As the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky lived. Chukovsky Korean Ivanovich - Biography, Life History: Good Grandfather Roots

As the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky lived. Chukovsky Korean Ivanovich - Biography, Life History: Good Grandfather Roots
As the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky lived. Chukovsky Korean Ivanovich - Biography, Life History: Good Grandfather Roots

Chukovsky Korean Ivanovich (1882-1969), real name and surname Nikolay Vasilyevich Korechukov, Russian writer, poet, translator, literary critic.

Born 19 (31) March 1882 in St. Petersburg. Writer for many years suffered from what was "illegitimate". The father was Emmanuel Solomonovich Leenson, whose family lived with a servant of Kornea Chukovsky. The father left them, and his mother - the Poltava peasant Ekaterina Osipovna Korneyukhukova - moved to Odessa. There he was given to the gymnasium, but in the fifth grade it was expelled due to low origin. He described these events in the autobiographical story "Silver coat of arms". Engaged in self-education, studied English. Since 1901, Chukovsky begins to write articles in the "Odessa news". Chukovsky journalist Vladimir (Zeave) Jabotinsky joined the literature, later became an outstanding political Zionist figure. Then in 1903 he was sent by the correspondent to London, where he thoroughly familiarized himself with English literature. Returning to Russia during the revolution of 1905, Chukovsky was captured by the revolutionary events, visited the battleship "Potemkin", collaborated in the journal V.Ya. Bruce "Scales", then began to publish a Satyrian magazine "Signal" in St. Petersburg. Among the authors of the magazine there were such well-known writers as Kuprin, Fedor Sologub and TEFFI. After the fourth number, he was arrested for "Insult Majesty". Fortunately, the rooting Ivanovich, he defended his famous lawyer Surgonberg, who achieved justification.

In 1906, Kornei Ivanovich arrives at the Finnish town of Kuokkal, where he brings close acquaintance with the artist Repinic and writer Korolenko. Also the writer supported contacts with N.N. Jerinovov, L.N. Andreev, A.I. Kuprina, V.V. Mayakovsky. All of them later became the characters of his memoir books and essays, and home handwritten Almans Chukochal, in which dozens of celebrities left their creative autographs - from Repin to A.I. Solzhenitsyn, - over time turned into an invaluable cultural monument. Here he lived for about 10 years. From the combination of Words Chukovsky and Kuokkal formed "Chukocal" (invented by the Repin) - the name of the handwritten humorous almanac, which Ivanovich was rooted until the last days of his life.

In 1907, Chukovsky published the translations of Walt Whitman. The book became popular, which increased the fame of Chukovsky in a literary environment. Chukovsky becomes an influential critic, bulvaceous literature (articles about A. Verbickskaya, L. Charskaya, the book "Nat Pinkerton and modern literature" and others) Chukovsky's sharp articles were published in periodicals, and then compiled books "from Chekhov to this day" ( 1908), "Critical stories" (1911), "Persons and masks" (1914), "Futurists" (1922) and others. Chukovsky is the first investigator "Mass culture". Chukovsky's creative interests were constantly expanding, his work eventually acquired an increasingly versatile, encyclopedic character.

Bringing on the advice of V.G. Korolenko to the study of Heritage N.A. Nekrasov, Chukovsky made a lot of textual discoveries, managed to change for the better aesthetic reputation of the poet (in particular, conducted among the leading poets - A.A. Bloka, N.S. Gumileva, A.A. Akhmatova et al. - Ankrug survey "Nekrasov and we"). His efforts came the first Soviet assembly of Nekrasov poems. Chukovsky finished work on it only in 1926, recycling the mass of manuscripts and supplying texts by scientific comments. The result of this research was the book "The skill of Nekrasov", 1952, (Lenin Prize, 1962). Along the way, Chukovsky studied poetry T.G. Shevchenko, literature of the 1860s, biography and creativity A.P. Chekhov.

Heading at the invitation of M. Gorky Children's Department of the Publishing House "Parus", Chukovsky and began to write poems (then prose) for children. From this time since the rooting Ivanovich begins the passion for children's literature. In 1916, Chukovsky made a collection of "Christmas tree" and wrote his first fairy tale "Crocodile" (1916).

The work of Chukovsky in the field of children's literature naturally brought him to the study of a children's language, the first researcher of which he became. It became his real hobby - the psyche of children and how they master the speech. Its famous fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Tarakanishche" (1923), "Muha-Codo" (1924), "Barmalei" (1925), "Phone" (1926) - unsurpassed masterpieces of literature "for small", still published So it can be said that in these fairy tales Chukovsky successfully used the knowledge of the children's perception of peace and native speech. He recorded his observations of the children, behind their verbal creativity in the book "Little Children" (1928), which then received the name "from two to five" (1933).

"All other my writings are tested by my children's fairy tales to such an extent that in the presentation of many readers I, except for Moydodyrov and Muh-Cocotuch, did not write anything at all."

