White Bim Black Ear Theme of the Work. Essay "Book of Humanity" (according to the story of Treepolsky "White Bim Black Ear")

White Bim Black Ear Theme of the Work. Essay
White Bim Black Ear Theme of the Work. Essay "Book of Humanity" (according to the story of Treepolsky "White Bim Black Ear")

Tale "White Bim Black Ear" Troypolsky wrote in 1971. The author dedicated the work of A. T. Tvardovsky. Central theme Tale is the topic of mercy. Using the example of the story about the dog Bime, the author shows that a person in any situation should remain a person, to show kindness, take care of our smaller brothers.

main characters

Bim - Dog "From the breed of Scottish setters with a long pedigree. There was an atypical color: white color With "red-sized podpoals", one black ear and one black foot.

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov - Bima owner, hunter, participant Great Patriotic War; Journalist on pensions.

Tolik - A boy who cared for Bim.

Other heroes

Stepanovna - Neighbor, which looked after Bim.

Dasha - The girl who helped Bima.

Chrysan Andreich - Temporary owner of Bim in the village.

Gray man - A man who removed a tablet from the Bim from the collar and beat the dog.

Aunt - Neighbor, unlightening Bim.

Chapters 1-2.

Bim was born from the thoroughbred parents of the setters, but had an atypical color. The owners wanted to drown Bim, but the puppy took the Ivan Ivanovich to him. The man was very attached to the animal and soon began to take a hunt with him. "By two years Bim became an excellent hunting dog."

Chapter 3.

Third summer passed. Bima wrote a complaint "squealing and fatty" aunt: supposedly the dog was dangerous. Paper brought the chairman of the house, but when sawing Psa, realized that Bim is kind and obedient.

Chapters 4-5

During the hunt, Ivan Ivanovich tried to be limited to one or two Waldshnepa for hunting and only for Bim not "bend like a hunting dog."

Ivan Ivanovich once took Bima on the cloud on the wolves. After this incident, the dog on the hunt has always showed the owner that I learned the mark of the wolf.

Chapter 6.

Ivan Ivanovich increasingly suffered from pain, he was disturbed by an old wound - a fragment of the heart. One day he became very bad. Ivan Ivanovich was taken to the hospital. The man asked her neighbor Stepanovna to look after the dog.

Bim ran over the owner. The dog on the trail reached the ambulance building and began to scratch into the door: it smelled his master. However, Bima was driven.

The next morning, the dog again got into search. Bim sniffed to people, considered them. PSA noticed passersby and caused a police. However, Dasha's girl passed for Bim. She took the dog home. Stepanovna told the girl that Ivan Ivanovich was sent by the aircraft to Moscow to make an operation.

Chapter 7.

In the morning, Dasha brought a bim's collar with a record, on which it was written: "Birth is BIM. Lives in the apartment. Do not hurt him, people. "

Neighbor released Bim to walk alone. The dog wandered into the park, the boys noticed him, brought a dog to eat. One of the boys, Tolik, fed Bima from hand. "Some uncle" came up to the guys with a cane - "gray" - and asked whose dog. Having learned that the dog draw, a man took her with him and led her home. He took off the collar from Bim, since he collected all sorts of "doggies" (medals, leashes, collars). At night, from solitude, the dog began to swell. Campering, "Gray" beat PSA stick. Bim attacked the man and jumped out of the apartment through the open wife's open wife.

Chapter 8.

"The days went over the days." Bim already knew the city well. Somehow the dog learned the smell of Dasha, who led him to the station. The girl was leaving. The dog ran for a long time behind the train, and after, longing, fell between the rails.

A woman approached almost dying Bim and drove it with water. Bim shoved in railway, he was grated his paw. At that moment the train was approaching. Fortunately, the engine managed to stop and freed the dog. Bim returned home.

Chapter 9.

Tolik found out where Bim lives, and now every day walked with a chromatic dog. An announcement appeared in the newspaper that a setter with a black ear walks around the city and bites passersby. Having learned about this, Tolik showed the PSA branch. The doctor concluded that "the dog is not mad, and the patient."

Chapter 10.

Gradually Bim began to get better, but only late in the fall could be four paws. Neighbor again began to let the ps walking one.

