterproof small handbags for business cards. In addition, the business card itself is best served so that it can be right away!

5. The most unusual Japanese traditions - Politeness

Politeness still comes to extremes in Japan. Instead of shifting the Japanese, the Japanese use bows, and we need to bow so many times as they did before you. Situations reach the absurdity. For example, if the Japanese decided to order home sushi, and if a very polite courier comes to the delivery of sushi home, such a courtesy can take away a lot of time! Guests will gather, and the courier will come very polite: then to speak, it can take not one minute! Do not hurt anything - you have to "follow the protocol." Politeness is a distinguishing feature of the Japanese, which they are rightfully proud of.

6. The most unusual Japanese traditions - Transport

In the Japanese subway, there are such specially trained locks that pushed and till people in the train. For objectivity, it must be said that such a "profession" of the locking exists in many eastern metro, for example, in Singapore, etc.

Many Japanese love to go to work on scooters.

7. The most unusual Japanese traditions - These strange Japanese schoolchildren.

Japanese girls cannot be communicated and talking to the boys before the onset of a certain age.

Recently, the Japanese-Japanese schoolgirls go in sailors and with pigtails, and many Japanese boys are now often dressing school uniforms for girls, as it is much brighter and pretty more than the school form of boys. Japanese schoolboy, in general, no less strange than an adult Japanese. For example, if the girl is offered by the boy his food on a school change, it will mean almost love to the coffin. Therefore, girls with boys can not eat together without blush.

But even more strange Japanese school tradition is this: at school, children are unable to walk one, without girlfriends or friends, it is considered strange and immoral. Therefore, the more the crowd is going, the one is better.

Kanto or Kancan is a strange Japanese game, megapopular among Japanese students of junior classes. Players fold the palms and pull forward the index fingers, which are trying to lean to another player, at any moment, especially when a possible victim is busy or distracted. There were cases when even school teachers were standned in the game, which was severely stopped by directors of Japanese schools, but not everyone. And some teachers were accused of pedophilia. In the well-known international list of the most dangerous extreme gambling with the Effect of Kanccho's addictive effect at number 27.


8. The most unusual Japanese traditions - addresses

Most of the streets in Japanese cities do not have names. In these cases, the house is descriptively indicated ("the second house from the corner after the store") or on the numbering within the quarter. In addition, houses are numbered in order of construction, which adds confusion even more.

9. The most unusual Japanese traditions - Fear of twins

In the old days in Japan, it was believed that one of the born twins would conceive a demon. And just in case, they got rid of both twins, not understanding who is who, and at the same time and from the mother. For example, in Japanese anime "When cicades cry" and "Shaffle" is shown that one of the units must be killed!

10. The most unusual Japanese traditions - Family Finance

The spouse is managed by all finance of the Japanese family, and the husband does not have the right to ask, and even more so challenge, solutions for their purchases. Moreover, ascetic and nimble Japanese can not be called at all, just Japanese are not transira by nature.