Saw my good, I feel someone else's, I'll reorganize. I sow my good, I feel, someone else's, I'll reorganize what I mean my good

Saw my good, I feel someone else's, I'll reorganize. I sow my good, I feel, someone else's, I'll reorganize what I mean my good

Representation of the concept of "good" in the proverbs of the Russian language

Dolgova Anastasia Vyacheslavovna

student 4 Course, Department of Linguistics, FGBOU VPO "South Ural State University" (National Research University), branch in Ozersk


Averin Marina Anatolevna

scientific leader, Cand. Philol. Sciences, head. Department of Linguistics,

FGBOU VPO South Ural State University (National Research University), branch in Ozersk

This article is devoted to the Representation of the Lingucultural Concept "Good". It analyzes the frame-solid organization of this concept presented in the Russian folk painting of the world.

Under the concept, after G.E. Gulyaeva, we understand the conceptual unity of consciousness representative, which is culturally determined and reflects the complex of all ideas that arise from the native speaker due to any phenomenon.

The goal of our work is to identify the features of the concept of "good" in the Russian folk painting of the world, analyzing his frame-voice organization.

Material of our card files 100 proverbs of the Russian language, taken from the Collection V.I. Dalya gives the opportunity to present the concept of "good" three frames - "Positive value, good", "Property", "Negative result of a good deed." Frame is a way to organize ideas stored in memory.

Frame No. 1 "Positive value, benefit," according to our card files, is represented by six slots.

Frame can think as a hierarchical structure, where there is a top, dominant node and some many lower, subordinate nodes asked (slots; from the English slot "groove, hole").

The first slot "Action with a positive result". Under the action, we understand the manifestation of any energy, the strength of the functioning of something, the result of influence or impact, actions.

Wisher of good Like done good. Russian man good remembers. Good things good make one who remembers. The lies will not introduce into good. Good sow, good And reap. Science of life avail good,go by way of good, creature good .

Proverb's instruction « Good create - enjoy yourself It is as follows: each person must remember that when he makes a good action, he also makes himself pleasant too. A person should not be afraid to make good actions, only self-satisfaction will follow them.

Or another proverb - "Who good Creates, that God bless. "The Russian people are Orthodox people, the opinion of the Most High about the deed, the Russian people are very afraid of him. Therefore, the proverb warns and reminds that God sees everything and definitely thanks something positive for the perfect benefactor.

The second slot "Good deed" is represented by the following proverbs:

Making evil good There is no hope. By good - good, but at the Khudo - Loose; TO dobr. Browing, but from the thinness of it.

These proverbs are built on opposing good evil. The impact of the ages of the words are welcome and evil opposed to each other, this comparison is an integral part of the mentality of the Russian man: For good wait of good, for bad - Hud! On the famously wait for Liah, on good - good! or Heart - a thing: deplex where good, and where evil. That is why this slot is represented by a large number of proverbs.

In proverbs " Good Hoodly grind"And" Good It will definitely won evil, put it on his knees, and brutally kill»Clearly traced the attitude of the Russian person to the two concepts of" good "and" evil ". A person always hopes for the best, he believes that good wins evil that evil should not exist. And the only salvation against all the misfortunes, ailments and misfortunes is God's or whose virtue. Therefore, in these proverbs, no doubt is not traced in the omnipotence of good. And such proverbs have a huge set, which only confirms the correctness of our reasoning - " Thieme distinguish good From Huda, " « Who is evil doing - for himself, that good Does too for yourself ", « Good Breaks, but the famously will not forget ", « Good will not die, and evil will disappear ".

The third slot us is defined as the "temporary character of all the good and cloudless." Temporary is a non-permanent, valid for some time.

Old good minimally, to a new live not enough. It was good, yes for a long time; will be good, Yes, grief takes. It was good - minimally, will good, Yes, wait long.

In these proverbs, the attitude of a person to his life is revealed. In the old days, a lot of trouble went down on the Russian man. Traditionally, it was so necessary that troubled times had some superiority over bright times: cropping, drought, flooding, hunger occurred quite often. The gracious time came and left, and the person remained for a long time with his grief or misfortune: " It was good yes for a long time; wait of good yes long (but where is it?) ", « It was good, Yes, for a long time, it will be again, yes, we will not have ". Such proverbs reflect the faith of a person in the short-term of happy periods in life.

