Stank painting artists and their paintings. Features and differences in monumental, machine, miniature painting

Stank painting artists and their paintings. Features and differences in monumental, machine, miniature painting
Stank painting artists and their paintings. Features and differences in monumental, machine, miniature painting

Painting is distinguished by a variety of genres and species. Each genre is limited to its circle of plots: the image of a person (portrait), the surrounding world (landscape), etc.
Varieties (types) painting differ in their destination.

In this regard, there are several types of painting, which we will talk about today and talk.

Stank painting

The most popular and famous type of painting is a glass painting. So it is called for the reason that it is performed on the machine - Molbert. The basis is used wood, cardboard, paper, but most often canvas stretched on the subframe. The glass picture is an independent product made in a certain genre. It has a richness of color.

Oil paints

Most often, steel painting is performed by oil paints. Oil colors can be operated on canvas, wood, cardboard, paper, metal.

Oil paints
Oil colors - suspensions of inorganic pigments and fillers in drying vegetable oils or olifah or based on alkyd resins, sometimes with the addition of excipients. Used in painting or for painting wooden, metal and other surfaces.

V. Pereov "Portrait of Dostoevsky" (1872). Canvas, oil
But the picturesque picture can be created with the help of tempera, guasies, pastels, watercolors.


Watercolor paints

Watercolor (FR. Aquarelle - Watering; ITAL. Acquarello) - picturesque technique using special watercolor paints. When dissolved in water, they form a transparent suspension of a thin pigment, due to the effect of lightness, airiness and thin color transitions.

J. Törsner "Firwaldstetic Lake" (1802). Watercolor. Tate Britan (London)


Gouache (Fr. Gouache, Ital. Guazzo Water paint, splash) - a type of adhesive water-soluble paints, more dense and matte than watercolor.

Gouache paints
Gouache paints are made of pigments and glue with the addition of Belil. The impurity of Belil gives guashi frosted velvetiness, but when the color is dried, they are somewhat quit (evil), which should take into account the artist in the process of drawing. With the help of gouache paints, you can overlap dark tones with light.

Vincent Van Gogh "Corridor in Asulum" (black chalk and gouache on pink paper)

Pastel [E]

Pastel (from lat. Pasta - Dough) - Art materials used in graphics and painting. Most often produced in the form of fine or pencils without rims having a form of bars with a round or square cross section. Pastel happens three types: "dry", oil and wax.

I. Levitan "Valley of the River" (Pastel)


Tempera, from Latin Temperare - Mix paints) - Water-fused paints prepared on the basis of dry powder pigments. The binder of temperatic paints is served by the water diluted with a yolk chicken egg or a solid egg.
Tempets are some of the oldest. Until the invention and the spread of oil paints up to the XV-XVII centuries. Tempered paints were the main material of machine painting. They are used for more than 3 thousand years. The famous paintings of the Sarcophages of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs are made by tempera paints. The tempera was mainly the steel painting of the Byzantine masters. In Russia, the technique of the temporary letter was predominant until the end of the XVII century.

R. Streltsov "Chamomile and violets" (temperature)


Enkaausky (from Dr. Greek. Ἐγκαυστική - the art of burning) - the technique of painting, in which the binding of the paint is wax. Painting is performed by paints in molten form. Many early Christian icons are written in this technique. Originated in ancient Greece.

"Angel". ENKAUSTIC technique

We draw your attention to the fact that you can meet another classification, according to which watercolor, gouache and other techniques that use paper and water-based paints are related to the graph. They combine the features of painting (tone wealth, formation of shape and space color) and graphics (active role of paper in the construction of the image, the absence of a specific relief of the smear characteristic of a picturesque surface).

Monumental painting

Monumental painting - painting on architectural structures or other bases. This is an oldest kind of painting, known from Paleolithic. Thanks to the stationary and durability, its numerous samples remained almost from all cultures who created the developed architecture. The main techniques of monumental painting are fresco, and the secoration, mosaic, stained glass window.


Fresco (from Ital. Fresco - Fresh) - painting on crude plaster with water colors, one of the techniques of wall painting. When drying, the lime contained in the plaster forms a thin transparent calcium film that makes the fresco of durable.
The fresco has a pleasant matte surface and durable in a closed room.