Chukovsky's children's poems underwent in the Stalin era of cruel injury, although it is known that Stalin himself repeatedly quoted the "cockroach". N. K. Krupskaya became the initiator, inadequate criticism proceeded from Agnia Barto. In the environment, the editors arose even such a term - "Chukovska".

In the 1930s. And later, Chukovsky is engaged in a lot of translations and begins to write memoirs, over which he worked until the end of life. Chukovsky opened to the Russian reader W. Whitman (which he also dedicated to the study "My Whitman"), R. Kipling, O. Wilde. Translated by M. Twena, Chesteton, O. Henry, A.K. Doyle, W. Shakespeare, wrote for children retelling works D. Defo, R.E. District, J. Greenwood.

In 1957, Chukovsky was awarded a scientific degree of doctor of philological sciences, in 1962 - the honorary title of the doctor of literature of the Oxford University. As Linguist Chukovsky wrote a witty and temperamental book about the Russian language "Live as life" (1962), resolutely opposed by bureaucratic stamps, the so-called "Office". As a translator Chukovsky is engaged in the theory of translation, creating one of the most authoritative books in this area - "High Art" (1968).

In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky also started the retelling of the Bible for children. He attracted writers and writers to this project, and carefully edited their work. The project itself was very difficult, in connection with the anti-religious position of the Soviet power. The book called "The Babylonian Tower and other ancient legends" was published in the publishing house "Children's literature" in 1968. However, the whole circulation was destroyed by the authorities. The first book publication available to the reader took place in 1990.

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky died on October 28, 1969 from viral hepatitis. At the cottage in Peredelkino (Moscow region), where he lived most of his life, now there is his museum there.

Chukovsky's fairy tales can be read from early childhood. The poems of Chukovsky with fabulous motifs are excellent children's works that are famous for the huge number of bright and memorable characters, good and charismatic, instructive, and at the same time, favorite children.

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The poems of Chukovsky read all the children without exception, and even what to say here, adults, too, with pleasure, remember the loved heroes of the fairy tales Chukovsky. And even if you do not read them your baby, meeting with the author in kindergarten in matinees or school in the lessons - will definitely take place. In this section, Chukovsky's fairy tales can be read immediately on the site, and you can download in formats.doc or.pdf any of the works.

About the rooter of Ivanovich Chukovsky

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky was born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. At birth, he was given another name: Nikolai Vasilyevich Korechukov. The boy was illegitimate, for which life more than once put it in difficult provisions. My father left the family when Nikolai was still quite small, and he moved to Odessa with his mother. However, there were failures there: from the gymnasium of the future writer was expelled, as he came from the bottom. Life in Odessa was a dismarket for the whole family, children often undernourished. Nikolay nevertheless manifested the nature of character and passed the exams, prepared for them on their own.

Chukovsky published his very first article in the "Odessa news", and already in 1903, two years after the first publication, the young writer went to London. There he lived for several years, working as a correspondent and studying English literature. After returning to his homeland, Chukovsky publishes its magazine, writes the book of memories and by 1907 it becomes famous in literary circles, the truth is not as a writer, but as a critic. A lot of forces of the roots of Chukovsky spent on writing works about other authors, some of them are quite famous, namely, about Nekrasov, Block, Akhmatova and Mayakovsky, about Dostoevsky, Chekhov and Sleptsov. These publications contributed to the literary fund, but did not afford the author.

Poems Chukovsky. The beginning of a career of a children's poet

Still the roots of Ivanovich remained in mind as a children's writer, it was Chukovsky's children's poems that made his name in history for many years. Fairy tales The author began to write quite late. The first tale of Kornea Chukovsky is a crocodile, was written in 1916. Moidodyr and cockroach came out only in 1923.

Not many know that Chukovsky was an excellent child psychologist, he knew how to feel and understand the children, all his observations and knowledge, he described in detail and fun in a special book "from two to five", which was first published in 1933. In 1930, having survived several personal tragedies, the writer was the main time to pay the writing of memoirs and the translation of the works of foreign authors.

In the 1960s, Chukovsky caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting the Bible to the children's way. Other writers were attracted to work, but the first edition of the book was completely destroyed by power. Already in the 21st century, this book was published, and it is possible to find it called the "Babylonian Tower and other biblical legends". The writer spent the last days of their lives in the dacha in Peredelkino. There he met with children, read them his own poems and fairy tales, invited famous people.

Name: Chukovski's roots (Korney Chukovskiy)

Age: 87 years old

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Place of death: Moscow

Activity: russian Soviet poet, Children's writer

Family status: was married

Chukovsky's roots - biography

The literary activities of Korni Chukovsky lasted 70 years, and life is almost 90. He was a doctor of science, hero of labor, but the children of the whole country called him without titles - grandfather roots.