Slot No. 4 "Good deed does not advertise." About the kind or act should not shout, they do not need to throw. Over time, people themselves will learn about him. From this it will only be more noble and mean.

Make good, But do not stand them. True good Does not need a word. Good Made in secret, rewarded clearly. Good Solves - Hood will be known. Do It good And throw in the sea: the fish will not recognize, the Lord will know.

In all these proverbs, Morals are alone - if a person makes a good deed, he may have a dream about him, without fearing that he will not be rewarded for it, God is all-way and all-seeing, he knows everything.

Loudly stating the perfect, the person himself reduces the significance of his act in the eyes of other people:

Making good, do not stand, and from good and continue. Who, doing good Take the price to him diminishes.

These proverbs bear the meaning of the secret, disinterested good, as well as the renewal of those who speak of him in all.

Do good, Do to the end. Making good, do not see. Good then it will be dobro.When people are praised. Know who good give and whom to thank. New of good Do not celebrate, and what you do not know, learn.

All proverbs suggest that it is not so easy to make advocate, it needs to be done correctly, at the right moment, in moderate quantities worthy of people and so on. Moreover, you need to be able to thank you to make response actions.

The proverbs of the sixth slot argue: "Wealth and luxury do not cost anything compared to the good act."

Did not pose silver, and poured dobro. . On the Belligendige, the crowds run, and of good And do not want to know.

In these proverbs, the universal value of good is revealed: real values \u200b\u200bare fused in front of it. So that a person understands that there is nothing more expensive than a good attitude towards neighbor, there are things that do not measure money. The true value of a person as a person is revealed to his actions, people first of all should strive for kindness than money and wealth.

Proverbs united in the seventh slot says: "Good is not always equally equal for everyone."

Good turns to something real, having a quantity property. We discover that something positive, the opposite evil comes to a person, but not to each equally.

it happens good, Yes, not anyway.

Or, it is a person by virtue, perhaps greed, does not appreciate good. He always has little, no matter how good acts did not have.

Beer - good, Yes, little bucket.

Someone belongs to this tolerant: " it happens goodyes not anyway" And someone is at all glad to the most small, that he can offer him a good word: " I. good, What came to us ".

Welcome can not be measured. Equality of manifested good depends only on human perception. It needs to be loved to do and take, then a person will always feel full satisfaction with his life.

Frame No. 2 "Property", according to our card files, is represented by three slots.

The first slot "Property as a property." In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova The word "property" is interpreted as what is in whose n. Property owned by someone.

Dog Kosmat him - warm, man is rich in him good . Good , in someten the bucket: hoops under the bench, and riveting in the oven - it will not flow. Dano good- and get down and live. Live are well enough good Fight.

In these proverbs, the concept of good is revealed as a material value - a person acquired for his life: money, clothing, real estate, etc.

Proverb " Came to the house with all dobro. "Means the arrival or arrival in someone else's or a new home with all property, with all possible human belongings.

But in the proverb " For native good I also aprecineit is said that wealth and money can often be the cause of envy and disapproval by society.

The second slot "Each thing has its own thrift owner," is represented by the following proverbs: His hand yes above his dobro. Vladyka. Not so much owner you need good, how much dobr. master. These proverbs mean that any property necessarily belongs to someone and this someone has tremendous power over these things, is responsible for him.

Man is in constant fear for his property - Alien good fear fenced,

In the proverb " good SEY, I feel someone else's - I'll reorganize "a person shows her reverent attitude and extreme respect.

But the proverb " Naught good Although in the oven, even in the box "reflects the meaning that the owner of things has a sovereign right to dispose of it, as he wishes itself, regardless of the opinions of others.

Slot number 3 "Alien property does not bring happiness."

Self-rich will not be. Alien good Not previous. Alien good Rebet. Edge dobro. Do not divert. Alien good Not previous. Alien good The future does not go.

These proverbs talk about one of the terrible sins of humanity of theft, and that the thief always overtakes God's Kara. The fact that the stolen thing carries only trouble for the new owner is the irrefutable truth, and similar proverbs as it were to warn a person for his own good: " For strangers dobro. Do not chase with a bug. "« Choons dobro. Do not break down ". « Choons dobro. Do not build a house ".

Frame number 3 "Negative result of a good act."