Gelati Monastery (Georgia). Church of the Blessed Virgin. Fresco on the top and south side of the Arc de Triomphe

And point

And the point (from Ital. A SECCO - on dry) - wall painting performed, in contrast to the fresco, on solid, dried plaster, secondally moistened. Paints are used, arranged on vegetable glue, egg or mixed with lime. The seko allows you to paint a large surface area over the working day than with fresco painting, but is not so durable technique.
Equipment and the seko developed in medieval painting along with the fresco and was especially common in Europe in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Leonardo da Vinci "Last Supper (1498). Technique and Sko


Mosaic (FR. Mosaïque, Ital. Mosaico from Lat. (Opus) Musivum - (Work) dedicated to Muses) - Decorative and applied and monumental art of different genres. Images in the mosaic is formed by a layout, a set and fixing on the surface of multicolored stones, smalts, ceramic tiles and other materials.

Mosaic Panel "Cat"


Stained glass window (FR. Vitre - window glass, from lat. Vitrum - glass) - a product of stained glass. For a long time, the stained glass has been used in the temples. In the era of Renaissance, the stained-shop existed as painting on the glass.

Stained glass delivery "InterSuzny" (Murmansk)
Diorama and panorama are also related to the varieties of painting.


Diorama building "Sapun-Mountain Storming on May 7, 1944" in Sevastopol
Dirama - a lintel-shaped semicircular picture with a semicircle with an forward object. The illusion of the presence of the viewer in the natural space is created, which is achieved by the synthesis of art and technical means.
Diorams are designed for artificial lighting and are located mainly in special pavilions. Most diras are devoted to historical battles.
The most famous diorams: "Sapun-Mountains" (Sevastopol), "Defense of Sevastopol" (Sevastopol), "Fights for Rzhev" (Rzhev), "Breakthrough of Leningrad Blockads" (Petersburg), "Berlin's assault" (Moscow), etc.


In painting, the panorama is called a picture with a circular review, on which a flat picturesque background is combined with a volume of the subject first plan. Panorama creates the illusion of the real space surrounding the viewer in the full circle of the horizon. Panorama apply mainly for the image of events covering a significant territory and a large number of participants.

Museum-Panorama "Borodino Battle" (Museum Building)
In Russia, the most famous panoramas are the Museum-panorama "Borodino battle", "Volochaevsky battle", "defeat the German fascist troops near Stalingrad" in the Museum-Panorama "Stalingrad Battle", "Defense of Sevastopol", panorama of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Franz rubo. Panorama Borodino Battle Panorama

Theatrical Decoration Painting

Decorations, costumes, makeup, butafory help deeper reveal the content of the performance (movie). The scenery gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe place and time of action, activates the perception of what is happening on the scene. Theatrical artist is striving in sketches of costumes and makeups to acutely express the individual character of the characters, their social status, the style of the era and much more.
In Russia, the flourishing of theatrical-December arts falls on the line of the XIX-XX centuries. At this time, outstanding artists MA began to work in the theater. Vrubel, V.M. Vasnetsov, A.Ya. Golovin, L.S. Bakst, N.K. Roerich.

M. Vrubel "City of Lolliolets". Sketch of scenery to opera N.A. Roman Corsakov "Tale of Tsar Saltan" for the Russian private opera in Moscow. (1900)


Miniature is a picturesque product of small forms. Particularly popular portrait miniature was especially a portrait of a small format (from 1.5 cm), characterized by a special subtlety of the letter, a kind of equipment, and the use of funds inherent only in this visual form.
Types and formats miniatures are very diverse: they were written on parchment, paper, cardboard, ivory, on metal and porcelain, using watercolor, gouache, special art enamels or oil paints. The author can enter an image, in accordance with its decision or at the request of the customer, in a circle, oval, rhombus, octagon, etc. The classic portrait miniature is considered a thumbnail made on a thin plate from ivory.

Emperor Nicholas I. Fragment of miniatures of Morselli
There are several miniatures techniques.

