All Ukrainian works for heat. Preparation for ZNO (VNO) in the Ukrainian language

All Ukrainian works for heat.  Preparation for ZNO (VNO) in the Ukrainian language
All Ukrainian works for heat. Preparation for ZNO (VNO) in the Ukrainian language

Preparation for ZNO by Ukrainian language and literature (external independent assessment) Is not a choice, but a necessity for every Ukrainian graduate. Firstly, it is impossible to enter higher education without an EIT certificate in this discipline. educational institution, secondly, the assessment of ZNO also falls into the school certificate, because at the same time it is an assessment of the state final attestation (Ukrainian DPA).

So, you need to know and learn Ukrainian. You may dream of the future of a veterinarian or agronomist, lawyer or financier - in any case, proper preparation for ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature gives you an advantage in entering a university, because you will need this certificate for sure.

Features of preparation for ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature

In one exam, an applicant must demonstrate knowledge in two subjects, and this is the only such format of ZNO. If you love to read and are well versed in literature, but miss the spelling and punctuation rules, you will not get a high ZNO score. If you have high level literacy and understanding of language processes, but Ukrainian authors are not interesting - you will also lose your competitive advantage. Prepare for ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature should be carefully in both subjects.

Huge amount of knowledge with which you can count on a high score. You should know all the rules (and exceptions to them!) Of pronunciation, spelling, use of punctuation marks, all kinds of sentences and parts of speech. Everything literary directions, styles, literary works and their heroes. This subject does not require special talent and is based on a person's basic ability to read and write, in contrast to narrow-profile physics or chemistry, but the array of information that should be remembered makes ZNO in Ukrainian one of the most difficult exams.

ZNO test format. Education according to the school curriculum and the current test of knowledge do not take place in the format in which the final test is carried out - tests. Therein lies a danger that should not be underestimated. A well-trained applicant who has carefully studied all the rules and exceptions to them, who has read all the works school curriculum and easily identifying the difference between modernism and postmodernism, can get a low score of ZNO precisely because of the unpreparedness for the test format of the exam.

An assignment with a detailed answer. This task is often neglected in preparation for the ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature. Applicants mistakenly consider it an analogue school essay and do not prepare sightingly. In fact, a task with a detailed answer must be completed in compliance with a number of clear requirements, with a certain composition, theses, arguments, examples from literature and history.

Preparation for ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature online

The EDUGET online education platform works with educators who are knowledgeable in ZNO and are known as specialists in their discipline. Online education provides an opportunity to learn from professionals not only for residents of large cities, representatives of wealthy families and students of prestigious schools. From anywhere in Ukraine, you can get access to the online preparation course for ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature, study from home and spend much less money on training than you would have to spend on a tutor. Online learning equalizes the competitive opportunities of graduates, it all depends on self-discipline and personal motivation.

What the preparation for ZNO in the Ukrainian language and literature on EDUGET offers:

  • video lectures developed and recorded by the candidate philological sciences Oksana Danilevskaya, senior research assistant Institute of the Ukrainian Language;
  • test accompaniment of training - after each lecture, module, the entire course, knowledge is tested according to tests, they were developed by the authors of textbooks and manuals for preparing for the ZNO Alexander and Viktor Zabolotny;
  • full coverage of the entire school curriculum due to the extensiveness of the course; 100 video lectures contain educational material, large amounts of knowledge are systematized, clear recommendations for writing an assignment with a detailed answer are formulated;
  • if desired, the graduate can choose a course with online classes and not only prepare for video lectures, but also personally communicate with the teacher;
  • convenience of learning on a modern platform: Personal account learning results are stored, which allows you to monitor progress, video lectures are recorded using interactive whiteboard, video sequences and with the participation of a professional film crew, an optimal format for passing the tests has been developed.

150 minutes

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Online test execution is reserved for 150 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one correct answer - (№1-23, 29-33, 34-53)... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance - (No. 24-28, 54-57)... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (№58)... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing correspondence: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test scores... One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 104 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

External independent assessment in Ukraine, the original test of the UPE 2014.

The original VNO test of 2014 from "Ukrainian Language and Literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. ... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. ... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. ... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 20 test points.

* The test is based on materials from the site

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one correct answer - (№1-23, 29-36, 37-56)... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance - (No. 24-28, 57-60)... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (No. 61)... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 107 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

External independent assessment in Ukraine, the original test of the UPE 2013.

Original VNO test of 2013 from "Ukrainian language and literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

The test is available in two versions (sessions), select to start:

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one correct answer - (№1-23, 29-36, 37-56)... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance - (No. 24-28, 57-60)... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (No. 61)... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 107 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one correct answer - (№1-23, 29-36, 37-56)... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance - (No. 24-28, 57-60)... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (No. 61)... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 107 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

External independent assessment in Ukraine, the original test of the UPE 2012.

Original VNO test of 2012 from "Ukrainian Language and Literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

The test is available in two versions (sessions), select to start:

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. ... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. ... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. ... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.

* The test is based on materials from the site

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer - 51... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Compliance assignments - 9... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - 1... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 24 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 111 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

External independent assessment in Ukraine, the original test of the EIT 2011.