Somehow Bim picked up the chauffeur, who drove them with Ivan Ivanovich for hunting. The chauffeur sold a dog to a friend for 15 rubles. New owner Chrysan Andreich called the PSA "Chernukh" and took with him to the village.

Chapter 11.

In the village for Bim, everything was unusual: small houses, pets and bird. The dog quickly "accustomed to the yard, to his population, was not surprised in life."

Chapter 12.

Chrysan Andreich took the pastry of sheep with him. PSA has a duty to "rotate unauthorized sheep to the herder, follow them."

Somehow, Andreich's Christian came to Christ - Klim, and began to ask to sell Bim. However, the owner refused: earlier he gave an announcement to the newspaper that the dog was "stuck," and received the answer: "Do not declare. Let him live up to the term. "

Chrysan Andreich allowed just to take the ps on the hunt. The next day, Klim and Bim went to the forest. Not accustomed to large miner, the dog missed the hare. Klim became very angry and hit Bima boot. The dog fell. Klim threw the dog in the forest.

Bim, who lost consciousness from strike, soon woke up and, barely stepped in, found therapeutic herbs.

Chapter 13.

The dog spent five days in the forest until he was better, and returned to the city. On the trail Bim found the house of Tolik. The boy was glad to the dog, but the parents categorically did not want to leave the dog at home. At night, Tolik's father took Bim into the forest and threw there.

Chapter 14.

Bim returned to the city and again came to the house of Tolik. The boy's father tried to catch PSA, but it was possible to escape.

Chapter 15.

Bim shoved to the house of Ivan Ivanich. However, having seen a dog, that very shouting aunt called the "quarantine plot." Bima was caught, put in the iron van and took into a dog receiver. Having woke up in the "Iron Prison", the dog began to scratch the door. "He gnawed by the teeth of Clocks fastmets and reappeared, already lying. Call I asked. " By morning, the dog arrived.

Chapter 16.

Ivan Ivanovich returned in the morning. A man began to ask the station at the station, did not see anyone in Bim. Ivan Ivanovich went to a quarantine plot. The man barely managed to persuade the guard to open the door of the van.

"Bim lay a nose to the door. Lips and gums are amazed about torn edges of tin. He scratched into the last door for a long time. Scratched until the last breathing. And how little he asked. Freedom and trust - nothing more. "

Chapter 17.

In the spring, Ivan Ivanovich took a new puppy, herself and Tolik. It was a "breeding, typical English setter", which also called Bim. "But he will never forget the old friend."


In the story "White Bim Black Ear", the author talks about the fate of the dog, which until the latter remains true to his owner. Portraying the suffering of the animal, his longing around the house, the author as if he compares the good one, dedicated ps. And all those people who have met: many of them by positive qualities inferior bima.

The story "White Bim Black Ear" is translated in more than 20 languages. We recommend not to stop on the retelling of the "white Bim Black Ear", and read the work completely to survive all the events described in the story together with the heroes.

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Brief essay White Bim Black Ear

Brief essay White Bim Black Ear Will start with general description Books, and this book, as you can guess from the name, about the dog and her hard fate. In writing on the book White Bim Black Ear Have a description of the dog and you will understand why the author chose exactly the name of the book. And the dog was from the breed of hunting setters, only those dogs have a black color with red spots, and our Bim was, say, with marriage. Its color was white and only the ear was black, but the second redhead. Such a puppy was rejected and he fell into the hands of a new owner, to the former soldier Ivan Ivanovich. Got, being a puppy and here the dog learned what kind of good and human love. The dog and his owner became real friends. The life of the dog was having fun and interesting, the dog's dog did not care in his owner, the owner himself also could not live without PSA, and this was three years.

That's just life presented to us different surprises, including unpleasant. Then the book White Bim Black Ear and my writing reasoning will tell about the other side of the life that the dog learned when her owner became bad and he was taken to hospital. Only the dog did not know and could not understand that the owner would not see anymore. The dog continues to be loyal to wait and believe that Ivan Ivanovich will return, but the longing is so great that the dog goes to search for the owner and here faces human cruelty in the face of the clime, aunt, gray. These are the people who cruelly reacted to the PSU and who caused his brutal death. But, I met the dog on the way and good peopleThis is Dasha, and Lesha, and Tolik and others. They helped the dog in difficult moment, helped search for the owner. It is only very sorry that everything is so badly ends.