Lacquer Miniature (Fedoskino)

Miniature with a portrait of Princess Zinaida Nikolaevna (jewelry of yusupov)

Painting images are very visual and convincing. It is capable of transmitting volumes and spaces, nature, embody the universal ideas, events of the historical past and the flight of fantasy, disclose the complex world of human feelings and character. Painting can be one-layer (performed immediately) and mortar, including podmuelki and pessic, applied to the dry colorful layer, transparent and translucent layers of paint.
This achieved the finest nuances and shades of color.
Building volume and space in painting is associated with linear and air perspective, the spatial properties of warm and cold colors, light-shadow modeling form, transmission of the total color background of the canvas. To create a picture, except color, needed good drawing and expressive composition. The artist, as a rule, begins the work of the cloth with the search for the most successful solution in sketches. Then, in numerous picturesque etudes from nature, it is working as the necessary elements of the composition.

Stank painting .
Machines are called pictures that have an independent value (written on the machine). Mountain painting has a lot of genres.

Genre (Franz. "Manner", "View", "Taste", "Custom", "Rod") - Historically folding and developing type of artwork.
The genre may be celebrated in the name of the picture (approx. "Fish Trader").

Genres of machine painting:

By what is shown in the picture:
3.Still life
4.Household (genre)

1.Portrait - An image of a person or group of people existing or existing in reality.
Views portrait : Local, Poplet, Big, Portrait of a Growth, Portrait on the background of a landscape, portrait in the interior (rooms), portrait with accessories, self-portrait, double portrait, group portrait, steam portrait, costume portrait, miniature portrait.

By the nature of the image, all portraits can be divided into 3 groups:
but ) Parade portraits tend to assume the image of a person in full growth (on a horse standing or sitting), usually on a landscaped or architectural background;
b) separate portraits (perhaps not quite in full growth, no architectural background);
in ) Chamber (intimate) portraits in which the blow-up, thoracic, belt, more often on a neutral background.

Russian artists-portraitists: Rockots, Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Bryllov, Cyprinen, Tropinin, Perov, Kramskoy, Repin, Serov, Nesterov

2.Scenery (Franz. "Place", "Country", "Motherland") - depicts nature, type of terrain, landscape.
Types of landscape : rural, urban, marine (marina), urban architectural (lead), industrial.
Landscape can wear lyrical, heroic, epic, historical, fantastic character.

Russian painters-landscape players: Shchedrin, Ayvazovsky, Vasilyev, Levitan, Shishkin, Polenov, Savrasov, Queenji, tomb, etc.

3.Still life (Franz. "Dead nature") - depicts peculiar portraits of things, their quiet life. Artists depict the most ordinary things, show their beauty and poetry.

Artists: Serebryakova, Falk

4.Household genre (genre painting) - Pictures the daily life of a person and introduces us to the lives of people who have long passed times.

Artists: Venetsian, Fedotov, Perov, Repin, etc.

5.Historical genre - Pictures significant historical events, events of the past, epic times. This genre is often transferred with other genres: domestic, battalny, portrait, landscape.

Artists: Losenko, Ugryumov, Ivanov, Bryullov, Repin, Surikov, Ge, etc.
Surikov, an outstanding master of historical painting: "Morning Streletsovka execution", "Bearing Morozova", "Menshikov in Berezov", "Transition Suvorov through the Alps", "Conquest Siberia Yermak".

6.Battle genre - depicts military campaigns, battles, tight exploits, fighting.

7.Animal genre - Pictures the world of animals.

Monumental painting.

Always associated with architecture. Decorates walls and ceilings, floors, windows windows.

Types of monumental painting (differ depending on the vehicle equipment):

1.Fresco (Italian. "For raw") - written on crude limestone plaster with paints (dry pigment, dye in powder), diluted water. Hydish, lime highlights the finest calcium film, which fixes the paints under it, makes painting indelible and very durable.

2.Tempera - Paints divorced on egg, casein glue or synthetic binder substance. This is an independent and common type of painting. Sometimes they write to the temperatic fresco. The temperature dries quickly and changes the color when drying.

3.Mosaic (Lat. "Defoted by Muses") - painting laid out of small pieces of colored stones or smalts (specially welded opaque colored glass)

4. Stitched (Franz. "Glazing", from lat. "Glass") - Painting made of pieces of transparent stained glass interconnected by lead stripes (swine soldering)

5.Panel (Franz. "Board", "Shield")
- a) part of the wall or ceiling (ceiling) isolated by a stucco frame or belt ornament and filled with painting;
b) paints on canvas, and then attached to the wall. For the outer walls, the panel can be made of ceramic tiles.