Chukovsky not loved about the biography of his childhood. Even in the story "Silver coat of arms", where much embellished, it says: "Mom raised us democratically - needed." Mother, Ukrainian peasant Ekaterina Korneychuk, was a maid in the house of a rich Odessa doctor Leuvenon, where she came up with the Master's son Emmanuil and gave birth to Mary's daughter from him, and after three years, in March 1882, - Son Nicholas.

The family did not succeed, Emmanuel married another, but helped children money. Ekaterina Osipovna has kept a photo of a bearded man in glasses for many years and told the children: "Do not be angry with dad, he was a good man." But Chukovsky never forgave the Father for their poverty, for the stigma of "non-trap", for an understanding smirk, with whom family interlocutors treated him: "Sorry. Nikolay, how are you ... Vasilyevich? Or Emmanuilovich? "

At the age of 18, I barely be printed in the newspaper, he made the pseudonym "Koren Chukovsky" alone and later legalized him, and the middle name took the simplest - Ivanovich.

About the mother of the roots of Chukovsky, on the contrary, always recalled in his biography with tenderness. To feed the children, she in the morning until the evening was washing and ironing, while having time to prepare delicious and generally keep the house: "The room was small, but very elegant, it had a lot of curtains, flowers, towels, embroidered with patterns, and all this sparkle purity, since the purity my mother loved to passion and gave her all his Ukrainian soul. " Hardly able to read, Ekaterina Osipovna bowed before the scholarship and did everything to make her children to receive a good education.

Kolya even arranged in the only kindergarten in Odessa, where he became friends with the future prominent Zionist Vladimir Zhabotinsky. He generally had many friends with whom he was fishing, climbed in attic, launched the kites. Choking in "Kalamashki" - large drawers for garbage, - the boys dreamed of distant countries, and Kolya retells them the novels of Jules Verne and Emar. Already then literature invaded his life. He looked at the average women with a bewilderment with their small joys: "Did no one told them that Shakespeare is much sweeter than any wine?" Becoming older, he unbelievably the Meshchansky Odessa and at the first opportunity ran away from there.

The opportunity was far from immediately. At first, Kolya was excluded from the gymnasium by the infamous circular about the "kitchen kids". In the circular of this, approved by Alexander III, the study authorities were prescribed to allow in the gymnasium "only such children who are on the care of persons who represent a sufficient leader about the right above their home supervision and in providing them with the necessary convenience necessary for educational activities."

The study of one of the most educated people of Russia ended in the fifth grade, the work began on. He cleaned the network, glued billboard, painted fences. Zulled English, dreaming to leave somewhere in Australia. He was angry with the whole world, including his mother, once even beat her and, slamming the door, left home. From falling to the bottom of him, the literature was saved: "I run into the library every free minute, I read the swoping without any disorder and order." He tried to take a tutoring, but could not impose the necessary solidity to himself:

"I entered with my pets in long talk about outsiders - about how to catch tarantulas, how to make reed arrows, how to play pirates and robbers."

Zababy's friend helped, with which Nikolai became a reporter of the popular newspaper Odessa News. For the first time, he was a editorial board with a big book, which covered the gaping hole on his pants. But the bog articles of the young author were liked by the public, and soon he had already received 25-30 rubles per month - decent money for those times.

Simultaneously with work in his life, love appeared. Chukovsky has long liked a chubby black-eyed girl from the neighboring street - the accountant Maria Paldfeld. It turned out, he was not disseminated to her, but her ridikh ate was against Nikolai and Masha escaped from the parent home to join his fate with her beloved. In May 1903, they were married and soon when Nicholas were offered to become a correspondent of the "Odessa News" in England, went to London.

Nikolai forever fell in love with this country, although his English, who he mastered the tutorial, nobody did not understand there. He improved him, from morning to evening studying in the library of the British Museum. Pregnant Masha, Zakokhav, returned to Odessa, where the son of Nicholas gave birth to. With the intervals of three years in the family, two more children appeared - Lydia and Boris. In a large family, the ghost of lambress was settled for a long time. Making it well, Chukovsky was very impracticious: for example, leaving from England, a camera bought a camera and a clock with a chain for the last money, so that the steamer had to go with a hare.

In Russia, Chukovsky met a starting revolution. In June 1905, the "Potemkin" armored carnaposta arrived in Odessa - Chukovsky managed to get there and wrote a bold report, which forbidden for censorship. Usually apolitical, it covered a common impulse of the struggle for freedom. Having left for St. Petersburg, he started the publication of the Satyrian magazine "Signal", persuading to write such famous authors to him as Kubrin, Sologub and TEFFI. Very soon, the magazine was banned, and Nicholas as the editor arrested, accusing in the "insult to Majesty." Released on bail, he released a journal at some time, hiding from police surveillance. Then, feeling that the publishing thing is not his path, returned to the writer.

He became very quickly with his own in the metropolitan book-journal world - to resist the charm of this cheerful, friendly, living, like mercury, the person was resolutely impossible. He fell in love with even severe Lion Tolstoy, it was at his request that the famous article "I can not silent!".

