List of works of Ukrainian literature for knowing

List of works of Ukrainian literature for knowing
List of works of Ukrainian literature for knowing

Outdoor independent estimation (Sovnіshnє inequalized Ontsnyovnya, ZNO) is the most important exam for all schoolchildren of Ukraine. Nice results Testings allow without entrance exams to enter universities and raise the chances to take a budget place in the chosen university.

Every year, future graduates are carefully prepared for this test and are actively interested in any changes in his program.

External independent estimation (VNO) 2018 Several innovations are preparing for schoolchildren who should make the exam more objective and accessible to children with disabilities. In addition, not only 12-graders will be tested, but also graduates 9 classes. Each innovation should be considered in more detail.

VOO for students of grades 9

The idea to launch VNO for graduates of grades 9 in the Ministry of Education appeared already for a long time, but its implementation had to postpone it often.

The need for testing agency explained the reform of the secondary education system, which, after decentralization and administrative and territorial reform, will be divided into three links: the initial (5 years), the basic (4 years) and the older (3 years) of the school.

For the transition to the elder school, children will have to give out this, according to the results of which schoolchildren will be able to divide in accordance with the level of their knowledge and academic orientation.

Even without taking into account the planned reform of the EDO's education system after grade 9, it is necessary, since many students do not go to grade 11, but come in lyceums and colleges. Testing will simplify admission, because with the results of NNO, applicants will be able to do without entrance exams.

In the Ministry of Education announced VNO for nine-graders in 2015, but the launch of testing is scheduled for only 2018. Such a temporary gap is necessary to select mandatory subjects and develop tasks, for which a considerable period is required and a team of experts.

Mandatory in English

In 2016, a trial in foreign languages \u200b\u200bpassed in 3 regions of Ukraine, which included tests of levels B1 and B2, as well as audience - checking a language understanding of a hearing. But the results of the exam showed that the complexity of tasks must be corrected, it usually concerns the audition that requires installation in places of conduct of special equipment and preparation.

During the exam, experts must be present, who will be able to establish losing equipment and eliminate possible technical malfunctions. That is why it is mandatory english language It will be only since 2018.

On the decision to postpone the introduction of compulsory testing in foreign languages \u200b\u200balso affected the reaction of students and their parents. They noted that too little hours are given to the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin schools, so schoolchildren simply do not have time to prepare for the exam.

In order for future graduates to surrender well, they need to know about the test in advance.

Thus, until 2018, it will not be mandatory in English in English, and it will be carried out according to the program, which was approved back in March 2016. When testing test results, experts will be focused on the characteristics and evaluation criteria that used in 2016.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education clearly plan to introduce mandatory testing in English, since very many graduates after graduation wish to enter universities with the study of foreign languages.

It is interesting to note that the introduction foreign languageAs a mandatory exam, it is also possible when conducting the Russian version of this exam -.

Availability of VNO for students with special needs

In the Ministry of Education, seriously engaged in the availability of VEC for children with disabilities. So, the premises in which testing are carried out are not adapted for children moving in wheelchairs, and applicants with problems of vision are very difficult to read the tasks printed in small font.

Since 2017, the department has been planning to eliminate these disadvantages, starting with simpler tasks. For graduates with disabilities, the time of passing the exam for half an hour will increase, and additional lighting will provide for children with defects.

The buildings in which they are carried out will be equipped with special bathrooms for students who move in wheelchairs, as well as ramps and other necessary means for free movement.

Since 2018, the Ministry of Education plans to start printing test tasks to Brülle font. The latter innovation is especially important for applicants, which due to vision problems cannot surrender in the usual mode and choose between entrance exams and testing. In fact, this state of affairs creates discrimination on the basis of disability, for which the Ombudsman for Human Rights has repeatedly addressed.

Printing tasks to braille font will fix the situation and will allow all students with violations of vision to hand over. The implementation of ideas takes time and additional money infants, so in the Ministry of Education emphasize that braille tests will appear only in 2018.

In 2018, it will not undergo very strong changes, innovations will affect only some aspects of the exam and make it more affordable and efficient. More specific information on future innovations will be available at the end of 2017, when the Ministry of Education will finally approve the test program.

VNO (knowing) is mandatory for each Ukrainian schoolboy who wants to enter the university in 2018. Independent estimation will include several innovations in the registration process on knowing, preparations for VNO, the tests of the tests of VOO, thanks to which the exam will be able to pass and students with disabilities.