Architecture - The art of creating buildings and their complexes that form a medium to live people. From other types of art, it differs from the fact that not only ideological-artistic, but also practical tasks.

Types of architecture:
public (palace);
public residential;
urban planning;
Garden-park (landscape);

Expressive means of architecture:
Building composition;
surrounding nature and development;
Painting and sculpture.

1. Composition of a building - the location of its main parts and elements in a certain sequence . The building composition is very important, since it depends on it that the building produces. By creating an architectural composition, the architect uses various techniques: alternating and a combination of various spaces (open and closed, illuminated and darkened, communicating and isolated, etc.); various volumes (high and low, rectilinear and curvilinear, heavy and lung, simple and complex); elements of enclosing surfaces (flat and embossed, deaf and openwork, monophonic and colorful). The choice of composition depends on what the building is intended for.

Types of composition:
- Symmetric . The same location of the elements of the building relative to the axis of symmetry, which notes the center of the composition. Such buildings were characteristic of the architecture of the era of classicism.
- Asymmetric . The main part of the building shifts away from the center. Various, contrasting, material, and color volumes are used, which leads to a dynamic architectural image . Characteristic for modern construction.
Reception of symmetry and asymmetry with a composition of individual elements, arrangement of columns, windows, stairs, doors, etc.

2. Rhythm A rhythm has a wide organizing value in the architectural composition, i.e., a clear distribution of repeatingch with a certain interval of the volume and parts of the building (Anfilate rooms and halls, consistent changes in the volume of rooms, grouping columns, windows, sculptures)

Types of rhythm:
-Vertical rhythm . Alternation of individual elements in the vertical direction. Giving the building an impression of lightness, aspiration up.
- horizontal rhythm . The alternation of elements in the horizontal direction. The building is squat, sustainable.
Collecting, thickening individual details in one place and discharge them in another, the architect may emphasize the center of the composition, give the building a dynamic or static nature.

3. Scale . The proportional ratio of the building and its parts. Determines the magnitude of the individual parts and parts of the building relative to the magnitude of the whole building as a whole, to the person surrounding the space and other buildings. The scale of the building depends not on the size of the building, but from the overall impression that it produces per person.

4. Light . Property that detects the distribution of light and dark areas on the surface of the form. Enhances and facilitates the visual perception of architectural form, gives it a more picturesque view. Artificial lighting of buildings is used at the level of street, main and illumination. Reflected light in the interior creates the illusion of lightness of forms.

The feature of the architecture as art is to create the unity of the architectural composition from a variety of architectural forms. The simplest means of creating unity - giving the volume of a simple geometric building. In the complex ensemble of the building, unity is achieved by coented: the main volume of the building is subject to the main volume (composite center). The composite means is also a tectonics.

Tectonics- Summerly revealed structural structure of the building.

5. Color . It is often used in architectural structures, especially in the interior (especially in the buildings in the classical style and baroque). For modern interior, bright, light tones are characteristic.

6. Painting and sculpture The artistic means of creating a composite unity of construction include monumental and applied art, in particular sculpture and painting, whose combination with architecture got the name "synthesis of arts".

7. Environmental and building . The architecture is to ensemability. It is important for its structures in a natural (natural) or urban (urban) landscape. The form of architecture is due: natural (depend on geographical and climatic conditions, on the nature of the landscape, the intensity of sunlight); Socially (depend on the nature of the social system, aesthetic ideals, utilitarian and artistic needs of society).

Architecture is closely related to the development of productive forces and technology. None of art requires such concentration of collective efforts and material resources.For example: Isakiev Cathedral built 500 thousand people for 40 years.

Architecture Troublery: Benefits, Strength, Beauty. In other words, these are the most important components of the architectural whole: function, design, shape (Vitruvius, I century. N.E. Ancient Roman architectural theorist). Construction has become architecture when appropriate buildings found aesthetic appearance.