In any society, the arrival of Chukovsky - a long-legged, ruddy, with sticking vortices of black hair made a cheerful task. Nobody knew that in his diaries go and the case appears "Empty", "boring", "all the time I think about death." Lydia's daughter later confirmed: "Ivanovich's roots were a lonely man, closed, suffering from severe despair attacks." In order not to suffer from close people, he smelled irritation on the "distant" - namely, the victims of his critical articles.

In the newspaper "Speech" Chukovsky led the heading "Literary chips", where she rizued nonsense and lamps as unreserved graphic and mastty authors. For example, Kupper, in one of whose stories, the pigeon kept a letter in the teeth. Writers compared Chukovsky with a wolf and were afraid to get on his "a huge scary tooth" - it was not different words that fearlessness did not differ. Alexey Tolstoy in the diary wrote that Chukovsky looks like a dog that a lot beat, and now she barks and bite without a reason.

The victims of his criticism scolded Chukovsky "Jew" and "Bandit", caused a duel, tried to beat. Chukovsky moved away from sin, Chukovsky moved with his family to a spa place near Petersburg, Koookell, where he lived next to the artist and became friends with him. Repin came up with the name of his handwritten almanac "Chukocal", which became the real encyclopedia of the Russian culture of the 20th century -Mogenous guests of Chukovsky recorded the wishes and sharpness, painted cartoons, the owner answered the same.

The newspaper jet stay almost no time to work on serious things. Nevertheless, he translated the American poet Walt Whitman in Russia and wrote a book about him. He took up the work of Nikolai Nekrasov. He worked for five, but was unhappy with himself: "For two years only pretended that I wrote, but in fact squeezed some fallen thinners from the sluggish, sleepy, bloodless brain." The works of discontent with their "adults" gradually led Chukovsky to children's literature: it was the sincerity, those unoccasiated words that were so lacking adult literature.

He compiled a children's anthology of "Fire-Bird" - to confront the "sentimental bazaar rubbish", swelling bookshelves. And in 1916, when he one after another wrote patriotic articles on the theme of World War I, Chukovsky suddenly was born the first of his famous fairy tales - "Crocodile": there was a crocodile. He walked down the street. Papiros smoked, spoke in Turkish. Crocodile, crocodile crocodalovich!

With such an intonation with children in Russia, they did not yet spoke - without teaching, without didactics, sometimes jokingly, but always honestly, rejoicing with them with the beauty and a variety of peace. Perhaps because Chukovsky was sincerely rejoiced by the overthrow of the tsarism, although it was soon clear, he was soon. A 35-year-old famous critic was completely unmarked.

However, the roots of Ivanovich quickly proved his need. Entering the editorial board of the publishing house "World Literature", he convinced the Bolsheviks that the publisher should acquaint workers with the culture of past eras by creating new, "right" translations. Of course, nothing came out of this venture, but it allowed the best Russian writers to survive hunger and cold in Revolutionary Petrograd. Since then, Chukovsky has learned to get along with the Bolsheviks, not expressing his discontent, - except that it is very joking. Here, for example, in "confusion", written in 1922: "They were jammed by kittens:" Tired of me to meow! We want, how piglets, grunt! " - Why not an image of the revolution?

Chukovsky's official position was not used - with all the hungry, Merz, dragged the water from the river to his fourth floor. "From hunger swollen legs," he recorded in a biographical diary. And endlessly helped others: someone knocked out the pieces, saved someone from the seal. At the same time, it seemed to many that he did not like people - in any case, adults. , called Chukovsky "White Wolf", wrote: "All anecdotes about his hostility with inaccurate. There was no real hostility - he hated Marshak no more than all his neighbors. "

But it was Chukovsky in the former House of Art of Arts ", the famous" disk ", where the writers could live in warmth and relative satiety. In their company, he met the new 1920 millet porridge with vanilla and carrot tea. And in February, Chukovsky was born daughter of Maria, who was all in the family called Mura, - Late, the most beloved child. Observations of growing Moore, then, as she studied to walk, speak, read, formed the basis of the famous book "from two to five." It was for Mura that all his fairy tales, poems and riddles were intended.

He wrote difficult, infinitely right text and scolding himself in the diary for media. "Tarakanische" - five text pages - written two months. "Muha-Costochuha", the masterpiece of lightness, all the forces took over the author for more than a month, so "wanted to swell." When I wrote for adults, I suffered even more - he did not really know, for whom he writes: new people caused a fearless amazement:

"Recently, the patient, I sat down on the steps from some kind of porch and looked at those new terrible people who were passing by. Surfacial, firm, with busty strong females. (Bright all died.) And in the gait, and in gestures they felt one thing: the war ran out, the revolution ended, let's enjoy and make a young. .. I have to love them, I love them, but, God, help my unlock! "

Only children pleased: the revolution made them rougher, cheerful, but they retained the purity of the soul and greedy curiosity - the qualities that Chukovsky valued most. For them, "Dr. Aibolit" was written - a free retelling of the Fairy Tales of the Englishman Hugh Lofting about the Good Dr. Dulittla. For them, and above all for Mura, who gave "Aibolit" many names of heroes. "Avoy" she called all the dogs, "Kurodo" - a parrot, who lived in familiar, "Bumba" - the father's secretary of Maria Ryzhkin, a glacast and similar to Ol. And Chukovsky himself came up with the evil robber Barmaley, after the Barmaleev Street, named by the name of the long forgotten homeowner.