In the socio-cultural stereotype of the Russian man there is a property to fear to do good unfamiliar people.

Done good, got evil. Yours dobro. Yes, in the same brow. For my same good, Yes, I broke the edge. Making good, Huda is not waiting. Done good, and in response, the enemy has gone.

Not every person in life follows ten commandments, some do not know how to appreciate it is good that they get from others. Often everything happens exactly the opposite, a person gets a knife in his back, where does not wait . The good act does not always follow a well-deserved remuneration.

A person, at least once he received meanness in response to his good intention, in the future he thinks several times before resolving anyone. Indeed, in this case, his disappointment becomes doubly stronger.

Thus, the analysis showed that the concept of "good" in the Russian folklore picture of the world is represented by the concepts of action with a positive result, about moral and material values, about a bad act in response to a good deed. We can confidently assert, in the material of our card files, this is confirmed that in the Russian language picture of the world the concept of "welcome" is most often associated with good deeds and actions of a person.


  1. Glyaeva G.E. . Visibility-sensual image of the concepts of the "Sun", "Moon", "Stars" in the work of K. Kinchev / G.E. Glyaeva // News of the Ural State University. - 2007. - № 49. - P. 241-247.
  2. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / V.I. Dal. - M., 1998.
  3. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian People / V.I. Dal. - M., 2009.
  4. Brief Dictionary of Cognitive Terms / E.S. Kubryakova, V.Z. Demyankov, Yu.G. Pankrats, L.G. Luzin. - M., 1997.
  5. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. / H. Ozhegov. - M.: LLC "ITI Technologies", 2003.
  6. Sousov I.P. Introduction to linguistics. - M.: East - West, 2006.

Saw my good, I feel someone else's, I'll reorganize.
Cm. His own is someone else

  • - For someone, you will chase, you will lose your own. Alien looking for his lost. Cf. Looking for both wishing Bolshago, and less than anyone else. Moslanіya Moscow Cathedral to KN. Dmitr. Shemyak. Cf. Alien looking for his lost ...
  • - someone else's good focus is neyte. Cf. What is Got Over The Devil's Back, IS SPENT Under His Belly. Cf. CE Qui Vient De La Flüte S'en Retourne Au Tambour. Cf. CE Qui Vient De Flot S'en Retourne De Marée. Per. What comes a tide goes away ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - See your -...
  • - See Motherland -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - see a torroticness -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See envy -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See someone else's envy ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Everyone is good. Anything myself. Hello I, yes, my mercy! Its hand only pulls. Any hand climbs. Every bird whirlpools his toes. Braft, the hand will not get tired ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See your -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Thieval, unclean on hand, fucking to someone else's ...

    Synonym dictionary

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Opposition "His" / "Alien" undeservedly forgotten episode of the noisy history of Soviet semiotics - organized in the fall of 1968 by the editors of the "foreign literature" a round table about structuralism, with the participation of V. B. Shchlovsky, B. L. Suchkov, P. V. Paliyevsky, E. M. Meretinsky, V. V.

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"His" and "Alien"

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"His" and "Alien" in the history of Russian thought there is a classic opposition: "Westerners" - "Slavophiles". As you know, the concrete people who argued in the 1830-1850s about the development of Russia in the 1830s and 1950s) so called themselves (and their opponents). Later, however, these group

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Or someone else?

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Or someone else? What did not put, not take it. Solon thirst for the possession is so strong that for sake of her thoughts, a person is ready to take away from the near the neighbor not only the property, but also the very life, it becomes the reason for the discrepania. In some sense, the phenomenon is more complicated than a simple

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His and someone else's Vic. K. Vadim Valerianovich, in your book, which we talked about last time, many pages are devoted to the heroic period of the history of Russia. Wad K. I apologize, but I took this definition from Pushkin. K. Thank you. So, speaking about the heroic centuries of Russia, about their

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"His" and "Alien" when in 1875 the Saltykov after a serious illness first leaving abroad, Nekrasov appealed to him with a poetic message that began in words: about our homeland in someone else's edge not forgot ... Strictly speaking, this appeal was unnecessary. Not only

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Someone else's lunch is sweet, yes not dispute.

Alien is not spore, will disappear soon; And keep your own, as I like Terebi.

Sound someone else's lunch, but all only on one day.

From foreign names are not to get the belongings.

Self-rich will not be. Alien good is not the future.