Architecture originated in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, grandiose structures were created in the name of spiritual and cult goals (tombs, temples, pyramids). In ancient Greece, architecture acquires a democratic appearance and cult facilities (temples) already claim the beauty, dignity of the Greek citizen. New types of public buildings arise: theaters, stadiums, schools. And the architects follow humanistic principle of beauty, formulated by Aristotle: "The wonderful should not be too big and not too small ". In ancient Rome, architects are widely used by arched vaulted constructions from concrete. New types of structures, forums, triumphant arches and columns reflect the ideas of statehood and military power. In the Middle Ages, architecture becomes the leading and most massive type of art. In the gothic cathedrals, the gods, and the passionate earthly dream of the people about happiness expressed to the sky . The Renaissance Architecture develops on a new basis the principles and forms of the ancient classics, a new architectural form is introduced - the floor. Classicism cannonizes composite techniques of antiquity.

The unity of the architectural composition involves the unity of the style, which is created by a set of signs typical of the art of a certain time. Various factors influenced the style of each era: ideological and aesthetic views, materials and construction equipment, production level of production, household queries, artistic forms.

Style - The amount of elements that reveal the features of this era.
Style - The historically established combination of artistic means and techniques, which characterizes the features of the art of a certain time.
The style is present in all kinds of art, but is formed mainly in architecture. The architectural style is formed by decades, and the style, for example, in ancient Egypt, the style has been preserved for 3 T.L., in connection with which the name is canonical (canon (norm, rule) - a set of rules that has developed in the process of artistic practice and confined ).

The basic principles of the Egyptian style characteristic of the whole art of ancient Egypt:
- unity of images and hieroglyphic inscriptions;
- vertical image of objects and people (less significant is depicted on the plane above);
- line of complex scenes horizontal belts;
- the difference between the figures whose value depends not on the location in space, but from the significance of each of them;
- The image of a person's figure as it were from different points of view (facanoprofyl) - the principle of molding the figure on the plane (when the head and legs were depicted into the profile, and the torso and eyes in the FAS).

Calendar-thematic planning of the lesson.

Calendar and thematic planning depends on the age of students. The ideal option is the presence of lessons in 5 (6) -11 classes, the State Program Yu. A. Solodovnikova and L. N. Predutenskaya is calculated for this. It is necessary to take into account that the specifics of work on average and senior link are different . High school students are already capable of perceiving generalized ideas concluded, for example, in the concept of style, where the phenomenon of the principle "from the common to particular" prevails. Middle Students, especially in 5-6 grades, are not always ready for the realization of the style, that is, they still do not speak the ability to see the general pattern in many specific phenomena. This skill is developing gradually, therefore, on average, the larger result will give the lessons of "immersion" into any work, event, phenomenon, the life and creative path of the author, for example, "Myths of Ancient Greece", "Birth of the Opera", "Florentine Commenda". These classes can be held in the form of staging, business games, quizzes, disputes, etc. At the same time, students receive information associated with specific heroes, the peculiarities of expressive means of specific art. The ability for these "private" moments to see common patterns arises at the subconscious level. But it is good, bright and for a long time the specific images and situations are remembered.
Later, students who accumulated communication experience with individual works of art, cultural phenomena, receives the ability to realize, formulate and express a generalization of the judgment. This moment comes when the student is approaching the 9th grade, less often to the 8th grade. Students have 8 and 9 classes perception is different. Grade 8 - stage of the transition age period, which manifests itself in different ways. In one case, eight-graders are ready for a more complex level of perception, in the other - no. Such a situation is solved by the teacher in each case.
If the School of MCC is studied from 5 to grade 11, then the most efficient can be an approach consisting of two steps. Lessons in 5-7 (8) classes are fascinating "immersion" into the world of concrete phenomena of culture, art, etc., using active practical forms of work. It may be insciting, games, disputes, use of computer programs, research using the Internet, work on projects, quiz, etc. At the same time, the principle of historicism remains - in thematic planning, the teacher includes key works and phenomena of culture, reflecting the various stages of its development. It is very good if it will be combined with a course of history that students take place in parallel. It is possible to communicate with the lessons from, literature, music, etc.
The concept chosen by the teacher as a basis can determine various material and types of activity. Solodovnikov offers as a possible principle of organizations of the subject of support to mythology. But other principles are also possible.
Coming out on the second step, having knowledge of a particular cultural phenomenon, 9-11 class students can once again go through this path, but in terms of styles, features of the artistic image in one or another era. Separate representations obtained earlier add up to a single system of relationships, causes are clear and consequence.