Children were not interested in the origin of all these words, but they liked "Aibolit". But the party censorship was alerted - Chukovsky's children's books seemed too fun and idle. At first, forbidden the "crocodile" for the fact that there was mentioned elderly city. Then the "Muhu-Cocotuhu" for "Name Day" - after all, this is a religious rite. Even to the fact that flies with a mosquito on the illustration in the book are too close, inspiring bad thoughts.

In 1928, the Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya itself was struck by Chukovsky - the Nadezhda Konstantinovna itself, Lenin's widow, called his fairy tales "Bourgeois Mut", sprouting Soviet children. A little earlier, in 1926, the daughter of Chukovsky, Lydia, arrested for participating in the student circle and sent for two years in Saratov. And soon another, the most terrible misfortune came, - it turned out that Murochka, and before, often painful, suffers from incurable bone tuberculosis. The girl was blind, could not walk, cried from pain. In the autumn of 1930 she was taken to Alupka, in a sanatorium for teen tuberculosis. Two years of life Chukovsky passed as in a dream: he traveled to a sick daughter, tried to encourage her, composed poems and stories with her.

On November 11, 1931, Moura died in his father's hands: "She smiled - it was strange to see her smile on such a tormented face ... and did not finish telling me his dream. Lies flattering, serious and very stranger. But the hands are elegant, noble, spiritualized. I have never seen such ". I buried her in the same place, in the Crimea. Chukovsky himself lowered the coffin in the grave, made from the chest: "do it yourself. Long. " Then they went with his wife to walk - "I found yourself somewhere at the waterfall, sat down, began to read, talk, feeling all our creature that the funeral was not the worst thing: there was much more painful with her two-year dying."

He found the strength to live on. It was after the death of Mura that he became a universal "grandfather root", moved by the love of his daughter on the rest of the children. In Muurin Sanatorium, he communicated with the patients with interest, recorded their stories and wrote a story "Sunny" - about how boys and girls, despite his terrible diagnosis, joke, laugh, grow flowers and even expose the "enemies of the people." The latter was especially liked by the authorities, although the story was about a friend - about love for life.

Chukovsky suddenly made it possible to criticize "separate flaws": for example, a school education, which brought up a "class approach" in children instead of knowledge and love for the subject studied. In the fact that his adorable Russian literature in the textbooks write the Koryown Stationery, the roots of Ivanovich was indignant for a long time: "If the compilers were instructlessly sought to submit our literature in the most tasteless, not necessarily and unattractive form, they have achieved their goal."

Chukovsky's struggle with "Golostaps" from the drug addresses met the approval of the authorities - the arguments were required for the bureaucracy conceived by him. In January 1936, the writer was previously invited to speak at a conference on children's book. He applauded. In Euphoria, Chukovsky recorded a diary: "I want to do ten times more for children's literature than they have so far. I took upon myself the task - to give the Children of 14 books, and I will give them a ladies, at least a blow. "

In 1937, on the day of its 55th anniversary, he made a record: "The workload of the work is unprecedented ... But the mood is clear, festive." However, the euro mood has changed: then one, then another familiar Chukovsky was declared "enemies of the people." Their fate almost divided his daughter - her husband, a talented physicist Matvey Bronstein, was shot, and Lydia Korneevna itself was saved only because, on the advice of his father I urgently left Leningrad. On Chukovsky himself, there were also many denunciations. His surname appeared on arrest lists, but someone struck out him and Marshak. Chukovsky did not know that and, like many then, he kept the suitcase with things and at night alarmingly listened to the noise of the elevator.

In the summer of 1938, he could not stand the constant voltage and left Leningrad to Peredelkino near Moscow, where he was among the other writers allocated a cottage. Soon he received the Order of the Red Banner; They were going to give an even more honorable Order of Lenin, but Zluki Nikolai Aseev, whose poems of Chukovsky at one time donor, reminded the bosses that the roots of Ivanovich once published in the Cadet newspaper "Speech". Colleagues writers have repeatedly kick him and later - someone avenged for old resentment, someone religiously tip a competitor from premiums, benefits and literary orders. Chukovsky was put in the guilt, for example, what he did not appreciate Mayakovsky - at that time it was almost a sentence, was not interested in modern Soviet literature and "respected only translated from English."

From the experiences of the roots of Ivanovich, as always, was saved by work - in his famous book "The Art of Translation" taught how to translate books for children. And not only taught - he and his son Nicholas transferred such masterpieces of classics as the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggar", "Uncle Tom" hut, Kipona's fairy tales and, revoked "Baron Münhgausen" and "Robinson Cruzo".