It would like to complete my work on the work of the White Bim Black Ear to complete what the dog found a new and good owner, with whom the dog lived to his last days, but the author created a completely different ending. Our PSA is sent to those who know. It was difficult to read, because tears could not be stopped. How was the dog scratched at the door, how did he want to get out. But, the world is cruel. The dog dies from torment and from longing about Ivan Ivanovich.

The material was prepared by a well-deserved teacher of the Russian Federation Zakharchuk Alla Ivanovna literary arguments for the composition-reasoning, part of the Russian language 1), Pretopolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" Bim meets different people - Good, evil, indifferent. Such as Tolik, Matrön, Dasha help the dog. There are among people and those who betrays, are killed. Because of the human malice suffers from BIM. Ivan Ivanovich brought in Bim's kindness and faith in man. When the owner was taken to the hospital, the dog really waited for him. These two felt responsible for each other, because they were "tamed." Remembering the attitude towards himself, Bim is trusting about people when Ivan Ivanovich is taken to the hospital. 2) V. Izeznikov. "Stuffed". Moral lessons Tale: not be cruel to people, to animals and plants - to everything alive on earth; Protect your human dignity, not allow him to trample anyone and never; You need to learn to understand people, because disappointment hurts the soul. Lena Zrazseltseva in difficult trials that had fallen on her adheral years, all the time Santa saw the grandfather, felt his nature, relied on his shoulder. Nikolai Nikolayevich helped her survive and not break. Lena rated it. Yes, old people need to take care, listen to their advice, appreciate their experience and willingness to divide the trouble close man. In this lesson, all of us. The theme of teenagers in relation to their peer, not like everyone else. Lena Besseltseva became the object of ridicule in the classroom. His classmates arranged a boycott, and then committed a terrible act: burned the scarecrow, portraying the girl. The iron button, redhead, shaggy and other peers of Lena, who organized difficult tests of the girl, I think, got a lesson for life. The heroine story says to his classmates: "Honestly, I feel sorry for me. Poor you, poor people. " What did Lena Zrazseltsy mean and is she right? Yes, rights: Her peers are poor not only in the lifestyle (lack of interest, empty pastime, primitive entertainment), but also on spiritual qualities (coarse, indifferent to someone else's misfortune, envious, cruel). 3) A.Platonov. "Unknown flower." This story about a flower, which grown among stones and clay. He worked a lot, overcame the mass of obstacles to light up alive fire. The flower really wanted to live. We needed a great power of will, relentless stubbornness to survive. A. Platonov in his fairy tale claims that you need to work a lot to live and not die to shine with bright flames to others and call to yourself the silent voice of the joy of life. 4) a. Saint Exupery. " Little Prince" "The right, adults are very weird people", Following the little prince we can repeat. Often adults do not understand their children at all. Did they ourselves were not small? Why they do not always respond to children's questions, do not listen to their child? Little prince lived alone on a very small planet, on which there were only volcanoes. Every morning, the hero cleaned their volcanoes, he was stolen the land so that Baobabs did not grow. And people instead of maintaining order on their planet, cultivate their garden, decorate their home, lead wars, insult with their greed beauty of life. The little prince argues that it is necessary to restore order on its planet and work every day. Little prince goes to wander. It turns out to be on the planets, where the king and ambition, a drunkard and a business man, a lamprik and geographer live. The hero is not delayed in any of them, because he sees the vices, but does not understand and does not accept them. Plust and ambition, drunkenness and greed, fatalism and ignorance - all this prevents people to live. Only on Earth, having met the snake, flower and fox, a small prince, knows wisdom: "Zorko is one heart." The hero returns to his planet, to a rose, which has already managed to tame. This tale teaches us to be "responsible for those who have tamed", that only the heart you can feel the love that a person threatens loneliness among the crowd that the one who has no roots is doomed to loneliness. 5) Sasha Black. Story "On the Lunar Night." This story about the house, about loneliness and good luck. All heroes, except for children., Homeless and rootless. They lack happiness. And it is so necessary for everyone, because life is given to a person for happiness. The gardener dreams of how to buy a house in which he was born. Lydia Pavlovna, sitting by the sea, remembers when she was the last time insanely and just happy. But happiness is always there, you just need to be able to find it. This conclusion brings readers by the author. . I think the story is the desire for happiness, the ability to be happy in the world under the sun and the moon with other people, nature. 6) K. Pouustovsky. "Telegram". "Be a person," says Powesty. - For good pay good! " We must not forget about the closest, most native people who need your attention, care, warm, kind words, and it may be too late. So happened with the main character of the story of Nastya, which because of the eternal fuss, lacking time to write and come for three years did not see the mother. And Katerina Petrovna waited for her only daughter, but did not wait. The old woman was held on the last path, and the daughter was late for the funeral, looked away all night and left early from the village (it was ashamed of people). I did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the mother. 7) A.Grin. "Green lamp". The story that a person should build his destiny himself, overcoming difficulties, and not passively wait for good luck, not to turn into a "toy" of another person. John IV at the end of the story becomes a doctor. He managed to keep his dignity and fulfilled his dream. Yes, a person is not a toy of fate, but her Creator, if he has a desire and the will of something to achieve, if he works and believes his strength.