By making up a program for 6-8 grade, a teacher can take as a basis the content of the Optional course of MHC Danilova, where the teacher can choose from an extensive and diverse material of the material that he closely meets its working conditions.
This option of planning the MHC lessons on average, when the concentric principle operates in each class, i.e. In each class, students consistently undergo the topics of the art of the ancient world, Middle Ages, East, Russia, Renaissance, etc.

Types Monumental Stankovaya Monumentally Decorative Icon Painting Miniature Painting Genres Styles Mythological Battle Historic Landscape Portrait Still Life Animalist Housing Nude

Look at how beautiful around! People have always been looking for ways to save and remember what he saw. You can take a picture of the world around yourself, but before there were no cameras, and it is much more exciting to draw!

The painter can do wonders - show the events of the distant past, to show before us the epic heroes and the heroes of fairy tales, move into the future and present to us non-existent characters.

The main expressive means of painting is color. The artist is usually the color on the palette, and then transfers paint on the canvas pattern, creating a color order - color.

The flavor can be warm and cold, cheerful and sad, calm and tense, light and dark. Color creates a picture of the picture.

To create a picture, in addition to color, a composition is necessary, that is, the location of the details of the pattern. The artist begins work on the web with sketches - sketches.

Painting is divided into machine and monumental. The artist writes pictures on Molbert, which is also called a machine. Hence the name "Stank painting".

And the word "monumental" says something big and significant. Monumental painting is large pictures on the walls of buildings in the subway, airports, churches. Topics for monumental paintings are also selected significant: historical events, heroic exploits, folk tales.

Monumental painting includes mosaic and stained glass windows, which can also be attributed to decorative art. Mosaic is a drawing made up of small pieces or various materials.

Stained glass window is a picture on glass or pieces of multicolored glass. Stained-glass windows insert instead of windows or on the door.

The fresco - the painting technique with water colors on crude plaster on the walls, requires very fast work until the plaster dried.

What did not write pictures! Paints were made using egg squirrel, glue or fig tree juice. Then there were oil paints, based on vegetable oil.

Painting based on egg yolk or protein is called tempera. Using temporal equipment, the artist should not mix the paints, they must be imposed in a very thin layer, one next to the other, without transitions. Mixed tones can be obtained only overlapping one layer on another.

Wax painting painting based on glue is called a gouache. Gouache paints are dense, matte. They draw on paper, cardboard, canvas, folod, bones.

Pastel - painting technique and drawing on a rough surface of paper or cardboard with special pencils. At the same time, they begin harsh pencils and finish soft, and the colorful powder is triturated with fingers.

Watercolor - painting technique with watercolor paints. Usually watercolor performed on paper, dissolving paints in water. Watercolor painting transparent and soft.

Mastichein is a tool in the form of a knife or blades with a curved handle. Mastichein is used by artists to remove undecked paint from the picture. Sometimes Mastichein is used instead of a paint brush with a smooth layer or embossed smear.

Painting genres appeared when artists began to display different topics in their paintings. The main task of the artworksazhist - Show nature in all its beauty.

Translated from French, the word "still life" means "dead nature". Still life called the image of things that surround a person - dishes, fabrics, flowers, vegetables and fruits, seafood and game.

Portrait is an image of a man or group of people. In the portrait, the artist not only conveys the external similarity, but also tries to tell about life, human classes.

In an antique era, a person sought to portray the world in the paintings as he saw him himself. Painting served to decorate temples, dwellings and tombs.

The genres of painting appeared in the Renaissance Epoch, which we already considered - landscape, still life, portrait, animal, household, mythological, historical, battle.

Classicism is an artistic style, focused on the form of ancient, above all, Greek classics. Special attention artists gave lightness. Pay attention to how exactly the author with the help of shadows depicted folds on the tissues. And more artists of classicism in their paintings used only three paints - red, blue and yellow, - and they were mixed with different colors.