Not too interested in politics, he met the beginning of the war rather calmly-superstitious propaganda, believed that the mighty red army would break the enemy with "small blood, a powerful blow." I assured the loved ones that Leningrad may not be afraid of the bombing, - "Who will the hand rushes to throw a bomb in the Admiralty or on the street Rossi?" Both of his son immediately went to the front: Nikolai all the war served in the coastal defense and returned to the hero, the author of the famous novel "Baltic Sky".

Younger, Boris, disappeared in the Moscow militia. In October 1941, Chukovsky and his wife were sent to evacuation to Tashkent. In the "Writing Echelon", he was constantly surrounded by children, and he, to relax a little, hung on the door of the coupe announcement: "Children! Poor, the seaman root is tired. "

In Tashkent, I liked Ivanovich, I liked it: "We live here well - satisfying and sobed, I read lectures, I am printed in Tashkent newspapers, I really like it - a poetic original city - all in the poplas - Uzbeks, a wonderful people, delicate, courteous." Soon the Lydia Korneevna with her daughter, Lydia Korneevna, came to him (now Elena Caesaren Chukovskaya is a famous literary critic, the loyal keeper of mother and grandfather's heritage). Not not knowing about the death of Boris, he was worried about his sons, for his beloved Leningrad, dying in the vice of the blockade. New books were not written; Began was the fairy tale "Obuzh Barmaley" seemed poster and clumsy. In addition, the writer received a new spread - the article in the newspaper "True" called the fairy tale "Fly and harmful shabby", as it depicts heroic fascism with fascism in the form of animals and birds.

In the autumn of 1942, Chukovsky returned from Tashkent. With difficulty, having evicted his apartment of the NKVD who took his apartment. In the war, a fracture came, but the joy of approaching victory was overshadowed by new fears. The "organs" agents in the writing environment were transferred by the "politically harmful" statements by Chukovsky: "In the conditions of despotic authority, Russian literature stalled and almost died. The last holiday of Chekhov, in which I participated eloquently showed what the gulp lies between the literature of the pre-advisory and literature of our days.

Then the artist worked for the best of his talent, now he works, raping and humiliating his talent. " Such conversations were then led by many writers, full hopes for close changes. But they quickly indicated in place: in 1946, after the "Zhdanovsky" decree on the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad", which was extruded by A. and, began the struggle against "rooted cosmopolitans." Then the new one - the latter - the fairy tale of Chukovsky "Adventures of Bibigon" was prohibited as "Utrejel and Sharing". Having learned about this, he was familiar to the diary: "So, again, I have an old year old age."

For several years, Chukovsky, with all his big family, lived only on fees, which he paid for comments on the works of "revolutionary poets" Nekrasov and Shevchenko. Increasingly, he felt alone, no one was needed by an old man. In the spring of 1947, an entry appeared in the diary: "Gorky, bitterly, that I no longer feel any talent that that goes over the verse, which gave me the opportunity to write" Muhu-Tsokotuhu "," Mojdodyra "and T d .. Absolutely left me. "

His 60th anniversary of his no one noticed - there were no guests, nor congratulations in newspapers. It is said that on that day Chukovsky went to the Peredelkinsky dacha balcony and, looking towards the Kremlin, shouted: "Wait, you will also have a fifty-third year, and sixty-fourth, and eighty second, and two thousand eleventh!" If this is true, then Ivanovich's roots, never distinguished by political inquire, was the prophet cleaner of Nostradamus.

The feeling of loneliness was exacerbated by the situation in the family: Maria Borisovna, broken loss of children, was sick not only physically, but also sincere. Chukovsky could only talk about this with the most close people. For example, with the son: "The whole family makes up such an impression that I - in anything that is not a borrowed sufferment, tortured by the despotism of his wife ... Meanwhile, this is a fact. None of you knows what role my grave guilt played here ... Now she is the destroyed sick person - is not my fault? "

Maria Borisovna died in 1955. Without it, Chukovsky seems to be orphaned: "This grief completely crushed me." I did not save the Khrushchev "thaw" who began in the country and literature, and finally returned to readers and "crocodile", and "Bibigon" and "Muhu-Cocotuhu". After the second congress of the Union of Soviet writers with his boring, official performances of writers from "Surkova Mass" (Poet Alexei Surkov was then the Secretary of the Union) Chukovsky did not doubt that all liberal relaxation for a while.

Nevertheless, he continued to write. Almost did not go out of conveyor, communicated mainly with children - his grandchildren and village guys. He told them all sorts of stories, climbed the game, and then built a library for them, whose shelves were taken by his books in an even place. Chukovsky for those years recalled Children's writer Natalia Ilyina, sister Marshak. During the first meeting, she expected to see the powerless old man - because Chukovsky was already under eighty. But in front of her appeared "a thin cheerful man with a white strand on his forehead, with a sharp, laughing glance, with big dark hands, without a single chance of old age ...