Today's people are already aware of the care of life in all its manifestations as a moral debt. And above all - writers. An outstanding phenomenon was the talented story of Treopolsky "White Bim Black Ear". Analysis of the work is offered to your attention.

Seventeen chapters of the book cover all the lives of the dog and its relationship with man. At the beginning of the story, BIM is a very tiny, a monthly puppy, which, clumsily turning on weak paws, sculits, looking for a mother. He soon got used to the warmth of the hands of a man who took him to his house, began to respond very quickly on the owner's affection. Almost all the narration about the life of the PSA is associated with the vision of the world Bim, with the evolution of his perception. First, this is an excessive information about the surrounding: about the room where it lives; About the owner of Ivan Ivanich, a good and affectionate man. Then - the beginning of friendship with Ivan Ivanovich, the friendship of mutual, devoted and happy. The first chapters are major: Bim early, with eight months, serves big hopes like a good hunting dog. The world opens a bim with his good parties. But in the third chapter, an alarming, alarming note appears - Bim met with a street dog Lochmatic and led her to Ivan Ivanchu. Everything seemed to be good, but in the middle of the chapter there is a phrase that bitter fate will still take Bim and Lochmatch.

This phrase is a forerunner of changes in the life of PSA: Ivan Ivanovich was taken to the hospital. It was necessary to operate the fragment, which twenty years, since the time of the war, he wore around the heart. Bim remained alone, stayed waiting. This word is now absorbed for Bim all odors and sounds, happiness and loyalty - everything related to the owner. Troyopolsky holds a bim through several test circles: being alone, he gradually recognizes how unequal people can be. In the life of Bim, not only friends appear, but also the enemies: a smoke man with fleshy dynamic lips, who looked at the "live infection" in Bim, whining aunt, which is ready to destroy this "lousy dog." All these characters are given Satirically, in them grotesque emphasized disgusting, inhuman.

BIM, earlier, ready to lick the hand of this very aunt, not from love for her, and from gratitude and confidence in the whole man, now begins to notice in human world Friends and enemies. It is easier for him with those who are not afraid of him, stray PSAwho understands what he is waiting. True, he belongs to children.

But it was time - and Bim found out that among children there are all sorts of children, such as a red cavalo boy who teased the girl Luce for sheltered Bim.

It has come or more hard times: Bima was sold for money, taken into the village, gave him another name - Chernukh. He learned and doubt the man and fear people. He fiercely beat the hunter for the fact that Bim did not strangle the wounded hare. Tolik's parents were even more cruel enemies, which brought Bim home. The head of the "Happy and Cultural Family" Semyon Petrovich pretended to be agreed to leave the dog to leave the dog, and at night secretly taught Bim on the car in the forest, tied to the tree and left there alone. This scene seems to vary folklore motifs And the motive of Pushkin's fairy tales: "And leave it there to eat wolves."