The word "baroque" means "strange", "quaint". Pictures in the style of Baroque - bizarre, lush. They often combine very large and - on the contrary - very small details, and light and shadows do not smoothly go into each other, and sharply outlined.

Painting romanticism often reflects the events of history and modernity, used the contrast of light and shadow, saturated flavor.

A coup in painting was the appearance of impressionism, who had a passage to convey a mumbling impression, avoiding all sorts of details in the picture. Such pictures were written in the fresh air, and watch them better, going out a few steps.

If artists-Impressionists interested in all the mumbling, random, then the representatives of the sending of postimipressionism were looking for constant, sustainable. The paintings were written not by an instant impression, but taking into account the course of light rays, the calculation of the shadows.

Modernism sought to approve his foundations of art. Modernism united many artistic flows: expressionism, cubism, constructivism, surrealism, abstractionism, pop art. Expressionism is a direction in art for which the test, grotesqueness is characteristic.

Cubism style paintings depict real objects in the form of a set of intersecting, semi-floating planes (four-triggers, triangles, semi-rays).

Abstract painting, it is sometimes called avant-garde, abstractionism or underground, uses bold, unusual colors, correct, as defined figures.

Look at the work of the author working in the style of Fovisov. He uses some colors, just like in your box with paints. He also uses clear contours, as if he first painted a pencil, and then only inks. Figures in the drawing - without shadows, without volume.

The primitivism is the direction in the visual arts, the paintings of which resemble the works of primitive, medieval, folk and children's creativity.

How many all sorts of "-isoms"! Even scary to take for a brush or pencil! But do not be afraid, each of the artists whose paintings you now saw, once took paints and paper for the first time. And he also did not immediately succeed. Brew - fantasy, Create, draw!

"Art is the same need for a person, as is and drinking. The need of beauty and creativity embodies it, inseparable man, "wrote F. M. Dostoevsky.

Indeed, history suggests that a person has always been indefinite with art. In the mountains, in the caves of different countries of the world, ancient rock paints have been preserved. These expressive drawings of animals and hunters were made in those times when people could not write.

The monuments of art tell us what great importance it had in the life of a person and human society. The ancient Greeks created a wonderful myth of muses - eternally young sisters, personifying art and science. Melpomena - Muza tragedy, waist - comedy, Terraticra - Dance, Klio - Muza History ... The myth says that when God Apollo is a patron saint of art, poetry and music - appeared accompanied by muses, then all Nature didn't listen to their singing ... Music, Museum - these Words occurred from the word muse.

The poetic myth of the Musey sisters did not lose its meaning. Each type of art has its own expressive funds: in music - this is the sound, in the visual art - color, line, etc., in the literature - the word. But the beloved essence of all species is that art is one of the forms of public consciousness, which is based on a figurative reflection of reality phenomena.

Fine arts associated with visual perception include: painting, graphics and sculpture. These arts create an image on the plane (painting and graphics) and in space (sculpture).

Picture, drawing, Estamp, sculpture that have independent meaning, that is, not related to any art ensemble or with a purely practical purpose, we call machinery. The definition of this comes from the word "machine" (in this case - Molbert), which can be placed when the picture is written. And even the fact that the picture is necessarily inserted into the frame, emphasizes independence, that is, the disposability of machine painting from the environment. The frame separates the picture, creates the ability to perceive it as an independent artistic integer. Some machine paintings are reproduced in the book.

Unlike machine monumental painting In its intended purpose and nature is associated with the architectural ensemble. The fresco, mosaic, panel, stained glass windows are organically entering the architecture, complementing and enriching the interior decoration or the entire building. Beautiful samples of monumental painting are the frescoes of Rafael in the Vatican Palace, painting Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. The highest level monumental painting reached in Byzantine and Old Russian art.

Nowadays, monumental painting is widely used in the palaces of culture, clubs, theaters, metro stations, train stations, etc. Many of you have seen mosaic in the subway, created according to P. Corin's sketches, A. Deineki and other Soviet masters. The painting of the interior of the bus station and the Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow (artist Yu. Korolev), the murals of the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kaluga (group of artists led by A. Vasnetsov), stained glass windows of Lithuanian masters, chased panel of Georgian artists decorated many new buildings of our cities.