Since the minute, as I got into the orbit of a cheerful gray-haired person, I'm cleaned up like a chips ... So I was captured by the hand and is entrusted to the depth of the site, where there are a lot of benches, there is a bonfire for children ... right here, I let go of my hand, Ivanovich jumped on the bench, ran through her, laughed, jumped up somewhere dragged me somewhere, I don't remember what I showing it on the plot, then we ran to the house, it was running away, and he, he overpowed with long legs Through the steps, took off the stairs, I'm behind him ... "

By a long-standing habit of Chukovsky hid his feelings and experiences from extraneous. In 1965, losing his son Nicholas, he again gathered with the forces and returned to the affairs, which, as always, there was a lot. There was work on the theory of translation, over the works of Nekrasov, Wheatman, block, over the memories, published in the ZhZl series called "Contemporaries". There were foreign trips and awarding the title of honorary doctor of literature in Oxford, where the roots of Ivanovich read his "crocodile" in Latin and said the speech started by the words:

"In my youth I was a painter ..." There was a friendly help of many writers, including Opt Joseph Brodsky and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. And, of course, there were meetings with children, which still remember in Peredelkino. Once, for example, he came to the house of the Asmus philosopher and pulled him in the cinno sitting in the corner of sons in the contest - who will burn louder. And then declared: "I'll go from here. This is some kind of crazy house! " Poet Valentin Berestov, speaking once in kindergarten, was surprised: for some reason, children believed that the writer must sing and dance. It turned out that Chukovsky visited the garden on the day before, this eighty-year-old Patriarch was raised here such a wave of joy that she did not smack after his care, but rose again, picking up at the same time. "

Adults he could fool: for example, to lock from annoying fans: "Tell me, what I don't have that I died!" But she did not allow children to deceive or others. And I did not tolerate Lena, Raskannancy, condescending to himself - reported, for example, poetess Margarita Aliger: "There is no mood, and you do not work? Can you afford it? Ornate live! And I, confess, thought that you are a real professional working primarily and regardless of anything. " He himself was exactly such a professional and worked until the last days - in the hospital, where he was taken to viral hepatitis, finished the article about Wheam. True, I could not write - I dictated.

Kornea Chukovsky was not October 28, 1969. At the funeral literary critic Julian Oksman said: "The last person who was still hesitated to be shy." Many then had the feeling that "the connection of times" broke out, "people with completely different principles came to replace the generation of Chukovsky - or completely without any. Now there are no more people, and children are still reading the "crocodile", "Phone" and "Aibolit". "Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Tarakanische", "Fedorino Mountain", not suspecting that some of these works have been written without a small hundred years ago.

The works of Chukovsky, famous for a wide range of readers, are, above all, poems and rhymed fairy tales for children. Not everyone knows that in addition to these creations, the writer has global works about his famous colleagues and other works. After reading them, you can understand which works of Chukovsky will become beloved for you.


Interestingly, Ivanovich Chukovsky's roots are a literary pseudonym. A truly literary figure was called Nikolai Vasilyevich Kornechukov. He was born in St. Petersburg on March 19, 1882. His mother Ekaterina Osipovna is a peasant of Poltava province, worked as a maid in the city of St. Petersburg. She was illegal wife Emmanuel Solomonovich Levinson. At first, the daughter of Maria was born at first, and after three years the son of Nikolai was born. But at that time was not welcomed, so in the end, Levinson married a wealthy woman, and Ekaterina Osipovna moved to Odessa.

Nikolay went to kindergarten, then in the gymnasium. But he could not finish her due to low

Prose for adults

The writer's literary activity began in 1901, when his articles were published in the "Odessa news." Chukovsky studied English, so from the editorial office of this publication was sent to London. Returning to Odessa, he took a settlement participation in the 1905 revolution.

In 1907, Chukovsky is engaged in transferring the works of Walt Whitman. He translated into Russian he books and other tween, kipling, Wilde. These works of Chukovsky were very popular.

He wrote a book about Akhmatova, Mayakovsky, block. Since 1917, Chukovsky has been working on the monograph on Nekrasov. This is a long-term work, which was published only in 1952.

Poems of the children's poet

It will help to find out what the works of Chukovsky for children, the list. These are short poems that kids teach in the early years of their life and in elementary school:

  • "Glutton";
  • "Piglery";
  • "Slonich reads";
  • "Hedgehogs laugh";
  • "Give";
  • "A sandwich";
  • "Fedotka";
  • "Pigs";
  • "Garden";
  • "Turtle";
  • "Song about poor boots";
  • "Golobastics";
  • "Bebeka";
  • "Camel";
  • "Joy";
  • "Christmas tree";
  • "Fly in Ban";
  • "Hen".

It will help to learn the small poems of Chukovsky for children a list presented above. If the reader wants to familiarize himself with the name, years of writing and the shortest possible content of the literary figure, the list below.