Original VNO test of 2011 from "Ukrainian Language and Literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

The test is available in three variants (sessions), select to start:

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

    • 3.1. Ukrainian language - 37:
      • 3.1.1. Phonetics. Graphics - 1;
      • 3.1.3. Morphology - 7;
      • 3.1.4. Syntax - 9;
      • 3.1.5. Stylistics - 2;
      • 3.1.6. Spelling - 6;
      • 3.1.7. Orthoepy - 1;
      • 3.1.8. Broadcasting development - 6.

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer - 51... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Compliance assignments - 9... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - 1... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 24 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 111 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

Total number of test items - 61

Online test execution is reserved for 180 minutes

The composition of tasks in the test is based on the following principles:

  • 1. First, the test presents tasks in the Ukrainian language, then - tasks on Ukrainian literature and ends the test open assignment with a detailed answer (own statements)
  • 2. Tasks, within each of the forms, range from simple to complex
  • 3. Distribution of questions by sections of the Ukrainian language and literature:
    • 3.1. Ukrainian language - 37:
      • 3.1.1. Phonetics. Graphics - 1;
      • 3.1.2. Lexicology. Phraseology - 5;
      • 3.1.3. Morphology - 7;
      • 3.1.4. Syntax - 9;
      • 3.1.5. Stylistics - 2;
      • 3.1.6. Spelling - 6;
      • 3.1.7. Orthoepy - 1;
      • 3.1.8. Broadcasting development - 6.
    • 3.2. Ukrainian literature - 24:
      • 3.1.1. Oral folk art - 1;
      • 3.1.2. Ancient Ukrainian literature - 1;
      • 3.1.3. Literature con. XVIII - hon. XX centuries - 10;
      • 3.1.4. 20th century literature - 10;
      • 3.1.5. Modern literary process - 1;
      • 3.1.6. Creativity of Ukrainian émigré writers - 1.

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. The test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test items:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer - 51... For each task, 4 or 5 answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if you choose the correct answer. The task is considered to be completed incorrectly if: a) the wrong answer is indicated b) two or more answer options are indicated, even if there is a correct one among them, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Compliance assignments - 9... The task consists of instructions and information presented in two columns, indicated by numbers (left) and letters (right). In the tasks, it is proposed to correlate the material of two columns, indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant has chosen and marked the correct letter (from A to D) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - 1... The task of this form involves the creation of your own argumentative statement on a discussion topic. It should reasonably confirm or refute the position expressed in the assignment.

For each form of test items, an appropriate grading system is established:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one correct answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing compliance: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one correctly established match, two points for two, etc.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 24 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained by correctly solving all test items from the Ukrainian language and literature is 111 on an untranslated scale of test points, and 200 on a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on materials from the site

Greetings, dear reader!

Since you have come to this page, then you are probably interested in the question: how can you prepare for UPE (ZNO - Ukrainian)? I will not delay the retreat for a long time, I will only say that all the recommendations described below are my methods of preparing for the UPE, which helped me successfully pass it. I passed 3 exams: Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine and English language... Therefore, here are some tips on how to prepare specifically for these subjects.

Let's start with the very first and main subject, which was compulsory for delivery in 2016 - the Ukrainian language and literature. Without passing this subject, you will not be allowed to pass the rest and, accordingly, you will not be able to enter the university. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously its preparation.

I must say right away that my level of knowledge in the Ukrainian language was quite enough to pass it, so - I was not too worried about passing it. The very first thing you should do is to identify your "weak points", that is, find those topics in which you know the least or where you allow the most a large number of mistakes. This is the first thing. Second, be sure to repeat even those topics that you think you know perfectly! And, please, remember, there is no need to "cram", it is better to just read more, thereby repeating this or that rule, but of course - practice. Listen, read, write to better assimilate the material.

For those who wish to repeat the material covered or have a weak knowledge of the Ukrainian language, I recommend using the Mova service. DNA of the nation. With it, you can repeat stress, phraseological units, antisurzhik, synonyms, paronyms, and also check your spelling knowledge. At the Mova service. DNA natsії has an application for Android devices, which you can download from Google play link . It is very convenient if there is no printout with the rules near you or you are far from home.

So, my scheme of training in the Ukrainian language: we find topics that we do not understand well - we repeat the material we have passed - we consolidate our knowledge with practice (you can and even need to pass the tests of the UPE of the past years).

For me personally, preparation for the second part of the exam, Ukrainian literature, was somewhat more difficult (I knew almost nothing in Ukrainian lit.). But even in 2 weeks I was able to learn the authors of works, their genres, read a summary (the main thing is to understand the logic and meaning that the author is trying to convey). Fortunately, the 21st century is in the yard and it is very easy to find information, the main thing is to search. Here are some links to help you prepare for Ukrainian. lit .: Real names and pseudonyms, Authors and works, Works and to whom it is dedicated, Literary genres. Oh yes, and it is not worth learning / repeating anything, the Ministry of Education and Science annually makes changes to the list of references that you need to know to pass the UPE. Here is last year's bibliography.

So, the scheme of training in Ukrainian literature: download the pictures, links to which I left, if possible, print them on sheets to repeat from time to time - we find a list of references - every day we try to read at least a few essays (it can be abbreviated, the main point is to understand the essence) ...