International fame won the monumental art of modern Mexico. The mosaic of Sicairos and other major artists reflect the heroic struggle of the Mexican people for their independence.

You can not always carry out a sharp line between the machine and the monumental work of art. This is explained by the fact that the quality of monumentality is often and steel painting. And the monumental works sometimes have both self-meaning, perceived as complete machine patterns.

There is still a very large area of \u200b\u200bdecorative and applied art. These are artistically performed furniture, dishes, clothes, fabrics, carpets, embroidery, jewelry, etc. However, some types of decorative arts (tapestry, chasing, decorative sculpture can also be considered as independent works. Painting, which is designed to decorate or identify the design and destination of the subject and not explicitly independent value, is called decorative.

Thus, painting is divided into machine, monumental and decorative.

StankABOUTArt - The term, which is indicated by the works of painting, sculptures and graphs that have independent character and meaning. The ideological value of machine artwork does not change depending on the place where they are, although their artistic sound and depends on the terms of exposure. The term "machine art" occurred from the "Machine" on which many works of art are created (in painting, for example, they are easel). Machine art gained widespread development since the Renaissance.

Monumental art - The nature of art includes architectural structures, sculptural monuments, relief, wall painting, mosaic, stained glass, etc. Monumental art is focused on massive perception and seeks to influence emotions and thoughts of many people. Monumental sculpture is monuments, monuments, sculptural complexes that complement the architecture. Monumental painting is a panel, painting, mosaic, stained glass windows. Monumental graphics - a wall graphic image involved in creating a monumental image. For monumental art, a certain constant existence environment is characteristic. Properties: laconicism, the test, calmly, balanced, clearly, simply, is solid and great. The "biography" of monumental art dates back to human creations of the Stone Age era. Mural Altamira and Lasco, Stonehenge's stones, vertically blurred high stones (up to 20m), having a cult value ("Mengira"). Flaws monument. The arts coincide with the epochs when collective consciousness is highly developed and insufficiently individual. It is not by chance that all the ancient cultures and culture of the Middle Ages are predominantly monumental.

4. Types of fine art.

1Architecture or architecture - This is simultaneously science and art design of buildings. In the broad sense of the word, architecture is the organization of human habitat, starting with the design of cities, issues of the organization of the urban environment, landscape architecture and ending with furniture design and interior decoration of buildings.

2.painting: Monumental painting on the arch Construction and other stationary bases (fresco, mosaic, stained glass). Stankovaya alive (landscape, portrait, still life, household alive, historic alive) visual art that uses as the main visual means of line, strokes and stains (the color can also be applied, but, unlike painting, here he plays auxiliary role).

4.theatrical and decorative art

5.Dpi.- Region Art Decor: Creation of articles with practical appointment in public and private life and artwork processing utilitarian objects (batik, tapestry, thread chart, ceramics, embroidery)

6.sculpture-Vide artwork, whose works have a volumetric form and are performed from solid or plastic materials.

5. Sculpture as a kind of art.

Sculpture [from Lat. Skulpo - cut, carve] - sculpture, plastic, type of visual art, whose works have a bulk three-dimensional shape and their solid or plastic materials are performed. Sculpture shows a certain proximity to architecture: It also deals with space and volume, obeys the laws of tectonics and materially by nature. But in contrast to architecture, it is not functional, but pictorial. The main specific features of sculpture are physicality, materiality, laconicism and versatility. The materiality of the sculpture is due to the ability of a person to obey the volume. But the highest form of touching in the sculpture, withdrawing it to a new level of perception, the ability of a person "visually lighting" the form perceived through the sculpture, when the eye acquires the ability to correlate the depth and bulge of different surfaces, subjidate their semantic integrity of the entire perception. The materiality of the sculpture is manifested in concreteness of the material that the envelope form ceases to be an objective reality for a person and becomes the material carrier of an artistic idea. Sculpture is the art of space transformation through volume. Each culture brings its understanding of the ratio of volume and space: antiquity understands the volume of the body as a location in space, the Middle Ages - the space as an irreal world, classicism is the equilibrium of space, volume and form. Sculpture conciseness is related to the fact that she practically devoid of stories and narration. The ease of perception of the sculpture is only apparent. Sculpture it is symbolic, conditional and artistic, which means complicated and deep for perception.