A dozen of the main innovations in court in 2018

  1. The Ministry of Education discusses the project of the innovation ZNO, which will allow to take tests to VOOs with violations of violations;
  2. The premises for conducting knowing special devices that provide convenience during testing;
  3. The Ministry of Education intends to start printing tests in Breile's font;
  4. In 2018, it was decided to carry out VNO among students of 9 classes;
  5. VOO in English in 2018 will be mandatory;
  6. The negative response of parents and students was the reason for the transfer of mandatory crossing of English for 2018;
  7. Certificates will be valid for 1 year;
  8. Evaluation will evange will assume the presence of a minimum passing point;
  9. For bachelors who want to submit documents to a magistracy in 2018, can replace intouctor exams for testing tests.
  10. In 2018, participants will be able to calculate only one wave of enrollment in the university according to the test results.

External independent estimation is a fairly important procedure in the life of all students of Ukraine. Well written tests are NNO (Knowing) give a chance to enter the university without introductory exams and take a higher position in the ranking on budget places.

The video story about what is worth expecting from ZNO (VNO) in 2018

Each year, future students are hard to prepare for this inspection and seek to learn about all sorts of changes and conditions of it.

This 2018 is preparing a lot of innovations for applicants, which will serve as a more objective assessment of knowledge and provide the possibility of passing tests to children with disabilities.

Also, in addition to the 12th grades, 2018 will pass students of the 9th grades. All innovations should be considered in more detail.

The process of preparing and passing tests is VNO (knowing) for 9 classes in 2018

The Ministry of Education has long wanted to introduce testing for 9-graders, but the implementation of this project has been repeatedly delayed.

The need for estimation is known for high School The Department explained the reforms of the average training system, which at the end of the administrative and territorial reform and decentralization will consist of 3 parts:

  1. The initial stage is 5 years.
  2. The main stage is 4 years.
  3. Higher School - 3 years.

To go to senior school, students will need to pass tests in the results of which they will be separated according to the level of knowledge and specialization.

Despite the intended transformation of the training system, testing students after the 9th grade is required, because most of Applicants come in colleges and lyceums. Assessment in 2018 will make it easier to enter universities and will be released from passing entrance exams.

Preparation for VNO (ZNO) nine-graders in 2018

In the Ministry of Education announced this for 9-graders, but the introduction of tests is intended only for 2018. This difference in time is required to select the subject team of subjects to the mandatory delivery and development of tasks.

Video recommendations for preparations for VNO in 2018 to pass tests for 200 points

Mandatory signature in a foreign language in 2018

Three Ukrainian regions in 2016 were tested to conduct a trial in a foreign language, which consisted of:

  1. Tests are in levels B1, B2;
  2. Audience is to understand the text on the rumor.

However, according to the results of the trial, it became clear that the complexity of tests and listening should be corrected, since the venues are required to be equipped necessary equipment. At the exam, the presence of experts weighing in the equipment and capable of eliminating malfunctions in the event of their occurrence, therefore it will begin in English only since 2018.

Schoolchildren and parents also played an important role in solving the transfer of testing in English. They reported that there are rather little time in schools. foreign languagesAnd the students are simply not able to have time to prepare. In order to the applicants managed to qualitatively pass around in English, they must be aware in advance.

So, until 2018, the assessment of knowledge in a foreign language will be held at the request of schoolchildren, and the exam will be carried out according to the program approved in the spring of 2016. When checking tests, the specialists will pay attention to the test parameters that were used in 2016.

The plans from the Ministry of Education - the introduction of a mandatory audit of English, because a lot of graduates craves after school to join universities specializing in the development of foreign languages.

It costs to note that the introduction of a foreign language agreement as a mandatory place also in the trial version of the same exam - the exam.

The possibility of passing ZNO (VNO) in 2018 for schoolchildren with limited abilities

The Ministry of Education seriously approached the problem of the availability of testing for children with health problems. Audience where estimation passes are inconvenient for students on wheelchairs, and schoolchildren with poor eyesight can not read the tasks scored by the small font.

The Department since the beginning of 2017 involves eliminating these shortcomings. Children with disabilities will extend the test time for 30 minutes, and schoolchildren with weak vision will include additional light.

Premises for WNO will supply special bathrooms, ramps and other means for convenient movement of applicants in wheelchairs. Since 2018, it is planned to run test printing braille printing.

Such an innovation is extremely necessary graduates with problems of vision, for which the usual surrender of the tests of the NDO and the choice between knowing and entrance examinations is impossible. In fact, such a situation is infrinning the rights of children with disabilities, which repeatedly spoke ombudsman on human rights.

Braille tests will provide the opportunity to pass on all schoolchildren with impacts of vision. To implement the idea, time is necessary and financial resourcesAs a result, the Ministry of Education notifies the appearance of such tests only by 2018.

The testing of the next year will not change much, improvements will affect only some exam aspects. Detailed information about the alleged innovations will appear in December 2017, when the ministry approves the test project.

Top 5 most useful video tips on how to hand over the tests of VNO (knowing) on \u200b\u200bexcellent in 2018