Faceless and big (i.e. and many) do not bet.

You can't get some kind of good. Alien is not easy.

In someone else's fat (i.e. good) you will leave.

In someone else's Humne, there is no brainstorm. On someone else's cous, it is not in the mustache.

On someone else's horse is not driven. Alien is not reliable.

Obzha's alone is not reliable, someone else's husband does not feed.

Free (someone else's) cattle - not a nurse.

Alien mind before the threshold. Alien mind is not a fellow traveler.

Punished mind to the threshold to live, and cross it, you will not buy.

Not born - not the Son, but not bought - not a coaster.

Live to people and yourself (i.e., live in such a way that it was good for people).

A stranger son is not a brainchild. Alien Mind is not a mind.

Do not sit under someone else's fence, but at least in the nettle, but under your own.

On someone else's hope, but your pasach!

On someone else's wealth do not hope, your take care!

Alien husband Mil, but not live with him; And my post down, dragging with him.

It is difficult to comb on the money.

Recall your relatives, do not remember money; Consider money, do not remember your relatives!

Bread-salt (Ushitsa) together, and fish in del.

Bread-salt together, and tobacco brit (in half).

You are Okrichnina me, yes, I'm not the zeal.

Cherry dust: not yours Bassed.

You see, do not dive; I'll show you, do you not take.

All God showed, but did not give everything (yes not everyone gave).

I'm not without a sheep. I am not a stealing sheep.

This cous is not your mouth. This mosop is not for your Sousal.

Came like on the laid (as ready, as on its own).

His good loses, and someone else wants.

There is no otherone else's, but not losing it (i.e. not to wind).

Alien is not enough, do not throw it!

Saw my good, I feel someone else's, I'll reorganize.

Do not make someone else's sorrel, but your type, yes, how did you move!

Alien do not take, do not come on!

Other people's money eaten their own (about growth).

In someone else's salvation, do not get down (about prayers).

Look for yourself, and otherwise do not want death!

Alien good fear fenced. On someone else's not my own.

You will regret someone else's - God will give your own.

I will regret someone else - God will send it.

Do not take your own, take care of someone else's. Someone else's take care, and its owns itself.

Take care of someone else, and your own - as you know.

I am the last word in the alphabet (Answer: Yes Az first).

Because of your good, look through your fingers, and someone else's follow!

Drunk, and about the corner head will not hit (he remembers himself and his).

Do not forget your, and someone else's not wise!

Love Sink (your), love and clear (i.e., fenced with a bracket, someone else's).

I would be glad to the soul, and the bread is stranger.

Caught not to dry (ancient).

From someone else's lunch is not ashamed of the essay stand.

From other people's gates is not ashamed to move anything.

From foreign gates lives and turn.

Alien to give - to pay it (not a misfortune).

From someone else's horse Sad dirt.

Each pig is a special blank. Know, pig, your key!

In someone else's garden, the goat is not allowed.

What raised (found), then not from the ground rose.

For some kind of good, do not chase with a bug!

In someone else's part there is no springs.

Anything (cares), and who is about me?

You feel healthy, and we do not speak.

Catching the wolf, and how the wolf is caught?

Catch the wolf, catch and wolf.

What in the other you do not like, and do not do it yourself!

Not everything for yourself, IO place for others (and for people).

It is better to give my own, rather than someone else's take.

Sheep fleece rags not to himself.

Nobody's judge in his business.

Martyn Aliegy Poltil is not waiting; It is Martyn for his Altyn.

For a joke, do not be angry, but no offense come on!

Angry wolf in the cabin himself his paw leaving, and he will not give up.

Food is not a foe, but I will go away (and who will nourish) - not let down (fabulous.).

Do not last, water, herself is young. Mute dumbly messengers.

Casting reads, and things do not know.

Do not condemn, so you will not be convicted.

The cab with a little (revenue), yes the horse is pretty.

To whom a red little word, whom a promsion.

Not all measured on your Arshin! Do not merry on your Arshin!

To whom what, and the arrow to Luka.

Big ship big and swimming. Big big road.

Flood ships, sand cranes.

By the growth of clothes, tissue (on the head of the header)!

I wanted to take two stools with a back, and the villages were taken - between two, naked.

Every pop sings in his own way. Saw in his own way.

Whose barbell, the same she feeds.

In every compound his belief.