But Troypolsky story - not fabulous work. The writer shows that wolves are not meaningless and unfortunately cruel. The word in excuse and protection of wolves is one of the strongest author's retreats in the story.

Starting with the twelfth chapter of events, everything is rapidly developing and becoming more intense: weakened, wounded by Bim returns from the forest to the city and is looking for Ivan Ivanch again.

"... about great courage and long-suffering dog! What strength created you with such mighty and indestructible, that even in a death hour you drive the body forward? Al little little, but forward. Forward, where, where, perhaps, it will be a trust and kindness to the unfortunate, lonely, forgotten dog with a clean heart. "

And at the end of the story, like almost forgotten traces, again pass before the eyes of the reader of the place where Bim was happy: the door of the house in which he lived with Ivan Ivanovich; High brick fence, followed by his friend's friend Tolik. No door opened before the dog wounded. And again his longtime enemy appears - aunt. She makes the last and most terrible cruelty in the life of Bima - she gives him to the iron van.

Bim dies. But the story is not pessimistic: Bim is not forgotten. Spring in the clearing, where he is buried, Ivan Ivanovich comes with a little puppy, new Bim.

This scene claims that there is no liveback circuit that birth and death is constantly close, which is forever updated in nature. But the final episodes of the story do not have to die in the form of universal spring babysitting: he was shot, two more. Who shot? In whom?

"May be, evil person Wounded his handsome man and finished it with two charges ... And maybe someone from the hunters buried the dog and she was three years old ... "

For Troopolsky, Humanist writer, Nature is not a temple, which has peace and confusion. It has a constant struggle of life and death. And the first task of a person is to help life establish yourself and defeat.

Nina Shilova
Feedback on the read story of Troopolsky "White Bim - Black Ear" for students of 5-6 classes

I read the sad story g. Troypolsky« White Bim Black Ear» . This book is not only correct to the end of the devotional setter Bime, but also about good and evil people, about the relationship of man and nature.

The main character is a hunting dog Bim, he white with black ear and black paw, Other ear has it, good and smart eyes. His owner became good Ivan. Ivanovich-participant, he lived with a fragment in his chest. When he became very bad to him, he fell into the hospital. From this time, Bim began all the troubles.

It is a pity that the dog could not understand the meaning of the farewell words of man. Bim did not know where a good friend left, he could only wait for him. But from parting, he really missed and decided to go in search of a beloved owner. It was a dangerous journey in which the dog found out that there were not only good people in the world, but also bad. Poor -tolka, Klim, Gray, Semyon Petrovich and others. Good I. responsive people - Tolik, Stepanovna, Lucia, Dasha, Petrovna, Alyosha; they helped Bima on his hard way to dear friendAlthough they did not find the owner of the dog. Bim continued to seek Ivan Ivanovich. During searches, the dog became disabled person: He was stripped his paw on the arrow. Efforts good people Bim recovered. His new friend Tolik walked him, but his parents were against such communication. The evil uncle hit the dog on the head and overwhelmed the ad that Bim washed. From the clima, he was injured, even hurried like a man. . The opposite aunt sent good Psa. on a stiguous In their own last Minutes Life he scratched at the door of the van for a long time, until last breathing. Bim died from long mumeni. And longing for beloved Ivan Ivanovich.

But the life of Bima was not meaningless, she reflected good on many fate-fading Tolik and Alesh, Tolik's parents changed their attitude to Bim and allowed his son to keep the dog at home, helped Ivan Ivanovich find new acquaintances.

In Ov tale The author shows a big friendship and mutual understanding between a person and a dog, as well as kindness, devotion and humanity. A person should always remain a good man who is capable of compassion. Obligating the suffering animal, BIM dog, the author shows people who have lost humanity. . The writer opened me inner world Dogs with all her experiences, joy and forced me to think about many things, about another person - a dog, which is ready to serve faith and truth, passing through troubles and misfortunes. He calls me and love all people, take care, not betray them. This is what the work attracted me.

I really liked tale G.. TroypolskyShe deeply touched my soul, it was sad and sad, and in my eyes there were tears. I realized that in life you have to be kind, fair and merciful person, like Ivan Ivanovich. People, please be such a thing!

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