The works of Chukovsky for children - "crocodile", cockroach "," Moydodyr "

In 1916, the roots of Ivanovich writes the "Crocodile" fairy tale, this poem was encouraged ambiguously. So, the wife of V. Lenin N. Krupskaya critically spoke in address of this work. Literary critic and writer Yuri Tynyanov, on the contrary, said that finally children's poetry opened. N. Bzchsky, writing a note in the Siberian pedagogical journal, noted in it that children with delight adopt "crocodile". They are constantly applauding these rows, listen with a big delight. It can be seen how it is a pity to part with this book and her heroes.

The works of Chukovsky for children are, of course, "cockroach". The fairy tale is written by the author in 1921. At the same time, the roots of Ivanovich came up with "Moydodyra". As he said himself, composed these fairy tales literally in 2-3 days, but it was nowhere to print them. Then he proposed to establish a periodic children's edition and call him "Rainbow". There were published these two famous works of Chukovsky.

"Wonder Tree"

In 1924, Korean Ivanovich writes a "miracle tree". At that time, many lived poorly, the desire to dress beautifully was only a dream. Chukovsky embodied them in his work. On the wonderful tree, not leaflets, not flowers, but shoes, boots, shoes, stockings. In those days, children had no pantyhose, so they put on cotton stockings that were attached on special suspensions.

In this poem, as in some others, the writer speaks of a purple. It was his beloved daughter, she died at the age of 11, sick tuberculosis. In this poem, he writes that the little knitted shoes of blue color with pompons, it describes that they took their parents from the tree.

Now there really is such a tree. But it does not disappear with it, and hang. It is drawn up by the efforts of fans of the creativity of the beloved writer and is near his house-museum. In memory of the fairy tale of the famous writer, the tree decorated with various objects of clothing, shoes, ribbons.

"Muha-Codochuha" - a fairy tale that the writer created, rejoicing and dancing

1924 was marked by the creation of a "mug-clook." In his memoirs, the author shares interesting moments that occurred while writing this masterpiece. Clear On August 29, 1923, Chukovsky covered immense joy, he felt with all his heart, as the world was beautiful and how well live in it. Rows began to be born themselves. He took a pencil, a piece of paper and quickly began to throw rows.

Having painted the wedding of flies, the author felt like a fiance on this event. Somehow, before he tried to describe this fragment, but no more than two lines could not draw. On this day, inspiration came. When he could not find more paper, just touched a piece of wallpaper in the corridor and quickly wrote on it. When the author began to talk in verses about the wedding dance flies, he began to write and dance at the same time. The roots of Ivanovich says that if someone had seen a 42-year-old man who worn in a shaman dance shouting words, he immediately records wallpaper on the dusty strip, would be suspected. With the same ease, he finished the work. As soon as it was completed, the poet turned into a tired and hungry person who recently arrived in the city with giving.

Other works of the poet for the young public

Chukovsky says that, creating children, it is necessary to turn into at least some time into these little people who are addressed to the lines. Then there comes a passionate spiritual lift and inspiration.

In the same way, other works of Korni Chukovsky were created - "confusion" (1926) and "Barmalei" (1926). At these moments, the poet experienced "heartbeat childish joy" and gladly recorded the rhymed lines, which quickly born in the head, on paper.

Other works were not given to Chukovsky so easy. As he himself admitted, they were originated at the moments of the return of his subconscious in childhood, but were created as a result of stubborn and long labor.

Thus, he wrote "Fedorino Mount" (1926), "Phone" (1926). The first tale teaches children of accuracy, shows what laziness leads and reluctance to contain their home clean. Excerpts "Phone" are easily remembered. Even a three-year-old kid can easily repeat them for their parents. These are the useful and interesting works of Chukovsky, the list can be continued by the fairy tales "Stolen Sun", "Aibolit" and other works of the author.

"Stolen Sun", plots about Aibolita and other heroes

"Stolen Sun" of the roots Ivanovich wrote in 1927. In the plot it describes that the crocodile swallowed the sun and therefore everything around plunged into darkness. Because of this, various incidents began to occur. The animals were afraid of the crocodile and did not know how to take the sun from him. For this, a bear was called, which showed the miracles of fearlessness and together with other animals was able to return the shine.

"Aibolit", created by Korneeh Ivanovich in 1929, also talks about the Gero - Doctor who was not afraid to go to Africa to assist the beasts. The fewer children's works of Chukovsky, who were written in subsequent years, are "English People's Songs", "Aibolit and Sparrow," Toptygin and Lisa.

In 1942, the roots of Ivanovich wrote a fairy tale "Obuch Barmaley!" This work the author finishes its stories about the robber. In 1945-46, the author created the "Adventure of Bibigon". The writer again glorifies a bold hero, he is not afraid to fight with evil characters who are more than several times.

The works of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky teach children to good, fearless, accuracy. They glorify the friendship and the good heart of the heroes.